Chelyabinsk lakes with sandy beaches resting savages. Lake Chelyabinsk

In this article I want to tell about the salty lakes of the Chelyabinsk region, as not everyone is available to rest on the sea, and we have enough salty water and therapeutic mud enough for everyone.

You can choose as a comfortable stay on the database of recreation or sanatorium, or recreation "savage" in tents. A pleasant stay on the shore of the lake can be combined and with the ability to strengthen health. For this, it is only worth going on one of the salted lakes located in the Chelyabinsk region.

Why should you go?
This is a large (about 7 sq. Km) the lake is located in the smooth naughty steppe. It is famous not only to the title but also with its wonderful properties that help in the treatment of articular diseases, radiculitis and rheumatism. Highly mineralized, alkaline water with mineral mud favorably contribute to such a medicine. Therapeutic dirt has a dark gray, it is easily applied to the body sections, thanks to its good plasticity.
Going to the lake can be felt under the feet fairly smooth, a little or the bottom. South and South-West Bank are famous for their sandy beaches. West bank, on the contrary, is proud of its stony shore. But the northern and eastern shores almost completely thorough coastal cane.
Where is located?

Located in Chesmesky district, 10 km from Tarutino village towards south. You can also navigate to the buscock railway station. The lake is located 18 km southwest of it.

Sweet Lake

Why should you go?
It received its name due to the sweet taste, because of the impurities of soda in the composition of water. It is worth come here for a few days to strengthen immunity, improve the condition of the skin and hair.
Due to small sizes, the lake quickly warms up. Warm water with medicinal mud restores the body after long-term loads of everyday life. And the hydrogen sulfide air acts soothing. On one shore, a camp with tents is usually located, and on the other - the recreation center.
Our countryman Nikolai Pekshev removed a wonderful video review of the lake sweet.

Fisteers of fishing on this lake there is nothing to do, as there is no fish here. There are also no birds that love to settle in coastal reeds.
Where is located?
There is a lake with white shores in the Oktyabrsky district, 4 km from the village of Kocherdik.

Lake Gorky

Why should you go?
One of the most valuable medical lakes of the Urals is worth visiting, to maintain their own health, by increasing immunity. In general, this lake is recommended for water and mud. What and is engaged in the sanatorium "Ural", located in the Khomutinsky five-meter. This is a unique place as the lake is appreciated not only with its water, but also ferrous mineral mud.
Birch forest and natural springs, with the purest drinking water surrounding from all sides, only favorably affect the general condition of holidaymakers.
Where is located?

Transport accessibility, to such an excellent natural source of health, will only delight holidaymakers. It is located in an inlets of the area, just in a semi-kilometer from the village of Homutino, in the northeast direction. And from Yuzhnouralsk to him only 10 km.

Lake picking

Why should you go?
Pure transparent water of the lake and several types of clay (white, blue and yellow) every year attracts hundreds of tourists who want to relax from the city bustle and improve. Bathing in this lake undoubtedly helps in the treatment of rheumatism and various skin diseases. Due to increased alkalinity, water in the lake has become soft and very pleasant to swim. Sandy beaches are considered the most favorable bathing beaches that are located in the North and Northwest shores.
Also, near the lake, sources with mineral water were discovered, which actively began to be used for therapeutic purposes. I wonder what, in its composition, this water resembles the water of famous Essentukov. Look at the video taken about this glorious, but a small lake is selected.

On the shore, among the pine and birch forest, the Sanatorium "Ural" cozy.
Where is located?

There is this heavenly corner in the Uvetsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, near the village of Homutino. You can also navigate in Yuzhnouralsk. The lake is northeast of this city, 15 km away.

Lake Big Shahntropai.

Why should you go?
This reservoir is rich in black healing mineral mud. That very much in Soviet times was supplied to regional mud. Going on this lake It is worth remembering that therapeutic dirt is located in the depths of the lake. And the fact that is in the coastal zone is simply illuminated by therapeutic properties.
But the water in this lake has therapeutic properties. In clean and soft water, it is pleasant for a long time.

