Lake in the world of Natron. Lake Natron turns animals into stone statues

On the border with the Republic of Kenya, lake Natron spreaded in North Tanzania. It is a unique reservoir, because only here travelers can enjoy the indescribable spectacle - 2,000,000 magenta small flamingos. But high alkalinity and water temperature is detrimental for many animals. Their remains are solidified and coated with minerals.

Natron Lake in Tanzania: Characteristics

The depth of the lake Natron is very small, because in some places it does not even reach 3 meters. The area, on the contrary, is rather big - 1344 km2. Since the air temperature in this area often intersects the mark of 50 ° C, the water in Natron also warms up to such indicators.

Natron is an integral part of the most active volcanic system to date - a large African fled. Explicit manifestations of seismic activity relatively recently showed a near Vulcan Aldono Lengai. So, he was dried in October 2008, and after a couple of years he woke up.

Lake Flamingo is a unique creation of nature that needs to be transferred to the next generations. To do this, his pool has been under protection, enrolling the places of international importance.

Red lake

The name of the lake is translated as "red". Most likely, local tribes The impertons of the centuries were typical of the Natron, because of the large amount of salt, creating a certain film on the surface of the water. Under these conditions, cyanobacteria behave actively, whose pigments as a result of photosynthesis change towards the red shade. They are not so active in shallow water, and therefore orange color can be traced at small depths.

Natron - one of the few reproduction places of small flamingo

Let's go back to the inhabitants of the lake - Small Flamingo, which usually live in distant places. If you decide to come here from about them, it is best to go on a journey in the summer: during this period, the reproduction of birds begins, and therefore the pink colors come from their quantity.

Dead Lake Natron

Nevertheless, the high alkalinity and temperature of the lake Natron create such conditions that many animals, mostly birds, accidentally fall into the water, die and their remains are solidified and coated with minerals. Only a few species of animals can live here. And the small flamingo is thus even protected from predators.

Of course, swimming and even rinse hands in the lake is not worth it. Any contact with water threatens burns and blizzards.

Pastures of the Sayley tribe

The owners of Lake Natron can be called the Salei tribe belonging to the genus Masai. All their lives, these people spend the search for the best pasture around the shores of the lake. Masai is a warlike people, because they have been accustomed to protect their territory from a long time. Fortunately, tourists, now the inhabitants of Northern Tanzania are set up much liberally in relation to visitors.

Interestingly, the group of scientists has found in the vicinity of Lake Natron, the remains of Homo Sapiens, which are more than 30,000 years old.

How to get

It is most convenient to get to the lake from the nearest city of Aruci, located 240 kilometers.

Arushi can be reached by bus from Nairobi (4 hours rounds), dodoma (6 hours) and Dar Es Salaam (9 hours). Also 50 km from Arushi is located international Airport Kilimanjaro.

Natron does not exist organized excursions to Lake, but his visit is included in Tours to the Oldo-Lengai Volcano. One of the best ways to get to the lake is to rent an SUV and hire a guide to Arushi, but the individual program will come about a third more expensive than the standard tour. But absolutely accurate - you should not go to the Natron without escorting from the local.

Where to stay

Before you go on a trip, reserve a room at the hotel. Take a look at the 5 star hotel Exploreans Ngorongoro Lodge, Which offers the best conditions on the background of wildlife of Africa.

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The solar mainland on our planet is Africa. Almost its entire territory is located in equatorial and subtropical climatic belts. The nature of this continent is very inhomogeneous. Over the past hundred years, due to the ruthless relationship, due to the colonization of the territories, it has changed a lot, yet an amazing animal and vegetable world Continue attracting attention to their variety and originality.

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Recently, a person has become more humane to relate to the environment. In Africa, there has been a huge number of national natural reserves. Especially where there is water and they are full of life variety. One of the states equipped by Africa water resources, is Tanzania. There are many such parks, they are rich in exotic representatives of flora and fauna, which are found only in these places.

