Myths of the Mariana Islands. Enigmatic Mariana Islands on the map Opening hours of institutions, shops and museums

Perhaps one of the most mysterious places on a map of the Earth – Mariana Islands. This is a place that is sometimes considered one of the best remaining mystical corners of America and which attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists with its unique nature and many historical sites.

Mariana Islands on the world map

Distance of the Mariana Islands from " big land» makes them a unique place, where an atmosphere of peace and absolute carefree reigns. Real paradise for lovers of magnificent panoramas, unique sunsets and crystal clear air.

Where are they located?

The Mariana Islands are a small Island state, whose territory covers 15 islands of the archipelago of the same name. They are located at the western tip of the Pacific Ocean, in a region called Micronesia.

Most travelers come here in search of solitude from the noise of big cities and in order to see with their own eyes the monuments from the time of the “Battle of Pacific Ocean"during the Second World War.

The islands of the archipelago are located in such a way that they form two chains with a total length of more than 700 kilometers.

Due to the characteristics of its geographical location The Mariana archipelago does not have clear boundaries with neighboring states. To the south of it are Caroline Islands (Federated States Micronesia). The conditional natural boundary separating the Philippine Sea from the Pacific Ocean passes at the location of the Mariana Islands.


Mariana Archipelago consists of two chains located from the north and south. In the northern chain, most of the islands are cones formed as a result of volcanic activity, over 900 meters high. It is noteworthy that some of them are small active volcanoes. The islands in the southern chain are partly volcanic in nature and partly formed by corals.

The nature of the Mariana Islands is typical for the tropical region; there are many places where no one has set foot. The coral reefs of the Mariana Islands amaze with their splendor and fantastic forms, and deepest place on the planet - 11 km Mariana Trench is located just a few tens of kilometers from the archipelago.

The coastal waters abound with fish, the beaches stretch for thousands of meters, and the rich undersea world it strives to show all its splendor to lovers of diving and snorkeling.


The climate of the Mariana Islands is characterized as humid, tropical ocean.

average temperature air during the day fluctuates at around +28/+33 degrees Celsius, and at night it drops only a few degrees to +23/+25 degrees.

Humidity quite high and reaches 75-85%. Two seasons are clearly distinguished: from to to the windy season begins in this area, and from to to the time of typhoons begins.

How to get there from Russia?

The easiest way to get here is from some countries in Asia (, Japan, South Korea) or from , therefore among vacationers on Mariana Islands prevail Japanese And Americans.

Due to the great remoteness of the Mariana Islands from no direct flights in this direction.

To the airport of the main island of the archipelago – Saipan– can be reached by plane of Asian airlines. Transfers for flights in this direction are made in Shanghai, Tokyo or. The duration of such a flight will be about 16 hours, and this does not take into account flight connections.

Select plane tickets using this search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date, number of passengers.

State structure

Picturesque coral reefs, offshore fishing opportunities, surfing and diving are all available in abundance today. But not all the time life seemed like a fairy tale to the residents of the Mariana Islands.


The development of the Northern Mariana Islands occurred many centuries ago - around 500 AD the first settlers appeared here - Chamorro tribes, having some kinship with the modern peoples of Polynesia. They were experienced sailors, actively explored the Pacific islands and left behind memorable signs - the famous “latte” stones, the height of which could reach 6 meters.

It is curious that some historians see in the latte stones some analogy with the mysterious statues of Easter Island.

European influence on the Mariana Islands began thanks to the legendary navigator Ferdinand Magellan, who was the first European to discover these lands during circumnavigation in 1521. On his ship he passed through the southern group of islands of the archipelago and named them "Isla de los Ladrones", which translated meant “Islands of Thieves.”

The name was changed to "Las Marianas" in the middle of the 17th century, when the Spanish priest Luis Diego Sanvitores, who found himself in these parts, named them in honor of Queen Anna Maria of Austria.

In 1668, missionaries of the Jesuit order, led by Sanvitores, organized the first mission on the islands, with the advent of which between local population and European colonists began conflicts. The war lasted two decades and resulted in the removal of most of the natives to the island of Guam.

In the 19th century resettlement has begun Spaniards and settlers from the Caroline Islands came to the Mariana Islands, and gradually began to show interest in the archipelago. In 1899, Spain sold the Northern Mariana Islands to the German government, which hoped to organize the industrial production of coconut pulp here. However, these plans were adjusted by the outbreak of the First World War, and Japan, which turned out to be stronger and more interested, captured the islands.

The Japanese began to grow sugar cane on the islands, cutting down rainforests and thickets of coconut palms. In the 1930s, Mariana cane plantations guaranteed the lion's share of Japan's profits.

Dramatic events unfolded in the archipelago area during the years Second World War, when the archipelago became the site for one of the fiercest and bloodiest battles in the Pacific basin. In the summer of 1944, US armed forces landed on the coast of Saipan and simultaneously attacked the Japanese flotilla.

