Archaeological zone Monte Alban. Monte Alban - Mystical Communication between the past and this price, work schedule

Monte - Alban Big Precucombic archaeological excavations in the Xoxocotlan Santa Cruz municipality in the southern part of the Mexican state of Oaxaca (17.043 ° N, 96,767 ° W). The site is located on a low mountain range, towering over the plain in the central part of the Oaxaca Valley, where the Northern Last Etla, East Tlacolula and Southern Zimatlán and Ocotlan (or Valle Grande) branches meet. State Capital Today Oaxaca City is located about 9 km (6 miles) east of Monte - Alban.

Partially embodied by the Civil Ceremonial Center of Monte - Alban is located on the top of the artificially aligned ridge, which from a height of about 1940 m (6,400 feet) over the sea level rises about 400 m (1300 feet) from the bottom of the valley, in an easily justified place. In addition to the monumental kernel, the site is characterized by several hundred artificial terraces, and a dozen clusters of mounded architecture covers the entire ridgeline and surrounding side surfaces. Archaeological ruins on the nearby atzompa and El Gallow Hills north is traditionally considered an integral part of the ancient city as well.

In addition to the fact that one of the first cities of Mesoamerics, the importance of Monte - Alban also stems from his role as an outstanding Sapotek socio-political and economic center for about a thousand years. Founded at the end of the middle forming period of about 500 g. BC, in the terminal forming (CA.100 BC-AD 200) Monte - Alban became the capital of a large expansionist state device, which dominated most of the Oaxacan of Highlands and interacted with other mesoames regional States such as Teotihuoisan north (chart 1983; MARCUS 1983). The city has lost its political primacy at the end of the late classic (about 500-750 AD), and soon after that it was mostly refused. Small reoccupation, opportunistic reuse of previous structures and tombs, and ritual visits noted the archaeological history of the site in the colonial period.

The etymology of the name of the modern site is unclear, and preliminary proposals on the range of origin from the alleged corruption of the native Sapotek name in the references of the colonial era to the Spanish soldier named Montalbán or to Alban Hills Italy. Ancient Zapotec The name of cities is not known, as the refusal occurred in the century before writing the earliest available ethnoistoric sources.

Study history

Site plan in Monte Alban.

Being visible from anywhere in the central part of the Oaxaca Valley, the impressive Ruins of Monte - Alban attracts visitors and researchers throughout the colonial and modern era. Among other things, Guillermo Dupaix explored the place at the beginning of the 19th century AD, JM Garcia published a description of the site in 1859, and A. F. Badderer visited and published additional descriptions in the 1890s. The first intense archaeological study of the site was conducted in 1902 by Leopoldo Batras, then the General Inspector for the Protection of Monuments for the Mexican Government under Porfirio Diaz. It was, however, only in 1931 that large-scale scientific excavations were conducted under the leadership of the Mexican archaeologist Alfonso Caso. In 1933, EULALIA GUSHAN AS HELP DISTRIBUTION OF THE Tomb 7. Over the next eighteen years, Caso and his colleagues Ignacio Bernal and Jorge ACOSTA excavated large areas in the monumental core of the site, and much of what is seen today in areas open to the public was reconstructed in That time. In addition, as a result of excavations of a large number of residential and civilian ritual structures and hundred graves and burials, one long achievement of the CASO project and its colleagues was the creation of ceramic chronology (Mont Phase - Alban i via V) for the period between the basis of the site in OK 500 BC BC. To the end in the postclassical period in CE 1521.

The study of the periods preceding the foundations of Monte - Alban was one of the main directions of the prehistory and the project on the human ecology, Kent Flannery from Michigan University in the late 1960s. Over the next two decades, this project is documented the development of socio-political complexity in the valley from the earliest archaic period (about 8000-2000 BC) in the Rosario phase (700-500 BC), directly Preceding Monte - Alban, thereby creating a call for understanding the foundation of the last and trajectory of development. In this regard, one of the main achievements of Flannery in Oaxaca are its extensive excavations at an important formating center of San Jose Musa in the Etla Valley industry, a cooperation project aimed at Joyce Markus from Michigan University.

