Little tours are now. I want to buy a cheap burning tour

What are the last-minute tours and when to look for them. And most importantly - how not to burn them. Practical articles on "Tourism Sounds".

  • Burning tours: All you wanted to know about them "/\u003e
  • Burning tours - phrase, which is necessarily present on the site of any travel agency. A kind of password-shimanuha for a tourist, "goose" and "Yandex", the expanses of domestic neta in search of a cheap trip to the south. With one or another direction you can work or do not work, but the last minute tours are mandatory Must-Have, without which business is not a business, and so-so, a non-serious occupation for your own pleasure.

    What is there to hide, so the human consciousness is arranged that when identifying the possibility to save, it immediately gives a signal: stand! You can pay less and at the same time get the same, for which others gave big money. The arguments of the logic about the poor-quality product and reminders of reason that the miser pays twice, alas, often retreating into the background - and we will scroll through our blood for all sorts of "just today" and "do not miss."

    Well, then, as a rule, it comes an hour of recipiency for greed: products and services are second-time, and the fact that we are so willingly took advantage of the benefit, it turns out only brilliant tinsel on the rooting of the essence of the object.

    So with burning tours, everything is not always so beautiful, as advertising slogans promise. And placement on the spot will be far from the perfect, and to the beach to go half a kilometer in the heat, and the beach itself will not be too different in the purity of the shore of the metropolitan reservoir ... However, we will not deny if your goal is inexpensive rest without special hotel requirements and other amenities, and in addition you are ready to break out of the place and rush to the "abroad", the last minute trips are what you need. In short, as in any enterprise, there are its pros and cons, underwater flows and sharp stones, strategy and tactics of behavior. But first things first.

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    What it is

    Talking in general, a burning tour is a tourist trip, which, due to the approaching departure time, the risks risks unsold and thereby bring a loss to the tour operator. As with most market goods, Turpaketov has its own index "suitable to ...", and they are suitable for the start date of the trip. Accordingly, reducing the price as much as possible on the eve of "exercise", you can attract customers looking for opportunities to save, and thus not lose the funds invested on the tour (redemption of the room in the hotel, charter charter, etc.)

    It is unlikely to talk about profits in this case, but at least "discard" costs or in extreme cases to go into a small minus - quite real.

    As you know, the main price components of the tour package are the cost of living plus the cost of the flight. The little things, such as the cost of transfer and remuneration of accompanying personnel, will not be considered here. Therefore, under the "burning" factor, one of two is almost guaranteed: either the charter has many unsold places, or no place for the hotel. The first can happen if the forecasts for the tourist flow in this direction were too optimistic, the charters put too much, after which the harsh reality broke down in its place. "Well, do not like you, do not believe," as the classic wrote. As a result, "Boeing" and "Erbasy" fly unfilled, while, as we understand, consuming the same fuel - and therefore, bypassed a consolidator of flights at the same price - be on board at least 300, at least 80 people.

    The second also belongs to the area of \u200b\u200ban unfulfilled dream, consistent with unshaven optimism in terms of charters. If the charter "Boeing" throws into the southern lands half less than tourists, it means that this very half is settled at the hotel. The rest of the rooms will be empty, or rather, the redeemed tour operator, only here are not populated by the "live goods".

    Exit from both situations is one: to take off the Internet or running by the showcase of the potential buyer's travel agency with large letters: a burning tour, departure tomorrow / day after tomorrow / on Saturday, etc. As they say, let you want, just buy.

    Another reason for the "exercise" of the tour, this time depends not from the domestic clientele, and from overseas hotelors - a large number of vacant hotel rooms. Since the hotel is designed not only for tourists from Russia, the degree of its completion is exposed to fluctuations in the tourist market of other countries. And here, as you know, do not predict anything in advance: where the next crisis is born in Europe, and where the volcano will begin to spit. In short, the Spanish or English tourist public is sitting on homes, intended for her number are not filled, and the hotelians are trying to fill the empty rooms with tourists from more successful countries: put attractive prices and "ask" to send anyone. This is usually hotels in the middle price category and hotels, designed for massive tourism - the institution of category "Lux" are less hysterical in matters of completion, as their customers are more unspected in everyday storms.

