The best attractions in Venice in one day. What to see on your own? Our routes

What can you "see-do" in the itinerary for one day in Venice?

Ride along the Grand Canal;
admire the works of Titian, Vivarini, Bellini, Alvise… for only 3 €;
see the largest artistic canvas in the world;
take a walk through the old market, where local residents shop until eight o'clock in the morning;
visit one of the most beautiful churches in Europe;
we will be surprised by the prices in the oldest cafe in Italy;
look at Venice from top to bottom;
let's evaluate The Last Supper ... no, not Leonardo da Vinci, but Tintoretto;
see how gondolas are made at one of the oldest shipyards in Venice;
try the famous Venetian cicchetti at reasonable prices;
we will take many beautiful photos;
Let's get positive energy.

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If you have not bought tickets to Venice yet, then we remind you that flights will be cheaper if you fly with a transfer. For example, you can buy, a Moscow-Venice-Moscow ticket can be bought for a direct flight for 7700 rubles:

Venice - the city of canals

So, Venice is a city of canals. Therefore, the first of the sights that cannot be missed is the streets of Venice - its canals and, of course, the main "avenue" - the Grand Canal or Canalazzo, as the indigenous people call it.

The city is a must see from the water. How much does it cost? It all depends on "your wallet". If you buy a ticket for a single trip on local "buses" -vaporetto (vaporetto), then pay 7.5 € (ticket covers 75 minutes). You can buy a day pass for 20 € and ride all day. If you want romance, then use the services of boatmen. Forty minutes on the gondola will cost you 80 € for a boat that can accommodate up to six people. in advance for 35 € per person.

You can explore the vaporetto routes and buy tickets on the website Here you can also book in advance (recommended) a place to park your car if you arrive.

First, we will describe our itinerary, and below we will present a map with the attractions offered for a one-day trip to Venice.

Venice in 1 day Itinerary for solo travelers. Top best attractions

If you are traveling in Italy by public transport, your Venice itinerary will start at Santa Lucia train station. The first sight on your way will be Church of Scalzi(Chiesa di Santa Maria di Nazareth) 17th century.

Let's move on bridge Skaltsy to the other side. Enjoying the views of grand canal. We go to the Cathedral of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari / Basilica Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari. The path from the Skaltsy church is 750 meters.

Why do we suggest visiting this cathedral? Inside are masterpieces of the Renaissance - works by Titian, Vivarini, Bellini, Alvise. Entrance ticket costs only 3 €.

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Sung in the works of great poets, sophisticated Venice is a city of elegant contrasts and illusions. Behind the magnificent facades of the Doge's Palace and St. Mark's Square hide shabby, damp-eaten neighborhoods, and the sparkling masks of the vibrant Venice Carnival hide the gloomy and sometimes difficult everyday reality of local residents.

And yet, Venice is grandiose, no matter what stories are written about this city. Even though it has been submerged for more than a decade, dexterous gondoliers will still ride tourists along narrow channels for many years to come. And as before - in the hot summer months, the main palazzos of Venice will be overcrowded with tourists who have flocked from all over the world just to touch the beautiful history of the most magical city in Europe.

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What to see and where to go in Venice?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

1. Grand Canal

The main water avenue of Venice is 4 km long, passing through the whole city. Starts right at the railway station of Santa Lucia. There are many pleasure boats plying here, from where you can see the city in all its glory. There is also a lot of public transport. Along the banks are the most beautiful palazzos, ancient churches, picturesque mansions. Every year, a historic regatta is held on the Grand Canal.

2. St. Mark's Square

The central Venetian square, the most important city landmark and the pride of the Venetians. The square has long become a symbol of the city, its personification. Here are the main places in Venice, all cultural events take place, and the cobbled pavement is trampled on by the boots of several million tourists every year. On the square there are two columns with statues of a winged lion and the Apostle Mark.

3. St. Mark's Cathedral

A cult temple in the classical Byzantine style (very uncharacteristic for Western Europe), which adorns St. Mark's Square. Until the beginning of the 19th century, the cathedral served as a royal chapel, where doge rulers were crowned. The relics of the Apostle Mark are kept here, which were brought to Venice in the 10th century after the next Crusade. The cathedral began to be erected in the 11th century, but the work was completed only by the end of the 15th century.

4. Saint Mark's Clock Tower

A building built in the 15th century by architect M. Coducci. The tower was designed in such a way that the astronomical dial could be seen from the Adriatic Sea. Thus, all the guests of the city, stepping on the embankment, could immediately feel the power and wealth of the Venetian Republic. The tower is decorated with a sculpture of a winged lion, which is a recognizable symbol of Venice.

5. St. Mark's Campanile

A hundred-meter bell tower of the 16th century, which previously served as a beacon for arriving ships. In the Middle Ages, there was a torture chamber inside. There are five bells on the bell platform, each of them has its own purpose. At the beginning of the 20th century, as a result of an earthquake, the bell tower collapsed, but in 1912 it was restored again. The restorers managed to restore the tower to its original appearance.

6. Doge's Palace

An elegant palazzo, where for centuries the doges lived - the rulers of the independent, wealthy and influential Venetian Republic. The palace was built, completed and decorated for more than 100 years, trying to give it sufficient grandeur and luxury. That is why the architectural ensemble is a mixture of styles. Here and late European Gothic, and Byzantine classicism, and elements of the Moorish style. Nowadays, the building houses a museum.

7. Scuolla San Rocco

The building, owned by the brotherhood of San Rocco, was built in 1477. On the square of the same name, the charitable organization built a palace in the Renaissance style. Nowadays, in Skuolle you can see the art gallery, the rich painting of the ceiling and walls. The entire interior of the palace is related to biblical stories and Christian relics.

8. Bridge of Sighs

An ancient bridge in the form of an arch thrown over the Palace Canal. It connects the royal Doge's Palace with the prison. The architecture of the bridge is elegant and romantic. This is a popular date place. According to one of the Venetian beliefs, it is believed that in a couple who kiss in this place, mutual love will never fade away. True, the increased attention of tourists to this attraction can ruin all the romance of the moment.

