Underground world of mystery and legends of the planet Earth. Mysterious underground world

Reptiloid base in underground labyrinths under Aksai

Not far from the major city of Rostov-on-Don, or rather, even in his suburbs, the spocks of the century, people discovered strange underground structures: deep underground tunnels, grottoes, caves clearly artificial origin.

Underground moves lead unknown to many kilometers. According to estimates of enthusiasts, the length of underground moves exceeds a hundred kilometers !!! I never accidentally mentioned enthusiasts. It is only the enthusiasts and are engaged in similar anomalies - after all, as always, official science and archeology stubbornly refuse to notice such zones. So, according to the estimates of the same independent specialists, these dungeons have at least several thousand years. All who have ever been there indicate their artificial origin. The purpose of creating such a giant underground structure is still unclear. At least a little minimize the secret above this miracle, I think we will help us with the latest knowledge that were described in the "Road home" book.

Local residents when it comes to dungeons, they strongly advise not to go there, even under the fear of death. Locals are experiencing panic horror at one thought about trying to penetrate the underground labyrinth. Many talk about multiple strange cases of the death of people who tried to explore the caves. At the entrance to the caves, livestocks and other pets repeatedly disappeared. Often found only ablodated bones !!!

A few years ago, the military tried to use underground labyrinths for their own purposes. The command of the North Caucasus Military District planned to build a strengthened secret bunker in the case of a nuclear war in the catacomb. Sleeping the sleeves, began to work. Measured, ground samples, carefully studied the terrain. To study the length of underground strokes, several groups were organized. Two soldiers with a walkie-talkie and lantern in their hands in each of the groups passed the cave for the cave, a labyrinth behind the labyrinth. Their path was tracked on the surface by radio.

Everything went, as it is impossible, however, the underground fortified bunker of the North Caucasus Military District is under Aksai, as it was not. All works were unexpectedly and suddenly stopped. Military retired from this damned place in panic. The entrance to the dungeon was embedded with a thick layer of reinforced concrete. They tried to fame - spent hundreds of tons of selected concrete for it!

Emergency order for termination of work came from Moscow after radio communication with one of the groups that studied the dungeons suddenly stopped, and the group did not go to the surface. In search of furniture rescuers. After some time, they managed to detect two soldiers, rather, the fact that they were left - only the lower half of the body of each of them !!! From the belt and below the legs in boots - the rest is as evaporated. The radiance was cut in an amazing way into two parts. Moreover, further studies have shown that the incision was so filigined that there was not a single little crack on e-cards. Real Jewelry !!! By the way, the blood also did not - the fabric bodies soldiers were slightly melted at the scene. There is a work laser.

The case was immediately reported to Moscow. From the Ministry of Defense, an urgent order came: all work immediately stopped! People and technique to remove! Entrance to the dungeon reliably close reinforced concrete! Why and why not explained in the order. Each of you, if he wants to explore the dungeon, and can now easily detect this reinforced concrete wall with easily distinguishable layers of formwork. The question remains: What scared of our brave military with their missiles and nuclear power? And why close the entrance to the old dungeon tons of concrete?
Information on these events Military was classified in order not to raise panic, but the information emerged as a result of the death of the researcher of Catacomb Oleg Burlakova. He also died, he was cut in half, but the lower part was not touched, but only bones remained from the upper part.
Local historians Spokon Vseki mystified Aksai catacombs. A couple of hundred years ago in Aksai came a strange view of the overseas merchant - as a result, a member of the secret Masonic Order of Jesuits turned out. He spent in Aksai for more than one year. During his stay, he spent a lot of money to find something. What he was looking for, no one could understand. Constantly equipped large groups of farms, carefully studied the terrain. It became clear to everyone that Inozeman is looking for no treasure and not treasures. The money he spent during this time at the farms and on all work, with more than enough for several treasure treasures.

After all, it does not want to work near those dungeons from any local money. The merchant had all the time to recruit and bring new people - after a while, people disassembled for incomprehensible reasons.

Whether the merchant was found to find what he was looking for and remained mystery for seven seals. It is known only that according to the ancient books of Mason-Jesuites, which, according to some data, are in the origins of the origin of the Roman Catholic Church, it is written that the area under Aksai is the Holy Earth, somehow connected with their deity, whose cult they worship - namely Reptile Lucifer. For them - God, and for us - Satan !!!

This information interested arrives from Digger, who decided to take a walk through the dungeon, grabbing the dog just in case. However, they were trapped: after passing a few hundred meters deep, the diggers noticed that behind them in a pair of the walls of the wall came together, and after a few seconds they went again. Apparently the mechanism was so ancient that he did not have time to work on time, giving the opportunity to avoid danger. The dog, accompanying Diggers bounced and having broke down the leash shung back through the labyrinth ... On the opposite way, the diggers decided to get around the ill-fated place, but this time they got a trap, the hole was formed behind them, and then the floor took its original position. What secrets hide the Axa dungeon? After all, for them, people should have paid their lives, and no one had to get out of this labyrinth, setting into a trap!

Residents Axai say that their ancestors, living in the Kobyakovsky settlement, brought human sacrifices to a certain dragon, who crawled out of the ground and eaten people. This image can very often be found in the chronicles, popular legends, among the monuments of architecture, archeology. However, the legend of the dragon lives to this day, since only a few decades ago during the collapse of the floor of the local cannery workers witnessed a terrifying painting: noticed the body at thenime as if a huge snake, quickly arising and disappeared in the failure, heard the devilish roars, dogs Present during the search of Laza - fell off the places and prying the tails were killed, the workers looked dyed, could not come to themselves. This passage was inspired, but the dogs decided to return to this place after only a week.
These eyewitness testimony became the basis of the extension of the theory that this dragon is not from under the ground, but from the water. After all, according to the testimony of geological intelligence under Aksai at a depth of 40-meters, there is a lake, and at a depth of 250 meters the sea. Done's underground waters form another river, in Dona there is a funnel, which delays any items that have fallen into a strong river. Still can not find trailers and cars that fell into the Don from the old Aksai bridge. Divers, who studied the bottom of the lake stated that this funnel delays items with a huge force, even steel safety cables are tensioned to the limit.

According to eyewitnesses, the UFOs appear above the city quite often, they seem to emerge from under the ground, will obey in the air and again dive under the ground. One day, a translucent UFO flew over the city and man-like figures were visible. One UFO blinded by Aksai Lights of Light, when these rays got to the warships on the bank of the Don, the military attempted to attack the night guest and fired it from the guns, however, it did not bring any visible result. UFO disappeared from the scene and dived somewhere underground. Another case is described by many eyewitnesses: three spherical UFOs spit in the sky of the old Aksai bridge. The outgoing light was such a bunch, which began to interfere with the movement on the motorway, dozens of drivers were walked by observed for this spectacle. The arrivals of the police could not move the drivers from the scene, had to cause a profound from Axa.

Underground network of tunnels penetrating the earth

Many interconnected caves and artificial underground cavities are available in the Middle East, India, China, Iran, Afghanistan, Europe, USA, Russia and many countries.
120 km from Saratov, in the neighborhood of Medvedskaya Ridge, Expedition "Cosmopoice", under the leadership of Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vadim Chernobrova in 1997, were found in the following years an extensive system of tunnels surveyed for tens of kilometers. Tunnels have a circular or oval cross section with a diameter of 7 to 20 m and are at a depth of 6 to 30 m from the surface. As they approached by the Medolitskaya ridge, their diameter increases from 20 to 35 m, then - 80 m and already on the elevation itself, the diameter of the cavities reaches 120 m, turning under the mountain into a huge hall.
Judging by numerous publications in newspapers, magazines and the Internet, in the neighborhood of the Medolitsky ridges often observe ball lightning (according to the number of observed ball lightning it ranks second in the world) and UFOs that sometimes disappear underground, which has long been attracted by the attention of Ufologs. The participants of the expedition "Cosmopoysk" expressed the hypothesis that the ridge was a "intersection", where the underground roads of many directions are converged. They can be reached even to the new land and the North American continent.
The article "Tunnels of disappeared civilizations" E. Vorobiev said that the cave marble in the Chatyr-Dag Mountainside, located at an altitude of 900 m above sea level, was formed on the site of the tunnel with a diameter of about 20 m with perfectly smooth walls driving deep into the mining massif bias towards the sea. The walls of this tunnel places are well preserved and have no traces of erosion activities from current water - Karst Kavern. The author believes that the tunnel existed before the start of oligocene, that is, its age is at least 34 million years old!
The newspaper "Astrakhan Izvestia" *** reported on the existence in the Krasnodar region under Gelendzhik direct, like arrows, vertical mines with a diameter of about 1.5 m and a depth of more than 100 m with smooth, as shown, walls - stronger than cast-iron tubggies in the subway . Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Sergey Poles from Moscow State University found that the microstructure of the soil in the section of the shaft wall is violated as a result of physical effects by only 1-1.5 mm. Based on his conclusion and direct observations, it was concluded that the high fastest properties of the walls are likely to be the result of simultaneous thermal and mechanical impact when using some unknown high technology.
According to the same, E. Vorobyev, in 1950, the secret decree of the Sovmina of the USSR was decided to build a tunnel through the Tatar Strait to tie the railway mainland with Sakhalin. Over time, the secretity was removed and the doctor of physical and mechanical sciences L. S. Berman, who worked there at that time, told in 1991 in his memoirs addressed to the Voronezh branch of Memorial, that the builders were not so much laid out again how much the existing tunnel was restored, Built in ancient times, extremely competent, taking into account the geological characteristics of the bottom of the Strait.

The same ancient tunnels, judging by the publications, radio and telecasts of previous years, found builders of modern subway tunnels and other underground communications in Moscow, Kiev and other cities. This suggests that along with subway tunnels hidden in concrete boxes by rivers, sewer and drainage systems and the latest, equipped with the latest technology, "autonomous underground cities" with power plants, under them there are also numerous underground communications of earlier epochs *** . They form a multi-level, cunning system of countless underground strokes and cameras, and the most ancient buildings are deeper than the metro line and probably continue far beyond the city. There is information that there were underground galleries in ancient Russia with a length of hundreds of kilometers who bind the largest cities of the country. Entering them, for example, in Kiev, it was possible to go out in Chernigov (120 km), Lyubech (130 km) and even Smolensk (over 450 km).
And about all these grand underground structures, no word is said in any reference book. There are neither their published maps, or devoted to them publications. And all because in all countries the location of underground communications is a state secret, and information about them can be obtained mainly only from diggers that study them unofficially.

