Write a story like I spent the summer holidays. Writing on the topic "How I spent the summer

Summer IS COMING AND IM LOOKING FORWARD TO IT. It's My Favourite Season, Of Course, Because The Weather IS Great and You Don't Have To Go to School. After A Long and Difficult School Year You Get Really Tired of Studies, So I'm Going to Enjoy My Summer Holidays and Have Much Fun. I Hope the Will Be AS Exciting As My Last Summer Holidays Were. I ALREADY HAVE A LOT OF PLANS FOR THR.

I Would Like To Spend The First Summer Monh in the Country, At My Grandparents'. My Friends and Cousins \u200b\u200bWill Be Waiting for Me There. I Miss Them So Much. We Shall Go Fishing, Sunbathing, Swimming, Horse-Riding and Playing Football. And I'm Going to Help My Grandparents ABOUT THE GARDEN. SO I Will Be Outdoors All The Time.

I CAN't Wait for July Because Our Family Will Travel to the Seaside. WE SHALL STAY IN A RENTED HOUSE FOR 2 WEEKS. I Really Enjoy The Clean Air and The Beautiful Scenery with Beaches and Mountains Near The Warm Sea. I am Going to Swim and Dive A lot. And I Want To Try The National Cuisine, Rich in Fruit, Vegetables and Fish.

As for August, I Would Like to Stay in The City and Spend The Time with My Friends Walking Around, Going To the Cinema and Cafes, Playing Computer Games. My Dream Is To Sleep As Much As I Like And To Do What I Like. I Will Ride My Bike, Go Skateboarding or Roller-Skating in The Park.

I Hope That The Summer of 2016 Will Be The Best Summer in My Life And I Will Start My New School Year Happy, Suntanned and Refreshed!


Summer is approaching, and I look forward to it. This is my favorite season of the year, of course, because the weather is wonderful, and you do not need to go to school. After a long and difficult school year, you are very tired of classes, so I'm going to get real pleasure from summer vacation and have a good fun. I hope that they will be the same fascinating as my past vacation. I have a lot of plans for them.

I would like to hold my first summer month in the village, grandparents have a grandpa. My friends and cousins \u200b\u200bwill wait there. I really miss them. We will go fishing, sunbathing, swimming, riding horses and play football. And I'm going to help my grandmother and grandfather work in the garden. Therefore, all the time I will be outdoors.

I can not wait for July, because my family goes to the sea. We will live in a rented house for two weeks. I really like clean air and beautiful landscapes with beaches and mountains near the warm sea. I will swim a lot and dive. And I also want to try the national cuisine rich in fruit, vegetables and fish.

As for August, I would like to stay in the city and spend time with my friends, walking through the streets, visiting cinemas and cafes, playing computer games. I dream to sleep as it wanted and do what it wants. I will ride a bike, skateboard or rollers in the park.

I hope that summer 2016 will be the best summer in my life, and that I will start a new school year happy, tanned and rested!

A selection of writings about "summer" for 7-8 class

The writing "How I spent the summer holidays"

1. Goodbye, school!
2. Hello, Summer:
a) vacation is a vacation;
b) love for traveling;
c) alone with nature.
3. "I want this so that the summer does not end."

Each of us is waiting for summer. For many, summer is a favorite season, first of all, because in the summer the largest holidays. Who does not dream of sunbathe, get enough to get enough, and maybe just take a break from the school bustle. As soon as it priges a spring sun, we are already building plans for the future about how we will spend the summer holidays. We all will not wait faster to finish school and hear the last school bell. On the one hand, it is sad to part for several months with school friends. But on the other hand, warm, the sun, a good mood, the idea that we have a lot of free time and you can walk, how much you want, makes us so happy that we think only about one thing: to quickly come the holidays.

Differently spend their holidays guys. Some relax with parents at sea, others - in relatives in the village or in the country. Some stay at home. But wherever we, anyway, the summer holidays are a beautiful unforgettable time. This is a vacation. The main thing is to spend this time with the benefit to be about to remember the next year. Some believe that in the summer you need to leave somewhere away from the hometown. Of course, summer is associated with warm sea, exotic nature. Who does not want to soak on the sand, swim, play on the waves! Some love to relax away from the city fuss and leave for the city where you can swim in a clean river or lake, lie in a tank under a tree, enjoy the singing of birds. On the summer holidays, you can relax and at home. River, cottage, help parents, walks in the park, picnics with friends ... Do you can refuse this?

