Boat trip on Lake Teletskoye. Boat excursions around Teletskoye: routes and prices


This publication aims to introduce how tourism was organized in the USSR. Here are different routes, the element of which included Lake Teletskoye. Of course, our publication does not claim to provide complete coverage of all routes. This is just some part of them. The article will be expanded as new information becomes available.

From the routes of 1935

A logging road began from the Obogo forestry, leading through a small wooded pass into the valley. Following it, tourists ended their journey in, located on the shore of Lake Teletskoye opposite the village. Artybash.

From the 1984 routes

A new experimental route 377 is being introduced (counter route to 77). Route 416 starts operating again - “to Lake Teletskoye”.

There is an option for rafting along the Biya from Lake Teletskoye for unprepared tourists and experienced watermen on inflatable boats.

Tents were preserved only at the site in Chulyshman - at the southern tip of Lake Teletskoye. Here the paths of tourists of several routes intersect. For those who rest in the shelter on Chulyshman, a bicycle route has been introduced.

Lake Teletskoye is one of the most amazing places Gorny Altai. In order to understand and appreciate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, plunge into that mysterious world, which lives Teletskoye Lake.

Lake Teletskoye is one of the most amazing places in the Altai Mountains. It is no coincidence that the Altai people call it Golden; the lake can rightfully be called the most important jewel in the collection of Altai “gems”. In order to understand and appreciate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, plunge into the mysterious world that Lake Teletskoye lives in. You can achieve insight into the very essence of things with the help of small trips - excursions. In the vicinity of Lake Teletskoye there is a large number of various excursion routes. And, most importantly, every year something new appears in this direction. Let's look at the most popular ones.

Boat excursions

Walk along Lake Teletskoye to the Korbu waterfall is the most popular excursion. Travel around the lake is carried out on a Yaroslavets type boat (4 hours) or on a motor boat (2 hours). During the excursion, tourists will be able to admire the beauty of Lake Teletskoye, its majestic mountains, steep rocky shores, a beautiful panorama of the southern reach, visit the Altai State Nature Reserve and the Korbu waterfall located on its territory - one of the most famous waterfalls on the lake (height 12.5 m). There is a fee for entering the AGPP territory. As the administration of the reserve assures, this summer visiting the Korbu waterfall will cost significantly less than in the past. In addition, it is planned to organize trade at the pier in Yailyu. Thus, tourists will be able to visit the legendary village of Lake Teletskoye, and perhaps even take a tour of the central estate of the Altai Nature Reserve, which is famous not only for its amazing orchards. An experienced guide on a boat will tell you about the legends and stories of Lake Teletskoye, climatic and landscape features, guests will get acquainted with the theory of the origin of the lake from the point of view of science and Altai mythology.

The cost of the excursion is 400-500 rubles/person (by boat).

On a motor boat - 2500-3000 rubles / boat for 5 people, 3500-4000 - for 8 people.

Owners of motor boats offer tourists a “bonus” program. In addition to Korb - a visit to the Chedor waterfall, viewing the Kishte waterfall from the water, entering the Idyp and Kamenny bays.

Excursion along Lake Teletskoye to Cape Kyrsai should be the most important excursion for those who come to the lake for the first time. To understand why thousands of people are fascinated by the beauty of Lake Teletskoye, you need to see it from beginning to end. From north to south, the lake changes its outline very much - the mountains become higher, the surface of the lake is wider, the rivers fall like crystal waterfalls from steep cliffs. In the area of ​​​​Cape Kyrsai, the water in the lake is much warmer; in good weather, you can safely swim without harm to your health.

Here its largest tributary, the Chulyshman River, flows into the lake.

Route length: 156 km

Duration of the excursion:

By boat – 12 hours.

By motor boat – from 5 to 8 hours.

Tour cost:

By boat – 700-1000 rubles/person.

By boat – 6000-6500 rubles/boat for 5 people, 7000-8000 rubles. - for 8 people

It will be very intriguing and mysterious excursion to Stone Bay .

