Is it dangerous to rest in. Resting need at home: vacation makes our life shorter and deprives immunity

Is it dangerous to go to Turkey in 2019? The attacks, an unstable political situation, not such a long-time killing of the Russian ambassador - what is the likelihood of various incidents and disasters in the period of summer holidays in the Turkish coast?

The situation with the safety of tourists in Turkey in 2019 remains intense - the terrorist attacks occur here almost every month. Given that these are real explosions with the death of people, the concerns of Russians really have a real soil.

Because of Syria, this year, the situation was glowed - representatives of IHIL Evil to Russia on bombing, and before the zone of fighting from Antalya to Damascus only 600 kilometers.

By themselves, Turks are not radical Muslims. In fact, they are sustained to the Russians are much better than their own fellow citizens - people from the Caucasus in Sochi or Anapa. However, Turkey is bordered by Iran, Iraq and Syria, where radical flows are very much. In Syria, radicals were fighting, but still there is a real war.

Due to its location, Turkey became a transit point for militants heading to ISIL (the organization is prohibited in the Russian Federation). The boundaries are securely protected, but some of the militants still manage to leak.

Considering that everyone's favorite president climbed into Syria do not build a gas pipe in the EU To fight with the Islamic state, then many radical Muslims receiving tons of bombs will naturally have motivation to revenge. Yes, and the bomb is a fool. She kills not only militants, but also a peaceful population. Therefore, some nera-dycultuous Syrian dad, who lost his family because of the Russian air strike and distrace from grief, may well want to smear on a happy resting, whose taxes killed his family.

However, the intelligence agencies worked well in last years. Yes, and the terrorists got - their organization was very successful, so rumors about recruitment throughout Turkey are less and less.

It's all - terrible unlikely "bulkings", and now the real situation with the terrorist attacks in the last year.

Terrorist attacks in Turkey 2016-2019

So, the last terrorist attacks on the Turkish earth with fatal outcome for 12 months. Chronology includes explosions against civilians, as well as police and military.


A place

Died / wounded

Istanbul, Nightclub.

Istanbul, water Arena Stadium.



Van city


Elyasig and Van.

Istanbul, Attürk Airport.







12.10.2016 Istanbul 10 / 15
2.01.2018 Ankara 0 / 2
24.04.2018 Shirnak 1/0
4.10.2018 Batman 7/0

In just 2016, 421 people died in Turkey - a colossal figure.However, most of them are military and police. The bulk of the explosion occurred in the southern regions, where tourists almost never happen.

In 2017-2018 everything was relatively calmly, except for an explosion in a nightclub in Istanbul, who took almost 40 lives and a bomb in the tax inspectorate. Almost all the explosions happened in winter, and were not directed against Russians, but against local.

In 2019, the terrorist attacks in Turkey had not yet, but large arrests of the programs of the IG were held.

Who is satisfied with the attacks in Turkey?

Responsibility for terrorist attacks in Turkey mainly takes the working party of Kurdistan. According to their first channel, they probably would probably be called "militia, fighting against the Nazi punishers." By the way, in 1998, Russia planned to provide political asylum to their leader, and still did not recognize the activities of the RPK extremist (although even Azerbaijan with Moldova joined the agreement).

Almost 90% of explosions in Turkey are arranged by Kurds from this organization - they seek the creation of an independent state in the south-east (!) Turkey. Some of these killer terrorists supported Syria along with a comrade Asad.

RPK suits mostly explosions against military and police, but many terrorist attacks in them in the tourist areas of Ankara and Istanbul. On account - dozens of children, tourists and foreign citizens. The RPK terrorist attacks arrange around the 80s, and from the mid-90s, the working part of Kurdistan recognized the terrorist and extremist in most countries.

Since 2000, terrorism in Turkey has been engaged in the Alkaid and Islamic State country and a number of countries.

Accordingly, the Russians under the RPK terrorist attacks can please feel it by chance. But to become victims of radical Islamic flows - the probability exists.

Is it safe to go to Turkey?

It should be understood that everything is quite calm in Turkey resorts, the last explosion with victims among Russians was in Kemer in 2011.

If you do not ride in Ankara or Istanbul, then the chance to get under the bomb of terrorists in the Turkish resort is much less than becoming a victim of a drunk fight somewhere in Sochi or Anapa.

The sea coast of Turkey is securely protected, the territory of many hotels is closed, put a bomb there or break with automata almost unreal. To do this, militants would have to get through the whole country, overcome the checkpoints and inspection points in the south.

From the point of view of security in Turkey, the most remote areas are Fethiye, Marmaris, Bodrum. If a terrorist wants to explode someone, then he will most likely go to Istanbul, and not in these areas. But Antalya and, moreover, Alanya is very close to Syria.

To protect yourself better on where the Russians are a bit, but more Germans and EU citizens. In this case, even less likely that will be an attack.

Whatever it was, given that the Russians have not suffered almost not suffered in recent years, and Turkey's resorts do not attract militants, riding their rest is relatively safe.

And you can, of course, spit on the quality of rest and go to.

Tours in September - safer everyone?

Cheap tours to Turkey for September 2019 The "All Inclusive" system is most attractive and safe, because during this period the activity of militants is manifested only in the southeast. Such a tour will be an excellent gift, especially for a young family. Today, few people in Russia can afford a trip to Maldives or even in Thailand. Turkey remains still the most popular and inexpensive direction, and, in its beauties, it is clearly not inferior to the ocean. In Turkey, too, there are blue lagoons, mountains, worse than hills, palm trees, delicious seafood, well, and the service in Turkey is traditionally ahead of other countries. That is why, by the way, we go there in the fall of secured Germans who could afford to relax in more expensive places.

In September 2019, it is quite realistic to acquire a tour to Turkey in a five-star hotel at a price of three-star, because many hotels due to the reduction of the number of tourists announces all sorts of promotions and discounts. It is also sometimes it turns out to buy a burning trip to Turkey for September 2019 cheap, from which other tourists refused, or which could not be laid earlier. This year, this year is to do it more than real, since many Russians refused to travel to Turkey, due to the fall in domestic income and fear of terrorist attacks.