    When they are

    Contrary to the fact that many of the ruling-raspberry-travel agencies yearly convince us in the presence of burning tours almost in all directions, these birds have their own migrations season, at the end of which everything that is offered under the burning tag - no more than The desire of the travel agent to attract the paddle to the tempting benefit of the buyer. In other words, you do not need to look for a truly burning tour in the segment of high demand suggestions at this time of the year. For example, in the midst of the season of the Winter Heat, you should not count on the burning "Super Spec Office" in Thailand or the United Arab Emirates - these countries do not know the removal from tourists who want to relax at the exotic beach in the middle of the Russian winter. It is quite another thing - the same emirates at the end of September: the start of the season, not yet fully lost its positions of summer heat, the numbers in hotels have already been redeemed, and the proposal may be more demand ...

    Another example: April (and often and June) Tunisia. The flight program begins at the end of March, while the air rises from several airlines at least four flights a week per week. Resort hotels are also far from filled: the sea has not yet heard, and go there anywhere perhaps that lovers of bachechen bathing are dirty men. There are all prerequisites for "burning" - and in April Weekly burning holidays in the Sousse or Hammamet can cost only 200 USD per person. In addition, many hoteliers produce special offers of type "Thalassotherapy is included in accommodation" or "Children up to 2 years old" - thus, the trip to the burning ticket may be favorable doubly: and it will be cheaper, and you do not need to pay for additional services.

    Another, so let's say, a symmetrical, period of propagation of burning tours - the end of the season in this direction. The number of sides per week is not as fast as demand as demand, and hotels are no longer clogged under the string due to the "weather whistle": the cooling of the sea or the approach of the rainy season. As a result, a decline in prices for the nearest departures and a great opportunity to pay less for rest (if, of course, other factors are not frightened).

    Sea by pocket

    When they never happen

    In addition to high and low seasons at the tourist destinations, there are periods of the year when the concept of a burning tour is absurd. We are talking about national holidays (which we have mass, but especially popular in the sense of tourism New Year and May) and traditional holiday pore in July-August. It is clear that at this time there is almost the whole population if not our immense, then its large cities accurately storms of the travel agencies and "putting" the servers of Internet sites in search of the "south" junctions. In this blessed from the point of view of the players of the tourist industry, everything is for sale: and expensive "fives" with their own helicopters, and penny "doubles" overlooking the wasteland. The question in this case is set "how to fly away?", Not "how to fly to the exhaust?". Accordingly, 99% of the special offers with Tag "Burning" will be another piece of cheese in a mousetrap: a tourist or relocate to another hotel, or under the guise of "crazy discounts" will be sold at all-day value, no lower than that of competitors, or, in the worst case , I will assign money to a one-day company and will not send anywhere. In isolated cases, tours can burn in a high season if, say, a trip was canceled - a single or a whole conference - then such a tour package will try to sell through the "Sarafan Radio" - Affiliate agencies, social networks, online stores of burning trips.


    What good in burning tours is understandable without explanation - the opportunity to relax for smaller (and sometimes just for funny) money with the same amenities and the same set of services as compatriots living in your hotel, but purchased a ticket in advance. The difference between the initial and "excerpt" cost of the tour is from 30 to 50%, sometimes discounts reach 70%. Of course, the principle "Who does not risk, he doesn't drink champagne" No one has canceled: purposefully catching the burning junction, it is possible not to wait - everything will dismiss before you.

    Another, less obvious, but for many the most "juicy" plus - an adventurism of the enterprise. Agree, there is something mounted-free and spy-pirate: like this, without getting ready and not even time to say to friends, leave things in the suitcase and already fly around on the beach somewhere in the banana republic.

