Where is the mountain Kailas. The most interesting facts and secrets of Mount Kailas

It is difficult to imagine more mystical, ancient and revered place than Tibet. The holy land for millions of people living here, which is already worshiped by one millennium. There is still a tradition of tradition, they believe in ancient gods and tourism and careless pastime are not particularly welcomed. Tibet can cure the soul and destroy her, give answers to questions and ask new, bring closer to enlightenment and self-knowledge or driving crazy.

Representatives of many religious denominations live in Tibet: Buddhism, Hinduism, Jainism and Religion Bon. These religions are largely different: people worship different gods and make various ritual rites, but only before one object, they unanimously bow heads - this mount Kaylas. The shrine shrouded in the secrets, about which hundreds of legends and legends was folded, about the history of origin of which the best minds of the planet argue and which has not yet been conquered by anyone. Kailas holy is protected by the local population.

Buddhist They believe that in secret dungeons of the mountain meditates an angry incarnation of the Buddha. Hinduers Cylasu as the cosmological center of the Universe, on the top of which Shiva dwells, and the neighboring lake Manasarovar is considered the heritage of God Brahma. Ministers of Jainism They make a crust around the mountain Kailas and count the mantras, being close, because according to their legends it was here for the first time a person managed to achieve the state of full enlightenment - Nirvana. And finally, Aza religion Bon. The first master of Tongpa Schumnrab went to the ground at the top of Kailas.

Along only by the legends and myths of the Mystic Mountain Kailas in Tibet is not limited. Many proven facts and witnessed incidents put in a dead end of scientists with world names. The age of the mountain itself, according to the analyzes of breeds, is only 20,000 years, while the landscapes around the mountain have formed about 5 million years ago.

× The mystery of the mountain adds the fact of its non-coordination. And many attempts were doomed to failure. And there were a lot of reasons for this: from a sudden change in the target setting of a rising man and hallucinations to a multi-day wandering up-down the slope and even death. Not in vain say that Kailas resets people from the top.

An extremely curious theory is the view that Kailas is an artificial structure, not natural education. In favor of this theory, not only the paradox of the difference between the ages of the mountains and the valley, but also a clear orientation of all hills and elevations to the north, similar to the Pyramids of Mexico and Egypt. Scientists also confirmed the presence of massive waste and tunnels in the depths of the mountain, which may be artificial origin.

And finally give several interesting facts about Mount Kailas in Tibet:

  1. The official height of the mountain is 6638 meters, but Tibetan monks talk about the figure of 6666 meters. It is possible a coincidence, but the distance from the foot of the Kailas Mountain to Monument Stonehenge is 6666 km, to the geographical North Pole - 6666 km, and South - 13,332 km (6666 * 2).
  2. Near the Mountain there are two lakes: the previously mentioned Manasarovar (4560 m) and Rakshas Tal (4515 m). One lake was separated from another narrow cage, but the difference between the lakes is huge: water from the first can be drunk and swim in it, which is considered to be a holy procedure and cleanses from sins, and in the water from the second lake it is forbidden to enter monks, because it is considered damned. One lake is fresh, the second is salty. On the first always calm, and the second buffet winds and storms.
  3. The region near the Kailas mountain is an abnormal magnetic zone, whose effect is noticeable on mechanical devices and is reflected in accelerated metabolic processes of the body.

Also offer to your attention a selection photo of Mount Kailas In Tibet - pictures from different angles and at different times of the year.

Today I want to talk to you about a very interesting grief in Tibet - Mount Kailas. Today, my story will be aimed at any kind of general characteristics, and how it's nice, I want to touch the mysterious side of this mountain, although it is difficult to call it. Kailas is one of the parts of the Tibetan Highland Mountain Ridge. There is Kailas on the territory. ( 11 photos)

There are various disputes for many years around the mountain of Kailas. In general, Mount Kaylas is such a mountain range that is vividly stand out among all other brothers, he is the highest. Kailas has a pronounced pyramidal shape, and the verge of it is clearly oriented in all parts of the world! And on top of his small snow hat. I will note that Kailas has never been conquered anyone who has ever been conquered, not one person at his top. Coordinates of Mount Kailas: 31 ° 04'00 "p. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "in. d. (G) (O) (I) 31 ° 04'00 "p. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "in. d.