9. Rialto Bridge

Bridge over the Grand Canal in the Rialto quarter. All pleasure boats sail past it so that tourists can take photos as a keepsake. The crossing has existed in this place since the 12th century. At first it was a floating bridge, then a wooden one, in the 16th century. he became stone. The structure collapsed several times with enviable regularity. The construction of 1591 has survived to this day, which turned out to be stronger than its predecessors.

10. Academy Bridge

South Venetian bridge spanning the Grand Canal. The construction connects the San Marco area with the galleries of the art academy. The modern version of the bridge was built in 1934. It was designed by the architect Miozzi. Many times they wanted to replace the wooden structure of the structure with a metal one, but the authorities did not allow the replacement.

11. Cathedral of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Franciscan Gothic church of the XIII-XIV centuries, dedicated to the Holy Virgin Mary. During the construction, several styles were used: Byzantine, Venetian and Gothic. The best masters of that time were invited to paint the walls and decorate the interiors. For example, in the temple there is a sculpture of John the Baptist by the famous Donatello and the painting “Madonna Pesaro” by the immortal Titian.

12. Cathedral of Santa Maria della Salute

The church appeared as a gratitude to the Almighty for the deliverance of Venice from the terrible plague epidemic in the 17th century. The disease claimed tens of thousands of lives (more than a third of the city's population in those centuries). The construction of the cathedral lasted 50 years; for stability, countless wooden beams were driven into its foundation. The temple is located opposite the Doge's Palace on the main city square of St. Mark.

13. Cathedral of San Giorgio Maggiore

The church is located on the island of the same name. It was built in the 16th century in the classical Renaissance style. Since the 10th century, the island has been the property of the monastic order of St. Benedict. Before the earthquake at the beginning of the 13th century, there was a monastery and an old temple here, which were destroyed as a result of the elements. The new church appeared by the beginning of the 16th century. On the inner walls are depicted "Manna from Heaven" and "Last Supper" by Tintoretto.

14. Cathedral of Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Located on the square of the same name, built in 1430. The cathedral is dedicated to St. John and Paul. It is in this place that 18 doges of the Venetian Republic are buried. The interior of the temple is decorated with numerous works of art. The facade is made in the Gothic style. A distinctive feature of the cathedral is that there is no bell tower in the temple tower.

15. Church of San Pantalon

Located on St. Panteleimon Square. The church was rebuilt in its current form in 1668. The ceiling painting of the temple contains 40 biblical scenes woven together by Giovanni Fumiani. The ceiling painting in the church has no borders or frames. This creates the illusion that the walls and ceiling are one. A Christian relic is kept in the church chapel: the nail of the True Cross.

16. Ca' d'Oro Palace

The official name of the building is the Palazzo St. Sophia. The building was built in the 15th century. Architects Bartolomeo and Giovanni Bona, commissioned by one of the most powerful Venetian families. Gold leaf was used for exterior decoration, but it has not survived to this day. At the end of the 19th century, the mansion was acquired by Baron Giorgio Frenchetti. The aristocrat gathered a large collection of paintings, which, together with the house, went to the state after his death.

17. Ca' Rezzonico Palace

Museum in a luxurious 17th century palazzo, where works by Longhi, Piasetto, Tintoretto, Guardi are exhibited. In addition to painting in the museum, you can look at sculptures, furniture and clothes. The interiors of the palace demonstrate the desire for opulent luxury, characteristic of the Venetian aristocrats in the 17th-18th centuries. The palazzo belonged to the Rezzonico family, where Pope Clement XIII came from.

18. Palazzo Cantarini del Bovolo

The palace in San Marco was built in 1499. The highlight of the attraction is the spiral staircase leading to the balconies, which offer a panoramic view of the city. For a long time, the Venetian palace was owned by Pietro Contarini. Today, tour groups are allowed to tour the palace.

19. Fondaco dei Tedeschi

A huge Venetian palace is located on the Grand Canal. The spacious and sunny courtyard was needed by German merchants who brought their goods through it into the house. In our time, the courtyard of the palace was covered with a roof. Now there are shops, cafes and souvenir shops. From the galleries of the Fondaco Palace, amazing views of Venice open up.

20. Teatro La Fenice

One of the main musical theaters in Venice. The building was completed by 1982. It was here that in 1813 the debut of Gioacchino Rossini took place, whose operas are now staged in all theaters of the world. Several times the theater burned down, but each time it was rebuilt in an even more magnificent form, for which it got its name (“la fenice” means “phoenix”). The last fire happened in 1996, after which the stage was opened to the audience only in 2003.

21. Municipal Museum of Correr

The museum, named after the collector Teodoro Correr, a representative of an aristocratic Venetian family. This philanthropist bequeathed his entire collection to the city along with the palace where this collection was located. Gradually, the museum's funds grew, new works of art were acquired, some exhibits were donated by private individuals. This is how the Foundation of the City Museums of Venice was gradually formed.

22. Academy Gallery

The museum was founded at the end of the 18th century. At first, it housed a school of painting and sculpture, and then exhibitions began to appear. Among the exhibits there are paintings by Veneziano, Canaletto and Titian. In the XIX-XX centuries. the collection was quite modest, but thanks to the gifts of patrons, the number of exhibition halls has increased to 24. There are always long queues at the entrance to the museum, so you have to wait to go inside.

23. Peggy Guggenheim Collection

Museum of Modern Art, founded by the niece of the famous collector Solomon Guggenheim (its galleries are open all over the world). Works by Kandinsky, Picasso, Klee, Dali and Miro are exhibited here. Periodically, temporary exhibitions are held on the territory of the museum. The meeting is housed in an unfinished palazzo. The basis of the exposition is paintings from the personal collection of Peggy Guggenheim.

