The golden ring of the Kungur region. Presentation "golden ring of russia" Download presentation on golden ring

Geography teacher at economic school No. 145 in Perm

I love and I know, I know and I love

And the more I love

the more I know

In October 2007 the project "7 Wonders of Russia" was launched

Its goal is to revive patriotism, to draw attention to the restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural objects on the territory of Russia, by holding a competition to determine the seven most outstanding monuments of nature and history.

The Seven Wonders of Russia competition aroused great interest of Russian and foreign tourists to the Kungur Ice Cave.

As a result of the "Seven Wonders of Russia" competition, the influx of tourists has sharply increased, if earlier a year the cave was visited by up to 120 thousand people, then in six months the "Prikamskoye Miracle" was visited by about 90 thousand tourists. Often there were cases when tourists could not get into the cave due to sold tickets.

The Chusovaya River - the pearl of the Urals

A person who has visited the sun and wind at least once cannot forget the huge stars in the dark night sky, the mysterious whisper of trees, the mysterious dusk of caves and the fantastic whims of the wind that created amazing stone figures, majestic coastal cliffs and welcoming soft coastal meadows.

Chusovaya has unique features: it is the only river flowing through two parts of the world - Asia and Europe. You can enjoy the beauty of coastal rocks and admire the majestic pictures of the middle Urals, from the height of their 100-meter peaks

Chusovaya is the most picturesque river in the Middle Urals. The length of this Ural pearl is 592 kilometers. Limestone and dolomite giants - "STONES" give the river a fabulous beauty. The stones rise above the water from 10 to 115 meters and stretch along the coast from 30 meters to 1.5 kilometers. Many rocks on Chusovaya are taken under state protection and are natural monuments.

The river has truly become a cherished dream for many tourists.

In the upper reaches of the Chusovaya, on the basis of rich local deposits, iron works began to be actively built: Polevskoy (1722), Vasilyevo-Shaitansky (1732), Revdinsky (1734), Seversky (1735), etc.

Visit the site of a primitive man, and the ancient sanctuary of the stone "Owl" (in one of the caves of the stone were found fragments of ceramics dating from 1 thousand years BC)

You can look into the underground kingdom of caves (... the Miracle cave. Its mysterious and amazing kingdom, it hospitably opens up huge halls, then frighteningly narrows its corridors. In absolute darkness, the White Caver appears. She breathes. She is alive! ...)

To see a blue lake (... it is unique in its origin and almost sacred. The water is clean and transparent. Trees, rustling foliage, bent over the blue surface, hiding from everyone this miracle and keeping the secret hidden in the depths of the waters forever ...)

Walk part of the path along which in 1581 Yermak was looking for an exit to the Siberian rivers (... the Mezhevaya Utka river turned out to be shallow, and the squad, descending on their plows down the Chusovaya, entered the waters of the Serebryanka river ...)

Back in the 1960s, an all-Union tourist route along the river from the village of Sloboda to Chusovoy was developed, served by the Kourovskaya tourist base (since 1987 it has been called the "Chusovaya tourist base"). Up to 3,000 people took part in trips along the river and its tributaries annually

On the right bank, 326 km from the camp site in Kourovka, there are the ruins of the special regime correctional colony No. 35, which was part of the GULAG system. It was planned to build Vashkurskaya, Ponyshskaya hydroelectric power station. Among tourists this place is called "Stvor".

Monument to Demidov

(Sverdlovsk region.)

The Demidov cross was erected in honor of the birth of Nikita's son at this place by State Councilor Ankifiy Demidov on May 31, 1779 (the monumental memorial cross is made of a solid stone 2.6 meters high)

Demidovs coat of arms

Kungur Ice Cave

Kungurskaya Cave is a unique natural monument covered with many legends.

The total length of all passages of the cave is 5 km 600 m.

The length of the tourist passages is 1 km 500 m.

According to scientists, the age of the cave is 10-12 thousand years.

There are 70 lakes in the Kungur ice cave, all of them are interconnected, as well as with the Sylva river. The largest is called the Big Lake, occupying an area of \u200b\u200babout 1300 cubic meters. m., the depth reaches 3 m.

On the shore of the beautiful Sylva, in the ancient city of Kungur, in the bowels of the Ice Mountain, the pearl of the Urals is hidden - the Kungur Ice Cave.

