Tuscany region in Italy: photos and description, history, attractions and interesting facts. Tuscany: the most interesting and unusual places to visit Tuscany description

With its famous tower, the city of “medieval skyscrapers” of San Gimignano and the timeless walls of Lucca, as if straight out of the paintings of Renaissance masters - all this is Tuscany.

It is also the birthplace of Dante and Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci... and Chianti, whose popularity still brings a stable income to the region. Ecotourism lovers have taken a liking to the Tuscan countryside, and fans beach holiday and diving - the coast of the region and the island of Elba, famous not only for the residence of Napoleon, but also clear sea with coral reefs.

How to get to Tuscany

Most air travelers traditionally choose to travel via Rome or Milan. Tuscany proper can be reached by rental car on the E35 toll motorway or by train. Italy has a well-developed network railways, and ticket prices are low - for example, moving from Rome to the capital of Tuscany, Florence, will cost 16-45 EUR per passenger. You can view the schedule and purchase tickets online at the office. Trenitalia website (in English). Budget ways to get to Tuscany also include air travel to Rimini - in the summer the local airport serves transfers from Russia. Prices on the page are for October 2018.

Italy: test of 11 difficult questions. Try to answer correctly 11/11:

The route through Florence is less popular, since there are no direct flights from Russia. However, this option may be of interest to those who enter the region from other European countries: the local airport has international status; both large airlines and low-cost carriers Ryanair, Vueling and EasyJet have regular flights there. In the latter case, it is quite possible to fly to Tuscany from Paris or Prague for only 59 EUR.

Since December 2016, it has become available to Russian travelers new opportunity to get to Tuscany - direct flight to Pisa. It is operated by Pobeda Airlines three times a week throughout the year, and Es Seven flights are added during the tourist season. Prices start from 270 EUR for a round-trip ticket. It is advisable to get from Pisa to the capital of Tuscany by rental car or train - the journey will take an hour and cost from 5-13 EUR.

Search for flights to Rome (closest airport to Tuscany)

A little geography

Most of Tuscany is hills and mountains, and the flat terrain, located in the Arno River valley, occupies less than 10% of the entire region. In the north and east, Tuscany is surrounded by the Apennines, in the provinces of Lucca and Massa Carrara are the Apuan Alps, which serve as a source of Carrara marble, in the center of the region are the Metalliferous Hills, and between Pisa+ and Lucca are the Pisa Mountains.

Cities of Tuscany


The best periods to visit Tuscany are from May to June and from September to October - at this time the temperature range is most favorable.

Summer is quite hot, during July and August the temperature constantly rises above +30 ° C, and in the fall the rainy season begins, gradually weakening by January. Winter is quite cold by Italian standards, but even in the mountains it rarely gets frosty. On the coast the climate is milder. Due to the fact that it is protected by mountains from cold northern winds, the heat brought by African winds is stored here throughout the year.

The Tuscany region is located in the central part of the Apennine Peninsula, on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The relief in the region is varied: in the east and northeast there are the Apennine, Chianti and Pratomagno ridges, in the northern part - the ridges of the Apuan and Ligurian Alps, and along the river valley. Arno and closer to the coast a small strip of plains begins.

It’s no wonder why this region is so loved by holidaymakers in the country of Italy. Tuscany is one of its most beautiful parts, the birthplace of schools of many styles of architecture and painting, a place of unique historical richness, as evidenced by numerous reviews from tourists. This is the place of formation of the Etruscan civilization, the ancient Apennine culture, the state of the Lombards and the Roman Empire, in addition, the birthplace of the Renaissance. This place contains an incredible number of cultural sites, due to which as many as 6 cities in the region are included in the UNESCO List (among them the historical centers of Siena, Florence, Pienza and San Gimignano, the Val d'Orcia and Piazza Pisa).

Italy, Tuscany: attractions

Many tourists who come here later remember with pleasure the picturesque town of Volterra with its Pinacoteca, Palazzo dei Priori, Romanesque cathedral, art gallery, baptistery, Etruscan Guarnacci Museum and the Etruscan Arch. In the town of Certaldo you can see the villas of Cetinale, Chigi, Volte Alte, Chela, as well as Velcaro Castle. Pienza arose through the efforts of Pope Pius II on the site of the former village of Corsignano, whose roots go back to the Etruscan era. This is one of the most picturesque settlements in the region. Its decorations are considered to be the Palazzo Piccolomini, which has a luxurious park, the Duomo Cathedral, the Palazzo Borgia (the collections of the Museo delle Cattedrale and the Diocesan Museum are now housed here), the town hall of the Palazzo Comunale, Ammannati, Cardinale Atrebatense and Gonzaga, the church of San Francesco (the oldest in the city, built in the eleventh century), in addition, the grottoes of Monticchiello and the monuments of Pieve Consignano.

In Lucca, noteworthy are the sixteenth-century fortress walls, the Roman amphitheater, the churches of San Fernando, San Michele, Santa Maria Forisportam, the Pinacoteca, the eleventh-century Cathedral of San Martino, as well as the delightful villas of Torrigiani, Mansi, Garzoni di Pesca and Marlia with their luxurious gardens. In Pistoia, it is worth seeing the churches of San Francesco and Madonna del Umilta. In Arezzo, interesting are Piazza Grande, the Church of Maria della Piave, the Fraternita dei Laici Palace, the Bishop's Palace, the Vasari Loggia, in addition, the churches of San Michele, Sant Donatus, Santa Maria in Gradi, the Basilica of San Domenico and San Francesco, the Cathedral of Sant'Agustín and a huge number of other architectural monuments. Each of these towns evokes genuine delight among vacationers, who then share admiring reviews with all their friends.

