Concert place. Rules for visiting concerts in the Cathedral

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Here, for example, the scheme of the IC "Olympic". We see the fan zone, the dance floor, two VIP-lodges and stands.

Typical Large Club Scheme

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This is the scheme of Moscow Stadium Live, the largest club in Europe. Several VIP lies and dance floor.

Typical scheme of a small club

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This is a club scheme Moscow with a capacity of only 1000 people. This scheme is also relevant for the absolute majority of clubs, say, Voronezh or Novosibirsk. Tables (they are VIP-spaces) and the dance floor.

Well, now let's get to the discern of each of the zones.

1. Fan zone


1. Action. This is the most popular zone, so the main fun takes place here.

2. For short-sighted. By location, this zone is closest to the scene, so from here you consider your favorite musicians as it is impossible if you try in the first rows.

3. Feelings. It is here that the epicenter of the concert atmosphere is located: the fan-base is always going to the fan zone, which sits louder than all, creating a unique collective backing vocal, the Bengal lights are harvested here (if it is coordinated with the playground), there are flash drives and make flags.

4. Sound. Most often, the post of sound engineering is located at the end of the fan zone, respectively, the sound in the hall is configured with the orientation on the bulk of people who are here. Not always, but most often it is in the fan zone that is the best sound on the site.

5. Access to the body. At particularly class concerts, some musicians "go to the people" without any problems are arranged by stateving. Believe it, it is always fun.

6. Trophy. Fans-collectors can replenish their collection of drum sticks and mediators only being in the fan zone, for further than her trophies simply do not fly away.


1. People. They everywhere. You simply have no personal space, as there are many people, and there are few places. Not only you want to miss anything, so the closer to the scene, the greater the concentration of the people per square meter. SociFobs will be difficult.

2. Train safety. Here you may well fly from the elbow to the left, on the head from too active Mosha neighbor behind, and if it starts to slam ... In general, hold on, buddy!

3. Flashmakes. From the stage, good flashmob most often looks pretty cool, but to you, which is in the epicenter of the fan zone, all these stretch marks, posters and flags can close the overview. In principle, all this is not long, and it is possible to suffer for the sake of the class group, but dissatisfied is always. Who knows, maybe you will not like it too much.

4. Exit. On large sites and festivals, after the completion of the concert, people are released by parts - first VIP, then the stands ... Visitors of the fan zone leave in this case the latter.

5. Cameras. Here, someone removes anyone. Before your face, the case appears the screen of the mobile phone of the nearest neighbor, which is not always nice.

6. High-frequency. Screaming girls are here, yes yes. The decibelometer periodically shrinks.


The fan zone is for those who do not stand the entire concert, but supports the whole movement. Here you need to sing, dance, jump and generally create activity. People who want to calmly stand up / sit, just listen to music and look at the musicians, obviously not here. You need to be prepared for some minuses of the zone and do not focus on them, enjoying your favorite music and the atmosphere of the event.

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2. Dance floor


1. Price. The cost of the ticket for the dance floor is lower compared to the fan zone.

2. For brutal. If you want a concert "meat" - you are exactly here! The dance floor is always the epicenter of Slame, the Surpitis and the like fun. To understand whether it all likes you - you need, of course, once it is to experience it. We have seen a half-one-meter-inch, happily running in the slam on a par with huge muscular men, so who knows it.

3. Communication. Here you will not let you get bored in anticipation of the concert. While there is a collection of visitors, and the speakers are preparing to go on stage, the likelihood of the fact that with a number of standing people there will be an interesting conversation about music, festivals, favorite songs and in general about anything.

4. Degree. Next to the dance floor in most clubs is a bar. It is not necessary to go far to drink and water.


1. Distance. The dance floor is located immediately for the fan zone, and there most often happen approximately the same thing, but from the scene you will move for some number of meters and the crowd of the people.

2. Again, people. Here you can completely hire a beer slammed lovers to embello the concert with alcohol or to remember you Rybra in Slame before injury (rarely, but it happens).