Stone Bay is one of the most mysterious places on the lake. Even in the most inclement weather, the bay is always quiet, calm, and the birds are singing. Stone Bay is a peculiar country of huge stone boulders surrounding a small emerald bowl. Centuries-old cedars grow right on the stones, and bergenia spreads like a velvet carpet under your feet. During the excursion, tourists will learn who Delbegen is and how this place was formed. The water in the bay warms up well, and in good weather you can swim in it. A walk to Kamenny Bay is carried out by motor boats or motoyals.

The duration of the excursion is 2 hours.

Cost – 100-200 rubles/person.

Rafting on the Biya River(from the village of Artybash to the village of Kebezen - 22 km) is popular among lovers of mountain and water travel. Upper Biya is a typical mountain river with a rapid current, sharp turns, thresholds and shivers. The alloy category is “two”. Rafting takes place through the most picturesque places of the Biya River and is considered a pleasant and exciting pastime.

Duration – from 2 to 3 hours.

Cost – from 300 to 350 rubles/person.

As for water travel, the list is not limited to these excursions. On the embankments of Lake Teletskoye you can rent catamarans and rowing boats (100 rubles/hour). There are also various fishing options at the mouths of rivers flowing into Lake Teletskoye and on other lakes and rivers.

Walking tours

Walking tours, or trekking, are becoming increasingly popular every year. There are a number of interesting destinations on Lake Teletskoye.

Tourists can make walking tour "Into the canyon of the Oyrok River", or to the Third River. This is an easy walk along the shore of Lake Teletskoye, during which the guide will tell you about the flora and fauna of the Teletskoye taiga. The “unknown path” will lead to the gorge of a fast mountain river. If you climb along its bed, strewn with bizarre stones and roots of centuries-old trees, you can reach small waterfalls(1-2 meters) and natural baths. Natural bowls are filled with water, the temperature of which is always 10 degrees higher than in the lake. On a hot day, these baths are so great to take a dip in!

On way back you can visit house-museum of the artist L.A. Shilkina(50 rub/person)

The duration of the excursion to the Third River is 2 hours.

Cost – 70-100 rubles/person.

You can get to the Third River on horseback. The cost then increases significantly - from 500 rubles / person. But the sensations are completely different!

You can ride a horse for a more reasonable price - for example, rent it for half an hour. And then it will cost only 100-150 rubles.

Climbing the observation mountain Tilan-tuu(“snake mountain”) trains endurance and develops self-confidence. The height of the mountain is 741 m. In fact, the climb is not difficult and very exciting. The reward for tired travelers will be a picturesque panorama of the northern reach of Lake Teletskoye, a view of the villages of Iogach, Artybash, and the source of the Biya River. At the observation deck, the guide will tell you the worldly wise legend about Snake Mountain. From the top of the mountain the valley of Old Artybash is clearly visible. In this sunny valley located Museum of Local Lore"Ermi-tash"(“ermi-tash”, translated from Altai, means “star stone”). The museum presents an exhibition dedicated to the history of Lake Teletskoye, a collection of minerals, works of local artists and craftsmen, ancient photographs and documents, Altai national costumes, in which you can take pictures if you wish. The museum offers themed tours for groups. Visiting the museum – 70 rubles/person.

The duration of the excursion to Mount Tilan-tuu is 2 hours.

Cost – 60-80 rubles/person.

You can also climb Mount Tilan-tuu on horseback. It is much easier, more interesting, but also more expensive.

On the outskirts of the village of Artybash, right under the mountain, there is Silver Source.

In the middle of the 19th century, this source was consecrated by the missionary of the Altai Spiritual Mission - Macarius Nevsky. The silver content in the water of this source helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

The water is cold, pure, straight from the heart of the mountains - well, it’s a sin not to go and drink to your heart’s content. On the way to the source, tourists learn about the life and traditions of the indigenous population. On the way back you can go to Art salon of Valentina Petrova- local artist. There is a permanent exhibition of her works in the salon. You can also buy souvenirs here.

The duration of the excursion to the Silver Spring is 2 hours.

Cost – from 50-60 rubles/person.

You can also get to Silver Spring by horseback or bicycle, after renting one or the other. The cost of horse rental is 250-300 rubles/hour, mountain bike rental is 150 rubles/hour.

