The sea surrounding the Caroline and Mariana Islands. Enigmatic Mariana Islands on the map

The Mariana (Ladron) Islands is an archipelago located in Micronesia, in the western Pacific Ocean, consisting of 15 large and several small islands and reefs. The island of Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands have the status of unincorporated organized territories of the United States. The Mariana Islands have maritime borders with the Philippines, Japan, the Marshall Islands, and the Caroline Islands.

There are about 50 underwater volcanoes and 11 island volcanoes in the area of ​​the archipelago. The highest point is 965 meters. The Mariana Trench is the deepest fault point in the earth's crust with a depth of 11,775 meters.

Total area - 1018 sq. km, the population is about 215,000 people, among which 56% are Asians, 36% are the peoples of Oceania, the rest are of mixed origin. Of the religions, Roman Catholic Christianity prevails, local religions and cults are widespread. The official languages ​​are English, Chamorro, Caroline.

Administrative center- Garapan (Saipan Island).

Cities of the Mariana Islands

Saipan is the most suitable for historical tourism. The infrastructure is well developed here, there are golf courses, conditions for diving and swimming. Saipan has the most even weather in the world - year-round here +27 degrees.

Garapan is the administrative center of the Mariana Islands, where popular tourist places are Sugar King Park and Duty Free shops. Not far from Garapan, the American Memorial Park and the World War II Museum are of interest. On the territory of the park, in addition to historical sights, you can see natural - mangrove forests with a large number of rare birds, as well as sports and stage venues (where local festivals and concerts are held).

Managaha Island - the oldest and most picturesque - with beautiful coral reefs and exotic fish. Historically memorable places on the island are the cliffs of Banzai - Cliff and Suiside - Cliff, the Korean Peace Park.

Tinian Island is the most peaceful, with one village of San Jose. A fashionable hotel, casino, shops and restaurants harmoniously fit into the measured life of the island. The attraction here is the accumulation of ritual stones of ancient peoples - Latte - Stone - Site.

The highest point of the island of Rota rises almost 500 meters above the sea. Places of attraction for tourists here are the Toga limestone cave, replete with stalactites and stalagmites, Mount Taipingo, an old Japanese locomotive, Chugai rocks with ancient petroglyphs and a bird sanctuary.

Agrihan Island is the peak of a young volcano almost 1000 meters above sea level and the highest point in Micronesia. There is almost no flora and fauna on the island, and perhaps only extreme people come here - divers and fishermen.

The most popular islands of the Northern Group are the Anatahan volcano, the Asuncion volcano, Pagan, Farallion - de - Pajaros, the Maug Islands.

How to get to the Mariana Islands

There is no direct air connection between Belarus and the Mariana Islands.

The best option would be a flight from Moscow with a connection in Tokyo, Shanghai or Seoul. Travel time excluding connections will be about 16 hours.

The climate of the Marianas

The territory of the Mariana Islands is influenced by a tropical trade wind climate.

Throughout the calendar year, the air temperature in the archipelago averages +27 degrees, water - +25 degrees.

The annual rainfall is 1800 - 2000 mm per year. Humidity can reach 82%. The rainy season usually falls between June and November. And from August to December, strong winds and storms are possible.

The best time to travel around the archipelago is from December to March and from May to June.

The hotel base of the Mariana Islands is represented by both hotels belonging to world-famous chains and local 3 * - 4 * hotels that provide guests with decent service and comfortable accommodation. The average cost of living is from 90 to 300 US dollars per night.

Private boarding houses and motels can be called as economy accommodation options. An overnight stay here will cost from 35 to 65 US dollars. There are no hostels in the Marianas.

The beaches of the Mariana Islands

The islands of the Southern group have beaches with fine white sand, the Northern - with black volcanic.

The best and most beloved beaches of the Mariana Islands are Micro - Beach, Lao - Lao - Bay, Lader - Beach, Paupau - Beach. But lovers of secluded relaxation will always find nearby wild beach to enjoy the sea, sun and beautiful nature to the fullest.

On the island of Tiniana, Tachona Beach attracts attention, on Rota - Corell - Gardens, Teteto - Beach.

On the island of Saipan on Micro Beach, there are excellent conditions for windsurfing.

When swimming in the open sea, be careful.

Banks, money, exchange offices

The Marian currency is the US dollar, which is equal to 100 cents. Circulation has paper bills in denominations of 1,2,5,10,20,50,100 dollars and coins in denominations of 1 dollar, penny (1 cent), nickel (5 cents), dime (10 cents), quarter (25 cents), half - dollar (50 cents). Most islands also accept Japanese yen and Korean won.

Banking hours:

From Monday to Thursday - from 10.00 to 15.00

Fridays - from 10.00 to 18.00

Credit cards of the world's major payment systems (preferably Master Card and Visa) are accepted for settlements almost everywhere. ATMs are located in many banks and shopping centers. Travel - checks (preferably in US dollars) are also accepted for settlements almost everywhere, except for the most distant islands.

There are no commercial taxes on the islands, the hotel tax is 10%.

Tipping in the archipelago is 10 - 15% of the total cost of services.

