September 24 in Tsaritsyno. Light imaging - ahead

The Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno" promises to become the most visited platform of the VII of the Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light", which will be held in the capital from September 23 to 27. According to forecasts of the organizers, the cumulative audience of an impressive multimedia show in Tsaritsynsky Park for 5 days of the festival will be about 2 million people.

Visitors to Tsaritsyno Park will be able to admire the fascinating light-music show fountains on a Tsaritsyn pond, which will be shown in cyclical mode from 19:30 to 23:00.

September 24 from 20:00 to 21:00 ART-Soprano Art Group Mikhail Turkish will perform in the park, and on the other days, the unique vocal of the female team will sound in the record, accompanying video projects on the facade of the palace.

In addition, the audience is waiting for an amazing audiovisual performance "Palace of Sensities" on the building of the Grand Palace, which will be the central element of the Circle of Light Festival program on this site.

At the entire festival period, the Park "Tsaritsyno" will decorate the original static installations from the leading lights of the world:

1. Giant dandelions (Giant Dandelions) (France) - author Olivia D'Aboville (Olivia D "Aboville)

2. Large Pendulum (Large Pendulum Wave) (Netherlands) - author Ivo Shufs (IVO Shooofs)

3. Message in the Bottle (Israel) - author Oudegia Kreiviv Group (Oge Creative Group)

"The complex architectural and color decision of the facade of the Tsaritsyn Palace is not quite suitable for the classic 3D-mapping with realistic images and a linear history. Therefore, for the first time in the history of the festival, we decided to build an idea, pushing out the form and geometry of the building, taking abstract images and effects as a basis, adding the visual part of suitable music, "explains the President of the LBL Group of Companies, which serves as an authorized organizer of the Festival" Circle of Light "on behalf of Moscow Government, Tatiana Lifantieva. - At the same time, the script is based on the topic of emotions and feelings, which means that the perception of the formulation will be affordable and spectacular at the same time. "

Specialists of video recording using projections and music will revive the facade of the Grand Palace. He seems to test himself and leads to the audience a story about the sensations of each other: excitement and serene peace, joy and anger, painful love and bitterness of the collapse of relations, revival from loneliness and gaining unconditional happiness.

Interestingly, the dramatic "emotional experiences" of the Grand Palace is not deprived of historical soil. Tsaritsinsky Palace Complex was built according to the project of the famous Russian architect Vasily Bazhenova according to the command of Empress Catherine II, as its suburban residence. Construction began in 1775. But after 10 years, most of the buildings of the monumental ensemble were ready for interior decoration, the Empress took an unexpected decision to remove Bazhenova from affairs and transfer the project to his student Matvey Cossack, who instructed to rebuild his main palace, wishing him to be the manifestation of the strength and grandeur of her reign. In 1786, the Palace of Austrian Bazhenova dismantled, however, the building of his successor was waiting for an unenviable fate. The construction was suspended due to lack of financing, the project was significantly simplified, and after the death of Catherine II in 1796, her son Paul I finally stopped the work. And only after almost two centuries, in 1984, the gradual restoration of the dilapidated Big Palace began, which is now one of the main attractions of the Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno".

VII The Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" will be held on the six platforms of Moscow from September 23 to September 27, 2017.

The Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" will be held this year in the seventh time, it will take place from September 23 to 27. The organizers promise to make it the most spectacular event of the fall. The city again will turn into the center of the attraction of light for several days: whole video performances unfold on its most beautiful buildings, and the fabulous installations are illuminated. On all six sites, Muscovites and guests of the capital are waiting for many surprises, and this year the festival will affect new addresses.

Ostankinsky Pond Area, Park "Tsaritsyno", Theater Square, Strogin Safety, as well as the Theater and Concert Hall "Peace" and the Digital October Center will turn into the main visual halls of the festival. All the details found out the correspondents "RG".

The show will open in Ostankino, in honor of the half-century anniversary of the tower. The jubilee "will try on" different images of famous skyscrapers. Every minute, the tower will turn into the Paris Eiffel Tower, then in the New York 103-storey Skyscraper Empire State Building, then in the Japanese Landmark-Tower Tower Tower ... Can audience consider and Skyscrapers Canada, UAE, China, Australia ... The image will cover the entire diameter of the tower, so the show will be seen from afar.