24. Punta della Dogana

Art Gallery of the city, located in the old customs building. The building was built in the city in 1678. Most recently, an exhibition of contemporary art was opened in a local gallery. Provocative works attract the attention of visitors literally from the doorway. There is also a maritime exhibition in the building, where you can view fragments of ships and everything that was raised from the seabed.

25. Murano Island

An archipelago of small five islands, where Venetian glass products have been made for hundreds of years. From here, glassblowing spread throughout Venice. On the island, you can watch the process of creating masterpieces or visit one of the many shops offering products of local craftsmen for every taste. Murano glass is a well-known global brand highly valued outside of Italy.

26. Burano Island

A small island near Murano, where one of the urban areas of Venice is located. The place is interesting because there are picturesque multi-colored houses of unusually bright colors. Local legend says that it was the wives of local drunkards who painted the walls so that tipsy husbands would not confuse their house with their neighbor's. Interestingly, each building is officially assigned a certain color.

27. Venice Ghetto

A site surrounded by canals in the Cannaregio area. It was nicknamed the ghetto due to the fact that once only Jews lived there. In 1516 they were expelled from the city, they were settled on this island. Jews in Venice were forbidden to hold public office, they could not master a number of professions, they entered the city only with the permission of the guards of the island. In order to somehow accommodate the growing population of the ghetto, the Jewish community had to build eight-story buildings.

28. Arsenal

Armory and shipyard in the historic part of Venice. The arsenal was founded at the beginning of the 12th century. for the purpose of equipping battle galleys. Here the galleon was invented - a warship, a real floating fortress, which was used in many future naval battles. Now the building of the Arsenal houses a research center and an exhibition hall where you can trace the history of the development of shipbuilding in the Venetian shipyards.

29. Rialto Market

The market in the historic quarter of the city has existed for over 1000 years. Venice began its existence with the Rialto. On small islands near the Grand Canal, there are stalls with vegetables and fruits. There are also fish shops that are obligatory for these places. The modern building with shopping malls was erected in 1907. Adjacent to the market is the adjoining courthouse, where the carabinieri regularly deliver handcuffed prisoners. The market itself is open from Tuesday to Saturday from 7.30 am to lunch.

30. Libreria Acqua Alta

The famous bookstore, located at the Grand Canal. It does not have the usual bookshelves. All publications are stacked on the floor. When the store's old building is in danger of flooding, the owner moves the books into tubs, basins, and even boats. From 9 am, the store sells both rare editions and popular literature in Italian. At the entrance, visitors are greeted by the owner's cat, and Luigi himself, the founder of this place, stands behind the cash register.

31. Cafe Florian

An iconic Venetian coffee shop that has been operating since the 18th century. The cafe has several halls and even has its own orchestra. All famous people who have come to Venice for the last 150 years have made sure to mark their presence in this place. At Floriana you can taste signature desserts, cocktails and coffee. There are tales about the prices in the establishment among tourists, as they are quite high, as in any similar place.

32. Beaches of Lido Island

The satellite island of Venice is a resort with breathtaking beaches. Ferries and boats transporting tourists run around the clock from the city's pier to the island. Lido beaches are divided into paid and free. Paid sites can only be used by guests of local hotels. The beach area consists of sand and pebble sections. All beaches are equipped with the necessary infrastructure.

33. Gondola - a symbol of Venice

The very first thing that comes to mind when mentioning Venice is the gondola and its helmsman: a cheerful, quick-witted and a little stupid gondolier. Walking along the Venetian canals is the most popular pastime for tourists. But few people know that some boats cost more than the most expensive cars, and in order to obtain a gondolier license, an applicant needs to study for a long time and pass a difficult exam.

34. Venice Film Festival

A well-known international event in the world of cinema, which brings together world stars and elites. Here, author's films, documentaries and short films are submitted to the jury. The main prize is the Golden Lion. Having received the coveted statuette, the director can count on the most profitable contracts and interesting projects. Many moviegoers from all over the world strive to get to the Venice Film Festival.

35. Venice Carnival

Festive extravaganza before the onset of Great Lent, leaving traditions in the distant past. During the Carnival, the streets are filled with people in luxurious costumes and masks, many of which are works of art. Balls, dinner parties in the Renaissance and Baroque style are held in the palazzo. This is a magical time when the whole city goes into a brilliant past for ten whole days.

We will tell you what interesting places to see in Venice if you only have one day. Read on to make an interesting itinerary.

Venice is the main city and real metropolis (if you count together with its mainland) in the north-east of Italy. However, the greatest value for travelers is, of course, the historical center of Venice, spread over 118 islands of the Venetian lagoon in the waters of the Adriatic.

There are three ways to get from the mainland to the city center:water bus Vaporetto(€9) from the main airport in the northeast of Italy in the suburbs of Tessera - Aeroporto Marco Polo di Venezia, either by rail or by bus through Santa Lucia station, located in the northwestern part of the Grand Canal.

Top attractions in Venice in one day

The two most famous facts about Venice are that it sinks and suffocates from tourists. And if the first news, most likely, will not affect your trip in any way, then crazy crowds of tourists can greatly spoil the impression. And even the advice to visit the most famous sights early in the morning will not help here. There are so many tourists on the streets of Venice 24 hours a day and 365 days a year that it seems that the city cannot withstand such a load and that is why it is sinking!

St. Mark's Square (Piazza San Marco)

Address: Piazza San Marco

Entrance: Piazza San Marco Pass for museums – €20

The main city square, Piazza San Marco, has come down to us in its unchanged medieval form. In fact, these are two squares, piazzetta (from Italian "small square") occupied a small space from the Grand Canal embankment along the Doge's Palace on one side and the Sansovino library building ( Biblioteca nationale Marciana ) on the other and rests against the high bell tower at St. Mark's Cathedral. The entrance to the square from the side of the canal is framed by two marble columns, on top of which there is a figure of a winged lion - the symbol of St. Mark, as well as a statue of St. Theodore - the patron saint of Venice. In the Middle Ages, executions took place between these columns, so superstitious Venetians still prefer to bypass this place.