In the northern part of the country, on the border with Kenya is unusual lake. It is called Natron, according to the name of the mineral, sodium carbonate prevailing in it. Its depth Even in the season of shower from May to December does not exceed three meters. It feeds on the lake thermal springs and the Evaso Ngiro River, which originates in the north, in Kenya, in very rich minerals of the terrain. The maximum length of the natron 57km, width 22km, while the outlines of the shores are constantly changing under the influence of the Sun.

Why dying birds

Lake water contains a lot of salt, soda, other minerals. In the hot period of the year, the concentration of them is so large that the surface of the water resembles a mirror, and becomes invisible to birds and other animals. And since the temperature of it reaches 50 degrees Celsius, chances to survive in living beings, apparently mistakenly in a trap, practically no. Animals, falling into the water, instantly die, and their carcasses, covered with minerals, hardened and become similar to stone sculptures, remain on the shore, which looks like a snow-white desert desert.

Frightening beauty of the lake

Unique photographs were made by the creator of many popular video clips by the Nick Brandt on the Natron Lake. The artist showed lifeless birds, bats in motion. Its photos fascinate with black and white grace, resemble scenes from horror films.

This is not the only frightening feature of the lake. Halophilic cyanobacteria live in his waters. Absorbing light, they blush. From this water where deeper, becomes bloody, on shallow water of pink and orange. Since the concentration of minerals is high, it is covered with a crust, which deactivates the surface with the pattern, gives it a cracked appearance.

The lake takes very sinister outlines. For the completeness of impressions, the smell is also attached, which exudes evaporating water saturated with alkali. Especially from the aerial view, the landscape is frightened, at the same time admires his devilish charm.

Inhabitants of the lake

It is worth noting that such lifeless paintings accompany the lake not throughout and not all the time. The beauty of the Natron is not so fatal. In its waters, besides bacteria, fish are found. Of course, unusual fish, as local water has chosen their habitat. This is alkaline telepium. Moreover, there are two types of them here. I must say that these types of telepia are no longer found anywhere. Fans of aquarium fish appreciate them for unpretentiousness and beauty: Golden with blue fins. Gourmet - for the abundance of protein and taste.

The zone of the lake serves as an excellent refuge for two and a half million small flamingos. Every year they arrive here. This is almost the only place suitable for their reproduction. The unpleasant smell and high temperature of the water scare predators and make suitable salt islands of the lake for the safe surgery of eggs, the cultivation of chicks.

Impressively look at huge, constantly mechanical pink fields. And absolutely no one else will leave the balloons. Of course, we all have seen on TV a picture of a huge clutter flamingo, but no operator can pass the sounds of wings, mixed with the cries of birds, and the special air of the Natron lake.


The reservoir is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe large rift fault. This is almost the most active volcanic zone of our planet. Volcano Ol Dono Lengai, next to which the lake is located, does not sleep. From time to time he falls asleeps surrounding areas, and so rich life. Translated from the language of local tribes, this volcano is called "Mount of Gods".

According to legends, Natron is a bedspread, which created perfumes living in a volcano for God Lengai, the creator of all living on the myths of the indigenous population. People bringing civilization to these areas were going to build a chemical plant for the extraction of caustic soda on the shore of the lake and the power plant in the northern part of it. But the local shamans dissuade them, motivating this by the fact that you can call the wrath of the gods, therefore, the eruption of the volcano. Construction plans suspended, but further fate Lake Natron Unknown.

The indigenous inhabitants of these places - the Salya tribe from the kind of mass. They breed livestock, sell meat, milk. By giving this tribe of the Great Warriors. They learned to this art from the Legion of Roman warriors, once lost in these areas of Africa. Each man who has reached the age of 15, according to an ancient custom, proves his skill in fights with tribesmen, they should well own a spear, onions, be able to masterfully hunt.