From found in other countries of underground communications, a tunnel found on Mount Babi (Serem 1725 m) should be noted in the Mountain Arrays of Tatry Beskida, located on the border of Poland and Slovakia. In this place also quite often came meeting with UFOs. The Polish Upholist Robert Lesnaykevich engaged in the study of this abnormal zone in search of information about the events here in former times, contacted another Polish specialist in such problems, Dr. Jan Payonkom, University Professor in the New Zealand city of Danidin.
Professor Pyonk wrote Lesnikevich that in the mid-1960s, when he was a teenager and student of the graduation class of lyceum, he heard from one elderly person by Vincent such a story:

« Many years ago, Father said that it was time to find out the secret to me, which the inhabitants of our places have long been transmitted from the Father to the Son. And the mystery of this is a hidden entrance to the dungeon. And he also said I remember well the road, because he will show me only once.
After that, we silently went further. When we approached the foot of the Baby Mountains from the Slovak side, the father stopped again and pointed me on a small rock, speaking from the mountain slope at an altitude of about 600 meters ...
When we fell on the rock together, she suddenly trembled and unexpectedly easily moved to the side. Opened the opening, which could freely enter the cart along with the horse hardened in it ...
We have opened a tunnel, outgoing quite cool down. Father moved forward, I am behind him, stunned. The tunnel, similar in the cross section on the slightly, the reversed circle was direct, like an arrow, and so wide and high that a whole train could fit in it. The smooth and shiny surface of the walls and the floor seemed to be covered with glass, but when we walked, our legs did not slide, and the steps almost did not hear. Looking around, I noticed on the floor and walls in many places deep scratches. Inside it was completely dry.
Our long way on the inclined tunnel continued until he led to the spacious hall, similar to the inside of a huge barrel. It converged a few more tunnels, some of them were a triangular cross section, others - rounded.

... Father spoke again:

- on tunnels that diverge from here, you can get into different countries and at different continents. This is the one that on the left leads to Germany, then in England, and on, to the American continent. The right tunnel stretches to Russia, in the Caucasus, then to China and Japan, and from there - to America, where it is connected to the left. You can get to America in other tunnels laid under the poles of the Earth - Northern and South. On the path of each tunnel there are "nodal stations", similar to the one in which we are now. So, not knowing the exact route, they are easily lost in them ...
The story of the Father interrupted the remote sound, similar to the low hum and metal clang simultaneously. Such a sound makes a heavy loaded train, when it rises from a place or slows down sharply ...

- The tunnels you saw - the Father continued his story, - not people, andmighty creatures living underground. These are their roads for movement from one end of the underground world to another. And they move onflying fiery cars. If we were on the way of such a car, it would be burned alive. Fortunately, the sound in the tunnel is heard at a great distance, and we had enough time to avoid such a meeting. Well, and besides, these creatures live in another part of their world, and rarely appear in our territories ... ".

Another mysterious place similar to the Maunditsky Rud, Mount Baby, Nevado de Kachi, and, and, perhaps, Shambalu is a Mount Shasta high of 4317 m in cascading mountains in the north of California. In the area of \u200b\u200bG. Shasta quite often, UFOs are observed ...
English traveler and researcher Percy Fotette, who has worked for many years in South America and who has repeatedly visited North America, mentioned extended tunnels located near the volcanoes of Popochetetet and Inlakatl in Mexico ... and in the area of \u200b\u200bMount Shasta. From the locals, he heard stories about high gold-haired people, allegedly inhabiting dungeons. The Indians believed that these are descendants of people, in the Russians who came down from heaven, who did not manage to adapt to life on the surface and went into underground caves ...

Some people managed to even see the mysterious underground empire.
Andrew Thomas in the Book "Shambala - Oasis of Light" also wrote that in the mountains of California there are direct, like arrows, underground moves leading to New Mexico.
Maxim Applers in the book "Aliens" they are already here !!! " told about one interesting fact. The underground nuclear tests on the landfill in Nevada (USA) led to very curious consequences. After 2 hours at one of the military bases in Canada, located at a distance of 2000 km from the landfill, the level of radiation was registered, 20 times higher than the norm. It turned out that there was a huge cave next to the Canadian base, which is part of a huge cave and tunnels of the continent ...

Underground repostidov civilization

We have already written about reptoids - the race of reasonable lizards arising at the same time, but most likely to a person. In the publication it was written that the lizards went off the scene by giving way to a person. Correct: There are good reason to believe that lizards, leaving a man the surface of the planet, went deep into the earth.

Unknown land

Despite all the technical achievements, a person still cannot say that he knows the planet as his apartment. Places remain, where the head of the scientist has not yet come. In other corners, if he appeared, only in order to write on the rock "I was here" and leave this area in virgin purity for another 200-300 years.

Studying the world ocean, a person sank to a depth of 11.000 m, but is in absolute ignorance, which is deeper than 200-300m. (To visit - does not mean learning) As for the natural voids of the Earth, then the person has passed no further "hallway" and does not even have a concept as in the underground "apartment" rooms and what size they are. He knows only "a lot" and "very big".

Infinite underground labyrinths

The caves are absolutely in all parts of the world, on all continents, right up to Antarctica. Underground corridors are woven into endless tunnels labyrinths. It is 40-50 km away on these galleries, and without reaching the end of the tunnel, for speleologists is quite common, not worth mentioning. There are caves with a length of 100, 200, 300 km! Mamontov - 627 km. And none of the caves are considered to the end of the studied.

He studied a long time Tibet and Himalayas scientist Andrei Timoshovsky (more famous as Andrew Thomas) wrote that the monks spent it into the tunnels of an infinite length, according to which, according to them, it was possible to go to the center of the Earth.

After the underground nuclear explosion at the landfill in Nevada in Canada caves, located at a distance of more than 2,000 km, the radiation level jumped 20 times. American speleologists are confident that all the caves of the North American continent communicate with each other.

The Russian researcher Pavel Miroshnichenko believes that there is a network of global underground voids extending from the Crimea through the Caucasus to the Volgograd region.

In essence, we have another continent - underground. Is it really not populated by anyone?

The owners of the underworld

Our ancestors did not think so. They were simply confident in absolutely reverse. Traditions and legends about the intelligent lizards living in underground labyrinths are among the peoples of Australia, from the North American Indians, from the same Tibetan monks, Hindus, residents of the Urals and the Rostov region of the Southern Federal District. Did the accident?

Most likely, as a result of climate change, life for lizards on the surface of the Earth has become impossible. If unreasonable creatures remained on the surface and died, the reptoids went under the ground, where there is water, no murderer temperature drops, and the deeper, it is even higher due to volcanic activity.

Leaving the surface of the planet's surface to man, they took over the ownership of its underground part. Undoubtedly, someday a long-awaited meeting will occur. And most likely it will happen in South America. It is here that the dividing two civilizations of the wall threw up to a thin partition.


More priests-Jesuit wrote about the presence of a huge number of underground caves in South America, connected together. Indians called them "Chinkanasi". The Spaniards believed that Chinkanasi created the inconsiser for military purposes: for a quick retreat or secretive attack. The Indians assured that they had no relation to the dungeons, they were created by people-snakes, which live there and very much like strangers.

Europeans did not believe, according to their reflection, these "horror stories" were intended to do not give valiant immigrants to get to gold hidden in the underground caches. Therefore, attempts to explore Chinkanas Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Ecuador there was a lot.

Expeditions are not returned

Most adventurers who went to a risky journey through underground labyrinates, did not return back. Rare lucky people came without gold and told about meetings with people covered with scales and huge eyes, but no one believed. The authorities whom PE with missing "tourists" were absolutely not needed, borrowed and fell asleep all the well-known entrances and exits.

Chinkanas and scientists were investigated. In the 20s of the 20th century, several Peruvian expeditions were disappeared in Peruvian Chankanas. In 1952, a joint US-French group was gone under Earth. Scientists planned to return in 5 days. The only surviving member of the Filipp Lammothier fell on the surface after 15 days, slightly damaged in the mind.

What in his incoherent stories about endless labyrinths and walking on two feet lizards who killed everyone else, former truth, and that the fruit of the patient's imagination could not be established. The Frenchman died a few days from the Bubon Plague. Where did he find a plague in the dungeon?

Reptoids, at the exit?

Who lives there in the dungeon? Studies Caves, including mysterious Chankanas continue. The returned members of the expeditions are confident that creatures are living in depths of the caves, possessing a mind. They found by them in the dungeons of stairs and steps, halls, whose floors are paved with plates, sweeping in the walls kilometer gutters do not leave other options. And the deeper the researchers go further, the more often all sorts of "surprises" come across them.

Scientists of France, England, USA and Russia have repeatedly recorded powerful streams of electromagnetic waves, the source of which is in the depths of the Earth. The nature of them is unclear.

Excerpt from "Interview with Reptiloid Lastea"

Lessa: When I'm talking about our underground house, I'm talking about large cave systems. Caves that you discovered close to the surface, tiny compared to real caves and huge caves in the depths of the Earth (from 2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but are connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies within such caves.

The main sections of our caves are Antarctica, internal Asia, North America and Australia. If I'm talking about artificial sunlight in our cities, I do not mean the real sun, but various technological light sources that illuminates the caves and tunnels.

There are special areas of the cave and tunnels with strong UV light in every city, and we use them to heat our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of solar places on the surfaces in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think I will inform you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you must look for it (but I would advise you not to do it.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used the entrance about 300 kilometers north from here, close to the Large Lake, but I doubt What you could find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - a much larger amount in the north and east.)

As a small advice: If you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even something that looks like an artificial mine, and the deeper you go, the more smooth the walls are the walls; And if you feel unusual warm air, flowing out of the depth, or if you hear the sound of the flowing air in the ventilation or the lift mine, and find a special type of artificial things;

more - if you see the wall with a door made of gray metal, somewhere in the cave - you could try to open the door (but I doubt about this); Or, you fell under the ground in the usual type of technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in depth, - then it is likely - entrance to our world;

if you have reached this place, you need to know that we have now identified your location and know about your presence, you are already in great trouble. If you entered the round room, then you should look for one of the two REPTILIAN characters on the walls. If there are no characters or there are other characters, then you are - perhaps even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our view.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My General Council, if you find yourself in a strange underground constructure: run with the speed that is capable of.

Remnant: From the Ashes is a cooperative shooter from the 3rd face with a procedurally generated world, pushing players to pass it several times. Each new passage of campaign leads to a new set of dungeons that players can explore in different worlds. To help you with search and passing these locations, we decided to publish this little manual.

Useful notes:

  • The Earth is divided into four main levels: the city district in front of the church (city district №1), church, city district after church (city district №2) and the keeper tower. Both the Church and the Keeper Tower are fixed locations, as they are associated with the plot line.
  • The city district number 1 will always have the following location scheme: one dungeon with a mini-boss (shadow / rubber), one dungeon without a boss and subway.
  • The city district number 2 will always have the following location scheme: one dungeon with a mini-boss, one dungeon without a boss and a global boss.
  • You can define the type of dungeon in which you enter by studying his passage. Each dungeon has a unique environment, which is directly reflected on its passage.

Dungeons of Earth with bosses

A total of six bosses on earth can be encountered. Of these six, four are found in the dungeons, and two are world opponents. For one pass, you can easily encounter two bosses of the dungeons and one world.

  • Sunken pass (entrance to the sewer): go through it to get to another area called "Gernov" (Grinder). Here you will come across the boss named the Ripper.
  • Hidden sanctuary (passage to sewer): Go through this area to get to the location called "Infected Well". Here lives the boss whose name is the shadow.
  • Channel of the pumped (passage to sewage): This is the area of \u200b\u200bbandits. Go through it to get to the depot. Here you will come across the boss named Brabus. You can exchange my pocket clock on the gangster armor.
  • Tangled pass (passage in the form of a crack): go through it to get to the area called "Artery". Here dwells the mestel.
  • A suffocating hollow (passage in the form of a tunnel): in this area there is a world boss, an enth.
  • Esh yard (tunnel passage): In this area there is a world boss, a swelling.