The same, who will be nearby, will be able to see an extraordinary multimedia show of light right on the Ostankinsky pond. Spectators will be transferred to fabulous lavender fields, to the foot Niagara FallsIn the very heart of the Yellowstone Park and the Cave of Bamboo Flute, will experience the heat of the Sahara desert or a refreshing breeze of a large barrier reef. Guests of the festival will witness the fascinating power of Fujcan Volcano, the immense depth of Lake Baikal, endless beauty Ural Mountains and captive charm of Sakhalin Island. An exciting spectacle here will be the choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a pyrotechnic representation.

And on the pond will install a special platform for the ice show, which will be shown figure skaters.

Taking into account the growth of the popularity of the "circle of light" this year, new objects joined the festival. The debutant of the festival will be the Small Theater, the facade of which will be combined with the plot with a large theater. "One story will go smoothly from one building to another," says Creative Director of the LBL Communication Group Vladimir Demenein. There will be two light shows: "Heavenly Mechanics" - about loneliness and love, and "non-fulfillment" - plots based on the works of Russian playwrights. Demeein reminds that the small theater carefully keeps the tradition of Russian theatrical art, so Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky himself, as a symbol and soul of the theater, will invite spectators on a time trip. "Immediately on two facades will grow unique scenery created by historical sketches, the scenes from the iconic performances will unfold, and their authors will not miss the opportunity to present their work, talk to each other and even joke," Demenein continues.

The festival finals will be a grand fireworks - the first 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show in Russia. Photo: RIA News

In addition, the theaters traditionally will be able to see the works of the finalists of the International Competition Art Vision Classic. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate to the audience new works of light art at the Bolshoi Theater in the category "Classic" and at the Small Theater in the Modern nomination.

This palace-park ensemble in the south of Moscow for the time of the festival will turn into a light scene. On the building of the Grand Catherine Palace, the audiovisual performance "Palace of Sensities" will be shown, and the fascinating light-music show of fountains will be held on Tsaritsyn Pond. Dozens of fountains will be revived to the music of the works of Russian composers, making the audience by the participants of the Big Water Orchestra. During all days of the festival, the Park will be decorated with amazing installations from leading world leaders, there will immediately be speeches by famous musicians. In particular, on September 24, the art group Soprano Mikhail Turkish will perform on the other days, the unique vocals of the female team will sound, accompanying video projects on the facade of the palace. September 25, the People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will give a concert in the park.

Theatrical and Concert Hall "Peace" and the center of Digital OCTOBER

Festival events and two covered platforms will be held. On September 24 at 20.00, the spectators will witness the competitive battle of the best light-music artists in the direction of Wedening: teams from different countries will compete in the skill of creating light images to the music. And those who are interested in how exactly this is done, September 23 and 24 from 12.00 to 18.00 in the center of Digital October will be able to listen to free lectures of light designers and the creators of laser installations.

One of the surprises is waiting for Muscovites and guests at the end of the festival. In Russia, for the first time will be introduced a 30-minute Japanese firework, which almost does not travel around the world. To do this, on September 27, a barge with pyrotechnic installations will be installed in Stroginskaya floodplain. Japanese charges differ from ordinary quantities - they are much larger, and each shot is made by experts by hand, due to which the drawing is obtained individually. Light paintings will be revealed at an altitude of 500 meters, and the diameter of light domes will be 240 meters.


The International Festival "Circle of Light" takes place in Moscow since 2011 and every year there is more and more guests every year: if there were 200 thousand people in 2011, then in 2016 - already 6 million. Representations are also becoming more and more, and the level of them is higher: last year on the facade of the main building of Moscow State University. M. Lomonosov were, in particular, two new shows that do not have global analogues on scale and technical complexity are presented. The Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" has established records and has already been listed in the Guinness Book of Records in two nominations: "The greatest video project" (50,458 sq. M.) and "the greatest power of the light flow during project projection" (4,64,346 lumens).

