Interesting facts: Majestic Mountains of Kyrgyzstan. Mountains Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan Height above sea level

The abundance of landscape resources or interesting geological features often plays an important role in determining the international tourist image of the relevant country. Tourists can drive thousands of kilometers in order to only see such famous natural wonders of the world, like Himalayas, a big barrier reef, a big canyon, Fujiima, etc.

Main Natural Attractions Kyrgyzstan: Lake Issyk-Kul, Sary-Chelek, Son-Kul, Mount Tien Shan and Pamira, Glacier of Inilchek, Peaks Khan Tengri, Victory, Lenin, Great Great-Oguz Gorge, Love Cocozer Valley, Kokozer River, Forest Arslanbab, numerous gorges and passes, mysterious caves, waterfalls and healing sources - are important landscaped elements that have the potential to attract a large number of visitors. Although all these objects are not the highest, largest, deep or rare in the world, they are amazingly beautiful and are the sights of a world-class. However, it should be emphasized that the potential of these attractions is used by no more than 15%.

The mountain landscape of the republic is complex and extremely diverse. The smallest height of the territory above sea level is 401 m, and the greatest - 7439 m. More than 93% of the territory is occupied by the mountains and only 7% falls on the share of valleys and plains.

The characteristic feature of the landscape is the alternation of high mountains and intergical kitelin, hot deserts and dry mountain steppes, alpine and subalpine meadows, alpine glaciers and peaks.

Kyrgyzstan is no wonder called the "country of heavenly mountains". Almost 90% of the territory of the republic lies above 1500 meters above sea level. Other peaks of the mountain ranges shot down at 6, or even 7 thousand meters. Here are three highest (after the peak of communism on the Pamirs, 7495) Vertines: Victory Peaks (7439), Lenin (7134), Khan-Tengri (6995).

Difficult peaks entail brave athletes. Here, for the conquest of the glaced peaks of Tien Shan, climbers from various cities and countries arrive every year.

The first ascent to the Peak Khan-Tengri, which was considered inaccessible, was committed on September 11, 1931 by the expedition of M. T. Pogrebetsky.

It has a pointed pyramidal shape, composed of marbs and marbled limestones. Translated from the Kyrgyz language means "Lord of the sky".

Located 20 km south of Khan-Tengri. The first ascent was committed in 1938 by the participants of the Soviet Expedition under the leadership of A. A. Flying. The peak was called the peak of 20 years of the Wlksm.

In 1943, Soviet topographs, headed by P. N. Rapass, determined the true height of the vertex - 7439 m and it was called the peak of victory.

The highest peak of the Chon-Alai Range - peak Lenin. - rises in its central part on the border of Kyrgyzstan with Tajikistan. The ridge crest, over which the peak of Lenin is tested, has a solid cover from the firms and ice. The Glaciers of Big and Small Saukdar goes down to the south, north - glacier Lenin.

The first Soviet climb on the climbers E. Abalakovy, K. Chernuha, I. Lukin in 1934. Having reached the vertices, they folded on it a stone tour, wrapped it with a scarlet cloth and installed Bust Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

Eternal ice, 50-degree frost, Purga, blizzards. All this we associate with the Arctic, the Arctic Ocean. But rarely someone occurred that in sunny Kyrgyzstan there is their own Arctic, something is not inferior to the Arctic of the Far North. The same ice, the same frosts, the same Purga and blizzards and all this all year round.
"Translate country" in the literal sense of the word. Hold her on their shoulders of the mountain-giggle, close it from the human cloud look ...

In the transcendental country, its seasons, which are reduced to the essence of the Eternal Winter. Sleeve glands are lying there, the area of \u200b\u200bglaciation on Tian-Shan -7200 square meters. km. Glaciers are storerooms that preserve water among huge anhydrous expanses of Central Asia. Here the word "water" is synonymous with the word "life."

The volume of water enclosed in the Glaciers of the Central Tien Shan, is 650 cubic kilometers. In glaciers surrounding Issyk-Kul, the water is 13 times more than it is brought to the lake every year all its 80 rivers.

In one massif, Khan-Tengri glaciers occupy an area of \u200b\u200balmost 2.5 thousand square meters. km, equal to the territory of Luxembourg.

One of the largest centers of glaciation on Tien Shan, and in the whole of Central Asia, - Akshirak. Total in Akshirak 131 glacier.

The largest on Tien Shan and the second (after the Fedchenko glacier in length) from the mountain-valley glaciers - Enilchek, consisting of southern and northern enilchek. Southern Enilchek's length is more than 60 km. On the left side has tributaries-glaciers: asterisk, wild, proletarian tourism, Komsomolets and others.

Northern Enilchek, or a Rubnichenko Glacier, separated from the southern latitudinal ridge with the peak of Khan Tengri in the East. Its length is more than 38 km.

For the first time was described by Geographic-researcher of Central Asia A. V. Kaulbars in 1869

90 years after that, glaciologists found that since Caulbars, the glacier was shorten by 1.5 km away.

Glacial - one of the wonders of Tien Shan. Named so in honor of the German traveler who first described him.

Between the glaciers South and North Enilchek is the lake filled with the waters of the glacier and the snow shores. Mountain shores of the lake in some places are caught in an ice shell. At times, the "piece" by weight of several thousand tons is chipped from them and crumbs collapsed into water. Ducks, and then pops up and swims by white iceberg.

Gradually, the lake is filled, the water level becomes higher, the rag of the torosa and icebergs rises above until those ice floes are raised, which still "stuck" the hole somewhere on the bottom. There is a breakthrough of the lake. Water goes into the same tunnel in the thickness of the glacier, and goes about 20 km from a trendy bed, pulling out in the place where the glacier ends and the Einilchek river begins.

Sometimes over the year there is up to two water-bosses, including, as a rule, in August and September. During the breakthrough, the small river Enilchek becomes a powerful and a formidable flow that carries on itself, like grain, huge boulders. When the water falls, the retaining wall of the glacier is exposed - by 40-60 m.