The pearl of nature is the seventh longest in the world among gypsum caves, perhaps the first in beauty. The magic of underground lakes and gigantic grottoes, the frozen poetry of ice and stone transport tourists to the fantastic world of an ancient cave.

Kungur Ice Cave is the leader among the attractions, it could be included in the list of "Seven Wonders of Russia"

There are 48 grottoes in the Kungur cave

The underground kingdom of stalactites and stalagmites, a frozen symphony of stone and ice, grandeur and galactic silence - all this leaves an incomparable sensation.

The beauty, grandeur and history of the exploration of the cave are reflected in the names of the grottoes: Diamond, Cosmic, Dante, Ruins, Geologists, Brave, Giant, Polar, etc.

The Kungur Ice Cave is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the Urals, a natural monument of all-Russian importance. The only cave in Russia, well equipped for excursions.

Information about the cave.

The length of all passages of the cave is 5 km 700 m;

number of grottoes - 58 (the largest is the Geographers' grotto - 50 thousand m2, on tourist route - Giant grotto - 45 thousand m2);

number of lakes - 70 (the largest is the Big Underground Lake, area 1460 m2);

the average air temperature in the center of the cave is + 5 ° С, in the first diamond grotto - in summer: -2, -3 degrees, in winter: -10, -15 degrees of frost;

relative humidity in the center of the cave - 100%.

According to one of the legends, in 1578-1579 Yermak's detachment wintered in the vicinity of the cave, before the campaign to Siberia.

Study history.

Kungur Ice Cave has been known in science since 1703, when S.U. Remezov, a scientist from Tobolsk, created the first plan of the cave. Later, the Ice Cave was visited by V.N. Tatishchev, who for the first time in Russia correctly explained the origin of underground voids. In the future, famous scientists I. Gmelin, I. Lepekhin, M. Kittara, and in Soviet times, Professor G. Maksimovich and others wrote about the cave. In 1948, a scientific station was created at the cave, where the famous researchers of the Kungur cave V. Lukin and E. Dorofeev worked. Currently, young scientists of the hospital are constantly monitoring the state of the Ice Cave.

In 1959, an ancient cave painting was discovered (refer to the ancient Stone Age).

Kungur Ice Caves

I visited the Kungursky caves.

I have never seen such beauty!

Cool grottoes with wonderful lighting

And the stories of the guide are bright, interesting!

Their history in the depths of centuries calls us -

People have been here since ancient times ...

Grotto Diamond, Crypt and Cross

They beckon with a magical and new picture.

The Meteoric Grotto will not be forgotten -

In the darkness of the night, a meteor flies there.

"Lady's Tears" from the past centuries

Everyone is checked - are you ready to pass?

This passage is very slippery -

But the lakes are waiting and I rush forward!

The Titanic Grotto - here we are.

In the waters of transparent vaults are visible ...

Grotto Giant greets us all with a tree -

Fresh greens all year round amazes.

In the last grotto with the name HSE

The mouse pleases the kids from the lump.

I am glad and happy that I have seen

The Kungurskie caves are the pride of the Urals!

I will advise everyone to go there -

These beauties cannot be described!

Northern Beauty - Diamond Vishera

The Vishera region is rich in minerals. Geographical names also "speak" of the wealth of mineral resources: the Golden Stone, the Zolotanka River.

Vishera, one of the most picturesque rivers in the Urals, has the character of a fast mountain river flowing in a narrow valley. Its length is 415 km. The fifth longest river in the Perm Territory.

Crystal-clear, fast water, high, steep banks, decorated with bizarre rocks, fish wealth have always attracted thousands of tourists to Vishera and its tributaries. In the upper reaches of the Vishera, there is the largest population of grayling and taimen in the region.

Limestone cliffs rise along the banks of the river; in the Urals they are called stones. Stones Vetlan, Pillars, Dyrovaty are interesting for their height, forms, karst caves,

talkative stone got its name for its strong echo.

Numerous drawings of ancient hunters of the 3rd millennium BC have been preserved on the sheer rock of the Pisany stone. Various animals and hunting scenes are depicted on the "scribes".

The whole world is known for its purity - Vishera diamonds, which are mined on the Vishera tributary to the Bolshoi Shchugor River.