Tourist safety

The Mariana Islands are a safe zone for tourists. Only elementary rules should be followed:

  • Valuables, large sums of money and documents should be left in the hotel safe
  • In crowded places, it is not recommended to leave personal belongings unattended.
  • It is not recommended to walk alone at night in deserted places.
  • Do not take pictures of local residents without their permission
  • Before going outside, be sure to use sunscreen, wear UV-resistant sunglasses and light, long-sleeved clothing
  • Before leaving, you should take preventive measures against diseases of hepatitis B and dengue fever
  • It is recommended to use only bottled water for drinking, brushing teeth and making ice
  • Meat, fish and seafood are recommended to be consumed only thermally processed.
  • Vegetables and fruits should be thoroughly washed, vegetables should be pre-cooked, and fruits should be peeled beforehand.
  • When swimming in the sea, be careful because of the so-called "reverse currents"
  • When moving along many coasts, special shoes are required due to coral rubble and volcanic rocks


The most common mode of transport in the Mariana Islands is by plane and helicopter.

There is no rail service public transport not very well developed, but tourist buses run between hotels, shops and restaurants.

You can also use taxi services.

The car rental service (from $20 per day with an international driver's license and credit card), motorcycle (from $10 per day), mountain bike (from $2 per day) is popular in the archipelago. Movement is right-handed.

Entertainment, excursions, attractions

The main attraction of the island of Guam is its main street - Chamorro, where every evening you can watch locals singing and dancing, who, moreover, prepare national dishes. By the way, Chamorro is the name of the locals. There is something for divers to do on Guam - Fort Apugan is fraught with many mysteries.

On the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota come lovers of trekking - hiking.

Saipan also has interesting cave Grotto with underground lakes 15 meters deep and tunnels going straight into the sea.

Cuisine and restaurants

The national cuisine of the Mariana Islands is a mixture of traditions of many peoples.

The most popular dishes local cuisine are:

  • "lemai" - breadfruit, fried in oil
  • fried bananas
  • shrimp and shellfish patties
  • fried lamb or beef ribs
  • "haole" - beef, pork, chicken or fish dishes with a sauce of lime juice, soy sauce, garlic, pepper, sesame oil
  • "kelagen - benadu" - venison with sauce
  • "kadu" - various soups (for example, from poultry, potatoes, spinach and beer)
  • fish cooked in all sorts of ways
  • specially prepared eggplant with coconut milk and spices
  • all kinds of exotic fruits

For dessert - shortbread cookies, puff pastries, banana donuts, chocolate bananas, coconut oatmeal

From alcoholic drinks - local coconut wine "Tuba" (naturally fermented juice of a young coconut)

Shopping and shops

Shop opening hours:

On weekdays - from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 13.30 to 17.00

Saturdays - from 8.00 to 13.00

Private - on an individual schedule

Day off - Sunday (except for large supermarkets and Duty Free shops)

Most often, souvenirs made from sea shells and coconuts, hats and bags from the leaves of tropical plants, textiles, jewelry made from agate, corals and pearls are brought from the Mariana Islands.

The Marianas are famous for their duty-free shops, the prices of which are quite reasonable.


You can import and export national and foreign currencies without restrictions in cash, traveller's checks, credit cards. An amount in excess of $10,000 and gold must be declared.

Allowed to import:

  • Up to 600 US or 200 other cigarettes, up to 454g cigars
  • Up to 1 bottle of strong alcohol, up to 1 bottle of wine, up to 1 case of beer (for persons over 21 years old)
  • Perfumes and personal items - in reasonable quantities

It is forbidden to import:

  • Perishable products
  • Drugs and narcotic medications
  • Mango fruit from the Philippines
  • Meat and meat products (except those made in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands)
  • "dry" foods (such as instant noodles)
  • parrots

When importing pets, an international veterinary certificate is required. For cats and dogs, a rabies vaccination record must be made at least 30 and no more than 90 days before departure.

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Perhaps one of the most mysterious places on the earth map Mariana Islands. This place, which is sometimes referred to as one of the best preserved mysterious corners of America, attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists with its unique nature and many historical sites.

Mariana Islands on the world map

Remoteness of the Mariana Islands from « mainland» makes them a unique place where an atmosphere of peace and absolute carelessness reigns. real paradise for lovers of magnificent panoramas, unique sunsets and crystal clear air.

Where are they?

The Mariana Islands are a small Island state, whose territory covers 15 islands of the archipelago of the same name. They are located at the western end of the Pacific Ocean, in a region called micronesia.

Most travelers come here in search of solitude from the noise of megacities and in order to see with their own eyes the monuments of the “Battle of the Pacific” during the Second World War.

The islands of the archipelago are located in such a way that they form two chains with a total length of more than 700 kilometers.

Due to the peculiarities of its geographical position Mariana archipelago does not have clear borders with neighboring states. To the south of it are caroline islands (Federated States Micronesia). The conditional natural boundary separating the Philippine Sea from the Pacific Ocean passes at the location of the Mariana Islands.


Mariana archipelago consists of two chains located from the north and south. In the northern chain, most of the islands are cones formed as a result of volcanic activity over 900 meters high. Note that some of them are small. active volcanoes. The islands in the southern chain are partly volcanic, partly formed by corals.

The nature of the Mariana Islands is typical for the region of the tropics, there are many places where the human foot has hardly set foot. The coral reefs of the Mariana Islands amaze with their splendor and fantastic shapes, and the deepest place on the planet is an 11-kilometer Mariana Trench is located just a few tens of kilometers from the archipelago.