    ... and cons

    Disadvantages of burning tours - carriage and small trolley. The first: the lack of confidence in the success of the enterprise. If, contrary to your forecasts, let's say, in the Antalya in April will be enjoyed in high demand, there is a risk, waiting for lower prices, stay "on beans", do not fly away anywhere and thoroughly spoil your vacation. Second: There are no guarantees that you will fall at exactly the hotel you need: If the hotel is popular with tourists, it is likely that there will be no places in it. In addition, there is a risk that they will have to sit down and at all will be in an unknown hotel: the tour operator may not have time to confirm the time stated in the tour for such a small time before departure, and in some cases unscrupulous travel agencies and are in place in a deliberately different hotel. "And what did you want to be a burning tour, and we moved you to the hotel the same category!" - There will be a standard answer to which it is legally impossible to fall. Another nuance is associated with burning tours to visa countries. They make sense to navigate if there is a valid visa to this country - otherwise you can not have time to settle visa formalities before the date of departure. Finally, we mention about insurance from the unbearable, which can be framed no later than 10 days before the start of the trip. In the absence of such and if the tour for one reason or another will not take place, the tourist may lose the almost complete cost of travel - so in this case it is not difficult to get confused in the beneficies of benefits and risks and overcome yourself.

    Strategy for behavior

    Finally, a few tips of the windows, who, despite risk and danger, wishes to go on vacation by the rest of the burning trigtele. First, if you at least depends on the work schedule and not every 365 days of the year is ideal to start a trip, do not expect until the last day. Yes, perhaps the prices really incredibly fall and rest will be worthwhile a penny, but it is reasonable to keep the balance of the cheapness of the enterprise and the reality of its implementation.

    In other words, it is better to overpay 200 USD and leave than not to overpay and not leave.

    Secondly, it is not necessary to scrupulously search for among a dozen similar proposals to the tour of the megaluchka price, and also offered by an unknown office "cheap rest" - the likelihood of fraud is great. The money will be commemorated with you, it is undoubtedly, only now the documents for the trip will not be issued, and with a personal visit to the travel agency's office there is a risk of stumble upon a "closed" tablet. Thirdly, going on vacation on the burning round, keep the collected suitcase at the ready - it is quite possible that it will have to crawl tomorrow, and late to the airport due to swimsuit, which did not want to be located - the sad finale for such a favorable offer.

    Well, finally, the last - stock optimism and aim to a good mood, no matter what. Whether you will have to enjoy the hiss of the bubbles of the Jacuzzi in the room of a five-star hotel at the price of "Treople" or fight the air conditioning system in more than a modest hotel in a 40-degree heat - one fortune is known. And if so - then boldly take her face, fate loves brave! And "But Pasaran"!

    Burning tours - a way out for those who are not going to overpay for rest!
    Last minute vouchers are ideal for students and young childless families, you can go on a trip already in days after purchasing a burning tour!
    Such tours will not suit those who have time limits and it is impossible to take a vacation when necessary.
    But the last minute trips are suitable for those who have a lot of free time and who is ready to change the usual way of life within 72 hours and time zone itself. Last minute trips Let both budget options, but they can even answer the high demands of the most picky tourists, is all the case in choosing a travel agency and banal luck.

    By purchasing a burning ticket, for example, on the website, instead of usual, how much can you save in reality?
    Savings as a rule is approximately 50% of the initial cost of the voucher. Thus, you can purchase not alone, but even two vouchers for the same amount. Burning tours, unlike ordinary, are beneficial to this. Therefore, more and more people chooses last-minute tours as an alternative to more expensive vouchers.
    There are no specifics in terms of the tour of the tour in one or another country. Everyone prefers something its own, so the directions are very different: Asia, Turkey, Australia, Egypt, North America, Africa, - Last minute trips can be purchased at any point of the globe and there are very different, but they are rare. This is a significant minus burning vouchers. Easy to pick up a ticket to Turkey or Egypt and it is very hard to find a tour to some provincial town of Australia or Asia.