Another important step in understanding the history of the occupation of the site Monte Alban was achieved with prehistoric resettlement in the Oaxaca of the project, started by Richard Blanton and several colleagues in the early 1970s. Only with their intensive examination and mapping of the entire site that the real expansion and size of Monte-Alban are known for the limited area of \u200b\u200bthe CASO studied. The next seasons of the same project under the leadership of Blanton, Gary Feynman, Steve Kovalevski, Linda Nicholas, and others expanded the survey coverage for almost the entire valley, producing an invaluable amount of data on the change in the structures of the settlement of the region from ancient times before the Arrival of Spaniards in CE 1521.

Site history

As shown by Blanton surveys about the place, Monte Hills - Alban, apparently, were uninhabited until 500 BC. (End of the Ceramic Phase Rosario). At that time, San José Moto was the main center of the population in the valley and the head of the Head of Head, which probably controlled most of the northern Etla industry. Maybe more than three or four other small main centers are controlled by other valley subregions, including Tilcajete in the South Branch of Valle Grande and Yegüih in Tlacolula hand to the east. Competition and War seem to characterize the Rosario phase, and regional survey data involves the presence of an unoccupied buffer zone between the Head of Sana-Jose Mogota and those south and east. It is located in the land of this non-human that at the end of the Rosario Monte period - Alban was founded, quickly reaching the population assessment about +5200 by the end of the next Phase Monte - Alban Ia (CA.300 BCE). This significant increase in the population was accompanied by the same rapid fall in San Jose Mogotote and neighboring satellite sites, which makes it likely that its mainly elite was directly involved in creating the future of Sapotek capital. This is a rapid change in population and the settlement, from dispersed localized settlements in the central city territory in a previously uncalled area, was called as "Mont-Alban Synoikism" Markus and Flannery in relation to similar registered cases in the Mediterranean zone in antiquity, despite It was previously believed that such a large-scale refusal process, and thus participating in the creation of Monte - Alban, occurred in other major, mainly centers, such as Yegüih and Tilcajete, at least in the event of the last it seems unlikely. The recent draft director of Charles Spencer and Elsa Redmond from the American Museum of Natural History in New York showed that instead of the abandoned site, the Alban I Early and Late I (about 500-300 BCE and LATE I (about 500-300 BCE and Late I (about 500-300 BCE and 300- 100 g. BC, respectively) and, perhaps, actively opposed the inclusion in the more powerful state Monte - Alban.

Aerial photography Monte Alban

By the beginning of the terminal of the formative (II phase of Monte - Alban, about 100 g. BC, Montte - Alban, estimated that the population of 17200, which makes it one of the largest cities of mesoames at the time. As its political strength grew, Mont-Alban is expanded in militarily, through co-optation, as well as through direct colonization in several areas outside the Oaxaca valley, including Canyada de Cuicatlán north and south of Ejutla and Sola de Vega Valley. (Feynman and Nicholas 1990) During this period and in the subsequent earlylassic (Monte Alban IIIa Phase, near CE 200-500) Monte - Alban was the capital of a large regional government, which had a dominant effect on the Oaxaca valley and through most of the Oaxacan Mountainside As mentioned earlier, the evidence in Monte - Alban suggests the idea of \u200b\u200bhigh-level contacts between the elites of the site and those, on the powerful Central Mexican city of Teotihuacan, where the archaeologists have determined the neighborhood of the inhabited ethnic sapps from the Oaxaca Valley (Zagon 1983). To Late Classic (Monte Alban IIIB / IV, near CE 500-1000) The influence of the site outside and within the valley decreased, and elites in a number of other centers, as soon as the state of Monte - Alban began to approve their autonomy, including sites, Such as Cuilapan and Zaachila in Valle - Grande and Lubeek, Mitla and El Palmillo in East Tlacolula Hands. The latter is in the center of attention of the current project Gary Feynman and Linda Nikolai Chicago "S Field Museum (Feynman and Nikolay 2002). By the end of the same period (about 900-1000 AD), the ancient capital was largely refused, and the once powerful state of Monte - Alban was replaced by dozens of competing small politics, the situation that continued up to Spanish conquest.