Where is located?
Lake is 65 km from Chelyabinsk, in the Etkulsky district. From the west side of the lake is located the village of Belousovo.

Chelyabinsk region is the edge of lakes and reservoirs: their number exceeds 3200. The most large lakes are Wildlows, Kischatch, Turgoyak and Fir. The reservoirs are also attributed to the number of large water bodies.

Careers in Chelyabinsk

Emerald and Blue

In the city, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe AMS, there were 2 picturesque careers - blue and emerald with popularity from the urban population. They are close to each other. They justify their names, as in the blue career water of heavenly color, but the swimming here is not too convenient and safely, since there are boulders of large sizes and the depth of the aquatic thickness is uneven. It is especially dangerous to jump from running into this quarry.

The emerald quarry is more popular than blue. The water has always been clean here, but from recently time the quarry began to overcome the reeds and the rich. Getting to these quarries is not so easy: from the transport stop "Furniture Factory" will have to go approximately 2 kilometers on foot through the hillocks and the cemetery. But the view of the career and the nearby nature opens just chic, so overcoming obstacles worth it!

The most popular lakes in the Chelyabinsk region


The very first place in beauty occupies in our area Zyuratkul National Park, which is located near the city of Satka Chelyabinsk region. The beauty of the landscapes and lake Zyuratkul is closely woven with monuments of various fabulous heroes. Near Zyuratkul is a park with real pirate ships and a nursery with reindeer and husky. Prak is open for visits all year round. A visit will cost approximately 1000 rubles (14 hours of excursion, transport there and back, medical insurance).


On the western side of Argayash district there is one of the largest reservoirs of the Chelyabinsk region - Argano reservoir. Especially this reservoir is popular with fishing lovers - they never come home empty. In addition, the reservoir is very picturesque: which side you would not arrive - the beauty will be everywhere. The lake is famous for crystal clear cold water. Even on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe Arganin reservoir, 45 islands are located.


In the city of Chebarkul, there is a very beautiful Lake Firova, on which "grown" a lot of recreation databases, children's pioneer and sanatoriums. The most popular places of recreation are: Sanatorium "Spruce", the recreation center "Ural Zori" and the children's camp "Forest Tale". The water in the lake is crystal clear: the bottom and fish can be seen, as well as vacationers often see otters that live only in pure water bodies.


Turgoyak is considered the coldest lake of the Southern Urals: the water is heated here only in mid-July, and only with very hot weather. But here is the cleanest air and an excellent hardening! On the shore there is a lot of recreation databases.


One of the largest lakes of the Southern Urals, located in the north of the Chelyabinsk region, its area is cursed by a variety of islands. On the outlines of the lake, Wildlings are like a pear, has a stony bottom. Water in summer warms up quite slowly due to the presence of underground springs, refers to the category of valuable water bodies in the degree of purity and saturation of oxygen.


Located in the south-east of Chelyabinsk and surrounded by residential neighborhoods (Leninsky district of Chelyabinsk, the village of Smolino), health and gardens. In recent years, the water volume of the lake has increased significantly - this is due to both the forces of nature and the technological impact - the lake is replenished with urban drains. Once the lake was very salty and there was no fish at all, the last measurements showed that now the water in it refers to the weakly saline.


Located in the northern part of the Chelyabinsk region, not far from the city of Vishnevogorsk. Formed as a result of erosion and tectonic processes. He has a winding coastline consisting of a plant. Coastline winding, forming several raw materials. The shores are sandy with a sandy bottom, and the rocky places with high shores. The main replenishment of the lake occurs due to underground sources.


In Kunashak district of the Chelyabinsk region, Lake Kalda spread out, it has a relatively small depth - the maximum mark of 7-8 meters. The shores and bottom of the lake sandy, the water is a little salty. Many leisure databases chose these picturesque shores.