And so the first riddle is the fact that the edges of Kailas are clearly formed in all parts of the world. Scientists argue that Mount Kailas is at all and not the mountain, and nothing else is like a giant pyramid. And all the other little mountains are scarlet pyramids, thus it turns out that this is a real pyramid system, which is much larger than all of those who are previously known to us :, really Mount Kaylas is very similar to the big pyramid, hence the question implies - why is she?

Most scientists are converging at one point, Mount Kailas is nothing like the biggest point on Earth where energy accumulates! A unique feature of Kailaxi Mountains is the fact that the Kailas literally adjoins various kinds of concave, semicircular and flat semi-decorative facilities. What it can say, in Soviet times the development of the implementation of the "Time Machine" is not there, these are not a joke, really came up with various kinds of mechanisms with which people would be able to overcome time. One of our compatriot genius, Nikolay Kozarev came up with such a thing, the system of mirrors, on the coating system. The time machine is a kind of concave aluminum or a mirror spiral bent clockwise at a time of turnover, there is a person inside it.

According to the designer, such a spiral reflects physical time and at one time focuses various types of radiation. According to the results of all experiments, time inside this design flowed 7 times faster than outside of it. After the experiences spent on a person, further development was made to close, people began to see various ancient manuscripts, flying plates, and apparently many more, because we will not tell you all with you. But the results were staggering, people saw the past on the mirror reflections as in the cinema, moreover, it turned out that with the help of this system mirrors, people can exchange thoughts at a distance. Spent a very interesting experience, people rushed inside the sole spirals had to betray the image of the ancients talked to other people who at one time were in with.

And what do you think, people not only got and were able to reproduce seen, but in addition to it also grabbed a few previously known ancient ancients, to invent which or how impossible. Anyway, the Soviet authorities were afraid of something and the developments were closed. The same principle of operation we can see here! The Kailas system is almost the same in large-scale sizes, you just imagine a copy of a 1.5 km long and a width of Paul. In the Kailas Mountains system, in the center of the whole spiral from various mountain arrays there is Mount Kailas. The time deformation near Kailas is confirmed by many priests, and Buddhists, well, everything is clear to them, they always believe in sacred places, but there was one case with the Soviet Expedition. By the way, Mount Kailas, all nations living here are considered a sacred place. As well as many other Buddhists and the believer mountain Kailas is a great mountain.

A group of researchers who went to Kailas approaching close to the mountain began to make a "Cour". The bark is a sacred bypass around the whole mountain, after which the legend is completely reported from bad karma to them for several lives. And so all the participants who committed "Curra" for some 12 hours they walked, raised for two weeks. All participants rose two weekly beards and nails, although they only walked 12 of our hours! This suggests that the biological activity of a person in this place is many times faster. We can not believe well here people come here that their life flew in a super short time.

Many yoga spend their amazing meditations for several days. Surprisingly, if you meet such a person, then the endless kindness and light and light, next to such a person, is always very pleasant, and I don't want to leave at all. It can be assumed that Kailas is a building created by someone artificially, for collecting and concentrating the energy of the future (from space) and passed (from the Earth). There are assumptions that Kylos is built in the form of such a crystal, well, that is, that part we see on the surface continues with a mirror reflection in the ground. When Kailas could be created too, it is also unknown, in general, the Tibetan Highlands formed about 5 million years ago, and Kyle Well, it was very young of his age about 20 thousand years old.

We can see in some places of Kailas such a kind of stucco. It can be seen the detachment of this some kind of coating, for the strength of anything that is not inferior to concrete. For this stucco, the monolith of the mountain itself is clearly traced. How and by whom these creations were erected, of course, remains a great mystery. Who could create such huge palaces, mirrors, the pyramids are not clear from the stone. How was these earthly civilizations, or this interference with unearthly minds. And maybe all this created some kind of intelligent civilization, which has some gravitational knowledge and magic. All this remains a deep mystery.