Dungeons of earth without bosses

In these locations you have to perform various tasks to unlock useful items. These dungeons tend to include stages where heroes need to reflect several opponents waves.

  • Hidden grotto (passage to sewer): Get the key of the hunter from the appropriate character at the control point at the beginning of the dungeon. Then log in to the dungeon and go through it to get to the locked door. Open it previously received by the key and take all valuable things, including a hunter gun.
  • Pump (passage to sewer): This location is home to NPC by a mad merchant. You can trade with him, not mentioning his mask. If you continue to talk about it on his face, he will attack you. Kill him to get a woven mask. Then talk to the crying tree to open the talent "Wood Leather".
  • Metro: This is a plot dungeon in which you will have to go down. You must go through it in order to get to the root mother in the church.
  • The grief field (passage in the form of a crack): There are no quest items in this dungeon, and it ends with a dead-end checkpoint.
  • Warren (passage passage): Go through the new area to get to the "edge of the Earth." Help two Lisam to protect against the upcoming attack of the roots.
  • Veltelitsa (passage in the form of a tunnel): You will need to survive the waves of enemies, waiting for the metamorphosis until it occurs. By completing the task, you can interact with the "root temple" to create a set of braided armor.
  • Bone pass (passage to sewer): Find and talk to the cultist to get the root of the crown. As soon as it is done, destroy the two root nodes and then kill the sectance to get a ring of wicker spikes.
  • The monkey key: a dungeon with a locked door, which can be opened with a monkey key.

This is the entire list of dungeons that you can visit on Earth when passing Remnant: from the Ashes. Once again we note that at a time to visit everyone you will not succeed.

On the planet, the Earth simultaneously exist two worlds. One - on the surface. This is the world in which people live. The other is in the depths of the Earth. It is known mainly from fairy tales and legends.

Where the gate opens

In Taiwan, the festival "Hungry Spirits" is held annually. There are confident that on the 15th day of the seventh month on the lunar calendar at midnight, the gates of the underworld. Ghosts come to the world of living. According to this solemn case, the festival "Hungry perfume" begins. Residents of the island prepare appetizing dishes and arrange a grandiose feast. So that the perfume is not lost and got to the festive table, their path is illuminated by lanterns. Ghosts are thickened - a couple of weeks. And on the first day of the eighth month, the full spirits are returned home, and then the gate of the underground world is closed.

On Earth, except for the mysterious Taiwan, there are some more places where overhead and underground worlds come into contact. In Russia, the famous Chertova Polyana, which was held in the Taiga forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

"Once in the valley of the river Kova, there were small villages: Kostino, Cheambe, Kamyshevo. For the first time between the two worlds, the hole was revealed in 1908, per year, when all the people of the Earth discussed the Tungus Miracle. Most researchers associated him with a heavenly body. Meteorite. But there is also an "opposite" hypothesis, which was nominated by the geologists of the All-Russian Institute of Mineral Raw Materials. Studying ancient geological structures, they suggested that strange phenomena in the atmosphere are not connected with the arrival of meteorite or comets, but with a release of a bunch of energy from subsoil Earth. "

"A year of appearance in the sky of the fiery bowl of the shepherd from the surrounding villages in the sky, the plot of scorched land with a bottomless hole in the middle was found in the taiga. Animals constantly fell into it. Therefore, the animals were constantly falling. Therefore, the road was driven by the cattle for grazing, attributed three kilometers to the side. But this precaution is not helped. The cattle continued to disappear in the taiga without a trace and, as people noticed, just in the area of \u200b\u200bChertoral Polyany. "

"At the end of the 20s, the seamannik N. Semenchenko, who served the surrounding villages of Zootekhnik N. Semenchenko was interested in the giblite place. He tried to explore the glade with a damn hole. Having stuck on the edge of the Polyana, he threw the twine in the hole with a load at the end. The twelka for several tens of meters went to failure, But before the bottom did not take out. Semenchenko also surprised the localization of the paradise: her deadly breathing existed only near the bottomless hole, where the dead birds were lying on the ground. "

War years, a difficult situation in the country forced for a long time to forget about the wonders of the curious glade. Forgot even where it is located. We returned to this issue only in 1984. The glade found an expedition organized by the Vice-President of the Vladivostok Association of Ufologs A.repel. Ufologi made a lot of interesting discoveries on it. The compass arrow behaved very strangely: instead of a magnetic pole, she stubbornly showed to the center of Polyana, devices that fixed electromagnetic radiation, as if bleeded, the sensors were shrouded. All this indicated that the glade surrounds some physical fields. An even stronger than the Polyana to the psyche of man. Already at a certain distance from the Polyana, the researchers began to experience the attacks of unreasonable fear. Further - more: the members of the expedition had a teeth, the joints were scattered. Works had to minimize and quickly get out of the seats.

"In the US, American farmers also tell about the place where underground and aboveground worlds are in contact. From time to time in the ground near the city of Lions-Falls on the bank of the Black River, the door opens, and then ... the townships of the town have repeatedly come across a giant mysterious animal. Working paper factory, The monster near the monster describes it like this: dark brown color, with a round, a little cone-shaped body, from which he brings with gray. Eyes sparkle like silver dollars ... Police tried several times to catch a creature using networks. But also networks, and ropes Passed through the monster, like through the air ... "

"The coordinates and one more bottomless hole are known. It is located on the banks of the Vakhsh River, in Tajikistan. Local residents are convinced that under a small mound, built on the legend, warriors Alexander Macedonsky, hiding entry into the fire underground kingdom. Through it is evil spirits living. Deep underground, seep through the swollen stones and in the image of the devilish dogs arise on the top of the Kurgan in a black radiance halo, spreading around the suffocating smell of sulfur ... "

The structure of the underworld

Is there a reasonable explanation of the impact of damn glade and others, as they say, abnormal places, and on people, and on the entire terrestrial world of the planet?
"The specialists of the Scientific and Production Center Biolocation studied an abnormal zone, found near the town of Zelenograd. It all started with the fact that the land taken to study in the laboratory from the abnormal territory larger several days in one of the Moscow apartments. And suddenly began incomprehensible: every evening in a certain one The time at the residents of the apartment began to occur with an inexplicable anxiety. Then they had a temperature: first to 37, and then up to 39 degrees. Next - more. People began to revive the diseases forgotten by them. Biolocation operators "included" their frames and found out What every day, about eight o'clock in the evening, the biofield of the land began to increase, gradually filling the entire apartment. In an hour and a half, it began to shrink and returned to its former size. The extraordinary behavior of the biofield was confirmed by specially processed photos taken at the time of its expansion. Above test tubes with the Earth were clearly visible Light crescents are one of the signs of impact of UFOs on the ground. "

"Further studies have been continued in the anomalous zone. She behaved in a similar way. Every evening, at a speed of approximately 90 centimeters, a biopol began to spread from it. It gradually rolled into the city. After some time, the period of lesing the field began. The entire cycle ranked 3 5 hours. Like photos taken in the apartment, pictures in anomalous mountain reflected the appearance over the traces of various light anomalies. "

"According to experts, in the Zelenograd area, Earthlings are faced with the phenomenon of reading information from the memory of people. Evening time, a favorable period: a person came from work, relaxed, removed the exhibited barriers. At the time of disbursement, the biofield of the abnormal zone begins."

People of the future

"With the help of a biological framework in the center of biologicalation, another interesting discovery was made. It turned out that under the ground, at a depth of about 200 kilometers, there is a zone of the existence of a reasonable life. To present a person consisting of protein tissue and dwelling in temperatures under which melts Stone, difficult. The pressure of rocks at such a depth is able to crush even the all-metal ball. But is it necessary if a sensible creature should consist of a protein? The founder of domestic cosmonautics Konstantin Tsiolkovsky wrote philosophical works in which it suggested a change in the appearance of a person. According to Tsiolkovsky, The future people will consist of fields and become directly perceive energy from the Sun and from the Earth. Such beings may well dwell and at great depths, the benefit of energy is enough. "

The question remains open: where did these reasonable creatures go to the ground?

Reasonable hypothesis

Life, including reasonable, originated first on Fayton's distant planet from the sun, from which today only an asteroid belt remained. Then life arose or was transferred to Mars. After Mars cooled and become unsuitable for life, the turn of the Earth has come. It is possible that the descendants of reasonable creatures from these planets, who have already acquired the form of physical fields, moved to our planet, but seeing that his protein life was born on her surface, settled in the depths of the planet.

"Liberate places and holes are the passages made by the internal energy of the Earth, through which the inhabitants of the underworld - bunches of information and energy fields - penetrate our world of protein creatures. If so, then all the phenomena observed in these passes are the amazing activity of physical Fields, strange creatures, easily passing through the networks, the readings of people's thoughts, become explained. "

22.10.2015 14.10.2019 - admin

In many regions of the globe there are ancient facilities, unknown by whom and for what purpose are created. Given the limited technical capabilities of our ancestors, it is simply impossible to believe that they are built by the people of the stone or bronze century.

In Turkey (Cappadocia), a huge complex of underground cities located on several tiers and connected by tunnels were found. Underground shelters are constructed by an unknown people in time immemorial. Eric von Danikin in the book "In the footsteps of the Almighty" describes this asylum: "... Giant underground cities designed for many thousands of inhabitants were discovered. The most famous of them are under the modern village of Derinkov. The entrances to the underground world are hidden under the houses.

Here and there on the area there are ventilation holes leading far away. The dungeon is cut through the tunnels connecting the rooms. The first on the village of the Derinka floor covers the area of \u200b\u200bfour square kilometers, and the premises of the fifth floor can accommodate ten thousand people. It is estimated that in this underground complex, three hundred thousand people can fit simultaneously.

Only Derinsky's underground structures numbered fifty-two ventilation mines and fifteen thousand inputs. The biggest mine reaches the depth of eighty five meters. The lower part of the city served as a water tank ...

To date, thirty-six underground cities are found in this area. Not all

they have a scale of Caymakley or Derinka, but their plans were carefully designed. People who know this terrain well believe that there are still many underground facilities. Everyone known to date is connected by the tunnels. "

These underground shelters with huge stone valves, warehouses, kitchens and ventilation mines are demonstrated in the documentary film Erika von Danikin "in the footsteps of omnipotent." The author of the film suggested that ancient people hid in them from a certain threat that emanated from heaven.

Sahara Desert. Under its surface, multi-kilometer tunnels are hidden.

In many regions of our planet, there are numerous mysterious underground facilities of the incomprehensible destination for us. The Algerian border (10 ° West longitude and 25 ° north latitude) underground is a whole system of tunnels and underground communications, which are cut down in rock. The height of the main shred 3 meters, width - 4 meters. In some places, the distance between the tunnels is less than 6 meters. The average length of the tunnels is 4.8 kilometers, and their total length (along with the auxiliary gallery) is 1,600 kilometers!

The modern tunnel under the strait of La Mans looks like a children's fun compared to these structures. There is a suggestion that these underground corridors were intended for water supply of deserts of Sahara. But it would be much easier to cut irrigation canals on the ground surface. In addition, in those distant times the climate in this region was wet, the abundant precipitation fell out - and there were no special needs in irrigation.