Summer consists of several lakes. The largest and most famous of them is a big kiskoch, located in the Chebarkul district. Refers to environmental monuments. Water in the lake is very clean: you can see the bottom of the lake at a depth of 12 meters. On the entire lake, 12 Ostrivov, who chosen the seagulls and ducks. The lake of the lake is mostly stony, in the western part adjacent to the Ilmensky Reserve.


Lake Chebarkul is located close to Chebarkul. The greatest depth is 14 locors, the transparency of water is about 3 meters of depth, the bottom is sometimes with small pebbles. The coast is mostly gentle. There are several islands in the reservoir. The lake is also a fishing basis.

In the Chelyabinsk region there are more than three thousand reservoirs. Many of them are very beautiful, so it is not surprising that the urban residents for the weekend tend to go to the picnic, and at the same time afraid of fish. Fishing on the lakes of the Chelyabinsk region is good because there are many species of fish in the reservoirs, many of whom it is easy to catch. There are even sturgeon and salted.

Some fishermen do not like to pay for fishing. They are more interesting to buy fish on wild reservoirs themselves. It's more to taste paid fishing, as they do not like to sit in the thickets and fish, which may not get caught over the whole day. And those and other fishing in the Chelyabinsk region will like the lakes, since there are many good paid and free reservoirs.

Abatkul, Akakul, Atcul


A small reservoir whose coast has a cane. Basically, the hook comes with a crucian.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is about ten kilometers square. Depth of no more than three meters. The bottom is sandy, places or stone or stone. On the lake popular winter fishing. At Mermatku, perch, bream and pike. In the summer, fishing from the shore on spinning.


Pretty large lake area of \u200b\u200bmore than fifteen kilometers square. The reservoir is not too deep, the places of more than three meters of depth are incredible. Here it is quite convenient to fish, because the shore is gentle.

Catch on atculus, as a rule, from boats, but fishermen have a lot on the shore. Here you can catch a large carp. It is caught by bottom rods on bread or corn.

In addition to the carp, the atcule carries out:

  • crucian
  • zander;
  • chebak;
  • perch;
  • pike.

Buldym, Ither, Carasevo


The average depth is two or three meters. In the reservoir, karais, Gollyan, Rotan.


The area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is about thirty square kilometers. The depth is mostly not more than five meters, but in some places to sixteen. On the shore of Irshasha there are rental points of boats and catamarans from which you can catch the hesh, perch, roach, ias, nam, pike, cig.


The size of the reservoir is three per one and a half kilometers. Lake rowed reed, but in some sections of the coast there are good places for fishing. Here they catch both locals and guests of the region. Pike, Chebak, Golly, Karas, Karasøvo. According to the reviews of fishermen, there are often large copies on the hook.

Smoke, Turgoyan, Chebarkul


The lake is about three two kilometers size. The depth is small, up to five meters. It's not easy to catch here, since a lot of algae. But in the lake there are white Amur, Pike and Sig. And you can also catch a crucian, perch, carp.


Deep lake, places up to forty meters. In addition to Pescar and Yers, there are here:


Medium-sized lake. The depth is about seven meters, in places until thirteen. There are several islands on Chebarkula with which it is convenient to fish. Here is found:

  • perch;
  • crucian
  • roach;
  • tench;
  • carp;
  • zander;
  • pike;
  • ripus.

Paid lakes in the Chelyabinsk region are well adapted for successful catching. The reservoirs are regularly burled, so you can guarantee good specimens. In addition, paid reservoirs in the Chelyabinsk region are relatively inexpensive. For little money you can go fishing well.

Aydikul, Aktobe, Alabuga


The lake of the medium size, in the depth of five meters. On the shore of Aydikul there is a recreation center. Fish is caught both from the shore and on boats. In the lake there are:

  • crucian
  • perch;
  • pike.

Of the minuses: many people rest on the weekend on the Idikule, and sometimes find a good place for fishing is not easy.


The area is twenty kilometers square. Depth - four or five meters. The water is often burned, so large karasi, pikes, carps live here. And also gets across roach and sig. On the shore of the lake there is a recreation center.