Then the lake is gradually filled again with water, and it is murmur with light jets on the wall, staining in the valley.

When there is a water supply, along the entire route of the treated bed costs the roar. The strange sounds are heard from the lake: a low uterine rumble, as if someone is huge swallowing stones and sorts them in their monstrous stomach. This is an enilchek voice. The glacier reminds a round-the-clock working plant on stones. There is no breaks for lunch here.

Is it possible to call the ice hot? Everyone knows that its temperature does not rise above zero. However, the day spent on the glacier will award such burns that can be obtained, only having been in a fire flame.

The square centimeter of the horizontal surface of the Tien Shan glaciers arrives in one minute of 1.5 calories of heat, for the bright day of day - about 600 calories. With a light cloudiness that contributes to the return of heat, the amount of solar heat on the glacier may increase to 800 calories. These figures are maximal for our planet. Neither in the equator, nor in the tropics there is no such high voltage of solar radiation.

"Country of Mountains", Kyrgyzstan may be called "country valleys". The valleys in the republic are many - wide and narrow, solar and shady, fertile and deserted. The most famous of them is Chui.

The most important from the intermountain kotlovin: lowland depressions - Talas (length 140 km, width up to 26 km) and Chui (250 and 60 km, respectively); Meditergo - Issyk-Kul (250 and 70 km) and the Medium-Russian (170 and 54 km); Alpine - Aksai Myudüryumskaya (180 and 30 km) and Alai (165 and 25 km). The most extensive of Kotlovin - Fergana, 340 long and 160 km width.

Tien Shan is characterized by many terrible phenomena of nature. One of the most destructive is an earthquake.

It can continue the shares of a second, but to cause huge damage. Scientists were calculated that about a million earthquakes of various power occurs on Earth every year. Of these, more than 100 thousand are registered with sensitive devices. Approximately a thousand of them are destructive and more than a hundred - catastrophic.

Every year, our mountains are rejected and repeatedly. Gorical formation in Tien Shan is not completed, the mountains, to this day, "grow", this is one of the causes of earthquakes. Now all major cities on Tien Shan and in the neighboring plain areas of Central Asia are equipped with seismic stations equipped with the latest devices that carry a 24-hour watch, listens to the Pulse of the Planet.

In 1975, the Institute of Seismology was founded as part of the An Kyrgyz SSR. His tasks are the study of seismicity in the territory of the republic, observation of the deformation of the earth's crust in order to detect signs of earthquake.

The seismic hazard is determined by the degree of seismic hazard for a number of Kyrgyzstan districts, in particular the microseismic mapping of Frunze, Tokmak, Fisherman, Osh.

The most powerful earthquake on Tien Shan (power in the epicenter 10 points) over the past 2-3 centuries occurred on the night of January 4, 1911. The epicenter of him was on average the River Chon-Kemin. In history, it entered as a Keminsky earthquake. Only in the valley r. Chon-Kemin killed 248 people and a lot of livestock.

Scientists calculated earthquake energy. It turned out that the energy released at the same time was equivalent to such a quantity that can develop Dneprog Es in 325 years at full load of all turbines.

In November 1946, the Chatkal earthquake of force in 9 points broke out, in 1954 - Durbeldzhinsky (7 points), in 1955 - Ulugchatsky (6-7 points), in 1958 - Sonkulskoe (6-7 points), In 1961 - Alai and Milisai (6 points), in 1962 - Kokhangakskoe (7 points). Other catastrophic earthquakes are memorable. Tashkent (1966), Sarykamysh (1970), Tyudsky (1978).

The destructive strength of the village streams are huge - suddenly emerging and briefly acting in the rivers of the rivers of the rivers of the rivers. One of the catastrophic villages occurred in June 1966 from the breakthrough of the Ring Mountain Lake Zhal-Kel in the valley of the river. Tegermech. The lake arose 200 years ago from the earthquake.

With a terrible roar, large granite boulders were thrown out of the broken dam, like artillery kernels. Following them, water joined, fascinating the mud age. The lake disappeared. In the valley r. Tegermes collapsed 15 million cubic meters. M water along with 3 million cubic meters. m stones and dirt. According to the calculations of specialists, the maximum flow rate reached 5 thousand cubic meters. m per second.

Humanity does not remain a third-party observer manifestations of the unbridled forces of nature. The hydrologists of the republic conducted accounting for the prevalence of tremendous valleys, helps in the fight against the devastating force of the Fel. The path to the taming of the villages suggests the nature itself. It turns out that the larger the sneakers of the mountains are covered with forest, the smaller the village streams are formed on their slopes.

In addition to logging works, the facilities of delicuduk are effective, as well as semellar dams near settlements. Avalanche of snow that mountains can enjoy in any minute - the strongest weapons of the Ice World against the person who invading him. Nothing foreshadows her appearance: the sky is clear, the sun shines, there is no wind, around - silence. And suddenly ... anxiously growing whistle in one moment goes into the hum, the crash, an explosion. The sky disappears, the air, the mountains, the whole world comes in motion - white whirlwind, white collapse, white heaviness, white death ... This is avalanche, one of the most terrible phenomena of nature.

It takes no more than a minute, again - affectionate sky above your head, hot sun, creliece, silence ...

In the snow of the Kyrgyz Range, Susamyra, Kavaca, Chatkala operates six snow-free scientific stations.

The laviniers are conducted around the clock, observation of snow behavior, for the development of avalante, predict the possibility of disaster, prevent it.

The unusualness of glacial landscapes and landscapes, dangers and difficulties that the tourist is experiencing, being in glaciers, are the strongest attractive factor. Glaciers become a welcome touristurope and are widely used by tour operators in the resource base of adventure and extreme types of tourism.