There are also bicycle excursions, for example, “Beyond the Third River,” “To the Source of the Biya River.” Cost from 300 rub/person. and from 400 rub/person. respectively.

Car excursions

You can travel by all-terrain vehicle (GAZ, UAZ) to Obogo pass(about 40 km from Lake Teletskoye). From the pass a majestic panorama of the mountain ranges of North-Eastern Altai opens. The endless sea of ​​cedar taiga and the “squirrels” of the Sumultinsky ridge truly amazes the imagination. During the excursion, tourists will enjoy the aroma of healing taiga herbs, swimming in a cool mountain river, and amazing landscapes.

The duration of the excursion is 5-8 hours.

Cost – 400-500 rubles/person.

Excursion to Mount Kibitek takes three hours. Translated from Altai, “kibitek” means “boat turned upside down.” The mountain is located on the side of the village of Iogach. Bizarre stone blocks of one of the screes of the mountain resemble either an ancient old man or a young girl - the mistress of the mountain. The guide will tell you who turned the boat upside down and why. From the mountain there is a panoramic view of Lake Teletskoye, the source of the Biya River, and the village of Artybash. On the way to the mountain you can visit art gallery of the artist N.P. Sharagova in the village of Yogach.

The duration of the excursion to Mount Kibitek is 3 hours.

Cost – 100-150 rubles/person.

An excursion to the ethno-tourist center of the indigenous peoples of Northern Altai, “Altai Ail,” will be educationally interesting for adults and children. "Altai ail" is located in amazing place on the shore of one of the most beautiful rivers Mountain Altai - Biya, 22 km from Lake Teletskoye. The center offers a rich excursion program, which includes getting to know the life and culture of the Altai people through rituals and National dishes– tolkan, araku, chegen, teerpek, tut-pach. Everyone can visit the traditional dwelling of the Altai people - ail. The keeper of folk tales - kaichi - will tell amazing Altai legends.

Duration – 4 hours.

Cost – 350 rub/person.

Car excursion "To the Swan River"(Turochak village) is just a godsend for those who cannot imagine their vacation without swimming and fishing. The Swan River is the warmest river in the Altai Mountains. Its quaint rocky shores, sandy beaches, and abundance of fish can win the heart of any tourist. Holidays on the Swan River are great holiday for the whole family. Children simply love to swim in a warm and at the same time clean mountain river. So, when you go to Lake Teletskoye, don’t forget to take with you inflatable rings and mattresses, as well as various “fish” and “dolphins” - so that the kids can frolic to their heart’s content. Fish soup made from local fish right on the river bank will be an excellent result of a long and joyful trip. In addition, in the village. You can visit Turochak Art salon, get acquainted with the works of local artists and craftsmen, buy Turochak souvenirs - birch bark products, ceramics, carved cedar dishes. Visit Stone of Love on the banks of the Biya River can become an important event in the life of every couple in love.

Duration – 5-8 hours.

Cost – 400-600 rubles/person.

Excursion novelties of Lake Teletskoe:

Excursion to the Cedar Garden.

The cedar garden is a cedar nursery of the Teletskoye experimental forestry, with an area of ​​98 hectares. A visit to the Cedar Garden is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the field of plant breeding - here even 10-12 year old cedar trees grow cones, whereas in nature cedar begins to bear fruit only from 50 years of age. The cedar garden is a partial embodiment of the idea of ​​​​Kedrograd, which is the effective use and restoration of the resources of the cedar taiga. The excursion contains a story about the unique properties of cedar, its important role in preserving life on earth, and the peculiarities of cultivation. In the garden you can purchase a cedar seedling and get advice on caring for it.

Duration – 3 hours.

Cost – 200-250 rubles/person.

Excursion to the Big Dipper cave.

The cave was discovered in 2005. Explored by speleologists in 2006. The route is difficult and requires special physical preparation and fortitude. Not everyone can walk 14 km through the dense taiga. But this is the only way to feel like a real discoverer, because so far only a few have visited this cave.

Who knows, maybe this is where the entrance to Shambhala is located?