The coastal waters abound with fish, the beaches stretch for thousands of meters, and the rich undersea world and strives to show all its splendor to lovers of diving and snorkeling.


The climate of the Mariana Islands is characterized as humid, tropical ocean.

The average air temperature in the daytime fluctuates around +28/+33 degrees Celsius, and at night it drops by only a few degrees to +23/+25 degrees.

Humidity quite high and reaches 75-85%. Two seasons are clearly distinguished: in the period from to the wind season begins in this area, and from to the time of typhoons begins.

How to get from Russia?

The easiest way to get here is from some countries in Asia (, Japan, South Korea) or from , therefore, among vacationers in the Mariana Islands, Japanese And Americans.

Due to the remoteness of the Mariana Islands from no direct flights in this direction.

To the airport of the main island of the archipelago - Saipan– can be reached by plane of Asian airlines. Transfers to flights in this direction are carried out in Shanghai, Tokyo or. The duration of such a flight will be about 16 hours, and this is without taking into account flight connections.

Choose plane tickets using this search form. Enter departure and arrival cities, date, number of passengers.

State structure

Picturesque coral reefs, offshore fishing, surfing and diving are all available today in abundance. But not all the time, life seemed like a fairy tale to the inhabitants of the Mariana Islands.


The development of the Northern Mariana Islands took place many centuries ago - around 500 AD, the first settlers appeared here - Chamorro tribes having some kinship with the modern peoples of Polynesia. They were experienced sailors, actively explored the Pacific islands and left behind memorable signs - the famous "latte" stones, whose height could reach 6 meters.

It is curious that some historians see in the latte stones some analogy with the mysterious statues of Easter Island.

European influence on the Mariana Islands began thanks to the legendary navigator Ferdinand Magellan, who was the first European to discover these lands during a circumnavigation in 1521. On his ship, he passed through the southern group of islands of the archipelago and named them "Isla de los Ladrones", which in translation meant "Islands of thieves."

The name has been changed to "Las Marianas" in the middle of the 17th century, when the Spanish priest Luis Diego Sanvitores, who found himself in these parts, named them in honor of Queen Anna Maria of Austria.

In 1668, missionaries of the Jesuit order, led by Sanvitores, organized the first mission on the islands, with the advent of which conflicts began between the local population and European colonists. The war lasted two decades, and its result was the eviction of most of the natives on the island of Guam.

In the 19th century resettlement began Spaniards and settlers from the Caroline Islands to the Mariana Islands, gradually began to show interest in the archipelago and. In 1899, Spain sold the Northern Mariana Islands to the German government, which hoped to organize the industrial production of coconut pulp here. However, these plans were corrected by the outbreak of the First World War, and Japan, which turned out to be stronger and more interested, captured the islands.

The Japanese began to grow sugar cane on the islands, cutting down tropical forests and thickets of coconut palms. In the 1930s, the Mariana cane plantations guaranteed the lion's share of Japan's profits.

Dramatic events unfolded in the area of ​​the archipelago in the years Second World War when the archipelago became the site of one of the fiercest and bloodiest battles in the Pacific. US military forces landed on the coast of Saipan in the summer of 1944 and simultaneously attacked the Japanese flotilla.

Thousands of soldiers of both armies became victims of the battle, but the civilian population of the islands suffered the maximum damage.

Subsequently, the United States set up a military airfield here, which was destined to go down in history. It was from this base that two heavy bombers took off into the sky, dropping atomic charges on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. With the end of the war, peace came to the islands, they were subordinate to the United Nations, and since 1947 they were influenced by the USA.


The Mariana Islands are a community with internal self-government. Since 1986, the status of the state has been in effect, "freely joined" to the United States, thanks to which the islands gained local self-government. The United States Custody ended in 1993. The state and the government are simultaneously headed by a governor elected by the population.

On the islands representative presidential democratic system. The main person in the state is the governor. The Marianas are in political union with the United States, and the general funds are managed by a special department within the US Department of the Interior.


The population of the Mariana Islands archipelago is approximately 700 thousand people. Among them are representatives different nationalities:

  1. The vast majority of residents are Filipino ethnicity — 34%;
  2. The second place is occupied by the nationality chamorro -30%;
  3. On the third Chinese — 12%;
  4. Close the list micronesians — 8%;
  5. And people from caroline islands — 5%.

In addition, on the islands of the archipelago live Americans, Japanese, Koreans, Australians.

Religion and language

The official language of the Commonwealth is English. In second place is language of the Chamorro people, as well as an important role caroline, Philippine, Japanese, Korean And Chinese languages.

In the Mariana Archipelago, representatives of each religious group have their own organization and premises for the implementation of rituals.

Main religious movements:

  • Catholicism;
  • Protestantism;
  • Islam;
  • local religions and cults.

Numerous activities are taking place here. sects ranging from Mormons to Seventh Day Adventists.

Map of Mariana Islands with cities

Of the 17 islands of the archipelago, only 4 are inhabited: Saipan, Tinian, Rota and Guam.


The capital of the Mariana Islands is city ​​of Susupe located on the island of Saipan. It is very popular among tourists from and Japan, who come here in large numbers.