Among my acquaintances there are many people who love to travel. Former in different cities and countries, people learn a lot of new things interesting. I like to travel too. And if the parents appear the opportunity, we go to those cities in which they have not yet been. Our dream is to visit Prague and Paris. I know that this dream will come true, and we will wander the streets of Prague and admire the beautiful Paris. But we are confident that in our country there are also a lot of places that cannot leave anyone indifferent. "My good father's house is Mil - my good father's house," I wrote E. Sheveleva.

Probably, each of us has a favorite corner, a favorite place that we love to visit. My family and we often leave in the summer for the city and rest in nature. Nature for us is not only a place of rest, but also a source of inspiration and strength. Imagine hot July day. Who wants to sit in the apartment in this weather? So go to the whole family for several days per city. We rest, bathe, listen to the singing of birds, the murmur of the stream, admire the flowers. Summer is generally difficult to imagine without colors. And the flowers are always a holiday for a person. With them comes to us joy, good mood.

"I so want the summer to face ..." You did not notice that this song very often sounds in the summer? Probably, many want for a little longer so beautiful weather for the summer mood did not leave us all year round. But the Indian summer will still please us with the last warm days, and the holidays, unfortunately, will come together with the summer. We will not be upset, because we are waiting for a meeting with friends with whom we will share our impressions, plans for the future and together will be waiting for a new summer.

The writing "How I spent the summer holidays"

For me, summer is a holiday that lasts three months. At this time of the year, there is always a good mood and a lot of interesting things. For example, you can ride a bike, play volleyball and walk on all sorts of festivals in the open sky. However, most of all I like to walk in the company of friends, chat and admire the summer paints.

When the long-awaited heat comes, I finally can wear your favorite bright dresses and light shoes. Walking becomes nice, and nature is striking by your diversity, so there is what to see. In summer, even people are kinder, because they no longer need to be closed from the wind and hide from the cold. Therefore, I did not regret the time to enjoy the sun and his caressing rays. For example, I went to swim several times and sunbathe. Also early in the morning I often went on a bike to catch the dawn in the park.

In the afternoon we walked with girlfriends: discussed the news, listened to music and watched the video. Sometimes came to someone home, and experimented with cooking in the kitchen. Also during walks, we made a lot of photos, because a friend recently presented a professional camera. Now we have a photo no worse than the models.

We also went to the movies and in a cafe where they had a great time. Coming home, I first wrote about my impressions on the social network. It was this summer that I found it, then it turns out that it works well, so I'm even going to ever get my blog.

Of course, it is a pity when summer passes. However, I have only bright and good memories of vacation, because I spent them with pleasure and benefit. I hope the academic year will be as pleasant and productive.

Essay "How I spent the summer" Grade 7

This summer was interesting. The first month of rest was very looked like the previous summer holidays, as I remained in the city. However, the next two year old months were amazingly interesting for me - I spent them in the village of aunt. It is with these days spent outside the city, I have the most vivid events and the indelible impressions of my summer.

Time in the village passes leisurely, not at all as in megalopolis. The feeling that went through a whole month, while in fact - just a week. My morning usually begins with help aunt in the garden. Our village is away from the village, and the water from the tap is a unheard of luxury. Therefore, I go to the well with two old iron buckets. Water in it is amazingly clean and very cold. I also help a toet around the house, but when you first run to play with friends.

I have good friends in the village. We spend together all your free time. In the hottest time we are sitting on the banks of the river. Oakdating, put together with might and, and look at the passing barges. Once I flew out of my aunt for the fact that I did not come for lunch. And in fact I did not want to eat at all, because with a friend, we baked potatoes in the fire. This is such a pleasure - to shift the hot potatoes from your hand, and then disperse it and eat on a piece. Do you agree that this is not a plate with a cooked soup? And most importantly - how many romance and happiness in these summer days, conducted as if in a different world!

Summer evenings I spent in a real wooden hut. As a rule, after dinner, my aunt was visited. Sitting behind a big round table, they drank tea. And I hid on a large stone oven, or looked at the books, either "Bill Bakushi", how my grandmother loved to say. And in truth, I wished a diary, and, like Robinzon Cruzo on a desert island, counted the days left before returning to the city.