3. Lottery. Not always good sound.

4. Anatomy. Drunk Bar Visitors can distract from a pleasant pastime.


If your main goal is to "pull and disappoin", then you, no doubt, here. People who are not ready to support the entire concert movement, there is nothing to do on the dance floor. To see the action on the stage will only partly be partly, so it is not worth going to the dance floor and those who wish to personally see every detail.

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3. VIP-lodges


1. Review. Here, no one will prevent you from considering musicians and all their actions. The lodges are always the level above the fan zone, a dance floor and scene, so wishing to see everything.

2. Calm. In the bed with comfort, music lovers with children are located, older people and those visitors who wish to just sit without movement and listen to your favorite music.

3. Privileges. Guests with VIP tickets often assumes a separate entrance, wardrobe and bar. The VIP zone sometimes represent a sofa or chairs with a table, and the waiters promptly bring everything that you order from the menu, so you can also eat or drink especially hungry.

4. Pleasant surprises. Next to you may well, someone from your favorite musicians who came to support colleagues on the workshop may well.

5. Variability. If suddenly wants dancing and moving, you can go to the fan zone.


1. Question price. The cost of tickets for the stands sometimes goes all reasonable borders! It will be formed to upset, because the comfort you need to pay.


VIP-lodge is a suitable option for those who want to do not touch him. Here you can safely sit, listen to music and see how there, below there is a concert magic. Well, photos / video from here - the coolest!

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4. Tribunes


1. Personal space. What any, and it is. On an amateur, of course, plus, but: you are in sufficient remoteness from the dance floor and the fan zones so that the concert movement will not touch you.

2. Comfort. You are sitting, as in the cinema, enjoy the spectacle.


1. Limit. If you want to show activity, the likelihood is that you will not succeed. You can not go to the fan zone, there is no place to dance, but in place you will prevent from behind sitting.

2. Remote. To see the scene, capture binoculars in the theater around the corner.


If you want rest, but in the wallet the local crisis. Budget version of VIP-lies without a bar, blackjack and ... Well, you understood.

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We conducted a small survey among visitors to our VKontakte group and found out what concert zone Prefer our subscribers.

And where will you go next time?

We hope we helped beginners in a difficult to choose a better place for an ideal concert.

Go to concerts, listen to good music and enjoy every note!

Cathedral in the Small Georgian - the current Catholic Church, and concerts go to the free time from worship services. Conducting concerts - a centuries-old tradition discovering everyone (regardless of beliefs and views) the opportunity to join the thousand-year-old cultural heritage. But, like anywhere, there are certain rules here:

Concerts in the Cathedral at the Small Georgian
Invitation Tickets

The entrance to most concerts is carried out by invitation cards. You can buy them directly with the cathedral, as well as on our website. For details on how to do this and, not less important, for which it needs to be done - you can read in on our site. Be careful not to purchase tickets from dealers and on the resources not specified on our website: such invitations may be invalid.
The return of tickets is possible only before the concert (no later than 30 minutes before the start of the concert). The organizers have the right to replace the declared concert to others, in this case the tickets can be returned to the cash desk at the Cathedral until the start of the concert.
Remember that to visit the cathedral to another (not concert) time - invitations are not required. The temple is open daily from 7:00 to 20:00. Tickets are also not needed in cases where the event in the bill or the program is indicated that the input is free.

Appearance (dress code)
It is not necessary to pick up evening toilets: concerts take place in the walls of the acting cathedral - just remember this. From strict instructions: Clothes should not open the area of \u200b\u200bneckline, knees, back or shoulders; It should not be causing inscriptions or images. Otherwise, you can do a completely democratic form of clothing.
Our cute listeners are free to choose to their taste, what to come: Whether a dress or pants; Cover your head - not necessarily. Men are supposed to be in the cathedral without a headdress.
We draw your attention to the fact that there is no wardrobe in the cathedral. Visitors go to the temple in the upper clothes, which you can, if desired, remove, leaving with you. In the cold season, the room of the cathedral is heated.