Susupe attracts with its unhurried, measured rhythm, the absence of cataclysms and upheavals, which is so important for a modern person.

In Susupa, you can enjoy warm summers all year round and forget about all your worries.

Big cities

  • The largest city in the archipelago Garapan located in the western part of the island of Saipan. Most of the administrative buildings on the islands are concentrated here. The city is unique in that its boundaries are not clearly defined, and almost everywhere west coast the island stretches a chain of small villages and residential buildings surrounded by farms and lush gardens.
  • big village Songsong- the biggest locality on the island of Rota. It is located in the southwestern part of the island. The usual city rules do not apply here - residents do just fine without traffic lights and shopping centers. At almost every step you can see all kinds of stones, which are used not only for construction, but also perform the function of marking.
  • City hagatna is the administrative center of the island of Guam. It is located on a narrow isthmus that separates the Philippine Sea and the Pacific Ocean. The city was founded in 1668 by the Spaniards, who established the first Jesuit mission on the island. Here you can admire beautiful landscapes and vivid historical monuments.

Watch an informative video about the Mariana Islands:

Mariana Islands - an archipelago of fifteen large and several small islands in the west of the central Pacific Ocean. Islands form northern part the Western Pacific subregion of Micronesia and consist of two political and administrative entities: Guam and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. Both have the status of an unincorporated organized territory of the United States. This means that they are not part of the United States, but are their property, and the US Constitution has a limited effect here. Moreover, the US Congress forms the local government.
The archipelago is divided into two chains - northern and southern, formed about 20 million years ago. The appearance of both chains above the surface of the water was the result of the displacement of the Pacific plate under the Mariana plate. Along the islands in the zone of convergence of two plates formed - the deepest section of the bottom of the oceans. As of 2011, its depth is 10,994 ± 40 m below sea level.
The islands of the northern chain are represented by cones of volcanoes, among which some are active, up to 965 m high. In total, there are about 50 underwater volcanoes in the archipelago; 11 stratovolcanoes form the islands. The southern chain is represented by coral and tectonic volcanoes.
The Mariana Islands are in a zone of tectonic activity, and earthquakes are not uncommon here. In addition, the archipelago is located in the tropical climate zone, so typhoons often pass here.
Unlike many Pacific Islands, the Mariana Islands are covered in dense vegetation. rainforest; there are also areas of savannahs, the vegetation of which is represented by flowerless cryptogamous plants: ferns, horsetails.

Discovery history

The Mariana Islands, located on the edge of the abyss of the Mariana Trench, were inhabited, presumably, no later than 1500-1400. BC e. The first inhabitants of the islands of the archipelago were settlers who arrived from Philippine Islands.
The islands were discovered by Europeans in the 16th century. The discoverer of the archipelago was Ferdinand Magellan himself (1480-1521), a Spanish-Portuguese navigator. During his famous - and the very first in history - world travel March 6, 1521 Magellan saw a chain of islands in the ocean. It is believed that great traveler landed on the island of Guam, but it could also be a small island near Guam.
Magellan tried to start an exchange and trade with local residents, who called themselves tao-tao-tano, or "people of the earth", and received the name khachamori (chamorro) from Europeans. They were typical Micronesians, and even managed to create a semblance of civilization. Its remains have been preserved on the island of Tinian in the form of limestone latte columns dating back to the 9th century.
But Magellan failed to establish a dialogue with the natives: they stole a ship's boat from the Europeans, thus provoking a serious conflict. As a result, the sailors killed seven Chamorros, returned the boat, replenished their food supplies and left the island. Magellan, in memory of the tragic events, named the archipelago the Robber Islands (Islas de los Ladrones).
The Mariana Islands stretch from north to south. Guam Island, which is a separate administrative unit, is the largest and southernmost island of the archipelago. Its area is 541.3 km 2 - 77.7 km 2 more than the total area of ​​the rest of the land, bearing the name of the Northern Mariana Islands.
The Mariana Islands served for many years as a transit point for the Manila galleons of Spain, and in the 20th century. acquired military value. It was from here that the bombers took off that destroyed Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
The islands got their current name in 1667, when Spain officially claimed the rights to them. In Spanish, it sounded "Las Marianas", in honor of the Spanish Queen Marianne of Austria (1634-1696).
From the second half of the XVII century. colonization of the islands began, missionaries were sent here. Local leaders prevented the spread of Catholicism, and attacks on members of the mission led to a war between the Spaniards and the natives, which broke out in 1672 and lasted 25 years.
In just a hundred years of colonization, most of the Chamorros died from diseases brought to the islands by the Spaniards. Those who managed to survive mingled with the Spaniards. Mestizos - descendants of mixed marriages - still live in the Mariana Islands.
For the Spaniards, the islands served as an intermediate stop for the so-called Manila galleons, which sailed between the Mexican and Philippine islands. The islands remained a Spanish colony until the Spanish-American War (1898), as a result of which the Spaniards handed Guam over to the Americans. This year began the political separation of Guam from other islands of the archipelago. Under an 1899 treaty, the Spaniards sold the remaining Mariana Islands to Germany, which annexed them to their New Guinea protectorate.
In 1914, Japan occupied the Northern Mariana Islands, creating large plantations of sugar cane here. Later, already during the Second World War, the archipelago became the scene of fierce battles between the Japanese and the Americans. Especially bloody for the islands was 1944, when the Americans lost more than 2 thousand people dead and wounded, and over 40 thousand Japanese were killed or committed hara-kiri. At first, the Japanese even managed to capture American Guam.
However, the Americans regained Guam and captured the Northern Mariana Islands, subsequently using them as an airfield to bomb Japan. Both aircraft with atomic bombs (Enola Gay and Boxcar), which dropped cargo on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945, took off from the "Northern Airfield" of Tinian Island in the Marianas.
After the end of the war, all the Mariana Islands came under the full control of the United States. America did not begin to unite them with Guam, but created a separate administrative territory of the Northern Mariana Islands, where the head of state is a US-appointed governor.
On the island of Guam - the largest of the Mariana Islands - the Americans have equipped the largest Pacific naval and air force bases, including Andersen and Apra Harbor. They are served by the majority of the island's population. Here, on Guam, the city of Hagatna is located - the main passenger and fishing port of the archipelago.
At present, the Marianas have become tourist center in the western Pacific. Actually, it was thanks to the American military that the Mariana Islands earned fame as one of the best resort areas in the Pacific Ocean.
The most ancient attraction of the archipelago is the preserved latte stone pillars. The origin and purpose of the pillars are unknown, there are only suggestions that they served for some mysterious cult purposes. There are about 500 of them in total, and they are often compared with stone sculptures on Easter Island.