There is a very interesting geographic feature associated with Mount Kailas! See if you take and spend the meridian from the mountain Kailas to the legendary Egyptian pyramids, then the continuation of this line will go to the most mysterious, the pyramids of the Incans are on this line! But this is not all, it is very interesting that the distance from the Kailas Mountain is exactly 6666 km, then from the Kailas mountain to the extreme point of the hemisphere of the North Pole, the distance is exactly 6666 km. And to the Southern Pole, exactly two times 6666 km, notice no more than exactly twice, and that the most interesting height of Kailas is 6666 meters.

Like all this is not very similar to the coincidence. Perhaps inside the mountain of the hollow and there are in deep meditation, all the greatest wise men who were sent to us to land, this is Jesus Christ, Buddha and others .. A new era of people will appear for whom and remain unsolved all those secrets that we are not under power. If you believe the manuscripts of different peoples, this new, the sixth civilization will appear, and will differ in terms of intelligence, well, we do not have anything with you as soon as you enjoy life. Feel free to comment on your thoughts. Good emotions.

Hello, dear readers.

Today we will talk about the place, the icon for each Buddhist. This is Mount Kailas (or Kailash, or Kang Rinpoche, which on Tibetan means "precious snowy mountain", and many more synonyms in the languages \u200b\u200bof different peoples of the world). This is one of the highest peaks of the mountain range, which is located in the Gangdis system. It is located in Tibetan Highlands on the territory of the PRC.

Externally different from all mountains - has the form of almost the right pyramid, four faces of which are focused on the parties of light only with a small deviation. Height 6638 - 6890 m. Lovers in everything to see mystics believe that in fact the top is located 6,666 meters above sea level, but the measurements do not confirm this data. Mount Kailas still did not submit any climbers.

The history of its occurrence is covered in deep mystery. The land "erected" Tibetan Highlands over 5 million years ago, while Kailas's age scientists determine as 20 thousand years, which is much smaller and more than strange.

If you carefully look at satellite photos in the maximum approximation, you can see the places where the "plaster" broke out, and the monolithic wall can be seen. This gives reason to assume that Mount Kaylash in Tibet is a man-made pyramid, and the largest of all existing on Earth.

But who is erected? And not only her, but also the whole complex around, where are the mountains (pyramids?) Significantly smaller, semicircular and flat formations, located exclusively on the spirals? Or maybe this is a giant crystal that accumulates the energy of space and land, the second part of which is hidden in the earth's depths?

Location and features of relief

Mountain peak is in Western Tibet. This is one of the most hard-to-reach places as if someone (or something) was specifically abandoned that only dedicated to. Kailash is the largest watershed of South Asia. Nearby pro, Carnali, Brahmaputra proceed.

Water from the Kailas glaciers fell into Lake Langa-Tso, from which the SathLege River originates - the largest influx of Inde.

The southern slope dissected vertically a deep crack, which in the middle intersects the other, horizontal. With a certain refraction of sunlight in the air there is a sign of a swastika, so some sources call Kaylash "Mount Schastika".

Coordinates of location: 31 ° 04'00 "p. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "in. d. (G) (O) (I) 31 ° 04'00 "p. sh. 81 ° 18'45 "in. d.

Religious value and conquest

Kailas consider the center of the world to immediately four religions - Hinduism, Buddhism, Bon and Jain. Buddhists think that there is a creature-avatar (incarnation) of the Buddha Akshobhhya - Samvara four and twelve, and the mountain is called Himavat. This place is shuttered with a mystery curtain and a lot of legends. The vertex, however, did not succumb to one mortal.

Attempts to conquer the top

However, what will stop a person (or people), who does not believe in anything, nor in God, nor in hell? Attempts to conquer Kailas were many. But no ascent failed - someone turned to reversal on the way to the foot, and those who still stepped on Kailash tell about an interesting phenomenon.