Type of main square from the northern platform. Southern Platform can be seen at a distance.

Monte Monumental Center - Alban is Main Plaza, which measures approximately 300 meters from 200 meters. The main civil and ceremonial and elite residential structure of the site are located around it or in close proximity to it, and most of them have been studied and restored Alfonso Caso and his colleagues. To the north and south of Main Plaza limited to large platforms available from the square through the monumental stairs. On the eastern and western side, the area is similarly limited by the number of smaller platform mounds on which the temples and elite residential buildings were stood, as well as one of the two ballcourts of the famous existed on the spot. The north-south ridge of the mound occupies the center of Square and also served as a platform for ceremonial structures.

An impressive staircase leading to the southern platform.

One of the characteristic features of Monte Alban, is a large number of carved stone monuments are found throughout the area. The earliest examples are the so-called "Danzantes" (literally, dancers), mainly in the immediate vicinity of the building L and which are naked man in distorted and twisted poses, some of them genitals are worn. The numbers say they represent the sacrificial, which explains the painful characteristics of the figures. Danzantes has physical features characteristic of the culture of Olmekov. The concept of the 19th century is that they depict dancers are currently largely discredited, and these monuments, starting from the earliest occupation period on the spot (Monte Alban I), are currently being considered clearly represented by the prisoners of war, Some are identified by name, and can depict the leader of competing centers and villages captured by Mont-Alban. (BLANTON et al., 1996) More than 300 Danzantes stones were recorded today, and some of them better than preserved can be viewed in the museum of the site. There are several signs that the sapotes were writing and calendar designations.

Another type of carved stones is located on a nearby building J in the center of the main square, the building is characterized by an unusual arrow-shaped form and orientation, which differs from most other structures on the spot. It was put in the walls of the building of more than 40 carved plates dated Monte Alban II and depicting toponymics, sometimes accompanied by additional writing and in many cases characterized by the oversized heads. Alfonso Caso was the first to identify these stones, like "Winning Plates", Most likely, the list of places Elite Monte Alban claimed, conquered and / or control. Some of the places listed on the building J Plates were predefined, and in one case (Canyad de Cuicatlán region in the north of Oaxaca) Zapotec conquest was confirmed by archaeological research and excavations.

Website Monte Alban contains several parts of the evidence through the site architecture to assume that there is a social bundle in the settlement. The walls that were more, nine meters in height and twenty meters wide were built around the settlement and would be used not only to create the border between Monte Alban and nearby settlements, but also to prove the power of elites within the community. In the analysis of Scott Huton about the relationship between commoners and the elite in Monte Alban, he notes that the monumental mounds that were found in the place seemed evenly around the site, so each house would be close enough to the embankment that he could easily hold under control. Hutson also makes a note that over time the style of the house seems to have changed and became more closed for those who live in buildings, which makes it more difficult for information that will be received outsiders. These changes in the ability of the elite to obtain information about the privacy of citizens would play a key role in the internal political structure of the settlement.

Many of the artifacts located in Monte - Alban during the century of archaeological research can be seen in the National Museum of Anthropology in Mexico City and to the Ohaki Regional Museum in Ex-Convention - de - Santo-Domingo - De - Gusman in the city of Oaxaca. The last museum, among others, many of the objects found in 1932 Alfonso Kaso in Monte - Alban in Grave 7. In the classical period of the Sapotek coffin, which was an opportunist reuse in post-classical times for the burial of Mishtec elite individuals. Their burial was accompanied by some of the most exciting burial offering of any site in America.

Mont Alban is a popular tourist destination for visitors to Oaxaca and has a small site museum mainly reflecting the original carved stones from the site. The site received 429.702 visitors in 2017.

Panorama Monte Alban from the southern platform.


The main threat to this archaeological site is the growth of cities, which encroaches and "threatens to go out in the territories that have a potential archaeological value." In order to complicate the situation, the site administration is divided between four different municipalities, making combined efforts to stop the invasion of the urban call.


    Type of main square from the southern platform, with Building J in the foreground.

  • One of the steles known as dancing On the unorthodox positions of the characters presented.