Tour to Turkey for September 2019 "All Inclusive" will cost particularly inexpensively if you choose it via the Internet.

Russia and other CIS countries are also relatively prosperous. But below will be a list of countries where because of military, inter-ethnic and religious conflicts, low living standards, natural disasters are better not to go to the tourist. Even in those popular countries As India, Brazil, Mexico maintains a large threat to the emergence of conflicts and other unforeseen circumstances.

There are countries in which fighting is constantly underway and there is a danger to life. But in some states conflicts are hidden, and they can show themselves at any time. Just like natural catastrophes, no one can foresee. Before choosing a country for travel, it is necessary to clarify the current state of affairs in it.

We present you a list of the most dangerous countries of the world for travel. Some countries in the list (in terms of their danger) are certainly controversial, for example, Russian tourists are actively driven by the Philippines and Cambodia, but nevertheless, the danger to tourism these countries are represented.

1. Afghanistan

The modern stage of the development of Afghanistan began in 2001, when after the terrorist attacks in the United States on September 11, the American troops invaded the country for the search and punishment of the international terrorist Osama Ben Laden (for the official version). As a result of the invasion, the Taliban regime was sought and the modern Republic of Afghanistan headed by Hamid Karzay was established. But the "Taliban" movement was not completely suppressed and the militants still hide in the mountainous regions of Waziristan on the border with Pakistan. They constantly commit armed attacks on allied troops and organize terrorist attacks. Although official power in Afghanistan supports international security promotion forces in Afghanistan (ISAF), but they control only a small territory around the capital of Kabul.

Thus, in Afghanistan is not safe for a tourist. This is a very poor country with a lot of religious intolerant people. Here you can accidentally get into the epicenter of the explosion or terrorist attack, and become a victim of kidnapping or robbery.

Despite the permanent wars, Afghanistan still has some tourist attractiveness. This is Country C. richest history. In its territory, many artifacts have been preserved, collected in more than 5,000 years of the existence of civilization on this land. But, unfortunately, in the last time of the board of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan, several important historical objects were deliberately destroyed. Among them are the highest Buddhist building in the world - the sculpture of Bamyan. She was declared pagan and blown away.

2. Pakistan

In Pakistan, the former part of colonial India, has always been restless. In this camps there is an unstable political system, government troops constantly lead battles with rebels and terrorists. There is a threat to the emergence of a military conflict with India. Most dangerous areas Pakistan is a territory along the border with Afghanistan (controlled by the Taliban), the district of Ballukhistan, as well as the largest city of Karachi country. In these areas, collisions of different tribes and religious groups occur.

Pakistan travelers attract incredible beauty mountain landscapes. The northern part of the country is a popular place to climb the mountain peaks. In addition, in Pakistan, there are a lot of ancient monuments of architecture: excavations of ancient civilization in the Indian Valley - Mohenjo-Daro, the capital of the Indian people of Gandhars - Taxila, the Lahore fortress, Shalimar's gardens, etc.

3. Iraq.

Internal conflicts between the warring groups in Iraq, such as Kurds, Muslims of Sunni, Muslims Shiites (Mahdi Army), the Arab Socialist Renaissance Party (BAAS), Iraq's Community Complexed by external conflicts with neighboring states Iran and Kuwait. In the settlement of the situation in the region, the US Armed Forces play a major role. They are designed to confront the international terrorist organization Al-Qaida, the main division of which is located in Iraq.

Among the entire territory of the country in Iraq, you can allocate the most hectic zone. This is the central part of the country together with the capital Baghdad. The most likely danger of terrorist attacks, explosions, military conflicts exists in the territory from north to south from Tikrita to Halla and from the west to the east of Ramadi to the mandala.

For tourist operators Iraq is almost the biggest loss. The territory in the valley of the Tiger River and Euphrates is the cradle of many civilizations. On this land, the largest number of archaeological monuments are focused, which are sitting as scientists and ordinary tourists. Just 85 km from Baghdad, the ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, who, with the beginning in 2003, the Iraqi war acted as the basis of the Allied troops. Finding the military caused considerable damage to the architectural monument. In addition to Babylon in the territory of Iraq, the ancient Sumerian city of Ur, the capital of Arcadia, the city of Stisyphon, the capital of Assyria Ashpur is located.

4. Syria

Country of Syria in the Middle East since 2011 is in a state of civil war. Armed opposition and rebels are fighting with government troops of the country's unchanged president since 2000 Bashar Al-Asada, which in June 2014 was re-elected for a third term. Prior to this, 30 years old, the country was led by Hifez Al-Assad.

The territory of Syria is the cradle of many great states of antiquity - Assyria, Phenicia, Mesopotamia, Persia, Arab Caliphate, and others. On the Syrian land left their traces of Saladdin and Alexander Macedonian. Each pebble, each sandbank in this country witnessed important historical events.

The most attractive tourism is the city of Damascus - the most ancient capital in the world. In Damascus, the part, referred to as the old town, was well preserved. Here are an ancient daunting neighborhoods, as well as the famous Eastern Hamidy market and the bzuria spice market.

The historic part of Damascus is related to UNESCO World Heritage Site. There are several dozen valuable architectural structures, including the Basilica of St. Zechariah (now the mosque) with the relics of John the Baptist.

Syria is also famous for the preserved castles of the Crusaders, built in the XII-XIII centuries. The most famous castle of Krak de Chevalier entered all history textbooks. This is the most fortified fortification structure that has not yet managed to take the attack.

5. Algeria

In Algeria, fragile order is provided with the help of a permanent military suppression of the uprisings and the persecution of terrorist (associated "al-Qaeda") and fundamentalist (religious Islamic) groupings. It is not rare in the country, including at airports and hotels, the explosions thunder and hear shootouts. Particularly dangerous is to participate or monitoring demonstrations.

The north of the country is considered a relatively safe area of \u200b\u200bAlgeria, the Mediterranean coast and the Atlas Mountain. The sugar desert is considered a dangerous territory, where it is not recommended to travel independently. Journey can only be performed together with an organized tourist group and under reliable security. The danger of movement on Sahara is the same as in the neighboring countries of Tunisia or Morocco.

