Review of excursions on Teletsk Lake and in its surroundings. Water tours of Teletskom: Routes and prices Tourlet tour

Teletsk Lake is one of the most amazing places of the Altai Mountain Altai. In order to understand and evaluate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, to plunge into that mysterious world, which Lake Tazetskaya lives.

Teletsk Lake is one of the most amazing places of the Altai Mountain Altai. It is not by chance that the Altai is called it gold, the lake can be called the most important jewel in the collection of Altai "gems". In order to understand and evaluate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, to plunge into that mysterious world, which Lake Tazetskaya lives. It is possible to achieve penetration into the very essence of things using small travels - excursions. In the vicinity of Teletsk Lake, there are a large number of different excursion routes. And, most importantly, every year something new appears in this direction. Let us dwell on the most popular.

Water excursions

Walk through Teletskom Lake to Waterfall Cube He is the most popular excursion. The journey through the lake is carried out on a Yaroslavl (4 hours) or motor boat (2 hours). During the excursion, tourists will be able to admire the beauties of Teletsk Lake, his majestic mountains, rocky shepherd shores, an excellent panorama of South Ploves, visit the Altai State Reserve and on its territory a waterfall of the Cube is one of the most famous waterfalls on the lake (height 12.5 m). Behind the entrance to the AGPZ territory is charged. As the reserve administration assures, this summer visiting the waterfall of the Corb will cost much less than in the past. In addition, it is planned to organize trade on the pier. Thus, tourists will be able to visit the legendary village of Teletsk Lake, and may even make a tour of the central estate of the Altai Reserve, which is famous not only to amazing fruit gardens. An experienced guide on the boat will tell about the legends and the lords of Tell's lake, climatic and landscaped features, guests will get acquainted with the theory of the lake from the point of view of science and Altai mythology.

Cost of excursion - 400-500 rubles / person (on the boat).

On the motor boat - 2500-3000 rubles / boat for 5 people, 3500-4000 - by 8 people.

Owners of motor boats offer tourists "bonus" program. In the appendage to the korba - visiting the Chedor Waterfall, viewing from the water of the waterfall Kishte, entering the Bay of Jidyp and Stone.

Tourist Lake Excursion to Cape Kyrsai Must become the most important excursion for those who first came to the lake. To understand why thousands of people are fascinated by the beauties of Teletsk Lake, you need to see it from beginning to end. From the North to the south of the lake very much changes his outlines - the mountains are becoming higher, the lake smooter is wider, the rivers with crystal waterfalls are broken from the sheer rocks. In the area of \u200b\u200bCape Kursai water in the lake is significantly warmer, in good weather you can safely swim without prejudice to health.

Here in the lake flows the largest influx - the Chulasman River.

Route length: 156 km

Excursion duration:

On the boat - 12 hours.

On the motor boat - from 5 to 8 hours.

Cost of excursion:

On the boat - 700-1000 rubles / person.

Boat - 6000-6500 rub / boat for 5 people, 7000-8000 rub. - for 8 people.

Very intriguing and mysterious will stone Bay Excursion.

Stone Bay is one of the most mysterious places on the lake. Even in the safest weather in the bay is always quiet, calmly, birds sing. Stone Bay - a peculiar country of huge stone boulders surrounding a small emerald bowl. Stone-old cedars grow straight on the stones, buried Badan velvet carpet. During the excursion, tourists will learn who Delbeheng and how this place was formed. Water in the Gulf warms well, in good weather you can swim in it. Walk to the stone bay is carried out on motor boats or motorals.

The duration of the excursion is 2 hours.

Cost - 100-200 rubles / people.

Rafting alloy on the river Biya (from the village of Artybash to the village. Kebesta - 22 km) is popular with lovers of mountain and water travel. Top Biya is a typical mountain river with rapid flow, steep turns, thresholds and shivery. Alloy category - "Double". The alloy passes through the picturesque places of the Bii River and is considered a pleasant and exciting pastime.

Duration - from 2 to 3 hours.

Cost - from 300 to 350 rubles / people.

As for water travel, the list is not limited to these excursions. On the embankments of Teletsk Lake, you can rent catamarans and rigorous boats (100 rubles / hour). There are also various fishing options in the mouths of the rivers flowing into the Teletsk Lake, and on other lakes and rivers.

Pedestrian excursions

Pedestrian excursions, or tracking every year they are becoming increasingly popular. On Teletsk Lake, there are a number of interesting destinations.

Tourists can make a walking tour "In the canyon of the Oil River", or on the third river. This is a light walk along the shore of Teletsk Lake, during which the guide will tell about the flora and fauna of the priest taiga. "An unknown track" will lead to the rapid mountain river gorge. If you climb on its channel, the bizarre stones and the roots of century trees can be reached by small waterfalls (1-2 meters) and natural baths. The natural bowls are filled with water, the temperature of which is always degrees 10 higher than in the lake. On a hot day in these baths so cool!

On the way back can be visited house-Museum of the artist L.A. Shilkin (50 rubles / person)

The duration of the tours to the third river is 2 hours.

Cost - 70-100 rubles / person.

Before the third river can be reached riding a horse. The cost then significantly increases - from 500 rubles / people. But the feelings are already completely different!

You can ride a horse and for a more reasonable price - for example, take it to hire for half an hour. And then it will cost only 100-150 rubles.