Duration – 10 hours.

Cost – 500-600 rubles/person.

To the mountain lakes

There are a large number of lakes in the Lake Teletskoye basin and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Of particular interest are mountain lakes hidden from prying eyes by impenetrable taiga. A car excursion to one of these lakes can be done during daylight hours. The total length of the route is 120 km (from the village of Artybash to the lakes – 60 km). A trip to mountain lakes is a great opportunity to visit the remote, impassable Pritelets taiga, see centuries-old cedar trees, and feel the power and might of wild Nature. You can go fishing on the lakes. The excursion is planned for the whole day, so the price of the excursion includes packed rations.

Duration – 12 hours.

Cost – 850 rub/person.

Excursion to the Kalychak mine

The Kalychak gold mine was once one of the largest in Altai. The mine was located on the Kalychak River (a tributary of the Samysh River, which in turn is one of the large tributaries of Lake Teletskoye), and operated from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century. At one time, the mine was famous for its rich deposits of gold ore. They say that gold is still mined here, albeit without permission. The path to the mine is not long, but there are few other places where you can get such impressions. Tourists will learn the secret of Kalychak treasures, the history of gold mining in Altai mountains, and plunge into the atmosphere of the “gold rush”.

Duration – 12 hours.

Cost – 850 rub/person.


There are a large number of accommodation options on Lake Teletskoye.

From a room in the “private sector” to a comfortable room at a camp site.

The cost in “green houses” is from 200 to 350 rubles/person.

At tourist centers – from 300 rubles/person. (summer house) up to 900-1000 rubles/person. (suite").

Our guest Svetlana offers us her review of interesting places, routes and excursions to give us the opportunity to get our bearings and choose where exactly to go with your children on Teletskoye.

What to visit on Lake Teletskoye with children: excursions and attractions

When you come to Lake Teletskoye, especially for the first time, you immediately want to go swimming. If the weather is favorable, of course, this should be done first.

Excursions by boat

There are two transport options for traveling around the lake: a motor boat or a small boat or the motor ship Pioneer Altai.

Pioneer of Altai

Pioneer of Altai visits only. The stop there lasts 40 minutes, the whole tour takes about 3 hours. The ship has a cinema hall, a buffet, and comfortable shared cabins. There is a large open deck at your disposal. A lot of impressions from a leisurely comfortable sailing, a photo shoot in a marine style and many landscape photos along the way. The falls have vendors selling delicious food and souvenirs, so cash will come in handy. Bring warm clothes because it can be much cooler on the deck in the middle of the lake than on the shore.

If your child is unable to sit still for a long time, or you want to see everything at once, then the option of traveling by boat is more suitable for you. Regular list excursion places in this case: Korbu waterfall, Chodor waterfall, Stone Bay. You'll spend less time swimming and more time on land. But keep in mind: there are sudden changes in weather and storms on the lake. Therefore, sailing with children on a boat is safer. And in general: the ship itself is already a kind of excursion.


Great impression water travel you will get by crossing the entire lake from end to end from north to south. The end point of your journey is Karagay Bay. This magical place, protected from the winds, as if created for relaxation with children of any age and is not inferior Black Sea coast. Here truly warm water awaits you and sand beach overlooking sacred mountain Altyn-Tuu. Often people come here only for the day - there in the morning, back in the evening. But if you are with children, such a “game is not worth the candle”, the children will only get tired. Plan to spend at least a couple of full days in Karagay! You can live in your own tent, in a campsite or in a house at a camp site. Go to a cafe to eat or cook your own food over a fire.

Karagay Bay. Auto photo Tanya Sharagova

Excursion to the Chulyshman Valley- a route associated with a trip to the south of the lake. For him, you land on the shore to the right of the mouth of the Chulyshman River at Cape Kyrsai. The excursion destination is reached by car. Usually this is the cascade of Uchar waterfalls. You will need hiking clothes and comfortable closed shoes. In a one-day trip it is possible to visit one of these beautiful places. The climb to Uchar is quite difficult, so it is recommended for children over 12 years old.

Uchar on Chulyshman

Going to Stone Mushrooms is much easier, but there is also a long climb up the mountain.