Thousands of soldiers from both armies became victims of the battle, but the civilian population of the islands suffered the maximum damage.

Subsequently, the United States set up a military airfield here, which was destined to go down in history. It was from this base that two heavy bombers took to the skies, dropping atomic charges on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With the end of the war, peace came to the islands, they were subject to the United Nations, and since 1947 they have been under US influence.


The Mariana Islands are a self-governing community. Since 1986, the status of a state has been in force, "freely joined" to the United States, thanks to which the islands gained local self-government. United States trusteeship ended in 1993. The state and government are simultaneously headed by a governor elected by the population.

Valid on the islands representative presidential democratic system. The main person in the state is the governor. The Mariana Islands are in a political union with the United States, and general funds are administered by a special department within the US Department of the Interior.


The population of the Mariana Islands archipelago is approximately 700 thousand people. Among them are representatives different nationalities:

  1. The vast majority of residents are representatives Filipino — 34%;
  2. Nationality takes second place Chamorro -30%;
  3. On the third Chinese — 12%;
  4. Bringing up the end of the list Micronesians — 8%;
  5. And people from Caroline Islands — 5%.

In addition, on the islands of the archipelago live Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Australians.

Religion and language

The official language of the Commonwealth is English. In second place is language of the Chamorro people, and also an important role is assigned Caroline, Filipino, Japanese, Korean And Chinese languages.

In the Mariana Archipelago, representatives of each religious group have their own organization and premises for performing rituals.

Main religious movements:

  • Catholicism;
  • Protestantism;
  • Islam;
  • Local religions and cults.

There are numerous activities here sects, ranging from Mormons to Seventh-day Adventists.

Map of the Mariana Islands with cities

Of the 17 islands of the archipelago, only 4 are inhabited: Saipan, Tinian, Rota and Guam.


The capital of the Mariana Islands is city ​​of Susupe, which is located on the island of Saipan. It is very popular among tourists from Japan, who come here in large numbers.

Susupe attracts with its unhurried, measured rhythm, the absence of cataclysms and shocks, which is so important for modern people.

In Susupa you can enjoy the warm summer all year round and completely forget about all your worries.

Big cities

  • The largest city in the archipelago is Garapan, located in the western part of the island of Saipan. Most of the administrative buildings on the islands are concentrated here. The city is unique in that its borders are not clearly defined, and in almost everything west coast The island is lined with a chain of small villages and residential buildings surrounded by farms and lush gardens.
  • Big village Songsong- the largest settlement on the island of Rota. It is located in the southwestern part of the island. The usual city rules do not apply here - residents cope just fine without traffic lights and shopping centers. At almost every step here you can see all kinds of stones, which are used not only for construction, but also serve as markings.
  • City Hagatna is the administrative center of the island of Guam. It lies on a narrow isthmus separating the Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The city was founded in 1668 by the Spaniards, who created the first Jesuit mission on the island. Here you can admire beautiful landscapes and vibrant historical monuments.

Watch an educational video about the Mariana Islands:

Mariana Islands- A group of islands located in the western Pacific Ocean, in Micronesia. Include 15 large islands(Guam, Rota, Saipan, Tinian, etc.).

The climate is tropical. The average temperature in January is +23+26°C, in July - +27°C. The islands are located in the Pacific typhoon belt, which usually pass here from August to December. The wettest months are July-October, the dry season is from December to May. Precipitation is 1800-2100 mm.


Ferdinand Magellan passed South America and went out into the Pacific Ocean. The most difficult part of the journey lay before him. Although he didn’t know it, he had to cross the largest ocean in the world at the widest place! In the winter of 1520-1521, in four months he sailed 11 thousand kilometers in the open ocean. Supplies ran low and the team had to boil leather belts. Finally, Magellan's fleet reached the islands located approximately 1,900 kilometers south of Japan.

On the islands, Magellan replenished food supplies, but he was angered by the theft of the natives. Those, seeing the things of the Europeans, could not resist, so Magellan named the islands Ladrones, that is, the Islands of Thieves.

In 1667, a group of missionaries was sent to the same islands. They were sent by the Queen of Spain, who at that time was regent for her young son. The queen's name was Mariana; Having reached the islands, the missionaries renamed them in honor of the queen. Since then the islands have been called Mariana.

In 1898, after the Spanish-American War, Spain ceded to the United States the island on which Magellan had landed - Guam, the largest and southernmost island in the entire Mariana archipelago. The following year, Spain sold the remaining islands to Germany. After World War I, defeated Germany gave its possessions to Japan, and after World War II, defeated Japan ceded the islands to the United States.