Sometimes it comes to me that the village is a remote from the city of island, and life on it is subject to another rhythm. Whether because of the proximity to nature, and perhaps simply because large cities in an endless pursuit of technical progress broke away from a calm living life. But be that as it may, I am a city man. So, my place there. And yet, every time leaving this quiet island of calm, I will miss my village.

Summer holidays from all school holidays I like to spend most, because they are the longest and come on a hot period. Summer is one of the best seasons of the year, which provides many options for spending time. You can walk on the street for whole days, and not sit at home. Going to the sea, lake, river. Enjoying the nature.

I like to go out in the summer and admire the surrounding vegetation. All trees around green, wild flowers grow under them. They just begin to bloom and dawn. I learned from the objects of biology, I learned somewhat wilderness - it is a crawler, a chamomile, which many know. Many other colors. Especially a lot in our forest stood fir, under which many old cones and old needles fell after last winter.

Summer rest I like me, because the sun gets up early and goes late. The days are very long, and the nights are warm. You can go outside and admire the sunset. After the sun goes, it's nice to sit or walk down the street, enjoying warm air, listen to crickets and admire the night starry sky.

Summer holidays I spend playing various sports games: football, volleyball. You can just walk and admire the beauty of the summer, how the trees, flowers bloom. In the summer, many people walk on the sea, the river, swim, sunbathe, have fun.

Outline how I spent my summer holiday

In the middle of summer I was on the school holidays near the grandmother and grandfather. I have in every way I tried to help them at home, a garden, household. Fed a dog, a cat, Kury. He tried to behave Girlo and not spoil the grandfather with her grandmother. They were satisfied with me and tried to please me in everything. They asked what I was buying and made me gifts.

At the end of the summer, I spent my summer favorite vacation in the camp in the forest near the lake. I liked it there very much. Fresh air, forest beauty, warm water of the lake. In the camp I met and made friends with boys and girls. The camp was very interesting, since every day was filled with many events. In the afternoon we went to the lake, in the forest, collected mushrooms. In the evening we watched cartoons or films, danced on discos. I really liked this summer. I think that the school year will be interesting, and I will also try to spend it useful for myself and people around me.

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This summer was the most memorable summer in my life. I spent it in my hometown with my best friends. The weather was just beautiful: bright sun and warm air, almost no rain. In the afternoon, we usually played football, volleyball, basketball, and in the evening, on the bikes on the bikes went to the river. We went outside with dawn and returned only under the sunset, spent all day in the fresh air.

I remember very much, as we went to the campaign, in the forest: there we sang songs by the fire, caught fish, slept in tents, lived side by side with nature.

For this summer, I learned a lot of good guys out of my yard, we came along with them. Among them was a very cute girl, it seems, I liked her. Unfortunately, she left in the middle of the summer, but promised to come back.

And in August, we flew in St. Petersburg with parents. I first saw this wonderful city. We went to many excursions, watched the exhibitions of paintings, scooled. There were in the theater on the play "Hamlet", of course, I did not understand everything, but I really liked the actors' game. We made a lot of photos with beautiful old buildings and churches. Most of all I have a winter palace and Peterhof, especially gardens and fountains. We were also on Aurora's ship, my parents said that once there was a very important event associated with this ship.

I didn't have to miss this summer, I learned to ride a horse, I learned to play ordinary songs on the guitar, and my father and I flew with a helicopter and swam on the boat.

But in addition to entertainment, I read a lot. I read different stories: about friendship, love, about simple life, animals. And I also read about the structure of a person, about countries and peoples, about the device of cars and technology. Therefore, I think that I am not only having fun of this summer, but also with benefit and now I have many knowledge important to me.

I also had a new friend. Grandfather brought me a little black puppy. He, of course, is still small, but he has very clever eyes and he understands a lot, I trained it with simple teams. He gives a paw, falls, sits down, barks. But not the main thing. The main thing is that faithful and devoted to me.

Writing about summer holidays Grade 5

Summer holidays are the time we've been waiting for a year. This summer, my parents decided to drive along the longest railway route - Moscow-Vladivostok. Mom said that so you can see all of Russia, and she had long dreamed of visiting Vladivostok. Dad bought four tickets in one compartment - Mom, Dad, I and my younger brother. Stopped by products, got into a corporate train with the name "Russia" and went.