Resort Tuscany

The Tuscany region in the minds of tourists is mainly associated with the Siena-Florence-Pisa triangle. These once warring and powerful republics became the real center of medieval Italian life. These republics have not existed for a long time. But beyond the power of man and time, the enchanting climate, sea and mountains of the Mediterranean that Italy can give to vacationers remain.

Tuscany in the summer is an opportunity for tourists to kill three birds with one stone, while devoting time to history and seeing the Tuscan Maremma (including the thermal baths and Saturnia). It’s not for nothing that you can see mostly only admiring reviews about the region! In addition, you can sunbathe on the luxurious beaches. And Italy is famous for them! Tuscany coastline provides vacationers with a chic, wide, sandy coastline.

To sea!

For some this will be a discovery, but in Tuscany (Italy) there is a sea - the Tyrrhenian. Consequently, there are resorts, reviews of which also arouse interest in this region. Forte dei Marmi has long been preferred by show business stars, European aristocrats and famous fashion designers, for whom Italy (Tuscany) is an ideal holiday destination. The coast in Marina di Carrara and Marina di Massa is simpler, and so is the public, but there are more hotels and longer beaches. But in Monte Argentario the yachtsmen are in charge. In addition, there is the island of Elba with seven dozen beaches where you can go diving and snorkeling. Italy (Tuscany) is famous for all this. We will consider the resorts of the region in more detail below.

Impressions in Livorno

Livorno, the “ideal city” of the Renaissance, is famous for the Venetian district with a dense network of canals and a huge number of old buildings, the Sanctuary of Montenero, the Mascagnano Museum, the monument to Ferdinand the First Medici, the fortresses of Castello Nuovo and Castello Vecchia. Consequently, the impressions of vacationers from staying here are only the most vivid.

Sights of Prato

Here you can see the Cathedral of Santo Stefano, the Pretorio Palace, the Castello del Imperatore ( old castle), the churches of Sant'Agostino, Santa Maria delle Carceri, San Domenico, San Francesco, San Fabiano, and San Vincenzo (monastery). It is not for nothing that many tourists are attracted to this city in Tuscany, which they are happy to tell all their friends about. Italy as a whole is full of attractions, but here they are concentrated very tightly. In Massa you can see the Malaspina Castle, in Piazza Aranci the Palazzo Ducale, the cathedral, Marina di Massa (a picturesque port) and Alpi Apuane Pietro Pellegrini (mountain botanical garden).

Nearby Carrara is today famous for its Palazzo Ducale and cathedral.

Idyll in Chianti

Once in Tuscany, you need to visit the Chianti region for at least two days, as many vacationers here advise, try the wine of the same name, and also enjoy the view of the hills. You can also spend the night here - most castles currently operate as hotels, although there are also hotels here that are more familiar to us. Tuscany (Italy) provides high-quality service to its holidaymakers. At the same time, the amazingly trained staff is amazing, anticipating the wishes of their guests. Basically, they have shops that sell bottled Chianti, olive aromatic oil and other gourmet things for which this region and the whole of Italy are famous. Tuscany, about which you can find exceptionally admiring reviews, pampers vacationers with its freshest olives and aromas.

Tuscan Islands

They extend between Corsica and the region's coast. Judging by the reviews, the greenest, largest and most visited among them is the island of Elba. Today it is considered part of the National Park of the Tuscan Archipelago and a prestigious resort area, which is famous for its olive and eucalyptus groves, picturesque beaches, the Baths of San Giovanni, the churches of Forte della Stella, Misericordia and Santissimo Sacramento, the fortresses of Forte del Falcone and Portolongone , the monastery of Madonna Montserrata, Palazzina dei Mulini (Napoleon's exile took place here), as well as the Villa San Martino, which today houses his museum. The coast of the island is entirely built up with elite resort areas, among which the most notable are Capiloveri, Portoferraio, Porto Azzurro, Lacona, Prochio, Rio Marina, Cavo Marciana, Campo del Elba, Marciana Marina, Marino di Campo and Poggia. It is not surprising that many famous personalities like Tuscany (Italy), a holiday in which is difficult to compare with anything else.

The island of Giglio, lying near Cape Argentario, is a paradise for divers, as it is a granite cliff that plunges steeply into the sea. Many scuba diving enthusiasts are happy to talk about this place. The island's rocky shores alternate with small beaches, while the ancient towns of Giglio Castello, Giglio Porto and Campese are famous for their excellent cuisine. The island of Capraia is located off the coast of Corsica and is known to many for its picturesque lake, which occupies the crater of a volcano.

Giannutri is famous untouched nature and an incredibly beautiful sea, which attracts romantics so much. The miniature island of Gorgona, which lies opposite Livorno, is incredibly beautiful, but inaccessible to visitors (there is a prison in this place). The same fate befell the flat small island Pianosa near Elba and, in addition, the island of Montecristo, which lies between Corsica and Giglio.

Amazing towns of Fiesole

This is a small town in Italy, which is located very close to Florence - the distance between them does not exceed 10 kilometers. In this ancient town, which appeared in the sixth century BC. e., the remains of the fortress walls of the Etruscan dwellings, as well as the amphitheater and ancient baths - a legacy of the legendary Roman period - were able to survive. By the way, theatrical performances and concerts are still held in the amphitheater, which vacationers here talk about with delight for a long time.