In no case should not intentionally or unintently insult the feelings of local residents. There is a ban on photographing the locals, and especially the photographing of women and the military.

6. Libya

The long period of the rule of Muammar Gaddafi, who actively used the military to suppress folk uprisings, did not lead to anything good. In 2011, the country began civil WarIn the course of which the rebels supported the NATO countries and the European Union. Support was both in the form of financing and direct participation of troops and aviation. In October 2011 Muammar Gaddafi was killed, and the authorities moved to the temporary authority of the government to the Transitional National Council. In August 2012, after the election of the Universal National Congress, the power passes to the legal authority.

Despite the overthrow of the Muammar regime of Gaddafi, the authorities of the official authorities apply only to the territory of Tripoli and nearby areas. The rest of the country is divided into several quasi-states - autonomous regions having their own authorities and the army. The region of Fetzan, the region of Western Mountains, the Benghazi district, the city of the Misarata region, possess a high degree of autonomy. At the same time, the city of Bani Valid and Sirty were ruined for supporting the Gaddafi regime.

Safety for the traveler in Libya depends on the region where it is sent. Only Tripoli can be considered relatively safe. In other parts of the country, armed attacks and abductions of people often occur, not in vain in ancient times, the territory of Libya and coastal waters were considered the most dangerous from the point of view of pirate attacks.

Despite a significant threat to security, there are people who still seek to get into Libya, since on its territory there are many monuments of architecture of the ancient period and the period of the Roman Empire. These are the cities of Kyrena, Apollo, Sittika (Leptis Magna), Sabraff. In the mountains of Tadrart-Akacus, you can see samples of ancient rock painting. In the southwest of the country there is an oasis Ghadames.

7. Democratic Republic of the Congo

The country in Central Africa Democratic Republic of the Congo according to the IMF data for 2012 is the poorest in the world. In addition to the poverty and the unstable political situation in the country, conflicts between tribes and communities are constantly occurring, which often have bloody. Even in the 21st century, there are cases of cannibalism in Congo, here the highest level of rape of women, there is sexual slavery.

Move around the Congo, especially independently, it is extremely dangerous. Tourists can be involved in disassembly between tribes, many of which are armed, or become a victim of street robbers of particularly falling on gold. Robbing tourists can both criminals and ordinary residents or street boys for whom to remove gold and valuable things from arriving in the norm of things.

8. Yemen.

The state in the south of the Arabian Peninsula Yemen is the poorest in the Arab world. A large part of the territory is taken by the desert, unsuitable for agriculture or other activities. The main profitable articles of the country's budget is the income from oil and gas. But mineral reserves are constantly decreasing.

In Yemen, there are several dangers for tourists. First, there are very cruel laws in the country, which even for minor violations provide for the death penalty. Secondly, Yemen is a country with the largest amount of weapons (AK-47 automata) per capita. Thirdly, there is a large number of Islamic separatists and terrorists from other countries in this country.

But neither hazardous factors nor unbearable heat can stop some travelers who come to Yemen to watch the "desert Manhattan" - the ancient city of Shibam, one of the most ancient cities in the world's country of the state of the San, the historic city of Zabbit and Socotra Archipelago with alien species.

9. Zimbabwe

In Zimbabwe, there is a totalitarian regime of President Robert Mugaba, who is today the oldest head of state (he is 90 years old). His reforms in agriculture, which implied the expropriation of the ownership of the "White" owners, led to break, inflation and unemployment. The unemployment rate among the adult population was 95%, and the inflation rate in 2008. Records in the world - 231 million%.

A large danger to tourists represent both robbers and gangs and policemen. It is very dangerous to be in someone else's territory, because the owner can easily shoot a stranger. Due to the fuel deficit and growing prices for it, it is possible to turn out to be without a verge of Zimbabwe. There are very frequent cases of undermining on Mine.
The main thing that can attract tourist in Zimbabwe is numerous reserves and national parks. There is a famous Victoria Waterfall in this middle.

10. Burundi

Burundi is a small country to the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. It does not have access to the sea, but is washed by the waters of the longest freshwater lake Tanganyik (second in volume and depth after Baikal). After the military dictatorship and murder of several presidents, a fragile world remains in the country, which at any time can be violated by the armed representatives of one of several warring tribes. In the country, it is extremely dangerous to move by car. In a person who does not know local orders, the automata can discharge both police and rebels. With the onset of darkness begins the curfew, during which it is extremely dangerous to go outside.

11. Angola.

Since the beginning of the struggle for independence from Portugal (1950s) and to this day, in Angola restlessly. For a long time, with the support of the USSR and Cuba, the country went on the communist development path. After the collapse of the USSR, the ruling party reoriented to the United States and began to hold market reforms. But still in the country there is armed confrontations between the official authorities and the opposition. There is a brutal persecution of members of opposition parties. Under the slogan of the preservation of the "spiritual and cultural heritage", the Mosques are demolished in the country.

In addition to the permanent armed confrontations, protest actions, speeches, in Angola there are significant problems in the economy. Here there is a high level of poverty, unemployment, hunger, rampant crime. Since the war, a lot of weapons have been preserved in the country, some territories are mined. In some areas (especially in the Cabinda region), terrorist groups are common, which can attack both the police and in civilians, tourists. In the capital of Angola Luanda, street thefts are common. IN public transport Wallets, bags, mobile phones often steal. Among the white day, and especially at night, robbery often occur. On the road, it is better not to stop anywhere.

12. Nigeria

The most populous country of Africa Nigeria gathered more than 200 ethnic groups in his cordons. There are often clashes between them, which largely prevents the establishment of stability in the country. Many rebels in Nigeria are fighting with government troops. Frequent collisions of gangs, rebels and government troops occur in the regions of Delta, Bakassass and Bayels. Here often abduct civilians and foreigners.

In addition to the danger of an armed attack, tourists in Nigeria are at risk of getting yellow fever, AIDS or other dangerous diseases.