My brother and I took the top shelves and from there observed the wheels behind the scenery flashed behind the window. The train shakes like a children's cradle, so good sleep. Driving along the railway, it was possible to repeat school geography lessons. Dad was armed with the "Atlas of Railways of Russia". He was an assault route. Therefore, he constantly ran to the conductor and asked him "What will the next station be?" And "How many minutes of the train parking?". On the map he did some marks, understandable only to him alone. Between the case, he still managed to sleep under the knock of the wheels. And my mother knitted the whole road. She tied up a new sweater.

We drove through the major rivers Ob, Yenisei, Amur. The train went straight almost on the shore of Lake Baikal. Dad photographed right from the coupe window. And as it was terrible, when the train went to the tunnel, even the light went out. There were several such tunnels on the way. At the stations Dad ran into the bail kiosks for food. Women sold such delicious boiled potatoes and cucumbers. I did not eat anything delicious in my life.

And the station in Vladivostok looks like a terr from the Russian fairy tales. Nearby is the Maritime Station. Trains and ships stand almost side by side, next to each other.

We visited the Museum of the Pacific Fleet, on the submarine "C-56" right inside it, rode on the funicular. In Dolphinarium, I even stroked Dolphin. Dad was delighted with a large automotive market. We were photographed everywhere. Dad shot us on the movie chamber. It will be that remember at home. Back we flew by plane. Mom said that another week in the train she would not survive, even in a separate coupe.

Writing on the topic of summer holidays

That came the long-awaited summer. Three months of rest. Parents decided to spend it not in the country, but to bring me to the sea. So I chase and straightened my health. Since I do not carry the heat, the Baltic Sea with its beautiful sandy beaches were chosen for recreation. We flew by plane to Kalinigrad, and from there by train in Svetlogorsk.

I liked the sea. It is not deep at the shore, and the water is not very salty. In the air sharply smelled with iodine. I ruled on the beach, my mother said that it was useful for me to breathe with sea air. And the wave is quietly splashing about the shore and so taubets that I fell asleep. The sun stood in the zenith itself, and I did not notice how burned. I had to smear me with some kind of cream so that the skin does not cut down. But she still got out.

Along the coast went people and sought something on the sand. As it turned out, they were looking for amber. This is such a fossil resin from yellow to dark brown. If you believe legend, then these are fragments from the castle of the sea princess yurate, which the sea takes ashore after each storm. Sometimes they can see the frozen midge or fly. I also found a piece of amber. I will take it home and in winter, looking at him, I will remember the sea and the beach.

On the beach you can walk barefoot. Here such a small white sand and there are no stones and pebbles.
At the shore sea warm. And in this "frog" playing and leaning small children. And two adult men built a castle on the sand. But the wave came up and destroyed everything.

Every evening, when it became cool, people walking along the coast. One and couples. They breathed with sea air. And the beach was such a long-premissive that people went far and became small points on the horizon.

For people on the beach, boils are built for dressing and wooden "fungi" to protect against the sun. Not far from the beach was a small layer. They sold ice cream there. And I went straight barefoot and bought it. Near the beach grew century-old pines, they were noisy in the wind. And in the evening, white clouds sailed from somewhere. They slowly sailed across the sky. We were lucky, and the weather was sunny throughout the rest, without rains. We are all tanned, perfectly rested. Finally my dream came true, and I saw the sea. I want to come here for the next summer.

Option 4.

Summer time is the most beautiful time. Time of rapid life, flowering of vegetation and warm June sun. And for schoolchildren, this period is also good because the long-awaited three-month holidays begin. Summer is a time that gives a chance to feel free from worries and hurried hopes and dreams that are filled with young and hot hearts.

I spent most of my summer at the cottage. Many are tired by country affairs and help grandmother in the garden, the opposite of the way it turned out to be like this! After all, it is so nice to spend time devoting it not only to leisure, but also to benefit. But as blissfully, then at breakfast, eat freshly collected from the beds of berries, enjoying them rich and sweet taste! So, for summer concerns, I spent my June - the first month of the summer vacation.