Climbing overview of Tilan Tuu (Snake Mountain) trains endurance and develops self-confidence. Mountain height - 741 m. In fact, the climbing is simple and very exciting. The award-winning tired travelers will be the picturesque panorama of the North Plove of Teletsky Lake, view of the villages of Iogach, Artybash, on the source of the Bii River. On the observation site, the guide will tell on everyday wet wise legend about the snake grief. From the top of the mountain, the Valley of Old Artybasch is well visible. In this solar valley is located Local Lore Museum "Erm-Tash" ("Ermi-Tash", translated from Altai, denotes - "Starstone"). The museum presents an exhibition exposition dedicated to the history of Teletsk Lake, a collection of minerals, the work of local artists and masters of national fishery, ancient photographs and documents, Altai national costumes, in which, if desired, can be photographed. The museum hosts thematic excursions for groups. Visiting the museum - 70 rubles / person.

Duration of excursion to Mount Tilan-Tuu - 2 hours.

Cost - 60-80 rubles / person.

On the mountain of Tilan-Tu can also be climbing on horseback. It is much easier, more interesting, but also more expensive.

On the outskirts of the village of Artbash, right under the mountain, there is Silver source.

In the middle of the XIX century, this source was consecrated by a missionary of the Altai Spiritual Mission - Makaria Nevsky. The content of silver in the water of this source contributes to the improvement of the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.

The student's driver, the purest, straight from the heart of the mountains - well, do not go and do not get drunk. On the way to the source, tourists will learn about the life and traditions of the indigenous population. On the way back, you can go to Art Salon Valentina Petrova - local artist. In the cabin there is always an exhibition of its work. Also here you can buy souvenirs.

The duration of the excursion to the silver source is 2 hours.

Cost - from 50-60 rubles / person.

The silver source can also be reached by horse and cycling, after either another rental. Cost of hire horses - 250-300 rubles / hour, mountain bike - 150 rubles / hour.

There are cycling excursions, for example, "for the third river," to the source of the river Biya. " Cost from 300 rubles / person. and from 400 rubles / person. respectively.

Car excursions

On the car of high passability (gas, UAZ) you can travel obogo passage (approximately 40 km from Teletsk Lake). The majestic panorama of the mountain ranges of Northeast Altai opens with the pass. The endless sea of \u200b\u200bcedar taiga and the "proteins" of the Sumultinsky ridge is straightforwards imagination. During the excursion, tourists will fit the aroma of healing taiga herbs, bathing in a cool mountain river, amazing landscapes.

The duration of the excursion is 5-8 hours.

Cost - 400-500 rubles / person.

Excursion to Mount Kibitite takes three hours. Translated from the Altai "Kibitel" means "the boat turned upside down". The mountain is located on the side of the village of Iogach. The bizarre stone blocks of one of the scales of the mountain remind the ancient elder, then the young girl is the hostess of the mountain. Who and why turned the boat upside down, tells the guide. From the mountains there is a panoramic view of Teletskoy Lake, the source of the river Biya, the village of Artybash. On the way to the mountain you can visit art Gallery Artist N.P. Sharagov In p. Iogach

The duration of excursion to Mount Kibitite - 3 hours.

Cost - 100-150 rubles / person.

Excursion to the Ethno-Limiter Center of Indigenous Peoples of the North Altai B "Altai Ail" will be interesting in the informational plan for adults and children. "Altai Ail" is located in an amazing location on the shore of one of the most beautiful rivers of the Altai - Bii, 22 km from Teletsk Lake. The center offers a saturated excursion program, which includes acquaintance with the life and culture of Altaians through rites and national dishes - Tolcan, Arak, Cheger, the Terpec, here-Pach. Everyone can visit the traditional dwelling of Altaians - Ail. The keeper of the people's legends - Kaychi - tells the amazing Altai legends.

Duration - 4 hours.

Cost - 350 rubles / people.

Car excursion "On the Swan River" (S.Turochak) is just a find for those who do not present their rest without swimming and fishing. River Swan - the warmest river of mountain altai. Its bizarre rocky shores, sandy beaches, the abundance of fish is able to conquer the heart of any tourist. Rest on the Swan River is an excellent holiday for the whole family. Children simply love to swim in the warm and at the same time a pure mountain river. So, we will go to the Telette Lake, do not forget to take with you inflatable circles and mattresses, as well as different "fish" and "dolphices" - so that the children were able to drive. Ear from local fish right on the banks of the river will be an excellent result of a big and joyful trip. In addition, in p. Turochak can be visited Art salon, Get acquainted with the works of local artists and masters, acquire Turochak souvenirs - products from Berestov, ceramics, carved cedar dishes. Visit Stone Love On the banks of the Bii River can be an important event in the life of every couple in love.

Duration - 5-8 hours.

Cost - 400-600 rubles / person.

Tourist lake sightseeing news:

Excursion to cedar garden.

The cedar garden is a cedar nursery of Taetsk experienced forestry, 98 hectares. A visit to the cedrosada is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the field of plant breeding - here even on 10-12 year old cedars, cones are growing, whereas in nature cedar begins to be froning only from 50 years old. The cedar garden is a partial embodiment of the idea of \u200b\u200bKedrograd, which is to effectively use and restore cedar taiga resources. The tour contains a story about the unique properties of the cedar, about his important role in the preservation of life on earth, about the peculiarities of growing. In the garden you can buy a cedar seedling and get advice on care to him.

Duration - 3 hours.

Cost - 200-250 rubles / people.

Excursion to the "Big Malar" cave.