The middle depth is five meters. On the shore of the reservoir there are houses for recreation. In the lake, valuable species of fish are found:

  • sturgeon;
  • sterlet;
  • trout.

And here you can catch a crucian, lina, carp, perch, pike, white Amur.

Baynaush, Kaldy, Tatysh


Lake Square - more than eight kilometers, depth - one and a half meters. Despite a small depth, a lot of fish here. Some lucky fishermen managed to catch carps here for three kilograms weighing. And also in Baydausha)

  • crucian
  • perch;
  • pel'l;

Good day Friends!

I thought about it: "I pay a little on the pages of your blog, I pay attention to traveling in my small homeland - the Southern Urals." This drawback must be urgently correct! After all, we have a lot of very beautiful places here - this is the famous Ural Mountains, caves, reserves and of course numerous lakes. Southern Urals is the edge of the lakes! We have them 3178! Large and small, deep and not very. All of them are beautiful, but of course about some of course it is worth mentioning separately.

Where to relax in the southern Urals, if we consider first of all the rest on the lake? In this article I want to make my own ranking of the best lakes of the Southern Urals and tell you about the most beautiful lakes of the Chelyabinsk region. This top 10 is my selection. That is, first of all, those lakes, which I consider the best in our territories and must advise you to visit all the guests of the Southern Urals there. Someone with such a selection may not agree. Well, then you can express your point of view in the comments, it is always welcome! In the meantime, I present to your attention the most beautiful lakes of the Southern Urals. TOP 10!

1. Wildlings.

Uvildy - Pearl of the Southern Urals! The most famous, popular and perhaps generally the best lake of the Southern Urals!

Located near the city of Kyshtyma, 80 km away. from Chelyabinsk. It has an area of \u200b\u200b7111 hectares, the average depth is 14 meters, and the greatest depth is 39 meters! In Uluda, there are always very transparent clean water, so this lake has always been a favorite beach holiday destination, fishing and underwater hunting. True, the water in the lake always slowly slows down due to considerable depths and cold underwater keys. Lake coastline is covered with beautiful pine forests. There are sandy beaches, which usually belong to the recreation bases.

Nowadays are very much built up with cottage villages and recreation databases of a different price category (mostly expensive in local rates!). However, despite strongly attached, on the shore and in the coastal forest there is practically no garbage. The cleanliness of the coastline is well monitored! There are practically no places for free camping.
I have come to place several times on the Uvilds on various recreation bases.


Beautiful lake, which is located near Miass. From Chelyabinsk, this is a little more than 100 kilometers, if you go along the road M5 Chelyabinsk-Moscow.

Turgoyak - a monument of nature, a very clean and deep enough lake! The transparency of water reaches 17 meters! By the transparency of water, Turgoyak takes 2nd place among all lakes of Russia! The average depth is about 19 meters, and the largest - 34 meters.

It is necessary to say that due to its beauty and purity, Lake Turgoyak has always been a very popular destination for tourists. There have always been a lot of recreation databases that are becoming more and more. Also the coastline is built up by cottages. For recreation "DICER" place is almost impossible to find. I would even say that there were no such no longer left, except for small sites with climbing shores, where it would not be possible to get to the water.

Walk on Lake Turgoyak:

3. Yelanchik.

Yelanchik is one of my favorite lakes in the southern Urals! Here I have experienced more than a dozen times, lived in a tent at the lake itself or rested on various recreation bases. Most recently, for example, for a couple of days, I got out with my family on Felon in, about which I wrote feedback in one of my past articles.

The lake is located 90 kilometers from Chelyabinsk, next to the M5 highway. From Miass and from Chebarkul to Elanchik to go about 10 kilometers.

Yelanchik is a shallow lake, the depth is on average about 4 meters, the maximum is 8 meters. From the northern side of the lake (on the part of the M5 highway), pine forests approach the lake, and from the south side (from the village of Sarafanovo) there are rather extensive areas on which there is not a single tree. In this place there is a sufficiently popular "wild beach", where so many holidaymakers come out that there is no way to fall apart!