St. Mark's Square itself is located in front of the cathedral of the same name. The buildings of the Old and New Procurations stretched along its remaining sides. Once they housed the "administration" of Venice and even the residence of Napoleon. Now the first floors of the buildings are occupied by expensive cafes and restaurants. Also located in New Procurations Museo Civico Correr - Ethnographic Museum of the Venetian Republic, the exposition of which presents the life of the Venetians in the Middle Ages, as well as a decent collection of local artists.

Basilica di San Marco

Address: Piazza San Marco

Entrance: free to the cathedral, €2 to the golden Pala d’oro altar, €3 to the treasury

The main cathedral of Venice and the city's most visited attraction is full of visitors from sunrise to sunset, so you need to try to see the beauty of the mosaics that adorn its walls and domes. The Cathedral of San Marco was built in the Middle Ages in accordance with the Byzantine style. Later, many artifacts from the Crusades were brought to decorate its interiors, and the architectural elements of Byzantine palaces and temples adorned the previously laconic facade of the building. Well, the main value of the cathedral for believers is the relics of the Apostle Mark stored here.

In a separate part of the cathedral, one of its main relics is located - the golden altar of Pala d'oro. Once hidden from visitors and used only in festive services, the altar can now be seen by anyone for a separate symbolic fee of €2. There is also a museum inside the cathedral (€5) and a treasury with the same Byzantine artifacts (€3) is open to the public.

Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale)

Address: Piazza San Marco, 1

The most romantic Venetian building with a delicate pink facade, intricate Gothic carvings and a snow-white colonnade along its perimeter was once occupied by the rulers of the Venetian Republic - the doges. In the Middle Ages, the court and the secret police also worked in the building, and the lower floors were occupied by lawyers, censors and clerical offices. Despite several fires from which the building suffered in the Middle Ages, the preserved and restored interiors, decorated with paintings by Tintoretto and Veronese, are still amazing!

Since immediately after visiting the Cathedral of San Marco, all tourists rush on a tour of the Doge's Palace, it is better to buy a ticket here in advance online . The price of the Piazza San Marco Pass (€20) also includes admission to other museums in Piazza San Marco. Well, for lovers of a secluded walk through the historical interiors, they offer to visit the palace after its closing for €80 (only 20 tickets per day).

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Rialto Bridge

Address: Sestiere San Polo

In maritime Venice, cut up and down by hundreds of canals, of course, it will not do without bridges. One of the 4 main city bridges spanning the Grand Canal, and at the same time the most ancient and famous bridge in Venice - Ponte di Rialto - connects the banks of the canal in its narrowest part. It is best to admire the Rialto from the water, at least from the embankments. And of course, it is simply necessary to cross it from one bank to another in such a dense crowd of tourists, as if in the morning rush hour in the subway.

Bridge of Sighs

Address: Piazza San Marco, 1

Entrance: by Piazza San Marco Pass – €20

No less famous than its counterpart Rialto, the Bridge of Sighs connects the Doge's Palace and its neighboring prison. That is why it got its name. In the Middle Ages, after cases were heard in the Supreme Court of the Doge's Palace, the convicts were taken to the prison cell along this very bridge, and the last chance for the unfortunate to see the world outside the prison walls was a fleeting glance through the barred windows of the bridge. Although, of course, it is difficult to call this structure a bridge, it looks like a small covered extension to two buildings above a small canal.

Grand Canal (Canal Grande)

The main transport artery of the city actually serves as the central avenue of Venice. About 100 of the richest, most famous and beautiful palazzos lined up along the banks of the Grand Canal. That is why the Venetians lovingly call the canal - Canalazzo, i.e. "Canal-Palace". But there are almost no embankments along it, so you can only see the beautiful facades of Venetian palaces from the water. The amazing thing about the Grand Canal is that, unlike most artificially dug channels, the Venetian Canal Grande is a small channel that once passed through the islets of the Venetian lagoon and was turned by the Italians into a real water avenue connecting different parts of the city.

Gondolas, vaporetto and traghetto

The historic center of Venice is very compact and, if desired, it can be easily bypassed in just a couple of hours. Although even in this case, public transport operates in Venice, which performs an entertaining function for tourists. You can ride along the Grand Canal on a river bus - Vaporetto . To enjoy the surrounding Venetian beauty as much as possible, it is better to take seats on the bow or stern of the vessel. At the same time, the cost of tickets for Venetians and visitors varies greatly. For the latter, tickets for travel within the city will cost €8 one way or €15 round trip, but you can also buy a day ticket (€30) and ride as much as you want. Ticket kiosks are located right at the entrance to the pontoon piers - the vaporetto stop.

Well, where in Venice without gondolas and gondoliers singing songs. Unfortunately, the once popular type of personal transport in the city has turned into entertainment for tourists for decent money (from €80 per trip). The gondoliers sing less and compete more to attract customers by gaudily decorating their boats. But don't worry! Preserved in Venice and authentic gondolas, still acting as public transport -Traghetto. These rugged gondolas carry passengers from one side of the Grand Canal to the other with no seating. The trip takes about 3-5 minutes, and the cost of a one-way trip is only €2. Real Venetians ride in a traghetto standing up, but no one forbids you to really sit down on a narrow boat side and feel like a resident of medieval Venice!

Murano and Burano Islands

Address: Isola di Murano, Isola di Burano

Round trip vaporetto: €20

No less famous, located north of the historical center of Venice, the islands of Murano and Burano are officially included in the city. You need to get here by Vaporetto from Piazza San Marco on a special green line - Linea Verde.

Murano is famous for its colored Murano glassware. Since the 13th century, a community of glassblowers has formed on the island, producing artistic glass using a unique Venetian technology, highly valued throughout the world. In order not to divulge production secrets, the craftsmen were forbidden to leave the island, and in return for them, their family members, and after that, all descendants complained of noble titles.