The cave was found in 2005. She was investigated by speleologists in 2006. The route is not easy, requires special physical preparation and resistance of the Spirit. Not everyone is capable of walking 14 km along the dense taiga. But only so you can feel like a real discoverer, because so far units have visited this cave.

Who knows, maybe it is here and is the entrance to Shambalu?

Duration - 10 hours.

Cost - 500-600 rubles / person.

To mountain lakes

In the basin of Teletsk Lake there is a large number of lakes and each of them perfectly in its own way. Of particular interest are mountain lakes hidden by taiga from an extraneous gaze. A car excursion to one of these lakes can be done during the daylight. The total length of the route is 120 km (from the village of Artybash to the lakes - 60 km). A trip to mountain lakes is a great opportunity to visit the deaf, impassable priest taiga, to see the centuries-old cedars, feel the power and power of wildlife. On the lakes you can go fishing. The excursion is scheduled for the whole day, so the cost of the excursion includes dry bucks.

Duration - 12 hours.

Cost - 850 rubles / person.

Excursion to the calychak

The gold mining cathchak at one time was one of the largest in Altai. The coach was on the Kalychak River (the inflow of the p. Samda, who, in turn, is one of the major tributaries of the Lake Lake), and acted from the end of the XIX to the middle of the XX century. At one time, the coach was famous for the rich deposits of gold-bearing ore. It is said that gold is still extracted here, however. The path before the visor is not possible, but there are few more impressions. Tourists learn the secret treasure of Kalychak, the history of gold mining in the Altai Mountains, and will get into the atmosphere of the Golden Fever.

Duration - 12 hours.

Cost - 850 rubles / person.


Accommodation options on Teletsk Lake a large amount.

From the room in the "private sector" to the comfortable room on the hurry.

Cost in "Green Houses" - from 200 to 350 rubles / person.

On the campuses - from 300 rubles / person. (Summer house) up to 900-1000 rubles / person. (suite").

They say if an asphalt road ends, the most interesting thing begins for the motorist.

I am not sure that every car enthusiast will be delighted with a dirty dirt road, but in our auto designer on Altai, the best places, really, began after the end of the asphalt.

The village of Artbash is the second place where we went on our route. Everyone who comes to the Teletsk Lake with the northern part of it, stop in the villages of Artybash or Iogach.

From Belokurikha, we left early to catch the 15-hour ship "Pioneer Altai", cruising with a survey tour Toletcom Lake.

Belokurich - Artybash \u003d 270km (4.5 hours)
Gorno-Altaisk - Art Kash \u003d 157km (2.5 hours)

But something went wrong (in the schedule I confused weekdays and weekends) and our ship went at 12-00. Late for some 30 minutes. But then they realized that everything for the better.

Immediately, in place, we agreed with local carriers about the excursion on the lake and we have an extra time for lunch and walk along the banks of the river Bia.

Local advised to dine in a cafe with homemade kitchen on the shore. Lunch was quite decent. Potato mashed potatoes with beef, roasted smoking, okroshka, pies and compote. On four more than 1300 rubles.

If you arrived at the lake without prior armor, do not worry, who want to earn in a short summer season is quite enough.
We booked places in a 10-wished boat, as in the photo.

Dressed rescue vests and moved down. The weather did not please the drizzling rain at all. But we were absolutely anyway))

First stop - Austyuba waterfall.
Located on the Bolshaya Estyuba River, taking his origin at the foot of the same mountain. Translated from Altai "Big Mountain". The waterfall is in the tectonic cleft, where can be reached only by water. It is a cascade of waterfalls, burly and fascinating. Especially beautiful in spring, with thawed waters, discovered by local hunters in 1938.

On the excursion on the lake only four waterfalls. When landing for each (except for the kisch), take 100 rubles for the ecological collection. For this money we get neat wooden tracks, railing, trash, clean and well-kept path.

We have been glad a few more times that they did not have time for a regular steamer. Would not see other waterfalls of the lake!

Next stop on waterfall Chowodor, from the western side of Teletsk Lake.
Translated from the Altai language Chowodor translated as "row, clogging." The height of the fall is about eight meters, surrounded by centuries and fern.

Here I liked to walk most. Perhaps due to the presence of equipped viewing platforms, which offer stunning views of Teletsk Lake and wooded shores. Just unbelieveble!

Most of the eastern shores of Teletsk Lake enters the territory of the Altai Reserve, one of the largest reserves of Russia. You can not just take a tent and stay for a couple of days in the place you like.
In the lake there are about seventy large and small rivers of Altai, and the famous beauty bias follows. The largest depth is 325 meters in the area of \u200b\u200bthe waterfall. Local compared with the dimensions of the Eiffel Tower. The lake is strongly stretched from the north to south, the length of 77 km.

Cafe in the national style.

Altai ladder.

Waterfall Cube - Located on the River Big Cup on the eastern shore of Teletsk Lake. The height of the waterfall is 12.5 meters, the fault of 65 degrees. The most visited waterfall of the lake! Only a steamer comes here for landing tourists.

There was another waterfall - a sister, but it is forbidden to disembark. It is located along the path to the Corb. For some reason, it was not found ((.

On the way back we were brought to another popular place - the stone bay. Here you can get along the trail from the village of Iogach, or on the boat - 15-20 minutes.
The shores of the Cammy Bay consist of massive boulders of different shapes and size. According to the same way, it is a funnel from the fall of the meteorite, on the other, the pit from the collapsed huge cliff, and the Altaians believe in the myth about the hero, which she won the monster here.

