What a beast a travel agency is. How to buy a tour yourself without a travel agency - review of online services If several flights are available on a tour

Friends, hello everyone!

There's nothing new about the idea of ​​going over the hill while on vacation. And if earlier the horizons rested on "suit and to Yalta " And “Lyudochka, fly to Haagra” , then today the whole world is before us.

The main thing is that your capabilities coincide with your desires and do not contradict requirements of Rostourism .

As soon as all the dissonance disappears, the question of how to buy a tour on your own without a travel agency will be resolved within an hour.

Well, only if you don’t need to consult with your wife, father-in-law, friend, wife’s friend, or weigh the pros and cons while simultaneously taking a nap for an hour under the mournful background of a football match of the Russian national team with no matter what opponent.

But I urge you to act more quickly! Especially when you consider that buying a tour abroad online is not only a cost-effective process, but also a very exciting one.

I have already partially touched on this issue in the article dedicated to purchasing a tour to Turkey.

In many small towns people still do things the old way trust, but check and go to travel agencies to your trusted friends to buy a ticket.

When I was still young, full of strength and youthful enthusiasm, looking for a trip to the UAE for our family, I initially looked around several agencies. Having made sure that they were selling something prohibitively expensive, I sat down on the phone.

No, initially I went to a site that was popular at the time (something like Otpusk.com) and chose the desired tour for yourself based on the number of days and nights. And only then I got on the phone and called the companies that sell this tour here in Sevastopol.

How to get a discount from a professional

And here, for the first time, I discovered my abilities as a telephone salesman. The following competed for the honor of being nominated as an agent to send us to Dubai: Coral.Travel, Join Up And Atlantic tour.

The battle was trivial. From their side, “take only from us,” and from ours, “there is a cheaper option.” As a result, the company won the auction Join Up , with whom I signed an agreement.

But, as you probably already know, a tour operator and a travel agency are 2 different things. Already during the registration process, I learned that we were flying with Tez Tour , and the cost of my tour after “crazy discounts” from fellow countrymen-guides turned out to be the same as on the website Tez Tour .

In theory, I could buy this tour directly from a tour operator at the same price without two days of negotiations, threats, tears and arrogant assurances “and my wife was offered $100 cheaper.”

But here's the problem.

Powerful corporations do not want to communicate directly with customers.

For them it's just a hassle. That is why they use such a filter as travel agencies, which carry out all educational and explanatory work, and also assist with visa applications, serve coffee and listen to your problems.

But that was back in 2012. 7 years ago. What about today?

How to buy trips and tours in the 21st century

Today, to choose a tour, you don’t need to run around the city, call travel agencies by phone, or spend hours on the Internet looking for reviews and recommendations.

Everything has already been stolen before us!

Today, the giants of the tourism business are plowing the arena with online services for selling travel packages directly from the tour operator. Have you heard anything about services Travelata, Level.Travel or Onlinetours.

These companies practically do not differ from each other in prices and the choice depends on the convenience of working in it for you personally and possibly the design of the site itself.

Well, from my observations, I think that the service Onlinetours copes better than others with the task of finding tours in Russia and, in particular, Crimea. And abroad it is better to bomb the first two.

The process of buying a tour is now no more complicated than paying for any service or product in an online store.

In fact this is an online store , which sells travel services. And the slimming teas, solar-powered super razors or products from the “drink, don’t be shy, master horsepower” section that lathered everyone’s eyes.

Let's take a look at the steps involved in online booking of a travel package.

Buying a trip online - step-by-step algorithm

We voice requests

So, first you need prepare for payment bank card, establish Internet access and at least roughly decide on tour selection criteria :

  • what country or what type of holiday
  • will you go with the children or with your mother-in-law?
  • how many days do you plan to relax?
  • What are your personal requirements for hotels?
  • Are you ready to make compromises: night flight, distance to the beach, number of stars, options for sharing your room)), etc.