About 150 species of the region's flora are rare and subject to protection. At the end of summer, there is an abundance of berries, mushrooms, pine nuts.

The fauna of the region is unusually diverse due to the fact that it is represented by species of European and Siberian fauna.

Reserve "Vishersky".

This is the most beautiful corner of the Northern Urals. The highest ridge of the Western Urals - Tulymsky Kamen (1469 meters) is located here.

Geographical position

The reserve is located on the western slope of the Northern Urals, covering the upper reaches of the river. Vishera; in the Krasnovishersky district of the Perm region.

Founded on February 26, 1991, protected area is 2,412 square kilometers (241.2 thousand hectares)

In total, 400 species of plants are registered in the reserve, 122 of which have received the status of very rare in the region and the country.

There are numerous karst forms on the territory of the reserve - craters, caves, blind valleys.

The vegetation is characterized by altitudinal zoning - from middle taiga spruce-fir forests to mountain tundra and cold mountain deserts.

In terms of the size of the protected area, the Vishersky Reserve ranks 6th among 39 similar ones in European Russia. Far superior to well-known European dwarf states

In the reserve, work is carried out on the protection of the territory and registration of animals, a variety of scientific research, environmental propaganda and education are carried out.

Here, far from people, the holy places of the Mansi people are hidden.

If you go up the mountains from the river, then a narrow belt of subalpine meadows will open behind the forests. In the summer they are covered with lush grass, the variety of greenery and flowers pleases the eye.

It is said that anomalous phenomena most often occur in these places: the glow of metal objects standing on the ground; flashes and rays of light emanating from the mountains; underground hum. There are many more secrets and mysteries hidden in this reserved land ...

Orda cave

This cave is increasingly called "Russian Florida", but it fundamentally differs from the famous American cave area in that our water temperature is stable + 5 ° C.

Underwater cave # 1 in Russia and the CIS. Largest underwater cave system Russia. Today the total length of the explored underwater passages is 2.5 km.

As in a fairy tale, diving into this well, you will find the way to another world - to the bizarre water labyrinths stretching for several kilometers. In the bright light of the lantern, you can look at the amazing sculpture of the walls of the ancient kingdom, which has existed for many millennia.

A wonderful picture opens from the top of the hill - below you the Kungurka river winds under you, and from above you can see the whole bottom of this river, such transparent water in it.

Located on the left bank of the Kungur River, not far from the regional center Orda.

Formed about 10-12 thousand years ago.

Ordinskaya cave is the sister of the famous Kungurskaya.

Only 300 out of 1550 meters of the total length of the Ordynskaya cave are dry passages and halls, and 1250 meters are underwater galleries.

Underwater galleries alternate with wide halls, from which thin winding passages can be seen (the so-called "sidewalls").

The entrance to the cave, however, is quite high - somewhere in the middle of Kazakovskaya mountain, in which it is located.

Amazing possibility of free swimming in the cave in any direction. A mixture of delight, excitement and adrenaline!

Layered cake of gypsum walls, snow frost and ice decorations, the purest clear water, magnificent spacious grottoes.

The transparent, greenish-bluish lake is the entrance to the underwater kingdom.

Kvarkush ridge

Kvarkush is a plateau-like mountain range in the Northern Urals, in the basin of the river. Vishera.

The length of the ridge is 60 km, the width reaches 12-15 kilometers, and the height is up to 800-850 m.

The highest point of the ridge is Vogulsky Kamen (1066 m)

These protected areas are like a fairytale forest and alpine meadows at the same time. .

This is a land where mushrooms are larger than trees, where moss carpets are laid, and you can easily find Baba Yaga's hut.

Here you can meet such unique natural phenomena as raised bogs, which sometimes appear before the gaze in the form of small lakes with bright blue water.

It is snow in the middle of summer at the foot of many peaks,

bear paradise with an abundance of different berries and reindeer that can be hand-fed.

The uniqueness of this place is that almost all types of natural landscapes that can be found in the mountains of the Northern and Middle Urals are concentrated here on a relatively small area - fir-spruce taiga, mountain taiga, subalpine meadows, fir-spruce and birch crooked forests, mountain tundra , mountain swamps.

And yet this is a place with a special, incomparable energy. It offers a simply stunning view - the entire Main Ural ridge at a glance!