Burano, on the other hand, was an ordinary fishing village, where you can still admire the bright and colorful facades of fishing houses, buy Burano lace and try the famous local cookies - Buranelli.

Venetian cathedrals and churches

When all the main sights of the city have been examined, and the abundance of people is already dazzling, it is worth delving into the narrow and surprisingly quiet Venetian streets and, walking along the areas remote from St. Mark's Square, visit churches and cathedrals of amazing beauty. In total, there are 150 churches in compact Venice!

Chorus Venezia - Association of the Venetian Patriarchate, which includes 16 main churches of the city. These cathedrals are known not only as monuments of medieval architecture, but also as original museums of art, because their walls are decorated with masterpieces by Titian, Tintoretto and Veronese, as well as other Italian painters of the Renaissance. Entrance ticket to most of the churches from the Chorus list costs a symbolic €3, you can also purchase a single Chorus Pass for only €12.

Cathedral of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari

Address: San Polo, 3072

Entrance: €3, or Chorus Pass – €12

Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari is the second most important cathedral in Venice after San Marco. The building was built in the Gothic style and impresses with rich interior decoration. The interior of the Frari Basilica, as the Venetians call it for short, is decorated with skillful wooden carvings, many statues and paintings by Venetian artists, and one of the main works of Titian, The Assumption of Mary (Assunta), rises above the altar. In addition, Titian and the famous Italian sculptor Antonio Canova, whose works are exhibited in the Louvre and the Hermitage, are buried in the cathedral under magnificent tombstones.

Basilica of Santa Maria della Salute

Address: Dorsoduro, 1

Entrance: €4

Perhaps the most famous Venetian building, invariably appearing on all photos of the city. monumentalBasilica di Santa Maria della Salutemeets travelers at the very beginning of the Grand Canal. It was built in the second half of the 17th century in memory of the plague epidemic that claimed the lives of a third of the Venetians. And still in the cathedral every year they serve a mass in gratitude for the deliverance of Venice from the plague. The strict and majestic facade of the cathedral is continued in its laconic interiors. Passing inside the building, you will find yourself in a simple, spacious and cold hall, completely finished with multi-colored marble and decorated with marble statues.

Church of St. Panteleimon (Chiesa di San Pantalon)

Address: Dorsoduro, 3703

The entrance is free

This small and inconspicuous-looking church on the San Pantalon square of the same name is not included in the Chorus list, but includes a real masterpiece of Venetian painting and the largest artistic canvas in the world (700 sq.m.). The church is famous for its painted vault, on which the Italian painter Giovanni Fumiani depicted paintings from the life of St. Panteleimon. The peculiarity of the fresco is that, thanks to the skill of the artist, on a low flat ceiling there is a feeling of a dome that goes far into the sky. In addition, the picture without a frame smoothly passes to the walls, and this only enhances the impression of the depth of the vault.

Cathedral of Santi Giovanni e Paolo

Address: Castello, 6363

Entrance: €10

Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paolo- the largest cathedral in Venice, where 18 doges of the Venetian Republic and a dozen more famous Venetians are buried. The interior of the cathedral is completely different from a religious institution. The huge space inside it, decorated with paintings, massive sculptures and colorful stained-glass windows, is more like a real palace. And, of course, the scale of the cathedral is impressive, which is so unusual for compact Venice.

Atypical attractions

It would seem that in such a city well-worn by tourists along and across the city, there was not a single interesting and not hackneyed sight left. But even in Venice, if you try, you can find real hidden gems, visiting which you fall in love with the city even more!

San Michele Cemetery Island

Address: Isola di San Michele

Round trip vaporetto: €15

The Venetian "Isle of the Dead" is located exactly in the middle between the historic center of the city and the island of Murano. You can get to San Michele by vaporetto lines 4.1 and 4.2 . The whole island is occupied by a cemetery, which, in turn, is divided into 3 parts: Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant. There are three points of attraction for tourists at the Orthodox cemetery - the graves of Joseph Brodsky, Igor Stravinsky and Sergei Diaghilev. According to tradition, ballet admirers place ballet shoes on Diaghilev's grave instead of flowers.

Campo Santa Margherita

Address: Campo Santa Margherita, Dorsoduro

Spacious (which is rare for Venice) the central square of the Dorsoduro district with many hostels, clubs, cafes and restaurants and a favorite meeting place for Venetian students. Here, local boys play football, boys and girls make dates, and Italian donnas hang clothes to dry on ropes stretched between houses. And, of course, in cafes and restaurants on Campo Santa Margherita you can order the famous Venetian black pasta with cuttlefish ink, local sparkling Prosecco as part of the equally famous Spritz cocktail or a traditional Italian dessert at prices 2 times lower than on the central streets of Venice around the square San Marco.

Bookstore Libreria Acqua Alta

Address: Calle Longa S. Maria Formosa, 5176/b

The entrance is free

An amazing for us and typical for Venice bookstore, where, to protect against sudden flooding, books are stored not on shelves, but in capacious cast-iron bathtubs and even in real gondolas inside the trading floor! What will happen to books if they are not stored in this way can be seen in a small shop yard. Where books spoiled by water in colorful bindings lined up in real "fortress walls".

The city of Venice is located in Northern Italy, on the Adriatic Sea. In addition to world-famous sights, Venice is famous for its numerous buildings on 118 islands, separated by 150 canals. The popular seaside resort, which attracts a lot of tourists, often hosts various international festivals and exhibitions.

Climate and weather in Venice

The most acute heat of the southern seaside city is felt in July, when the temperature rises to +25..+28C, sometimes up to +40C, although this rarely happens. Due to the high humidity, at which the heat is felt more strongly, crowded lines in museums and other attractions of Venice make it less comfortable to relax in the summer.

Thunderstorms and heavy rains are frequent in April-May and September-October, although the amount of precipitation is fairly even throughout the year.