Stone mushrooms on Chulyshman

If you are traveling to one day excursion, it will be difficult for small children to withstand such an intensive training. If your group goes for several days, then you will also be able to visit beautiful waterfall Kurkure, which is located not far from the Katuyaryk pass, famous for its serpentine. The Chulyshman Valley differs from the northern part of the lake in its dry and hot summer climate. And the landscape here is completely different. Fabulous views await you majestic mountains and a stormy river with emerald-colored water.

in the Chulyshman valley

So, you have returned from sailing, and there is still time left to visit interesting places the villages of Artybash and Yogach and in the Pritelets taiga. First, we will look at places specially created for visits by tourists, and we will end with natural excursion sites.

Excursions in the vicinity of the villages of Artybash and Yogach

Let me explain one nuance that misleads vacationers. When we talk about two different villages - Artybash and Yogach - in fact this is one rural settlement. You will enter Artybash immediately when you arrive at Teletskoye. And you can get to Iogach by simply crossing the bridge, which, by the way, is the geographical border between Lake Teletskoye and the Biya River. In Iogac there is a Maria Ra supermarket, a hospital and a pharmacy. Everything related to tourism is located in Artybash, with the exception of tourist centers, of course. They are dispersed throughout both villages.

There probably won't be a child who is indifferent to horses. While walking around Artybash, you can hire a horse for a short ride or arrange a horseback riding excursion. There are horse rental places on the shore of the lake opposite the Evseich cafe, near the Victory Monument and opposite the Edem boarding house. You can also arrange a tour to the Pritelets taiga on ATVs. It will be interesting for teenagers rafting along the Biya.

At the Old Helipad you will find a kayak parking area and you can either just go kayaking or go on a kayak excursion to Stone Bay. Of course, this trip is for older children.

Edelweiss Zoo– even though it is within the village limits, it is better to get there by car. The zoo contains wild and farm animals and birds. Animals are allowed to be fed. You can buy food at the zoo, or you can take carrots cut into cubes with you.

EthnoPark located in the village of Artybash, it’s easy to walk there. Here, in traditional Altai dwellings - ail and alanchik - you will be immersed in Altai culture, tales and legends of the Altai people, National cuisine. It will be interesting for school-age children and, without a doubt, for all adults. You can take a photo in the Altai flavor. Pre-registration is recommended for the tour.


Gallery “Legend of Altyn Köl” This real art gallery is located 300 meters to the left of the bridge in the center of the souvenir market. In front of her is the Tree of Wishes, spectacularly tied with ribbons of all the colors of the rainbow. Inside are paintings by Lake Teletskoye artists and original items by local craftsmen. All this can be purchased. Interesting master classes are also held here; you need to arrange them by phone in advance. The gallery is visited by children of any age, but it may happen that your little ones will not allow you to fully admire the beauty. For them to communicate with the beautiful, it is enough three minutes. Visiting the gallery is free , master classes are paid.

Local Lore Museum "Ermi-Tash" stands near the famous excursion trail to the Third River. By the way, these two excursions can be combined by visiting the museum before climbing the trail. Since this is a museum, it has, unlike the EthnoPark, a greater historical focus. There are exhibits and photographs related to the past of Lake Teletskoye. In conversations with visitors, the emphasis is placed on the spiritual culture of the Altai people, including shamanism. It is advisable to sign up for the tour by phone.

Shilkina Exhibition Hall located near the Old Helipad on the banks of Teletskoye. Leonid Alekseevich Shilkin is the eldest and most respected of the many artists of Lake Teletskoye. An exhibition of his works is organized on the first floor of the house where the artist and his wife live. The variety of creativity is amazing: not only oil painting on canvas, magical watercolors, magnificent pastels, but also painting of porcelain with the flowers of the Altai taiga, painting and wood carving, extraordinary stone paintings... If you live in a village, you can only get there on foot with older children , through the territory of the Golden Lake tourist center and the Old Helipad. For preschoolers it is better to take a taxi. The abundance of fragile exhibits in the public domain may not allow you to relax if you come with kids. It is advisable to make an appointment by phone in order to be sure to catch the owners of the house.