To break through these moves underground, it was necessary to extract 20 million cubic meters of rock rock - it is many times the volume of all constructed Egyptian pyramids. The work is truly titanic. The construction of underground communications in such a volume with the use of even modern technical means is almost impossible. Scientists also include these underground communications for the fifth millennium BC. er, that is, by the time, when our ancestors have just learned to build primitive huts and use stone tools of labor.

Who then built these graceful tunnels and for what purposes?

In the first half of the XVI century. Francisco Pisarro discovered in Peruvian Andes the entrance to the cave closed by rock blocks. It was located at an altitude of 6770 meters above sea level on Mount Huascaran.

The speleological expedition, organized in 1971, examining the system of tunnel consisting of several levels, discovered hermetic doors, which, despite their massiveness, were easily rotated, opening input. The field of underground strokes is paved by blocks treated in such a way as to eliminate sliding (tunnels leading to the ocean, have a slope of about 14 °). According to various estimates, the overall length of communications ranges from 88 to 105 kilometers. It is assumed that earlier tunnels led to the island of Guanap, but it is quite difficult to check this hypothesis, because the moves ends with a lake salt of seawater.

In 1965, in, between the cities of Galaquise, San Antonio and Yopi, Argentine Juan Morich found a system of tunnels and ventilation mines with a total length of several hundred kilometers! The entrance to this system looks like a neat cutout in a rock, size from the barn gate. The tunnels have a rectangular section with a changing width and sometimes rotate at right angles. The walls of underground communications are covered with peculiar icing, as if they are processed by some kind of solvent or exposed to high temperatures. Interestingly, the exit did not detect the dumps of rocks from tunnels.

The underground stroke consistently leads to underground platforms and huge chairs located at a depth of 240 meters, with ventilation holes of 70 centimeters width. In the center of one of the living rooms of 110 × 130 meters there is a table and seven tones from an unknown material similar to plastic. There also found a whole gallery of large gold figures depicting animals: elephants, crocodiles, lions, camels, bison, bears, monkeys, wolves, jaguars, crabs, snails and even dinosaurs. Researchers also found the "library" consisting of several thousand metal embossed plates of 45 × 90 centimeters, covered with incomprehensible signs. The priest Father Carlo Crespons, who spent archaeological studies with the permission of the Vatican, argues that all finds made from tunnels "refer to the Doharistian era, and most of the symbols and prehistoric images ancient times of the flood.

In 1972, Eric von Daniken met with Juan Morich and persuaded him to show the ancient tunnels. The researcher agreed, but with one condition - not to photograph underground labyrinths. In his book, Danikin writes:

"... so that we are better understood what is happening, our conductors made us pass the last 40 km on foot. We are very tired; Tropics exhausted us. Finally, we approached the hill having a lot of inlets into the depths of the Earth.

The entrance we selected was almost invisible due to its closing vegetation. In width, he was more railway station. We passed through the tunnel, which had about 40 m in width; Its smooth ceiling did not show any signs of connecting devices.

The entrance to it was located at the foot of the Los Taos Hill, and at least the first 200 m went just down in the direction of the center of the massif. The height of the tunnel was approximately 230 cm, there was a partially covered with a bird litter, a layer of about 80 cm. Metal and stone figures came across the garbage and litter. The floor was composed of treated stone.

We covered our way carbide lamps. No traces of the soot in these caves were not. They said that, according to legend, their inhabitants covered the road with golden mirrors reflecting the sunlight, or the system of collecting light using emeralds. This last decision reminded us the principle of a laser.

Walls are also covered with very well-processed stones. Admiration caused by Machu Picchu buildings decreases when you see this work. The stone is smoothly polished and has straight edges. Ribs are not rounded. The locations of the connection of stones are barely noticeable. Judging by some lying on the floor processed blocks, there was no sediment, because the surrounding walls are finished and fully finished. What is this - the inaccurability of the creators who, having completed the work, left the pieces or they thought to continue their occupation?

The walls are almost completely covered with reliefs of animals - both modern and extinct. Dinosaurs, elephants, jaguars, crocodiles, monkeys, crayfish - all went to the center. We found a carved inscription - a square with rounded corners, with a side of about 12 cm. Groups of geometric figures ranged between two and four units of different lengths that looked placed in vertical and horizontal form. From one to another, this order did not repeat. Is this a number system or a computer program? We remembered the radiosham.

Just in case, the expedition was equipped with an oxygen-based system, but it was not needed. Even today, vertically embedded ventilation channels are well preserved and performed their function. When entering the surface, some of them are covered with covers. It is difficult to find them difficult, only sometimes among the groups of stones is shown a bottomless well.

The ceiling in the tunnel is low, without relief. Externally, it looks like made of coarse treated stone. Nevertheless, he is soft. Can not be! We touched it again - in fact, the feeling did not deceive us. Suddenly began to understand that we are in another atmosphere. The heat and dampness disappeared, making the way easier. We reached the wall from the treated stone, which divided our way. On both sides of the wide tunnel, which we descended, the path to the narrower passage was opened. We switched to one of those who went left. Later we found that another passage led in the same direction. With these passages, we passed about 1200 m, and only in order to find a stone wall that closed our way. Our conductor without effort stretched out his hand to some point, and at the same time two stone doors 35 cm wide opened.

Having dried up, we stopped at the zea of \u200b\u200ba huge cave with dimensions that cannot be determined by the naked eye. One side was about 5 m high. The size of the cave was approximately 110 × 130 m, although its form is not rectangular.

The conductor whistled, and different shadows crossed the "residential room". Poultry flew, butterflies, no one understood where. Opened various tunnels. Our conductor said that this large room always remains clean. Animals are drawn everywhere on the walls and the squares are drawn. Moreover, they all connect to each other.

In the middle of the residential room there was a table and a few chairs. Men sit down, leaning back on the back; But these chairs are for higher growth. They are designed for statues, about 2 m high. At first glance, the table and chairs are made of simple stone. However, if you touch, they will be made of plastic material, almost worn and completely smooth. The table of approximately 3 × 6 m is maintained only by a cylindrical base with a diameter of 77 cm. The thickness of the vertex is about 30 cm. On one side there are five chairs, on the other - six or seven.

If you touch the inside of the table of the table, then the texture and cold of the stone are felt, forcing it to think that it is covered by an unknown material

At first, considering our visit finished, the conductor led us to another hidden door. And again, two sections of the stone opened without effort, giving the entrance to another residential premises, but smaller. It was the mass of shelves with volumes, and in the middle between them a passage, like on a modern bookkeeper. They were also made of some cold material, soft, but with the edges that almost cut the skin. Stone, petrified tree, wood or metal? Hard to understand.

Each such volume was 90 cm high and 45 cm and contained about 400 treated gold pages.

These books have metal covers in 4 mm thick, and they are darker color than the pages themselves. They are not sewn, but fasten somehow differently. The negligence of one of the visitors turned our attention to another detail. He grabbed the open volume, taking one of the metal pages, which, despite the thickness in the lobe of the millimeter, was strong and smooth. A notebook without a cover fell to the floor and when trying to raise it, it frowns like paper.

Each page was engraving, such a jewelry, which seems as if written in ink. Maybe this is an underground storage of some space library?

Pages of these volumes are divided into different squares with rounded corners. Here, it may be much easier to understand these hieroglyphs, abstract symbols, as well as stylized human figures - heads with rays, hands with three, four and five fingers. Among these characters, one is similar to a large carved inscription found in the Museum of the Church of Our Lady in Cong. Probably, it belongs to the gold subjects presumably gone from Los Taos. It has 52 cm long, 14 cm in width and 4 cm deep, with 56 different signs that can be alphabet. Some believe that the text of the book of this library should be read by groups of phrases.

A visit to Cuenki was very important for us, because it was possible to see items put out the father of the cross in the Church of Our Lady, as well as listen to the legends about the local white gods, blond and blue-eyed, from time to time in this country.

In their white tunics, they resemble North American hippies, except bearded people. They are unknown, although it is assumed that they lived in an unknown city near Cuenki. Although the dark-skinned indigenous population believes that they bring happiness, but their mental strength is afraid, since those practiced telepathy and, as they say, can contactless levitate objects. Their average height of 185 cm in women and 190 - in men. They definitely fit the chairs of a large residential room in Los Taos ... ".

Numerous illustrations of amazing underground finds can be seen in the book von Danikin "Gold Gods". When Juan Morich reported on his find, a joint English-Ecuador expedition was organized for the study of tunnels. Her honored adviser Neil Armstrong said about the results obtained: "The signs of human life under the ground were found, and this may be the main worldwide archaeological opening of the century." After that, an interview with information about mysterious dungeons was no longer received, and the area where they are located are now closed to visiting foreigners.

Asylums to protect against cataclysms who collapsed to earth during her convergence with a neutron star, as well as from all sorts of disasters that were accompanied by the wars of the gods, were built on the whole globe. Dolmen, which are peculiar stone blocks, blocked by a massive slab and with a small round hole for the entrance, were intended for the same goals as underground structures, that is, served as asylum. These stone buildings are found in different parts of light - India, Jordan, Syria, Palestine, Sicily, England, France, Belgium, Spain, Korea, Siberia, Georgia, Azerbaijan. At the same time, Dolmen, located in different parts of our planet, are surprisingly similar to each other, as if made according to a typical project. According to legends and myths of various nations, they were built by dwarfs, as well as people, but the last buildings were more primitive in the latter, as they used rudely treated stones.

During the construction of these structures, it was sometimes used quenching fluctuations in the interlayer under the foundation that protected dolmen from earthquakes. For example, an ancient structure located in Azerbaijan near the village of Gorikidi has two damping tiers. The Egyptian pyramids also found cameras filled with sand, which served for the same purposes.

A striking and accuracy of fitting massive stone slabs of dolmen. Even with the help of modern technical means, collect dolmen from the finished blocks is very difficult. Here's how A. Fortozov describes in the book "Monuments of primitive art" an attempt to transport one of Dolmen: "In 1960, it was decided to carry out any dolmen from Eshry in Sukhumi - to the courtyard of the Abkhaz Museum. Chose the smallest and led the lifting crane to it. No matter how the loop of the steel cable towards the coating plate, it did not move.

Called the second crane. Two cranes removed the multiple monolith, but it was not able to raise it on the truck. Exactly the roof lay in Esheri, waiting for the mechanism more powerful in Sukhumi. In 1961, with the help of a new mechanism, all stones were immersed on cars. But the main thing was ahead: collect the house again. Reconstruction was carried out only partially. The roof was lowered by four walls, but to deploy it so that their edges come into the grooves on the inner surface of the roof, could not. In antiquity, the slab was driven to each other so close that the knife blade was not seased between them. Now there is a big gap.

Currently, numerous ancient catacombs are found in various regions of the planet, it is unknown when and by whom. There is a suggestion that these underground multi-tier galleries were formed in the process of extracting a stone for the construction of buildings. But why was it to spend the titanic work, hollowing blocks from the steady rocks in narrow underground galleries, when there are the same rock formations nearby, and are located directly on the earth's surface?