At first, the grief leads an excellent asphalt road. Like everywhere, she cannot be straight and bend somewhere. In places where it crosses a mark of 6,666 meters (up to foot), high-quality asphalt suddenly replaces the old and cracked, and the separation yellow strip, and the meter ago is very bright, becomes dim and faded. In these zones, it is difficult to go, because the air around becomes like thick and drum.

With those who are trying to get to the foot of bicycles or motorcycles, interesting things are happening at all:

  • with the same efforts on the bike pedal, the speed drops twice as well, or even three;
  • sudden breakdowns occur, for example, the wheel of the bicycle can curl into the eight without visible reasons;
  • a motorcycle suddenly begins to "sneeze," and even refuses to go back, while during the inspection it is not possible to identify any problems.

Games with time

Some are trying to deceive the mountain. In Tibet to this day, there is a legend about the unlucky travelers who wanted any truth and untrue to conquer the top.

Four English (or Americans, and maybe Russians - no one already remembers the nationality of these people for years) launched a cortex (bypassing around Kailas) on a par with the rest of the pilgrims, but at some point they went with a sacred path and moved up slope.

After some time, the camp toward the pilgrims came the fourth tribes, which caused bristles, people with feverishly brilliant eyes and completely inadequate behavior. I had to send them to a psychiatric hospital after descending. All four travelers died crazy over the next year. At the same time, they very quickly aged, turning into deep elders.

It is believed that inside the spiral, the center of which is Kailas, time is significantly accelerated, and the other way is slowing down. This fact is confirmed by many travelers. However, it is stated that the time flows faster on the subconscious level. After the bark is made, the chain of events taking place with a person is accelerating, but he himself is physically old.

Caylash bypass

There are 9 sacred routes or cor. Three of them are known to all pilgrims - these are traditional barks: Outdoor, Nanti, Dakini. Little-known routes are almost forgotten by the indigenous population of Tibet - it is a touch of Kailas's people, transition through Geo and Shapge's passes from the south side through Gyandrak Monastery. Some crust paths were pilgrims during meditation - holistic, spiral, merge elements.

The bark is bypassing the shrines, in particular Kailas, counterclockwise. At the pilgrims most revered stretches - when a person falls the NIC, then rises, puts the legs there, where he was just lying face, and thus moves forward. The bark around Kailash can last for a very long time (a few days with breaks for sleep and food) and turn on far from one bypass, but several.

Especially zealous followers of religion are the number 108. It has a special, sacred, meaning in many religious directions, including in Buddhism:

  • Kangiur (Buddha's statement assembly) consists of 108 volumes;
  • buddhist monks are tightly consisting of 108 beads;
  • the pilgrim must necessarily make 108 stretches during the crust.

Lakes Mount Kailas

Manasarovar and Rakshas Tal - antipode lakes. In one water "Live", in another "Dead". What is interesting, the reservoirs are very close to each other, they only share the narrow strip of the Earth and the canal. According to believe, if the water from Manasarovar flows in Rakshas, \u200b\u200bit means that energy is in equilibrium.

Objectively lakes are really different. Manasarovar is a round, slightly elongated, with a purest fresh water, a calm mirror of water stroit, in it a lot of fish. There are monasteries around. Nature pleases the riot of paints, sing the birds, swans fly in the summer.

Rakshas Tal is a crucified crescent, expanding on the one hand, salty with a large content of silver, there is no life in it. There is always bad weather here, and the surrounding landscape is irresistible. Nevertheless, the lake is sacred. On the shores there are many stupas.

Swimming in the lake with the "dead" water "cleans the body to the bones." Omotions in Rakshas Tal commit all who go through Crara around Kailas. The water here is ice, and the aqueous mirror is not smooth, like Manasarovar, but is in constant excitement, and the wind blows all the time.

In the center of the lake on the island there is a small monastery, where monks live in a complete solitude - it is possible to get out on the ground only when a resistant ice cover is established.

In the waters of Lake Manasarovar bathed after ablutions in Rakshas. Nearby are thermal sources - there are local wooden baths. Water in the terms of therapeutic, so many wishing to improve health.