We are looking among the proposed options

  1. We enter basic data: direction, departure date and number of nights and hotel class.
  2. We study the selection in detail or use filters (star rating, distance to the beach, certain services, maximum price, rating) to narrow the search.
  3. You can use the calendar or price chart, to find cheaper options.
  4. Having focused your attention on some options, open them in adjacent tabs and compare
  5. Check hotel information, map location, photos of grounds and rooms, and real reviews tourists who visited here
  6. Do not miss the opportunity in some cases to choose the most convenient flight time.
  7. If everything suits you, then we proceed to payment.
  8. Enter your call sign, email address and telephone number, and on the next page fill in the passport information of the persons participating in your adventure.
  9. After you have checked everything, click the " Book" until someone else presses it
  10. On the payment screen, you enter your card details as usual and press the “ Pay».

All! I congratulate you! You can go pack your bags.

We press the treasured button

After a few minutes of waiting, if there are no problems, you will receive a confirmation of payment and a link to your personal account by email.

Hitches happen very rarely and then mostly with last-minute bookings, when the last place can go a second before you press the button "Book" .

A couple before the trip They will also send you by email:

  • electronic air tickets
  • voucher for transfer to the hotel and accommodation
  • travel medical insurance

Why is it more profitable to use online services?

  1. When searching, you immediately have access to a database with more than 100 tour operators in real time. You can choose the cheapest or most optimal offer among several tour operators.
  2. There is no extra charge compared to a travel agency, since the services Travelata, Level.Travel And Onlinetours earn on agency fees directly from the tour operator, depending on the number of sales.
  3. The service has a minimum number of employees, there are only a few offices in Moscow (where you can come if you are not sure about your first purchase) and there are no bloated staff (in principle, like any online store).
  4. Buying a tour remotely is much more convenient than exhausting trips around the city to the office and back.
  5. The support service is available 24/7
  6. If you need a visa, they will give you all the necessary information, and in Moscow they will even send a courier and help you with the application.
  7. For example, in the company travelata, After payment, the money is only blocked on the card and withdrawn after the operator calls and fills out the contract.

Charter flights

In the end, I must warn you about charter flights and unconditional faith in them.

Flying on a tour may cost less than flying on your own because you'll be flying on a charter. A chartered flight This is not a predictable thing!

My friends flew out of Turkey 1 day later (due to the fault of the airline) and were forced to pay extra for another day of accommodation on their own. In addition, all tickets for an independent flight from Moscow to Simferopol (and during the high season this is wow!) are also down the drain.

Charter is always at the very end of the list of departures. Therefore, all receipts are sent to you 2 days before departure, or even a day before. The departure time can change like the trajectory of a tennis ball. Take this and other nuances into account so that your trips are not spoiled from the start.

There are offers from different companies to pay extra for a fixed departure time. Parents with small children, for whom departure time is important, buy this.

But you must understand that the travel agency cannot influence the departure time of the charter in any way, other than its wishes. It all depends on the schedule of the airport itself, in whose list of priorities charter flights always on the back foot!

You mean, if something or someone is delayed somewhere, then justice will be restored precisely through charter flights, which dispatchers can move without any remorse.

Well, whether to pay for this service or not is your choice.

Travel more, more interesting, cheaper!

As you can see, today buying a tour to almost any country is not difficult. There would be a desire to go somewhere and money for the trip.

If you still have any questions, ask them in the comments or better look at the contribution QUESTIONS in the menu header of the service you have chosen.

After all, it’s better to make a choice with the whole family in front of your own monitor at home than to call back with agents, surf through links and go to offices to look through colorful magazines.

Of course, if you like the communication procedure itself or you have been buying all tours from this particular agent since time immemorial, then continue so. Today, on the impersonal Internet, it is very difficult to find a truly worthwhile interlocutor with whom you can have a live meeting.

But if time is valuable to you, or you do not want to become a victim of being convinced of something against your will, then the Internet and online services are in your hands.

Until next time

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Do you prefer to buy a ready-made tour so as not to think about finding air tickets and booking hotels? We'll tell you how and where to buy tours online, why buying tours on your own is more profitable than buying them in a travel agent's office, what tour search services exist and how they differ.

To put it simply, the tour operator creates a trip, and the travel agent sells it. The tour operator enters into contracts with hotels, organizes air transportation, buying up blocks of seats or even launching individual charter flights, to the point that some large tour operators have their own airlines. That is, the tour operator transports the passenger, places him in a hotel, and organizes his leisure time.

The cost of a tour with the same conditions of hotel accommodation, for the same number of days, may vary among different tour operators, since the conditions of cooperation with hotels are different for everyone.