All the main historical and architectural sights of the town are concentrated in its center, on the square. Mino da Fiesole - Episcopal and Pretorio palaces, San Romolo Cathedral. Nearby is the Bandini Museum, where you can see stunning sculpture and painting by Italian masters of the 13-15 centuries.

San Gimignano - the territory of luxury

This is a city of luxurious palaces and majestic medieval towers, for which Italy is famous. Tuscany has collected a huge number of monuments, including San Gimignano. This attracts thousands of tourists to the city every year, who initially read reviews about the city. The Palazzo del Popolo houses an art gallery with works by Benozzo Gozzoli, Lippi, Pinturicchio and other masters of the Florentine school of painting. The city also has a museum of religious art, wonderful Archaeological Museum, the main city museum, which consists of 10 exhibition and spacious halls. Another interesting place that it is advisable for the faint of heart not to go into is the Museum of Torture and Torture.

By the way, historical Center This city is included in the UNESCO list.

Such an unusual Lucca...

Many people like the cities of Tuscany. Italy as a whole is able to amaze and surprise vacationers. An example of this is Lucca. This Tuscan town is often called the “city of 100 churches.” In fact, there are a great many of them here. Built in different eras, they were surprisingly able to survive to this day, while others can only be seen in the form of ancient ruins.

Of great interest Cathedral, located in Piazza San Martino, the Church of San Giovanni, the Basilica of St. Fredian, San Pietro Somalia, as well as other historical and architectural buildings.

Renaissance art lovers should visit National Museum in order to admire the works of Bronzino, Tintoretto, Giordano, while fans of leisurely long walks will be interested in the wide shady alley that stretches along the fortress wall of Lucca.

Famous Siena

The city, surrounded by vineyards and olive groves, is located in the Chianti Valley, famous as the main center of winemaking in the region. Thanks to its fortress walls, it was able to preserve its own medieval appearance, which is so loved by many vacationers in the country of Italy. Tuscany generously allows tourists to fully enjoy these views.

Its central del Campo is the center of the life of the city - townspeople once gathered here, wanting to solve important political issues, as well as to celebrate any events. Currently, the popular Palio horse race is organized here, which takes place twice a year.

On the square you can admire the magnificent Cathedral, famous for the Fountain of Joy, and visit the Civico Museum - its exhibitions display stunning frescoes by Simono Martini. Stunning impressions will also remain after viewing the works of Siena painters in the National Pinacoteca, in addition, tasting the best in the Enoteca.

Sights of Pisa

The city, which is located on the Tyrrhenian coast, is primarily famous for its architectural white marble Square of Miracles, which includes the baptistery, the famous Cathedral of Santa Maria Maggiore. Near the square there is also the Campo Santo cemetery with holy soil, which was brought from Jerusalem on ships in the 13th century.

An interesting architectural landmark of Pisa is also the eleventh-century Basilica of San Pietro a Grado - legend has it that it was built where those traveling from Constantinople to Rome landed. The University of Pisa is famous here - it is one of the most prestigious and oldest educational institutions in the whole world. Galileo Galilei studied here and later taught here.

Also noteworthy is the botanical garden, which was founded in 1544. It is an example of a traditional Renaissance garden. Hence, this place, judging by the reviews, is loved by all fans of architecture and history.

Italy, Tuscany: Florence

Stunning Florence, located near the border between Emilia and Tuscany, was founded in the 59th century BC. e.

At the very beginning, the town was simply a settlement for legionnaires, but by the eleventh century, due to its convenient location at the intersection of trade routes, it was completely transformed, becoming a large craft and trade center, in which the famous da Vinci and Michelangelo, Machiavelli worked and lived in different eras and Galileo, Petrarch and Dante. It’s not for nothing that you can’t find a single negative review about this city.

You need to start getting acquainted with the city from the squares of Florence, which are unique museums located under open air. It is interesting to look at Piazza della Signoria, densely lined with works of famous sculptors of Italy during the Renaissance, as well as Piazza Duomo with Giotto's bell tower and the ancient baptistery.

Arriving here, you should definitely visit the most popular museum in the country - the Uffizi Gallery, which displays one of the most complete European collections visual arts the Renaissance period, look at the Vecchio and Pitti palaces, the original statue of David in the Academy Gallery and, of course, the Boboli Gardens - this is one of the most famous parks in the whole world.

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Briefly about Tuscany: why to go and what to see

Tuscany is a region Central Italy, which is traditionally associated with the endless Tuscan fields and major tourist centers of attraction, such as Florence, Pisa, Lucca and others. In addition, Tuscany is also famous for its spacious sandy beaches, which Italy, in general, is not spoiled with. It is not surprising that the prestigious beach resorts of Forte dei Marmi, Viareggio, Lido di Camaiore, Punta Ala, Marina di Grosseto and many others are located here in Tuscany. There are also several thermal resorts in Tuscany, which, unlike beach resorts, are in demand all year round - these are Montecatini Terme and Saturnia.

Michael Cahill/Arezzo Historic Center

Visa and entry rules to Italy

Italy is a member country of the Schengen Agreement, therefore, to visit the country for tourism purposes, you will need to open a tourist Schengen visa type C. The visa is opened at the Italian embassy or consulates located on the territory of the Russian Federation. You can also submit a ready-made package of documents for consideration in numerous visa centers Italy, which are found in almost every major city.