Concerts in the cathedral are open to everyone, including for the smallest listeners. The only restriction is your own strength and sanity. We do not recommend taking kids to evening concerts. For the exits the whole family it is better to choose a day concert (series "Concerts for the whole family").
In case the child starts crying or capricious, "you have to go with him to a guide or even get away from the concert before. In this regard, we ask listeners with young children to be placed closer to the exit. Based on our practice, children up to 5-6 years old almost never "withstand" a full-fledged evening concert.

Our smaller brothers
We fully share the love of Saint Francis to all creation, but we ask you to leave our pets at home. They are not allowed in the cathedral even in very respectable age.

Omnia Mea ...
Please avoid coming to the Cathedral for a concert with meals, drinks, suitcases and other overall, explosive and cutting items. You will not be allowed with them into the hall.

Before the concert
What time is it best to approach?

It is best to come to the concert no earlier than 20-15 minutes before it started. The fact is that services are sent to concerts in the cathedral, and after them there is a training room for a concert, during which students are forced to be in a focus, where it is quite closely. To avoid unpleasant impressions, we urge you to be punctual.
However, asking and not late. The entrance to the listeners in the hall is carried out only during breaks between the rooms of the concert program, while visitors are obliged to occupy the nearest free places (places specified in the ticket of late, lose their relevance)

I think to buy a ticket directly before the concert ...
Yes it is possible. For an hour before the start of the concert, you can purchase a ticket, descending down the stairs (from the River to the left). We highly recommend that you come somewhat earlier and, on the purchase of tickets, to enjoy the opportunity to visit the nearby cafe or just stroll through the beautiful territory of the Cathedral.

The sobriety of the mind and the calm of the Spirit
Please be calm and not hurry to bypass everyone else on the way to a cherished goal, as soon as the caretakers begin to skip listeners to the hall. This behavior is not only inappropriate in the church, but also dangerous to health. We look forward to your understanding!
(We also count on what you understand the sobriety mentioned, like us, in all senses.)

Invitation control
Please be ready to show your invitations to caressing. In case you have a special invitation for social organizations - be prepared to also demonstrate a document confirming the fact of involvement in a particular organization.

Places in central and lateral nefah
Please take places according to what are listed in your tickets.
If your invitations in the center of the central nefer - a number and place are specified in the ticket.
If you have chosen free seating in lateral sobes - you can take any place, but exclusively in lateral neophes (not in central).
In the event that you have difficulty - please contact Cakes.

Altar, chapel, stained glass windows, confessional, organs, bells ...
To learn in detail about how our cathedral is arranged - you can. We are very pleased not to produce it in private, and do not walk along the cathedral with a similar purpose ("see") before the concert. Especially please do not enter the altar part and for the fence. After the concert, you, if you wish, you can ask questions about the approval of the Cathedral of our employees (they wear badges with names).

During the concert
Photo and video
To shoot in the cathedral during the concert - it is possible, but only without an outbreak. If you are going to lay out photos or video in social network - We ask, if possible, put the geometry and hashteg # cathedral

About what is unacceptable
Once again, we ask you to remember that the Cathedral is a valid church. Please follow the generally accepted rules of behavior. For their non-compliance, you may be asked to leave the hall. In the temple, as in other public places, it is impossible to kiss, behave defiantly, to be sad and disturb other people. If the caretaker asks you to leave the hall - you must do it immediately. To find out the reasons and all circumstances you can in the focus of the administration.

Applause and flowers
During concerts in the cathedral, it is allowed to express their approval by applause. Those who wish may at the end of the concert give Flowers performers. If you need help with bouquets - you can refer to cautors.

- When purchasing tickets in the cathedral, you can ask our employees purchase and prepare a bouquet by the end of the concertSo that you can hand it to the performer or other person. You can also leave the flowers as an ornament for the cathedral.
- In the sequence of the temple after each concert, you can purchase discs with alignment recordsMade directly in the Cathedral
- After each concert in the framework of the "Music Cathedral Music series" You can make an excursion to the main body.
- When purchasing tickets in the cathedral (or when they are ordered by phone), you can ask our employee order a taxi for you. Immediately after the concert you will be met by one of the best taxis in the city. Right in front of the cathedral.