Important! "Pioneer Altai" departs from the village of Iogach (from Arthibasch through the bridge) I mean this in mind!

Complete and nearby small boats are parked.

A walk on the lake lasts about 3.5 hours. In the evening we still had free time. The car was left near the house and walked to the lake on foot.

For spending on the night, the house was booked in the forest in the village of Iogach. Beautiful place for one or two nights. The room has everything you need (shower, toilet, water, bed linen, kitchenette, mangal, veranda). Very friendly mistress Taisiya Nikolaevna, who for breakfast prepared a delicious porridge and a whole mountain of Cheburekov. It turned out royal breakfast.
The house is located in the forest, from Lake 500 meters, we counted it with an additional bonus - silence and peace. If you are on the machine, the remoteness does not matter.

I will show some photos of the hog.

Pay attention to which lawns in the village! Do you know why? The answer is the next photo.

Because there are "live lawn mowers". We were surprised how neatly the cow was eaten the lawn. I even thought that it was cut here specifically))

The reinforced concrete bridge, dividing Arttybash and Iogach, was built in 2002 instead of wooden.

Looking at such foots, I instantly remember your carefree, babes in a grandmother in the village.

Siberian cedar in Altai is very popular in the production of furniture, housing construction, finishing of premises. The cedar wood is soft, durable and light, not amenable to moisture and is not separated by bugs, almost not subject to rotting. Easily given for various types of processing.
In Moscow and the area - cedar is a luxury, and here is quite a common tree, from which you can build a house, and the shed. I wanted to grab a couple of logs home))

The second day in Altai was almost unnoticed and very saturated. In the morning, early moved to the machine gun.

The most interesting thing is in front!
Stay in touch!

Sumout for summer water excursions:
10:00 - Travel to South Coast, 3000 p / person (6-7 hours)
10:00 - five wonders of Teletsk Lake, 1800 p / person (3.5 hours)
14:00 - five wonders of Teletsk Lake, 1800 r / person (3.5 hours)
17:00 - Small tour of Teletskom, 1500 r / person (2.5 hours)
Start with a set of 5 people.

Boats on Teletsk Lake

Boat Yamaha-Vip, CR-27, Japanese, two-chain, loud connection with the captain, with a loading capacity of 4.5 t, 16-seats, width 3.05 m, length 9 m, large cargo compartment, executive class, there is a toilet, there is a refrigerator, comfortable soft seats, there are binoculars, the captain works as a guide .

New season!
The exclusive route on the stone mushrooms on our jetty all-terrain. Direct stroke without transplantation - Teletskoy lake + River Chulyshman. Set from 6 people (up to 10 people). Lunch is on (second, salad or cutting, bun, bread, water, juice). 7500 r with people.

List of excursions on the boats on Teletskom Lake:

in both
Silver 630.
6.3 x 2.4m
up to 11 people
Yamaha CR-27
9 x 3.1 m
up to 16 people

1. Small excursion

Waterfall Cut, Waterfall Kishte, Love Island2.5 hours70 km1500 rub / person

16500 rub / boat

1500 rub / person

24000 rub / boat

2. Average excursion
Individual romantic journey

Waterfalls Cut, Kishte, Chowodor, Love Island3 hours80 kmon requeston request

3. Nine Miracles Teletsky
Individual romantic journey

The program is enhanced by more information, a large number of interesting places on the northern part of the lake: 1. Marblestore 2. Love Island 3. Waters. Kishte 4. Waters. Cut 5. Waters. Small Cut 6. Waters. Chowodor 7. Cape Kuang 8. Waters. Estyuba 9. The keeper of the lake is Kedrogor. Outputs to waterfalls: 1. water. Eastube 2. Waters. Cut 3. Waters. Chowodor3.5 hours 1800 rub / person
19800 rub / boat
1800 rub / person
28800 rub / boat

4. Excursion "Touch Toletcom
Individual romantic journey

Waterfalls Cut, Kishte, Chowodor, Love Island, Ayu-Kechpez Island, Shale Coast of Cape Dwarl, River Cushi, Kurkurea Waterfall, Shale Coast of Cape Ijon. 2/3 of the Turkish Lake Waterlife is visited.4.5 hours120 km2500 rubles / person

27500 rub / boat

2500 rubles / person

40000 rubles / boat

5. Large trip to the southern shore
Individual romantic journey

Overview of the entire water area of \u200b\u200bTeletsk Lake with a stop on Karagai or Kyrsai (parking - 1 hour). Tours Teltskom from north to south is the main thing and the most interesting journey of these places, South Beach is famous for gold sand and warm water.7 hours160 km3000 rub / person

33000 rub / boat

3000 rub / person

48000 rub / boat

6. Fishing at the mouth of the river Big Chile

Individual corporate group

A fishing rods and all for the preparation of the ear (except for fish) are issued.8 hours130 km
35000 rub / boat
50,000 rubles / boat

7. Excursion to stone mushrooms

New season! We offer from the pearl! The exclusive route on the stone mushrooms on our jetty all-terrain. Direct stroke without transplantation - Teletskoy lake + River Chulyshman. Group 6-10 people. Lunch is on (second, salad or cutting, bun, bread, water, juice).12 hours
7500 rub /
with man

8. Boat rental

5000 rub / hour8000 rub / hour

Rest on Teletsk Lake is primarily excursions.

You can only swim more or less in the south of the lake, and that short time. Some special and varied entertainment on the shore you are unlikely to find.