There are several dozen tour operators in Russia who organize the sale of tours both in popular destinations, for example, Turkey, Bulgaria, Greece, and around the world. The largest tour operators are Biblio-Globus, Anex-tour, Pegas-touristik, Teztur, Coral-travel, Sanmar, Tui, Mouzenidis, etc. Some tour operators are part of international companies that conduct tour operating activities not only in Russia, but also in other countries.

A travel agent enters into an agreement with a tour operator to sell ready-made tours. The more tour operators an agency enters into an agreement with, the more offers it can make to buyers—to you and me. The cost of the tour will be the same, it makes no difference whether you go to the tour operator’s office or to a travel agency. For the sale of a tour, the tour operator pays the agent a commission, which amounts to several percent of the cost of the tour, but the conditions for paying the commission are also not the same. An honest travel agency does not add any commissions to the cost of tours.

Why buy a tour on your own?

If there is no difference and the cost of the tour will be the same, why do you need to do it yourself if you can come to the office of a travel agent and he will do everything himself? Our attentive reader asks quite reasonably.

But why.

But then how to buy tours correctly? On tour operator websites? Oh, just not like that. Firstly, there are many of them, any search for the simplest tour on the operator’s website will give you several hundred different tours, with combinations of hotels, flights, days and nights. Secondly, each site has its own specifics and, unfortunately, not all of them have a simple interface.

The tour aggregator service is constantly connected to the tour operator’s database and receives real-time information about the availability of tours and their cost. All offers are sorted according to your search and set parameters, and you see where and how much the tour you need costs. Aggregators do not add any surcharges or fees for using the systems. And since the costs of running their activities are minimal, aggregators also give a discount at the expense of their commission.

Advantages of purchasing tours this way:

  1. You see the prices of all tours that are available - from the cheapest to the most expensive.
  2. You are not limited in time to search for tours. You can sit at home, in a calm environment, with the whole family, choose what is right for you, while reading reviews and looking at photos (every aggregator has such an opportunity and such a section).

There are several popular systems, we have tested and used the services of three and can confidently recommend them - , . What is the difference? Only in additional functional settings and filters for users.

All three systems are very easy to use.

Onlinetours - search for tours, website, reviews

Onlinetours is a popular online service for selling tours from 130 leading tour operators in Russia. The service organizes searches for tours to more than 80 countries. Millions of travel packages that include airfare, hotel stays, health insurance and transfers.

Search tours on OnlineTours very simple - go to official site. The search window is immediately available to you and you see last-minute offers.

In the search, specify:

  • where you want to relax - this can be either a specific resort or a country;
  • indicate during what period you are on vacation and how many days you need;
  • add how many people will be on the trip - adults and children.

In a few seconds, the system will select tours for you from all tour operators that work with this destination. There will be a lot of offer, so it’s worth setting restrictions, setting filters - number of stars in the hotel, type of food, beach, etc.

All you have to do is wait literally three seconds until all the options are sorted and...

By clicking on a specific tour, you immediately see what will be included in the price; as a rule, the full cost for all vacationers is indicated, including flights, hotel accommodation and the selected type of food, transfer, insurance for traveling abroad. If this suits you, book a tour - provide your full name, passport details and pay online with a card from any bank. If you don't have the full amount immediately, you can pay 30% to reserve the tour and then pay the rest within 3 days. Also, all tours on the site can be purchased online on credit!

You will receive documents for the tour - air tickets, voucher and instructions by email.

Advantages of Online Tour:

  • If you need a visa, OnlineTours will help you obtain it. If you live in Moscow, the courier service will come to your home, pick up your documents and bring passports with ready-made visas.
  • OnlineTours has one of the largest call centers, 250 employees are ready to support you day and night.
  • For each tour over 30,000 rubles you receive bonus miles as a gift. You can save them and later spend them on buying tours!
  • Another important feature on the site is, of course, the section.

If you have questions, you can read the special section on using OnlineTours on. you can read reviews from clients who have already used OnlineTours services.

Travelata - online tour hypermarket

To the project Travelata more than 120 tour operators are connected, and the company guarantees that these tours can be purchased at the most favorable conditions on the official site.