    The reasons for such a sharp decline in prices for vouchers are very different. For example, when the season is not the most suitable or for a certain direction there is no demand. There are such situations where the client of travel agency, for some or reason, refuses the bought a ticket. It also happens that without taking the desired number of people to the charter, and before the departure remained a few days, then to save money, the travel agency sells it with a discount or at a special price.
    But, there are countries to rest in which there are never tangible discounts or "burning tours": rest on exotic islands, excursion tours, shipping cruises, elite ski resorts. But on the popular directions of Russian tourists, large discounts are regularly. It remains only to choose a direction for the desired rest, time and partner, with whom you will go on the journey. Collect everything you need to rest, do not forget the camera and go ahead for a burning ticket!
    The choice of tours is small, it is not always easy to choose the desired one. There is a complete list of tours on the travel agencies, photos. Be sure to check all the information about the hotel, entertainment. Last minute trips - a delicate matter. But when you make everything competently, only pleasant troubles will remain.

    It remains only to pay a trip, and collect all the necessary documents for a good holiday in the country that you have looked after.

    In order for the rest to be not spoiled, you need to choose a tourist firm more closely. Explore forums, survey familiar, read tourist reviews.
    Be careful and do not believe too low price. The hotel can be bad or instead of the hotel you will get into the pension for old people, or problems with food are possible, so it is worth carefully understanding what "everything is turned on".

    So what is the burning tour in fact? The question of how correctly pick up and profitable to buy a burning tour , interests many. In order to make an excellent acquisition, not enough just to view the offers of last minute tours. It is worthwhile to understand this concept. Travel Company " Guiding star"Can tourists in this. dispel 10 myths about burning tours.

    Myth number 1. Hot tour is a tour who bought tourists, and a few days before the departure refused to go.

    No one refused from anything. In reality, things are so: The tourist operator pays in advance to partners for the components of the tour: air tickets, insurance, shuttle, visas (these are constant sums that make up the cost of the tour). There is another element that forming the price of the tour is the price of the hotel. So in the event that the planned number of places in the plane is not filled, the company (often at a loss) in recent days reduces the hotel's cost to fill the aircraft, since all places on the flight are paid in advance. So that the price drops due to the fact that the operator lowers the price of the hotel. Note that the tour falls in price not in a specific company, but in all cooperating with a specific tourist operator.

    Myth number 2. Cheap - it's good.

    Rest is a vacation. And believe me, there are such hotels that will spoil your vacation, even if you were ready for accommodation in terrible conditions, for saving money. But upon arrival you will realize that it was necessary to buy a tour of more expensive, then vacation would pass in normal conditions and fed well. Such hotels that are in fact and the amount you have paid are not standing in every country. You can view their list on the company's website. Also, each tourist should meet the hotel reviews. But remember that the sweetest can be artificially sweet. Consider the fact that the prices of tours are very dependent on the season.. The hotel where your acquaintances rested in May may be inaccessible to you in August, as it will cost at least twice as expensive. So beware of the cheapest hotels and those agencies that sell exclusively cheap tours. This means that the company is still on the quality of your holiday, they just need to sell the tour.

    Myth№3. Before buying, you need to call many companies.

    The fact is that tourist companies are kind of shops that sell the products of tourist operators. So that if there is a good tour, then it will be at different agencies at the same time. The spectrum of the tourist company offers can be wider only thanks to cooperation with several tour operators. And the cost of the same hotel in different operators can be different. So, if you want a big list of proposals, from which you can choose the perfect tour, go to the agency whose partners are several operators at the same time. For example, travel company " Guiding star "Collaborates with 18 operators.

    Myth # 4. The closer to the departure, the cheaper.

    You should not expect or desire low demand companies for a specific departure. If this does not happen, you can be without a voucher. If you like the price of the tour, do not wait for the last days, book immediately. And then instead of getting an even lower price, you can even miss the opportunity to fly there, then from the city that suits you.

    Myth number 5. Book it is unprofitable in advance.