The ancient catacombs are found under Paris, in Italy (Rome, Naples), Spain, on Islands Sicily and Malta, in Syracuses, Germany, the Czech Republic, Ukraine, Crimea. The Russian society of speleological research (Rosi) carried out a huge work on the compilation of artificial caves and underground architectural structures on the territory of the former Soviet Union. Currently, information about 2,500 facilities of the catacomb type relating to various era are already collected. The most ancient dungeons are dating 14 millennium BC. E (a stone grave tract in the Zaporizhia region).

Paris Catacombs - a network of winding artificial underground galleries. Their overall length is from 187 to 300 kilometers. The most ancient tunnels existed before the Nativity of Christ. In the Epoch of the Middle Ages (XII century), limestone and gypsum began to be obtained in the catacombs, as a result of this, the network of underground galleries was significantly expanded. Later, the dungeons were used for the burial of the dead. Currently, the remains of about 6 million people are resting near Paris.

The dungeon of Rome may be very ancient. Over the city and its surroundings found more than 40 catacombs cut down in a porous volcanic toufe. The length of galleries, according to the most modest estimates, ranges from 100 to 150 kilometers, and possibly exceeds 500 kilometers. During the Roman Empire, the dungeons were used for the burial of the dead: in the gallery of the catacombs and numerous individual burial chambers there are from 600,000 to 800,000 burials. At the beginning of our era, the churches and chapels of the early Christian communities were located in the catacombs.

About 700 catacombs consisting of tunnels, galleries, caves and secret moves were found in the vicinity of Naples. The most ancient dungeons are dating 4,500 to n. e. Speletologists have discovered water pipes, aquedures and tanks for water, the premises where stocks of products was previously kept. During the Second World War, the catacombs were used as bomb shelter.

One of the attractions of the ancient Maltese culture is considered hypologic - underground shelter of the catacomb type, leaving for several floors in depth. Over the centuries, it was hollowed in a solid granite rock with the help of stone guns. Already in our time, the researchers discovered tens of thousands of human skeletons on the lower yarus of this underground city. The appointment of this building is still a mystery.

Perhaps mysterious underground structures were used by people as shelters from various cataclysms that took place repeatedly. The descriptions of the grandiose battles between aliens that took place in the distant past on our planet are preserved in various sources that occurred in the distant past on our planet, they suggest that the dungeons could serve a bomb shelter or bunker.

Dungeon of the world

This is how carefully, we should formulate the topic of this chapter, because everyone knows that no one will overtake the immense.

"The capital of our Motherland, Moscow"

The year of the foundation of the city is considered to be 1147, when Prince Yuri Dolgoruky killed the local boyar Stepan a bunch and captured his estate. Since then, Moscow has repeatedly destroyed enemies and rebuilt again. Wooden houses were replaced by stone on durable foundations in the land. The defensive function was performed by monasteries with underground strokes. Usually the beginning of the creation of the network of these moves is referred to the XV century. The underground labyrinths of the Kremlin, Borovitsky Hill and China-Cities, Simonov, Donskoy, Miracle and other monasteries were found to be discovered.

Not far from the Metro Station "China-City" still preserved the John the Forestry Women's Monastery, founded in the XV century. This monastery had a sad reputation: there they were forcibly tightened by women of noble origin - so korestolobovy relatives captured their shares inheritance. In 1610, the former Queen Maria Petrovna Shuiskaya, which was raped with her husband to the King of Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky forcibly separated here. In 1620, Inokine Parashev died - in the world of Pelagia Mikhailovna - the second wife of the Senior Son of Ivan Grozny. Here there was a mysterious definition - "Real Princess Tarakanova" and the evil landowner Saltychikha, the sadistic killing of fortress beauties.

In this monastery, under the guise of madmen, they brought out of the random order of women of criminals and political criminals. From the split office, the office of the old rite was delivered here, who did not want to renounce their faith. Some contained in the "stone bags" under strict supervision, while others skillfully paid even nuns into their faith. Such were the whip of Akulina Lupkin and Agafya Karpov, who organized the "God's house" in their cells to wander the whips. Akulin died by his death, and Agafy was executed in 1743.

There are also legends about the dungeons of the Novodevichy Monastery in Khamovniki. These are mainly crypts, some of which are found and investigated by scientists. Straighing the imagination of a terrible legend about the last magnitude of the monastery of Leonid Lake, who did not wish to give the Bolsheviks the church wealth accumulated by the centuries and the treasures departed along with the treasures. Some say that Leonid died, the guarding of the sacred objects for her, others - that she only hid them, and herself went through the underground move and disappeared. And it is quite likely, since some of those values \u200b\u200blater discovered in private collections.

It must be recognized that the legends about Moscow dungeons are much more than their divorid. Interesting the question of the underground course under Moscow-River. With Tsar, Alexei Mikhailovich Master Azancheev, several attempts were made to break through him. Twice unfinished starming, the documents were silent about the future, but it is known that the nobility was granted Azancheev. On this basis, many conclude that this course was built. Stubborn rumors about the secret goals under the estate of Tsaritsyno (in her very real extensive basements are now exhibition halls), about the Mason's dungeons of the Menshikova Tower, about the Doromilovsky quarries ...

In the "Kropotkinskaya" area, there is a terrible drawing, which received the name from the creek, who flowed there, where the alley of the Sivans enemy. In the afternoon, the stream was poured, but when the water fell, on the shores of the stream, there were bumps and Colds, as if the damn fish.

A good yard was located in this area: stood torture huts, incapsis, scaffolds with fees. Diggers argue that deeply underground poured emptiness, moves and galleries - the remains of terrible prisons Ivan the Terrible.

You can find a statement, they say, from the basement of any house within the Garden Ring you can get anywhere, even in the Moscow metro. Indeed, the basements of old houses, especially church and manor sites, often have inspired passages, if the leading. It sometimes and the buildings are no longer there, and the dungeons with the moves are preserved, and stubborn diggers manage to do it.

Back in 1912, the newspapers wrote about the detection of underground strokes in the Bogoslovsky Lane, on the Big Dmitrovka, under the house of the princes of Yusupovy in the Red Gate, between the Novodevichy Monastery and Manufactory of Gyubner, near the Don Monastery, Golitsyn hospital and an obscure garden ...

A man who listed the life for the study of the mysterious underground world of Moscow, called Ignatius Yakovlevich Stelletsky.

He was born in 1878 in the Yekaterinoslav province in the teacher's family. After graduating from the Kiev Theological Academy, left to work as a teacher in Palestine - the edge of "thousands of caves". There, Stelletsky was carried away by archeology and, returning to Moscow, organized a commission on the study of underground antiquity and became its chairman. He collected legends, legends, rumors, evidence of eyewitnesses and, relying on them, led research. They were found underground moves from the Round Tower of the Keylown Wall, from the Tainytskaya Tower of Simonov Monastery and the Cremlin Town Tower, a white-mounted move from the corner of the Kremlin's Arsenal Tower, voids in the depths of the Borovitsky Hill, near Nikolskaya, Trinity, Spasskaya and a terrible Beklemish Tower, in a basement prison of which The tongue was once pulled by Beklemishev.

The work of his whole life was the search for the legendary library of Ivan the Terrible - a collection of books brought from Konstantinople by the grandfather of the Tsar - the Byzantine Property Sophia Paleolog. The scientist believed that books were hidden somewhere in one of the numerous dungeons of the Kremlin or very close to him. Stelletsky died in 1949, and not finding his Liber. He was buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery, but the grave was not preserved. His library died, and numerous records. The main work of the scientist "Dead Books in the Moscow Tiley" saw the light only in 1993.

Excavations in the Kremlin were conducted and later, but their results did not advertise. In 1978, at the Greater Kremlin Palace, during the digging of the trench, the underground room was digging at about nine square meters with brick arches, where the human skeleton lay. In the early 1980s, a 40-meter tunnel crashed, the walls of which were decorated with multicolor tiles.

In 1989, in place, where one of the churches of the blown miracle of the monastery had previously risen, discovered an ancient crypt. A wax doll was lying in the Stone Sarcophage to human growth, dressed in a military uniform. It was the burial of the Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich, who died in 1905 when bombing abandoned by Kalyaev. Since the body remained from the body, the sarcophagus was laid out a doll, dressed in Mundir Sergei Alexandrovich, and the remains were collected in the vessel and put in the head of the head.

« Everywhere and everywhere dungeons and people are given in a state if not complete, then very large destruction. The Kremlin did not escape the common fate, and therefore it is impossible to evolve themselves the thought that it is enough to open one move and it is easy to go through all the Kremlin, if not under all of Moscow. In fact, the journey through underground Moscow is a jump with obstacles, more consistent, the elimination of which will require great efforts, time and means. But all this is nothing in comparison with the possible ideal result: purified, restored and illuminated by arc lamps underground Moscow would be an underground museum of scientific and any interest ..."(I. Stelletsky)

Now the dream of Stelletsky came true: there is such a museum! This is the Museum of Moscow Archeology at Manezh Square. It is underground at the depth of seven meters on the site of archaeological excavations of the nineties. The most remarkable part of the exposure is the supports of the ancient Resurrection Bridge through the unborn time of Ivan the Terrible. In addition, the museum presents the most interesting artifacts found by archaeologists: the objects of medieval life and weapons of Muscovites, the collection of tiles, valuable items from unclaimed treasures, the objects of the cult of necropolis of the Moiseev monastery.

Maps and descriptions of underground Moscow began to be from the end of the XVIII century. What is documented is mostly wells, the beds of rivers and streams cleaned in pipes, sewer collectors, that is, pure utilitarian structures.

There was a lot about the underground Moscow told a lot of famous life-fostener Vladimir Gilyarovsky. The subject of its research was underground kabaki and the doors, as well as the River River Neglinki. These places were dirty in all respects, but Neglynka could generally be considered a Moscow analogue of the Roman Cloac.

The first attempts to build sewerage in Moscow were taken back in the XIV century: then for the descent of the unclean was a breakthrough channel from the Kremlin to the ill-fated uncle.

The townspeople relied to drain the uncleans to cesspools, from where they were trapped by golden-assesenizers and exported far from the city. But it was necessary to pay golden women, so the unconscious citizens then it was a matter of the way to divert garbage somewhere away from the eyes or to break through the house of Khannels to tend all the dirt into the nearby river. Thus, the Neglinka and Samotek were completely ruined and the Yauza and Moscow River are pretty: to avoid chasing, small rivers had to overheat in crops and remove under the ground.

In 1874, the "design drawing of the sewerage of Moscow" were presented to the Moscow City Duma, which were long discussed for a long time, but were not approved. The gasket of the sewage network began only twenty years later, with the city's head, Nicolae Alekseev, a man of cycling activities and a big mind. Since then, the sewage is constantly being built and expanded, and today its total length is equal to the distance from Moscow to Novosibirsk. More information about the history of the Moscow sewage will be told in the water museum in Krutitsa, located in the building of the ancient pumping station.

Museum visitors to the collector will not be behavior, but Gilyarovsky went down there and left us a bright description of what is underground. Finding two brave-walled, uncle Gilyay was climbing into the falsion of Moscow Cloacu through the hatch near the pipeline. The underground direction was clogged with mud, and "Something gliding all the time under the feet." What it was, Gilyarovsky was even afraid of thought, because once he himself witnessed how in the dirty and smelly waters, Neglinki tried to lose another living, albeit a stunned man. "I say correctly: we go to people," confirmed his fears. A couple of years later, when clearing the bed, bones were found, "similar to human".