Benefits of Travelat

  1. Travelat's partners are only the largest and most reliable tour operators, so you can be confident in the quality of the tours offered.
  2. The best prices: best deals price/quality ratio.
  3. Convenient, fast and reliable:
  • Payment by credit card online through a secure portal. There is no need to waste time on the train to the agent's office.
  • Electronic execution of documents: the contract is drawn up directly on the website. After confirming your reservation, you can receive all the documents necessary for the trip by email and in your personal account.

Finding cheap tours to Travelata is very easy and really fast. Enter the departure city (Travelata selects tours from different cities of Russia), departure dates, number of adults and children

It will take less than 30 seconds and you will immediately see all the offers from more than 120 operators who sell tours to this region!

Other benefits of Travelata include:

  1. Offers only from top tour operators.
  2. Instant booking. The cost of tours may change at any moment. There is no such thing that the price of tours is fixed and does not change - dynamic pricing is used. The minute you read the description, someone may already be booking and the price may change, or the hotel may run out of space.
  3. A separate selection of constantly updated and.

If you have questions, you can check out the special section on using Travelat on, but believe me, the search is really incredibly simple.

Level.Travel - online tour booking

Another system for searching and booking tours online, which has proven itself, is simple, reliable to use and has received many positive reviews - Level.Travel, official website.

Level.Travel is an automated system for searching for tours from all reliable tour operators and purchasing them online, without the participation of a travel agent. The system allows you to buy a tour in the same way as buying air tickets or booking hotels online.

On the main page of the site there is a standard search form in which the direction, dates and number of vacationers are specified. We won’t describe it in detail, the essence is the same as Travelata’s.

Advantages of Level.Travel

Level has statistics on prices for tours. You can compare how much tours in different countries on different days of the month.

A cool feature that we really like is . Calendar is a whole section on the website that shows the most low price for a tour of all those existing at the moment.

If dates are not important to you, and you only know the month in which you are going on vacation, feel free to use this calendar. It immediately shows how much the most cheap tour by month, for a different number of days! Moreover, you can search and look at prices from different cities, not only from Moscow.

Now is the time to try one of the systems -

You can organize a trip in different ways: buy a ready-made tour from an agency or, having mastered electronic booking sites, search for literally everything on the Internet yourself - from air tickets to car rental. If you don’t feel like an expert in organizing trips, and you don’t want to spend extra money and time, find out how you can book a tour.

What is the profit

Every novice tourist should know that there are two types of companies providing travel services on the market:

  • tour operators who directly develop routes and enter into contracts with carriers;
  • travel agencies that simply sell ready-made trips from different operators.

Of course, the agency, as an intermediary, works for a certain percentage of the fee, which you pay out of your own pocket. Surely you will prefer to buy a ticket directly from the operator, you just need to choose which one.

Is independence always good?

Let’s not say that agency services are not needed: after all, not every tourist prefers to deal with organizational issues on their own. Even in the West, where tourism is much more widespread, people travel around the world on their own without resorting to services travel companies, no more than ten percent of travelers. Others prefer to book a trip without any hassle.

You can, of course, be patient and, after browsing through search engine sites, find the cheapest tickets and inexpensive hotel.

In addition, you need to take into account weather, especially if you are heading to some Asian country with a tricky climate. You will also have to become an expert in the field of insurance in order to choose a reliable and inexpensive company, because you are not going to leave your homeland without medical insurance?

All these skills will be very useful if you don’t want to live without traveling and are going to travel around the world at least once or twice a year.

But for homebodies who have finally decided to get out to the sea, it’s easier and more convenient to simply book a tour on your own. As a result, they do not overpay agents, and after just one operation, they will receive a ready-made trip without unexpected surprises.

What resources are there?

As in the case of booking air tickets, there are special search engine sites where you can select offers from different tour operators, buy tickets, find and book accommodation. Since their services are paid for by tour operators, the client does not overpay, he gets tours at exactly the same price as in the office, and there are also discounts.

Step by step

What do you need to book a tour online? Let's look at this using the example of the Sletat.ru service. First of all, decide on your desires and capabilities: what country do you want to go to, will it be beach holiday at the hotel or excursion.

Tour selection

To search, you need to enter several parameters:

  • country of destination;
  • departure city;
  • number of nights;
  • number of tourists.