Of course, active rest and fishing, but they have a special public, despite the fact that active rest (hiking and horseback tours, quad bikes, jeeping) is often combined with sightseeing.

There are still, let's call it, "exotic" rest: on cordons of Henmen (they were allowed to recently on the cordon of tourists, in order to somehow earn their own needs - gasoline, repair of equipment, etc.), in the village of Yayyl and There are similar places with nature, away from the benefits of civilization with minimal amenities, but also such a rest, in addition to meditation and relaxes in the fresh air and among wonderful landscapes, implies visiting local attractions.

So, no matter how cool, without excursions on Teletsk Lake, do not do, unlike other places of the Altai, where you can get yourself and see something interesting for free. It is almost always necessary to negotiate here, hiring transportation - sometimes an SUV or the same horses, but most often it will be something water - motor ship, boat, boat. Keep this in mind when you are going to relax on Teletskoy.

Excursions on Teletsk Lake

In the midst of the seam of the coast of Teletsky, the villages of the villages, the berths resemble a tightened anthill.

In early June, Teletsk Lake met us silence and unworthy, as well as high water and paintings in the style "you won't pass!"

Although the life on the shores is not that he boils, but it was quite started to cry: they fussed some workers, about small boats tusci captain-guides, well, or their managers (who will discern them there), someone constantly someone Called, negotiated about riding the "crazy" tourists, etc.

But first we went to Iogach in the hope of getting to the "Pioneer of Altai", well, or his smaller fellow.

Pioneer Altai Ship

"Pioneer Altai" is a local legend. He came here in 1968 from Moscow with its own way (!!!) through the channel them. Moscow, the Volga-Baltic and Baltic Channels, the Northern Sea Road, Ob and Bay, the ship faithfully served until the 1990s, translating resting from Artbash to the mouth of the Chulshman River on the southern shores of Teletsk Lake.

The ship Pioneer Altai in 1979. Photo from the Internet

Then there were difficult times, tourists, and accordingly the flights, it became less and in 1997, when the major overhaul was required, the motor ship simply put on a joke.

The ship Pioneer Altai on joke. Photo from the Internet

In 2007, Pioneer was even planned to dispose of how the threat to the lake.

But here in 2009, entrepreneur I.V. Yuzhakov buys essentially a rusting corps, it is satisfied with the café and cinema with a museum first, and in 2012/2013 decides to restore the motor ship as close as possible to the original form, but taking into account modern requirements for such vessels.

And in 2014, the ship "Pioneer Altai" again began to carry passengers, however, now only before the waterfall.

Schedule and prices of excursions on the ship "Pioneer Altai"

In May-June and in September, the excursions are held at certain days (you need to find out on the website or at the checkout), in July-August - daily (sailing at 12 o'clock), and on Saturdays even twice a day (at 10 and 15 hours).

Board ticket for 2016: Adult - 1 000 r., Children's (up to 12 years old) - 500 r., Children under 7 years old (with parents) - free.

Important: On the waterfall, the korba for visiting will have to pay another 100 r. For a person, this is not included in the ticket price.

Departure from the pier Iogach, the total length of the route is 70 km., Time on the way is 4.5 hours (of which an hour is the parking lot on the waterfall).

The motor ship is quite comfortable, it has a cafe, a bathroom and even a cinema, although I can not imagine who will watch the movie when there is such a beauty around. There are both glazed passenger decks and open. Audio-tour is conducted through loudspeakers, so you will hear her where at that moment were not on the ship.

Excursions to boats

I realized that with the "Pioneer of Altai" did not come out (on the day of our arrival he did not go), we went to Artybash to study other suggestions that were found a lot on the shore of the lake.

Prices for excursions

All sorts of hiking, horse and autoexcursions we did not interest us, so we agreed right on the jettle about the boat. A person cost 1200 r., Plus, we agreed along the course of the case so that another waterfall was shown to be shown, for each other than another 100 r.

Boats waiting for tourists


  1. If you want to ride well and comfortably, go to the "Pioneer of Altai" or for a smaller ship.
  2. If you want to feel the speed and wind in the face (the boat gives 60 km / h against 20-30 at the ship), to be closer to the lake and its surroundings, go ashore where the boats do not stop at all (stone bay, for example), then Order boat.
  3. Be sure to take something warm with me (sweater, sweater, jacket, windbreaker), even in summer can be pretty cool.
  4. For personal convenience and good photos on the head, too, something dressed (cap, bandana, handkerchief, etc.).
  5. Be sure to take with you on the excursion the stock of money, a stop of 40 minutes (on the ship - an hour), there are souvenir benches, cafe, it is possible that you want to buy something.

The boats differ slightly, but in general they are completely comfortable for 3-4 hour excursions, although some excursions on them can be significantly longer. There is a closed glazed "cabin" and an open "deck". Be sure to issue sav-vests, although it is not confident that in these circumstances from them would be some practical benefit.

Perhaps the only inconvenience for some people can be the way to land-landing passengers on the feeder \u003d)

I do not know, all the captains of the boats are such aware (I do not exclude it) or we were so lucky, but during the excursion heard a lot of interesting stories, stories, legends, baekek, etc., I will tell about some of them below.

First of all, these are the legends about the origin of the name of the lake itself, which the local peoples have long been called gold (Altyn Köl). Tourists most often tell the legend about how one local resident found a golden nugget with a horse's head of the size, but in a hungry year I could not replace on him and a piece of bread, after which the sorry threw this ingot from the mountain into the lake, after which it began to be called Golden. Mountain, by the way, also got the name Golden - Altyn Tuu.