These unfortunate could leave, rob and kill in one of the underground kabaks, located immediately, near the modern pipe area. "... deep in the ground, under the whole house between the rheevechka and the colored boulevard sat the fatal basement floor, the whole robber busy in one restaurant, the most desperate robbing place, where the criminal world was entertained ..." Upper, the "parade" part of this kabac was called the hell, and Lower - underworld. The police did not look here, there were no bypass, but they would have never been anywhere: under the house there were underground moves left from the Mytishchi water supply, which was still located in Ekaterininsky times, the above-ground parts of which (Rostokin Aqueduct and Alekseevskaya Vodokka) are considered known Moscow attractions.

« The history of the first attempt on Alexander II on April 4, 1866 is connected with the Hell Tractor. There were meetings here, at which the attack plan was developed on the king ... The organizer and soul mug was the student of Ishutin, who was standing at the head of the group, leaning in the house of Meshchanka Ipatovaya for a large Savior Lane, in a register row. By the name of the house, this group was called Ipathovians. There was also a thought about the rearness, unknown to other members of the "Organization" ... Among them were Karakozov, unsuccessfully shot in the king" (V. Gilyarovsky)

In the direction of the challink and the old collectors love to travel Moscow Diggers. Sometimes excursions are held at the safest places for extremals with good health and strong nerves.

Those who wish to avoid extremes can also come in touch with the old Moscow sewage system, and at the same time they do not even have to pay.

At the intersection of Pokrovka and Chistopure Boulevard there is a profitable home of a blessing age F.S. Rachmanov, built at the very end of the XIX century. On the side, behind the distance - a long and very cool staircase, leading deeply underground, in the oldest toilet in Moscow.

This is the only preserved and still acting out of ten "retrade", opened at the same time with the laying of the first stage of the Moscow sewage.

Other dungeons of Moscow are open to visitors, in the past secret. Bunker-42 on Taganka, located at a depth of 60 meters underground, began to be built at the beginning of the fifties and worked for 20 years. There are always 300-500 people, the system of regeneration and air purification, sewage and other amenities worked. The maximum hopper capacity is 3000 people for three months. In the 80s, the bunker was abandoned, then redeemed by the commercial organization and turned into an excellent attraction. Preserved tunnels with semicircular ceilings, a tummy, bosses, tsilers, simple employees, conference room. All premises are very simple, without frills. One of the walls can hear how the subway train is passing by passing - yes, the usual Moscow metro, which also had to serve as a refuge in the event of war.

More luxurious Izmailovsky bunker. It was intended for Stalin himself and for the highest leadership of the country. Its area is huge - 93 thousand square meters. m, underground troops could hide and, according to some, even tanks.

Part of this bunker serves as a museum. In the round room for meetings, magnificent acoustics: a person standing in the center of the hall can be spent in a whisper, and the sound will be distributed around the room. It is believed that empty clay vessels were mounted to achieve this effect in the ceiling. So it was done because the aging Stalin physically could not speak loudly. In his office there is a massive writing desk covered with green cloth, armchair, shelves for books. In other premises - showcases with exhibits of forties.

Another part of the bunker, under the former Cherkizovsky market, abandoned. Not so long ago the scandal broke out: it turned out that the old bomb shelter was turned into an illegal cheap hotel, or rather in the teston. Soon the Cherkizovsky market was destroyed.

Legends claim that the tunnel was conducted from the Izmailovsky bunker, which was last used during the storming of the White House and was blown up.

Another bunker, smaller size and not so deep, is on the VVC. It is located right in the building of the friendship of the Peoples. It is argued that this structure was also created for Stalin, but, by archival reference, no one took advantage of the bunker. It seems from the bunker leads an underground stroke, which ends under Lenin sculpture in front of the pavilion. That is why the sculpture has not yet been removed.

Capacity of the bunker - 300 people. There are relaxing rooms, an extensive pantry, air filtration room, as well as an office for the Secretary-General. The equipment allowed people to be underground for two days. Until 1971, the reserves of provisions and water were regularly replenished in the bunker.

This "museum" is under the protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and to bring it to a state of readiness required 6 hours.

The Supreme Commander has placed another bunker, equipped in 1942 near the "neighboring cottages" in Kuntsevo at a depth of 15-17 meters. Missed journalists there several times, despite the fact that the bunker is still secret. Underground rooms are in excellent condition, they are reliable and comfortable. It leads there an ordinary inconspicuous door, which one can meet in any entrance. The spacious office was preserved, separated by oak and Karelian Birch, in which Joseph Stalin conducted meetings of the Defense Council. Near his bedroom is a very small room where there is only a bed and a bedside table. Also underground there was its own kitchen, a dining room and even a small diesel power plant. According to rumors, this bunker leads one of the metro-2 lines.

The myths and other underground bunkers are complicated: in the Kremlin itself and on Lubyanka. The most mysterious and "promoted" of them is the metro station "Soviet", located under Tver Square. Nobody managed to go there, journalists do not let go there, but nevertheless no one denies its existence. It is believed that its official name is "Object Go on Tverskaya Square."

They argue that there is the same "object object" under the Station "Clean Ponds" (former "Kirovskaya"), where the general headquarters were located during the war. Proves the existence of a whole underground city near Ramenskoye, designed for thousands of people. Allegedly there is a straight branch of the secret subway from the station "Library to them. Lenin ", and in the event of the beginning of the atomic war, the intellectual elite of the country was to descend from library halls to the secret station and go to the bomb shelter.

Still in Moscow there is one underground museum, completely devoid of an ominous flue. It is located on the forest street under the sign "Wholesale trade of Caucasian fruit kalandadze". The official name of the museum is "underground printing house 1905-1906". In this income house, more than a hundred years ago there was a regular revolutionary typography, and the store served as a cover. This museum is very small - two rooms, a kitchen and a basement, but quite interesting. The interiors of the premises are fully restored and well illustrate the living conditions and life of a poor Muscovites, and they lived, we must admit, modestly and closely, according to modern concepts - juts.

Under the store's warehouse in the basement of the house, a well was pulled out for the flow of groundwater, and in his side wall, a breakdown of another small cave, where the Portable Picture Machine "American" was stood. The store was opened in the name of Miriana Kalandadze - a port loader from Batumi, who had experience in trading and "clean" reputation. No business was actually conducted, the store was unprofitable: from the Caucasus fruits were brought irregularly, so if the police had decided to figure out the trade affairs of Kalandadze, everything would quickly float out. However, the underground typography acted very successfully - the police did not manage to discover it, despite the fact that the police part was literally located nearby, on the opposite side of the street, and near the house was the city's post. After working for a year, the printing house was eliminated, and the shop-cover closed. The museum at this place was opened in 1924, and its organizers became the most revolutionaries-typographs that once released a newspaper here.

Moscow region

Underground defensive moves and "caches" - Each of the fortified cities surrounded by Moscow had underground secret passes to the sources of water: Yaroslavl, Rostov Great, Suzdal, Tver, Kaluga, Rzhev, Mozjysk, Vereya, Volokolamsk, Peremyshl, Tarusa, Kashira, Aleksin; Josepho Volokolamsky, Nikolo-Berlukovsky and Simonov Monasteries in the Moscow region.

Chernihiv Skete is located three kilometers to the northeast of Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, which is in Sergiev Posad, on the northern coast of the East Bay of the Upper Korbushinsky Pond. On the contrary, on the southern shore, there are buildings of the former Gefsema Skita, which preserved much worse.

In the past in official documents, Chernigov Skit was called "The Cave Department of the Gefsema Skitt". His beginning of the legend belongs to 1847, when the Yurodny Philippushka, adopted by Metropolitan Filaret for Residence in Lavra, began to dig a cave there. In fact, two years before that in the grove on the north shore of the Bay, wooden celi was built, in one of which filipushka was probably settled.

In the description of the Gefseimsky Skita for 1899, it is said: "... Philip with its employees began to dig a small square pit, which he subsequently began to expand, make underground corridors from her and in them separate small cave clas; The average largest selection of cave assembly for general prayer. From 1849 to 1851, the adjacent laurels of farms, carpenters, a bricklayer, who turned the average cave in a well-maintained chapel, which represented a broken log house, which was blurred into the ground, with windows cut into its top, speaking from the ground of the part. Underground strokes that were turned into different directions were transformed into lossessed underground corridors with bricks with the same vaulted small cave on the sides. In the fall of 1851, the cave chapel was consecrated as the temple in the name of the forces of obsolete.

By the end of the XIX century, these caves were significantly expanded, and terrestrial churches were built over them, first wooden, and at the end of the XIX century - stone. The skete turned into a rather extensive complex in ancient Russian style. At the same time, the former average Phillip cave turned into an altar, to which the extensive underground metering with a vaulted overlapping is increeding from the West. The southern part is returned to the monastery, in the North boarding school for children-Physicians. Excursions are held in the cave church.

With the recently had a restoration site in the New Jerusalem Men's Monastery, three underground strokes were discovered, unfortunately, already collapsed. They diverge from the monastery in different directions and at different distances. Due to the risk of collapses and mountains of garbage inside, they failed to end them. Low movements that are clearly intended for emergencies, and not for everyday life. Only their inputs are available for inspection.

Russian landlords sometimes got underground strokes in their homes. Usually, these moves were laid at a small depth and had long collapsed or were deliberately covered.

Sviblovo's manor on Jauza changed a lot of owners: from Fedor Schvibli - Dmitry Donskoy Governor to the merchant Ivan Kozhevnikova, which built a closure factory on the other bank. However, he was here not the first industrialist: for another one hundred years before this, the companion of Peter I Cyril Naryshkin built a brick house here, the church, a malteniated plant and cook. Which of the owners paved the underground move from the estate until the shores of Jousy, it is difficult to say, especially since not so long ago, when repairing the estate, he was loose.

The existence of the stroke in Sviblovo is documented, but in many cases we are forced to be content only with rumors.

In the village of Avdotino, the Stupinsky district preserved some buildings of an old manor, in the XVIII century, who belonged to the well-known educator-Mason Nikolay Novikov. He created the first private printing house in Russia and the anger of Empress Catherine II caused his courageous satirs. The sovereign can be understood: she was frightened by the terrible events of the French revolution. According to her order, Novikov was arrested and without a court transmitted to the Shlisselburg fortress. Freedom was given to Paul I, but the degraded health and state of Novikov lived for a long time.

Traditions are preserved about the secret moves and underground halls for Masonic assembly proceeded in Avdotino. One moves as if led to the next Trinity-Lobanovo, belonging to Volkonsky. These moves were looking for a long time, but did not find it.

Many legends about the underground trades are connected with the preserved estate in the village of Voronovo, standing on the old Kaluga road. It is believed that the first move was a breakthrough from the main boric house to the stone church built in 1709. At the end of the XVIII century, General Artemy Vorontsov built a luxury palace in the manor with an equestrian yard and broke a park with picturesque stone arbors. A new tunnel was punched from the palace to the equestrian yard, which could pass the horse, held secret gallery to arbors and other buildings.

But in 1812, it was all burned: the next owner, Moscow Governor Governor Rostopchin, sang his home himself, so that he did not get Napoleon. This is evidenced by several eyewitnesses, and the Napoleonic General noted in the diary, which he discovered in Crow only a ash region and pinned a note to the gate: "I set up my palace that I was worth a million ..."