Shilkina Exhibition Hall

Swimming pool at the Golden Lake tourist center. Since the water in Lake Teletskoye warms up only in August, and even then it may seem uncomfortable for swimming, I suggest taking your children to the pool under open air, with heated water. The pool is surrounded by a boardwalk and there is a cafe nearby. The subscription is valid for the whole day. The depth of the pool is designed for adults, so it is better to go there with children over 10 years old. The tourist center is the oldest on the Teletskoye coast, it was founded in the 60s, in Soviet time, when tourism on Lake Teletskoye had just begun to develop. There is a similar pool at the new camp site " Mountain Lake “, but it is quite far from the village, you can get there by car.

In our selection from Detkitur you can see other, no less interesting bases on Lake Teletskoye.

It’s a good idea to go on a hot day with small children. green beach of the Iogach river. This is a clean, shallow mountain river, the water here warms up quickly. Access to the shore in the village of Yogach, directly from the bridge over Teletskoye-Biya about 400 meters, opposite the guest house Lud-Vik. Here you can sunbathe quietly on the grass while children play nearby in the shallow water. The place is very picturesque, you can do beautiful pictures. Ducks and geese swim in the river - children love feeding them!

green beach of the village of Jogač

On the other bank of the river Iogach there is "Wolf Farm"- peasant farm of the large Volkov family. This is where the ducks on the green beach come from. In addition to ducks and geese, there are chickens and several goats. And also adorable kids, ducklings, goslings and chickens! During the excursion you will pet and feed everyone you want, and hold the little ones in your arms. A photo session in a rustic style is included in the visit program. The owners will tell you interesting stories about their animals and give them tea and baked goods made from homemade products, and treat them to milk, eggs, and cottage cheese. You can get special “farm” souvenirs as a keepsake. It is advisable to arrange an excursion by phone 89059843858 .

Volkova farm

Taiga apiary of the Shishkins. An interesting long excursion to the Pritelets taiga to an apiary. You will be completely immersed in the mysterious world of bees and the intricacies of beekeeping for two whole hours! And also herbal tea with honey tasting accompanied by a sincere conversation. The excursion is recommended for school-age children. To travel to the apiary you will need to contact the excursion organizer. The round trip takes about 40 minutes.

Natural attractions of Lake Teletskoye

Now let's move on to a review of natural excursion sites.

Sightseeing mountain Tilan-Tuu- one of the most popular routes within the village of Artybash. It can be recommended for school-age children. The view from above: the lake, both villages and the surrounding mountains is certainly impressive. And if you plan some kind of surprise for the children at the top, on the observation deck, then the walk will become especially bright. If you wish, you can combine a trip to Tilan-Tuu with a visit to the zoo or an excursion to the EthnoPark. It is better not to climb the mountain in wet weather - the steep path becomes very slippery.

Silver Spring is located within the village of Artybash, on the slope of a mountain covered with forest. This is a healing spring with a studied composition of water, which contains a large percentage of silver ions and radon impurities. It is especially beneficial for vision and has tonic properties. An ancient cedar grows nearby, which is about 400 years old. The source is consecrated, so there is a worship cross next to it. Don't forget to bring your magic water bottles! You can go there with children of any age.

silver source

silver source

Third River runs down the slope to Lake Teletskoye outside the village of Artybash. This is the most popular and the most beautiful walking route. Usually it is impossible to walk along the bed of a forest river due to rubble and thickets. Thanks to the paved trail, all the secret beauties will be revealed to you. Cascades of small waterfalls, swimming pools, picturesquely lying tree trunks and boulders overgrown with moss and ferns. Small children can be carried in your arms. Three-year-old children will enjoy climbing on their own.