At the foot of the Mountain Mountains of the Kyrgyz Ala-TOO, at an altitude of 750 m above sea level, 25 km from the border with Kazakhstan. This is the soul and heart of the republic in the full meaning of this word, its political, economic, scientific and cultural center, the main transport node.

The population of the city according to 2010 is 846.5 thousand inhabitants. In contrast to the southern regions of the republic, the high percentage of the population is Russian and Russian-speaking residents.

Bishkek for climatic conditions occupies an extreme southern position in the continental area of \u200b\u200bthe climate of moderate latitudes. The monthly duration of sunshine is the largest in July - 322 hours, the smallest in December - 126 hours. The climate in Bishkek is sharply continental, the average annual air temperature + 10.2 ° C. The coldest month of the year is January (-4 ° C), the warmest - July (+ 24,7 ° C). The average monthly relative humidity increases from 44% in June and July to 74% - in March. Through the city, the Ala Archa Rivers, Alamin and the Big Chuy Channel flow.

The capital of Kyrgyzstan is a unique young city of a unique and mysterious mountainous country. Yes, perhaps here and there are no ancient or medieval historical monuments, but it is absolutely not a reason to consider this city boring and uninteresting. It is impossible to blame, for example, a child for the fact that he is still small. As for Bishkek, the city was founded only in 1825, and this is for the story no more than a second. Therefore, for the absence of the past, the Kyrgyz capital, respectively, does not have monuments of the past. Where do they come from? Nevertheless, the city is quite interesting, beautiful and extraordinarily friendly. And completely special and unique emotions arise at the sight of the majestic and mounted ridge of Kyrgyz Alatau. Therefore, being in the city, it is rather difficult not to be tempted and not to rush into the mountains at any convenient opportunity.

The individual trait of the city is a strict layout of the streets that intersect only at right angles. Residents of the capital are always proud that these streets are densely planted with trees and shrubs, which creates a special comfort and lifeful coolness. Therefore, it is not for nothing that Bishkek is one of the greatest cities in the world.

Bishkek - Center for National Culture of Kyrgyzstan. Visitors are always happy to the Museum of Fine Arts, Museum. M.V. Frunze, Opera and Ballet Theater, Russian and Kyrgyz Dramatic theaters, Bishkek City Theater Drama, State Philharmonic Building. T. Satullganov and other places for non-tax leisure.

Science and education in the capital are represented by the National Academy of Sciences and a large number of secondary special and higher educational institutions. Among them are 18 universities, 20 institutes, 9 academies that produce up to 5.5 thousand qualified specialists annually.

The most different legends went about the title of the city. According to one of the versions, Bishkek is the name of the local hero, Bishkek Baatyr, who committed a lot of useful for a simple people, he lived here in the 18th century.

In general, the word "Bishkek" from Kyrgyz means "a mixer for whipping Kumsa (a drink obtained from the mare milk)".

But, in addition, according to some historians and writers, the word "Bishkek" means "anterior, facial part of the happy, beautiful mountain (mountain of the Baitik), as well as a five-stranded fortress."

History of the city
The city of Bishkek (or rather the territory on which the modern city is located) was known since the 7th century, like the town of Jul (blacksmith fortress).
However, only in 1825, the Kokanda fortress of the Pishpec was formed in the Chui Valley, in which the largest garrison was located. Twice - 4 September 1860 and October 24, 1862 - the fortress was taken by Russian troops. In November 1862, she was destroyed, and in her place two years later, a Cossack picket was installed, then a bazaar began to gather here. Later, in April 1878, in connection with the transfer to the head of the center of County, the village received the status of the city.

From October 1924, the city became the administrative center of the Kara-Kyrgyz Autonomous Region, then the administrative center of the Kyrgyz Autonomous Region. In 1926, Pishpec was renamed Frunze in honor of the native of the city, the Soviet military leader. Since 1936, Frunze wore the status of the capital of the Kyrgyz SSR. And after independence, February 1, 1991, by decision of the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan, the city was renamed Bishkek.

Bishkek, being the center of international tourism in Kyrgyzstan, often serves as a transit point and place of rest on the way to or and at the same time can offer tourists a large number of attractions.

The main and favorite place of rest and walks of guests and tourists of the capital is the center of Bishkek. Most museums, galleries, shops, parks, squares, squares, restaurants and cafes are concentrated here. By the way, Bishkek is the only city in Central Asia, where to this day there is a monument to Lenin. True, now it is not located on the main square, but for her, but even this is already a barrier difference from other cities of the Central Asian region.

The city has 20 national parks, 4 artificial reservoirs, 6 swimming pools, 10 theaters, 5 memorial open-air museums, 8 specialized museums, as well as other cultural and recreation.
One such objects is an oak park, where it is always cool under the thick crowns of trees, and fluffy fat proteins will be sinking on the trunks, looking into the faces of resting waiting for a delicacy. Oak park is a kind of open-air sculpture museum. The sculptures made in stone, metal and the sculpture tree are located here alone and groups along the parks alley, tracks, and some are simply among the trees on green lawns.

The so-called "Bishkek Ornice" is adjacent to the oak park - the Gallery of Erkindik, where you can admire the work of local craftsmen and artists.

The gallery opens the main square of the country - Ala TOO. The Square of Ala-Lyubo is in itself a large tourist potential - here is located the White Government House. The square is decorated with fountains, the scene is immediately built, where mass concerts and discos are being held. It is here that the people are dragging during the holidays and festivities. Military parades and demonstrations are also held here.

The attractions of the capital include the Museum of Art, which exhibits the exhibits of the Kyrgyz folk art and modern Russian and Soviet art. Some paintings and exhibits are trying to combine Kyrgyz images and European techniques. Also, there are copies of elegant traditional Kyrgyz wall carpets (Tushcis, BashTax) of various sizes.

In Bishkek philharmonic, concerts of classical and modern Western music are held, as well as concerts of Kyrgyz traditional and popular music. Philharmonic consists of two halls, more of them is commonly used for concerts of Kyrgyz music and various shows.