The territory adjacent to the lake has a practically untouched species. In addition to the villages of local tribes that are constantly worshiped in search of the best pastures, there are only a few campgrounds that take a few tourists who want to rise to the mountain peaks, to Zherel volcanoes, hunt for buffalo, savanna zebra, lion, hyena, jackal, leopard, small cats , some antelope and gazelles, other animals.

Especially popular here is the so-called photo safari. After all, such frightening landscapes, as on the lake Natron, there is no more anywhere. And, although there are still many salt water bodies on Earth, such excuses imagination and chilling soul are not found.

March 16th, 2012, 01:10 pm

On the lake Natron we recovered at the very beginning of our large East African travel.

In Arusha, cars were taken and on the road! True, instead of three Toyot Hilux, which we promised, we got two Land Crupes Prado in good condition, and on the machine, and one old launched Land Cruiser on the handle, which was spawned on the go and gave us many unforgettable adventures))

We were just happy to a piggy squeal when our cars brought! And it was so. Rent car the company was chosen in Moscow (on the Internet) on the principle of "the cheapest" of those who were ready to give us a car in Tanzania, and pick up in Kenya. In the evening, on the eve of departure to Natron Machines were to drive to us at the hotel by 18:00. But neither in 18, nor in 19, no 20 cars were. Started trying to reach our company (4x4 kenya). The problem got up - how to call the Kenyan number from Tanzania.

Girls at the reception of the hotel kindly gave us even their mobile phones and tried to get through, but in vain. Whether the number was wrong, whether they did not know the Kenya code ... "Eureka!" - Suddenly says one of them. "We in the 210m number stopped Kenyan businessman! He will help us!"

We send a delegation from 6th people led by Tanzanian with a reception in the 210y number. Knock Knock. Poped Kenya opens the door, his eyes are rounded, "Jambo!". The entrepreneur is happily agreed to help us. Let him give him a piece of details. He takes her, looks, shakes his head. Rooms without codes of the city. "It is very suspicious, I'm afraid you were deceived. In Kenya there are a lot of false people. They may have a beautiful site, but after they receive money ... How much did you pay them?". We transferred to them 20%. He is immediately remembered that before the trip they offered to list full payment ... But still I can not believe. So many letters of correspondence, the story about some incident in Ngoronoro, where our High suites broke down and we promised Land Rovers in return.

Finally, Kenya, after all, putting the country code correctly, dials up one of the phones. Carefully listen to the conversation.
"This is pho bai pho kenya? I want to order your 4x4 car." Interesting:)
"And that's all you have? May Friends, this is not a 4x4 machine"
"My friends are waiting for your cars in the hotel in Arusha." Pi-Pi-Pi - Throw the phone.

Kenya smiles wide, exposing her snow-white teeth: "May Friends, you inflated! This is some kind of crap, and not 4x4 company."
His smile is so wide and sympathize to our grief that it is difficult for him not to believe. Thank it. He escorts us, sighs heavily after ...

We go to look for the Internet to go to the site 4x4 Kenya. After long searches we find the already closing Internet cafe. We persuade the hostess check mail for 5 minutes. We write down the phones from the site 4x4 Kenya. The first phone is different from the phone on our printed configrene. All the same thing, but in one lack the last digit. For sure, some kind of upful.

As a result, we agree on the meeting in the morning with the local car hire and go to bed ...

The night was mysterious and mysterious ... Cyril dreamed of sleep ... knock on the door. On the threshold the same girl with a reception. " Goodnight"," she says (in Russian !!!). A representative of 4x4 came. He went to sleep - in the morning at 09:00 will wait for you at the reception. And the cars did not see cars.

Here Kirill understands that he sits on the bed and sleeps. And even did not get anywhere .... Bryaks, falls asleep further.

It turns out that there is really a dude from 4x4 came, sleeps and will wait for us at 09:00. Stunning! Soon come our cars. Akun Matata !!! Yesterday at 18:00, they only leak up from Nairobi to us.

We draw up documents, we trade about the deposit (not in vain - one did not return to the card), I pack things in the car (it turned out to be not easy - especially because of the huge chairs that we were given) and on the road!