Fog is not uncommon in winter, snowfalls and frosts sometimes occur, the average monthly temperature in January is + 3C.

What is the best time of year to visit Venice?

It is much more preferable to see the sights of Venice in late spring or in September-October. At this time, it is quite warm and sunny.

From June to August, the air temperature rises, mosquitoes appear, it becomes stuffy and hot, there are a lot of tourists on the streets, and an unpleasant smell comes from the canals.

Starting in October, the risk of floods, the so-called acqua alta (“high water”), in which some islands are flooded, increases. In November, unpleasant piercing bora winds begin to blow, which makes it damp and uncomfortable. The weather begins to improve by March.

By the evening in spring and autumn it becomes cool, so it will be useful to grab warm clothes.

In winter, there are fewer tourists, so you can save money due to lower prices. But with the beginning of the Venice Carnival, which runs for 10 days in January or February, until the last Sunday before Lent, the city becomes crowded, carnival masks begin to be sold, which causes prices to rise.

Venetian floods

During the holidays from October to February, floods are possible. At a relatively low water level of 70 cm, the Piazza San Marco is flooded, at a level slightly above a meter, the streets are flooded.

Forecasts about the upcoming flood are quite accurate and are made two days in advance. Appropriate announcements are posted at the waterbus stations of the vaporetto.

If the siren is heard and the red light on the bell tower of San Marco (Campanile) lights up, the streets will begin to flood no later than 4 hours. As a rule, river trams, except for a few routes, stop running, high water levels prevent them from passing under bridges.

History of Venice

Even the first inhabitants noticed that the city was constantly sinking into the water. Twice it was rebuilt, erecting buildings on higher islands. The modern intensive water intake from artesian wells for the needs of industry has contributed to even greater flooding, due to which the water level has risen by 23cm. After the shutdown of wells, the process slowed down, but did not stop. Increasing floods contribute to the sinking of the city's buildings.

Initially, the city center was located on the islands of Malamocco and Torcello, which in 727. By order of the Byzantine emperor, they were united by the power of the elected ruler of the doge (doge). The name of the title is derived from the Latin dux (dux) - leader.

Representatives of respected and noble Venetian families were elected to the post of ruler. Before 1802 120 doges were replaced in the Venetian Republic. The modern structure of the city was formed by the 9th century.

City buildings were erected on special foundations that could withstand their weight on a muddy bottom. Wooden piles are made of larch, its wood does not rot in water. The walls of the houses rest on stone foundations. Instead of sidewalks, the buildings are lined with fondamenta, narrow embankments connected by high footbridges so that small boats can pass under them even during floods.

It is believed that the reason for the rise of the Venetian Republic was the capture in 1204 by the Crusader Knights of Constantinople during the Fourth Crusade organized by Venice. This allowed Venice to enrich itself by exporting Greek cultural values ​​from Byzantium, as well as to spread its economic influence further to the East. The defeat of the Republic of Genoa in the War of Chioggia at the end of the 14th century contributed to the strengthening of trade influence in the Mediterranean.

Subsequently, Venice had to take the place of the fallen Byzantium and resist the spread of Turkish influence in the Eastern Mediterranean. After the capture of Constantinople in 1453 by the Ottoman Turks under the leadership of Sultan Mehmed II, European states were forced to look for other trade routes from Europe to Asia, which caused a weakening of the economic power of the Venetian Republic. In addition, the naval power of Spain, Holland and England increased.

After the Turkish siege of Cyprus in 1571, Venice, Spain and the Papal States in the Gulf of Corinth defeated the Turkish fleet. But two years later, the Turks managed to capture Cyprus, and a century later, the island of Crete. The economic and military power of Venice and the Ottoman Empire by that time had been significantly undermined.

After the capture of Venice in 1796 by Napoleon, its territory was ceded to Austria. Only in 1866 did Venice become one of the Italian provinces.

The main Venetian attraction is the Grand Canal

The Grand Canal (Canal Grande) is not an artificial, but a natural structure, it meanders like the number "2", following the old riverbed. Its length is almost 4 km, width up to 70 m, depth 5 m.

The Grand Canal is crossed by four bridges:

  • Bridge of the Constitution (Ponte della Costituzione);
  • Scalzi Bridge (Ponte degli Scalzi);
  • Rialto Bridge (Ponte di Rialto);
  • Academy Bridge (Ponte dell'Accademia).

To cross to the other side in other places, you need to use the vaporetto water tram or the traghetti gondola crossing.

Rialto Bridge

is the oldest bridge in Venice. Initially, it was made of wood, only in the 16th century it was decided to make it in stone.

The competition was attended by Michelangelo, Sansovino, Vingola, Palladio. The project of Antonio da Ponte won, who proposed to recreate the original appearance of a wooden bridge, when two straight parts are connected in the center, and shopping arcades are located on the sides.

Piazza San Marco

Piazza San Marco has long been considered the main square of Venice. Here is the Cathedral of San Marco, the patron saint of Venice. The building is a rare example of Byzantine architecture in Western Europe. According to legend, the relics of St. Mark were secretly taken out of Alexandria, where the Turks ruled, by two Byzantine merchants.

Opposite the cathedral is another Venetian landmark - Campanile di San Marco. The bell tower served as a beacon for ships entering the lagoon. It collapsed in 1902 due to the general wear and tear of the building, no one was hurt. The restored bell tower has been open since April 25, 1912.

Near the National Library of St. Mark (Marciana) the symbolic gates of the city are installed - the columns of St. Mark and St. Theodore (Colonne di San Marco e San Todaro).

The Column of Saint Mark is crowned by a winged lion. It is a well-known historical fact that it was him that Napoleon ordered to be transported to Paris and installed in front of Les Invalides. After Napoleon's abdication from the throne by decision of the Vienna Congress of 1814-15. decided to return the lion to Venice.

Another column is crowned with a statue of St. Theodore, its original is in the Doge's Palace.