The zest of the ridge is the Zhigalan waterfalls, located on the steeply dipping Zhigalan River (left tributary of the Uls River), declared a hydrological natural monument. With a length of 8 kilometers, the river falls in height by 700 meters, forming an amazingly beautiful cascade of waterfalls.

“There is snow, there is a mountainous country, tundra. And here are glades, alpine meadows! What an incredible neighborhood, what a miracle of nature! Would you believe in it without seeing it with your own eyes? ”- Quote of the famous writer Viktor Astafiev

Lake Adovo

Lake Adovo is a natural monument. It is already several thousand years old. A lot of legends and traditions of the Finno-Ugric peoples are associated with it.

The natural monument Lake Adovo is located just north of Gain, near the village of Serebryanka. Not many people managed to see the lake with their own eyes - it is surrounded by swampy terrain and it is rather difficult to get there.

Water surface: 3.68 km2

Height above sea level: 160.9 m

The lake has crystal clear water and white quartz sand. The lake has a double bottom, and in the spring there is a curious phenomenon - boiling water: this is probably how peat gases come out.

The depth reaches 6 meters.

Legends say that the lake was created by an evil spirit, therefore there is no access to it. It is believed that the lake is never calm during the day and at night the waves are raging on it, and in the middle there is such a whirlpool that if you swim up to it in a boat it will instantly tighten.

Hell's Lake is a large egg-shaped one with low swampy shores. The water is as light as spring water. Ducks and geese nest here, sometimes white swans are found. Around the lake is shallow pine forest, in which there is a lot of upland game.

Every year the lake is getting smaller: human activity bears its "fruits" (deforestation).

The Basegi reserve is a real pearl of the harsh Ural region.

S \u003d 37 935 ha.

The charm of the wild nature of this taiga in 1982 led to the creation of a state reserve, on the basis of which it was also planned to study the middle taiga forests.

The reserve was created to preserve the original nature of the Cis-Urals, which is a mountain taiga located on a ridge.

This territory is the highest part of the Middle Urals and is located on the watershed of the tributaries of the Chusovaya River - Usva and Vilva.

Basegi are of great scientific value in geological terms.

Due to the rather high diversity of mammals, birds, amphibians, etc., scientific research is often carried out on the base of Basegi, as the territory attracts a variety of scientists. The flora of the reserve is still insufficiently studied, which practically makes it possible to make your first scientific discovery or find a vocation in life.

In all parts of the reserve there are historical and archaeological monuments - burial mounds and burial mounds belonging to the Sarmatian culture of the 7th-3rd centuries BC, as well as the tribes of the late nomads of the Middle Ages.

The flora and fauna of the reserve is very rich: 50 species of mammals, 184 bird species , 17 types of fish, which is due, inter alia, to the fact that there are three landscape belts. Particularly widespread are sub-belts of mountain tundra, subalpine meadows, woodlands and crooked forests - and all this on the territory of one Basega.

Not everyone knows that so close - right on the territory of our region - in this reserve you can find such rare mammals in our places as badger, wolverine and black polecat. There are also bears, wolves, foxes, ermines and martens, and a huge number of rodents serve as good food for most of these predators. In addition to game birds, there are predators such as peregrine falcon and white-tailed eagle, as well as a wide variety of songbirds. At the same time, the list of bird species found on the Baseg territory is constantly growing.

Many plants are listed in the Red Book or are simply quite rare. Therefore, it is necessary to be extremely careful with this forest pearl of the Middle Urals. In the Basegi reserve you can enjoy the beauties of the nature of your native land, it is enough to see all this once to understand that it is already impossible to forget it.

If you ever drive along the Perm-Yekaterinburg highway, be sure to check out the small town of Kungur. The city has its own interesting history and since 1970 it has been officially recognized as the historical city of Russia

The city has its own coat of arms and flag.

The city was rebuilt by 1649 by settlers led by voivods from Cherdyn and Solikamsk, when a letter came from the Great Sovereign Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov, where it was said: "It was ordered on Kungur, having found a place where a support, and to make a fort"

The high and steep climb represented a natural defense against attack. The city burned down, destroyed and rebuilt again. The official date of its foundation is considered to be 1663.