Tourists Capital stores can offer a variety of souvenirs and folk art products, produced in such major organizations as "Kyyal", Zengi-Baba NGOs, Altyn-Besik, Shaarbek, who constantly conduct exhibitions and fairs for souvenirs and products decorative Applied art on city squares.

Also, tourists here, in Bishkek, will not only be able to relax in the yurts, to get acquainted with the applied art of the nomadic Kyrgyz people, gain impressions of national customs, cooking, games, try the dishes of Kyrgyz cuisine, acquire the souvenirs of folk crafts, but also to receive information about tourist routes by the whole republic.
In Bishkek, as in any other Central Asian city, one of the brightest attractions is the eastern Bazaar, where at any time of year the generous gifts of land and goods from around the world are presented to abundance, and you can also admire the beauty of mosques and Orthodox cathedrals.

Sights of neighborhood
The Baytyak Valley - stretches for the counter, in which the southern outskirts of the city rests. The valley is called so in honor of her former owner - Manap of the Kyrgyz tribe of Orlto - Bajäka Kanaeva, at one time contributing to the voluntary entry of Kyrgyzstan to Russia. Some of the valley slopes are planted with a pistachio, and the other is in a natural state. There are a lot of bird species. The south-west of the VDHH Kyrgyzstan is located the Boz-Peldek mountain (1395 m), which can be reached by city buses. From her top, like a plan on paper, you can see the whole city.

"Khan graves" - the Kyrgyz cemetery, located at the southern foot of the Mount Boz-Peldek. Here the former Lord of the Valley of the Baityk and his son of Uzbek was buried here, over the grave of which the magnificent wrist lattice tower with a dome was erected.

The State Botanical Reserve is Chon-Aryk - is located southeast of the city in the tract of Besh Kyung. There are strictly protected by plants such as Shafran Alatava, Iris Kolpakovsky, Juno Kumakiewica, several types of tulips and others. Rich in the neighborhood of the city with mineral springs.

The field of peat medicinal mud - located next to the village of Kamyzhanovka. Therapeutic dirt here is used to treat supports, peripheral nervous system, respiratory organs, gastrointestinal tract, gynecological diseases.


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Other Attractions Kyrgyzstan: In what tour you can see Bishkek and others. Attractions of Kyrgyzstan:

website - Over 90% of our homeland is covered by the mountains, because it is not for nothing in vain Kyrgyzstan call the country of heavenly mountains. Their uniqueness lies in the fact that the highest peaks-seven thousandnes are concentrated in a small area, small heights, and even incredibly beautiful landscapes. In total, there are 14 vertices with a height of more than 6000 m and 26 vertices in excess of Mont Blanc (4807m), the highest point of Europe is located in Kyrgyzstan. Our mountains belong mainly to Tien Shan Mountain Chains, a relatively smaller part is located on the Pamir.

The name "Tien Shan" with Chinese translates as "Heavenly Mountains"

The first mention of Tien Shang's ridge appeared in antiquity. According to the ancient letters and notes of travelers, the expeditions were made to these places from ancient times, but all of them are now more like legends than reliable facts. For the first time, the Russian researcher Peter Semenov was told about the secrets of Tien Shan in the middle of the 19th century, thanks to which he received the second name-Tianshhan. The name "Tien Shan" with Chinese translates as "Heavenly Mountains". Tien Shansk Range is the longest ridge (2800 km) not only in Kyrgyzstan, but also throughout Asia, in the central part of which the highest peaks of our victory peak (7439 m) and Peak Khan-Tengri (6995 m) . In addition to them, there are another 40 peaks with a height of more than 6000 meters.

Pick of Victory - Highest Top Tien Shan

Tien Shan's highest point - Victory Peak (7439 m), opened in 1943, the northernmost seven of the planet, is located on the Kyrgyz and Chinese border, in the Kokshal-LLP Ridge, east of Lake Issyk-Kul. Its name is the most inaccessible, the most Grozny seven thousandths - this peak presents very high demands on the physical and moral training of the waters. The story of the conquest of victory peak is full of interesting facts. In 1936, a group of climbers who climbed Khan-Tengri, who was then considered the highest top of Tian-Shan then, noted that another mountain rival rival in height from Khan Tengri nearby. Two years later, the Alpinist expedition headed to her headed by the famous researcher Tian-Shan, Professor A. A. Fucking. Leonid Gutman's head of the expedition group of the expedition was the head of Han-Tengri in 1936.

On September 19, 1938, three of the group of Professor A. A. Petavet rose to the mysterious vertex and assigned her the name of the peak of the 20th anniversary of the VLKSM. Experts compared photographs made in 1938 by Gutman and in 1958 by V. Abalakov, and established that they were made from the same place. Thus, we managed to prove that the first climbers from the Gutman expedition were first conquered. So the victory peak was opened - the highest peak of Tien Shan.

Khan-Tengri: "Bloody Mountain" or "Lord of Heaven"

Near the peak of Victory rummaged Peak Han-Tengri (6995 m). His name in Turkic means "Lord of the Sky" or "Lord of Heaven". Until recently, the height of Han-Tengri was 6995 m above sea level, but according to the latest data height - 7010 m, but some people with suspicion relate to this. Some argue that this height is determined taking into account the thickness of the ice, others see the reason in the title "Snow Bars", because in order to get it necessary to conquer five vertices, and not four, over 7000 meters high in Central Asia.

At the peak of Khan-Tengri (Kan-Luo means "Bloody Mountain") Zakopane capsule, which contains a message from previous climbers who conquered the mountain, the future. Each new climber, rising to height, digs the capsule and writes his message with a pencil - ink it is impossible to write - writes its name, the date of ascent and bursts it again. Despite the large number of accidents, many climbers are still trying to rise to the peak of Kan-LLP.