general information

Location: western Pacific.

Islands: 15 major islands(Agihan, Agrihan, Alamagan, Anatahan, Asuncion, Guam, Guguan, Maug, Pagan, Rota, Saipan, Sarigan, Tinian, Farallion de Medinilla, Farallion de Pajaros) and several small islands and reefs.
Origin of the islands: tectonic, volcanic, coral.

Administrative affiliation: unincorporated organized territories of the United States.

Administrative-territorial division: Guam Island, Northern Mariana Islands.

Administrative center: Hagatna (Guam Island) - 1051 people, 2010; Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands) - 48,220 people, 2010

Languages: Guam Island - English (official), Chamorro, Filipino languages; Northern Mariana Islands - Chamorro, English (official), Filipino, Chinese.

Ethnic composition: Guam Island: Chamorro - 37.1%, Filipino - 26.3%, other Oceanian - 11.3%, white - 6.9%, other Asian - 6.3%, other ethnic groups - 2.3%, mestizo - 9.8%, 2000; Northern Mariana Islands: Asian 56.3%, Oceanian 36.3%, Mestizo 4.8%, White 1.8%, Other 0.8%, 2000

Religions: Catholicism, local beliefs.

Currency unit: U.S. dollar.
The most important port: Hagatna (Guam Island).

The most important airports: international Airport them. Antonio B. Won Pata (Guam Island), Saipan International Airport. Francisco Sea Ada (Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands).


Area: 1004.9 km2.

Length: 2519 km.

Distance: 2500 km from the Philippine Islands, 2500 km from the island of New Guinea.
Guam Island

Area: 541.3 km2.

Population: 160,378 (2013).

Population density: 296.3 people / km 2.

Urban population: 93% (2010).

125.5 km.
highest point: Peak Lamlam (406 m).
Northern Mariana Islands

Area: 463.6 km2.

Population: 51,170 (2013).

Population density: 110.4 people / km 2.

Urban population: 91% (2010).

Coastline length: 1482 km.
highest point: Agrikhan volcano on the island of the same name (965 m).

Climate and weather

tropical marine. The influence of the trade winds.
Average annual temperature:+24 - +30°С.

Rainy season: July-October.

Average annual rainfall: 1800-2300 mm.
Relative humidity: 78-82%.

Frequent typhoons.


GDP: Guam ($4.6 billion, per capita - $28,700, 2010), Northern Mariana Islands ($733 million, per capita - $13,600, 2010).

Agriculture: crop production (sugar cane, bananas, coffee, cotton, taro, citrus fruits, copra, vegetables, breadfruit), animal husbandry (poultry, pig breeding, dairy and meat animal husbandry).
Maintenance of US Air Force and Navy bases (Guam Island).
Industry: construction, food, textile.
Minerals: phosphorites, sulfur, iron and manganese ores.
Fishing (tuna).
Service sector: tourism, trade, financial.


Guam Island: Pati Point Nature Reserve, ruins of Kaca-Gobierno (Hagatna, Governor's Palace, 1736), statue of Pope John Paul II (Hagatna), mini-Statue of Liberty in Paseo de Susanna (Hagatna), Dolce Nombre Cathedral - de Maria Agaña (Hagatna), Plaza de Espain (Hagatna), Latte Stone Park (Hagatna), Santa Agueda Fort (Hagatna), World War II Memorial Park (Fonte Plateau Unit), Tailfuck Bridge (1785), Guam Museum (Adelap Point Peninsula), World War II Japanese Coastal Gun Exhibition, University of Guam Marine Laboratory, Ty Lavers Point Limestone Cliffs, Caching Zoo, China Park, Gath Pago Inalahan Village , Gadao Cave, Talofofo Falls, Guam Historical Museum, Yokoi Caves, Meriso Bell Chapel (1910), Nuestra de la Soledad Spanish Fort,
Northern Mariana Islands: latte columns, San Jose Catholic Church (Tinian, 1956), Sugar King Park (Saipan), American Memorial Park (Saipan), Banadero Limestone Cave (Saipan), Laderan Tangke Cliffs (Saipan) ), Korean Peace Park (in memory of Korean women taken out by the Japanese to work in Saipan, 1981), Grotto Natural Cave, Tag House (residence of Tag the Great, King ancient state Chamorro, Tinian).