By the way

As always, come and enjoy the views will be free - the entrance to all platforms is free. Details can be found on the site


Ostankino, Theater Square, Tsaritsyno, Strogino, Digital October, KZ World

Date and time of the festival / Event

Ticket price

Free admission

From September 23 to September 27, 2017 in Moscow, the capital will be held the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light".

The festival "Circle of Light" is held annually. For five days, Moscow will again turn into the city of Light - the LEDs and specialists in the field of audiovisual art from all over the world will transform the architectural appearance of the capital. On the most famous buildings, colorful large-scale video projects unfold, the streets are illuminated by fabulous installations, and fantastic multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks will give unforgettable impressions and bright emotions.

Entrance to the opening ceremony of the "circle of light", as well as on other submissions of the festival - free. However, the opening ceremony can be viewed near both the specially organized tribune. To do this, you need to receive invitation cards. Invitation cards for the opening ceremony of the festival, in particular, to win, participating in the competition, spent on the official page of the VKontakte festival.

ATTENTION! Tickets for the stands are distributed through social services, the Department of the Government of Moscow. Also tickets are played out in contests in social networks Festival.

Playgrounds and schedule of the festival "Light 2017"

The action of the festival will unfold on the following areas of Moscow: Ostankino, theatrical area, Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno", Strogino, Digital October and KZ "Peace".


This is one of the main sites of the Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light 2017". September 23, the opening ceremony will be held here. A music-multimedia show will unfold on the Ostankino Tower and the Water Surface of the Ostankino Pond using video projects, choreography of fountains, synergies of light, lasers and fire and will end with a grand pyrotechnic show.

September 23: opening ceremony of the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light", 20: 00-21: 15

Multimedia show journey different countries The world and their geographical natural beauty. The opening ceremony will end with a 15-minute grand pyrotechnic show with the involvement of the Ostankino Tower

ATTENTION! In connection with the opening ceremony of the festival, a number of roads in the Ostankino district will be blocked. Also changes will be made to work public transport. Plan overlapping roads at the site in Ostankino on December 23 and 24 published in the photo gallery on this page (see above).

Multimedia show journey through different countries of the world and their geographic natural beauty. The program will end with a 7-minute grand pyrotechnic show.

theatre square

Main buildings on this site are large and small theaters. Light show On their facades will tell the story of love. In addition, the ArtVision contest will be held at the site. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate to the audience new works of light art at the Bolshoi Theater in the category "Classic" and at the Small Theater in the Modern nomination.

Large and small theater. Light show "Heavenly Mechanics"

Spectators awaits a story about love and loneliness. On the impossibility of adopting one person to others, but also at the same time inability to exist one.

Large and small theater. Light show "Before"

For the audience, the light history of the Small Theater will be told.

GRAND THEATRE. Showing the works of the participants of the ArtVision competition in the nomination "Classic"

On the facade of the Bolshoi Spectators Theater expects new works in the genre of classical architectural video frompping. Participants will demonstrate the art of interaction of 2D-3D-light flowering projections on the physical object of the urban environment, taking into account its geometry and location in space.

Small theater. Showing the works of members of the ArtVision contest in the nomination "Modern"

The facade of the Small Theater will become a canvas for the work of the participants of the contest Art VIZHN in the Modern nomination. This nomination differs from the classical architectural video epipment to the constant search and the application by the authors of new technologies, tools, knowledge in the field of modern artistic directions.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

At this site, the audiovisual shows are expecting an audiovisual show on the Great Ekaterininsky Palace, the living performance of the Soprano Turkish art group under the accompaniment of light and music, the Fontanov show at the Tsaritsyn pond and amazing lighting installations.

Big Ekaterininsky Palace

Audiovisual mapping "Palace of Sensity"

Phonographic performance of the Soprano Turkish Art Group, accompanied by video projects on the facade of the palace

Spectators will witness a unique combination of lighting technologies with songs of one of the best women's teams of Russia, which presents voices from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest (mezzo).

Tsaritsynsky pond

Show Fontanov

Dozens of fountains will be revived to the music of the classic works of Russian composers, making the audience by the participants of the Big Water Orchestra.