The set of documents is standard for the Schengen countries; in addition, when submitting, you will need to take electronic fingerprints. To visit Italy, you must have an insurance policy with a coverage value of at least 30 thousand euros. The policy is attached to the main set of documents for applying for a visa. If you plan to travel on a tourist visa, then you must attach a hotel reservation, if on a guest visa, then an invitation from the Italian side.


Climate and weather of Tuscany

The climate of Tuscany is typical Mediterranean. The coast on one side is washed by warm Tyrrhenian Sea, on the other hand, it is covered by the Apuan Mountains, which do not allow winds and cyclones to reach the shore. That is why beach holidays in Tuscany are quite long, starting in May and ending in October, and lasting longer than anywhere else in Italy. In the summer months, the weather in Tuscany is quite hot, the thermometer often rises above +30 degrees, so some tourists prefer to visit beach resorts in the so-called “velvet” season - in September-October.

Winters and off-seasons in Tuscany are mild and perfect for excursion tourism. In addition, during the low season, the concentration of tourists in cities such as Florence, Pisa or Lucca decreases, which makes visiting top attractions more comfortable. As for precipitation, rains are not uncommon in November-December and March, but more often they are not prolonged. In general, Tuscany is far from the rainiest region in Italy; in summer, precipitation is sporadic.

Michele/Maremma Natural Park

How to get to Tuscany

Recently, getting to Tuscany directly from Moscow has become possible thanks to the launch of Moscow-Pisa flights operated by the Russian low-cost carrier Pobeda. On this moment, this is the cheapest and fastest way to get from Russia to this region of Italy. Flight time is 3.5 hours. You can check the flight schedule on search services:

Distance grid and trail numbers for car trips from Pisa:

Where Where Distance Route
Pisa Marina di Pisa 15 km Route No. SP224
Pisa Viareggio 24 km
Pisa Forte dei Marmi 38 km Route No. A12/E80
Pisa Lido di Camaiore 27 km Strada Statale 1 Via Aurelia
Pisa Montecatini Terme 47 km Route No. A11/E76
Pisa 18 km Routes No. SS12 and SS12 radd
Pisa Arezzo 160 km Route SGC Firenze - Pisa - Livorno and A1/E35
Pisa Florence 87 km Route SGC Firenze-Pisa-Livorno
Pisa Rome 357 km Route No. A1/E35

Cities of Tuscany

The cities of Tuscany are famous for their rich historical heritage, so the flow of tourists coming to the region for excursion purposes does not dry out all year round. The most visited cities in the region are undoubtedly Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Siena and Arezzo. Beach resorts follow with a slight lag, but their attendance is seasonal, mainly from May to October. So, let's talk about each city in more detail.

Florence– the city is famous for its museums and architectural historical monuments. The must-see attractions include: gothic cathedral Santa Maria del Fiori, Uffizi Gallery, Ponte Vecchio, the basilicas of San Lorenzo and Santa Croce, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, Palazzo Vecchio and Palazzo Pitti, Boboli Gardens and much more. In a word, in Florence, every building is some kind of important landmark. The city was founded in the first century BC, it is not surprising that historical heritage Florence is the richest, and will require more than one day to study and explore;

– the city was, is and remains one of the most visited cities in Tuscany, and this is connected, first of all, with such an outlandish attraction as a tower leaning on its side – Leaning Tower of Pisa. The town itself, or rather its historical part, is small, and it will take no more than one, maximum two days to explore. Among the must-sees, in addition to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, are Cathedral Square, the Pisa Baptistery, and the Cathedral. Conveniently, all these attractions are located next to each other, i.e. within walking distance;

– the city is ideal place to feel like you are in the scenery of the Middle Ages. Narrow streets, fortress walls, towers, cathedrals, low-rise colorful houses and lush palazzos - all this creates a unique atmosphere for all lovers of history and architecture. And to see the red tiled roofs of the city from a bird's eye view, it is enough to climb to the observation deck of one of the towers of Lucca; the views from there are undoubtedly magnificent;

– another town where you can feel the atmosphere of the Middle Ages. The city is truly elegant, sophisticated, and many local buildings here have been preserved in their original form, which is why the historical heritage of the city is difficult to overestimate. The absolute must-sees of Siena include Piazza del Campo, the Siena Duomo (similar to Milan), the Basilica of San Domenico, the Torre del Mangia and numerous palazzos;

– is a little less known than previous cities, but this does not negate its significance and value. Piazza Guido Monaco, the House of Petrarch, the Medici Fortress, Prato Park, the Cathedral, various palazzos, churches, basilicas, abbeys - this is what makes Arezzo a truly unique city. If you only have a couple of days left in Tuscany, then experts advise that you definitely spend one of the days in Arezzo;

– the city of “towers,” as the locals call it, became famous thanks to its 15 towers located in the historical part of the city. Here you will also be enveloped in the atmosphere of the Middle Ages, and the Cathedral Square and numerous palazzos will definitely not leave you indifferent, not to mention the magnificent Tuscan landscapes that open in the vicinity of San Gimignano;

And – two sophisticated Tuscan towns with beautiful landscapes, thermal springs and gastronomic tours. Both cities combine a lot of opportunities for tourism - sightseeing, tasting, relaxing. Montepulciano and Montalcino – great places relaxation for connoisseurs of real provincial Tuscany;

- a fortress, a castle, a cathedral, several squares, as well as an ancient gate that was considered the main entrance to the city - all this is Volterra in all its splendor. And the location on the hill makes the place great observation deck for those who want to admire real Tuscan landscapes;

- not just another spectacular Tuscan town, but also a real UNESCO heritage. The architecture of the city is amazing, and its author can be called the famous Italian architect Bernardo Rossellino. The elegant Renaissance city will not leave indifferent any connoisseur of exquisite architecture and world heritage.