Pamiro Alay - Mountains of the Seven Mysteries of Kyrgyzstan

Pamir - "Roof of the World", the most high-altitude system on the entire post-Soviet space, stretched on an area of \u200b\u200b60,000 square meters. km and is a strongly branched network covered by eternal snow ridges and neoslade intergoregal valleys that make up the Pamir Highlands. However, Kyrgyzstan owns only the most extreme area - the northern slopes of the Zalai Range and the northern parts of Pamiro-Ala, which includes: Alai Valley, as well as the Turkestan and Alaai ridges.

Sacred Mount Sulaiman-TOO

The Sacred Mountain in the city of Osh, which in June 2009 became the first world heritage monument in the country. Mountain is a five-key limestone stretched from the west to the east. The length of it is more than 1140 m, the width is 560 m. She since ancient had a sacred value, which is evidenced by the preserved petroglyphs. Today Mount Sulayman-LLP is a kind of Mecca, which is the last hope for many of its visitors. The main part of which are women. Someone asks Sulayman-Ltovo well-being for the family, someone - health, someone - continue the kind. People believe in the magical properties of the ancient sanctuary.

Mountain peaks:

Peak Aitmatova
Mountain peak in Kyrgyzstan, located in the central part of the Kyrgyz Range, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Salyk Glacier. The height of the vertex is 4650 m. Mountain received its name in 2000 in honor of the outstanding Kyrgyz writer Chingiza Aitmatov. Up to this point was Unnamed.

Peak Vladimir Putin
Peak is located in the Mountain System of Tien Shan. Located in the Chui region. Named in 2011 in honor of the second president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

Peak Boris Yeltsin
Peak is located on the Range of the Tian-Shan Mountain Shan Mountain System. Located on the territory of the Issyk-Kul region. Renamed in 2002 in honor of the first president of the Russian Federation Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin.

Peak Lenin.
Mountain peak located on the border of Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan. One of the "seven thousandths" is the highest vertices of the former USSR. One of the highest tops of Central Asia, located in the Mountain System of the Pamir.

Free Korea
Peak, located in the mountains of Tien Shan in the Kyrgyz Range, in the Chui region, on the territory of the Ala Archa National Park. Its height in different sources 4740-4778 meters.

Peak Semenova
Mountain peak in Central Tien Shan. The highest point of the Saryzhaz Ridge (5816 m). Rises above the valley with the Northern Inilchak glacier. The peak was named after Peter Petrovich Semenova, who explored the central Tian-Shan in 1857.

Peak crown

Peak Crown (4860 m) is located on the territory of the Al-Archa National Park. Six peaks from afar resemble the crown than and their name is explained. Mountain plumbings reach a height of 600 meters, the northern slope is 900 meters.

The photo was taken during a trip to Kyrgyzstan in the spring of this year, somehow all the hands did not reach them. This is just a set of beautiful species of this wonderful mountainous country. As usual, accompany the photo by a short story.

More than three quarters of the territory of Kyrgyzstan are occupied by mountains. The peak of victory, a height of 7439 m - the highest point of the country (the northernmost seven-china on Earth from China Peak Victory is called Mount Tomur). The territory of Kyrgyzstan is located within two mountain systems. Its northeast part of it, large on the square, lies within Tien Shan, southwestern - within Pamiro-Ala. The state borders of Kyrgyzstan pass mainly on the ridges of the mountain ranges. Only in the north and southwest, in the densely populated Chui and Fergana Valleys, - along the foot of the mountains and foothill plains.

The entire territory of the republic lies above 401 m above sea level; More than half of it is located at altitudes from 1000 to 3000 m and about a third - at altitudes from 3000 to 4000 m. Mountain ridges occupy about a quarter of the territory and extended parallel chains mainly in the latitudinal direction. In the east, the main ridges of Tien Shan come closer in the area of \u200b\u200bthe meridional ridge, creating a powerful mountain assembly. Here (on the border with China and Kazakhstan) the peaks of the victory (7439 m) and Khan-Tengri (6995 m) rise.

Geographically, Kyrgyzstan is conditionally divided into two parts - south (south-west) and north. The northern and southern regions are connected by the high-altitude motorway Bishkek - Osh. In the path of the vehocore, North-South are overcome by the passage of Töo-Ashuu (3800 m above sea level), the Susamamirskaya Valley, Pass Ala-Bel (3200 m), the Reserved Zone - the Gorge of Chichekan, the Toktogul reservoir, Kyok-Bel Pass (2700 m) and departure to the Fergana Valley.

The population of Kyrgyzstan - 5.5 million people (January 2010). This is much more than lived in the country in 1959 (2.065 million), 1970 (2.935 million), 1979 (3.523 million), 1989 (4.258 million), 1999 (4,823 million). Until the 1960s, the population of the republic grew rapidly at the expense of migration and natural growth, which was particularly significant in rural Kyrgyz, Uzbeks and other Central Asian peoples.

The core of the country's population is 72.16% - are Kyrgyz. Kyrgyz live throughout the country and prevail in most rural areas. Russians make up 6.87%, dispersed mainly in cities and villages in the north of the republic. Uzbeks, which constitute 14.34% of the population, are concentrated in the south-west of the country in border with Uzbekistan regions.

Part of the Germans lived in the region already in the XIX century, when the first German menonites began to settle in this region, who left their homes due to religious persecution. There were only a few thousand people living in the north, in the Talas area, where they founded village settlements Nikolaipol, Vladimirovka, Andreevka, Romanovka later connected with Nikolaipol. Back in 1944, there were about 4,000 Germans in the Kyrgyz SSR. In 1941-1945, about 500,000 Germans were resettled in the republic of Central Asia. In 1989, 101,000 Germans lived in the Kyrgyz SSR, which amounted to 2.4% of the total population of the republic.