Park Tsaritsyno

Light installations

Throughout the evening, surprising light installations from leading light designers from all over the world will work in the Tsaritsyno Park. 4 lighting installations will be mounted:

  • Your Own Space;
  • Mushroom Glade;
  • Raindrops;
  • Vinyl Mapping.

On September 24, from 20:00 to 21:00, the Soprano of Turkish Art Group will also be held accompanied by video projects on the facade of the palace.

The program will spend a number of classic works performed by Dmitry Malikova, which will be transferred to the language of visual metaphors and images by a VJ-team, the winner of the ART VIZHN contest.


Festival Closing Ceremony - Pyrotechnic Show

Spectators expect a bright 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show that has no analogues in Russia. With four barges installed in the Water area of \u200b\u200bStroginskaya Zatka, hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched, the largest of which, 600 mm caliber, has never been presented in Russia. Japanese fireworks are unique in their properties and have no analogues in the world. They are superior in their chromaticity and brightness of other fireworks, and the process of manual production, transmitting time proof, makes each projectile with a true work of art.

Digital October.

From year to year, the playground remains an unchanged place of meetings of famous professionals in the field of visual art and beginner light artists. The educational program consisting of lectures, seminars and practical classes helps beginners to master the basics and reveals many secrets and subtleties in working with light.

Schedule of educational events in Digital October

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and public presentations.

To visit events, you must register on the official website of the festival.

September 23, Saturday

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion: When robots replace designers?
Participants: Andrei Serabant (Yandex), Andrei Kalinin (MailRu Group), Dr. Biological Sciences Alexander Kaplan, Artist Alexander Gavrilova (Stain).
Moderator - Olga Vad (Polytechnic Museum Curator)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: What we "shines". Gaston Zag (Gaston Zahr) Oge Creative Group (Israel)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: Full Room Revolution. Pedro Zaz (Pedro Zaz, Portugal)

15:20 - 16:20 3D Mapping Evolution. Alexander Meltsia (Panasonic Russia)

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Rays of Light - Educational Sprint
Participants: Tanya Samarakovskaya, Vadim Mirgorodsky (co-founder of media design studio "truce"), Vadim Goncharov (Frontend-developer), Sergey Batyshev (Media Designer), Moderator - Dmitry Karpov

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 Presentation: Using Blacktrax technology in multimedia performances. Dreamlaser.

13:20 - 14:00 Presentation: Flaretic: Wednesday to create real-time graphics. Julien Vulle (Julien Vulliet, France)

14:30 - 15:10 Presentation: Large Ostrovsky.

Technologies for creating a dramatic mapping show on large and small theaters from the clothing studio.

15:20 - 16:20 Presentation: Unity of technology and art in collaboration with brands. RADUGADESIGN.

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1 *

MADMAPPER 3.0 - DMX lighting control system. Francois Wunshel (François Wunt)

Audience 2 *

TouchDesigner: Elementary mathematics. Ilya Dersev

Audience 3 *

Unreal Visual Orchestra / Unreal Visual Orchestra. Kuflex.

Audience 4 *

Laser projectors Outdoor Lasers in light design. Outdoor Lasers.

11:00 - 18:00 - demonstration of video collection with bright multimedia projects from around the world 2016-2017.

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion. Profession LED: Create an incubator geniuses.
Participants: Natalia Markevich (Sveodizainer, curator "Light Design" school march), Artem Voronov (co-founder of the Svetizaina MEI MEI MEI Light Lab), Natalya Bystryantseva (Higher School of Light Design of the University of ITMO) and Sergey Sizy (Member of the International Union of IALD LED, Founder and lead schools and studios LEDS LIDS).
Moderator - Vladimir Pavlovich Budak (Department of Lighting Engineering MEI)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: All art was modern. Marzia Lodi, European Design Institute (IED, Italy)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: from phantasmagoria to sensory reality? Olga Mink (Olga Mink, Netherlands)

15:20 - 16:20 Lecture: 1024 Architecture - from physical to intangible. Panorama of Studio Projects 1024 "

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Light orchestra - original lighting solutions for musical performances and events.