In July, my parents went to the sea. Before that, I have never been at such resorts. The endless maritime expanses were forced to tremble me in front of her greatness and at the same time instilled some kind of fear of natural omnipotence. I bathed a lot and dived from the pier, I liked so much to swim under water in search of beautiful seashells and pebbles - I imagined myself a brave pirate, which went to search for treasures into the mysterious bunch of sea depths. We also visited the Dolphinarium and I visited the waterfalls, where we were given the wonderful local honey.

Augustus was a cheerful and exciting month, because my best friend Friend was arrived - and it's never boring with her! We walked a lot, went to the movies and painted together. With Svetka - every day special and seems to be a mini adventure. And we took for a tradition every week read on one book and share with each other impressions about her. It turned out to be extremely exciting!

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    Perhaps the summer is the most favorite time of the year of schoolchildren, because it is time for the vacation. We study nine months to enjoy beautiful weather and holidays from classes. This summer has become special for me.

    In June, I went to my grandmother to the cottage. My grandmother at the cottage almost all year round. There is easy to get even in winter, and she does not miss such a chance. Probably, like most grandmothers, she likes to plant a variety of plants and grow flowers. I drove to my grandmother with my brother, so I did not have to miss. Fortunately, all June the weather was solar and not at all rainy. In the morning we went on bicycles to the store for products. Granny pleased us with various delicious breakfasts: the pancakes or pancakes cakes, then buns or croissants with ham and cheese, sometimes just scrambled eggs, but madly delicious, with tomatoes and fresh greens. In general, in one month, at the cottage, a kilogram for two each with my brother. In the afternoon, we went to the river to sunbathe and swim, and in the evening they sat down from Granule to watch news and some movie on TV. I liked to sit at sunset with my brother on the porch with a cup of strawberry tea and talk. These moments of unity with family and nature a lot for me mean.

    In July, our parents decided to arrange a surprise to us and reported that we were going on a trip to Italy! We could not believe our ears! Holiday was planned for two weeks, mom and dad rented a house on the seafront. We went to many excursions and bathed in the sea. To be honest, everything that the guide told us was difficult for us to catch a brother, so the parents just briefly explained to us that before us and why it was a landmark. We were told about the arch of Constantine, the Borghese Gallery, the Vatican Museum Complex and many of other historical places. We made a lot of photos, and when you arrived home, my mother designed them in a separate beautiful album. Before leaving home, we walked home in search of gifts to relatives and friends. This trip is very remembered to me, because it was my first vacation abroad!

    All August I spent in the city. Since most of my friends and classmates, if we left somewhere on vacation, in August came back home, so we spent time together. This summer, premieres of many films took place, so in a month in the movie I managed to go as much as four times. Every weekend in the park conducted any events for children and adults, we liked the parents. There are many interactive sites, carry out different master classes, both for adults and for children. We also went to the amusement park on August 12 on August 12. This day I will never forget! It was very fun and at the same time scary. At the end of August I was preparing for school: I bought textbooks, clothing and school supplies.

    This summer was very saturated for me. I almost did not sit at home and barely found time on the works that we were asked to read for the holidays. I am grateful to my parents and friends, because without them my holidays would not be so wonderful.

    Even more writings on the topic: "How I spent the summer":

    Finally, the difficult school year ended, and the long-awaited summer vacation began. Grown long summer days have come. Until late evening, we spent time in the courtyards. We played football from neighboring yards with the guys, I was a goalkeeper, I got very well.

    My parents went to picnics ashore of an unusually beautiful lake. It was very nice to spend time. Swimming in transparent water, fried meat and vegetables, played badminton. This summer I learned to swim. I decided to sign up in the pool.

    With my father, in the early morning we went fishing. I really liked to spend time near the river. Beauty and silence of nature fascinates. With caught fish, we cooked delicious ear.

    For a month I traveled to a children's camp to the Black Sea. There I got acquainted with many boys and girls, we exchanged addresses and phones, we will keep in touch and be friends.
    In the morning, breakfast, we went to the beach, sunbathe, bathed in the water and collected beautiful shells on the shore. I brought them home, painted beautifully on the shelf, in memory of the camp.

    After lunch, I went to the mugs. We burned various drawings on a skid. From cardboard and paper made wonderful crafts. Drew paints on the glass. Lepili toys and plates from clay. I brought these crafts like souvenirs to my loved ones and friends. They were very satisfied.
    In the evening, they spent time by the fire, sang, danced, played a variety of exciting games. It was a pity to part with new friends.