    The fact is that winter spring tour is much cheaper. Also, if the demand for certain departures is initially high and tickets diverge as hot cakes, in recent days, when one flight places remain on the flight, travel companies raise the price of these places. Because they know that they will still be redeemed, as the demand is high. If you see a good hotel at a bargain price, know that this offer see not only you. And from this it follows that places can buy, you just risk. Book a tour stands immediately if you like it. In addition, last but reveal dear and bad hotels.

    Myth number 6. I myself find a tour online.

    It is quite logical that you can make the next question: "Why I can not find myself a tour online if the managers do the same." And to some extent you are right. You can find out sites where you are looking for tours agents, you can learn them to use, can even find the time to compare prices for tours of different operators. But in order to find the best hotel so that it is really good, to confirm his compliance with the description in reality you need many years of experience. These are all the data, the information that managers are collecting during their work. So to choose a great tour option. You need to become an experienced manager. In addition, Small detail - tourist operators do not have the right to sell tours to individuals.

    Myth number 9. Buy Tour directly at the tour operator is much cheaper.

    We return to the latest suggestion of the previous paragraph. First, it is impossible operators do not cooperate with individuals. How if you bought from Tez Tour? And the thing is that you have bought from an authorized agency that sells at the same price as other travel companies. So, it is worth thinking about the honesty of the agency, which speaks to customers that the ticket purchased by them is sold by the TEZ Tour operator.

    Myth number 7. Day of another can always think.

    Understand, tour is not a blouse that is sold in the store. The same tour can approach many customers. And since companies sell the products of tour operators (as we have already found out), if the tour bought in one company, it disappears in another company automatically. Hurry up buying a great tour.

    Myth number 8. The more discount, the cheaper.

    Ask not the size of the discount, but the terminal value offered at a discount. Because you can always raise the initial price on the tour to increase the discount. For example, there are often situations when the tour, which in our company is inexpensive, in many agencies are sold with large discounts, but the cost there still comes out more. How can it be? " Guiding star"In good relations with your own operators, we have a large spectrum of agreements. This makes it possible to buy a tour cheaper.

    Myth number 10. First, on the phone you need to choose a hotel, and then buy a tour to this hotel in the agency.

    The fact is that you fly out a concrete hotel attached to a specific date that may not arrange you. In addition, while you reach a travel company, the rooms in this hotel can open. Almost all customers who immediately speak in which hotel want to rest, eventually buy a tour to another hotel. So focus on the desired dates, the cost and the same package of services you want to receive.

    So in order to profitable buy burning tour You should contact the agency that cooperates with a large number of tourist operators. You should also study the list of hotels in which it is better not to stop, but not to choose the one in which you want to stay. And you should not pull with the purchase to the last, otherwise you risk overlooking your tidy slice.

    Some consider them an excellent opportunity to relax, and others are confident that this is a complete divorce and exploitation of sonorous phrases. And those and others will not prevent to know what a burning tour is and where to look for it.

    The burning ticket is a special offer for the journey, the cost of which is reduced by 5% -50% a few days before departure. You can find burning tours in absolutely any directions, starting with the most affordable offers for beach holidays in Egypt and bus tours to the weekend to Europe, and ending with tours to the Maldives and in.

    The cost reduction is due to a completely logical reason - the start of the voucher is approaching, and it is better to sell cheaper than not to sell at all. As a rule, the tour of the tour starts a week before the departure. But there are situations when, for example, there are 3 weeks in stock, but the vouchers to a particular hotel sold quite a few, free numbers more than enough. In this case, to start reloading the price can and much earlier.

    Of course, the big "residue" of non-sold tours can be due to the "not season", unpopular type of numbers, not the most successful location of the hotel and other, quite objective circumstances. In this case, it is really only a loud name. However, if desired, you can find a burning tour to a great 5-star hotel at 3 stars.

    The advantages of burning tours

    • Price. The key "plus" of the burning offer is a weighty discount on a ticket.
    • Choice. Regardless of the season and other factors, it is quite possible to find burning tours. So, even if you can't plan the vacation time in advance, a few days before it began to go to the travel agency, and you can be sure that you will pick up a burning tour with a departure to the right dates. Problems with vouchers may arise except in the peak of the season - July and August.
    • Bonuses. Some tour operators in the submission to the found burning tour provide an additional bonus, for example, a free excursion.