South of the Mariana Islands is an archipelago consisting of almost a thousand tiny islands scattered across the vast Pacific Ocean. The Portuguese were the first to discover them, but in 1686 the islands were annexed to Spain by the Spanish navigator Francisco Lazeano. He named the Caroline Islands in honor of Charles II of Spain. Charles II was the son of that same Queen Mariana. He grew up, although he was mentally retarded. The Caroline Islands also went to Germany, then to Japan, and then to the United States.

Sights of the Mariana Islands

Saipan Island part of the Mariana archipelago. In 1521, during the first trip around the world the island was discovered by Fernando Magellan. At first the island belonged to the Spanish colonialists. Then in the 19th century the islands were ceded to Germany, which brought hired Japanese to Saipan for agricultural work. Soon the Japanese colonized the Pacific, including Saipan. Today Saipan is under the protectorate of the United States of America.

There are plenty of attractions on the island and its surroundings: Suisad cliff, Saint Lourdas, Banzai cliff, Bird Island, Last command post, Calabera cave.

Saipan Island is the most visited in the entire archipelago. Most interesting place on Saipan -

Grotto, a natural cave with underground lakes up to 15 meters deep. The Grotto is a natural limestone cave with an underwater exit into the sapphire waters of the Pacific Ocean. Three underwater tunnels connect the cave with the open sea. The cave looks like the gaping mouth of a large whale. The Grotto underwater cave in the north of Saipan is declared by scuba diving specialists to be the second place in the world for its beauty.

Banzai Cliff located on top of Mount Marpi in northern Saipan. From a height of 249 m above sea level, the cliff offers an amazing view of the plateau at the foot and the ocean. At the end of the Battle of Saipan, to avoid being captured by the Americans, Japanese soldiers and the local Japanese population committed mass suicide there. People, jumping onto the rocks into the boiling sea, shouted “Banzai”, paying their last respects to the emperor and imperial Japan. Today, a Buddhist statue and memorial have been erected on this site in memory of those who died.

Top of Mount Tapochao- the highest point of the island. Its height is 473 m above sea level. The mountain occupies a dominant position in the center of the island. Tapochao offers a 360-degree panorama. From here you can see the entire island at once and feel its beauty. At the top there is a statue of Jesus Christ looking down onto the island. The top of the mountain is an excellent shooting point for photographers.

Chamoli village located in the Garapan shopping center area. Built according to the rules of ancient Chamorran and Caroline villages, this village introduces tourists to local life and arts. Guests can try peeling coconuts, painting with banana stamps, making coconut oil and local sweets, as well as making Saipan beads, weaving a tropical wreath, hat or basket. There is also something for men here - to trim a real canoe and even try it in the island's lagoon. Here you can watch a Chamolin dance show, enjoy a barbecue and play local traditional games on the beach.

Bird Island got its name because of the seabirds that build their nests here. Co observation deck this reserve offers a charming view of a small bay with sandy beach, home to the white sea swallow, kingfisher and sea turtles.

American Memorial Park was opened in 1994 to honor the 3,000 American soldiers who died in the battles of Saipan and Tinian during World War II. But it's not only memorial Complex. The park also became the venue for island festivals and active rest. Activities include swimming, surfing, softball, running and tennis.

Saipan Botanical Garden occupies an area of ​​30,000 m2. It presents about 2,000 species of tropical plants - from fruits to rare exotic flowers. Here, during your visit, you can try coconut, papaya, mango, avocado, guava, star apple, and citrus fruits. Flower lovers will be inspired by the plants and trees that bloom all year round. One of the garden's attractions are green iguanas and tropical lizards.

Sanctuary of Our Lady. Legend claims that this place was revealed to a German priest in a divine vision during the Spanish rule. Later, Christians who came here to pray erected a statue of Our Lady. Near the altar under open air is the only spring on Saipan fresh water, called “the holy water of Our Lady.” Indigenous people believe in the miraculous healing properties of the water from this spring. During World War II, this place was the only one that escaped bombing.

Cuisine of the Mariana Islands

The cuisine of the Mariana Islands combines French, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and Thai culinary traditions.

The locals' favorite drink is coconut wine." tuba".

Among national dishes worth noting: all kinds of flatbreads; fried bananas; "lemai" - small slices of breadfruit fried in oil; all kinds of legumes; various salads; pies (especially good options with shellfish and shrimp); pancakes with meat and seafood fillings; rolls.

The hallmark of the cuisine of the Mariana Islands are sauces and seasonings that can change the taste of any product beyond recognition.

Sauce " kelagen" - a mixture of well-ground coconut with vinegar, palm oil, various spices and other ingredients. Meat in this sauce is baked, stewed, fried on coals or barbecued.

Many local dishes cannot do without sauce" finadeni" - a mixture of soy sauce, green onions, lemon juice and red pepper. This sauce is especially good in combination with soups and rice. In it, cooks marinate beef, poultry and pork, which are then fried over a fire.

Simple but very satisfying soups deserve special attention: “sutang-hu” - a hearty soup of poultry and rice; "atolin-mais" - thick stew; "chalakilis" is a soup made from poultry, onions, cloves, rice and coconut milk.