It is on this route that you should be wary of ticks. During the trip, examine the children several times and look around yourself.

font 3 rivers

Mount Kibetek so named because the outline of its slope resembles the keel of an overturned boat. The beginning of the trail to Kibetek is within the village of Yogach. The mountain is interesting because at its base, under one of the huge boulders, there is an entrance to underground cave, and under the neighboring one, even in hot summers, ice remains. Then the route goes up the stone scree - kurumnik. It makes sense to climb up to a stone called a tank. Then the kurumnik ends and the forest begins. From here it opens beautiful view to the source of the Biya, lake, Artybash and Yogach.

kurumnik on Kibetek

Mount Kibetek will be a great place for children of any age. Mothers with “tame” babies can go on this trip if they have a sling or ergo backpack with them. Don't forget that going down is always more difficult. Be careful when descending. Avoid hiking in wet weather.

Mount Kibetek

Vanishing Source– the best taiga route for children, real natural miracle. This car trip, at the end of which you have to walk a little. Only a UAZ or an ATV can handle the road in dry weather. You will find yourself in a real forest sanctuary. Next to the small hut there are two large, about a meter, depressions in the ground, lined with stones. Water appears in them and rises until it begins to overflow over the edges. After some time, she leaves in the same mysterious way, leaving the recesses empty. Like in Volkov’s fairy tale about the Seven Underground Kings! The frequency with which this happens cannot be predicted - maybe a miracle will happen in a few minutes, or maybe in a couple of hours. Therefore, take food with you, because it is unknown how long you will have to wait until the source manifests itself. The round trip itself, not counting the waiting time, takes an hour and a half.

Climbing Mount Kokuya The chairlift is an amazing opportunity to easily reach the highlands. Don’t forget to take warm clothes - during the climb and at the top it can be significantly colder than at the foot. Having risen, you can sit in a cafe and admire the beautiful panorama of mountain ranges from observation deck and take a walk in the mountains. Suitable for children of any age. The ski lift is located outside the village of Iogach, you can get there by car. IN winter time there are two here ski slopes with rope tow and chair lifts.

This concludes my review. I would like to note that you have read about the most popular excursions and routes. But if you turn to the services of local guides and travel organizers, you will be offered many more opportunities to get to know Teletskoye Lake and its surroundings better. For example, visit the protected village of Yailyu or the gardens of the Bele cordon... It’s worth coming to Lake Teletskoye with children many times!

Estuba Falls

Estuba Waterfall, the rapid waters of which cascade through a narrow rocky gorge, overcoming the rubble of trees and stones. There are wooden decks along the waterfall, along which you can climb almost a hundred meters up the riverbed. Even such a small acquaintance with Altai nature and way of life local residents will be enough to awaken your interest in further study of the Altai Mountains.

Baygazan Nature Reserve

The Altai Nature Reserve keeps many mysteries and legends. Lift the veil of secrecy by seeing with your own eyes how people live on the shores of Lake Teletskoye and what inspires them to communicate so closely with wild nature. During this water excursion you will visit the Baygazan cordon, which is surrounded on three sides by pine and birch forests.

Reserve cordon Kokshi

For decades, the Altai Nature Reserve has attracted romantics in love with wildlife, and researchers involved in the study of flora and fauna. The cordons of the reserve have become not only a place of work, but also a home for those who have decided to forever connect their lives with the Altai Mountains. During an excursion to one of these settlements, you will hear first-hand fascinating stories about Lake Teletskoye and see the life of caretakers and scientists who devote all their strength and knowledge to the biosphere reserve. While visiting the cordon, you will taste healing tea made from Altai herbs collected in the taiga forests and on the mountain slopes of the Pritelets water area.

Five waterfalls of Lake Teletskoye

Lake Teletskoe can captivate with its beauty at first sight. But all the most interesting things are hidden away from the beaten path and are accessible only to those who are ready to go towards the unexplored corners of this protected region. An excursion to the five waterfalls of Lake Teletskoye - Kishte, Korbu, Ayu-Kechpes, Choodor and Estyuba - will give you several hours of pleasant water walking, during which you will be able to get acquainted with stunning cascades that carry with them the energy of water from the most remote corners Gorny Altai. Your journey will be filled not only with breathtaking pictures of nature, but also interesting stories guide about the animal and flora taiga, about the legends and secrets of Lake Teletskoye.