    View on the main square from the southern platform, with Building J in the foreground.

    Building M, as can be seen from the southern platform.

    Stones dancing, on the square of dancing, near the building L.

    TOMB north of the Northern Platform

    Creating X on the Northern Platform

    Northern Platform

    Stone carving, L

    View of the main square from the Northern Platform

"Is there any other block of land on Earth, whose history would be as dark? Where else would all your questions be so unchanged without answering? What feeling takes over: admiration or confusion? What causes these feelings - a complex of buildings that rushed into infinity, or perhaps the pyramids are similar to luxury stairs leading to the internal chas of the sky. And perhaps, the yard of the temple, which our imagination fills thousands of Indians immersed in frantic prayers? Perhaps the Observatory in which there is an observation post with the range of the meridian and an angle of azimuth, or a giant amphitheater, which Europe knew either in ancient times, nor in the twentieth century - there was a hundred twenty stone obliquely rum-rises!

Perhaps these feelings are caused by the location of the crypts: they were placed so that the area occupied by them did not turn into the cemetery and the same time one grave did not interfere with the other. Or maybe they cause them a print of mosaic, the frescoes depicting various scenes of life, the most diverse figures of people, symbols, hieroglyphs? ", - He wrote about the ruins of Monte Alban German journalist Egon Erwin Kish.

Monte Alban - Archaeological Reserve, located in the southern part of Mexico, near the city of Oaxaca. For almost two millennia, there was one of the largest centers of Decolumbovaya America here - the ancient Indian city, whose name history did not save. Today, he is called Monte Alban - by the player of the hill, for many centuries hiding the ruins of a huge Indian settlement. In 1931, it was excavated by the Mexican archaeologist Alfonso Kamas, and this discovery Many equates to the discovery of Troy Henry Schliman.

Mexican Troy turned out to be a city in which there lived a surprisingly high culture. They built gorgeous temples, they knew how to handle rhinestone and make gold things and other jewels of extraordinary beauty. This talented people were called Sapoteki.

The base of Monte Alban refers to approximately IV century BC. e. At the time of his heyday (200-700. N. E.) The city ranked 40 square meters. km, and its population exceeded 20 thousand people. On the artificially aligned giant area on top of the hill and today stepped pyramids with a playground will come out. The residues of palaces, steles with inscriptions, a stone staircase with a width of 40 m and other structures remained on the sloping terraces of the slopes. Walls of buildings were decorated with mosaics, frescoes, reliefs.

The main God of Sapotekov was the Rain Rain Kosih. In a sign of a special reading to his name, the title of Pipath ("Great") was attached. He was dedicated to the main pyramid of the city, crowded the top of the hill. But much greater interest than temples, palaces and steles, represent the famous Monta Alban tombs.

These tombs are built of stone, and each of them is covered on top of a large stone slab. Such a design reproduced the image of those caves in which in more ancient times, the Indian nations of South Mexico burned their leaders and priests. The sapps believed that their ancestors at the dawn of history were born of large caves. Consequently, the same way they should be returned to the world of departed.

The opening of the Tomb of Monte Alban has become a real shock for scientists. First, it turned out that the supotheks are completely unusual for the Indians - a rich wall painting was decorated with "artificial caves". And secondly, these "caves" turned out to be packed by the gold products unheard of beauty and values!

Nowhere in America nothing like it was. This finding was later compared with the opening of the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamon, with the famous Gold Troy, with finds in the royal tombs in ure.

The first tomb of Monte Alban Archaeologists found in the fall of 1931. And on January 9 of the next year, at 16 o'clock 30 minutes, Alfonso Kasamo and his assistant Juan Valensuel saw the real miracle. When Valensuel passed through a narrow hole in a newly detected tomb (she received sequence number seven) and turned on the electric flashlight, he thought that he was losing the mind: he saw a huge treasure, lazy under the ground pristine more than eight hundred years ...

Seven days it took in order to make treasures kept here 7 from the "Tomb number 7". A total of about five hundred items were found, and among them - a magnificent gold mask of God Ship Toteka, the nose and whose cheeks were covered with human skin; Necklaces from unusually large pearls, jade and obsidian earrings, gold chased bracelets with convex ornaments, gold necklaces, consisting of 900 units, tobacker made of gilded pumpkin leaves, fasteners and jumpers from jade, turquoise, pearls, amber, corals, obsidian, teeth Jaguar, bones and shells.