Concerning meat dishes, then they are quite traditional, and appetizing sauces give them a local flavor. Popular dishes include: fried beef or lamb ribs; " haole" - fried beef; baked chicken; venison with sauce; pork chops with young taro leaves and many other colorful dishes.

There is a lot of different seafood on the local table. Be sure to try dishes such as: “la-jo” - mussels with beans; white fish in vinegar; "capricorn fish"; the favorite dish of the islanders “a la Chamorro” is spicy fish; oyster and shrimp pies; shark fins.

Mariana Islands, or to be more precise - the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI - Commonwealth of Northern Mariana Islands) - a small island state in Micronesia, in the western part Quiet ocean. The ridge consists of 15 islands of volcanic origin, the largest of which Saipan, Thinyan And Company. However, only 14 islands belong to the Commonwealth, and the fifteenth is the island Guam, the largest and southernmost of Marianas islands, is considered a separate territory belonging to USA, which they received as a war trophy back in 1898. The islands form two chains - Northern And Southern, stretching in the ocean for almost 650 km.

South of the Commonwealth Marianas islands borders Caroline islands that are under trusteeship and lie 1100 km from the island Company, to the east – Marshall's islands, in the west - , to the north and northwest is located. To the east of the islands is located, perhaps, the most important local geographical landmark, familiar to everyone from school geography lessons - Mariana Trench, depth 11,775 meters.

Saipan - main island state, located approximately 2660 km east of Manila; 2730 km north of Port Moresby ( Papua New Guinea) , 5980 km west of Honolulu (Hawaii Islands, USA) and approximately 80 km northeast of the island Guam (USA). There are no cities on the islands in the usual sense, and even the populated areas cannot be called urbanized. After all, even an island Saipan, With administrative centers Susupe And Goropan occupy an area of ​​only 120 sq. km.

The tourists here are dominated by the ubiquitous and demanding Japanese and Koreans. They really know a lot about quality service. They come here in tens of thousands every month, especially during the Japanese days. Golden week or at New Year . This is explained by the fact that from Tokyo or from Seoul before Saipan the flight is about three and a half hours. AND official language Here, it seems, it’s English, and the currency is the dollar USA, but still at times you can’t shake the impression that these islands are almost Japanese or Korean - this is how the presence of Asian tourists is felt here. There are many restaurants with Japanese names that are willing to accept payment and Japanese yen and Korean won, and hotel staff readily respond in both Korean and Japanese.

More recently the newspaper "Saipan Tribune" wrote about how one Japanese doctor named Hiroyuki Maida, who has been coming to the Saipan from Tokyo, arrived on the island for the hundredth anniversary. To the question: “Why?” - he laughs and replies that on his very first visit here he fell in love with Saipan and now he likes it here just as much as ten years ago.

Tourists from Russia here in the overwhelming minority, although they appear here perhaps more often than other Europeans. And they are starting to like it here too. And everyone has their own reasons for this. Diving enthusiasts, for example, may be tempted by the beauty Grotto- a natural cave with underground lakes up to 15 meters deep and tunnels to open sea. Here you can also dive to the sites of World War II plane crashes in the harbor Tanapag, to the caves and breeding grounds of conger eels in the area Obyan Beach, as well as to huge coral massifs near the coast in the area. But for snorkeling the best place on Saipan- island Managaha, on Tignane- beach Tachona, and on Company - Corell Gardens, coral gardens in the bay Sasanaya. If you have never dived before, then Saipan Russian dive guides will teach you everything you need.

For those tourists who are far from and unfamiliar with diving, masks, snorkels and scuba gear, Marianas the islands will also be very good. This perfect place for both relaxing and active holidays. There are a huge number of bicycle and walking routes. On Saipan main route - trail Laderana Tangka through the forest Marpi Commonwealth. There is a wonderful route along the banks Cummer And Taga south of San Jose on Tignane.

Other recreational options include windsurfing, which is extremely popular here (the best place is the beach Micro on Saipan), tennis, golf and short snorkeling excursions in the lagoon between Saipan and the island Managaha, where you can see at the bottom of the sea, in addition to its many inhabitants, traces of the crashes of Japanese ships or American bombers "Superfortresses" B-29. Don't forget to take your driver's license with you when traveling around scenic roads anywhere on the island.

A beach holiday here is pure pleasure. One of the favorite places for tourists is the island Managaha, which is located half an hour by boat from Saipan(round-trip ticket 50USD). It's best to spend the whole day here. The island is small, quiet and cozy. The entire beach is clean white sand, no algae or shells. You can rent sun loungers and a mask with a snorkeling tube (15USD) and swim, look at the underwater world... There are a huge number of various inhabitants of the seabed here, of all shapes and colors, and completely unafraid - many of them can easily be touched with your hands, and if you offer If they have some kind of delicacy, they will happily eat from your hands... And when you get hungry, numerous restaurants, many located in the shade of palm trees, will offer you dishes for every taste.