    Disadvantages of burning tons

    1. Close date of departure. Note that I bought a burning ticket, to leave for the near future. Perhaps even the next day. Therefore, agree in advance and sentence all things at work in order to go on a trip without any problems. And if the country needs a visa, especially Schengen, solve this issue in advance.
    2. Lack of money back. Paying the found to the burning trip, you can't return the money back. Regardless of whether you change your mind or decide to refuse for good reasons.
    3. Competition. While you think whether it is worth buying a ticket that you liked, it may well "lead from under the nose" of the same seekers of burning tours. The demand here is usually higher suggestions;
    4. Quality. In theory, "burn" can both and good tours / hotels, but in practice, still the best deals (especially in the season) are understood at the full cost, and less attractive offers fall into the "burning". Either the hotel can be excellent, but the date of the tour is "not the season" in the resort.

    Where and how to look for hot tours

    There are several ways to find and choose a burning ticket:

      • Contact one or more travel agencies. Employees will familiarize you with applicable suggestions and help make a choice.
      • In the Internet. You can search for burning tours on the sites of the same travel agencies or specialized pages on which various last minute offers are collected, but it is better to do this, bypassing intermediaries, directly on the websites of tour operators, it is there that the most relevant information is located. Among proven and reliable
    • In social networks. Many agencies or private travel agents on their pages / groups in social networks publish the most "tailed" suggestions. Subscribe to them and catch the voucher you need.

    Pick up the tour

    If you found a burning tour on the tour operator's website, then do not rush to rejoice. You still need to have time to pay it. You can do this on the same site (if you are lucky and the company accepts payment by the card) or will have to rush on all pairs in the nearest travel agency that works with this tour operator. In this case, you need to make sure that the payment will have time to reach the tour operator in time, because the reservation is not yet a 100% guarantee of obtaining a desired tour.

    Even if you are going to go to rest on the burning ticket, start choosing a tour in advance. Explore the price policy, the conditions of the tours, read about the choice of hotel, so that at the right time it is quickly picking the best offer.

    Be sure to check whether travel, accommodation, meals are included in the price. In the bus tours of European cities, for example, very often "saved" on excursions. The attractive price subsequently turns into a need to additionally pay almost all excursions within the round. Make sure that the low price is due to the ambiguity, and not the lack of certain services.

    Read reviews about hotels on forums and specialty sites. Check out the number of stars - often tourists in place are not subject to one, or even two stars at the hotel paid by them. So you can avoid underwater stones and protect yourself from unpleasant surprises on vacation.

    Chocolate or other presentation of the travel agency employee is likely to stimulate his "pull out of the sleeve" the most interesting offers.

    Myth number 1 "Hot tour is tours, which bought tourists, and a few days before the departure refused to go"

    Many people think that burning tours are those tours, which were first bought, and then for any reason, tourists refused to go on a journey through this ticket and she immediately becomes burning. In fact, it is not at all. The price of any tourist package is a visa-free country consists of:

    1. Tickets
    2. Insurance
    3. Transfer
    4. Hotel accommodation

    Cost of visa, airfare, insurance, shuttle - the magnitude is constant. The only thing that can change is the cost of staying at the hotel. When the volume of those who want to fly out is less than places in the plane, and before the departure remains a few days, the tour operator, sometimes even at a loss, reduces the price of the hotelTo close the remaining places on the plane. These places have already paid airlines in advance. As a result, prices for vouchers are decreasing. This is the last minute tours.

    From here conclusions:

    · Absolutely all tours that are sold a few days before departure, are burning

    · Reducing the price of a tour occurs only by discount on accommodation in the hotel

    · Burning tours will not be in some specific agency, but in all agencies collaborating with this operator.