Here were found mysterious human skulls carved from pure mining crystal. But the crystal is one of the hardest minerals on Earth. As it turned out, crystal skulls were made of a whole quartz crystal. Their surface did not have the slightest traces of any processing with metal tools and was apparently polished by special paste, the secret of which did not reach our time. But, according to the most modest counting, in order to make it in this way, the Indians would need at least 300 years!

In 1970, one of the crystal skulls was studied by Hewlett-Paccard specialists, which was considered a reputable expert in quartz and who was a well-known manufacturer of quartz generators. In his report, the engineer of the company L. Barre wrote:

"We studied the skull in all three optical axes and found that it consists of 3-4 progress. Analyzing the argument, we found that they grow from a single center and constitute a single solid crystal. We also found that the skull is cut out of one piece of crystal along with the lower jaw. On the MOOS scale, the rhinestone has a high hardness equal to 7 (yielding only to topaz, coerdu and diamond). As for processing, it is impossible to cut it apart from diamond. But the ancient managed to somehow treat it. And not only the skull himself - they cut out the lower jaw from the same piece, and the jaw jaw places on which it was suspended. With such a hardness of the material, it is more than mysterious, and that is why: in crystals, if they consist of more than one arrest, there are internal stresses. When you click on the crystal head of the cutter, then due to the presence of stresses, the crystal can split into pieces, so it can not cut it - it will just split. But someone made this skull from one piece of crystal so carefully, as if he did not touch him at all during the cutting process. "
Thus, Hewlett-Paccard experts confirmed the assumption of F. Dormand that the skull was made not with the help of a cutter, but by long-term processing by abrasives. What?

"When studying the surface of the skull, we found evidence of the impact of three different abrasives," writes L. Barre, "the final finish is made by polishing. We also found a certain type of prism carved in the back of the skull, at its reason, any beam of the light, which is included in the orders, is reflected in them. " In conclusion, the experts in the hearts wrote: "The damned thing should not have existed in the world. The one who carved her did not have the slightest concept of crystallography and completely ignored the axis of symmetry. She had inevitably falling apart when processing! "

By the way, the words that those who did the skull did not have the slightest concept of crystallography and ignored the axis of the symmetry of the stone, are the best proof that the skull could not make the mythical "alien aliens", which some hot heads immediately hurried to attribute some hot heads Authorship of crystal skulls. But who would have thought that the "Indian Dicari" could achieve such accuracy in the treatment of mountain crystal!

More than one and a half hundred tomb discovered archaeologists in Monte Alban. But none of them in his wealth no longer exceeded the famous "tomb number 7".

At the turn of the XIV-XV centuries. n. e. The sapoteks were expelled from their "Golden City" by Mistecs. They transferred their capital to the city of Joopaa. Aztecs called His Mitla - "Residence of Death". According to the ideas of the Indians, there was an entrance to hell, the gates to the afterlife. In Joopa, pilgrims were flocked from all over Mexico to wait for her death here. In his new capital, the Sapoteki built many palaces, distinguished from other monuments of an ancient monthly architecture in that they were stretched by stirre and had only one floor. These palaces were decorated with friezes, white stone mosaic and excellent wall paintings. Joopaa became the residence of the Supreme Priest, the highest religious leader of the Sapoteks. The sapoteks called him "Vikha-Tao" ("seeing"). The will of the gods was opened to him, only he could talk with them, and only he had a gift from the renewal. Simple mortals could not see the seeing. He lived in his palace in complete privacy and only once in his life appeared in public: during a special religious festival to him, he was opposed by a narcotic drink chosen for him for him, the chastity of which was ever wanted and which was to conceive the successor to Vikha-Tao. The son of the Great Priest and this girl later became a new selection.

In the vicinity of Monte Alban Sapoteki lived another two thousand years ago. In the same place, they lived in the time of Columbus and live here so far. But the ancient secrets and traditions of this people have long been lost.