Curious facts

■ The island of Guam is only three times the size of the US capital, Washington.
■ In addition to Guam and the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the American Virgin Islands.

■ The Limestone Latte Columns on Tinian Island are massive columns made of fossilized coral and limestone, up to 2 m wide and up to 4.5 m high, with a rounded top. Ancient Spanish sources report that burial urns of the Chamorro people were embedded in the columns. Images of the latte column are present on the flag and coat of arms of the Northern Mariana Islands.
■ In 1899, the Spaniards sold the northern part of the Mariana Islands to Germany for 837,500 German gold marks, which is about $4.1 million at the current exchange rate.
■ During World War II, Guam became the first American territory to be occupied by the Japanese. Japan captured the island by attacking it on December 8, 1941, the same day that Pearl Harbor was raided. The Japanese actually attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7th, but the International Date Line in the Pacific must be taken into account.
■ Residents of the island of Guam are recognized as US citizens without the right to vote in national elections. Guam has one non-voting delegate, elected for two years, in the US House of Representatives.

What is interesting to see in the Mariana Islands?

O.Saipan, 23 km. long and 8 km. wide - the largest among the Marianas and is the administrative center of the Commonwealth. Saipan impresses with its beauty and attracts tourists all year round with its warm sea and bright sun. The center, Gararan, is the most…

Video from the Mariana Islands

How to get to the Mariana Islands?

From Russia to about. Saipan can be reached by flying via Seoul, South Korea, or Tokyo, Japan. There are daily flights from both states to the Mariana Islands.

flight time: 3 hour flight from Japan (Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya),

4.5 hour flight from South Korea (Seoul, Busan),

5 hours flight from China - Shanghai (regular charter flights from Beijing and Guangzhou are also available)

vaccinations: No vaccinations are required to visit the Marianas.

How to comfortably move around the Mariana Islands?

road traffic: Driving is right-hand drive, cars are left-hand drive. Rules traffic the same as in Russia with small exceptions, for example, at a red light you can turn right, passing cars from the opposite lane turning left.

Traffic and rules are very simple. There are no huge traffic jams like in big cities. Top speed is 35 mph, on some big roads 40-45 mph. For renting a car, the age limit is 21 years and older.

Traffic Laws:

Wear seat belts (fine from $50.00)

Children under 4 must be fastened in child seats, from 4 years and older - with a car seat belt

At the stop signal (STOP) on the school bus, you must stop

It is forbidden to enter the oncoming lane

Parking on the blue (with a sign for the disabled) is prohibited

The middle lane (yellow solid or dotted on both sides) is allowed to be used only during a left turn or a full U-turn, but only after a complete stop.

After sunset, it is necessary to turn on the dipped beam (18:30)

When the car is stopped by the police, do not get out of the car. You need to open a window.

Driving while intoxicated is strictly prohibited.

car rental: Car brands

Toyota, Ford, Nissan, KIA


It is enough to have a Russian license with you. You can pay by card or cash.

The car is rented with a full tank and the car must be returned with a full tank. In case of violation of the contract, the amount for gasoline is tripled.

In some car rental offices, it is offered to pay for gasoline in advance.


Each car rental office offers several types of insurance.

Car insurance is not required. You can opt out of insurance, but in this case, you must leave your credit card details.

Taxi: Taxis in Saipan can only be hailed from hotel stands. Taxi services, although metered, are expensive.

buses: Saipan, Tinian and Rota do not have an urban transportation system. There is a free duty free bus from the store to the hotels and back.

hitch-hiking: It is possible to hitchhike in the Marianas, but this is not a common practice.

airports: Each island: Saipan, Rota and Tinian has international/local airports. The main airport of the Mariana Islands is an international airport on about. Saipan.

airlines: Asiana Airline (O.Z.)

Delta Airlines (DL)

Shanghai Airline (FM)

Continental Airline (CO)

Freedom Air (FRE)

railway: There are no railways in the Marianas.

ports: The only one international port- on Saipan, and three local - on the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota.

Where is the best place to stay while traveling in the Mariana Islands?

Climate in the Marianas

The climate is tropical. O. Saipan is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the most constant round-the-clock year-round temperature in the world of +27 degrees C. The season for tourists in the Mariana Islands is open all year round.

There are 2 seasons - dry and wet. The wet season falls for 6 months from July to December. A special characteristic of the wet season is intermittent rains during the day and heavy rains at night, which does not prevent tourists from enjoying the warm sea and the bright sun. The average air temperature during the wet season is +33 - +35 degrees Celsius and the average rainfall is 1800-2000 mm.

The dry season falls for 6 months from January to June. The weather this season is cool with a light breeze and the air temperature drops to +27 degrees Celsius. The average water temperature is +25 degrees Celsius, precipitation is reduced to a minimum, droughts are possible.