By clicking on the “Search” button, you will receive a whole list of possible tours indicating the cost, type of accommodation, and hotel information.


If you have found a suitable option, you can proceed to booking. You need to enter data about tourists, as well as contacts: phone number and email address.

Your order will receive the status “conditionally accepted”, because now the application must be paid.


There are usually several payment options available:

  • by card,
  • electronic money,
  • overdue loans non-repayment.rf
  • through a payment terminal,
  • by postal transfer.

On the above site, for example, you can pay only 30% of the total order amount at once, and transfer the rest to your account within twenty days.

If the application cannot be paid online, you will have to drive to the nearest company office.


After all the money has been credited to your account, you will be able to access Required documents. They can be printed immediately or sent to your mailbox.

The biggest challenge users face when booking online is the issue of trust. You don’t see who you are paying money to and for what, especially if you are using the service for the first time.

Listen to the recommendations of your friends: perhaps some of them have used such a service as booking a tour online. And if this is not possible, you should contact specialists by phone or even drive up to the office to dispel all doubts.

Last minute tours - pros and cons: Video

And finally, the most interesting thing is the restriction of travel abroad for debtors. It is the status of the debtor that is easiest to “forget” when getting ready for your next vacation abroad. The reason may be overdue loans, unpaid housing and communal services receipts, alimony or fines from the traffic police. Any of these debts may threaten to restrict travel abroad in 2019; we recommend finding out information about the presence of debt using the proven service nevylet.rf

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What kind of beast is a travel agency?

How to buy a tour so as not to be left without money and a vacation

Roma and his friends were going to New Year to the Dominican Republic.

Konstantin Golubev


Roman, victim

In November, he paid for a tour, but the agency manager forgot to transfer the money to the tour operator on time. Roman learned about this already at Domodedovo, when he was not allowed on the flight. Friends flew away on vacation, but he remained at the airport.

A month later, Roman returned the money, but the holidays were ruined. How to avoid such situations and what to pay attention to when working with travel agencies - we will tell you in the article.

What does a tour operator do?

There are two types of travel agencies: operators and agents.

A tour operator is like a travel producer. He comes to the country and looks at what hotels, excursions, transport, entertainment and everything else that might be of interest to tourists. He negotiates with all these suppliers, checks their licenses and certificates, makes an advance payment to them, negotiates some quotas and discounts - the result is a tourism product, aka a tour.

By popular tourist destinations tour operators collect ready-made holiday packages: they negotiate in advance with hotels and airlines. Typically, a packaged tour includes flights, medical insurance and ground services: hotel room, meals, transfers, guided tours and entertainment. A tourist does not need to waste time and plan a trip himself - he buys a ready-made tour, takes a passport and goes on a trip.

These travel kits are called package tours. Operators sell them independently or through intermediaries - travel agencies.

What does a travel agency do?

If the operator is a manufacturer, then the agency is a store of ready-made trips. The agency buys ready-made tours from the operator and sells them to tourists.

The agency's task is to help tourists choose and buy a suitable tour. Usually it goes like this:

  1. A tourist comes to the agency and says: “I want to go on vacation! Where will you send it?
  2. The agency shows him ready-made tours and explains what is included in them: where the tourist will live, how many days, when he departs and returns, and what else is included in the cost of the trip.
  3. The tourist chooses the tour he likes, and the agency books the tour with the operator: “Reserve this tour for my tourist. Here are the passport details."
  4. The operator confirms the reservation: “The tour has been booked. I'm waiting for payment."
  5. The tourist pays for the trip at the agency, the agency buys the tour from the operator: “Here is the money for the tour. You reserved it for my boyfriend."
  6. The tour operator receives the money and sends a tour package for the tourist to the agency: “Guys, everything is okay! I received the money. Tomorrow I’ll send you the tickets, hotel reservation number, insurance policy and travel itinerary.”
  7. The agency hands over the voucher to the tourist - the tourist packs his suitcase and flies off on vacation.

If the agency and operator were people, it would look like this:

Before booking and paying for a tour, the tourist and the agency sign an agreement on the provision of tourism services. We’ll look at what it looks like and what to pay attention to in the contract in the next article.