200 km on a good asphalt road We flew quickly. It remains 100-150 km on the primer directly to the campsite near the lake. They were overcome for a long time, and not so much because of the bad road, but from many stops for the first pictures of real non-cereal Africa!

At first we could not drive by a noble Baobab.

Then they could not not arrange a photo session to local residents who were collecting a twig.
Interestingly, each each has a key hanging :)

Tied a little.

Met our first little animals in this African trip! And anywhere somewhere in the park, but that is neither wildlife! Just a dirt road!

First donkey))

Then the giraffes somewhere far-distantooo

AAA! Zebras! Chase behind them! Not caught up))

A few Thompson Gazelles, which we accepted from Namibia for Springbok.

And finally, the giraffe is completely close!))

But already felt and it was necessary to hurry. We still have to find our campsite, the location of which we weakly imagined, and put the first time the tents, which were included in Ful Camping Equipment to machines.

Hummer. Moving a few gates, on each of which money was collected from us (it is not clear for what - the place is not a national park), on the signs and tips of the local we finally found our campsite! We were given the platform for tents and even helped them.

In the morning, we immediately went to the lake! Fortunately, it shined a wide blue spot on our GPS navigators. At first they drove along the road around the lake, but the road suddenly began to leave somewhere aside. Returned, rolled at random on one of the turns. Our column of three jeeps passed (through off-road - there was no roads) the local village, drove the dried river. On the maps we approach the Natron. Lake? Where is the promised red pitch? Empty. Going on. Looks like this part dried. Surface smooth. Perfect place For racing and installing speed records!

Gasoline Prado easily wins the race. He is already on the finish, when the Diesel Prado and the old cruise just accelerate. Krusaka is very bad. Refused 4x4 mode. The soil becomes more wet, the wheels are knocked out. Bounce.
4x4 mode managed to reproduce only in this way:

In the rainy season here, of course, everything is under water. But now, the water on the horizon seems to be very close!

Throw a cruise, we will fool in 2 Prado and go to the water! We must reach it! Where is the flamingo in the end?! Not a season? We are riding. It becomes dumb like on all-wheel drive Prado we will blame. Stop. We look back ...

Left crue stands in water. Damn it! This is all the mirage! No water, no flamingos, no life!

Deploy, we go back. From the dock to overcome the Natron failed. Time is little - at night to rise at Ol Donio Lengai! We must search in the village of Guide for climbing. At the same time, he can still have fun Flamingo today!

Back Kruzaka becomes completely hard to go. Looks like every step.

Neither soul
but as soon as we got - from where neither Masai assistants will take!

Time went, you could not pull the car. It turned out that we have no cable, and the jacks are broken ...
Let's go on one of the cars to the camp in search of the cable. But while we went, the guys guessed to remove the vehicle from the car and use them as a cable! Hurray, pulled out!

On the way to the camp, found water! True without flamingo ... but clearly alkaline.

Immediately Masai appeared! How do they only take!

Throw mom with a child and grandmother to the village. 7 people in the car - fun and advantage on Prado!))

Finally, returned to the campsite. Left most of the group rest and went to the village to look for a guide for climbing Ol Dono Lengai. No one promised to be easy. Guide found noble. By name Bura. Solid man 56 years old. As he told us later, 20 years already drives tourists to the peak of the volcano. Bad rams. Well, in general, we were aligned with us))

Time to the evening there was also a borah kindly agreed to find us Flamingo! Yukhu! It turned out in the morning we went completely into another part of the lake.

They took all of the camp and after half an hour droves were on ... Lake. This, of course, is also not Tanganyik and not Baikal, but still the water was a little more than we found the day.
And it certainly was not a mirage!
And Flamingo! Flamingo was also!

We admired flocks of Flamingo flying from place to place (as we kindly asked them kind))) against the background of the setting sun. And above us, the majestic volcano Ol Dono Lengai, which is recently toured over the entire virgin African nature, which is completely recently ejected, throwing out powerful lava streams from his crater.