Let's leave the "port" of two villages. The bridge seems to be seen, whose starts bey.

On the way, they met a ferry, running between the northern and southern shores (7 hours of the path between other).

One of the cordons on the right, reserved, the shore of Teletsky Lake. More recently, local huntsmen were allowed to be allowed on tourists. The conditions are very modest, but some like it. And it costs rather cheap (about 500 r. Per day per person).

Rock outputs. If I'm not mistaken, local granite, who wanted to use even on the construction of the Moscow metro, but granite was too soft for this. In general, he was replaced with granite with a somewhat.

One of the two small islets of Teletsky Lake is the island of love. It is said that he got its name due to the fact that its form is reminded from the top, and even due to the fact that between the island and the shore can be saved only on a small boat, designed for two people \u003d)

The village of Yayulyu is one of the oldest villages in the vicinity of Telkotsky (formed in 1812, although the Cossacks set here more than 150 years before the official date of foundation). Since 1932, there has been a base of management of the Altai State Natural Reserve, and since 1965, a Teletskaya lake station for scientific observations behind the lake.

There is no tourbase here, but you can get up on the locals, you just need to register. You can organize excursions to the nearest waterfalls, to the southern bank of the lake, and in general - will tell and show a lot of interesting things.

And then there is a unique microclimate, allowing to grow in a natural medium without greenhouses fruit up to apricots and even grapes.

Little local beauty.

Waterfall Kishte

Waterfall Kishte is the first of the 3 waterfalls that we saw on the lake.

The height of the water drop is 8 meters. It is impossible to go ashore from the waterfall, you can only look from the water, and the boat can approach the waterfall much closer than the boats.

Sigor rocks.

Waterfall Cube

Perhaps the most famous and "promoted" of the 70 waterfalls of Tetalok Lake. There is a good infrastructure: pier, shopping area, observation deck, etc.

Pier for several boats. Here the motor ship can also be stopped.

Since this is the territory of the reserve, there will be a lot of reference information.

Tea and souvenirs.

Pay 100 rubles And go to the waterfall whose noise is heard long before we see it. On the way, we celebrate information about the local flora periodically.

We approach the observation site, the waterfall is already visible.

View of the waterfall from the observation deck. The height of the water drop is 12.5 meters. During the period of large water (flooding, rain), the splashes from the waterfall can fly up to the observation deck, verified personally \u003d)

If you wish, you can descend from the observation deck and approach the stones closer. The spectacle is much more impressive. In the summer there are some in the heat here even bathe.

Right from the waterfall is a visit center, where you can buy souvenirs and learn something interesting if you have time, because there is only 40 minutes to park. At first it seemed that this was too much, as a result, we barely laid in the allotted time.

Waterfall Ayu-Kechpez

We agreed to visit this waterfall for an additional fee above the laid "small circle". It should be noted, it was worth it.

This is one of the biggest waterfalls on the lake. It is cascading, the fall in water, according to the guide, begins with a height of about 120 meters. The upper part of the waterfall can be seen only from afar.

Near the bottom is visible near, the top closes the trees. Go to the river, by the way, you can only here below, although the tourists landing to the shore is prohibited. In anywhere, the transition is impossible, hence the name of the river and waterfall - Ayu-Chekpez, "the Bear will not pass."

Road back

Opposite the korba on the opposite shore could see another waterfall - Chador, with a height of a fall of 8 meters, at the same time go through the place from the biggest depth of the lake (325 meters), but our travelers did not agree with additional spending, so they had to turn back.

A little more Teleto beauty:

An interesting landmark on the way is the sleeping dragon. And indeed, if you look closely, it looks like.

Stone Bay

Another famous local attraction. According to one version - a trail from the fall of the meteorite, on the other - the result of the activities of the ancient glaciers.

There is also a local legend about the duel of the hero with one-eyed giant, during which the bogatyr wicked the giant of the eyes, and he thinks that he grabbed the hero, actually pulled out the mighty cedar from the ground, the tracks of what we observe today.

Your review of interesting places, routes and excursions offers us our guest Svetlana to give the opportunity to navigate and choose exactly where to go with your children on Teletsk.

What to visit on Teletsk Lake with children: excursions and attractions

Arriving on Teletskoye lake, especially for the first time, I immediately want to go swimming. If the weather is favorable, of course, it must be done first.

Excursions on the motor ship

For traveling on the lake there are two versions of transport: a motorboat or a small boat or a ship Pioneer Altai.

Pioneer Altai

Pioneer Altai visits only. Parking there lasts 40 minutes, just a tour takes about 3 hours. On the ship there is a cinema, a buffet, comfortable common cabins. There is a large open deck. Mass of impressions from leisurely comfortable swimming, a marine style photo session and a lot of landscape photos on the way. On the waterfall there are shopping points with delicious food and souvenirs, so you can use cash. Grab with yourself warm clothes, because on the deck among the lake can be much more cooler than on the shore.

If your child is unable to stop in place for a long time, or you want to see everything right away, then the boat travel option will come up more. The usual list of excursions in this case: waterfall Cube, Waterfall Chohor, Stone Bay. You will spend less time in swimming and more - on land. But keep in mind: on the lake there happens a sharp change of weather and there are a storm. Therefore, swimming with children on the boat safer. And in general: the motor ship itself is a kind of excursion.