How agencies mislead tourists

Natalia Golubeva

worked in a travel agency for four years

Let’s say a client comes to an agency and asks the manager to select a tour. The manager has not been anywhere, but in order to sell the tour, he says that he has a great idea of ​​the room, beach, pool and entertainment in the area. It turns out that the manager is misleading the tourist.

This is the most disgusting thing: when you go to a hotel with nothing but expectations, and get a room with a non-working air conditioner or mold on the walls. Therefore, we called and found out whether the tourist was satisfied with everything; studied descriptions of hotels and excursions from the tour operator; read reviews about hotels from others.

An adequate manager is always aware of construction near the hotel or long-standing renovations in the rooms and will not outright lie. The main thing is not to sell a tour for once, but to get a satisfied tourist who will return and book the tour again.

How to buy a tour cheaper

It is better to book a tour according to the season: choose a place in advance and contact the agency. Four to six months before the holiday, tickets and accommodation are cheaper and there will be many available rooms. If you take a tour a month or a couple of weeks before the trip, you will have to choose from what is left. For example, the cherry blossoms in Japan good hotels booked six to seven months in advance of the tour.

Take a holiday at the beginning or end of the season to save on accommodation. Hotels give operators discounts to fill rooms before and after the main influx of tourists, so holidays at the beginning or end of the season usually cost less. You can find out the right time to travel to different countries.

Follow the Early Booking promotions. At the start of sales, operators want to quickly raise money to pay for purchased rooms and charter flights. Therefore, they attract tourists with promotions and discounts.

Charter is an aircraft rented in advance. The operator and agencies sell tours specifically for this flight in order to fill the flight and recoup the rental. Charter tickets are often cheaper, but the flight may be rescheduled for another time.

Charter is an aircraft rented in advance. The operator and agencies sell tours specifically for this flight in order to fill the flight and recoup the rental. Charter tickets are often cheaper, but the flight may be rescheduled for another time.

The operator "Tez-tour" is selling tours to the UAE until August 30 at early booking with a discount of up to 40%. Screenshot from the tour operator's website

Usually you can buy early booking tours to summer resorts from January to April. For winter - from July to October.

Check canceled or last minute tours, if you are ready to go on vacation in a few days. When a tourist cannot go on a trip, he tries to return some of the money and resells the tour at a discount. Operators also reduce prices for charter tickets two to three days before departure in order to fully fill the board.

Spend less on vacation

How scammers deceive

Unfortunately, there are scammers among travel agencies, and simply incompetent people among tour operators. Here's what to watch out for when dealing with an agency.

They work without an agreement with an operator. According to the law “On the Fundamentals of Tourism Activities”, the agency must have an agreement with each operator. Without an agreement or power of attorney from the tour operator, the agency operates illegally: it sells fictitious tours and has no intention of buying them back from the operator. Most likely, in a few months the scammers will close the office and disappear with the tourists’ money.

In order not to give money to scammers, before purchasing a tour, ask the agency manager to show the agreement with the tour operator and check this information yourself on the website of the Tourpomosch association. This can be done in two ways:

  • open a list of partner agencies in the register of tour operators;
  • in the register of travel agencies, see which operators the agency works with.

The reservation is cancelled. To confirm a reservation and purchase a tour from the operator, the tourist first pays for the trip at the agency, then the agency transfers the money to the operator. After this, the operator sends a tourist voucher and itinerary receipts. Without these documents, the tourist will not be able to go on vacation: he will not be allowed on the plane and will not be accommodated in a hotel room.

This is what the itinerary receipt looks like:

In order not to be left without tickets and other documents for your trip, call the operator the next day after payment and check whether the agency has transferred the money. No - ask the agency for payment documents confirming payment for the tour to the operator. Sometimes the payment status can be checked on the tour operator’s website.

How else do they deceive tourists?

They lure you with promotions and discounts. The agency makes money by reselling tours: it buys from the operator at one price and sells it at a slightly higher price. Usually the agency receives 5-10% of the tour cost.

Fraudsters offer tours at bargain prices, accumulate the required amount and go off into the sunset. To avoid falling for the tricks of scammers, check in advance the average prices for tours from different operators.

They take money without an agreement. A travel services agreement is the basis for partial or full payment for a trip. When an agency takes money without an agreement, it is working in a dirty way. Therefore, if the manager is in a hurry with payment and offers to draw up an agreement later, it is better not to risk it and immediately go to another agency.