In addition to its historical cities, Tuscany is famous for its beach resorts, which literally come to life when the weather warms up. Forte dei Marmi, Viareggio, Lido di Camaiore, Marina di Grosseto, San Vincenzo and others - further in our article.

harshil shah/Lucca

Beaches of Tuscany

The Tuscan coast is famous for its beaches. Here, like nowhere else in Italy, you can find spacious sandy beaches, equipped with everything necessary. The coast of Tuscany is washed by the warm Tyrrhenian Sea, and the swimming season lasts almost six months (from May to October inclusive). Off the coast of Tuscany, the entrance to the sea is gentle, the water is clean, no big waves, the place is great for both independent rest and for holidays with children.

It is worth keeping in mind one feature Italian beaches(not only in Tuscany) - this is their fee. Most of the beaches in Italy are divided among themselves by hotels, which clean the area and equip it, so entry to such beaches is paid (the price varies). Tuscany, in this sense, is no exception. But if you wish, you can always find free sites; you can “recognize” them by the absence of any equipment - sunbeds, awnings, umbrellas.

– is considered a “paradise” among resorts. Its golden sandy beaches coupled with warm sea and mild Mediterranean climate make the place extremely popular in the summer. In addition, the infrastructure of Viareggio is considered one of the most developed on the coast. For comfortable rest there is almost everything here - accommodation for every taste, all kinds of entertainment, attractions, cafes, open-air bars, restaurants, promenades, festivals and celebrations that are held annually. In a word, you definitely won’t be bored in Viareggio. But the cost of a holiday here, on average, is higher than along the coast;

- Another one tourist centre attraction, along with Viareggio. The beaches of Forte dei Marmi are one of the most comfortable, clean and environmentally friendly places to relax. In addition to passive relaxation on the beach, in Forte dei Marmi you can also engage in sports tourism, go shopping or explore local attractions, such as the 18th-century marble fortress. Forte dei Marmi is considered a fashionable and sought-after resort, so the price tag here is also slightly higher than on the coast;

– located on the southern tip of Tuscany and is administratively divided into the historical part with its many attractions and the beach part. The beach part of the resort is called Marina di Grosseto. Unlike other resorts of the Tuscan Riviera, in Grosseto you can find quite a lot of preserved historical monuments - these are fortress walls, cathedrals, churches, and museums. In addition, in the vicinity of the resort there is natural Park"Maremma" with its various attractions. As for the beaches, in Grosseto they are fine sand, with a gentle entrance to the sea, and are equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable stay;

- a resort located next door to Viareggio and Forte dei Marmi, but more intimate and calm compared to its “neighbors”. The coastline of Lido di Camaiore stretches beyond the horizon, the beaches here have a pleasant golden hue, and there are significantly fewer tourists here, even in the “high” season. Lido di Camaiore is also perfect for family vacation, since there are 3 amusement parks open here at once. If you are a big nature lover, then from Lido di Camaiore it is convenient to go for a walk in the Apuan Mountains Natural Park;


- a small but respectable resort, which has 10 km of sandy beaches, sports and wellness centers, tennis courts, a yacht pier, golf courses, beautiful gardens and parks for walking and cycling. The town also preserves several historical monuments - squares, towers, cathedrals, and the ruins of a fortress. In the vicinity of San Vincenzo there is the Rimigliano Natural Park, which includes moving dunes, coniferous forests, marshlands, glades, rare species of plants and trees and secluded sandy beaches. Also close to the shores of San Vincenzo is the island of Elba, perhaps the best diving site in Tuscany;

- a separate resort located on the cape, while it has all the necessary infrastructure for a comfortable holiday, including sandy beaches surrounded by coniferous forests, a yacht harbor, diving and surfing opportunities, water skiing, golf courses, tennis courts and much more other. In addition, it is in Punta Ala that sailing regattas are held annually;

- a “paradise” corner of the northern part of the Tuscan coast. On one side, Pietrasanta is surrounded by the Apuan Mountains and pine groves, on the other it is washed by the sea, and sandy beaches stretch along the resort coast. In addition to a beach holiday, in Pietrasanta you should definitely stroll through the old part of the city and explore the local attractions. And in free time you can go conquer natural parks"Versiliana" and "Apuan Mountains";

– located in the province of Grosseto, in southern Tuscany. The local area is famous for its pristine beaches; it is not for nothing that the beaches of Follonica are marked with the Blue Flag insignia as the most clean beaches peace. Walking along the embankment, you can stumble upon an ancient fortress, one of the sides of which is located directly in the sea. As an entertainment option, you can take a ferry from Follonica to the island of Elba; it won’t take much time here. In general, the main advantage of the resort is, of course, its nature and pristine beauty;

is a very small resort town that all the locals adore. Its distinctive feature is the presence of three sand spits leading to the Monte Argentario peninsula. Orbetello will captivate you with its lagoon, its historical monuments and, of course, its unforgettable natural views. Foreigners know little about the resort, so you have a chance to become a “pioneer”.