Quick Guide to choose a place in the hall at a concert of classical music.

You have chosen the concert you want to visit. Now another important step is to have a choice.

From this article you will learn what to pay attention to when buying a ticket, where it is better to sit, the ratio of price-quality.

How to start choosing a place at a concert?

Halls are different. Blue, White, Red

  • What zones are in the scheme?
  • Is there a balcony or only a parquet in the hall?
  • How many places in the hall?

Balcony or parquet? What's better?

Everyone is asked by this issue. It should be understood that the balcony or a choir is an elevation in the hall. those. You will look at the musician from above.

The balcony may be central, right, left. The central balcony or choir is at the very end of the parquer over the last rows of parquet. This means that the distance to the artist is the same, but there are no hundreds in front of you.

The place of finding the right and left balconies is understandable of their name. Often balconies "climb" on the scene. Those. You will sit very close to the performer, but you may look at it on the side.

Usually the balcony refers to the budgetary category and is quite significantly below the parquet. At the same time, in hearingness will be there - how lucky.

Parter can be smooth and with a small elevation. The center of the parquet is always more priority. And how much to buy a ticket from the scene to solve you and your wallet.

If you go to a concert with a child up to 10 years, but for some reason we take the end of the parquer, I highly recommend taking places near the passage (in the middle). This is necessary in order for, you planted a child from the passage, and your child could slightly lean in the middle of the hall and it would be seen a musician, even in the last row of the parquet. Otherwise, your child will see only people's heads.

Where will it be clearly visible and audible?

It's not a secret, the cheaper, the place is the next one from the scene. Accordingly, the further from the scene, the time you will be worse and audible. Of course you always want to sit as close as possible, but let's say at the concert a piano, the difference is not a big where to sit because This tool is powerful and loud. Will be heard everywhere.

And if you went to the concert of the classic guitar, then it is better to sit closer. This is associated with the features of the tool.

There is also an important factor. If you see that there are little tickets, I really recommend buying a place for yourself as close as possible. A large number of People in the hall absorb the sound as a sponge, which means that the farther you sit the more people will be in front of you.

Summing up.

On our 6 year old experience of organizing concerts and schemes best places.

You should always focus on your budget, but really cool concerts are better not to skip.

Good leisure and new impressions!

Today in the world there is a huge set concert halls, striking viewers with their beauty, high-quality light and acoustics. And when all these most important components are combined in the same building, it cannot remain unnoticed. In our review, 25 most amazing concert halls from around the world are represented, which are worth visiting every theater.

The family of the creator of the Multiplication Empire Walt Disney has long wanted to build the building in his honor the highest grades and donated 50 million dollars for its construction. As a result, with the opening of the next masterpiece from Frank Geri in 2003, main city California has gained its new symbol. It is worth noting that in addition to external expressiveness, this concert hall has acoustic properties that are largely superior to other famous sites in the world.

After numerous failures and freezing of construction, at the design stage of China, the chief theater was still built in the early 2000th. A huge drop of water resembling whether a flying plate, landed in the Chinese capital, is an incredible structure immediately loved most of the locals and guests of the Middle Kingdom. The theater is a domed structure of a length of 212 meters and a height of about 47 meters, fully made of metal and glass. The building is on the surface of an artificial lake, and underwater tunnels with a transparent ceiling are served in it.

Ultra modern building opera House The center of Oslo was built on the project of the world-famous architectural bureau Snohetta in 2007. The main task of architects was organically to enter the building in the city building, the Rocks of Oslo-Fjord and the coastal territory sea Port.By tied the historic center of the city with modern quarters. The main hall of the theater is designed for 1364 places and has the classical shape of the horseshoe, which allows to provide the highest acoustic characteristics. The main feature of the theater was the inclined roof, smoothly descending to Earth. She was very quickly chosen local residentsespecially cyclists and skateboarders.