He hung over us so terrible and powerfully that it absolutely did not believe that overnight (start at 00:00, the height difference is 1700m, the crater at an altitude of 2900m) we will take it to it and meet at the edge of the crater dawn. At this moment, we could not even imagine how difficult it would be. Looking forward, I will say that we did it! Just 5 people from the starting 11th! But done! But about this in the next post. Very soon))

Lake-free landscapes of the Natron lake in the north of Tanzania resemble surrealistic alien scenery. The lake, covered with the peel of salt, can change the color during the year. As a result of the livelihood of microorganisms - halophilic cyanobacteria, living in Natron, water is acquiring juicy reddish and pinkish shades several times a year. With increasing the temperature of the bacteria, a pigment is isolated, painting the lake.

The salt concentration and alkali in the lake Natron are so strong that animals and birds, accidentally falling into the water, die and mummify. The exception is small flamingos: for these birds, ideal conditions for breeding are created here. High water temperature, reaching 50 ° C in wetlands, allows flamingos to surround eggs at any time of the year. And the unpleasant smell emanating from the lake, scares predators and does not give them the opportunity to get to the nests.

Another amazing natural phenomenon can be observed on the Natron Lake in February and March. The concentration of sodium carbonate in the hottest months of the year increases so much that the water in the lake becomes viscous.

View from the plane to Lake Natron // BildaAgentur Zoonar GmbH, Shutterstock

You should not swim in the lake Natron. Any contact with alkaline water threatens burns and blooms of the skin - it is better not to risk. However, the skeletons of animals and birds scattered around the lake and their lime mummies will understand that it is better not to approach Natron.

On the trip to the lake Natron it is worth laying for several days. You can spend the night in campsites located near Natural attractions. Book accommodation in advance optional. Hotels in Arusa can be.

A trip to the lake Natron can be combined with the ascent on Oldoigno-Lengai volcano - one of the most active in East Africa. It is located nearby.

How to get

The nearest Natron city of Arusha is located 240 kilometers south-east. The bus service connects Arusha with the cities of Tanzania - dodom (420 kilometers; travel time is 6 hours), Dar Es Salaam (640 kilometers; time on the way is 9 hours) and others. You can get to Arushi by bus from Nairobi, the capital of Kenya; The road takes 4 hours. There is no railway service in this part of Africa.

Kilimanjaro International Airport is 50 kilometers east of Arushi. The air service connects the airport with Amsterdam, Istanbul, Frankfurt, Dar Es Salamom, Nairobi, Zanzibar Island, Kigali - the capital of Rwanda, as well as Addis Ababa - the capital of Ethiopia.

There are no organized excursions from Arush to Lake Natron. Typically, a visit to this natural attractions is included in the tours to the Oldo-Lengai volcano. because the best way Driving directly - rent an SUV and hire a guide in one of the travel agencies of Arusha. The individual program will cost more than the standard tour - on average by a third. It is not worth going to the Natron without escorting the conductor from the local.


Lake Natron is located on the territory of East African rift Valley, in the area of \u200b\u200bArusha, in the north, on the border with.

"Sloquentied" skeleton flamingo on lake Natron. In addition to the bones, "saline" feathers of the deceased bird are preserved.
In Tanzania, there is a lake Natron, in the waters of which contains substances that contribute not to the death of animals that touched the surface of the water branch, but also to their petition. A rare event caused by the chemical composition of the lake, which leaves behind the fossil creatures, as from the horror movie. The consequences of this rare chemical phenomenon showed a photographer Nick Brandt in his book "On the Exterpassed Earth". Nick Brandt in his new book writes that petrified beings around the lake are preserved due to a constant pH from 9 to 10.5. Such alkalinity retains these creatures for eternity. How exactly these birds died, bats and other animals - it is not known.