13. Kenya

Kenya is the country of African safari. This type of entertainment among tourists is especially popular. But the walk may not be as safe as it seemed at first glance. Most of the country's population lives very poorly, which provokes them to robbery and theft. In Kenya, there is a high level of AIDS disease. Residents of the capital Nairobi and other areas of the country can very rarely see smiling. On the streets are full of beggars and pocket thieves. Especially dangerous is the Cyber \u200b\u200bSlums District in Nairobi. Some guides can arrange a tour to this area, but no one will give security guarantees.

14. Somalia

Somalia is most famous as a country of pirates. Indeed, in coastal waters, attacks on the vessel still occur. Since 1991, the Civil War has been held in Somalia, which led to the country's section for five independent territories (Somaliland, Puntland, Mahakhir, Galmudug and Northern Somalia), which are managed by the heads of paramilitary formations. There is no central government in Somalia, and the political situation is characterized as chaos.

Rare travelers in the country are threatened by an armed attack, the abduction for the sake of redemption, undermining on Mine, capture by pirates, etc.

Somalia is the second country in the world after North Korea in intolerance to Christians. Most of the population profess Islam (Muslims of Sunits), and in the country instead of secular laws there are laws of Sharia. Especially dangerous in Somalia to be women.

From circumstances that can attract tourists can be called beautiful untouched beaches and diving sites. It should be borne in mind that it is forbidden to be for women without clothes on the beach. In addition to the beaches in Somalia, the caves of Lasa Gaal are of particular interest, where the rock paintings of 10 thousand years have been preserved almost in its original form. Most of the territory of Somalia in view of objective circumstances has not yet been studied.

15. South Africa

Despite the large number of African countries with an unstable political situation, poverty and hunger, the country in Africa is most dangerous from the point of view of tourism in Africa. In South Africa, the consequences of apartheid are still felt. Most of the population (dark-skinned) is below the poverty line. There is a high level of crime. High social tensions remain. In May 2008, in Johannesburg and Duban, mass riots of the black population were committed to punish migrants from other African countries, which take jobs from the local population. Armed conflicts - frequent phenomenon in South Africa.

In South Africa, severe crimes are also often recorded. It is often cases of abduction of people for the redemption. Kidnap also children. It is especially dangerous to be in poor areas of South Africa. Armed people can attack on individual tourists and tourist groups. Frequently cases of baggage theft on the road to the hotel. Streets are filled with lots of unemployed and beggars.
In South Africa, a high level of AIDS infection (about 20% of the country's adult population).

16. Haiti.

On the beauty of the surrounding nature and the beaches with the golden sand of Haiti could be considered paradise For a tourist. But this is hampered by the unstable political situation in the country, the highest level of poverty among America countries, frequent natural disasters. After the last earthquake in 2010, when 210 thousand people died according to official data, many residents still live in temporary housing - slums and tent towns. Many residents are starving, a large-scale outbreak of cholera was observed in the country. On the streets of Port-O-Prince restlessly, demonstrations and armed conflicts often occur. Police cannot fully guarantee the safety of visits.

17. Sudan

In Sudan, a long time as a result of the conditional separation of the borders and ignoring the ethnic component was carried out by civil war. Since 2011, the once unified country is divided into two states - directly Sudan and South Sudan. In both states, the remaining armed formations continue to confuse. According to international data, Sudan is the last refuge for terrorists who fled from other mill. It remains very tense in the province of Darfur, where ethnic cleansing continues. A large number of residents of the country are forced to emigrate to the neighboring state of Chad. There is a dispute between the Sudan and South Sudan, the Abyei Area, where a large amount of oil is mined.

In Sudan, the radical armed groups did not cease their activities, which strengthened their influence during the civil war. On each territory of Sudan, there are their laws, and in some areas (they constitute a major part of the country) entry to tourists is prohibited. The one who breaks the ban can threaten any danger.

Sudan has access to the Red Sea. In the seaside zone there are excellent beaches with golden sand. But in the Muslim country to be shown on the beaches without outerwear not desirable. In coastal waters, pirates are running. From the attractions in Sudan, many tourists seek to see the Pyramids of Meroe, the Nubian desert, as well as the mountains of Jebel Marra.

18. Palestine

As a result of the UN plan in 1947, the Jewish state of Israel and Arab regions of the Gaza Sector, the West Bank of the Jordan River, the Golan Heights (disputed territory between Israel and Syria were formed in the territory of the corresponding historical region in the Middle East. The whole Arab world opposed the creation of Israel and began the Arab-Israeli conflict, which continues and today.

Now in the territory of a prosperous Israel, Arabs Muslims are trying to create an independent state Palestine. Radical Palestinians, unlike the Israelis, do not want to solve the conflict in a peaceful way and oppose the existence of Israel as a state. The most dangerous region of Israel is the "enemy territory" of the gas sector under the controlled Islamic organization Hamas. From this territory on the shore Mediterranean Sea Almost incessant artillery shelling of Israel is underway. From time to time, Israel carries out response strikes. Weapons in the Gaza Strip comes smuggling with Egypt.

Despite hostilities and Islamic radicalism, many tourists seek to get to Israel, including on Palestinian territories to resemble the holy land and get into temples, from where the spread of Christianity began. Many Christians manit dreams to see the silver star, denoting the birthplace of Jesus Christ.

19. North Korea

Since 1953, North Korea (DPRK) has become a closed state with a planned economy. Power in the country fully belongs to the Korea Labor Party with the transfer of posts by the head of the party inheritance. The current receiver Kim Jong Yun changed his father Kim Jong Ira in December 2011

The policies of the isolationism of North Korea applies to tourists. Lightweight access to the country has only CNR citizens, the rest of the wishing to go through a long procedure for obtaining permission to enter the country. The advantage is provided to organized groups of tourists who have passed the test of the special services of Korea.

Russians in North Korea can only be accessed by the Vladivostok - Pyongyang flight airlines Air. Koryo. There are only several districts in the country where tourists are allowed. This is the capital of Pyongyang, the Komganan zone on the border with South Korea and the new economic zone of the razon in the north of the country.