I also like the northern part of the shore of the lake. There, of course, there are also many tourists in the "season", but still less than from the south side. Just because here it is much more difficult to get to the car. Some simply do not risk here to go, and walking through the forest is difficult, and you will not quit the car on the track.

Unfortunately, a lot of garbage is found in the places of "wild" rest of tourists along the coast. Here, no one removes him and the tourists themselves unfortunately growing up more and more.

Last years 7-8 The coastline of the lake began to store in cottage villages. Accordingly, the camping places have become less, but still, unlike the same Uvildov and Turgaska, you can still find many places where you can stay in the tent. For example, excellent.

Sunset on Lake Yelanchik:

4. Zyuratkul.

Stunningly beautiful Lake Zyuratkul is the most high mountain lake in the southern Urals. It is located at an altitude of 724 meters above sea level! It has a maximum depth of 12 meters, and the middle - 4 meters. Lake is located in the Satkinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, 208 kilometers go from Chelyabinsk here.

Water in Zyuratkul is very clean. The lake surrounds amazingly beautiful nature: mountain ranges and coniferous forests. Lake Zyuratkul is considered a monument of nature, it surrounds - this is one of the most visited places of southern Urals visited by tourists.

5. Big Kisa.

A very popular tourist lake of Big Kischatch, which is often called just kiskach. It is located near Lake Chebarkul and the city of the same name (about 5 km.). Accordingly, Chelyabinsk is about 75-85 kilometers depending on which side to get there.

The middle depth in the lake is 12 meters, the maximum is 33 meters. Very good water transparency - about 10 meters. The temperature of the water in the lake is very different depending on the depth, the difference can reach 12-14 degrees!

It has a very beautiful greasy zone covered with pine and birch forests. On the lake there are a lot of databases and sanatoriums, there is where to stay with a tent.

6. Argazi.

Arganin reservoir is the largest reservoir of the Chelyabinsk region. Its area is about 113 square meters. kilometers, average depth of 12 meters, and the largest - 18 meters. Transparency of water about 3 meters. Is about 80 kilometers from Chelyabinsk.

When the reservoir was created in the 40s of the last century, then during flooding, the Argazy lake was included in it, so so far this reservoir is called simply argazi.

Due to fluctuations in the water level in the reservoir, its level is not constant and therefore the coastline is constantly changing. For example, Argazi is very rapidly, but still remains the largest water branch.

Due to its size and extensive line of the coast, there is always where to stop with tents, there are several paid plates of beaches, recreation centers, and is also constructed by cottages at the very edge of the water.

Argazi surround the birch and pine forests, where there were always many mushrooms. I, though not an avid mushroommnik, but when I still decide to get out of the "quiet hunt," it will certainly go in the direction of the Argana reservoir. From here, without mushrooms, I will definitely not leave! Here is a post about one of my such trips :.

Arganin reservoir:

7. Chebarkul.

Because of the events that occurred on February 15, 2013, Lake Chebarkul became aware of the whole world. Now here you can often find tourists from all over Russia and from many other countries. I am talking about the famous Chelyabinsk meteorite, which exploded in the morning of February 15 over Chelyabinsk and fell into Lake Chebarkul, which is 80 km away. from the city of Chelyabinsk. On the eastern shore of the lake is the same city of Chebarkul.

Chebarkul - not a deep lake. The average depth is only 2.3 meters, the maximum is 12 meters.

Lake Chebarkul and to the fall of the meteorite was very popular with tourists, of course, mostly at the local. Not to say that the lake has some special unique beauty. However, the development of local tourist infrastructure, a large number of different recreation and sanatorium bases with a different price category and the availability of a lake for a tent recreation makes it one of the most popular lakes of the Chelyabinsk region. Now popularity adds meteorite.