At the end of the XIX century, soon after the suppression of the Central Government of China, Donggansky uprising in Kyrgyzstan from the North-West China thousands of Donggan (Muslims-Chinese) are translated. Traditionally, Dungan was valued as good farmers and gardeners, their irrigation gardens served as a sample for neighbors. (It is worth noting that the ethnonym "Dungan" is used mainly in Russia and other CIS countries: in China, in the course of their self-confusion "Hui". In addition to farming, gardening and gardening, traditional Donggan activity in Central Asia - Trade and small business (for example, Restaurant). Area of \u200b\u200bthe preemptive settlement of this minority - Chui Valley (Tokmok, Aleksandrovka village, Milyanfan, Ken-Bulohn), Tashirov village (Osh region Kara-Suuskiy district) and the district of Lake Issyk-Kul (Karakol, Village of Ordik). Today's Kiev Street in Bishkek used to be called Dunganskaya.

The overwhelming majority of believers in Kyrgyzstan are Muslim Sunni. There are Christians: Orthodox, Catholics.

On the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan from ancient times they lived - Scythians, referred to as Saki. At the beginning of our era on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan from the East (Xinjiang), the devices were migrated, which were replaced by ephtalites ("White Gunnes"), and then Sasanida. In the early Middle Ages on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan, Turks, straight descendants of Sakov lived. In the VII century, the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan entered the West Turkic Kaganat, and in the VIII century - to the Turkic Carluk Kaganat. In the XII century, Uzgen (the oldest city on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan) and Balasagun become centers of the State of the Karakanids, the Karakinese Khanate comes to replace. In the XIII century, the lands of modern Kyrgyzstan were conquered by mogolas and entered the Chagatai Ulus, from which he semi-oral mogolistan was separated in 1347, where hegemony belonged to dulats.

The first public entities on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan arose in the second century BC. e. When the southern agricultural areas of the country became part of the Parkan state. In the IV-III centuries. BC Ancestors of Kyrgyz were part of the powerful tribal unions of Central Asian nomads who were very seriously disturbed by China. It was then that the construction of the Great Wall of China began. In 2-1 centuries. BC, part of the Kyrgyz tribes left from under the power of the Huns (Hunna) on the Yenisei. It was here that they formed the first state of Kyrgyz Kaganat. He was the center of the consolidation of the Yenisei Kyrgyz, the formation of their culture. The first ancient Turkic manic letter appeared here. Runic inscriptions have been preserved on stone monuments. The destruction of the state under the blows of the conquerors led to the loss of writing. Unprecedented by the volume of the EPOS "Manas" is a genuine encyclopedia that has enabling the events of history, information about society, customs and life of Kyrgyz.

From the middle of IX to the beginning of the X century, Kyrgyz kaganat swept southern Siberia, Mongolia, Baikal, Verkhovaya Irtysh, part of Kashgar. The heyday of the Yenisei Kyrgyz state was not only a period of conquest, but also trade exchange with the Chinese, the Tibetans, the peoples of Southern Siberia, Central and Central Asia. It was during this period that the ancestors of modern Kyrgyz, after the victory over the Uygur Kaganat, for the first time entered the territory of Tien Shan. However, in the X century, only South Siberia, Altai and South-West Mongolia remained under the rule of the Yenisei Kyrgyz. In the XI-XII centuries. Their possessions were reduced to Altai and Sayan. Meanwhile, the part of the Kyrgyz tribes scattered in the vast space took an active part in the events that the history of Central and Internal Asian countries rich.

Resisting the power of the Kokand Khanov, individual Kyrgyz tribes took Russian citizenship and became conductors of the Russian expansion in Central Asia. In 1855-1863, the territory of modern northern Kyrgyzstan was challenged from the Kokand Khanty to the detachments of Colonel Chernyeva and became part of the Russian Empire. A number of Kyrgyz leaders resisted Russian conquest. One of the powerful uprisings against Russia was the movement of Kyrgyz Mullah (Pulat-Khan uprising) in Fergana in 1873-76.

On the Kyrgyz lands was founded in the foreparting Przhevalsk. South Kyrgyzstan (together with the Fergana and North of Tajikistan) after the defeat of Kokand Khanate in 1876 was included in the Russian Empire as the Semirechensk region (the administrative center is the right city).

In Russia, it was hardly distinguished by the Kazakhs (Kyrgyz Kaisakov) from Actually Kyrgyz (Kara-Kirghiz), many tribes of which continued to engage in nomadic cattle breeding, unlike Fergana Kyrgyz, Kypchakov, Tajiks, Turks and Sartov.

In 1910, the first mines were opened on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan and the industrial mining of stone coal (Kök-Zhangak) began. Mines became migrants from Russia, which very early fell under the influence of revolutionary social democratic circles.

For the time being, the tsarist government did not interfere in the life of Kyrgyz, but the First World War led to the need to mobilize the population into trench work. As a result, on August 10, 1916, an uprising broke out, which swept the Russian Turkestan, including the nomads of Kyrgyz and the Kazakhs. The anger of the rebels primarily collapsed on Russian settlers who were killed up to 2,000 people. The uprising was brutally suppressed. Almost half of the Kyrgyz population of the preisklukul was exterminated. Part of Kyrgyz fled to China, where later in the border province of Xinjiang was even formed by Kyzylsu-Kyrgyz Autonomous District.

Revolutions in Petrograd in 1917 were ambiguously met on the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan (South Semirchye). It is known that not only Russian mines, but the "feudal tip" of the Kyrgyz tribes supported the revolution. While the Russian villagers were held on the nomination "Kulakov" and they rebelled against the policies of the product. The uprising was suppressed, and the territory of modern Kyrgyzstan was included in the Soviet Turkestan whose administrative center was Tashkent. In 1924, the Railway Toursxib (the construction of which was started in the royal time) tied the Pishkek with Almaty and Novosibirsk

On October 14, 1924, Karagizskaya Kyrgyz (from May 25, 1925 - Kyrgyz) was formed on national state scholarship of the Soviet republics of Central Asia (from May 25, 1925 (Kamensky and Aidarbekov headed), February 1, 1926 was transformed into the Kyrgyz ASSR (one of the first chairmen of the Council The republic became J. Abdrakshanov), and on December 5, 1936 - in the Kyrgyz SSR. In 1936, Kyrgyzstan received the status of the Union Republic (SSR), the capital of which became the city of Frunze (former Pishpeck).