4. Concert Hall "Albert Hall" in London, United Kingdom

Concert Hall "Albert Hall" in London, United Kingdom

Concert Hall "Albert Hall" in London: Interior of the Hall

The most prestigious British Concert Hall, London "Albert Hall", was built in honor of Prince Albert in 1871. On the popularity of this platform, the numbers are spoken about 350 cultural events annually in Albert Hall, including concerts of classical music, operas and ballets, charitable concerts, award ceremony and banquets. The facade of the elliptical in the plan of the Red Brick building is decorated with a frieze with 16 sculptures, each of which symbolizes a certain area of \u200b\u200bscience and art. Currently this beautiful monument of Victorian architecture is a huge glass dome on an openwork frame of cast iron.

The official opening of the new concert hall in the capital of Denmark took place in 2009. As a matter of the author of the project, the Frenchman Jean Nouvel, Copenhagen's concert hall is not only the very theater building itself, but a whole musical town with special recreation zones - open terraces, bars and restaurants. Inside a large glass volume there are four-fitted room-studio equipment, each of which is decorated in its unique style. The largest room with a capacity of 1800 spectators is located on the top of the cube. Today, the Copenhagen concert hall is considered the most expensive musical area in the world.

6. Opera House "Auditorio de Tenerife" in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Opera House "Auditorio de Tenerife" in Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

Opera House "Auditorio de Tenerife" in Santa Cruz de Tenerife: interior of the hall

One of the most recognizable buildings of Spain, the Opera House "Auditorio-de Tenerife" - the result of the creative process of Santiago Kalatrava. The construction of one of the most significant and well-known works of modern architecture was completed in 2003. The scale of this building is simply affected by the imagination - only the roof reaches 100 meters long and weighs about 350 tons. The building building includes two halls - organ (1616 places) and chamber (424 places). It is curious that you can enter the theater in both sides. Also, "Auditorio de Tenerife" provides its visitors the opportunity to spend time in harmony with nature on special terraces with sea views.

The construction of the theater and the concert hall in Taiwan was completed in 1987. The emergence of such important objects of culture was the turning point in history not only Taiwan, but also of China. The theater complex includes directly two building buildings and a concert hall, as well as art galleries, shops, restaurants, library and a large memorial area. Program of events of this cultural Center It is an incredible diversity - from the Kabuki Theater to Shakespeare Drama, from Verd's Opera to African Dance, from American Jazz to Latin dance, etc. Also on the territory of the Taipei complex there are meetings of high-ranking officials and diplomats.

8. Concert and Exhibition Hall "Rudolphin" in Prague, Czech Republic

Concert and Exhibition Hall "Rudolphin" in Prague, Czech Republic

Concert and Exhibition Hall "Rudolphin" in Prague: Interior of the Hall

The main concert and exhibition area of \u200b\u200bthe Czech Republic, the Rudolphin Hall, was opened in the center of Prague in 1885. The hall was received in honor of the Austro-Hungarian Prince Rudolf, who personally participated in the opening ceremony. In the building "Rudolfima" there are several musical halls: the lorash hall, a hearing of his magnificent acoustics, as well as the Hall of Joseph Bitch and the Crescent Hall. In the walls of this institution there are concerts of classical music and art exhibitions.

9. Concert Hall "House of Music" in Porto, Portugal

Concert Hall "House of Music" in Porto, Portugal

Concert Hall "House of Music" in Porto: Interior of the Hall

The concert hall "House of Music" was built in the center of Porto on the project of the Dutch architect Rem Collas in 2005. Outwardly, this modern building resembles a huge truncated cube, which many people jokingly compare with a piece of raffinad. However, the interiors of the "House of Music" are surprised even more - the inner walls are adjacent to each other and intersect under completely unthinkable angles, and in each room there are incredible prospects. The main hall in which three orchestra performs, accommodates a little more than 1,200 spectators. In addition, in the "House of Music" there is an additional audience for 350 people and rehearsal rooms.