Lake Natron (Lake Natron) is translated as "red", because of its special color, which gives it some microorganisms that appear with an excessive increase in salinity and alkalinity. The main such organism is Cyanobacteria, a tiny bacterium, which, like plants, absorbs light with photosynthesis. As a result, the accumulated photons are changed to the pigmentation of this amazing bacterium towards red and millions of lakes formed in the alkali lake Natron Bacteria of the Cyano type, give a deep red color all surfaces of the water. Only in shallow water, where these bacteria is a little less water is no longer bright, but orange. This is truly a wonderful canvas of nature drawn by the local god named Lengai, the progenitor of all things on earth at the Masai tribes.

The aircraft discarded the shadow on the bright red surface of the Natron Lake in Tanzania. Unusual color - the result of the life of microorganisms. Photo by George SteinMetz.

Dead lake Natron is located in the north of Tanzania on the border with Kenia. it salt Lake has a small depth - a maximum of 3 meters, and constantly changes its coastline Depending on the time of the year and the water level. The water temperature in wetlands can reach 50 degrees Celsius, and depending on the water level, alkalinity can reach a pH of the factor from 9 to 10.5. The dead lake Natron is covered with a slicer of salt, which is periodically painted in red and pink color. This is the result of the vital activity of microorganisms that live in the lake.

The lake is located in one of the most active volcanic zones in the world constantly located in motion - it is a large rift rift area north of Crater Ngorongoro and Empakai. Along with the Lake Eyasi, located southeast of the South Zone of Ngorongoro, and the Arms Lake - in the West of Tanzania, Lake Natron is one of the unique alkaline lakes of the world, mainly consisting of salt and soda. Similar chemical interaction of underground flows, water and air Specific microclimate around these reservoirs. The changes are subject to the landscape itself. First of all, due to evaporations, which turn the shores of the lake into the petrified salted white desert.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe reserve is 700 square meters. km.

It is here, not far from this " dead Sea"Tanzania is one of the sacred places of Ancient Africa - Volcano Ol Doygno Lengai, which translated from the Masai tribe language means" Mount of Gods "or" Mount of Spirit. " This volcano today is one of the "living wonders of Tanzania", more on which you can read in a fascinating article "Why not sleep volcanoes of Tanzania?".

According to some reports, Ol Dyno Lengai last woke up in October 2008, and never fell asleep. According to the most fresh data, the eruption of the volcano was also observed in 2010, which is apparently caused by the growth of discontent "the gods living in Zherle Volcano."

One of the main reasons for their discontent could be an active discussion of the construction of a plant for the processing of soda on the shore of Lake Natron - right at the foot of Ol Doygno Lengai. The second reason - could be plans for the construction of a hydroelectric power station on the northern tip of the lake, which would provoke a change in alkaline balance in the lake.

Be that as it may, the Natron lake reserve, which includes sacred Mount increasingly exposed to the external influence of large companies, which disrupts the area of \u200b\u200brest and can provoke, according to Shamans from the Masai tribe, "The Wrath of Gods" Ol Dono Lengai.

On the Internet there are many articles on this topic, many people tell about the inevitable death after touching the surface of the lake. But actually it is not. Here live millions flamingos. And the lake is the only reproduction area for 2.5 million subjected to small flamingos, which live in the valley.

These flamingo accumulate along the salted lakes in the area where they feed on Spirulina (blue - green algae with red pigments). Lake Natron - the only place of breeding for small flamingo, because his caustic environment It is a kind of barrier against predators trying to get to the nest of these birds. Temperatures in wetlands can reach 50 degrees Celsius (120 degrees Fahrenheit), and depending on rains, alkalinity can reach a pH of a factor from 9 to 10.5 (almost as alkalic as ammonia).

In 1962, due to heavy rains, a flood occurred. According to experts, more than a million eggs were destroyed.

In the lake there are two endemic type of alkaline telepia - Alcolapia Latilabris and Alcolapia Ndalalalani. View Alcolapia Alcalica is also present in the lake, but this is not an endemic.