8. Fir.

This small lake is just 1.5 kilometers from Lake Chebarkul. The average depth of 8 meters, the largest - 13.5 meters.

Spruce more than 46 years ago declared a monument of nature. It is difficult for words to convey the natural beauty of the lake and its coastal pine-birch and lime forests. Despite the small size of the lake, a lot of recreation databases and cottage villages are located across the coastline. You can find places for camping.

9. Calda.

Lake Kalda do not call some very beautiful. It does not surround pine forests and mountains, it does not differ and the perfect purity of water. But in my list of the best lakes of the Southern Urals, Kalda can take a worthy place.

The thing is that this lake has a very comfortable coastline for swimming, it is good to stop with tents. There are several sandy beaches. In addition, the Kalda has always been a good fishing and crayled. That is, thus we can say that Kalda combines all the advantages of a good summer holiday near the lake.

Calda is a flat lake. Accordingly, it has a small depth, on average it is 3 meters, and maximum - 7 meters. From Chelyabinsk to Lake Kalda, it is necessary to drive in the city of Yekaterinburg, a distance of about 55 kilometers.

Along the entire coastline of the lake there is a lot of recreation databases of a very different price category. For example, some databases can be accommodated for 500-600 rubles for the summer 2-seater house without amenities, and you can rent a chic cottage for 30000-40000 rubles per night of living!

Photos of Lake Calda from Personal Archive:

Such cradies are found in Lake Kalda:

10. Small Miass.

A very beautiful lake Small Miasso is located about 62 kilometers from the city of Chelyabinsk. It is connected with a small strait with a lake a large Miass, but small Miass despite its name more in size. The maximum depth reaches 7.5 meters, the water is very clean and transparent (transparency of about 7 meters).

Small Miassa can be included in the best lakes of the Southern Urals primarily due to its natural beauty, which has not yet suffered so much from the hands of a person, such as the nature of Lake Turgoyak or Uvildy. Surprisingly, on the shores of small miass, there are practically no cottages and very few databases. Accordingly, many places where you can stay with a tent.

On the lake there are several islands. The most popular is the "Island of Love". Lovely couples from the student recreation "Parus" lovers love him to swim on the boats, where I loved to relax in the summer holidays during my student. True, sometimes this island will pay off holidaymakers "wild" tourists, live there in tents for several weeks and fish.

Lake inhabitants Small Miass:

Here is such a rating of the best lakes of the Southern Urals. I repeat, this is not some generally accepted list of the most beautiful lakes. This is a purely my selection in which I told you about those lakes who like me more than others for one reason or another.

Of course, I have not been to all 3178 lakes of the Chelyabinsk region, so I will not succeed in comparing them, but I didn't want to do this. The main goal was to show you the beauty of the Southern Urals, the beauty of its many lakes! So come to us for the South Ural, waving to the lake on fishing or kebabs with a tent!

Well, everyone, so far! And do not forget to subscribe to blog updates, so as not to miss the output of the new interesting articles!

Holidays in Chelyabinsk lakes are still difficult to attribute to the main tourist destinations of domestic tourism. Nevertheless, the development prospects for regional tourism is very good. The recreational potential of the nature of the Southern Urals is quite high, and the Administration of the Chelyabinsk region has been made a lot in recent years for its successful implementation. In the Chelyabinsk lakes, many guests take annually, new modern tourist infrastructure facilities are being built and designed.

About alternative tourist destinations

Summer holidays is made to wait with impatience. For many, it does not think without air flights towards beach resorts and conjugate financial costs. Only here there is no one who has no money. And, unfortunately, not everyone is known about the alternative directions of summer travel, one of the options of which can be a vacation in Chelyabinsk lakes. A visit to the South Ural can become not only a source of new bright tourist impressions, but also significant savings for the family budget. Naturally, for a visit to this region of the Russian Federation will not require issuance of visas: neither Schengen or any other. And the expressiveness of the nature of the Southern Urals is able to compete with the mountain Switzerland, and with Saxony, and with Pyrenees.