Monte Alban (Mexico) - description, history, location. Accurate address, telephone, website. Tourist reviews, photos and videos.

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Monte Alban, located 9 km east of the city of Oaxaca, is an archaeological complex and is the cultural heritage of UNESCO. The name Monte Alban means "White Mountain".

The complex is located on a low mountain range, towering in the central part of the Oaxaca Valley. This is one of the first cities of Mesoamerica, based on about 500 BC. e. For a thousand years, Monte Alban has been considered the most important socio-political and economic center of civilization of the Sapoteks. By 500-750. n. e. He lost his leading role and soon after that was almost completely abandoned.

How to get

Autobuses Turísticos buses run to Monte Alban from the Rivera Del Ángel Hotel, located on Mina 518 in Oaxaca (stop is in 6 blocks from the main square of the city). Buses depart every hour from 8:30 am to 15:30 and back - from 13:00 to 17:00 (the schedule may vary depending on the season). The cost of the ticket in both directions is about 120 mxn. Such a ticket allows you to return back only in the time designated on it.

Alternative companies organizing transfer to the archaeological complex is Turísticos Marfil. Buses stop at Local 25, Plaza Santo Domingo, Alcala 407 and at the MEZKALITO Hostel. The cost of a trip to both sides is 70 MXN.

Taxi from Oaxaca to Monte Alban will cost 200-350 MXN in both directions.

Prices on the page are shown in April 2019.

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Shops and cafes

In the archaeological complex there is a small bookstore, and at the exit from the territory of Monte Alban, locals sell souvenirs and food. There is a complex and a small cafe, where you can eat sandwiches. Something more significantly is worth looking for in Oaxaca.

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Entertainment and attractions Monte Alban

A civil-ceremonial center of Monte Alban was partially excavated, towering at 400 meters and located on the top of the artificially aligned ridge with a height of 1940 meters above sea level. The complex also includes hundreds of artificially created platforms. Excavations on the nearby Atzompa and El Gallo hills are also considered an integral part of Monte Alban.

The central place in Monte Alban covers the area, the perimeter of which is 300 per 200 meters. Around the area there are main civilian ritual structures and accommodation for housing for "elite" citizens. To the north and south of the main square, huge bulk platforms are drawn, access to which is open from the main square through the ladders located there. The smaller platforms are preserved and the temples and "elite" residential buildings have been treated. The southern platform is a pyramid with an open area at the top, which leads an impressive staircase.

Panorama Monte Alban

In Monte Albão, there are many monuments made by stone carvings. The earliest examples of the so-called Danzantes (literally, dancers) are found mainly in the area of \u200b\u200bthe structure "L" and are nude men in twisted poses, some of which cause injury to their genital bodies.

In the 1930s. In the tomb number 7 by Mexican archaeologists, various artifacts were discovered, which are also of great interest. In the archaeological complex there is a museum with a collection of items found during the excavations in the 1920s.

The cost of the ticket to the territory of the complex is 75 MXN, the fee for using the photo and video cameras is charged. The complex is open to visitors from 9:00 to 17:00.

Monte Alban. General form. Monte Albán, the center of the ancient civilization of the Sapoteks (600 BC. E. - 1 E millennium N. er), then Mishtekov (until the XVI century), located 10 km west of the modern G. Oaxaca (Mexico ). In some periods ... Encyclopedic Directory "Latin America"

Monte Alban - The historic part of the city of Oaxaca and the center of the ancient Indian culture Monte Alban * Historic Center of Oaxaca and Archaeological Site Of Monte Albán ** World Heritage of UNESCO Country ... Wikipedia

Monte Alban - (Monte Albán) The city on Yu. Mexico (Oaxaca), in the area of \u200b\u200bwhich in 4th century. BC e. 16th century n. e. There was a political and cultural center first of the Sapoteks (see Sapoteki), then Mishtekov (see Mishtec). Archaeological studies at M. A. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Monte Alban - (Monte Albán) The city, in r not to the Pogo was one of the centers of the ancient culture of Mexico. M. A. On the artificially created terraces on the tops of the mountain range, which dominates the Oaxaca valley, was located politics. and relig. Center of Culture of Sapoteks ... ... Soviet historical encyclopedia