Local population - Chamorro. Smiling, welcoming and friendly. They smile not because it is necessary to do so out of politeness, but simply because the smile reflects their state of mind. Characteristic features of local etiquette include an almost Japanese reluctance to refuse a guest or a fear of upsetting him with his refusal. Therefore, there are often situations of complete misunderstanding, since a local resident can easily give the advice that he believes will not upset the tourist, but not the one that corresponds to reality. At the same time, a certain Asian “obsequiousness” is striking, which, however, does not go beyond the framework of the usual caring attitude towards tourists. And at the same time, in some regions, especially on the outer islands, the influence of the old traditions of the indigenous inhabitants of the islands is noticeable, with numerous taboos and ceremonies. In most places visited by tourists, the rules are quite European, and you don’t have to worry about any difficulties in communicating with local residents.

Nature and Climate

If you ask a local resident what kind of Saipan If the weather happens, you won’t hear many and lengthy explanations. The weather is either good or very good all year round. Mostly very good. That is, it is when it is warm, regardless of the time of year +27+30 degrees in the shade. Clear skies, blue ocean and water temperature +26 degrees. And good weather differs from very good weather in that it is only a couple of degrees lower.

It is worth noting that sometimes the islands are hit by typhoons that originated in the vast Quiet ocean. But even these typhoons did not stop us from taking Saipan worthy place in Guinness Book of Records for the world's most stable weather and temperature.

The sun here is very hot and the level of solar radiation is very high, so it is recommended to wear sunglasses, hats and light protective clothing, which should not be avoided when swimming, especially in the first days after arrival - a thin layer of water does not protect against ultraviolet radiation at all.

Do not underestimate the danger of tidal currents - when passing through the cracks and narrowness of the reefs, they form quite powerful eddy currents that can seriously complicate swimming. Unaccustomed swimmers should be careful in the ocean surf, because even a slight wave of up to two forces generates intense rollback waves that can make it very difficult to go ashore.

Many of the shores, covered with coral rubble and volcanic rocks, are quite difficult to walk and require strong shoes. Also, special requirements for shoes and clothing are imposed when visiting caves, in which ideally smooth sections of rocks are periodically replaced by characteristic limestone “brushes” with rather sharp edges.

Currency Exchange and Banking

The national currency is the US Dollar (USD). The exchange rate fluctuates in accordance with changes in the financial market.

There are 100 cents in one US dollar. In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 dollars, as well as coins in denominations of 1 dollar, half dollar (50 cents, half dollar) and quarter dollar (25 cents, quarter) and denominations of 5 and 1 cent.

Almost everywhere Japanese yen and Korean won are accepted for payment.

Tourist checks in dollars are accepted everywhere. USA, and it is absolutely not necessary to visit a bank branch, since most hotels, restaurants and large stores cash them out on the spot. If you are going to visit small islands during your trip, we recommend that you stock up on the necessary amount of cash in advance.

Bank branches are open from Monday to Thursday, from 10.00 to 15.00, on Fridays - from 10.00 to 18.00. Some bank offices on outlying islands may operate on their own schedule.

ATMs and Credit Cards
All major international credit cards of common payment systems are accepted everywhere: VISA, Master Card, Diners Club, American Express. On remote islands you may encounter problems when trying to pay for something with a plastic card, because often small private shops simply do not accept card payments. Most hotels, restaurants, car rental agencies and diving centers on Saipan, Tinyan And Company They accept plastic cards for payment. ATMs can be found in bank branches and large shopping centers.

VAT and Tax-Free
When paying for services in hotels, a hotel tax of 10% is charged. There are no other commercial taxes, including VAT.

Customs and Passport Control

The import and export of national (USD) or any other foreign cash currency, as well as checks, including travel, debt and securities are allowed. Imported cash exceeding the equivalent of 10,000 USD is subject to mandatory declaration. Products made of gold and precious stones are subject to mandatory declaration.

Import prohibited Mariana islands of drugs, stimulants, psychotropic substances, anabolic steroids and growth hormones, amphetamines, erythropoietin, barbiturates, hallucinogens and some other medications.

The transportation of weapons is strictly regulated: firearms, pneumatic, bladed and sports weapons (including nunchucks, bows and crossbows, slingshots, switchblades and folding knives), as well as ammunition for them and parts of weapons, which requires appropriate certificates and licenses issued by the office of the General prosecutor CNMI.

Perishable foods, mangoes from the Philippines, meat and meat products, except those manufactured in the mainland, are prohibited for import into the country. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, on Hawaii And Guam, noodles with instant meat and other “dry” food products.