Tourists in North Korea attract natural attractions. The most famous of them is the heavenly lake on the border with China. Many Chinese and Korean rulers and famous people stated that their birth or formation is connected with the heavenly lake. This was used to declare Kim Jong Il. The heavenly lake arose in 969 in the crater of the revived volcano. Of great interest in Pyongyang is 105 storey hotel Ryuong.

To get to Pyongyang can anyone other than journalists, US citizens and South Korea. It is impossible to import literature about North Korea to the territory of the country, with the exception of the one that is printed in the DPRK, as well as any propaganda materials. Until 2013, tourists could not be imported to the country. Even in Pyongyang, it is impossible to enter all areas. The government has developed special routes for tourists to inspect the sights. Police strictly monitors the movement of tourists in the city. In the country, it is forbidden to photograph military facilities or any objects unresolved by the government. In North Korea, there is a threat only by government organizations. But the threat is serious, in no case should not violate the rules.

20. Cambodia

Recently, Cambodia is becoming an increasingly attractive country for tourism. There are a lot here beautiful beaches and natural attractions. In Cambodia there is the biggest in the world the cult building - temple complex Angkor Wat.

But tourist operators strongly do not recommend travelers to deviate from the long routes, since the considerable territory of the country remains unexplored and there may be mines from the time of civil war. Other possible dangers in Cambodia are infectious diseases and snake bites. The population in the country peace-loving, but there are aggressive young people who can own weapons. In Cambodia, the weapon is a rather common subject of purchase / sale.

21. Philippines

The island state of the Philippines is considered quite peaceful. People here are mostly friendly and hospitable. But among the seven thousand islands, which form the Philippines, allocate several dangerous regions. These are Tavi-Tavi Islands, Suul, Zamboang, Basilan, Mindanao, Northern Kotabato. These islands are considered the most disadvantaged in terms of drug development and crime. There are cases when tourists in the cafe or local eaters in drink were added to the drug, depriving consciousness. In such a situation, you can lose not only valuable things, but also health. The Philippines is also dangerous from the point of view of natural cataclysms: storm rains, floods, earthquakes.

22. Sri Lanka

In 2009, civil war was over in Sri Lanka between government troops and the movement for the independence of the Tamil Diaspora under the leadership of the Timil-Ilama Liberation Tigers organization. The war ended, but small groups of separatists still hide in the jungle and can perform terrorist attacks. For this reason, tourists are not recommended independently go to the study of the jungle, because it is possible to get to the minefield.

The country is not allowed to photograph military facilities. Also, it is also impossible to leave things unattended - they can be regarded as such that pose a threat. According to Sri Lanka, it is advisable to move with documents that identify the person.

The most famous resort cities In Sri Lanka: Moratuv, Galle, Kandy, Anuradhapura, Nuzara Elia. On the island there is a Temple of the Buddha's tooth - one of the most revered shrines Buddhism.

23. India

In India, the high risk of terrorist attacks is preserved. In any place and at any time explosions or armed attacks can occur. The most dangerous regions of the country: the states of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the region of Ladakh, the city of Manali and Lech. The activities of militants are especially active on the border of India with Pakistan. The exception is the site of Atari-Vagach. The high risk of armed attacks, extortion and kidnaps of people exists in the northeastern states of Nagaland, Assam, Tripura and Manipur. When traveling to these states you need to observe extreme caution.

India is also dangerous from the point of view of infectious infection, viruses, insect bites and poisonous snakes. Before traveling to this country, it is recommended to do all possible vaccinations. In India, it is necessary to refrain from the use of crude water or bathing in local water bodies or rivers.

24. Mexico

Mexico Country is a rather frequent destination for tourist trips. There is a well-developed tourist business, many attractions and beautiful beaches, local residents of Rado welcome tourists. However, not all territories of Mexico are safe.

In Mexico, an unfavorable criminal situation is maintained. Through the country, a considerable amount of drugs in the United States is carried out. This process is headed by local mafia led by dangerous drug trains. In the northern regions of Mexico hides a large number of criminals who fled from the United States. In Mesik, a per capita murders are performed twice as in Russia, and four times more than in Ukraine. Weapons here is not used for intimidation, but for direct purpose.

Tourist in Mexico has nothing to fear if he won't go to poor quarters with slums and journey to the northern states of the country. Safety places are better to clarify the guide or tour operator. Local travel agencies provide tours only by proven routes. Make independent colleagues undesirable.

25. Colombia.

Columbia is a fabulous country with incredibly beautiful landscapes and cities. There are a lot of natural and architectural attractions here. But Colombia has bad fame through rampant crime and drug trafficking.

Colombia recorded the highest number of murders and abductions in the world. For more than 40 years, civil war originated in the country, where their own interests, including drug trades, were defended. After the end of the war, armed formations remained in the country, which at any time can give themselves to know. From the point of view of a high crime, the most dangerous departments of Colombia are: Putumayo, Magdalena Medio, North Santander, Vichade, Arauca, Vaupes, Antiojia and Sierra Nevada de Santa-Marta.

In Colombia, the revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC-EP), the detachments of which kidnap people, including tourists, and require redemption for them. They received money to finance their activities.

Move around Colombia only follows government trails. In public transport, there are a lot of pocket thieves from which local residents prudently hide their wallets and valuable things. It is customary to ride with well pressed to the body with bags and backpacks in front.

In Colombia, it is often cases of cocaine overdose. This is a country where drugs are produced in large volumes and it is easy to get them. But abuse leads to a large number of deaths.

26. Venezuela

Venezuela attracts tourists incredibly beautiful nature and plenty of tropical islands and beaches. Here is the highest and most impressive waterfall of the world - Angel. Rich Flora and Fauna attracts active and inquisitive travelers. Many remained enchanted thousand types of orchids that grow in tropical forests. But except beautiful nature In Venezuela, they wait for dangers.

This country is involved in drug trafficking. Through the territory of Venezuela, the routes for transporting cocaine to the United States are running. Capital Caracas Country is a very dangerous city where a large number of murders are performed. Most crimes are not disclosed. In addition to the capital, dangerous are areas on the border with Colombia.