Francesco Porrà/Beaches of Lido di Camaiore

Baths of Tuscany

The Baths of Tuscany is another significant component of holidays in the region. Thermal spas Tuscany is open all year round and is in great demand among vacationers, although in terms of attendance it is still inferior to similar resorts in Germany or Austria.

– on the territory of the resort there are four large thermal springs, they all have different properties and are actively used for healing. There are more than nine different thermal baths in Montecatini, each of which specializes in something different. Thus, some are suitable for drinking, while others are only suitable for swimming. The most famous in this sense are the thermal complexes of Tettuccio, Redi and Excelsior. You can diversify your holiday in the historical quarter of Montecatini Alto, where many interesting architectural monuments have been preserved. In addition, Montecatini is located close to cities such as Pisa and Lucca, which can be easily reached by train;

is a resort located in the southern part of Tuscany and has outdoor cascading pools with mineral waters. The natural pools of Cascate del Mulino and Cascate del Gorello are in demand in the summer, while in winter hotels with spa areas offer their services using mineral water local sources. Another feature of Saturn is its nature. The resort town is surrounded by green forests and low mountains, and itself is located in a cozy valley, so the air here is always clean and the views are stunning.

Theo K/Thermal Springs of Saturnia

Hotels in Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany is one of the most popular tourist regions in Italy; it is not surprising that the corresponding infrastructure here is mature and developed. This also applies to all kinds of placements. You can stay in Tuscany in classic hotels, apartments, guest houses, bed and breakfasts and even hostels. There are also more luxurious options - club hotels or villa rentals.

In large cities such as Florence, Pisa, Lucca, Arezzo, bed and breakfast hotels predominate, because... tourists rarely stay here for more than a few days. Such hotels have all the necessary set of options, and at the same time they have affordable prices for accommodation. The resorts of the Tuscan Riviera are characterized by other accommodation conditions - often these are apart-hotels or rent separately standing apartments, because travelers stay here for more long term. Of course, on beach resorts Tuscany also has standard hotels of all star categories.

A recommendation for booking accommodation in Tuscany is to search and book early, because... local resorts are quite in demand, and all the best options in terms of price/quality ratio are sold out the fastest, especially on the eve of the summer swimming season. You can always find a suitable hotel/apartment on the Tuscan coast or in the cities of the region, as well as check availability for specific dates, using specialized services for finding hotel offers, which are convenient because they compare the maximum number of available accommodations.

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Hotels in Tuscany, as a rule, meet all European requirements; there are no regional peculiarities here. Depending on your needs, you can always find hotels here with parking, Wi-Fi or included food options (although there are not many all-inclusive hotels here, mostly offering only breakfast or half board). The related infrastructure in the cities and resorts of Tuscany is also very well developed; you can always find cafes/bakeries/restaurants/supermarkets nearby.

Toscana Passion/Sea on the Follonica coast

Shopping, food, prices in Tuscany

Shopping in Tuscany can be quite varied, depending on your own desires. Some tourists do not limit themselves to a set of standard souvenirs and go shopping at local outlets, of which there are slightly fewer in Tuscany than in the vicinity of Milan. The largest outlets in the region are Designer Outlet (outskirts of Florence), The Mall Outlet (also around Florence), Urban Outlet (near Siena), Maria Sartini non solo cashmere Outlet (outskirts of Pisa), as well as Dolce & Gabbana Outlet, Valdichiana centers Outlet Village, Fashion Valley Outlet and Lorenzo Lori Outlet (arezzo area).

In addition to outlets, you can find shopping streets in any major city in Tuscany. For example, Florence is famous both for its mono-brand boutiques and large shopping centers. Famous Florentine shopping spots include the Gigli and La Rinasctnte ​​department stores, and the porcelain gallery at Ponte Vecchio bridge. In Pisa, Borgo Stretto and Corsa Italia are considered shopping streets, which are famous for their mono-brand stores of clothing, shoes, accessories and perfume. From large shopping centers in Pisa - this is the Coin department store. In Siena, for quality shopping, you should visit Via Dei Montanini, Via di Citta and Banchi di Sopra; in Lucca - Via Fillungo; in Livorno - Via Grande.

Tuscany is considered a region of respectable holidays, therefore high season prices for accommodation and related services may be inflated, but not by much. In addition, with proper planning, you can always find budget accommodation, food outlets, etc. In order to find affordable accommodation for a holiday in Tuscany, it makes sense to consider resorts with less loud and well-known names.

Next door from popular resort You can always find a quiet, calm resort, whose quality of service and offered conditions will be no worse, but there will be no need to overpay for the image respectable resort. In general, we can say that the holiday southern resorts The Tuscan Riviera is a little cheaper than in the north, because... they are still little “promoted” among tourists.

Tuscany is famous for its cuisine, and you can try local delicacies not only in restaurants haute cuisine, you can buy fresh produce from local markets and cook your own meals. The proximity of the sea allows Tuscany to fully enjoy the fresh sea ​​fish and seafood at affordable prices.