In a short time, Kyrgyz (like many other Turkic peoples of the USSR) was replaced by the alphabet three times: from Arabic on Latin, and from Latin to Cyrillic.

During the years of restructuring on all national outskirts of the USSR, there was an increase in national revival on one side and interethnic tension on the other. Together with the ineffectiveness of command-administrative management, it often led to the bloody excesses, one of which became the Osh Case 1990.

On the wave of crisis phenomena in the USSR, whose climax was the defeat of the GCCP, the Supreme Council of Kyrgyzstan proclaimed on August 31, 1991 sovereignty of the republic. Two years later, on May 5, 1993, the first Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic was adopted, which secured the presidential form of government. Like Russia, Kyrgyzstan survived the stage of confrontation between the President and the Prommunist Parliament. In 1993, the country shook the first corruption scandal associated with the name of Prime Minister Tursunbek Chyngshev, as a result of which the new chapter of the government was the representative of the old partner of Apas Jumagulov (in 1993-1998). On May 10, 1993, its own national currency was introduced in Kyrgyzstan.

At the turn of the Millennium, the Republic was involuntarily involved in the struggle against terrorism, which was anticipated by geopolitical instability in southern frontiers. In 1999, Kyrgyzstan was stirred by Batken events, when the militants of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan tried to break away from Tajikistan through the territory of Kyrgyzstan to Uzbekistan. In 2001, American Air Base Manas was posted in Kyrgyzstan. The first symptom of the crisis became ACSIA events of 2002. Then there was a tulip revolution on March 24, 2005, which completed the 15-year rule of Askar Akayev (1990-2005). The new president was the representative of the "poor south" Kurmanbek Bakiyev (2005-2010), who failed to stabilize the situation in the country.

Bakiyev was overthrown during the next revolution on April 7, 2010. Power switched to the temporary government headed by the leader of the last revolution Rose Otunbayeva. The collisions between supporters of the new and old authorities provoked an inter-ethnic conflict between Kirgiz and Uzbeks in the south of the country, during which over 200 people died, and hundreds of thousands of Uzbeks left the country. On June 27, 2010, a referendum was held in Kyrgyzstan, which confirmed the powers of Rosa Otunbayeva as the head of state for the transition period until 2011, and a new constitution was adopted, approving the country of the Parliamentary Board

On October 30, 2011, the presidential election was held, from 16 candidates Victory Victory Winches with 63.24% of the votes. Total voted around 1858596 (61.28%) of citizens.
27.Scake about this trip

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  • Landscapes of Kyrgyzstan