They don't provide payment documents. When a tourist pays an agency, the employee is obliged to give him a payment document: a cash receipt, a cash receipt order with a stamp and signature, a note with passport data, the purpose and amount of the payment - any document confirming the fact of transfer of money. Without payment documents, it will not be possible to return the money even through court. If you paid for the tour, but didn’t take the documents, you gave the money to the scammers.


  1. The tour operator creates a tourism product, the travel agent sells ready-made tours for operators.
  2. The tour operator is responsible for the quality of the tour and the accuracy of the information; the travel agent is obliged to explain to the tourist what he will get for his money.
  3. Package tours are more profitable independent trip to popular tourist destinations.
  4. It is better to book a tour several months in advance, and accommodation is cheaper at the beginning or end of the season - this way you can save money.
  5. Before paying, check the tour program and contract, and then take the payment documents.
  6. If the operator has not sent the travel voucher and itinerary receipts, make sure that the agency has transferred the money to the operator.

You can now buy anything via the Internet, from books to... tourist packages- it’s simple, fast, convenient and safe, and most often it’s also much cheaper. To buy a tour abroad, now it is not necessary to go to the office of a travel agency, wait in queues and overpay for services, you just need to go online from home or work, choose the tour and hotel you like and pay for everything with a card via the Internet. You can still save a lot of money on this, since when purchasing a tour via the Internet, the price can be significantly lower. Everything is very simple.

And to make your task even easier, we have compiled this visual instruction with detailed steps, with the help of which you will learn how to independently buy a tour abroad via the Internet. The instructions are based on the example of purchasing a tour on the largest online tour store -. It should be noted that they work only with reliable tour operators who will not go bankrupt the day after purchasing the tour.

So, let's begin.

1) First of all, we go to the website. If you have not yet decided where you want to go, you can look at different ideas and tours, with specially selected hotels at competitive prices.
For now, the search is only available for flights departing from Moscow. In the search bar you need to enter the name of the hotel, city or country where you want to go. And set the tour parameters (when departure, for how many days, how many people and what class of hotel). I chose one of the most popular options - a 7-night tour to Pattaya.

2) After a short search, you will be offered different tours to different hotels (if you did not choose a specific hotel) and at different prices. In our case, several dozen tours were found - there is plenty to choose from. By default, tours are ordered by price, with the cheapest ones shown at the top.

You can scroll down the list below to see different options. There are also expensive tours to five-star hotels right on the shore with their own beach, and there are budget options with good 3 stars. Here everyone chooses to their own taste. The main thing for me is that there are good feedback. You can also play around with various parameters that can be changed in the menu on the left. You can set the price range, power system and much more.

3) In this case, I chose the most a budget option tour to the hotel. This is the cheapest option, which also has good reviews. When you have made your choice, click on the hotel name or the price button to view detailed information about this hotel (a new window will open).

On this page you can familiarize yourself with the details of the proposed tour, see a description and photos of the hotel.
After you have looked at the information about the hotel, click on the “More details” button.

4) A new window will open, in which the tour details, flight details will be indicated again, and what is included in the price (in this case, transfer and etc.) will be indicated. If all the details are correct, proceed to filling out the buyer’s data and tourist passports.

After filling out all the data, check the box that you agree with the terms of the offer agreement and select a payment method. The tour can be paid in cash at the office in Moscow, but until payment is made the tour will not actually be booked. You can also pay for the tour online using bank card, if you have already bought something online, then you know how to do it, if you have never bought anything, then I recommend checking with your bank how you can get a card for online purchases.

When the choice is made (we chose to pay by credit card), click on the “Book” button.

6) You will be redirected to a secure payment gateway, where you will need to enter your bank card details and click on the “Pay” button.

That's all! After successful payment and confirmation of the tour, you will receive all the necessary documents, vouchers and everything else by email.
As you can see, buying a tour abroad on your own via the Internet is very simple and quick and you don’t need to waste time traveling to the travel agency’s office.

You can find out prices for the tours you are interested in right now. Just enter the country you want to travel to and the dates in the form below.

If you still have any questions, be sure to ask them in the comments to the article.