27. Brazil

Most famous city Brazil Rio de Womeno with the beach of Kapakabana, the statue of Isusa-Christ and the mountain sugar head. In 2014, Rio de Genereo became a key city where the World Cup was held at the Maracan Stadium. In 2016, the Summer Olympic Games will be held here. Rio de Genereo has always been the center of the colorful festivals and the most important events in Brazil.

But the tourist in this city threatens several dangers at once. First, in no case should not experience their fate, planning a trip to Favel (Fawele) - a slum area. Here robbed and can easily kill. In Brazil, murders are committed in four more often than in the United States. Cases of robbery with violence. Secondly, during mass processions and festivals, in crowded places, such as Kapabana Beach, pocket thieves are activated. Valuable things should not take with them. Thirdly, rio-de-delegeo and other cities of Brazil often occur mass riots. Large groups of aggressive people are dangerous for tourists.

In Brazil, there is an extreme snake island. This is not only a name, but the display of a really high concentration of snakes on the island - per 1 m2 accounts for 1-5 snakes. Most snakes are poisonous. The bite of a hooplar snake causes instant fatty tissues and death. Officially, the island is forbidden to visit, but many extremes still try to get to it.

28. Honduras.

On the territory of Honduras besides the beautiful nature and beaches of travelers, the ruins of the Mayan civilization. But Honduras is a country with a very high level of crime. There are criminals of all the masters - from large drug trains who are trying to take control of drug trafficking from Colombia to the United States, to robber and pocket thieves. Pocket thefts, snatching bags and even armed robbers are not uncommon Honduras. Especially careful need to be at night (when it is generally better not to go outside), as well as during the interrupting in crowded places.

It is not recommended to move alone. The most dangerous areas of Honduras for a tourist: the capital of the state of San Pedro-Sula, the city of the body and Santa Rita de Colon (the landmark of the Al-Ruby Waterfall). Attending the areas border with Nicaragua and Salvador areas are undesirable and unsafe.

A relatively safe settlements and villages are considered relatively safe in Honduras, where the order is supported by local self-defense. Self-defense, together with government structures, effectively fight smugglers, poachers and "black lumberjacks".

29. Côte d'Ivoire

Cat D'Ivoire Cat in Africa has large areas of thick equatorial jungle, here are crystal-clean lakes and excellent beaches. But one should not forget about the distribution of various infections carrying insects. D'Ivoire's cat is very hot and overlooking almost all year round.

Dangers in the cat d'Ivoire are also associated with the human factor. A high crime rate remains here, drug business is developed. Since 2010, a political crisis has lasted in a civil war in the country.

30. Dominican Republic

On one island with the state of Haiti is the Dominican Republic. The tourist business is developed here, which relies on natural attractions: waterfalls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Kharabacoa, the Armando-Bermudes Reserve, the system of underwater caves of Padre Naestro. IN Dominican Republic Very many beautiful beaches and popular seats For diving (Catalina Island and Saon).

But being in the Dominican Republic is not so safe. On the one hand, natural disasters such as hurricanes and earthquakes often occur here. On the other hand, the Dominican Republic remains a high level of crime, which is also associated with participation in drug trafficking.

On the streets of cities should beware of pocket thieves and robbers. You can attack both alone and the group, with or without weapons. But the outcome of this meeting is predetermined. Police very rarely discloses cases of street theft. The greatest interest, in addition to valuable equipment and gold jewelry, represent passports of citizens, driver's license, credit cards.

In addition to street robbers, large groups of angry people should be fear. In the Dominican Republic, there are cases of pogroms and riots on the streets learned local residents. Tourists are not recommended to enter poor areas.

Many Russians consider this country dangerous to visit, since its territory allegedly control the paramilitary groups. Yes, in the early 1990s, chaos reigned for some time, but the crisis has long been overcome, and tourists from all over the world rushed into the country. Let's talk about the most popular myths about security in Albania.


Albania is still not well developed tourist area, And for most Russians, this is generally a riddle. Often, due to the lack of truthful information, real facts about the life of the country are becoming an indispensable number of myths, legends and delusions that have long lost their relevance. In particular, many Russians consider this country to be dangerous for visiting, since its territory allegedly control the paramilitary groups. Yes, in the early 1990s, chaos reigned for a while in Albania, but the crisis has long been overcome, which contributed to the activity of the world community.

Safety myths in Albania

Some more popular myths, which are somehow related to safety in Albania, can be divided into fluff and dust:

Albania - Muslim country, and innerians here do not like

The second approval is not true, the first is true only in part. There is no official religion in the country, this is a secular state. Although most of the residents consider themselves Muslims, they constitute no more than 60% of the total population of the country. Moreover, the legacy of the communist past makes itself felt: the traditions of honor are not too diligent, and faith adheres to only 25-30% of the country's citizens. At the same time, all tourists note that in Albanian cities and villages, Christian churches coexist with mosques, and there is absolutely no religious tension.

Albania - poor country, theft is common here

The country is really poor, but in recent years, political stability has come, and the economic situation has improved with it. The usual safety measures in transport or markets, of course, will not damage, but note that pockets are no more pocket than in the most developed countries.

Here do not like foreigners, it is a closed country

Correctly talk: did not love foreigners. Isolation took place until 1990, then followed the complex process of territorial disputes and national conflicts. As a result - the division of Yugoslavia. Now it is in the past. In all Albania, you can travel completely calmly (but, of course, not alone, and not young girls), Albanians are friendly, they are always ready to help: show the way, to tell about the sights, the elderly still remember how the USSR helped Albania, and especially respect Russians.

Despite the fact that Albania as a whole is a fairly calm country, there are some features related to the safety of which it is worth knowing:

  • cases of theft are still not rare, so it is worth being attentive and follow the personal things in crowded places;
  • gypsy is better to avoid, they can be quite aggressive, although they are limited to begging. Often they cling to bags, pursue, persistently require money.
  • money is preferable to exchange items or banks. Albanians themselves often resort to worn services changed, but for tourists the latter establish a disadvantageous course, and the language barrier prevents from how to explain;
  • drink and use when cooking, bottled water is recommended;
  • swimwear and smelting are appropriate only on the beach and by the pool;
  • in museums and temples, pay attention to the prohibitive photos and video shooting signs and strictly adhere to the established rules;
  • smoking in public places in Albania is prohibited, the penalty is 35 euros.