The following goods are allowed to be imported duty free:
- no more than 600 cigarettes manufactured in USA marked Surgeon General's Warning, or, no more than 200 cigarettes manufactured in other countries;
- up to 450 grams of cigars;
- up to 1 liter of strong alcoholic drinks (for persons over 21 years old);
- up to 1 liter of weak alcoholic drinks (for persons over 21 years old);
- up to 2 ounces (56 ml.) of perfume;

If these standards are exceeded, the owner of the alcohol must pay a fee for each fluid ounce in the amount of: 5 cents for beer and wine, 3 cents for spirits. Commercial items are not exempt from taxes and duties because they are not considered everyday items.

You should pack flammable items, aerosols, hairspray, lighter gas, and sharp objects in your luggage, as they will not be allowed on the plane as hand luggage.

Transportation of animals
With rules for transporting pets and registration travel documents We recommend that you familiarize yourself with them in advance when booking and purchasing air tickets. Please note that the weight of the animal and the container for its transportation is not included in free rate baggage and is paid exclusively as excess cargo. Only guide dogs accompanying their owners on the flight are carried free of charge.


On Marianas On the islands, time is not converted to winter and summer. It always remains in one constant time zone and is + 10 hours to the time Greenwich.
Hour difference between Moscow And Saipan is + 7 hours.

Visas and Consular Information

Since October 3, 2019, it has been canceled for citizens of the Russian Federation. visa-free entry to the Mariana Islands. To visit Saipan or Guam, Russians must have an American B1 or B2 visa, which gives the right to multiple entries into the United States within 180 days. A visa must be obtained in advance from the US Embassy in the territory Russian Federation.

An important condition for entry into the Mariana Islands is the presence of a biometric foreign passport (i.e., valid for 10 years).

Opening hours of institutions, shops and museums

Normal trading hours are from Monday to Friday, from 08:00 to 12:00 and from 13:30 to 17:00, on Saturdays - from 08:00 to 13:00. Many private shops have their own hours and are often closed on Sundays, but most large department stores and duty free shops Saipan open all week.

Bank branches are open from Monday to Thursday, from 10:00 to 15:00, on Fridays - from 10:00 to 18:00. Some bank offices on outlying islands may operate on their own schedule.


The distance of the islands from each other made the plane the most convenient means of transportation. Railways no at all. Except taxi public transport absent. The most acceptable way to get acquainted with Saipan is a rental car.

Almost all tourists arrive on Mariana islands by plane. The main and most major airports is located Saipan And Guam. Airplanes from countries arrive at this airport every day Asia And North America. Flights are carried out by airlines Japan Airlines, Continental Micronesia, Northwest Airlines And Asian Airlines.

Direct flights to Mariana islands from Moscow and other cities Russia does not exist. The shortest route to Northern Mariana islands for tourists from Russia passes through countries South-East Asia . Usually tourists from the Russian Federation go to Saipan or Guam with transit stops in Tokyo, Hong Kong or Seoul.

Domestic flights between the islands are provided by local airlines. An airplane is the most convenient means of transportation on the islands. There are several domestic flights daily between Saipan, Rota And Tignan.

There is no developed system on the islands bus service, however, there are several routes connecting the main cities. But you can easily find a taxi at the airport and in the city, in parking lots near hotels. A number of hotels organize regular bus routes to major shopping centers and the airport.

Car rental
The most convenient way to travel around the islands is by car.

Renting a car will not be difficult for you. There are many car rental agencies on the island. It is best to rent a car from already well-known and reputable companies. Hertz or Avis. Any license is valid on the island and no deposit is required. The cost of rent depends on its term and, naturally, on the class of the car. The cost of gasoline is 1.9USD per gallon (4 liters).

Before you get behind the wheel, be sure to familiarize yourself with the specific driving rules adopted on the island.

Telephone codes

To call Mariana islands, you need to dial the code:

8 - 10 - 1 – 670 - “island code” - “subscriber number”

Subscribers on all islands have seven-digit numbers, where the first three digits of the number indicate the specific island, and the rest the subscriber number.

Telephone system Marianas islands is modern and integrated with communications USA. International telephone service is available from any public telephone and from most hotels and restaurants.

You can find pay phones everywhere. All of them work using telephone cards, which are sold at post offices, newsstands and tobacco kiosks. You can make local, long-distance and international calls from any pay phone. You can purchase cards T&E Long Distance And PTI Long Distance in denominations of 5 and 10 USD. All local calls cost, depending on the location of the call, from 25 to 35 cents, from a hotel room - 50-75 cents per minute. Some phones accept cards for payment AT&T and credit cards.

Cellular coverage covers almost everything southern islands and part of the northern ones. Roaming with local networks PTI Pacifica Inc(GSM 850 standard) and Wave Runner LLC Mariana Islands(i CAN GSM, GSM 1900) is available to subscribers of the largest Russian cellular companies through the networks of other operators in the region.