Between July and November, tropical storms and typhoons are possible in the Pacific Ocean. Basically, they become infected in the Mariana Islands and go north, gaining their strength already off the coast of the Philippines, China, Taiwan, Korea or Japan.

National cuisine of the Mariana Islands

The cuisine in the Marianas is international. Initially, with the development of textile and tourism industry on the islands, a multinational population has developed. The Chinese, Filipinos, Thais, Japanese, Koreans, Americans, Australians and other nationalities have influenced the diversity of the islands' cuisine. Accordingly, the island has many restaurants and eateries to the liking of each of these nationalities.

The locals are very hospitable, and if you make friends in Saipan, you will definitely be invited to visit, where they will offer local dishes such as red rice, meat or poultry grilled or in coconut milk, corn tortillas, spicy chicken calaguen, apigigi (young coconut with starch flour wrapped in a banana leaf), tropical fruits and many other dishes. You can taste local dishes in hotel restaurants or at the local fair on Garapan on Thursdays.

Most popular restaurants:

Restaurant "Tony Romas" is famous for ribs prepared according to traditional American recipes, and "Capriciosa" - Italian cuisine, are located not far from the Duty Free shopping center. Delicious cuisine, fast service and convenient location and opening hours have made these restaurants very popular among Russian tourists.

The big guitar of the restaurant "Hard Rock Cafe" attracts the attention of every tourist. The restaurant itself is located on the second floor of the Duty Free shopping center. Homemade nachos, combo burgers, steaks, fried chicken, soups, salads and delicious desserts can all be tasted in an atmosphere of rock and roll relics and your favorite music.

The Thai House Thai restaurant is a favorite place for both residents of Saipan and tourists. Seafood delicacies, papaya salad, vegetable rolls and many other dishes will be served to your table with a smile and Thai goodwill.

In the only Indian restaurant on the islands, "Test of India", you can try the famous Indian dish "Tandori Chicken".

Numerous Korean, Chinese and Japanese restaurants are scattered throughout the island of Saipan. The Hankukwan restaurant specializes in traditional Korean cuisine for cooking nabe (soups). Seafood, meat, mushrooms, vegetables, or all at once can be added to the cooked spicy broth of your choice. Restaurant "Tori Hide and American Sushi Bar" offers a variety of Japanese dishes, sashimi and sushi, including California rolls.

Tourist safety in the Marianas

History of the Marianas

The first settlers migrated from South-East Asia to the Marina Islands 1500 BC Ferdinand Magellan, a Portuguese explorer and navigator, discovered the Marianas and mapped them in 1521, and in 1565 Spain declared the islands its territory and…

Mariana Islands souvenirs

Coconut products Bojobo mascots Products from the seeds of the Bojobo tree Shell and coral jewelry Traditional wood products Traditional bone products Coconut leaf wicker products Traditional bead products Pictures Medicinal products from noni fruits Noni …

Mariana Islands: interesting facts

The deepest trench in the world, the Mariana Trench, which is over 11,000 meters deep, is located to the east of Saipan.

Guinness book records:

Temperature: in the Mariana Islands, the most stable temperature in the world is +27 C.

In 2007, Marine Dive magazine put 18 categories of dive-related sites around the world up for readers' votes. After voting, 5 prestigious awards were determined for the Mariana Islands.

Managaha Island Lagoon won first place as “Best Snorkeling Spot”

Fourth place was shared by Managaha for “ best beach” and the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota for “ Best Region for diving”

Fifth place was shared by Rota for "Teteto" beach as "Best Beach" and the islands of Saipan, Tinian and Rota as "Best Resort Area".

Underwater cave "Grotto" is considered the second most beautiful place in the world among diving specialists. Skin Diver magazine has listed this place as one of the top 10 scuba diving spots.

For four consecutive years, Managaha Island has been awarded and received the title of "Best Snorkeling Destination" at the Tokyo International Fair.

Saipan - Treasure Island! The Saipan Museum of History and Culture has the world's largest collection of artifacts and treasures from Spanish galleons! In 1638, at Cape Aguingan in the Saipan Strait, not far from the PIC Hotel, the galley Nuestra Señora de la Conception wrecked with a cargo of gold. Only a small part of the cargo was found by an underwater expedition in the 80s of the last century. Most of the treasures still remain at the bottom of the strait. The most expensive part of the treasure is in the museum and their duplicates can be seen in one of the halls: gold jewelry inlaid with diamonds and other precious stones, necklaces, chains, fine porcelain, etc.

On the island of Saipan lived the artist Douglas Rankin, who created a unique painting technique - banana painting. Instead of a brush, he used cuttings from a banana tree. He cut and wrapped leaves, carved dies and rollers from trunks. Then he created unique paintings with his unusual instruments. Douglas Rankin died in 2007.

Official name - Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands(Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands).

Located in the Western Pacific Ocean. The area is 477 km2, the population of the Mariana Islands is 80 thousand people. (2003). Official language- English. The administrative center of the Mariana Islands is the island of Saipan (over 50 thousand people, 2003). Public holiday - Commonwealth Day January 8 (1978). The monetary unit of the Mariana Islands is the US dollar.

Member of the Pacific Community (formerly UTK, since 1983).