The grand impression from the water journey you will get, crossing everything the lake from the end to the end from the north to south. The end point of your way - karagai Bay. This magic place protected from winds, as if created to relax with children of any age and is not inferior to the Black Sea coast. Here you are waiting for truly warm water and a sandy beach overlooking the sacred mountain Altyn-Tu. Often here are visiting only for a day - in the morning there, in the evening back. But if you and children - such a "game is not worth a candle", the kids just get tired. Plan to spend on Karagai at least a couple of full days! You can live in your tent, in a campsite or in a house on the hub. Severe go in a cafe or prepare meals on the bore.

karagai Bay. Auto photo Tanya Sharagova

Excursion to the Valley of Chulyshman - The route related to the trip to the south of the lake. For him, you land ashore to the right of the mouth of the Chulshman River at Cape Kyrsai. Tour goals are thrown by car. Usually it is a cascade of waterfalls wishes. You will need hiking and comfortable closed shoes. For a day journey it is possible to visit one of these beautiful places. The lifting to the wipe is quite complicated, therefore recommended for children from 12 years.

Pipher on Chulshman

Going to stone mushrooms is much easier, but also there is a protracted lifting.

Stone mushrooms on Chulyshman

If you go to a day trip, small children will be difficult to withstand such an intensive. If your group goes for several days, then you will get to visit the beautiful waterfall of Kurcura, which is located near the Katuyryk famous for his serpentine. The valley of Chulasman is different from the northern part of the lake dry and hot summer climate. And the landscape is completely different here. You are waiting for fabulous views of the majestic mountains and a stormy river with water of emerald color.

in the valley Chulshman

So, you returned from swimming, and there was still a time left to visit Interesting places Seall Artbash and Iogach and in the priest taiga. First, we will look at the places specifically created for visits to tourists, and we will finish natural sightseeing objects.

Excursions in the vicinity of Sel Artbash and Iogach

I will explain one nuance that is misleading holidaymakers. When it comes to two different villages - Artybash and Iogach - in fact it is one rural settlement. In Artybash you will drive immediately when you arrive at Teletskoye. And in Iogach, it is precisely moving through the bridge, which, by the way, is a geographical boundary between Tetaline Lake and the Biya River. In Ioga, there are supermarket Maria Ra, Hospital and Pharmacy. All that is associated with tourism is located in Artbash, with the exception of the turbases, of course. They dispersed on both villages.

Probably there is a child indifferent to horses. Walking around arthbash you can hire a horse to ride a little or agree on the horse excursion. Horse rental places are on the shore of the lake opposite the cafe of Evseich, near the Victory Monument and opposite the Pension Eden. You can agree on the excursion in a priest taiga on quad bikes. For teenagers will be interesting rafting alloy on raft.

At the old helicopter platform, you will find the parking of kayaks and you can just ride a kayake, and go to the kayak-excursion to the stone bay. Of course, this trip for older children.

Edelweiss Zoo - Although he is in the village, it is better to get there by car. The zoo contains wild, and agricultural animals and birds. Animals are allowed to feed. Food can be bought in the zoo, and you can take carrots with membranes with membranes.

Ethnopark Located in the village of Artybash, it is easy to get there on foot. Here, in traditional Altai dwellings - Aila and Alanchika - you are waiting for immersion in the Altai culture, fairy tales and legends of the Altai people, the national cuisine. It will be interesting to children of school age and, no doubt, with all adults. You can make photos in Altai flavor. A pre-registration is desirable.


Gallery "Legend Altyn Koyl" This real art gallery is located 300 meters from the left of the bridge in the center of the souvenir market. In front of her - spectacularly tied with ribbons of all colors of rainbow tree of desires. Inside - the paintings of the artists of Teletsk Lake and copyrights of local masters. All this can be purchased. Interesting master classes are held here, they must be negotiated by phone in advance. The gallery is visited with children of any age, but it can be that your kids will not allow you to admire the beauty fully. They are for communication with beautiful enough three minutes. Visiting gallery free , Master classes paid.

Local Lore Museum "Erm-Tash" It is located near the famous excursion trail on the third river. By the way, these two excursions can be combined, going to the museum before the approach along the path. Since this is a museum, he has, unlike an ethnopark, a great historical orientation. There are exhibits and photographs related to the last Talletsky Lake. In a conversation with visitors, the altayev is focused on the spiritual culture of Altaians, including shamanism. On the tour it is advisable to sign up by phone.

Shilkina exhibition hall Located not far from the old helicopter site on the shore of Teletsky. Leonid Alekseevich Shilkin - the eldest and most respected of the numerous artists of Teletsk Lake. The exhibition of his works is arranged on the first floor of the house where the artist with his wife live. Amazes a variety of creativity: not only oil painting on canvas, magic watercolors, magnificent pastels, but also painting porcelain with flowers of Altai Taiga, painting and wood carving, extraordinary paintings from stone ... If you live in the village, on foot it turns out only with older children , through the territory of the head of the Golden Lake and the old helicopter platform. For preschoolers, it is better to take a taxi. The abundance of fragile exhibits in free access may not allow you to relax if you come with kids. Record on the phone is desirable to make the owners of the house.

Shilkina exhibition hall

Swimming pool on the turbase Golden Lake. Since the water in Teletsk Lake is heated only by August, and then it may seem uncomfortable for swimming - I propose to go with children to the outdoor pool, heated water. The pool is surrounded by a boardwalk, a number of cafes. The subscription is given for the whole day. The depth of the pool is designed for adults, so it's better to go there with children from 10 years. The campus is the oldest on Teletsk coast, it is based in the 60s, in Soviet times, when tourism on Teletsk Lake only began to develop. There is a similar pool on the new turbase " Mountain Lake"But she is pretty far from the village, go there by car.