10. Concert Hall "Carnegie Hall" in New York, USA

Concert Hall "Carnegie Hall" in New York, USA

Concert Hall "Carnegie Hall" in New York: Interior of the Hall

The Concert Hall "Carnegie Hall", located in the center of Manhattan, was built in 1891. Today is one of the most prestigious sites for the performance of classical music. "Carnegie Hall" includes three halls with a total capacity - 2804 places. The building was reconstructed and updated twice - in 1983 and 2003. In the entire history of the existence of this "Music Mecca", such legends of classical music were performed in its walls, like a disgust, Strauss, Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Straussy and many others.

Luxury palace Fine arts, built in the Mexican capital in 1934, is a sample of mixing the architectural styles of Boz-AR and AR-Deco, as evidenced by the walls from Carrarsky marble and the incredible liness of the decor. The concert halls of the Opera House occupy a significant part of this magnificent building. It is no coincidence that many tourists visit the palace solely to see and hear the best opera and ballet statements performed by Mexican artists. Also, this ensemble includes the Museum of Architecture and the National Museum of Fine Arts.

Dortmund Opera House, officially opened in 1966, is considered one of the largest cultural institutions in Germany. More than 500 employees are working in the theater troupe, which is also for German Record. A highly unusual building of the Dortmund Opera consists of the main hall, small rehearsal rooms, cafes and restaurants.

The building of the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater was built in the capital of Azerbaijan, the city of Baku, in 1959. The building of the theater in the Gothic style was erected into historical center Cities at the Baku Millionaire Mailova. In 1959, the building began to be called the Academic Opera and Ballet Theater. It presents the classic planning scheme of the object of this type - there is a small lobby, a visual hall on a 1281 place and scene. For many people still remains a mystery, as such a major object was erected for some 10 months.


Center for Music Education "Sejt Gateshead" in Gateshead, United Kingdom

Center for Music Education "Sejt Gateshead" in Gateshead, United Kingdom

The Center for Music Education "Sage Gateshead", located in the same city in the Northeast of England, was built in 2004 on the project of the legendary British architect, Barona Norman Foster. The structure of this super-modern structure is formed using two main elements - bent glass and stainless steel. "Sage Gateshead" mainly consists of 3 halls: big (1700 seats), for major concerts, small (400 seats), for smaller measures, and the hall. The rest of the complex is occupied by bars, cafes and media libraries.

A large theater, built in 1825 on the Theater Square in Moscow - one of the most ancient cultural structures among the currently operating. During the period of its existence, this amazing building was twice burned and survived about 7 reconstructions, which indicates its significance. In the process of designing the first building of the Bolshoi Theater in 1821, several famous architects - Beauvais, Livaji, Mikhailov and Melnikov took part. It is them that the general structural intention is large, which, although not fully, was preserved to the present day. Then, as now, in terms of the theater, the theater was a fairly compact rectangular volume with a portion advanced portion with a colonnade. The Big Theater is considered one of the main attractions and pride not only Moscow, but also of all Russia.

16. Metropolitan-Opera Music Theater in New York, USA

Metropolitan-Opera Music Theater in New York, USA

Metropolitan-Opera Music Theater in New York: Interior of the Hall

One of the most prestigious in the world, the Metropolitan Opera Theater has existed since 1880, but Lincoln in Manhattan received its current registration in the center of executive arts in September 1966. This legendary complex includes: a large visual hall, designed for 3,900 visual sites, and three auxiliary sites. The most important decorative elements in the interior of the theater are the monumental frescoes of the famous Emigrant Artist, Mark Stegal.

17. Concert Hall "Arf" in Reykjavik, Iceland

Concert Hall "Arf" in Reykjavika, Iceland

Harp Concert Hall in Reykjavik: Interior of the Hall

The modern concert hall with a very original name "Arp" became the first truly major cultural object in european countryotherwise affected by the economic crisis and severe weather conditions. Of course, the main highlight of the project of a talented architect from Denmark Olafur Eliason was a delightful facade of glass blocks iridescent of different colors. In addition to the luxurious and modernly decorated auditorium, in the "harp" there are cafes, gallery and the theater museum.