However, the act of the count caused no admiration from compatriots, but horror: too many values \u200b\u200bwere vainly destroyed. In addition, the owners of the estates, victims of Napoleon, could claim some compensation from the Russian government, and Rostopchin, who smeared their palace himself, clearly did not fall into this category. Then the general began to unlock and argue that his home did not burn himself, but the enemy. But he did not believe, besides, rumors crawled out that the count was not so injured at all, as he tries to prove, and that his treasures were prudently demolished in the dungeon and hid it until the best times. The count of accusations denied and demonstratively in Voronovo did not return.

After a hundred years, the story repeated: the last owner of Voronov - Countess Sheremetyeva, frightened by the events of the February revolution, left the estate without baggage. But the Bolsheviks did not find particularly valuable things in the estate. Where did they go?

When excavations on the territory of the estate, the researchers discovered several wide tunnels barrier to slaughter. In these underground stals, some valuable items were found, mainly metal. The hopes for the fact that they will ever find paintings ever, have long been evaporated: the canvas would not have survived two hundred years in underground dampness.

120 kilometers from Moscow, in the city of Aleksandrov, there was a country palace of Ivan Grozny. Here, tourists will tell about the nrules and customs of the king. About how he was married eight times, and unloved wives sent to the monasteries or killed. As fed fish in a pond with corpses of his enemies, and what kind of fat and tasty there was a fish served to the royal table. We will show underground chamsis, where tortured unfortunate prisoners, and others, more peaceful, but also underground rooms, where edible supplies stored. The terrible man's persecution, suffering from the mania, and even the royal security wakes were equipped underground. Tourists show these rooms: carved beds, carpets, embroidered bedspreads and no windows.

On the shores of the Pahra River there is an extensive system of caves, both natural and artificial. Nikitan quarries and a large group of Novlensky caves are usually isolated, among which Cyanovsky, Kisseli, Novo-Syanovsky, Pioneer and others are called. The length of the underground labyrinth is very large, and there is an opinion that some of the caves were dug in the days of ancient Russia for the extraction of limestone.

On weekends, there are dozens and even hundreds of people attend. The entrance to the dungeon is nusted by a feline eye. Kamelomolomen's moves and halls are also assigned original names: Meltnik, Shuchka, Venus Laz - a woman with a good figure perfectly fits into it.

At the entrance to the quarry there is a notebook - a journal of visits, where we certainly need to be noted, going down, and then secondly, leaving the caves. Under the ground it is strictly forbidden to silence and even more to dry fires. Lanterns should be directed down, and not in the face of connoisseurs.

Nikitan quarries - another system of caves of a huge length found in the mid-fifties. Currently, part of the caves is equipped for excursions. In the system, a plurality of halls and transitions with setting names: wet galleries, hedgehog, chicken and dumplomous; The coupon hall, a drunken drummer lake, a shogal well ... Some caves are considered an abnormal zone.


Despite the fact that Petersburg is a city in a swamp, its oldest underground move - almost the same age in the city itself. He was a breakthrough in the state bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress at the beginning of the XVIII century while restructuring the original tremble fortress in the stone and is located in the thickness of the sloping outer wall for the safe movement of the garrison of the fortress from the left flank of bastion to the right.

It is a tunnel of 97 meters long and about two width. Brick walls and vaults were not painted and plastered. 25 ambrazur were made in the outer wall, in the XIX century, when repairing the wall, they were laid.

The fortress for defense goals was never used, so the underground course served as a warehouse, and then it was completely covered with him, finding only the fifties of the 20th century in the fiftieth years when laying the heatingrass.

The restoration is lost and the caasemap with which it is connected, has become the gift of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg. Now the underground move is open to visit.

Another move was arranged in the Trubetsky bastion of the Petropavlovsk fortress, but he also fell asleep and still did not dug.

There are other historical dungeons in St. Petersburg. Under the area of \u200b\u200bLabor (Blagoveshchenskaya Square) there is an underground part of Kryukov Canal, hidden in the collector in the early 1840s. This underground tunnel with granite walls and brick arches was considered one of the most sinister St. Petersburg slums and was described in the novel name of the Vsevolod of the Cross: there were hid and hid bad bandits. The authorities took action, and in the 1870s, the entrance to the canal from the Neva was closed with a grille and loose.

However, in the spring of 1912, the ground was liked in the square, and then a huge pit was formed at all - these were crushing Channels. After breaking the rusty lattice already, the engineers sailed on a raft along the smelly underground waters and found that the design completely dilapidated. Then the canal fell asleep completely and forgot about him. Only in the 1990s, when an underground transition was built on the labor area, the builders came across the remains of a stone arch. A unique relic has retained by making a part of the design of the modern transition.

This endages a list of studied and studied dungeons of the Northern Capital. In most underground rooms there are only Digger enthusiasts. So the shuvalovsky park was gloomy than in 1988, two teenagers were poured into the dungeon under the mountain Parnass, and only one of them was saved. According to Digger statements, there is an extensive system of dungeons under the park. Whether this is the secret moves of the former owner of these places of Masonia Count Schivalov, whether the time of the first and second world wars are strengthened, it is difficult to say: after the tragic incident, they did not become, but they simply poured the inputs in soil.

They say, under Alexander Nevsky Lavra there is a whole labyrinth of small rooms connected by narrow transitions. Probably, initially they served a monastery prison, and later were abandoned. Now they are partially flooded with the waters of the monastery river, and the inputs in them are closed for safety. Diggers were still penetrated into the dungeon of Lavra through one of the crypts at the Nikolsky cemetery and found weapons and grenades of the Civil War.

Mikhailovsky Castle was built in less than three years on the site of the Summer Palace Elizabeth Petrovna at a special order of Paul I. For forty days, the castle was considered the residence of the emperor. Paul was very careful about his security, so he wanted to surround the water from all sides. For this, artificial channels were specifically proof, and lifting bridges are thrown through them. According to the legend, in case of a sudden flight from the castle, several underground strokes were sent out of the castle, which the emperor could use in case of danger. But he did not have time to do this, but on the contrary: according to one of the versions, it was through the underground move to the Mikhailovsky castle that the conspirators who killed Paul were penetrated.

In the neighboring summer garden, too, there seems to eat underground moves, diverged by order of Peter I. For a long time it was believed that they were long killed, but during the restoration of the summer garden after the flood of 1924 near the coffee house, they found an entrance to a deep dungeon from which It was a high and quite wide tunnel with brick walls. He led to a small vaulted room, from which moves in the direction of Marsov fields and on the opposite side of the Fontanka River. It was not possible to go through it: in a dozen meters, the path was blocked by strong iron grilles. The tunnels were viewed, described and ... Fucking. Since then, they cannot be detected.

After the start of the First World War, an angry crowd stormed the German embassy and arranged in it in it. However, from the staff suffered only the gatekeeper who did not leave his post, the rest simply did not turn out to be in the building: some unknown way they managed to escape. Then information about the existence of an underground course between the German embassy and the neighboring hotel "Astoria" came up, because both buildings built the same company. Nicholas II solved the problem of wisely, the commandments to confiscate the hotel and the adjacent plot in favor of the treasury.

It is said that under the Smolny there is an old bunker, able to withstand even atomic bombing. During the Patriotic War, he served as a command item. Under the forest of the Forestry Academy, a bunker was also built in the war, and now it is flooded, as well as most of all bomb shelter times of war.

Researcher enthusiasts argue that there are underground strokes in almost all central regions of St. Petersburg. The entrances to the catacombs were seen in the 30s on the street. Zodki Rossi, at pl. Ostrovsky, on the fountain embankment. It is possible that there are several yaruses of underground facilities in the area of \u200b\u200bSennaya Square. These connecting and intersecting basements stretch from Nevsky Prospekt to Lermontovsky. According to rumors there is an underground move in one of the houses on the fountain, which belonged to once Plato Zuben. This house is famous for its "Rotonda" - an entrance with six columns and a spiral staircase. Legends say that underground moves and caches are under the Palace of Menshikov, it is believed that the Fair Favorite hid his unpretentious wealth there.

Lithuanian Avenue for a long time was a cluster of thieves Malin and Totton. There was a whole complex of underground facilities: basements, cellars, underground kabaks and brothels connected by secret transitions. Unfortunately, they investigate these places in the main diggers, and not scientists. There are many interesting finds - Pathetones, porcelain figurines, thieves tool ... Some hoped to find the legendary treasures of Lenka Panteleeva.

There is a legend that the FSB building on Foundry Avenue has multi-storey basements with terrible torture cameras, boxing for medical experiments and even a public home for employees. But it is unlikely: the Neva is too close.

The atmosphere of these half-philanthic and undiluted dungeons recreates the "Horror of St. Petersburg" museum, which is actually located on the surface. But another museum is "the world of water of St. Petersburg" - partially underground. He tells about the history of the water supply and sewering of St. Petersburg and causes delight in children and great interest in adults.

Neighborhood of St. Petersburg

Gatchina Palace Catherine II built up as a gift to his favorite Gregory Orlov, but then their relationship has undergone changes, and Orlov was forbidden to approach St. Petersburg, and Gatchina Catherine bought and presented to his son, the future Emperor Paul I. With his name, the tradition connects the creation of an underground movement of Gatchina Palace, although the documents say others: the underground move was built simultaneously with the Palace himself.

There is a version that Alexander Fedorovich Kerensky took advantage of this underground passage, flewing in 1917 from sailors.

He really mentioned in the memoirs that the servant of the palace appeared to him and pointed out that he knew the secret, not a well-known underground move, which was entering the park behind the walls of this fortress palace. But judging by his later words, he himself hastily fled in some other way, and several of his people came to the underground move.

It is possible to go down in the underground course of 130 meters long, right from the frontal halls on the second floor. In the wall of the front door, there is a secret door on a dark narrow screw staircase, leading to the lower floor in the emperor toilet room, and then into palace basements.

The secret this move was not, on the contrary, the course and cellars of the palace were used to enjoy the guests. Thanks to the good acoustics, Echo repeats up to four syllables, and visitors of the Gatchina Palace have entertained by special "crochets". Because of this, the exit from the tunnel on the shore of the silver lake was called the grotto echo. The most famous of the vintage "cribers" - "What flower is not afraid of frost?! - Rose! "," What was the first Virgo called?! - Eva! "," Who stole the clamps?! - You!". Guides say that once long ago, horse harness was hung on the walls of the tunnel, and then for some reason it was removed. Little great princess, for some reason slainly slaughtered there and, seeing the emptiness on the walls, exclaimed inapprage: "Who stole the clamps?" "You! .. You! .. You! .." - responded echo.

Popular with tourists Question: "Who are we rules?! - Pavel!" It is said that the name of the ill-fated emperor echo repeats up to 30 times!

However, it is not worth abuse of patience of underground echo - it is possible to wake the ghost of Pavel I, in the memories of the Chief Guardian of the Palace, when in the middle of the twenties, walking with her friend in the middle of the twenties, walking with her friend, she looked at the grotto and loudly shouted the name Paul. In response from darkness, it rang out: "Died!" Girls were horrified, they did not come to mind that someone could make someone.