A little further is a Buddhist monastery Chiu Gompa. His name is translated as a "little bird". He is on the top of the hill. If climbing on the very top, you can observe all the surroundings. Here are excellent panoramic pictures.

"OM" - translated from Sanskrit "The Word of Power". This mantra monks Buddhists are pronounced during meditation. OM is a universal sound vibration that adjusts the body to the "desired way".

Valley of death

Another sacral for Buddhists, and not only, place. Located at the northern "face" of Kailas. Three kilometer. Ends where the "Ice Mirror" is located (the wall of the glacier). By believing here they go to die yoga. Only "clean" person can return alive from the Death Valley. All who have "bad" thoughts, this place destroys.

Tencing Vadra - the Great Medical Lame of Western Tibet - says the following: "Kailas is an ordinary mountain, received by legends. Everyone sees here what he wants to see. The miracles that are attributed to this place were really, but they were committed by people - Yogin Milarepa (owned by levitation), Guru Rimple and others. "

True or fiction that Mount Kailash is the center of the world built by the ancient civilization of aliens - Atlanta and Lemurians? Or does it live only in the minds of believers and esotericists, such as Mulgashev, Balaev?

Scientific expeditions did not find any signs that Mount Kaylash is a man-made. Stone mirrors of an ideal geometric shape were not found, in a word, in a word, the local, and then some Europeans believed in the centuries.

However, it is not necessary to think that the path to Shambalu, namely, called this place Muldashev, opens with everything. Understand that it really happens here, can only one who is purely mind and heart can only.


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There are many unique places in the world with unusual properties. However, from such "Power Places" - Kailas Mountain in the Alpine Tibet Valley. South-West China will come to the southwest of China to make a ritual bypass around the mountain - Corra

Until now, scientists argue about the history of this amazing mountain. Cailas artificially created pyramid or mountain of natural origin? Today there are no reliable information about this, as and how many years ago, Kailas originated and why it has the shape of the pyramid, the edges of which exactly indicate part of the world. Surprisingly and inexplicably also the fact that the height of the mountain is 6666 m, the distance from Kailas to Monument Stonehenge is 6666 km, and the same amount to the North Pole, and to the southern - 13 332 km (6666 * 2).

Kailas is places shrouded with thousands of secrets and legends. And so far the top of the sacred mountain was not conquered by anyone. Kailas does not allow simple mortals to the top, where the gods live according to legends. Many tried to climb around in spite of everything. But no one could overcome the invisible wall, which, as the grief-travelers assume, arose on their way, preventing the sacred top. Kailas as if pushing them, allowing only those who very believe - to perform ritual barks.

From Kailas originating the greatest rivers of Asia, possessing powerful energies. It is believed that when a person commits around Kailas, he is in touch with this power. Kailas is a very powerful power center. It carries the energy dissolution of all old. Making a bark is filled with energy and vital power to help people.

Bypass around Kailas is a custom. Custom faith containing great strength. On Kailas, they say that the one who passes the Corre with the faith and a sense of unity with God - finds a special divine force here.

The big bark around Kailas takes 2-3 days. Throughout the path, a person passes through the strongest energy centers, where the divine streams are felt. Kailas is like a temple. All stones on the way have a certain charge. Pilgrims believe that demigods or higher souls live in the stones. According to ancient legends, many divine creatures that visited here once - turned into stones. And now these stones have a special divine force.

The first day of the cortex is the wait, lightness, mental lift. On the second day, the highest and complex pass passes - the passage of death. It is said that during this period you can experience the experience of death. For example, a person can fall and enter the trance. Many say that during such a trance they felt their body on the top of Kailas.

Pass drill-la symbolizes a new birth. People try to leave something personal in this place. It is believed that so man cleans his karma. This is a symbol of leaving the past, some dark, negative part of the soul. Having dropped on this pass everything is superfluous, go further becomes easier and freer.

Around Kailas you can go either by an external circle - large, or in small - internal. Internal allowed to pass only to those who went around the external one. They say that immediately go there, the high divine energy blocks the path.