As a snack, Tuscany offers tourists a huge selection of pizza varieties - pizzerias can be found here at every turn. Dishes that are worth trying in Tuscany include, in particular, Florentine steak, crostini appetizers, Panzanella salad, Ribollita vegetable soup, and Acquacotta thick bread soup. Tuscany is also famous for its wines - these can be red, white, or rosé varieties.

raffaele sergi/Landscapes around Follonica

Travel insurance

When going on a trip to Tuscany or any other part of Italy, do not forget to take out a travel insurance policy, which is mandatory already at the stage of obtaining a tourist visa. You can take out insurance yourself without leaving your home. There are special services for this:

- online insurance for people traveling abroad and traveling in Russia;

- O online service for selecting and purchasing travel insurance with the ability to compare offers from various insurance companies;

You can purchase a policy online and then print it on a regular printer. Insurance must be attached to your visa documents, and you must also have it with you when going through passport control upon arrival at the airport. note that minimum amount Insurance coverage for trips to European countries (including Italy) is 30 thousand euros. Medicine in Italy is paid and quite expensive, so having insurance with you is not a luxury, but a necessity.

Graeme Maclean/Apuan Mountains

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Photo at the beginning of the article: heipei

The Italian region of Tuscany is the second most important cultural center in Italy. The Tuscan dialect formed the basis of the Italian literary language. Tuscany is beautiful, fresh, cultural and generous. The symbol of Tuscany is, first of all, the Chianti hills and cypress trees reaching towards the sky. Nature generously gave her a little bit of everything. The Tuscan Alps occupy 20% of the region's territory, 70% are hills and only 10% are plains. However, Tuscany has access to the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian seas, the length of its coastal zone is 320 km, and the largest port cities Livorno, Piombino and Porto Santo Stefano successfully cope with the huge flow of cargo and tourists.

Reference. The port of Livorno is one of the largest in Italy. The length of the berths is 11 km, the total land and sea area of ​​the port is 4,100,000 m2.

Elba Island in Tuscany

Foreign tourists often perceive Elba as one of the many small and medium-sized Italian islands. In fact, it is the third largest island in Italy after Sicily and Sardinia. Judge for yourself: the area is 223 square meters. km, 147 km coastline and a developed road network. The Elbe will fit into a giant rectangle measuring 27 x 16 km.

Most big Island The Tuscan Archipelago is, accordingly, the most delicious piece of the island tourism pie in Tuscany. Where is it good to live on the Elbe? And how to get there? About this and other things - detailed story in the material:

Tuscan Maremma

Geographical names do not immediately acquire new meanings. If names are associated with grace and natural abundance, or with human suffering and adversity, with something unusual for the eye and for the heart, new meaning and symbolism begin to be invested in them. Maremma- a clear example of this. This wide geographical area was in the past a source of malaria and a symbol of hard life. Ironically, the Maremma of Grosseto has opened up a people who are unique to Tuscany.


Florence: largest medieval cultural, commercial and financial-economic center in Europe. Birthplace of the Italian Renaissance and capital of the Kingdom of Italy.

Originated as ancient settlement veterans of Rome in 59 BC, Florence received the name "Blossoming". Here, in different times were born, lived and created their masterpieces such famous personalities like Dante Alighieri, Giovanni Boccaccio, Donatello, Michelangelo Buonarotti, Leonardo da Vinci, Giotto, Nicolo Machiavelli, Galileo Galilei.

One of the largest cathedrals in Europe - - has become a symbol of Florence. Florentine bridges, including the famous Ponte Vecchio, Uffizi Gallery, Palazzo Vecchio, Piazza della Signoria, Basilica of San Lorenzo are just some of the most visited tourist sites in Florence.

The Florence Academy of Fine Arts is the first in Europe. The collection of art treasures in the Academy Gallery includes thousands of exhibits, among which is the original "David" by Michelangelo.

The University of Florence (Universita degli Studi di Firenze) was the first to introduce a scientific discipline italian theology, along with traditional academic disciplines law, literature and medicine. It annually trains over 65,000 students from different countries. Find out more:


“Cor magis tibi Sena pandit.” This inscription on the main northern gate of the city reads: “Siena opens its heart to you, which is wider than these gates.” This greeting, testifying to the hospitable character of Siena and its inhabitants, was greeted by strangers yesterday and is greeted by travelers today.

Siena experienced the dark events of the troubled times during the late Roman Empire and early Middle Ages. The city, restrained in the expansion of its possessions by constant rivalry with the stronger Florence, was deprived of access to the sea and was open only towards the Maremma. Siena experienced devastation and sieges, internal struggles and terrible plague pandemics.

Piazza del Campo. The square with its famous palaces is like a magic shell within which the entire history of Siena took place. On it is a unique Public Palace (Palazzo Pubblico) with a 102-meter-high Manggia Tower, and the Fountain of Joy is also located here. It is on this square that an unforgettable medieval spectacle takes place twice a year - the Palio, an equestrian competition. And if the impression made by the wonderful view of Piazza del Campo is great, the traveler is seized with even deeper admiration when visiting the Duomo, churches and museum halls, and the art gallery of Palazzo Buonsignori.


No one knows how exactly this city was born. Even major historians of the past could not reveal the secret of the origin of the city. Historical data is similar to legends, and few records of the origin of Pisa have been preserved. Perhaps they were seafarers, Greeks or Phoenicians, who settled here in pre-Roman times.

Nowadays Pisa is average provincial town on the banks of the Arno River, still facing the sea, for its history is saturated with salt, like the sea.

The free city's proud history allowed the arts and sciences to flourish. By the 8th century, Pisa's fame had strengthened cultural center: It was not for nothing that the grammarian Pietro da Pisa was summoned to Paris to teach Charlemagne himself.