In conversations S. local population Avoid disagreements, do not affect controversial topics. In addition, it is not necessary to take part in demonstrations, processions, it increases the risk of theft. If conflict situations occur, it is better to immediately contact the authorities. Phones of Special Services: Police - 129, Ambulance - 127, General Emergency number - 112.

In our cycle of stories about independent travel in Turkey, we will tell you about the beautiful beaches and attractions, popular routes and amazing seaside towns, not known to the massive tourist. But we did not just rested on the Mediterranean coast: at the same time they went away, whether the latest news speaks whether it is worth the rest in this country and what is the situation in Turkey for tourists today.

The situation in Turkey for tourists today: 4 main conclusions

At the very beginning of our endless story about Turkey, we decided to answer the main question of Russian tourists. And he sounds like this: who is now resting in Turkey - as a situation today?

The answer is simple - the situation in Turkey for tourists is excellent today! And now more about what is happening at the resorts of Turkey. I only talk about what I saw with my own eyes, but for everything else I do not pass.

1. In Turkey, few Russian tourists

It is very striking. None of hotels Antalya , Alanya and other cities we have not met large number compatriots. Want to know what is happening in Turkey resorts today? Yes, nothing happens: the elderly Europeans are quietly francated by the pools and will not be brighted as the heroes of the transfer "Our Russia" 🙂

Of course, for understandable reasons, Russian tourists in Turkey are not so few as a couple of years ago. Then there were only independent travelers who were not intimidated by propaganda, which was inspired daily to the people that the situation in Turkey for tourists is not much worse. But 5-10 years ago, Russians on the local beaches were significantly more. Although strange, because it is now - best time For rest in Turkey! Read more - in our articles:

To find out what atmosphere in Turkey for tourists today and what is the attitude to the Russians here, I tried to give myself a traveler from the Czech Republic. But despite the cap and T-shirt with the inscription "Prague", on every corner I shouted "Hi, friend!" Not at all in Czech.

According to numerous reviews to our articles, we also see that people are very interested in rest in this country, including independent. And even official statistics says that hundreds of thousands of Russians go to Turkey on holidays.

But earlier mined millions. The reasons that led to this are well known to all. He played a role and television, which even now repeat the time that the situation in Turkey for tourists today is not the most appropriate. But the main thing is, of course, the consequences of the abolition of charters and the ban on the sale batch tours To Turkey for Russian travel agencies. Now the ban was removed, but now many fear to communicate with travel agencies: what if they will again be banned selling vouchers and we will stay without vacation? Of course, no one forbids tourists to fly regular flights and book yourself. hotels in Belek or Mahmutlar. . But here, as lonely ugly girls in social networks write, "everything is difficult."

And first of all because russian tourist is not independent. It sounds a little rigid, but this is a fact that must be admitted. While the whole world travels independently, intimidated by everyone and the entire average Russian tourist continues to torment with stupid issues: what if they do not fall out? What if I am lost in transplanting in the big and terrible airport of Istanbul (Berlin, Moscow)?

In general, many are not even a military or political situation in Turkey, but the need to independently organize their journey. If it does not frighten you (or scares, but not much), then these our articles will be very useful for you:

- Little "Russian" town in the province of Antalya. Rosskazni that the situation in Turkey for tourists today is unsuitable, they scared not only tourists, but also those who have real estate here.

2. Around some Jews. And the Germans

It does not happen holy place: while the number of Russian tourists falls, guests come from other countries to replace them. On 1 place in tourist flow to Antalya, as always, Germany. The number of Ukrainian tourists rose by a third, Israeli - by 70%. And someone who, and the Israelites know a sense safe. Be setting in Turkey for tourists today and really such a terrible as inspired by the Russian man in the street, there were no legs there.

In general, it seems that there are two Turkey, two absolutely different countries. The first is a terrible, filled with exclusively terrorists who dream of unscrewed the head by Russian (for some reason it is Russian!) Tourists. The second is hot, bright, hospitable and at the same time an inexpensive country, in which the Germans, Dutch, Scandinavians and joined the Israelites attached to them. Russians have recently been among them.

And this is the West Beach of the city of Side, who has long chosen the Germans. Feel as they say, difference.

3. The attitude to Russians in Turkey has not changed

Attitude to Russian tourists in Turkey today is the same as the year, and two, and five years ago. It even seemed to us that the Russians were now glad now than in the past years. After all, many Turks have friends in Russia, they read newspapers and know perfectly perfectly, in what expressions we are presented to the situation in Turkey for tourists today.

In general, the famous Turkish service will not go anywhere. Like an equally famous Turkish obsession 🙂

4. There is no civil war in Turkey

"In the south of Turkey there is a civil war and the situation in Turkey for tourists today is dangerous." This phrase constantly tells you the head from the TV. And the closer the summer season, the worse the "latest news", the more awful it seems to the situation in Turkey for tourists today and the wider the flow of happy Russians heading for the blessed and safe resorts of the Fatherland.

So, dear friends, there is no civil war in Turkey, which would prevent tourists to relax in this country. People who say it or do not know what the situation in Turkey resorts for tourists today, or they pursue their feet.

In the framework of education russian tourist Conscious hatred to all Turkish citizens of Turkey banned in Russia almost any activity. Russian business in Turkey, as always, feels comfortable.

I do not want to say that in Turkey never happens - it happens, unfortunately. And now tell me: When are you or your friends for the last time, were in a diyarbakyr? And in Gaziantepe? And in chalkurfe? These cities are located near the border with Syria and there, indeed, the invalid of police clashes with Kurdish militants and members of a certain banned organization in Russia. But to tourist Antalya from these places - more than a thousand kilometers.

Another reader can say: Well, that, it is Turkey, which means that the situation in Turkey for tourists today is not the most favorable. Then I will remind you that Sochi and other safe resorts North Caucasus There are not far from the "hot spots", where something bad is also happening forever. And let me shock you with news: unlike Turkey, in Thailand, for many years now there is a real civil war With constant, sometimes even weekly terrorist attacks, skirmishes and victims. Over the past ten years, about 4,000 people died in conflict. We arelastic terrorists in this war in southern Provinces Yala, Narathivat and Pattani (not to be confused with Pattaya). And there are these places 500 km from the Russians of Phuket and Samui.