    At the end of the summer I had a birthday, my parents arranged to me and my friends a wonderful holiday. In a cafe on the summer platform, we covered tables with very tasty dishes. Everything was decorated with balloons, various interesting contests were held. It was very fun.
    There were good holidays, I would look forward to the following.

    Source: Sochinite.ru.

    Summer holidays this year turned out to be interesting and memorable. Every day was filled with events. Which one to start?

    At the beginning of the summer, together with classmates, we went to the summer labor camp. It was necessary to work a lot: to ride the field from weeds, plant seedlings, clean the dry in the forest. But the main thing for me was time free from work. We played a lot in sports games, competed in various sports, conducted various contests. I liked to invent and organize competitive programs - it turned out well with me, and the guys began to ask me to do it. Even the evenings usually discos, who also liked everyone. We shivered among themselves, learned each other better than at school.

    When I returned home after the camp, my parents had a vacation, and we went to relax in the Crimea, in Feodosia. Stony beaches, wonderful gentle sea, numerous excursions - I really liked it all. Mom and dad allowed me to dive with aqualung. And I got the opportunity to study the life of the seabed. And we visited the water park, ride on the catamaran, made walks on the ship, ride horses. Rest on the sea brought unforgettable impressions!

    Upon returning from the Crimea, I drove to the grandparents and grandfather. I am not the first time I come to them in the summer, and I have a lot of friends in the village. We bathed whole days and fished, the evenings were going to big fun companies. Now, when everyone went down home, friends call, write messages - negotiate new meetings.

    Summer holidays, although the longest duration, fly surprisingly quickly. Now just started the school year, but I already wait for the new holidays, new impressions, new friends, travel, classes.

    Source: KlassReferat.ru.

    The last call the last thing in this school year. The estimates were put up in diaries, and the summer welcomed me by the occasion of the vacation. I spent the first month of summer in the city, with friends. We played in the yard from morning to evening, and only in bad weather were collected from someone at a party to play on a computer or any other games available at home.

    Then I went to relax in the children's camp. I very quickly made friends with the guys from my squad. We also became friends with the councils, they came up with various tasks and entertainment for us. Each day in the camp there was interesting events: the military game "Zarnitsa", the day of the manager, the day Neptune, as well as many, many concerts and contests. From the camp I came to the rested and even slightly fascinated.

    After rest in the camp, I went to the village to the grandmother, where a cousin was already waiting for me. How long have I dreamed of this meeting! My brother and I have been the best friends, but since we live in different cities, you can only see the holidays on vacation.

    From all summer entertainment holidays at your grandmother I liked the most. Every day we came up with new games and entertainment. We played a baseball according to our own rules using homemade bits and a tennis ball, built Shalashi, played a war in the forest, and even managed to make a real raft, which was able to sail along the local lake, calmly withstanding the weight of me and my brother.

    After all summer adventures, it was again nice to be at home. A few days just enough to go to calm urban life. And there and the first of September burst as always, and here I am in school again.

    Source: 5Class.ru.

    Summer holidays always bring pleasant impressions. Behind the lessons, school calls and change, and ahead - waiting for something good.

    Along with my sister, we care for our vegetables. On our green garden, dill, parsley, sorrel and radish are growing. We are happy to pour and wean our green bed. And it's very nice to hear the following words from Mom for lunch: "What a surprisingly delicious salad turned out of your vegetables! What are you clever, my girls! "

    Summer time is enough: you can walk with girlfriends, and go to visit, and play different games. But most of all I expected a trip to the sea with my parents. I finally learned to swim this summer And very glad to it.

    I really like the sea. It is so deep and wide, and such a mysterious thing that sometimes even scares its unpredictability. The sea is simultaneously close and distant, warm and cool. And how nicely in the summer hot day plunge into fresh cool water! And swim, dive, splashing!

    Upon arrival, I laughed on the table Sea shells and, applying them to the ear, threw the noise of the surf. You can even feel the power of the sea wave, which flies, and, falling onto the stone, throws into my face a lot of bright saline splashes.

    Summer flew rapidly, but this is not bad, because I saw with my classmates, I shared with all friends and girlfriends with summer impressions.

    I think that the next summer I will say with complete confidence: "Hello! Come, and we will rest and have fun together! After all, we deserve it! "