    Myth number 2 "The cheaper," the better. "

    Cheap - does not mean burning. A cheap can cost just the "killed" hotel, which is always so worth it, and will cost. The main policy of such hotels is based on the minimization of absolutely all costs. And even the inbuttered person who is accustomed to the Spartan conditions will exclaim: "This is horror!" And the blood, even if $ 300 will be spent on torment, and not a vacation. Such hotels are almost every country. Take care of such agencies that offer similar hotels. For them, the main thing for anything to sell you. . If you offer a hotel from this list - think before agreeing.

    Important!!! Prices for tours strongly depend on the season. So the price of the same tour to Turkey is 2.5 times higher in August compared to May. Therefore, if your friends rested at the beginning of the season at the 5-star hotel at the beginning of the season, then at the height of the season, you can not even fly for the same money in 3 stars.

    As mentioned above, the cost of air tickets, shuttle and insurance is permanent value. This is the amount that you have to pay always, and all that over this cost is your hotel accommodation. What does it say about? That very often adding 10-15% to the cost of a cheap tour, we are thereal we increase by 2 times The amount that really enters the hotel for accommodation. Such a small surcharge of 10-15% for the cost of a cheap tour greatly affects the quality of your holiday in this hotel.

    From here conclusions:

    · Respect yourself, choose hotels not from the cheapest.

    · Check reviews about hotels on sitetophotels.. ru And others, but do not blindly trust them.

    Myth number 3 "The more agencies call, the better the tour will find"

    You will probably surprise you that the agencies offer 70-80% coincide, since the travel agency is a "retail store", which sells tours of various tour operators (theze, Pegasus, Turtysess, etc.) - "Tour manufacturers". Imagine that the Coca-Cola manufacturer (tour operator in our case) supplies this Coca Cow to various stores. Similarly, the tourist business is also working: the tour operator supplies the same tours to all travel agencies with which the Tour operator has a contract. Some agencies cooperate with one or two tour operators, some with a large number of tour operators. Since the "suppliers" are the same, then the proposals of the tours are largely coincided. In many ways, but not in everything, therefore it is important to cooperate with the agency with a large portfolio of contracts with tour operators(Our, agency, for example, cooperates with 18 tour operators). Why? The fact is that the same hotel can be in the proposals of different tour operators at different prices. Travel agency that cooperates with a large number of tour operators will be able to offer you the most low price in the market.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · Find for yourself agency that has a big portfolio agreement and in which professional and conscientious employees work. They will offer you the most favorable price of the tour, where the price corresponds to the quality of recreation.

    Myth number 4 "The closer to the departure, the cheaper"

    As mentioned above, the prices of the tour are determined by the availability of free places in the plane. And any burning tour is actually a tour operator who leads to financial losses. After the global crisis of 2008-2009 Such reports are permitting less and less, i.e. "Halewa" for 2-3 days before departure is no longer always, as it was before. And hope for her, you can spend your vacation at home. This is especially true of departures from Minsk.

    Hence the conclusion:

    Myth number 5 "Book in advance is unprofitable"

    Just now increasingly and more often becomes profitable.

    Example №1: Turkey prices with departure from Krasnodar in April 2011, rather than in August of the same year, cost 20-30% cheaper than in April of the same year, i.e. There was a permanent price increase (the same situation with departures from other cities).

    Example number 2.: a month before the alleged departure, when all tour operators have enough free places in the plane, prices are held at a certain level due to competition. Subject to high demand, free spaces are actively closed on the aircraft and 2 weeks before departure, single places remain with one, two tour operators. What do you think they do in this situation? … Right! Raise prices, as free places will still disperse as hot cakes!

    Example number 3.: In the fall of 2011, one of the operators in Egypt prices for tours were 10% lower than that of competitors. Wise agencies, of course, book offers for their tourists, this tour operator, which led to the fact that, as a rule, free places on the plane organized by this tour operator were always sold for 3-4 weeks ahead. And those tourists who apply to agency 1-2 weeks before departure could not already count on these sweet prices, and they had to book the same tour, but another operator is 10% more expensive.