There are beautiful lakes on the inner cortex, the water in them is sacred. On the shore of these lakes there is a monastery. People believe that enlightened still live there. And if someone is lucky enough to meet them - he will be blessed.

When the pilgrim passes Corra, he turns to the highest forces and appeals to them with a prayer. Kailas is a symbol of the highest deity. And the external journey to Kaylasu is actually an inner journey to your deity.

There is a belief that Shiva god lives on Kailas. For Hindus Shiva is power and energy capable of creating and destroying worlds. They believe that there are three main forces in the Universe: creation, maintenance and destruction. Shiva strength is a connection with universal energy.

On the way of a wanderer, obstacles often appear, both physical and spiritual. Kailas checks a person for strength and indicates weaknesses. Overcoming all difficulties in pilgrimage is the best way to clear and change.

When the pilgrim leaves from Kailas, goes down below - he understands that there is no need for happiness. We have air that we can breathe, eat food, roof over your head - and this is enough to happiness external material, everything else needs to look inside.

Millions of years, people come here and bring prayer in their heart. Lake Manasarovar, as well as Kailas, revered as sacred. To the right of him - the peak of Gurle Mandhata. According to legends, she was the king in the past life. Then there was no water and the king began to pray. Once God heard his prayers and created the lake out of his mind. This is a lake and there is a sacred lake Manasarovar.

Another lake next to Kailas, called Rakshas Tal is considered damned. It is separated from the sacred lake with a narrow ister. Surprisingly, with such a close arrangement, these two reservoirs have huge differences. You can dip in the sacred lake, the fish and water can be drunk there. Water in this lake is fresh and is considered healing. Lake Rakshas Tal, on the contrary, salted and dip it in it. And the places where the source with dead and living water is located nearby, since ancient times is considered to be places of force.

There is Kailas and another sacred lake - Gaurikund. According to legend, it was created by Shiva for his wife Parvati. She helped people a lot, because of what her body was very exhausted. Oakdating in this lake, Parvati gained a new body, and since then no one else can be touched upon its sacred waters. There are many legends about the death of people who touched Lake Gaurikund.

In the vicinity of Kailas there are 4 caves. One of them, the cave of Milafy, is located in the south-east of Kailas next to the sacred path. According to legends, the great yogi of Milarepa put two stone blocks at the entrance of the cave entrance, which set a huge granite slab. This slab cannot be shifted from the place of hundreds and even thousands of people. And Milarepa pushed her out of granite and laid with his spiritual power. And it is in this place that he reached his enlightenment.

There is a legend that Milarepa and Bonn Priest Naro Bonchung fought for power over Kailas. During the first opposition of supernatural forces on Lake Manasarovar, Milarepa told his body over the surface of the lake, and Naro Bonchung rose to the water surface from above. Not satisfied with the results, they continued to fight, running around Kailas. Milarepa moved clockwise, and Naro Bonchung - against. Having met at the top of the Dolm La Pass, they continued the magical battle, but again to no avail. Then Naro Bonchung suggested on the day of the full moon immediately after dawn to climb to the top of Kailas. Who will rise first, he will win. On the appointed day of Naro Bonchung riding on his shamanic drum flew to the top. Milarepa calmly rested at thenime. And as soon as the first rays of the sun reached the peak of Kailas, Milarepa seized for one of the rays and instantly reached the vertex, having received power over the sacred mountain.

Cailas hang prayer flags everywhere. These are protective symbols. People hang them to succeed in some good endeavors. These flags are also called "wind hits." The symbol of prayer flags is the horse carrying the jewel. It is believed that he fulfills wishes, brings well-being and prosperity. Flags make five main colors symbolizing five elements of the human body. Mantras are applied on them, which are activated upon contact with the wind and distribute encrypted messages around the world.

Kailas is the place of spiritual strength that the believers awakens, cleans their minds. People seek here to pronounce a prayer that everyone carries in his heart. It is believed that the one who will perform this pilgrimage will be cleared of all his sins and knows the mystery of the universe.