The Mariana Islands are located between 13° and 31° north latitude and 144° and 146° east longitude on 14 islands of the Mariana archipelago, stretching for 685 km from north to south. It borders on the south with Guam (the 15th island in the Mariana ridge, turning into the deepest Mariana Trench on the planet - 10,900 m).

All islands are volcanic and mountainous. The length of the coastline is 1482 km. The northern islands (9) are younger. active volcanoes are preserved on Pagan and Agrihan (an unnamed peak 965 m - the highest point in Micronesia). Ma-ug and Guguan - nature reserves wildlife, thousands of seabirds nest in the trees on the tops of the cliffs. Sarigan is rich in tropical vegetation, home to a large colony of wild goats. The southern islands (5), including the largest ones (Saipan, 125 km2, Tinian, 105 km2 and Rota, 101 km2), are older. On calcareous soils, coconut palms, heat-resistant cereals, sugar cane, etc. grow there. Saipan has 6 different landscapes, from volcanic hills to wet lowlands and sandy beaches.

Natural resources: fish stocks in the 200-mile economic zone.

The climate of the Mariana Islands is tropical, even throughout the year, the average temperature is + 30 ° C, drier than in other parts of Micronesia. The amount of precipitation is low - within 250 mm per year. Rainy season: July - November. At this time there are typhoons.

The population of the Mariana Islands is growing rapidly (3-4% per year), incl. through immigration. Most of the population is made up of Micronesian peoples (Chamorro, Carolinians, etc.), there are Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, Filipinos and Koreans. Chamorro (mostly oral) and Caroline are widely spoken. Less than 15% of the population speak English in families. Most Chamorrans speak some Japanese to communicate with tourists. Competently 97% of the adult population of the Mariana Islands. Life expectancy for men is 73 years, for women - 79 years. Infant mortality 5.5 pers. per 1000 newborns.

Most of the population of the Mariana Islands is concentrated on the island of Saipan, 5 more islands are inhabited.

The Catholic religion dominates, combined with adherence to traditional legends, beliefs and taboos.

In 1521 F. Magellan discovered the Mariana Islands. Their colonization in the 17th century. was accompanied by armed clashes between the Spaniards and the indigenous people - the Chamorros, most of whom were exterminated. They got their name in honor of Marianne of Austria - the widow of the Spanish king Philip IV. In 1899 Spain sold them to Germany. After the 1st World War, under the mandate of the League of Nations, the islands came under the control of Japan. In 1947, the United States received Mariana as one of the United Nations Trust Territories. Access to the islands was restricted due to US military installations. Most of Tinian (from where the B-29 aircraft took off for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki) is still reserved for the use of the US Armed Forces. In 1972, negotiations began between representatives of the islands and the US government on the future status of the Marian. In 1975, they signed an Agreement establishing the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands, which are "in political union" with the United States. Since 1978, after approval by referendum, the Marian Constitution came into effect, on the basis of which the first elections of legislative and executive power were held. In 1986, the aforementioned Agreement entered into force. In 1990, the UNCT abolished the status of a mandated territory in relation to the Commonwealth of the Mariana Islands.

The Marianas is a self-governing Commonwealth "in political alliance" with the United States, which controls foreign relations and defense. The head of state is the President of the United States. Indigenous people has American citizenship, but does not participate in American elections. Federal financing of the Marian economy is the responsibility of the US Department of the Interior.

The country does not have an administrative division, but there are 4 municipalities (Northern Islands, Saipan, Tinian and Rota).

Executive power is exercised by the governor (Juan N. Wabauta) and the lieutenant governor (Diego T. Venevente), elected by direct universal suffrage for 4 years. The next elections are in 2005. The bicameral Legislative Assembly has 9 senators (elected for 4 years) and 18 members of the House of Representatives (for 2 years). The population of the islands also elects a "permanent representative" in the United States with residence in Washington (unlike Guam, which has its own delegate to the US House of Representatives).

Political parties: by analogy with the United States - Republican (its members are the current governor and permanent representative in Washington, 4 senators and 16 deputies of the lower house) and Democratic (3 senators and a deputy), Reform Party (senator), Agreement Party (deputy).

The Mariana Islands do not have diplomatic relations with the Russian Federation.

GDP per capita 12.5 thousand US dollars. The main sectors of the economy are the rapidly growing clothing industry and tourism. About 50% of the workforce is employed in the tourism industry (25% of GDP), another 35% (mostly Chinese) in the clothing industry. The number of foreign workers is more than 4 times higher than the number of local workers, among whom unemployment is high - 30%.

The role of agriculture is small. Coconut palm, breadfruit, vegetables and fruits are grown on small farms. Cattle are bred on the ranch. Fishing and processing of fish (mainly tuna) are of certain importance.

length highways- about 400 km. 2 seaports - on Saipan and Tinian. Of the 6 airports, 3 have paved runways and a helipad.

The islands are visited annually by 500,000 or more foreign tourists (the Japanese predominate, the Marianas are the Pacific islands closest to them and memorable places battles of World War II).

US financial assistance is important for the Marian economy, but its share in the country's budget is last years declined as the local revenue base increased.

The main export item is garments. Food, fuel, construction materials and equipment are imported. The main partners are the USA and Japan.

The school system includes public (primary and secondary schools) and private schools. You can continue your education at the Northern Marian College, as well as at educational institutions in the United States.