Participants: Roman Vakulak (Global Show Trade), Alexander Fuchs, Marina Larikova, Oleg thousandth and Pavel Gusev (True Light Crew), Moderator - Alexey Shcherbina

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 VideosEepping. Entertainment and efficiency. Ivan Gorokhov, Meshsplash

13:20 - 14:00 The opening ceremony "Expo 2017" in Astana. Anton Sakar (RakeTamedia)

14:30 - 15:10 Space ku. Kuflex.

15:20 - 16:20 Personality Behind the New Media. Natalia Bystryantseva (Higher School of Light Design of the University of ITMO, Russia)

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1 *

Mapping for complex objects. Dreamlaser.

Audience 2 *

Design and control of light installations using VDMX and Unity. Mikhail Grigoriev, Ilya Ryzhkov (Moon Park)

Audience 3 *

Visual effects and computing in VVVV. Julien Vulle (Mr. VUX, France), Ekaterina Danilova (IDWYR)

* - Pre-registration required, the number of places is limited

11:00 - 18:00 - demonstration of video collection with bright multimedia projects from around the world 2016-2017

KZ "World"

On September 24 at 20:00, the competitives of the best light-music teams will be held in the nomination "Wizheng" of the Competition Art Vyzhn. Each VJ has only 10 minutes in reserve to demonstrate its best video projects under the living Set of DJ. Who will make it better and creative? The reaction of the audience also affects the evaluations of the judges! Music support of the competition - DJ Artem Splash.

Within the framework of the festival " Circle of Light " In the Museum-Reserve " Tsaritsyno " In Moscow, on September 24, a concert of the Russian singer and the musician Dmitry Malikova will be held, the President of the LBL communication group, an authorized festival organizer "said journalists on Thursday Circle of Light "

"Monday in Tsaritsyno will be a concert of Dmitry Malikova. It is traditionally a composer of the festival. This year he will not only have a tool performance, and he will sing", - said Lifantieva.

She noted that Malikova concert in the Museum-Reserve " Tsaritsyno " Start at 20:00.

Eighth festival " Circle of Light " It will take place in Moscow from September 21 to 25, the entrance to all the platforms will be free.

International Festival " Circle of Light " It takes place in Moscow since 2011. Last year's festival was remembered by citizens thanks to the light spectrum on the facade of the Ostankin Telbashni. With the help of light and laser, it turned into other of the highest buildings of the world - Eiffel Tower, Dubai Burj Khalif's Dubai Skyscraper and New York Empire State Building, as well as other buildings.

/ Thursday, September 20, 2018 /

topics: Culture Circle of Light

Residents and guests of the capital in the final day of the festival " Circle of Light " The 45-minute Japanese Fireworks Show on the Rowing Channel will be able to see the journalists, the President of the Communication Group LBL, an authorized festival organizer, said on Thursday. Circle of Light " On behalf of the Government of Moscow, Tatiana Lifantieva.

"On the last day of the festival on the rowing canal will be held a Japanese firework. This year the show will consist of two parts, the total timing will be 45 minutes. The first part is the big charges of the 600th caliber, and during the launch and disclosure of the fireworks will be able to see the audience at The building is a projection, where it will be told what kind of charge, as was produced and what depicts ", - said Lifantieva.

She noted that Japanese fireworks differ from Russian the fact that the charges are made manually, and fireworks have quite smooth forms.

"The second part of the show will be traditional, that is, synchronous and smaller charges"- Lifantieva added.

. . . . .

Metropolitan motorists called on to be especially attentive when parking in the days of the festival " Circle of Light "Since leaving machines in the wrong places can lead to emergency situations, reported on the website of Moscow Parking.

"From September 21 to September 25, an international festival will be held in Moscow" Circle of Light ". We ask motorists to be especially attentive on the roads and on parking, as the movement in the city on several streets will be limited. In this regard, paid parking lots located in the places of overlappings will also be unavailable. These are 35 parking spaces, of which six - for the disabled ", - said in the message.