Many people call Tuscany a joint masterpiece of nature and man. After all, this area became the birthplace of many famous Italians, including Michelangelo and da Vinci.

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Many people call Tuscany a joint masterpiece of nature and man. Natural beauty This Italian region has countless vineyards, fertile valleys and coastline. Man-made beauty - palaces, churches and architecture of cozy cities. Tuscany is also famous for its rich culture. After all, this area became the birthplace of many famous Italians, including Michelangelo and da Vinci.

Geography of Tuscany

Tuscany is a region in Central Italy, which is washed in the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea (the length of the coast is more than 300 km). It is separated from Liguria and Emilia-Romagna by the Apennines. Most of Tuscany is hilly and mountainous, and only 9% is flat. Administrative center area is Florence.

You can get to Tuscany by air. There is an airport near Florence. Despite its modest size, it has the necessary infrastructure and receives flights from France, Germany, Switzerland, Denmark, Spain and major cities Italy.

Map of the Tuscany region

Major cities of Tuscany

The largest city in the region is Florence, which gave the world geniuses in the person of da Vinci and Dante. The literary Italian language and the Renaissance were born here. Without exaggeration, this is a museum city with a huge number of churches, basilicas, galleries and palaces, with historical squares and cozy old areas. And although every corner of Florence is a monument to past eras, it is a completely modern and dynamic city. In addition to the attractions, it will delight you with excellent gastronomy and shopping opportunities.

Lucca is not comparable in population to Florence. But by Italian standards it is also considered quite big city. It is known as one of the few cities that have completely preserved the fortress walls of the Middle Ages. Lucca is also famous for its elegant palaces, which are worth seeing with your own eyes.

Church of San Michele in Foro, Lucca

Climate of Tuscany

Starts in May best season to visit Tuscany. The region is already warm like summer, and by July the temperature here can rise above +30 °C. In November-January there is a lot of precipitation, and the temperature in the foothills can drop to +5 °C. On the coast, even with the passing of summer, it remains mild climate. In winter, due to the fact that the mountains protect it from the winds, the temperature only sometimes drops below +12 °C.

Sights of Tuscany

The number of attractions in Tuscany is breaking records. But you can still highlight the brightest of them. For example, the Leaning Tower of Pisa is the most famous symbol of Italy. Its construction began in the 12th century, and today inside the “falling” monument of Pisa there are covered galleries with arches and ornaments. The tower is also a working belfry with medieval bells.

Duomo di Siena, Siena

Among the main monuments of Tuscany - Duomo of Siena. It is an outstanding example of Italian Gothic, made of white, pink and black marble with gargoyles and Gothic pediments. Its interior is decorated with a mosaic floor, amazingly beautiful statues, and bas-reliefs. There is a museum attached to the Duomo that houses the most valuable masterpieces: stained glass windows and the altarpiece “Maesta” made by the artist Duccio.

Lucca is worth a visit Palazzo Pfanner- the house of a merchant family, which is still in the possession of the descendants of the family. Only part of the palace is open to the public - this is a residence with a reception hall, decorated with frescoes, and several rooms with original furniture from different eras. The garden with well-tended flower beds, 18th-century statues and a greenhouse deserves special attention.

Botanical Garden, Lucca

Another pride of Lucca and Tuscany - Botanical Garden cities. In the 19th century it was created with an observatory, which has survived and is in operation. The collection includes almost 250 types of flowers, but the garden is rich not only in plants. It is decorated with columns and large ceramic medallions - they reflect the history of the garden's changes.

Florence is a treasure trove of Tuscany with hundreds of monuments and museums. In this city, you cannot pass by the Basilica of Santa Croce with the tombs of famous residents, the Uffizi Gallery with a collection of unique paintings, the Palazzo Vecchio - an outstanding building in Florence with rich interiors, as well as the Accademia Gallery with the largest collection of masterpieces from different eras.

Palazzo Vecchio, Florence

Holidays in Tuscany

If you take a break from excursions, Tuscany is ideal for a beach holiday. The Tuscan Riviera is loved by the Italians themselves - they value it for its pristine beauty and excellent coastline. For a quiet holiday, you should go to Viareggio or Maremma. These areas are famous for their sandy and uncrowded beaches. Follonica with clean sand and shallow sea ideal for families with children, and Castiglione and Punta Ala for connoisseurs of luxury.

Tuscany is a favorite region of ecotourists. They come here to go hiking National parks, bike rides along equipped trails, or even stop in the villages of Tuscany to surround themselves with the traditional life of the region. Developed in Tuscany gastronomic tourism- it could not have turned out differently in such a fertile region. Truffle and wine festivals for which Tuscany has long been famous are held here.

Shopping in Tuscany

If you want to take antiques from Tuscany, best place You just can't beat Lucca. One of the best works here flea markets Europe with thousands of silver items, antique furnishings and souvenirs. Moreover, the market is held on the 3rd weekend of every month in several squares at once.

For clothes you can go to Florence - the assortment here is excellent, although not as huge as in Milan. In the city itself, boutiques of famous brands line the central streets. But it’s better to go to the suburbs where Sotto Sotto, Valdichiana, Barberino outlets operate. All of them are multi-brand and offer discounts of up to 70% all year round. The outlets feature both luxury and affordable brands. Florence is also known for its quality leather and fur products. On sale you can find good shoes, bags, fur vests, fur coats, leather jackets. In the city, products can be bought in individual stores, and in the suburbs - in factories.

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