Doge's Palace

The Doge's Palace (Palazzo Ducale) is considered a characteristic example of Venice architecture and at the same time an interesting attraction. The lower floor of the building rests on 36 columns. During the construction of the second floor, columns were also used, but thinner and narrower. The balcony built on the third floor was a kind of festive tribune, on which the doge went out.

The Hall of the Great Council is striking in size - 54x25m, the ceiling is 12m high, this landmark of Venice is of constant interest to tourists:

  • a huge canvas by Tintoretto "Paradise" measuring 7.65x24.65m occupies almost the entire western wall;
  • on the ceiling is a plafond by Veronese "The Apotheosis of Venice";
  • the next ceiling “Venice, surrounded by sea deities, presents an olive branch to the Doge Nicolo da Ponte” belongs to Tintoretto.

Houses and palaces of Venice

A famous and interesting place to visit is Ca'd'Oro, the so-called Golden House, located on the banks of the Grand Canal in the Cannaregio area. Once its facade was trimmed with gold, hence the name.

The Gothic style building was designed by the architect Giovanni Bona in the 15th century. The building currently houses the Franchetti Art Gallery.

Another Venetian attraction, the Ca'Dario Palace (Palazzo Dario), in the Dorsoduro district, has been infamous for centuries. Its facade is finished with colored marble. The owners of the palace repeatedly ended their lives by violence or suicide.

Fans of palace architecture should also visit the Fondaco dei Turchi, the Rezzonico Ca'da'Mosto palazzo.

Venetian art galleries, museums, churches

The 24 rooms of the Gallerie dell'Accademia, or the Academy Museum, display an extensive collection of Venetian painters of the 14th-18th centuries. Among the authors are Bellini, Carpaccio, Giorgione, Titian, Tintoretto.

The exposition of the Venetian City Museum Correr (Museo Civico Correr) allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the various aspects of life and life of the last period of the Venetian Republic. The museum is located in Piazza San Marco.

The Church of Santa Maria della Salute (Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute) was built in the 17th century by Baldassare Longhena to commemorate the deliverance of the city from the plague. It is located on the other side of the Grand Canal, not far from Piazza San Marco.

The church was built in the form of an octahedron topped with a dome-hemisphere. The dome is supported by a cylinder whose bases are pentagons. On each side of the cylinder are paired arched windows. There are 6 chapels around the building, each of the eight facades is decorated with pilasters and tympanums.

A more modest appearance at the church of Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari (Basilica di Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari). An interesting fact is that it was built of brick by Franciscan monks in the 15th century.

Inside, tourists can enjoy the view of the famous sights of Venice: the altar, decorated with the painting "Assumption of the Virgin Mary" by Titian, as well as the triptych "Madonna Enthroned with Saints" by Giovanni Bellini, located in the apse arch.

Description of the islands of Venice

In addition to the city, it is worth seeing the sights of the islands. Tourists are offered to visit the famous island of Murano, where the famous Venetian glass and mirrors were produced, in the amalgam of which gold was added.

Murano Island

Glassblowers carefully guarded the secrets of craftsmanship, so the life of the island is distinguished by autonomy. There is a church, various city services, and its own Grand Canal.

Tourists are happy to visit the Museum of Glass, as well as the glass factory, to see how glassblowers work. It is worth noting that the proposed glass souvenirs will cost a lot.

Burano Island

An interesting place to visit is the Lace Museum. They are skillfully woven by local women, the traditions of craftsmanship date back to the 16th century. At the School of Lace Weaving, you can watch the craftswomen and see the result of real handiwork. On the street, fakes made by machine are often offered.

Public transport - how to get around Venice

Along the banks of the Grand Canal there are six historically established administrative regions:

  • San Marco;
  • Cannaregio;
  • Castello;
  • Dorsoduro with the islands of Giudecca and Sacca Fizola;
  • San Polo;
  • Santa Croce.

Ground public transport is represented by shuttle buses and taxis.

The Santa Lucia train station is located in the Cannaregio area. Having passed from it through the embankment and across the bridge of the Constitution to the Roman Square (Piazzale Roma), you can find yourself at the city bus station.


This type of transport is considered a city landmark and is intended mainly for tourists, local residents practically do not use it.

A trip on an eleven-meter black boat for six allows you to enjoy the spectacle of medieval architecture.

The rental price increases in the evening, the duration of the trip cannot be less than 50 minutes.

Traghetti boats

- a more popular and affordable way to cross from one coast to another. Passengers are standing, gondoliers are at the bow and stern.

The places of the crossing and the time of their work are usually indicated on city maps and guidebooks.

Vaporetto water trams

are small flat-bottomed boats. A narrower and faster version of water trams is called motoskafi. This is a modern, affordable means of transportation along the canals and to the nearest islands of the lagoon.

When visiting Venice, you should be prepared for the fact that the numbering of routes changes quite often. Up-to-date information can be obtained at the offices of the passenger transportation operator ACTV. To save money, it is better to buy tickets for a day or three days. They are sold at the marina and other places where the ACTV sign is displayed.

Water taxis

allow you to move comfortably along the canal. These are beautiful lacquered motor boats, a trip on which the average tourist cannot afford.

Popular Venetian shops

Most often, tourists buy for various souvenirs - straw hats, vests, gondoliers' velvet slippers with canvas soles, miniature gondolas with a musical mechanism.

Jewellery, fabrics, lace and glass of excellent quality can be bought in the shops in Piazza San Marco. These are expensive quality products that are worth the money spent.

Leather, knitwear and silk products should be chosen in stores located on the streets of Vallaresso, Frezzeria, Larga XXII Marzo. More affordable boutiques are located on the streets between Piazza San Marco and the Rialto Bridge. On the first floors of the buildings there are shops, above - housing. The whole area is called Mercerie.

In the arcades of the Rialto Bridge you can buy cheap leather and silk accessories, angora wool and sheepskin, various Venetian souvenirs.