So, the streets of Petrovka and Krylatskaya will be blocked, as well as the plot of Novotzaritsyn highway and other streets. Motorists called on to follow the rules road And do not leave cars in the wrong places in order not to create emergency situations.

. . . . .

For the second time one of the sites of the Moscow Festival " Circle of Light " It moves to Sevastopol, the head of the tourism department of the Department of Sports and Tourism of Moscow, Ekaterina Borisov, said to journalists on Thursday.

"The festival " Circle of Light " This year expands its borders. It will take place on seven sites, one of them moved to the city of Sevastopol. There from September 22 to September 23, residents and guests of Sevastopol will be able to see light ideas on the Palace of Pioneers, so we convey the colorful message to all of Crimea, its inhabitants and guests " - said Borisov.

In turn, the Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol Yuri Krivov thanked the Government of Moscow for the fact that for the second time the festival " Circle of Light " It will take place in Sevastopol.

"Visitors to the festival will be able to see a five-minute light performance dedicated to the history of Sevastopol, which will be embodied in the image of the ship. After a 15-minute change" Vizheng " - This is a representation that will last for four hours in cyclical mode. We plan that about 14-15 thousand people will be able to see (performance - ed.) For two days "- Krivov added.

He noted that September 22 festival " Circle of Light " will be completed with a ten-minute fireworks.

. . . . .

Finalists of the contest Art Vision of the Moscow Festival " Circle of Light " Representatives of 16 countries, including Russia, Finland and Japan, reported on Thursday to journalists the head of the tourism department of the Department of Sports and Tourism of Moscow, Ekaterina Borisov.

"In the final of the competition (ART Vision - Ed.) 35 works from 16 countries - Bulgaria, Germany, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Romania, Finland, France, Chile, Switzerland and Japan. Nominees for winning Art Vision Classic demonstrate their work from September 21 to September 25 at theatrical Square ", - said Borisov.

She noted that the colorful projects of Art Vision Modern's finalists will be able to see on the facade of the Big Tsaritsyn Palace.

"September 22, club music lovers and bright spectacles invite to the chancery" Peace "where at 22:00 competitions will start among the participants of the finalists of the Nomination Art Vision - " Vizheng ", - added Borisov.

According to her, this year, 148 applications from 36 countries were submitted to participate in the international competition ART VISION. For the first time, representatives of four countries took part in the competition: Honduras, Finland, South Africa and South Korea.

. . . . .


Ostankino, Theater Square, Tsaritsyno, Strogino, Digital October, KZ World

Date and time of the festival / Event

Ticket price

Free admission

From September 23 to September 27, 2017 in Moscow, the capital will be held the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light".

The festival "Circle of Light" is held annually. For five days, Moscow will again turn into the city of Light - the LEDs and specialists in the field of audiovisual art from all over the world will transform the architectural appearance of the capital. On the most famous buildings, colorful large-scale video projects unfold, the streets are illuminated by fabulous installations, and fantastic multimedia shows using light, fire, lasers and fireworks will give unforgettable impressions and bright emotions.

Entrance to the opening ceremony of the "circle of light", as well as on other submissions of the festival - free. However, the opening ceremony can be viewed near both the specially organized tribune. To do this, you need to receive invitation cards. Invitation cards for the opening ceremony of the festival, in particular, to win, participating in the competition, spent on the official page of the VKontakte festival.

ATTENTION! Tickets for the stands are distributed through social services, the Department of the Government of Moscow. Tickets are also played in competitions in the social networks of the festival.

Playgrounds and schedule of the festival "Light 2017"

The action of the festival will unfold on the following areas of Moscow: Ostankino, theatrical area, Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno", Strogino, Digital October and KZ "Peace".


This is one of the main sites of the Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light 2017". September 23, the opening ceremony will be held here. A music-multimedia show will unfold on the Ostankino Tower and the Water Surface of the Ostankino Pond using video projects, choreography of fountains, synergies of light, lasers and fire and will end with a grand pyrotechnic show.