On southern urals

Despite numerous jokes from the Internet about the severity of Chelyabinsk morals, the climate in the southern Urals is fully accustomed to the middle strip person. This means that rest in Chelyabinsk lakes does not require the acclimatization period. In the summer in the south even warmly than in the middle lane of Russia. Chelyabinsk lakes, as a rule, are located in the basins between the mountain slopes, which have crumbled mixed coniferous-deciduous forests. The foothills of the Urals are very picturesque and expressive at any time of the year, but the best in this region is still resting in the summer. The service infrastructure for the maintenance of tourists to the proper extent is not yet everywhere, but for many it is attractive for the "vacation". In Chelyabinsk lakes, opportunities for this are more than enough.

What should pay attention to

As you know, the Southern Urals is a region with a developed heavy industry, which cannot but affect the negative way in the environment. This circumstance should be considered, planning rest in Chelyabinsk lakes. Reviews of those who have already visited the Southern Urals will help you to correctly make plans for vacation and correct them if you need if you are presented to convincing arguments.

Rest in Chelyabinsk lakes involves a wide selection of routes and options. It should be noted that the eastern foothills of the Ural Range, where major tourist attractions are located, are separated from industrial facilities with significant geographic distances. This contributes to environmental well-being in these territories. And, of course, we should not forget that the well-being of nature depends not only on the availability of industrial enterprises, therefore, the principle should be followed: everything should remain in the forest and the reservoir as it was before your appearance.

In accordance with individual preferences

Organized rest is quite accessible to an ordinary tourist in the price parameters and pleasantly surprises the possibility of choosing from a variety of options. There are quite a lot of tourist bases in the region, some of them take guests even throughout the winter season, temporarily repurchase into ski centers. And one of the most important moments forcing potential tourists to choose rest in Chelyabinsk lakes - prices. They are pleased with their availability. The prevailing segment of temporary housing surrenders in price criteria should be attributed to the economy class. But it does not at all mean the lack of more expensive apartments on the coast of the Ural lakes. They can also be used on rates that are much lower than in other tourist regions.

For the main category of tourists, the so-called "wild holiday" is attractive. In Chelyabinsk lakes, there is everything necessary for him (the exception is only a few specially protected protected areas, where the entrance for the "savages" is limited). But you should be prepared for the fact that in some places you may require a fee for the opportunity to drive up to the shore on our own transport. Each harass to choose a rest style in accordance with its individual preferences.

Lake Uvildy

Reliefing their eyes to the natural tourist attractions of the Southern Urals, first of all, it is customary to talk about Lake Uda. And this is completely justified, because we are talking about one of the most expressive corners of the Ural Nature. Lake Uvildy has a large area of \u200b\u200bthe water surface and at the same time characterized by a significant sliced \u200b\u200bof the coastline, which means the presence of numerous bays and bays, convenient to stop when traveling water and land. In the northern part of the reservoir there are many islands of different magnitude. Their names are notable in that they transmit characteristic signs of vegetation or other distinctive features: alder, birch, ledid, beech, spruce, breakdown.

Lake Uvildy is well known far beyond the Urals region. People come here from afar, often even from outside the Russian Federation. Among other things, the attractiveness of the lake is due to the properties of its water. It has long been noticed that, due to its unique salt composition, it has healing invalid properties. That is why on the shores of Lake Uwords, except for numerous tourist bases and children's summer camps, there are magnificent health resorts.

The most popular recreation centers are here - "Zarya", "Birch", "Red Stone", "Seagull" and "Amber". The cost of day stay fluctuates from 250 ("Zarya") to 750 rubles per day. The three-time difference in the price level involves a different level of comfort. In contrast to others, positive, some negative reviews are about the recreation center "Birch". Tourists complain about antisanitia in the rooms and on the territory, as well as the rudeness of the staff.