The art center, built on the project of the architect Roy Hohls in 1984 in Melbourne, is a cultural complex consisting of theatrical sites and concert halls. In total, there are two theater halls in the complex, the main of which accommodates 600 people, and two concerts (1200 and 400 people). Also in the center there are various exhibitions, the priority goal of which is the modern direction in art.

19. Egg Concert Hall in Albany, USA

Concert Hall "Egg" in Albany, USA

Concert Hall "Egg" in Albany: Interior of the Hall

The construction of the main concert hall of the capital of the state of New York ended 1980. An unusual building in the shape of an egg is located on the central square of Albany Empire State Plaza, among the most distant government agencies. So an unusual form of the concert hall in combination with the severity of the neighboring buildings, made an "egg" the main symbol and the tourist attraction of the capital city. The building has two rooms in the building. One of them is designed for 450 visitors, and the other - at 980.

Concert Hall in Berlin, made in 1821 on the project of Karl Friedrich Shindrich in Neoclassical style, as well as the Big Theater in Moscow, is considered one of the most ancient cultural structures in the world. Like his Moscow counterfeit, the concert hall in Berlin had to survive a lot - a large fire, arson, threats of demolition and a lot of reconstructions. The facade of the Berlin Concert Hall is an example of a classic warrant system with columns, and the interiors as a foyer and the hall themselves are striking the level of detailing the smallest artistic elements. Acoustics in the Berlin Hall is one of the best in the world.

The construction of a new scene of the Mariinsky Theater in St. Petersburg ended in 2011 and cost a state execution to a record 22 billion rubles. DIAMOND & SCHMITT Architects project, which was built by a new Marinka Corps, was chosen by personally director of the theater, famous for the conductor Valery Gergiev. Not so long ago, Maestro admitted that despite the duration of construction (10 years) and colossal financial costs, he remained satisfied with his choice and work done, because Mariineka-2 is "the most modern and consistent public building in Russia."

22. Concert Hall "Roy Thomson Hall" in Toronto, Canada

Concert Hall "Roy Thomson Hall" in Toronto, Canada

Concert Hall "Roy Thomson Hall" in Toronto: the interior of the hall

The Concert Hall "Roy Thomson-Hall" was built in Toronto in 1982. Prior to the restoration work in 2002, the hall accompanied more than 2,800 spectators, and after it - 2630. The original spherical room is favorably distinguished by the asceticism of the forms and "cold" acoustics, which is associated with its dominant concrete structures. The central place in the hall planning belongs to the giant organ at 5207 pipes of the design of Canadian Gabriel.

23. Theater "Esplanade" in Singapore

Theater "Esplanade" in Singapore

Theater "Esplanade" in Singapore: interior of the hall

The Theater "Esplanade" was built in a rapidly developing Singapore in 2003 and has already become one of his characters. In fact, Esplanade is a complex of two hemispherical halls with a capacity of 1600 and 2000 viewers, two additional studios, large shopping center And theater in the open sky. In addition to its main function, the theatrical ensemble sometimes serves as a place for negotiations, exhibitions and conferences. It is curious that the theater and the concert hall are combined with each other in a single lobby, which houses the entrance to the mall.

Sydney Opera House, built in 1973 on the project of the Danish architect Yorna Utzone in the style of expressionism, is considered one of the most famous and easily recognizable buildings of the world. Sydney opera is the most important attraction of the whole continent. The two largest cams from the shells form the ceilings of the two main halls: the concert and theater of the Opera. In other halls, the ceilings are formed using smaller arches. Sailing shells of roofs give the theater uniqueness. June 28, 2007 The building of the Opera House in Sydney gained the status of the object World Heritage UNESCO.

Vienna state opera It was built in 1869. Unfortunately, in the difficult years of Austria's occupation (1938-45), the theater experienced a serious decline of interest. In 1945, during the bombardment of the Austrian capital, the building of the theater was destroyed. It took about 10 years on his full recovery. In addition to the opera and ballet performances, theatrical masquerad's theatrical balls are held annually.

Like the whole architecture in general, the architecture of concert halls and theaters is constantly changing, becoming more and more free and unusual, which you can make sure of our materials, and.