Mountains of Kyrgyzstan long chains from west to east stretch 88 ridges of a powerful mountain system - Tien Shan. The name of the system in translation means "Heavenly Mountains". Other mining systems, such as Chon Alajai Range in the south of the country, belongs to the Mountain System of the Pamirs. The mountains divide the country to the northern and southern regions connected by one single road Bishkek-Osh. The average length of the mountain ranges of Kyrgyzstan is 100-300 km. The length of the longest ridge (like) is 582 km, the Kyrgyz Ridge, which is located to the south of Bishkek, extends 454 kilometers. The ridge width varies from 10 to 40 kilometers. Tien Shan Mountains Tien Shan is the longest mountain system of Asia. The length of the ridge is 2800 km, and the width is 800 km. On the ridge there are 40 peaks with a height of more than 6000 meters. It lies in the territory of several neighboring states, but its most part is located in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Stretching at 2,800 kilometers from the Chatkal ridge to the east of Tashkent to Urumchi (for which Tian-Shan borders with the Bogdo-Ula ridge), the mountain range is divided into the north, western, eastern, central and inner parts, each of which has characteristic "alpine" Signs. The central part of the ridge lies to the southeast of Lake Issyk-Kul and is known thanks to the two highest vertices - the peaks of Victory and Khan-Tengri, adjacent to other mountain ranges stretching from east to the west. The mountain range surrounding the group of glaciers in the upper reaches of the Inalchek River is interesting to two peaks of more than 7,000 meters high, 23 vertices with a height of more than 6000 meters, including 3 inaccessible peaks and 80 peaks height from 5,000 to 6000 meters above sea level with another 14 peaks. The ridge consists of sedimentary, metamorphic and magmatic breeds. The first mention of the heavenly mountains, appeared in antiquity. According to the ancient letters and notes of travelers, the expeditions were made to these places from ancient times, but they all look more like legends than on the facts. The expedition of the Russian researcher of Peter Semenov in the mid-19th century first shed light on the secret of the heavenly mountains. Thanks to his research, P. Semenov even received the second name from the king - Tian-Shansky. What is interesting, the northern regions of the mountain system were first described in the 7th century by the Buddhist monk Xuan-Zzan, who left behind the following information: "... nothing but snow and ice. Snow goes and in summer, and in the spring. Awesome wind rages and nights. " Surely a similar picture was observed by the famous traveler Marco Polo, who traveled on this route with his father and uncle in the distant 1273. The Ridge of the Terski Ala-Lyo ("Misty Mountains") is located along the southern shores of Lake Issyk-Kul. Kunga Ala-Lao Ridge ("Sunny Mountains") is located on the north shore of Lake Issyk-Kul and forms a border with Kazakhstan. The Kyrgyz Ridge (Kyrgyz Ala-TOO) originates in the Valley of the Issyk-Kul River, stretches along the northern border of Kyrgyzstan, 40 kilometers south of Bishkek. Pamir is located in the southern part of the country. In Kyrgyzstan, there are the most extreme northern sections of the Pamir system, namely, the Zalai ridge. The Pamiro-Alai Mountains separate Pamir from Tien Shan and are divided into Turkestan (with several unoccupied peaks) and Alai ridges. The majestic Mountains of Kyrgyzstan attract climbers and lovers of mountain walks from around the world. Mountains whose vertices are covered with snow all year round, in Kyrgyzstan, they call "Ala TOO", which in translation from Kyrgyz means "multicolor, bright mountains". Often, the snow line extends 3,600 meters. Less large mountain systems of Kyrgyzstan: Ak Shairak, Chatkala, Fergana, Keolu, Kok Shaal, Talas and Zalei are no less popular among climbers. In Soviet times, the region was closed for foreigners, and even citizens of the Soviet Union with difficulty received permits to conduct expeditions and campaigns here. Currently, there are still restrictions on tourists in some mountainous areas, and special permission is required to find civilians in border areas. The difficulties faced with climbers are aggravated by changeable weather: suddenly snow can go, and it can happen several times a day, which significantly increases the risk of gathering avalanches and collaps. Mountain terrain varies from ordinary mountain ranges to alpine-type highlands, where you can observe a variety of landscape. The forests are mainly concentrated on the northern slopes, most of the time covered with snow, while herbaceous meadows and pastures ("Jilo") on the southern slopes are abundantly illuminated by sunlight. List of mountain ranges and peaks of Kyrgyzstan: Range length (km) Width (km) Highest peak highest point (above sea level) Average height (above sea level) Kokshal LLP 582 54 Victory (Victory Peak) 7439 4500 Chon Alasai 250 40 Lenin Peak 7134 5460 ALA 350 20 Tandacul 5880 4450 Saraz Jazz 93 16 Peak Semenova 5816 4700 Turkestan 300 30 Peak Saber 5621 4430 Torski- Alatau 354 40 Peak Karakol 5280 4290 Ak-Yyachk 60 28 Jaman-SU 5126 4720 Fergana 206 62 Kara-Kuldja (uch -Seyite) 4940 3620 Kyrgyz 454 40 Peak Western Alameddine 4855 3700 AT-BASH 140 30 ERME 4786 4300 Kungee- Alato 285 32 Chek-Tal 4771 4200 Chatkal 225 30 Peak Chatkala (Aflatun) 4503 3800 Naryn-LLP 120 18 Baybice 4500 4200 Talas 260 40 Peak Manas 4488 3930 Jumal TOO 54 15 MINE TEKE 4281 3800 Mountaineers who manage to conquer all five seven thousandths of Central Asia, three of which lie on the territory of Kyrgyzstan, receive a certificate and honorary title "Snow Bars". List of seven thousand meters: 1. Peak of communism (Tajikistan - 7495 m) 2. Pick of victory (Kyrgyzstan - 7345 m) 3. Peak Lenin (Kyrgyzstan - 7134 m) 4. Peak Korezhievsky (Tajikistan - 7105 m) 5. Peak Khan-Tengri ( Kyrgyzstan - 7010 m) Mountains of Kyrgyzstan: The minor peaks of the names of lower vertices may not say anything to non-professional climbers, but here are the most famous: Peak Adigen (4393 m) is located on the territory of the Al-Archa National Park. Peak is more suitable for tracking than for climbing. Peak Chapaev (6371 m) is located in the Central Tian-Shan in the Muzzles Massif. Peak Crown (4860 m) is located on the territory of the Al-Archa National Park. Six peaks from afar resemble the crown than and their name is explained. Mountain plumbings reach a height of 600 meters, the northern slope is 900 meters. Peak friendship (6800 m) is located in the Central Tian-Shan in the MMAZTAG massif. Gorky peak (6050 m) lies in the Victory Massif. It is one of the most difficult peaks for climbers due to constant changing weather conditions. From the side of the mountain resembles a pyramid with ice slopes up to 200 meters high. Peak Free Korea is located on the Ak-Sai Ridge on the territory of the Ala Archa National Park. The northern slope towers 800 meters above the steep cliffs. Peak Jigit is located in the array of Oguz Basi on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Peak Karakol (5216 m) is located in the array of Oguz Bashi on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. Peak Komsomol by tradition conquer every year on May 1. Peak Manas (4482 m) is the highest point of the Talas Range. Peak Marble Wall (6400 m) is located in the Central Tian-Shan in the MMTAG massif. Peak Chater (6700 m) is located in the Central Tian-Shan in the MMTAG massif. Peak of military topographers (6873 m) is located in the Central Tien Shan in the MMAKTAG massif. Peak of the world (4940 m) is located near the peak of Lenin. Climbing takes two days and is often used by climbers for acclimatization before conquering higher mountains. Peak Nansen (5697 m) is located in the Central Tian-Shan in the Muzzles Massif. Peak 19 of the Congress of the Party (5882 m) is also known as the peak of Corgenevsky (not to be confused with the peak of Corgenevskaya in Tajikistan height 7105 meters). It is clearly visible from the tour baz at the foot of Lenin's peak and is often used by climbing for acclimatization before conquering Lenin's peak. Peak Petrovsky (4910 m) towers over the Achik Tash camp, used by climbers preparing to climbing Lenin's peak from its northern side. It is often used by climbing for acclimatization before conquering higher points. Przhevalsky's peak (6450 m) is located in Central Tien Shan in the Muzzles Massif. Pyramid peak (5215 m) is located in the field of Turkestan Range Ogud Bashi in Jeti Ogzu Valley near the city of Karakol on the southern shore of Lake Issyk-Kul. The peak of the pyramid is the highest point of the array with such peaks as Karakol and Djigit and is surrounded by glaciers. The northern slopes of the array are made up in deep gorges. There are a number of routes leading to a peak - from simple to difficult. Peak Semenova-Tian-Shan is a greater difficulty for climbers. Only a few expeditions have been registered, who have sowed seven routes to the top. The peak of Soviet Kyrgyzstan is located in the central Tian-Shan in the Muzza Massif.