Lake Turgoyak

This unique reservoir is often called "the younger brother of Baikal." Since the maximum mark of its depth reaches 40 m, he, of course, cannot compete with it. But Lake Turgoyak is quite comparable to Baikal for the purity and transparency of water, along the steepness of its shores. A wide fame in the tourist circles gives the lake located near his West Bank is the island of faith. Up to the beginning of the twentieth century, it was a solitary Old Believer Skit. In addition, the coast of Lake Turgoyak places a large number of archaeological monuments. Tourist bases are located from the lake at some distance. Basically, "Wild Recreation" is practiced on its shores. There are enough places in Chelyabinsk lakes in order to arrange a tent on them, but Turgoyak is considered the "Pearl of the Ural". Recreation bases located nearby - "Silver Sands", "Trout", "Crystal". Prices for accommodation in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Turgoyak are relatively high. They start from 1800 rubles a day. But the conditions of comfort in tourist houses correspond to the declared figures. Reviews for forums about recreation HC these places are exceptionally complimentary and thankful.

Lake Zyuratkul

This is the most remote from the center of the water-free Lake Zyuratkul located on the western slope of the Ural Range. Surrounded by mountain slopes, Lake Zyuratkul is part of the eponymous National Park. Such status provides environmental purity and reservoir itself, and the surrounding area. On the coast, the tourist infrastructure has been established, which involves the possibility of choice. You can stay in the houses on the shore, with all amenities, and in a nearby Tenting town.

Tourist base on Lake Zyuratkul focused on family vacation. Recently, the premium cottages have been taken by guests. Stay in the status of "Saviar" on these shores is not welcome. Standing should be stopped at the recreation bases "Heavenly Lake", "House of the Taytik" and "Zyuratkul". The price list here begins with 500 rubles a day. Tourist feedback - exceptionally positive.

Lake Big Kisa

This reservoir is equally attractive as for lovers of "wild" rest in tents on a picturesque coast, and for those who prefer comfortable habitat in the houses of the tourism. Lake Bolshoi Big Kefs has a significant depth, water in it is characterized by purity and transparency. The water level is susceptible to significant seasonal fluctuations, which leads to changes in the coastline. In the water area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir there are twelve large islands. This is a very good place for both water sports and fishing lovers. In winter, there are many lovers of birth ride on the ice of the lake. You can stay here on the site of the recreation "Squirrel", in the hotel and individual cottages near the Sanatorium "Kisagach". The minimum cost is 1000 rubles per day. Reviews - Positive.

Lake Firovoy

This is not very large in the area of \u200b\u200bthe water, its opposite shore is visible almost from any point. But it has transparent water and picturesque shores, crumpled thick coniferous forests. This makes him a favorite place of recreation of residents of the regional center and attracts tourists from other regions on its shores. On the shores of Lake Spruce there are such popular objects of tourist infrastructure, as the sanatorium "Pine Hill" and "Firovaya", recreation centers "Forest Tale" and "Ural Dawns". Firefully go here and tourists who do not want to stop anywhere in addition to their own tents on the shore. The influx of those who want to relax on Lake Elov every year increases. Therefore, wishing to find silence and privacy is best to choose another route. The cost of living in the recreation bases in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Firovaya begins from 1,500 rubles a day. Tourist feedback predominate positive.

Lake Itkul

In the north of the Chelyabinsk region there is such a popular tourist object, as this hydrological monument of the Ural nature differs from other Chelyabinsk lakes that the water in it is cold even in the midst of the summer season. This is due to the action of cold key sources at the bottom of the reservoir. Therefore, only those who are familiar to low temperatures can be calculated on the swimming in Lake Yevkul.

The most famous tourist object on the yawl is the so-called bizarre geological formation is located near the southeastern shore of the reservoir. Shaitan-stone in ancient times was a cult destination for the patients inhabited by the Urals. Here came the shamanist rites and sacrifices. From the databases of the rest here is known only "Village Aracul". This is 6 guest houses. Each rental cost is 5000 rubles. per day. Those who stayed in them respond about the recreational database positively.