At the very beginning of 1774, the Tatar, Bashkir and rebellious Cossack detachments of the "thief" Pugachev under the command of Salavat Yulaev and Ivan Kuznetsov, a total of about 11 thousand, approached Kungur. , for which he was subsequently deprived of ranks and exiled to Vyatka. The organization of defense was taken up by the burgomaster Philip Krotov and the president of the magistrate Ivan Khlebnikov, who polls armed the townspeople and asked for help in the surrounding towns. After the Pugachev events, in 1775, F. Krotov and the merchant Emelyan Khlebnikov received swords, and Kunguru was forgiven for the arrears of 5,069 rubles. 95 kopecks

The streets of the old city remember the Pugachev revolt, the ringing of the shackles of the Decembrists, the noise of the fairs.

In 1790, Alexander Radishchev came to Kungur on his way to exile. For a period from November 28 to December 4, he stayed at the governor's house. He wrote about Kungur:

nbsp; The city is ancient, poorly built. Former provincial ... On the mountain there is an old fortress, i.e. fence with towers, in which gates. On the square in front of the fence there are 20 cast-iron cannons on carriages, of which three are good ... The place is beautiful, there are fields around ...


In 1837, Vasily Zhukovsky visited Kungur, accompanying the future Emperor Alexander II on his study tour of Russia. According to legend, he spoke of the city with an epigram:

"The city is in a hole, the people are drunk."

The city is located on the banks of the Sylva River and the rivers Ireni and Shakva flowing into it

Bridge over the Sylva river in the city center

The city developed by crafts and trade. TOupets Aleksey Gubkin founded a tea trade in Kungur, which, through the efforts of him and other Kungur entrepreneurs, soon turns the city into a large tea wholesale center.

Stone-cutting industries, the creation of ceramics, leather production were opened

The estate of the merchant Dubinin 1879

Small Guest House 1860 - 1870 Now - the Museum of Merchants

There is also a local "Arbat" - a pedestrian embankment

Temples are the real property of Kungur.

Church of the Icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God, late 19th century

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The Golden Ring of Russia Compiled by: G. Larionova, primary school teacher, secondary school No. 27, Tver

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Sergiev Posad We start our journey along the Golden Ring from Moscow. We are going to the northeast. And so we arrive in the city of Sergiev Posad.

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The city of Sergiev Posad is named after St. Sergius of Radonezh, who founded a large monastery here. This monastery is called the Trinity-Sergius Lavra. The word "lavra" means the main, most important monastery. And it is indeed recognized as the main monastery of Russia

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky From Sergiev Posad we go to Pereslavl-Zalessky

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Pereslavl-Zalessky is a city that, like Moscow, was founded by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. Ancient churches and other architectural monuments have been preserved here. The pearl of Russia - Lake Pleshcheyevo, amazing in beauty and purity - is one of the main values \u200b\u200bof Pereslavl-Zalessky. The lake is of glacial origin, its age is about 30 thousand years. The Goritsky Assumption Monastery was founded in the 16th century. under Ivan Kalita.

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Rostov. This city is one of the most ancient in the Golden Ring, and in ancient times it was respectfully called the Great. The most remarkable part of the city is the Rostov Kremlin. Behind its white walls you can see the numerous domes of churches, the bells of which are famous for their melodic ringing. Rostov ringing is recorded on audio tapes, laser discs and is known all over the world. In Rostov we will definitely admire the famous Rostov enamel. These are very beautiful jewelry with enamel - brooches, earrings, bracelets. They have been made here for several centuries.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich The next stop on our route is the city of Uglich.

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Uglich. It stands on the Volga River. The name of the city may have come from the word "corner". The river in this place bends, flows "in an angle". There are many ancient monuments in Uglich. Besides them, the Uglich hydroelectric power station is of interest - one of the first hydroelectric power stations built on the Volga. There is also a large watch factory in Uglich, where the Chaika watches are made. Uglich Kremlin, Church of Tsarevich Dimitri on the Blood (1692) Panorama of the Uglich Kremlin from the Volga View of the Uglich hydroelectric power station from st. The Spassky Chamber of Tsarevich Dmitry View of the Assumption Square in Uglich

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl From Uglich we will go to Yaroslavl

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Yaroslavl is the largest city in the Golden Ring. It was founded by Prince Yaroslav the Wise, whose name it bears. The city also stands on the Volga. Along the river you can walk along a very beautiful embankment. In the city center we will see a monument to Fyodor Grigorievich Volkov. This remarkable person created the first public theater in Russia in Yaroslavl. That is why Yaroslavl is called the birthplace of the Russian theater. Monument to Yaroslav the Wise Theater named after F. Volkov and monument to F. Volkov

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma The next city on the Volga, where we will stay, is Kostroma.