Mount Kailas is considered one of the most unusual in Tibet, so it causes unrelenting interest among the Adepts of the Eastern Religions and Lovers of Total Mystical. It is part of the Gangdis mountain range, separating this autonomous region of China from the Indian Ocean. Before the trip, it is worth finding out the exact location of Kailas on the world map: It is located in the southern part of Tibetan highlands and effectively stands out against the background of the surrounding area due to an impressive height of almost 6,700 m.

Mountain has other names. Among the Chinese, she is known as Hanzhenbochi or Gandyishhan, and in the holy books of Tibetans, Kailas is referred to as Jundruung Guceg or Kang Ringpoche ("precious snow-covered mountain").

What the Kailas looks like

The peak practically has no analogues in the mountain systems of the planet due to a tetrahedral form resembling ancient Egyptian pyramid. The top of Kailas at any time of the year is covered with a thick snow cover, which almost never melts. If you consider the photo of the mountains made from the satellite immediately striking the accurate orientation of its four slopes on the sides of the world.

Kailas is located in Western Tibet - terrain, inflow even for experienced climbers. In this area, the four largest water artery arterys of the region are proceeded: ind, carnali, brahmaputra and sautlaj. Hindus for whom these rivers are sacred, they believe that their origins are located on the slopes of the mountain.

Mysterious halo mountain

The secrets of ancient kaylas, not one millennium of the dominant over the adjacent territories, excite the imagination of many travelers. It is worth mentioning the following interesting facts relating to this unique peak:

Some researchers argue that the height of the Kailas mountain in Tibet is exactly 6666 m. For this reason, many followers of Christian denominations perceive it as a dangerous place, where, according to rumors, the dark forces led by Lucifer himself.

For adherents of Buddhism, Hinduism, the Jainan and Tibetan religion Bon Top is one of the most sacred places. In the eastern religious traditions, the mountain is considered the "heart of the world", where the divine power is concentrated, and is the object of cult worship. Hindus call Kailas the Mountain of Gods, because, according to local legends, it is here that the Great Shiva is performed most of the time. The peak itself is the embodiment of the Space Mountain of the Merper - the Mythological Center of the Universe. In accordance with the beliefs of Buddhists, Kailas is the abode of the Buddha, who came to our land in the form of Samvara. In the traditions of Jainists, it was on this mountain the first saint freed from all worldly and from earthly bonds. Followers of Bon believe that the vital force of the entire planet is concentrated here, and during the ascent on Kailas you can get into the legendary country of Shangshung.

According to Tibetan legends, most of the expeditions are ending with the death of bold bravery, daring to disturb the peace of the supreme deities. Those who decided on such extremely, just disappear in the local gorges. Many climbers dreamed of conquering Kailas, but at the last moment unforeseen circumstances necessarily impede it. So, in the mid-1980s, the famous Italian climber Messner received a license to climb from the Chinese government, but for incomprehensible reasons soon refused this idea. In 2000, Spanish climbers also tried to climb on the top of the mountain, but numerous pilgrims and Tibetan monks surrounded by her live ring, blocking to her tolerance. Therefore, the journey at Peak Kailas still remains only an unattainable dream for climbing around the world.

Many legends are connected with this pearl of Tibetan mountains. One of them says that a man, just touching the slope of Kailas, for many weeks will suffer from non-healing ulcers. Also in Tibet myths there is a mention of the phenomena of the Supreme Divine of Shiva. Its image can be seen in lightning outbreaks in cloudy weather when the peak is completely shrouded in the clouds.

Along the southern slope of the peak right in its central part there is a vertical crack, which crosses a shallow horizontal split. When at sunset shadows thicken, in this place of Kailas they form a clear semblance of the swastika - the symbol of Nazism. According to scientists, cracks (the width of the vertical reaches 40 m) are the result of a long-standing earthquake.

Some fans of esoteric teachings argue that the mountain is the formation of artificial origin, created in deep antiquity, whether forever disappeared by civilization of the type of Atlantis, whether the aliens from other planets. However, even if you accept that Kailas is an old ritual structure, its purpose remains incomprehensible to us.