September 23: opening ceremony of the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light", 20: 00-21: 15

Multimedia show journey through different countries of the world and their geographic natural beauty. The opening ceremony will end with a 15-minute grand pyrotechnic show with the involvement of the Ostankino Tower

ATTENTION! In connection with the opening ceremony of the festival, a number of roads in the Ostankino district will be blocked. Also, changes will be made to the work of public transport. Plan overlapping roads at the site in Ostankino on December 23 and 24 published in the photo gallery on this page (see above).

Multimedia show journey through different countries of the world and their geographic natural beauty. The program will end with a 7-minute grand pyrotechnic show.

theatre square

Main buildings on this site are large and small theaters. The light show on their facades will tell the story of love. In addition, the ArtVision contest will be held at the site. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate to the audience new works of light art at the Bolshoi Theater in the category "Classic" and at the Small Theater in the Modern nomination.

Large and small theater. Light show "Heavenly Mechanics"

Spectators awaits a story about love and loneliness. On the impossibility of adopting one person to others, but also at the same time inability to exist one.

Large and small theater. Light show "Before"

For the audience, the light history of the Small Theater will be told.

GRAND THEATRE. Showing the works of the participants of the ArtVision competition in the nomination "Classic"

On the facade of the Bolshoi Spectators Theater expects new works in the genre of classical architectural video frompping. Participants will demonstrate the art of interaction of 2D-3D-light flowering projections on the physical object of the urban environment, taking into account its geometry and location in space.

Small theater. Showing the works of members of the ArtVision contest in the nomination "Modern"

The facade of the Small Theater will become a canvas for the work of the participants of the contest Art VIZHN in the Modern nomination. This nomination differs from the classical architectural video epipment to the constant search and the application by the authors of new technologies, tools, knowledge in the field of modern artistic directions.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

At this site, the audiovisual shows are expecting an audiovisual show on the Great Ekaterininsky Palace, the living performance of the Soprano Turkish art group under the accompaniment of light and music, the Fontanov show at the Tsaritsyn pond and amazing lighting installations.

Big Ekaterininsky Palace

Audiovisual mapping "Palace of Sensity"

Phonographic performance of the Soprano Turkish Art Group, accompanied by video projects on the facade of the palace

Spectators will witness a unique combination of lighting technologies with songs of one of the best women's teams of Russia, which presents voices from the highest (coloratura soprano) to the lowest (mezzo).

Tsaritsynsky pond

Show Fontanov

Dozens of fountains will be revived to the music of the classic works of Russian composers, making the audience by the participants of the Big Water Orchestra.

Park Tsaritsyno

Light installations

Throughout the evening, surprising light installations from leading light designers from all over the world will work in the Tsaritsyno Park. 4 lighting installations will be mounted:

  • Your Own Space;
  • Mushroom Glade;
  • Raindrops;
  • Vinyl Mapping.

On September 24, from 20:00 to 21:00, the Soprano of Turkish Art Group will also be held accompanied by video projects on the facade of the palace.

The program will spend a number of classic works performed by Dmitry Malikova, which will be transferred to the language of visual metaphors and images by a VJ-team, the winner of the ART VIZHN contest.


Festival Closing Ceremony - Pyrotechnic Show

Spectators expect a bright 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show that has no analogues in Russia. With four barges installed in the Water area of \u200b\u200bStroginskaya Zatka, hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched, the largest of which, 600 mm caliber, has never been presented in Russia. Japanese fireworks are unique in their properties and have no analogues in the world. They are superior in their chromaticity and brightness of other fireworks, and the process of manual production, transmitting time proof, makes each projectile with a true work of art.

Digital October.

From year to year, the playground remains an unchanged place of meetings of famous professionals in the field of visual art and beginner light artists. The educational program consisting of lectures, seminars and practical classes helps beginners to master the basics and reveals many secrets and subtleties in working with light.

Schedule of educational events in Digital October

The program includes workshops, panel discussions and public presentations.

To visit events, you must register on the official website of the festival.