Monte Alban - (Monte Albán), the main ceremonial center on the territory of the Sapoteks (Oaxaca, Mexico). The monument has a centuries-old history. Period I (600-300 years. BC): The first buildings are built on the top of the hill, a hieroglyphic letter, an account, ... ... Archaeological Dictionary

Monte Alban - (Monte Albán) Monte Alban, ancient. Destroyed city in Oaxaca, southern. Mexico. Based on 8V. BC, approximately from 1 to 8V. He was the center of the Indians of the Sapoteks, then was occupied by Mistecs even before the Spanish conquest of 16V ... Countries of the world. Vocabulary

sapoteki - Indian people in Mexico (Oaxaca). The number of 380 thousand people (1995). Sapotek language. Believers Catholics. * * * SAPOTEKI SAPOTEKI (PS. Zapotecas, distorted. From Aztec Tsapotekatl, "Cloud people"), the Indian people of Mexico, whose language ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

Mesoia American chronology - Mesiarenan chronology Adopted methodology for describing the history of pre-columbian civilizations of messenmerse in terms of named er and periods, starting from the earliest evidence of the presence of human settlements and to the early colonial period ... Wikipedia

Oaxaca (staff) - This article should be vico. Please refer it according to the rules of articles. This term has other meanings, see Oaxaca ... Wikipedia

Archeology of new light - Subject of study. The subject of research in the archeology of the new light is the history and culture of the indigenous peoples of America of American Indians. Homogeneous from the point of view of racial, Indians of America represent a large branch ... ... Encyclopedia Color


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Let's briefly plunge into mystic and the mystery of the ancient peoples of the Sapoteks .. The origin of people from stones, trees and jaguars, many gods for worship, mystical cult of ancestors and the dead ... Scratchy, right? .. This people immediately seem wild and uneducated us. But no! In terms of knowledge and achievements in the fields of art, architecture, mathematics and astronomy, the Sapoteks were very close to Olmecam, Ancient Maya and Toltekam. Their capital is Monte Alban. It covers an area of \u200b\u200b40 square kilometers and is located approximately 10 km on the southwest of the city of Oaxaca. The center of the ruins, built on an artificial platform of 400 meters above the subtropical valley of the Oaxaca, is probably the most impressive place of pre-columbian civilizations.

The name of the city is translated as "White Mountain" - called him so the Spaniards, because of white flowers growing on the slopes. The center of the city stretches the central square, surrounded by terraces, palaces and platforms. Residential buildings stood on the terraces on the slopes of the hill, here the gardens were most likely. In Monte Alban, the ruins of pyramids, temples, balls for playing ball, galleries and observatory were also found. There are many burials and tombs in the city, with perfectly made frescoes on domes. The design of these tombs was recognized as the most unique in the West.

Monte Alban conquers the monumentality of the entire complex, spacious squares in several levels associated with numerous stone stairs and bordered pyramids of various sizes. The core of a powerful colonnade will be imagination as elegantly it looked at one time. The pearl and mystery of Monte Alban are numerous flat stones on which people are depicted in unusual poses - dancing men.

In 1932, the rich treasure of the XIII century was discovered in the ruins of Monte Alban. Excavations conducted a group of Mexican American Alfonso Camo. It was he who found the first tomb in Monte Alban in the fall of 1931. Values \u200b\u200bin the tomb turned out to be so much that only to make all the discovered items from the tomb, it took seven days and nights. In the tomb, the discovery of which in importance for scientists is comparable to the discovery of Tutankhamon's tomb, was found Necklaces from large pearls, jade and obsidian earrings, gold bracelets and necklaces, decorations from turquoise, seashells and silver, god mask Ship Toteka, Products from a mountain crystal .

Monte Alban is the ruins who remember the presence of many ancient cultures of Mexico. Olmeki, Sapoteki, Mishkeki and Aztec considered this place sacred. Today, Monte Alban is the world's largest open-air museum. In this place, it is best to come early in the morning, there is no one else. Then you give one on one with an amazing secret Monte Alban.