Internet services on site Marianas The islands are relatively weakly formed, but recently some efforts have been made to develop them. Internet cafes are few in number, mostly focused on Saipan, however, almost all large hotels and business centers have their own access points, including those equipped with WiFi.

Representative offices of the Russian Federation

In the territory Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands diplomatic, trade and other missions Russian Federation No.


On Marianas Islands everywhere the voltage in the network is 220-240V, with a current frequency of 50Hz. Plugs and sockets are class A, that is, those that are widely used in Northern And Central America and in . The plug consists of two parallel flat contacts. In the Japanese version, the contacts are the same length. In American, one is slightly longer than the other. Devices with a Japanese plug can be used in American outlets, but not vice versa.


Tips are accepted but not required and usually amount to no more than 10-15% of the bill. Mandatory tips of -1 dollar are given only to hotel employees when carrying luggage and to dancers in strip clubs. When paying for rooms directly at the hotel, a 10% hotel tax is charged. There are no commercial taxes. Bargaining is not accepted.

Additional Information

The Mariana Islands use the imperial system of weights and measures.

Personal safety
Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands are considered a safe country to visit. The crime rate is low, and the personal safety situation is quite calm. There is petty theft, currency fraud and other offenses, without, however, outgrowing the usual local scale for the islands. When visiting the country, it is recommended to use common sense - you should not leave valuables and documents unattended, it is not recommended to deliberately demonstrate your wealth or visit certain areas alone and at night, this especially applies to Philippine neighborhoods.

Health and Medicine
No vaccinations are required to cross the country's border. When visiting outer islands, vaccination against hepatitis B and dengue is recommended.

All drinking water on the islands comes from natural sources or through rainwater harvesting and within settlements practically safe for consumption. However, it is recommended to use only boiled or bottled water for drinking, brushing your teeth or making ice, especially during the first week of your stay. Milk and dairy products are usually pasteurized and are safe for consumption. Meat, seafood and fish are considered safe, but it is still recommended to consume them only after preliminary heat treatment, preferably hot. Vegetables must be thoroughly washed and pre-processed, and fruits must be peeled.

Medical care on Marianas the islands are quite high quality, but relatively expensive. On Saipan, Tinyan And Company There are quite modern clinics, with qualified staff and good equipment to provide most medical services. Ambulance is provided free of charge; for other cases of visiting doctors, you will need to pay on the spot. Cash is preferred, however some clinics accept credit cards. In case of serious medical problems, patients are transferred to clinics Hawaiian islands or Japan.

Dangerous plants and animals
There are no dangerous animals on the islands. However, in the surrounding waters there are many poisonous or quite aggressive sea creatures, so when swimming and diving, you should pay special attention to the bottom and thickness of the water. The dorsal ridges of many bottom-dwelling fish are poisonous, and the spines sea ​​urchins and the sharp edges of coral masses leave harmless, but rather painful and long-healing wounds. It is recommended in all cases of diving in unfamiliar places to consult with local residents or diving instructors.

When photographing local residents, you should always ask their permission first.

It is customary to say hello and goodbye by holding hands.

The attitude towards clothing is quite democratic. On formal occasions, formal evening wear is required - light trousers or a long skirt and a formal shirt with medium-length sleeves will suffice, and in the evenings a light sweater will be useful. In everyday life, you can get by with a light dress and even jeans, although in the local hot climate jeans are not the best choice. The most suitable clothing for relaxation is a T-shirt and shorts. Beach suits are not recommended to be worn outside the coastline; too revealing bikinis may also cause disapproval.

The Mariana Islands are separated by the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea. This is a classic island arc of the Pacific Ring of Fire zone, formed by active subduction (the sinking of the edge of relatively thin oceanic crust under the base of thick continental-type crust) of tectonic plates. To the south and east of the chain of islands lies the deepest Mariana Trench in the world with a depth of up to 11,775 meters (according to other sources - 11,022 meters), which is precisely the visible expression of the plate collision zone. Geologically, Mariana is part of a chain of submarine volcanoes known as the Izu-Bonin-Mariana arc, consisting of almost fifty submarine volcanoes. active volcanoes and 11 old volcanic peaks, whose peaks form the islands of the group.

The northern group of islands (Farallón de Pajaros (Uracas), Asuncion, Pagan, Sarigan and others) is geologically young - most of these islands were formed over the last 5 million years and continue to grow today. The young cones of these islands are high and still active - volcanic eruptions and earthquakes up to magnitude 7 on the Richter scale are not uncommon. The steep slopes of the volcanoes run down to the virtually reefless waters of the surrounding ocean, forming typical volcanic landscapes with numerous lava fields and tongues. Vegetation and animal world are scarce, there are also few natural sources of water (with the exception of quite numerous fumaroles and mini-geysers, which annually release thousands of tons of highly mineralized water into the ocean).