Early in the morning it is worth admiring the colorful spectacle and buying something at the Rialto market, which starts on the right bank of the Grand Canal. These are fresh fruits and vegetables, usually brought from the island of Sant Erasmo: strawberries, peaches, figs, cherries, lemons, watermelons, peppers, zucchini, tomatoes.

Cuisine of Venice - food in restaurants and cafes

The specificity of Venetian cuisine and its distinctive attraction is the use of natural products with little or no use of seasonings. As a rule, fish dishes and pasta are prepared, meat is almost never used.

Traditional Venetian lunch

For starters, you can order fish soup (zuppa di pesce) or seafood risotto (risotto di mare). Bigoli pasta is also popular, thicker than spaghetti. Spaghetti with cuttlefish ink is the most popular among the Venetians.

The second course is also fish, and the freshest fish is served in restaurants and cafes located near the water. As a rule, these are trout, eel, halibut, flounder. You can also try swordfish (pesce spada), sea bass (branzino), sea bream (orata). Polenta porridge is served with the fish.

An interesting fact is that locals prefer to eat sgroppino dessert at home, this is a kind of low-alcohol milkshake with lemon. Despite the fact that there is a dessert on the menu, in popular tourist places you can get its not quite high-quality performance.

As a dessert, you should look for ice cream, it is delicious, especially Boutique del Gelato, which is sold near Piazza Santa Maria Formosa or Gelateria Il Doge in Piazza Santa Margherita. Ice cream is sold exclusively for takeaway.

You can eat ice cream at the table in Gelateria Nico, on the Zattere promenade, as well as in the old Gelateria Paolin cafe on Campo San Stefano.

Wines and snacks

Venetian cuisine is best paired with homemade white wines. Of the red wines, the most popular are Bardolino, Valpolicella, Amarone and Recioto, it is sweet.

A bellini cocktail is made from fizzy Prosecco and peach juice, as well as a spritze - a mixture of soda, white wine and bitter liquor.

Of the snacks, cuttlefish, mussels, shrimp, octopus, sardines in a white marinade are popular.

If a restaurant dish - squid or shrimp - is made from frozen products, it is marked with an asterisk on the menu.

Where to eat quickly in Venice

It is worth looking for a sandwich bar that offers panini, Italian sandwiches. The filling can be the most diverse - chicken, ham, seafood, vegetables, cheese.

You can take a chance and buy fast food prepared at McDonald's, as well as products from Spizzico, an Italian chain of fast food pizzerias. The quality of the food is such that there is no need to worry about possible unpleasant consequences for the stomach and intestines.

Of course, you should look into the pizzeria, where there is not only pizza. Prices are quite moderate.

An interesting fact is that in Venice it is difficult to find a cafe where you can sit and drink a cup of coffee. The legendary Florian is located on Piazza San Marco, the establishment opened in 1720. There were Rousseau, Byron, Casanova. Tables are located right on the square, but the prices are quite impressive.

How to call from Venice

GSM-900 or GSM-1800 telephones work in the city. If international roaming is connected, you can call home, the cost of a minute of conversation is 1-2 euros.

Modified: 26.10.2016

Today, tourism is the predominant source of income for Venice. Every year, more than 15 million tourists come here for at least one day for the sights. Many buildings are architectural monuments by status, so there is something for tourists to see in Venice and what are the main attractions that every traveler should see?

The main attraction of Venice is the city's transport links, which are carried out through the canals.

The main transport artery of the city is dividing Venice into two parts.

The length of the channel is 3800m, the width is 30-70m, the depth is 5m. Through the Canalazzo (as the Venetians call the Grand Canal) four bridges were erected, and 45 smaller canals flow into it, the width of which can be 4-5m and move along them exclusively on gondolas. Gondola rides or riverboats are very popular, as all front facades face the water surface of the Grand Canal.

In the Cannaregio area, on the Grand Canal, is Ca' d'Oro or the Palazzo Santa Sofia, called the Golden House. The palace got its name due to the facade, which was decorated with precious materials in the past. The palace was built in the 15th century in the Venetian Gothic style. Today it houses a collection of medieval sculpture and painting.

St. Mark's Square

Particular attention deserves a visit (Piazza San Marco), with the cathedral of the same name located on it. On the square, tourists are greeted by numerous pigeons, which, according to legend, were brought from Egypt specifically as a gift to the Doge's wife.

Here the campanile (bell tower) rushed up - the tallest building in Venice, from where a beautiful view opens.

  • We recommend at dawn without tourists.

Doge's Palace

On Piazza San Marco you can also see (Palazzo Ducale) - a giant palace complex from the times of the greatness of the Venetian Republic.

Bridge of Sighs

From the Doge's Palace to the former prison building you can get through (Ponte dei Sospiri), which hangs over Rio del Palazzo street. The baroque bridge has many different names, but this is the most famous. The prisoners were led across the bridge to be executed. Therefore, the word "sighs" indicates the sadness and sadness of doomed people.

Rialto Bridge

One of the symbols of Venice is considered (Ponte di Rialto), laid across the Grand Canal. This is one of the most photographed places in Venice. Until the 16th century, wooden bridges were built here, which invariably collapsed or burned down. In its current form, Rialto is a curved marble arc with a flight length of 48m. It was built in 1591 according to the design of Antonio da Ponte.

Academy Gallery

On the south bank of the Canalazzo stands the Academy Gallery (Gallerie dell'Accademia), an art museum that houses the largest collection of Venetian paintings of the 14th-18th centuries. Visitors can see the work of many famous painters.

Church of Santa Maria della Salute

At the mouth of the Grand Canal is one of the most striking sights - (Basilica di Santa Maria della Salute). This is a church crowned with towers in the style. It was built in 1631 in honor of the deliverance of the Virgin Mary of Venice from the plague. The word "salute" means both health and salvation.

If you want to relax not only with your body, but also with your soul, come to the cities of Italy that are open to world tourism: Venice, Florence, Verona and, of course, the Eternal City of Rome.