According to unverified information, there is another underground move, which joined the Gatchina Palace with Prioratsky. During the strengthening of the foundation of the Palace, the restorers really stumbled upon the underground course leading in the direction of water bodies, but were able to go through it only about a hundred meters.

On the River Oredige, the village of Christmas Gatchina region, near the Siveon Canyon, are a holy cave and holy source. The terrain there is very beautiful: the ripples, hills, huge boulders, clean sources, beautiful forests, blooming glade ... In these places there are often fossils of the Paleozoic era. The cave, nicknamed saint, apparently, from ancient times served as a religious place. In the XV century there was a temple over her. It has long disappeared, but so far underground waters sometimes take out the cross, chains, coins on the surface. A lot of legends are associated with this cave: they say that a whole network of underground tunnels diverges from it. Many notice in it a strange glow or human figures. Such caves in the Leningrad region are not uncommon. In the village of Zaruchye, the village of Zaruchye, on the shore of the river, the foot of the Mountain has a nun cave. Once the church was erected over the cave, but she was blown up. The cave semi-plane itself and you can only pass it for fifteen meters.

But the dungeon of Peterhof is absolutely not mysterious, although very interesting. There is a tour of the "Secrets of Peterhof Fountains" - tourists are driven by dark, ominous species of underground drive-aqueduct, where the intricate mechanics of famous fountains are located and their unique self-electrical water supply system. Tourists show workers' gallery under grottoes of a large cascade, cameras under the fetas "favorite" and "basket", include "water road" for them. And the fountain-cracker "Sofa" to visitors allow themselves to include and turn off, watering water to the walking upstairs. Special engines regulate the height of fountain jets.

There is in Peterhof and the legendary undelivered dungeon - this is an underground stroke under an alder pond. It is said that one of his exit is located on the island, where there is a cottage for friends of Nicholas I, and the other - in the basements of the Bolshoi Peterhof Cathedral.

40 kilometers from St. Petersburg is the place of Sablino, in the vicinity of which plenty of attractions: two waterfalls, the ancient mounds, the place of parking Alexander Nevsky before the battle with the Swedes, the former estate of Count AK. Tolstoy, as well as more than ten caves. The largest of them is the "left bank" - only for organized groups of visitors: the total length of its moves is five and a half kilometers, and the "wild" tourist can easily get lost. The entrance to it is close to the bridge across the Tosna River. In the cave there are three underground lakes, pretty deep and extensive, several large beautiful halls with unusual names - double-eyed, cosmic, column, anniversary, red hat and others. The walls of the caves consist of white and red sandstone, and vaults are partly from greenish limestone. Stalactites hang from the ceiling, and the floor is covered with spherical formations - "cave pearls." Those who wish to rinse their nerves can squeeze through the cat Laz. You can only do it lying, pressing your hands to the body. Even in the summer on this tour you need to dress with warming: there are always +8 degrees in the cave.

In the Sablin caves winter hundreds of volatile mice. This is the largest population in the area. It is impossible to touch them or even illuminate the bright light, since the mouse awakened in the winter dies from hunger.

In 2005, on the day of St. Nicholas, the Wonderworker in the left-bank cave is consecrated by a chapel. She serves to perpetuate the memory of the dead travelers - geographers, geologists, polar shoes, speleologists, climbers who gave their lives in the name of the ministry of science.

The Taitsky Waterwood is a self-supplying water supply system of the Tsarist village, built in 1773-1787 under the leadership of the Military engineer of Baura, the same, which was built by the first Mytishchi water supply in Moscow.

The Taitsky waterway consisted of open (about five kilometers) and underground (slightly less than four kilometers) channels with cumulative ponds and grottoes. Water came from Hannibal or Sonin Keys. Initially, he was wooden, and twenty years later he was rebuilt in stone. This water supply system supplied with water the entire population of the Tsarist village, Sofia and Pavlovsk, the Palace itself and all the park fountains until 1905, when they launched a new Oryol water supply. By that time, the condition of the waterway was already critical, and soon he was in order at all. Currently, you can see only individual fragments.

In the city of Vsevolozhsk, the Rumbolovskaya Mountain rumbolovskaya Mountain rises to the Lake Lake and Koltushi. The monument to her, decorated with oak and laure, was built in front of it, decorated with the leaves of oak and laure: "Road of Life" began.

Lovers of underground travel assure that the entire Rumba Mountain is exhausted by moves created in time immemorial times. They lead quite far away, connecting with Koltushi quarries located in good ten kilometers from Vsevolozhsk. Their center is a deep and wide well in the so-called red castle on the top of the mountain - a medieval building, which has become the basis for the estate of Vsevolozhsk. The manor has long burned down, and the ancient walls are still standing. According to local legends, the Red Castle with extensive basements was erected by order of the outstanding Swedish commander Pontus Duchadi, who participated in the Livonian War.

The Demidov Manor is located on the territory of the village of Nikolskiy Gatchina District on the banks of the Syvorki River. At the beginning of the 20th century, the manor bought the Petersburg zemstum for the device in it of a psychoneurological hospital. The founder of the hospital was an outstanding psychiatrist Peter Petrovich Kashchenko. Hospital acts in the manor and now. During a recent repair, a network of underground strokes between the estate flies was discovered. They are laid at a small depth and therefore came into complete dissent.

Vyborg is 130 kilometers to the north-west of St. Petersburg. Vyborg castle was founded by the Swedes in 1293. In the XIII century, his sentiment tower was considered the highest donjon in Scandinavia of that time. The thickness of the fortress walls was one and a half or two meters, and the thickness of the walls of the tower is four meters. Novgorodians have repeatedly made attempts to take the castle with storm, but unsuccessfully.

In the XV century, the governor of the Swedish king spent a lot of time and effort to decorate the fortress so that she would be the subject of his pride. In the middle of the next century, the famous Queen of Christina and the King Gustav Vase were here. In those days, the Vyborg Castle was considered impregnable, majestic. He served the Swedes for another fifteen years, and in 1710 after a long siege finally surrendered to the Russian. From the second half of the XVIII century, the castle began to use as a prison and the room for the placement of the garrison. Here, in particular, they contained some Decembrists. At the end of the XIX century, the castle was repaired and significantly reconstructed, while retaining only the external medieval facade. In this form, the castle reached the present day.

In the castle there is an underground move toward the river - Matveeva Yama in the early 1560s. At the beginning of the 20th century, attempts were made to explore it, but in the thirtieth stroke. Part it is used under the pipeline.

147 kilometers from St. Petersburg is the Ivangorod and the fortress of the same name. In 1492, a small fortress for protection against Livons and Swedes was laid in the radiation of the Narva River on the hill in front of the Livonian Castle, but only four years later she was captured by the Swedes. After beating the fortress, the Russians were repaired, expanded, and by the beginning of the XVI century, Ivangorod became a powerful fortification. On the contrary, on the other side of the river Narva, Livonians built their fortress - Narva, or otherwise the Castle of Herman (in this case, Herman is not a man, but the highest tower of the fortress).

Ivangorod participated many times in hostilities, passed from hand to hand, he was exploded, then they rejected again. So now, as in the old days, the border with Estonia passes along the river Narva, and in the fortress there is a borderline regime. Opposite Ivangorodskaya, the castle of Hermann is still smoking.

Lazur-fire from the dungeon Nature often retains us amazing outstands of the past. Over a century, and sometimes for the Millennium, she keeps traces of an ancient man, while his descendants thoughtlessly or accidentally find them and not read about their acts of their

From the book, the historical secrets of the Russian Empire The author Mozheiko Igor

Nevyansky dungeons. The Empire of Demidov today from Yekaterinburg to Nevyansk - two hours by train. And once on a good road, they traveled for the day. Nevyansk was the capital of the industrial kingdom of Demidov. The founder of her, the Akinfius of Demidov, was loved by Peter the Great, which

Author Burlak Vadim Nikolaevich

"The dungeons will be closed - the people disappear ..." Missing card special attention to the Moscow dungeons The Bolshevik authorities paid another spring of 1918. The emergency commission and police reported to the Soviet government about the danger emanating from the depths

From the book Moscow underground Author Burlak Vadim Nikolaevich

Green-eyed avenger from the dungeon how green two stars will be spoiled by a row, lock the gate, but descending the junior pieces. And in the hut, they sentenced many candles, do not look behind the gate, the fear of suffocating goes, and that fear goes Ivan Vasilyevich to torment, and that fear of the black cat

From the book 1953. Deadly games Author Prudnikova Elena Anatolyevna

From the book History of Russia in the life writings of its main figures. Second department Author

From the book 100 Great Treasures by Jonina Nadezhda

The treasures of the ancient dungeon in 871 and Zong, the eighteenth emperor of the Tangian dynasty ruled in China, commanded to transfer the holy relics of the Buddha Sakyamuni from the Temple of Famen to Chanan, the then capital of the country, which was at about 100 kilometers from the temple. Chinese

From the book the state of the Inca. Glory and death of the Sons of the Sun Author Stingle Miloslav

III. "PUP of the world" Illustrated story of Guamana Poma de Alyala on the Empire of Inca and its culture, so to speak, the most ancient "comic" in the world, includes an extensive text part. From it, you can find out what the inconsisers who lived here were told about the first inhabitants of the country

From the book Continent Eurasia Author Savitsky Peter Nikolaevich

Two worlds, the osuraziusia encompass the grain of the desire for the truth of the general philosophical. But in relation to Eurasia, the question is also understood as a different question: the question of the relation of the developed circle of thoughts to the violent, boiling flow of modernity. In this turn

From the book Fifth Angel Vastorbil Author Vorobyevsky Yuri Yuryevich

Avdotoin dungeons have passed several years. Together with Vladimir Ivanovich Novikov, we go to the former estate of Novikov - Nikolai Ivanovich. My companion, historian of the noble estate, culture, life of the 18th century, focuses in Avdotino perfectly.

From the book Occult roots of Nazism. Secret Aryan cults and their influence on the Nazi ideology Author Hudrik-Clark Nicholas

Descent to the "Story Dungeons" (Announcement of the Series) Book of Nicholas Hudrik-Clark "Occult Roots of Nazism" Publisher "Eurasia" opens a series under the general name of the "Dungeon of History". What lies for this? Another attempt to commercial use of secrets,

From the book Treasure and relics of the Romanov Epoch Author Nikolaev Nikolai Nikolaevich

8. Amber light from the dungeon to people who study the mystery of the disappearance of the amber room, the name of Arseny Vladimirovich Maksimova is known. He was one of the first officers of the Red Army, closely in touch with this story in 1945 at the entry of our troops in

From the book of the Strategy of Happy Couples Author Badrak Valentin Vladimirovich

Natives from the Soviet dungeon, the rebel of the spirit and passion for the distinctive, independent and purely individual creativity equally were also inherent in Rostropovich, and Vishnevskaya. Each of them passed his thorny path to the personality, and in general, their success

From the book, the Russian story in the life writings of her main figures. Second department Author Kostomarov Nikolai Ivanovich

III. From the Altrastadt world to the Prothesk World of Russia with Turkey, the People's uprising was disturbed by Peter in the east of the state, and the invasion of the Swedes was preparing from the West. After reconciling August with Karl and the Failure of the Polish king from the crown, Poland remained indefinite

From the book as America has become the world leader Author Galin Vasily Vasilyevich