The southern chain of islands (Saipan, Tinian, Agrihan, Rota, etc.) are older volcanic formations, whose age reaches 42 million years. They are also based on the tops of underwater volcanoes that fell asleep many millions of years ago. Here is the most high point country - Agrikhan volcano, or Agrigan (965 m). Over the subsequent time, the underwater slopes of the once formidable volcanoes were actively “developed” by corals, the multi-meter thicknesses of which, raised by tectonic processes above sea level, formed the above-water part of the islands of the southern group. Today, almost all the islands of the southern chain are powerful massifs of coral limestone lying on a volcanic base. Numerous coastal terraces and high cliffs mark the sea level at various stages of island formation, and the shores are mostly framed by young coral reefs that form marginal lagoons.

The natural vegetation of the islands is sparse. The main plant is the coconut palm. Copra and palm oil were the most important export goods and the main source of income for many islanders. The coconut provides food and drinks (in addition to coconut milk itself, even flowers are used, ropes are made from palm fiber, wood is used for building materials, branches are used to weave baskets and mats, and charcoal is made from nut husks and cake). No less important is the fire tree (Brachychiton acerifolius), brought from other islands of Oceania (however, recently its role has been more decorative), as well as coleus (Coleus), caladium (Caladium) and philodendron (Araceae). But various fruit species brought by humans grow here in huge quantities.

The only endemic mammals on the islands are fruit bats, although they have almost disappeared due to the popularity of their meat in the cuisine of the local Chamorro people. Sambar deer can also be found on Rota, and skinks and geckos are found almost everywhere. But the bird community is quite diverse - the Mariana Islands are home to about 70 species of birds, including the grey-throated fantail (Rhipidura dahli), honeyeater (Meliphaga), Australian tern (Sterna nereis) and the endangered swiftlet (Collocalia). And the waters around the islands are literally teeming with marine life.

In fact, few people know anything about the island of Guam in the distant sea-ocean... Guam is the largest and southernmost island in the Marin Islands chain! We also don’t know much about the Mariana Islands... My story is about the myths and reality of this corner of the Earth!


Myth I . Mariana Islands - a blank spot on the world map

"White Spot" is located 3 hours flight from Tokyo or Manila, 4 hours flight from Seoul. The Mariana Islands are located in Micronesia and roughly separate the Pacific Ocean and the Philippine Sea. That is seventeen islands Mariana Archipelago on one side it is washed by the waters of the ocean, on the other by the sea.

Myth II. The Mariana Islands are named after the Mariana Trench

Exactly the opposite. The trench is named Mariana because it is located relatively close to the Mariana Islands. From Guam, the largest and southernmost island of the Mariana chain, the depression is only 300 km away.

The islands were discovered by Magellan during his trip around the world. This happened in 1521. Fernand called the islands Thieves, because. local residents They liked the things on the ship so much that they were not too lazy to steal them.

But already in 1568 the islands were renamed in honor of the Spanish Queen Maria Anna of Austria (wife of King Philip IV).


Myth III. Primitive tribes live on the Mariana Islands

The Marian tribes with a matriarchal way of life were described in their chronicles by Jesuit missionaries, who formed their first settlement in 1568. In 1565, the island of Guam became a colony of Spain. During numerous wars and upheavals, Japanese, Spanish and American threads were woven into the history of Guam.

Today, Guam is the most important air hub in Micronesia, the island of two American military bases and extremely popular resort, which is visited annually by more than 1 million tourists. Servicing the above-mentioned institutes is carried out by indigenous people, among whom are lawyers, hotel managers, and doctors. By the way, the Department of Marine Biology at the University of Guam trains some of the best specialists in this field of knowledge.

Myth IV. There are many dangerous animals in the Mariana Islands

One of God's dangerous creatures is the tree snake. It is dangerous for birds because it feeds on eggs that it finds in nests. Snakes live in the jungle, are afraid of all noises and are never the first to attack. IN tourist places Where there is hubbub and exclamations of delight, there are no snakes.

Myth V. The Mariana Islands are prone to frequent typhoons

There are two seasons in the tropics - the rainy season and the windy season. The first lasts 4 months - from June to September. Typhoons are possible at this time. But the last strong typhoon passed over Guam in 2000. By the way, in the entire history of meteorological observations in Guam, not a single person died during a typhoon.

In recent years, due to global warming, air masses have gathered into a tropical storm not only at the equator, but also in the tropics themselves.

Let’s say that in September 2009, several tropical storms formed near the Mariana Islands and “twisted” into typhoons: one went to Samoa, the second to Japan. A tropical storm, by the way, is a downpour with gusty winds. It copes well with washing cars and glass, it should be noted.

The remaining 8 months of the year in Guam are windy season. A beautiful sea breeze, a wind that blows white clouds across the sky. Of course, it rains from time to time during the windy season, but they are short-lived. And most often the rain comes from just one cloud: there are clouds all around, a blue sky, the sun - and a rainbow under one small cloud!