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Kostroma. If you look at the city plan, you will notice that the streets here are arranged in a fan-like manner. There is a legend that explains this. When Empress Catherine II ordered to rebuild the city, she was asked what she wants to see Kostroma. At that moment, the Empress unfolded her fan. So they made the city so unusual. In the part of the city where the streets converge, there are old shopping arcades. They have been trading in them for several centuries. Each product had its own place. This is indicated by the names - Big and Small flour rows, Oil rows, Gingerbread rows ...

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Continuing our way along the great Russian river, we will visit another beautiful city on the Volga - Plyos.

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Plyos. It got its name from the river stretch, that is, the wide part of the river between two bends. Plyos is a city of artists. We will definitely see them at work here. They are attracted by the extraordinary beauty of the city and its surroundings. Artists have come here in the past as well. Plyos was especially fond of the Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900). Now the city has a museum of I.I. Levitan.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Suzdal From Plyos we will go to Suzdal

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The city has the famous Museum of Wooden Architecture, which contains old wooden buildings - churches, huts, a mill, etc.

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Sergiev Posad Pereslavl - Zalessky Rostov Uglich Yaroslavl Kostroma Plyos Suzdal Vladimir It is not far from Suzdal to Vladimir.

Do you know what the expression “Perm - salty ears” means? Permyanka salt - fine and white. It seems to be watered with blood and sweat, but still clean. It was salt that made the Perm Territory famous in the 17th century. There was not enough salt in Russia. It was bought abroad, it was worth its weight in gold, they were looking for it literally as actively as gold in the era of the gold rush. The Kama region was rich in saline ground water - brines. Salt was boiled out on the Solikamsk soil in difficult conditions. Poverty is everywhere undisguised. The barns were salty through and through. Here they sweat salty solutions and cry salty tears. Salt is in the air, it is deposited on the mustache, beard…. Salt is carried in bags on the back, the brine flows to the ears, corroding them ... Hence the saying becomes clear ... And even now in the vicinity of Usolye and Solikamsk one can find fontanels, the shores of which are, as it were, powdered with white snow in summer - these are salt crystals from dried spray ... Moose, wild boars and wolves come to these fontanels to lick salt.

Cherdyn - the ancient capital of the Urals
Cherdyn, Cherdyn the Great, What are you great about? The Kolva-river slumbers in old age, sobbing ... V. Radkevich
"Cherdyn" from the Permian Komi language is translated as "settlement at the mouth of the stream"
1451 - the first written mention of Cherdyn
Fortress Cherdyn.
Such for many tens of kilometers is the handsome Polyud
On the top of Mount Polyudov Kamen
Modern coat of arms of the city of Cherdyn
1601 - the imprisonment of boyar Mikhail Nikitich Romanov, uncle of the first Russian tsar from the Romanov dynasty
The shackles of the boyar Mikhail Romanov
Cherdyn - a city-monument
Resurrection Cathedral
John the Theological Church
Nikolskaya church in the village of Nyrob, Cherdynsky district
Church of the Transfiguration from the village of Yanidor, Cherdyn region. 1702 Architectural and Ethnographic Museum "Khokhlovka"
Cherdyn is a city-monument. Such reserved places must be protected and preserved.
To repeat and teach is to sharpen the mind. Russian proverb
How is the word “cherdyn” translated from the Permian Komi language?
A) "melt water" B) "settlement at the mouth of the stream" C) "distant land"
What is the date of the first mention of Cherdyn in written sources?
A) 1451 B) 1601 C) 1430
What is the name of the mountain in the vicinity of Cherdyn?
A) Vetlan B) Mentioned C) Polyud
What is depicted on the coat of arms of the city of Cherdyn?
A) cornucopia B) moose on the top of the mountain C) salt well
Rearrange the letters to make a word.
Much in Cherdyn was the first in the Kama region

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