Ritual bypass around Mount Kailas

The Sacred Books of Hinduism and Religion Bon, they suggest that bypassing around the perimeter of the foundation of Kailas allows you to redeem all the limits of earthly life. This bypass is called bark. The man who made a bark is at least 13 times, will be permanently delighted from hellish torment. And if you have enough patience to bypass 108 times, your soul will forever leave the circle of rebirth and reaches the highest degree of enlightenment. This makes it possible to get closer to the state of the Buddha.

Buddhists and Jainists perform a spock around the peak clockwise, in the direction of the sun, and the Adepta teaching Bon always goes in the opposite direction. Among the climbers there are rumors about colleagues who pretend to be pilgrims and during the ritual circumsion of the mountain secretly conceded from the sacred trail to commit the climb. After a while, they returned to the camp of tourists in a semoretum and less than a year later in a psychiatric hospital in deep elders.

Although when traveling to Tibet, Kailas remains unavailable to climb due to the active resistance of minor cults, it is quite possible to get closer to it for a short distance. In the adjacent area, the chain of rock formations is deserved with an ideal smooth or concave surface. At the moment, it is not known whether they were formed under the influence of natural factors or are the result of human activity.

It is believed that these rocks are the so-called "mirrors of Kozyrev" capable of distorting the spatial and temporary continuum. The traveler, which turned out to be near them, is experiencing unusual physical and psychological sensations. "Mirrors" have a special location in relation to each other, so researchers suggest that they are able to transfer a person to another era or even a parallel dimension.

After visiting the rocks, you can also explore other sights of the district to which:

  • Buddhist monastery, where on the day of the festival Vesak (it is celebrated annually into the May full moon) thousands of pilgrims from all countries of the world are collected.
  • Lake Manasarovar ("Lake Life"). According to legends, it was the first object of the living world created in the creation of Brahma. The ceremonial ritual of the bark is also performed around Manasarovar, the length of which is 100 km. Immersion in its freshwater from the North-West Bank allows you to cleanse karma and heal spiritually and physically. If you swim in the lake, then after death, be sure to take paradise. Those who try water from it, after the end of the earthly life will be staying next to Shiva himself.
  • Lake Langa-Tso or Rakshas ("Watering Death"). Its waters are distinguished by a high content of mineral salts and separated from Manasarovar only with a small sheath. Unlike the latter, having an oval shape, the outlines of Langa-Tso remind a month. Ponds symbolize light and darkness, respectively. It is not necessary to touch the waters of Rakshas: it can stick the misfortune.

As the legend says, Lang-Tso created the Lord of the Ravana demons, who daily sacrificed one of his heads for 10 days, cutting it away. On the last day of the sacrifice, the Supreme Divine gave it a supernatural force.

Useful advice to tourists

A trip to one of the most mysterious areas of Tibet should be carefully planned. The following recommendations will be useful:

  • The most successful will be the trip to April-May in the dry season, when rain or snowfall is extremely rare.
  • For acclimatization and preventing health problems Before the inspection of Kailas, it is worth living a few days in the area located at a lesser height above sea level. This will avoid headaches, dizziness and discomfort in the heart during the inspection of the beauty of the mountain.
  • It is almost impossible to purchase a climbing license to climbing Kailas, but access to the prigible area can be obtained only for 50 CNY. It is obtained in the Committee of Public Safety of Tibetan Autonomy upon presentation of a passport and permission to enter.

Coordinates 31.066667, 81.3125

How to get to Mount Kailas

You can get to the foot of Kailas in the following ways:

  • By bus from Kathmandu after arriving at the local airport, which will deliver you straight to the mountain (the cost of the ticket from Moscow is approximately 30000 RUB). The duration of the flight is approximately 11 hours.
  • By bus from Lhasa, where you can also get on the plane. It will cost about 700 USD more expensive, but you can gradually get used to the height difference during the trip.

Kailas is one of the most interesting places of Tibet, which is considered to be a giant cosmic energy storage. Therefore, if you are interested in the spiritual side of life, it is necessary to go there.