Cordon Bele

Take a fascinating excursion to the village of the reserve and weather station keepers - Cordon Bele, where impressive landscapes will open before you south coast Lake Teletskoye! Here, the snow-capped peaks of Mount Altyn-Tuu, towering above the horizon on the opposite bank, are reflected in the mirror-like surface of the water. The transparent air allows you to view the mountain landscapes in all their beauty, and you can admire this mesmerizing panorama for hours. During the excursion to the Bele cordon, you will walk through an orchard with 80 varieties of apple trees and stop at the monument of the ancient Turkic era - the Kezer-Tash warrior stone, whose history goes back over 1,500 years.

Golden Ring of Lake Teletskoye

Boat trip along the Golden Ring of Lake Teletskoye will fill your holiday in the Altai Mountains with new impressions and bright emotions. The excursion takes a full day and includes a boat trip along the entire lake - past steep rocky cliffs and secluded coves to the southern sandy shores. Visit the most impressive waterfalls that adorn the Pritelets taiga like a necklace of precious stones. On this journey you will be accompanied by an experienced guide who will tell you about amazing nature edges and mysterious legends lakes.

Stone mushrooms

A fascinating excursion on an airboat to the Akkurum tract, a place whose natural feature is Stone mushrooms. Mysterious stone statues formed under the influence of centuries-old winds and in the process of long-term leaching of rocks of varying hardness. Stone mushrooms reach seven meters in height, while the thickness of the “mushroom stem” in diameter is no more than half a meter. Rocks that were distinguished by their superhardness and strength acquired over time appearance mushroom caps. The stone formations are located directly in the river valley not far from the mouth of the Chulyshman River. The area where the river flows into Lake Teletskoye rises against the backdrop of dense forests, a rich variety of flora and fauna, and can be seen among sprawling meadows. All this creates a beautiful landscape picture against the backdrop of the picturesque landscapes of Altai.

Excursion time Price for Silver boat
(up to 5 guests)
Price on boat XO
(up to 8 guests)
Estuba Falls 1 hour *Service is included in the price of stay
Baygazan Nature Reserve 1 hour 7,000 rub. 7,000 rub.
Reserve Cordon Kokshi 5 hours 30,000 rub. 50,000 rub.
Five waterfalls of Lake Teletskoye 4 hours 35,000 rub. 50,000 rub.
Cordon Bele 6 hours 50,000 rub. 80,000 rub.
Golden ring Lake Teletskoye 8 hours 50,000 rub. 80,000 rub.
Stone mushrooms (airboat tour)
*another type of boat may be used for the excursion at the discretion of the resort
10 o'clock 135,000 rub.

Order service

It’s not for nothing that Lake Teletskoye is called the pearl of the Altai Mountains. Here, surrounded by emerald mountains, the water surface literally bites into the rocks, climbs into the narrowest gorges and bays, and spills into wide reaches. The water in the lake is so clean that its transparency in some places reaches 12-14 meters. And deeper there are still tens and hundreds of meters of little-studied underwater kingdom, where rays of sunlight barely reach.

See for yourself enchanting beauty this protected world, going for a boat ride on Lake Teletskoye with a professional captain and an experienced guide!

During your trip you will be able to explore natural resources this region, learn the traditions, culture and life of local residents, hear legends and ancient stories. When else will you have the opportunity to reveal the secrets of the Altai Mountains, which are available only to the initiated and the elite?! Become one of them!

Excursions around Lake Teletskoye by boat: routes and cost of services

When you come on vacation to Altay Village Teletskoe, you find yourself visiting nature itself, wild and incomprehensibly beautiful. And this chance cannot be missed! Which boat excursion will you choose?

  • Altaic biosphere reserve Baygazan with an ecological trail
  • Stone Bay - according to one theory, of meteorite origin
  • Five waterfalls up to 80 meters high
  • Taiga house and tea party from Altai herbs
  • Cordon Bele in the picturesque south of the lake
  • Gold ring - circular route across the lake

Here on the shores of Lake Teletskoye we have prepared exclusive programs for you to get acquainted with the majestic nature from board a comfortable ship, where everything is created for your pleasant holiday. All you have to do is choose a route, fortunately, in the company of us, you can conquer the entire lake in just one trip!