In our selection from Detkitur you can see other, no less interesting bases on the Tetal Lake.

With young children on a hot day go well on green Jogach River Beach. This clean shallow mountain river, the water here warms quickly. Passing ashore in the village of Iogach, right from the bridge over Teletskoy-Biya about 400 meters, opposite Lud-Vic Guest House. Here you calmly sunbathe on the grass, while children play next to fine water. The place is very picturesque, you can make beautiful photos. A ducks and geese swim in the river - children adore them to feed them!

green Beach Village Iogach

On the other side of the river Iogach "Volkova farm" - The peasant economy of the large family of wolves. It is from there a duck on a green beach. In addition to ducks and geese, chickens and several goats live here. As well as charming goats, ducklings, geussy and chickens! On the excursions you stroke and feed all whom we want, and hold down the smallest on your arms. A rustic photo session is included in the visiting program. The hosts will tell interesting stories about their animals and will seek tea with baking at home products, as milk, eggs, cottage cheese. The memory can be acquired by special "enzyme" souvenirs. About the excursion is desirable to agree on the phone 89059843858 .

Volkov Fermat

Taiga apish cone. An interesting long-term excursion to a priest taiga for an apiary. You are waiting for a complete immersion in the mysterious world of bees and the subtleties of beekeeping for as many as two hours! And also tea on herbs with honey tasting under the spiritual conversation. Excursion is recommended for school-age children. To travel for an hour, it will be necessary to contact the organizer of excursions. The road to and back takes about 40 minutes.

Natural attractions of Teletsk Lake

Now let's turn to the review of natural sightseeing objects.

Tilan Tuu Overview - One of the most popular routes in the village of Arttybash. It can be advised for school-age children. The look at the top: on the lake, both villages and the surrounding mountains are definitely impressive. And if you think about some kind of surprise at the top, on the sightseeing site, the walk will be especially bright. If desired, it turns out to combine a hike on Tilan-Tuu with a visit to the zoo or with an excursion to an ethno-park. It is better not to climb a mountain in crude weather - a cool trail becomes very slippery.

Silver sourceit is located in the village of Arttybash, on the slope of the mountain of the sword forest. This is a healing source with the studied water composition, which contains a large percentage of silver ions and radon impurities. It is especially beneficial for vision and has tonic properties. The ancient cedar is growing nearby, which is about 400 years old. The source is consecrated, so the Poklonnaya Cross is standing near it. Do not forget to take a bottle for magic water with you! You can go there with children of any age.

silver source

silver source

Third river It runs down on the slope to Teletsky Lake beyond the feature of the village of Artybash. This is the most popular and most beautiful hiking route. Usually, it is impossible to walk along the forest river bed because of the dawns and thickets. Thanks to the laid trail, all secret beauties will reveal before you. Cascades of small waterfalls, fastened, picturesquely lying trunks of trees and boulders, whipped moss and fern. Little children will come in hand. The kids of three years will be happy to climb themselves.

It is on this route that the ticks should be feared. During the trip several times, look at the children and look at yourself.

font 3 river

Mount Kibhek Named because the outlines of her slope resemble the keel of the turned the boat. The beginning of the trail to Kibetek in the village of Iogach. Mountain is interesting in that in her foundation under one of the huge boulders there is an entrance to the underground cave, and under the neighboring even hot summer is preserved. Then the route goes up the stone scree - Kurumnik. Climb up makes sense to stone called a tank. Next, the Kurumnik ends and the forest begins. From here there is a beautiful view of the source of Bii, Lake, Art Kash and Iog.

kurumnik on Kibhetek

At Mount Kibetek very much like children of any age. Mama with "manual" kids can go to this journey if there is a sling or ergorkzak. Do not forget that it is always more difficult to descend. Be careful when descent. Refrain from the campaign to crude weather.

mount Kibhek

Disappearing source - The best taiga route for children, real natural miracle. This is a car trip, at the end of which you need to walk a little. Only UAZ or Quad bike will be asset in dry weather. You will fall on real forest borrow. Next to the little hut two large, about a meter, deepening in the ground laid out by stones. Water appears in them and rises until it starts to overflow across the edges. After some time, it leaves the same mysterious manner, leaving the deepening empty. As in the fairy tale of Volkova about seven underground kings! The frequency with which this happens cannot be predicted - maybe a miracle will occur in a few minutes, and maybe in a couple of hours. Therefore, capture food with you, because it is unknown, how long will you wait for you while the source manifest itself. The trip itself is back and forth, not counting the time of waiting, takes an hour and a half.

Rise to the hill of kokuya On the chair lifting is an amazing opportunity to easily climb in the highlands. Do not forget to take warm clothes - during the lifting and upstairs can be significantly colder than at the foot. Rising, you can sit in a cafe, admire the beautiful panorama of the mountain ranges from the observation deck and take a walk in the mountains. It is suitable for children of any age. The lift is located behind the village of Iogach, you can get there by car. In winter, there are two ski slopes with a bougie and chair lifts.

On this I finish my review. I want to note that you have read about the most popular excursions and routes. But if you contact the services of local guides and travel organizers, you will be prompted to get a lot of opportunities to learn the Teletsk Lake and its surroundings. For example, to visit the reserved village of Yaileu or in the Gardens of Cordon Belly ... It is worth come to the Teletsk Lake with children many times!