September 23, Saturday

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion: When robots replace designers?
Participants: Andrei Serabant (Yandex), Andrei Kalinin (MailRu Group), Dr. Biological Sciences Alexander Kaplan, Artist Alexander Gavrilova (Stain).
Moderator - Olga Vad (Polytechnic Museum Curator)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: What we "shines". Gaston Zag (Gaston Zahr) Oge Creative Group (Israel)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: Full Room Revolution. Pedro Zaz (Pedro Zaz, Portugal)

15:20 - 16:20 3D Mapping Evolution. Alexander Meltsia (Panasonic Russia)

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Rays of Light - Educational Sprint
Participants: Tanya Samarakovskaya, Vadim Mirgorodsky (co-founder of media design studio "truce"), Vadim Goncharov (Frontend-developer), Sergey Batyshev (Media Designer), Moderator - Dmitry Karpov

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 Presentation: Using Blacktrax technology in multimedia performances. Dreamlaser.

13:20 - 14:00 Presentation: Flaretic: Wednesday to create real-time graphics. Julien Vulle (Julien Vulliet, France)

14:30 - 15:10 Presentation: Large Ostrovsky.

Technologies for creating a dramatic mapping show on large and small theaters from the clothing studio.

15:20 - 16:20 Presentation: Unity of technology and art in collaboration with brands. RADUGADESIGN.

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1 *

MADMAPPER 3.0 - DMX lighting control system. Francois Wunshel (François Wunt)

Audience 2 *

TouchDesigner: Elementary mathematics. Ilya Dersev

Audience 3 *

Unreal Visual Orchestra / Unreal Visual Orchestra. Kuflex.

Audience 4 *

Laser projectors Outdoor Lasers in light design. Outdoor Lasers.

11:00 - 18:00 - demonstration of video collection with bright multimedia projects from around the world 2016-2017.

Conference hall

12:00 - 12:50 Discussion. Profession LED: Create an incubator geniuses.
Participants: Natalia Markevich (Sveodizainer, curator "Light Design" school march), Artem Voronov (co-founder of the Svetizaina MEI MEI MEI Light Lab), Natalya Bystryantseva (Higher School of Light Design of the University of ITMO) and Sergey Sizy (Member of the International Union of IALD LED, Founder and lead schools and studios LEDS LIDS).
Moderator - Vladimir Pavlovich Budak (Department of Lighting Engineering MEI)

13:20 - 14:00 Lecture: All art was modern. Marzia Lodi, European Design Institute (IED, Italy)

14:30 - 15:10 Lecture: from phantasmagoria to sensory reality? Olga Mink (Olga Mink, Netherlands)

15:20 - 16:20 Lecture: 1024 Architecture - from physical to intangible. Panorama of Studio Projects 1024 "

17:00 - 18:00 Discussion: Light orchestra - original lighting solutions for musical performances and events.

Participants: Roman Vakulak (Global Show Trade), Alexander Fuchs, Marina Larikova, Oleg thousandth and Pavel Gusev (True Light Crew), Moderator - Alexey Shcherbina

Small Hall

12:30 - 13:10 VideosEepping. Entertainment and efficiency. Ivan Gorokhov, Meshsplash

13:20 - 14:00 The opening ceremony "Expo 2017" in Astana. Anton Sakar (RakeTamedia)

14:30 - 15:10 Space ku. Kuflex.

15:20 - 16:20 Personality Behind the New Media. Natalia Bystryantseva (Higher School of Light Design of the University of ITMO, Russia)

Workshops and seminars

Audience 1 *

Mapping for complex objects. Dreamlaser.

Audience 2 *

Design and control of light installations using VDMX and Unity. Mikhail Grigoriev, Ilya Ryzhkov (Moon Park)

Audience 3 *

Visual effects and computing in VVVV. Julien Vulle (Mr. VUX, France), Ekaterina Danilova (IDWYR)

* - Pre-registration required, the number of places is limited

11:00 - 18:00 - demonstration of video collection with bright multimedia projects from around the world 2016-2017

KZ "World"

On September 24 at 20:00, the competitives of the best light-music teams will be held in the nomination "Wizheng" of the Competition Art Vyzhn. Each VJ has only 10 minutes in reserve to demonstrate its best video projects under the living Set of DJ. Who will make it better and creative? The reaction of the audience also affects the evaluations of the judges! Music support of the competition - DJ Artem Splash.