And what, someone from Russian tourists suffered in this war? Not. And someone prevented to go to Thailand? Also no. Just the Soviet media, to our great happiness, do not force the situation and do not frighten the man in the street "terrible Thailand." Because Thailand, unlike Turkey, is considered winter resort And he is not a competitor you know what. And who took the lives of many tourists, have occurred before the explosions in Istanbul. At that time, our faithful servants did not paint a brilliant thought - to interfere with us to ride the unrequisied countries under the guise of concern about our security.

Citizens, where are you?! There are terrorists! Are you not watching the first channel?

This is the situation in Turkey for tourists today, seen by our own eyes. We will be glad to hear other tourist reviews who are now resting in Turkey! On this we end overview articles and go to the story about our journey through this beautiful country. Do not forget - it will be even more interesting!

If you are going to Antalya, Alany, Kemer or Side, we can recommend a proven travel agency, whose services we use themselves when we arrive in Turkey. They have good programs, low prices and excellent guides. We have already recommended this company to friends and readers and everyone has been satisfied. If I wonder, write to us on the company / Vaiber +79166440605, we will send you contacts. The guys will help you draw up a rest plan, will send price and answer questions.

On Thursday, August 17, the van rammed the crowd of pedestrians on Rambla Street in the heart of Barcelona. Soon, a similar attack occurred in another Spanish city - Cambrils. According to the latest data As a result, 14 people died. Even more than 100 (one citizen of Russia) suffered. The Village found out how the tourists appeared on the already located in Spain and whether it was dangerous there to rest.

How the inhabitants and tourists reacted to the terrorist attacks

To find out what happened in Catalonia, when it became known about attacks, we turned to tourists and local residents there.

Olga Lukinskaya

wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Such a terrorist attack can hardly be prevented, but you would have seen, as all city services worked well yesterday.

We approached Ramblel from the opposite end, at the monument of Columbus, about 10 minutes after the terrorist attack - and the rammble was evacuated, pulled by ribbons and is surrounded by the police. I have never seen such a number of police cars in Barcelona. Immediately a helicopter appeared, there were a lot of secret police cars - they look like no remarkable cars, but they go with Sirena.

In Barcelona, \u200b\u200ball transport worked for free, including a taxi. The hotels in the free of charge of people who could not get home or their hotel. My friends wrote in Facebook, that they are ready to feed and put to sleep a couple of people. We all felt and feel together, because it is a city where everyone loves and support.

Tatyana Simakova

chief editor of The Village,

in Barcelona on vacation

When everything happened, we were on the beach. Very quickly all the people who were with us nearby grabbed the phone numbers and began to read the news, but I can not say that panic began. Many, especially local, remained to lie in the same place, where they lay. Perhaps due to the fact that simply has nowhere to go.

After what happened in the city, several streets were blocked and some metro stations did not work, but all the transport and taxis could be used for free. True, it didn't help us very much, because it was impossible to drive to the place we need. I had to get on foot.

What surprised me, the police behaved very competently and bred people streams without any panic. Employees were very polite and collected - I have never seen such police officers.

What is happening in Spain now

After a double terrorist attack in Spain, a three-day mourning was announced. Responsibility for the happening of the "Islamic state" prohibited in Russia forbidden in Russia. At the moment, about 100 victims of 34 states remain in hospitals, including 15 people in serious condition. By number +34932142124 a hotline works. The country has strengthened safety measures, but on everyday life, including almost 100 thousand Russian tourists in their lives, it almost did not affect.

Olga Lukinskaya

wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Everyone is sad, but life continues. Everything works in normal mode, except for individual institutions right on Ramblel. In principle, this is typical of August the situation when half of restaurants and shops are closed on vacation. Fences on the street itself have already been removed.

The day was a minute of silence on Catalunya Square. A lot of people came, including the King and Prime Minister of Spain. Some stores added black ribbons directly to signage. Memorials appeared with flowers, candles, toys.

From time to time, the street applauds and shout "No Tinc Por!", That is, "I am not afraid!". The inhabitants have a very strong sense of unity: everyone is ready to help, volunteers go to hospitals by translators.

I do not think that people will change tickets and fly away.

Tatyana Simakova

chief editor of The Village,

in Barcelona on vacation

Some stores were closed, but now everyone returned to work. I understand that local walked to Catalonia's Square to express their solidarity. People have many emotions: after a minute of silence, they began to slap together.

As for the special operation, they pass unnoticed to others. The police are present in places of cluster of people, but I can not say that the city is paralyzed.

Is it worth refusing trips

Despite elevated level Danger, Spain was not officially closed for tourists. In Rosturism only recommendations for heading for rest: they are asked to leave their contact details in case of tourist companies. emergency situations, Observe personal security measures, avoid the massacre of people and follow the instructions of the authorities.

Olga Lukinskaya

wonderzine editor,

lives in Barcelona

Tourists, I think, can be recommended to spend a day in museums or go to the beach and have fun more moderately, respecting mourning declared in the country. Also, do not be afraid to turn to the police at some suspicions. They are good and attentive.

In the Association of Tour Operators, Russia stressed that the speech about the mass cancellation of the vouchers does not go. Market participants admit only a slight decrease in demand, which is associated with the end of the summer season.

Representatives of Aviasales reported The Village that the number of search queries for flights from Russia to Spain yesterday decreased by 3% compared with the past Thursday and by 12% compared with the previous day. The number of bookings in Barcelona did not change compared to the past Thursday, and compared with the previous day fell by 14%. At the same time, the number of tickets bought on the ticket site from Spain back to Russia increased by 13% compared with the past Thursday and 56% compared with the previous day.

"" noted that the Russians usually plan their holidays in advance - for a month and a half, so many not many then change their plans in connection with the events in the country.

OneTwotrip confirmed that the situation with searching and booking hotels and tickets, as well as exchanges and returns is within the normal range.