Threats to the balance of salinity from increased prolifections of fresh water go from designed loading watersheds of the Natron lake and planned hydroelectric power plants. Although development plans include the construction of the dam at the Northern end of the lake to contain fresh water, the threat of dissolution is still serious.

The new threat to Lake Natron is the development of a plant for processing soda on the shores of the lake. The plant pumps water from the lake, and then by chemical processes, the sodium carbonate extracts to convert it to the washing powder for export. Also near the factory was built housing for more than 1000 workers, and coal was brought for a power plant to provide energy for the entire plant complex.

Because of its unique biological variations, Tanzania called the lake Natron pool to the list of wetlands of international importance - Ramsar, July 4, 2001.

Hunting grounds on the territory of the lake Natron Reserve are located on its northern and southern borders and are called, respectively, South and North Controlled (protected) hunting zones of Lake Natron (Lake Natron South Game Control Area and Lake Natron North Game Control Area).

The southern hunting grounds of the reserve are located north of Arushi in the famous Masai Steppe Masai Steppe), stretching at 1500 sq. Km. In the West, they border with the security zone of Ngorongoro, and in the north and east with Kenya and the Natron lake, respectively. These territories are two permanent luxury campsites and two adventure mobile camps (Adventure Fly Camps). The Demi-season camp "Kiserian Adventure Camp" offers accommodation in the valley with stunning views of Kilimanjaro Mountain and magnificent gazelle gazelle and Thompson and on the very north of the protected area - on Gerenute and Small Kudo.

No less excellent place to observe the life of Masayev lands, is the luxurious camping "Kitumbeine Luxury Base Camp", located near the Mountain Kitumbaine (2800 meters), where savanna acacia grow. The camp is at the foot of this mountain and offers indelible in the beauty of the panorama overlooking the mountain ridges of the Great Rift Fault and on the White Smoke Hat Still acting volcano Oldyay. Here is one of the most best places For the Hunt for the Orixes, Mountain Buffalo and the Big Leopard.

North Game Control Area) 0 Much extensive. They pass along the border of Tanzania and Kenya, east of the lake Natron, where mountain chains of the Great Rift Fault, covered with a thick array of mixed tropical forestwhere they are preserved in large quantities Mountain buffaloes are a special Trophy of Masaland. You can accommodate in one of the two mobile hunting camps, which will be delivered with provisions on airplanes from Arushi or Kilimanjaro.

Here the terrain is the most wild and natural man than in the south. Therefore, and the villages of the original African tribe Masai here seem especially organically fit in the landscape of the Natron Lake Natron Reserve. This is some of the best places for photosfari. Just imagine the red smooth of water with the same red haze in which thousands of small flamingos are drowning on the horizon, staining as if involuntarily their wings in orange and pink shades.

It is allowed to hunt a typical representatives of Masayland fauna: mountain buffalo (Buffalo), a ramp or a barather, leopard, lion, hyena, jackal, white antelope, savanna zebra, small cats (Caracala, Geneltta, Kivet, Servala and Wild Cat), Small Antelope (Dicdik, Ducker and Stakek Antelope), medium antelope (gearium, small smoked, East African Bushbock, Impala) and Tompson Gazelle, Grant, Robert and Mountain Ridge.

Among the permitted types of game are also available and large antelopes are also available: the origins, Patterson and Big Kudo. It is also possible to hunt for feathered inhabitants of the northern forests of the Natron Lake Natron Reserve. Among local population Masayev especially in the price of meat Ryabka, dove and quail.

How to get

Roads to the lake are quite broken, and it is mostly possible to get only through Arusha or the park of Lake Manyar (5-6 hours). But, nevertheless, the local route is one of the most difficult prices compared to other tourist zones. Alternative "track" Safari Trofe to the lake passes through the eastern corridor of Serengeti - Loliondo.

Things to do

Watch the flocks of flamingos on the lake Natron, climb to the coldest acting crater to the world - Ol Dono Lengai, arrange a safari for antelope.