    And the last: Your favorite hotel can be simply filled in 3 weeks and more than a trip. In addition, the best and most expensive hotels in the ratio of price-quality are primarily filled with reasonable and bad hotels, places in which, as a rule, remain the day before the trip.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · If the price of the tour, hotel quality and recreation dates are suitable - book a tour! No matter how much time it remains.

    Myth №6 "I myself find a tour online"

    On the one hand, any employee of the modern agency selects you a tour online. But! He does it on the websites of tour operators. This is the only place where you can find an objective and 95% topical information on the tours. But these sites need to know (it is easy), you must be able to use search modules (it is much more complicated), compare offers of different tour operators (requires a lot of time) and reconsider dozens, or even hundreds of hotels to choose the best option (requires a lot of time ).

    Where do most of the Internet users come?

    1. On the sites of the agencies, where a negligible amount of proposals is only posted, compared with possible (for example: on our site is laid out as a rule from 5 to 20 indicative proposals for the coming dates, and in the sentence there may be several million !!! variants of different tours into one country). As a rule, these sentences after a couple of days become lowact.

    2. Universal (containing multiple tour operators) search modules. Are on many Internet portals. Again, proposals may contain irrelevant and that it is more unpleasant to not contain some relevant and very good offers.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · Do not waste your time, provide you to choose a tour to the professional manager, and you use your right to choose from the proposed options.

    Myth number 7 "Day of another can always think.

    No no and one more time no!!! If the manager makes you a favorable offer, which is satisfied with the level of the hotel and at a price, do not think. Urgently go to the agency Book a tour, and if you are in the agency - book immediately. You will probably surprise you, but the practice of our agency shows that at least 3-4 people per week lose favorable offers, and then they can still book options and worse, because at the time of the sentence they could not drive up or did not decide to book a tour at once. The manager cannot hold for you tickets or places in the hotel for you, as they are in general access not only for the agencies of the Kranodar Territory, but also Russia.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · If the price of the tour, hotel quality and recreation dates are suitable - book a tour now!

    Myth number 8 "The more discount, the cheaper"

    Very often the first question that hears the travel agency manager - what discount you give? As a result, the client receives the agency that has more than a discount size. And lay out any discount in the price of the tour is not difficult. therefore interest not discount, but price, taking into account the discount! After all, it is absolutely not important for you, which discount you voiced by the manager, but matters how much money you have to pay. In our agency, there are regular cases when tourists are addicted to us and they say that they have offered a discount of 3-7% for such a tour, and we have this tour even without a discount. You will ask why? Because in the agency "Guide Star" A large portfolio of contracts with tour operatorswhat the opportunity to offer our customers the lowest price in the market.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · Pay attention to the final price, taking into account all the surcharges (fuel collection, freight, transfer), and not on the size of the discount!

    Myth number 9 "Buy Tour directly from the tour operator is much cheaper"

    First, buy a tour of the tour operator impossibleSince it does not work with Phys. persons. "How?!" - some: "We bought a tour immediately in the theetour!" But in fact, the tour was not purchased from the tour operator, but in his authorized agency in which the price is the same as in any other agency. For a specific fee, an authorized agency can use the tour operator's brand (logo), from where it seems to be the impression.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · Find for yourself agency that has a big portfolio agreement and in which professional and conscientious employees work.

    Myth number 10 "First, on the phone you need to choose a hotel, and then come to the agency and book it."

    So try to make most tourists contacting the agency by phone. As a result, more than 80% of them book a completely different option, and not the one they drove into the agency. Why is that? Because both the hotel places and place in the hotel itself, while the tourist arrives to the agency ends; Very often inconvenient is the time of departure-arrival; The price is changed in the right; new more favorable suggestions appear, etc.

    Hence the conclusion:

    · Communicating the phone, choose agency for yourself, paying attention to the number of proposed options, their final prices, the quality of the offered hotels, competence and attentiveness to you employee of travel agencies. Then, capturing the passport data of all tourists and the agreed amount of collateral, send to the agency you choose.