The flea market is quiet. Flea market in silence

Vintage items, collectibles, or simply things with history can all be found at flea markets. A trip to such a market is not just shopping, but rather a real journey into the past with its attributes and atmosphere.

Where can you find flea markets in Moscow?

Previously, it was located at the Mark station, but then it was moved to the Novopodrezkovo station area. This market is considered the largest and most diverse in terms of assortment in Moscow. The market area is small; the shopping rows start from the station itself. Sellers stand both inside and outside the market, laying out their goods directly on the newspaper.

The range of goods is very large: samovars, jeans that went out of fashion at the beginning of this century, badges, interior and household items and much more. This market will appeal most to lovers of antiques - in addition to outright junk and trinkets, you can find ancient coins, vintage figurines and interior items from half a century or even a century ago. At the same time, prices are as affordable as possible.

The market is only open on weekends. To find something worthwhile and be in time before the main influx of buyers, it is better to come here early - retail outlets start opening at 6 am.

How to get there: in the Leningradsky direction, get to the Novopodrezkovo station, cross the railway tracks (if you are coming from Moscow), turn right and walk about 50 meters. You can also get to the market by bus or minibus No. 873 from the station. metro station "Skhodnenskaya" to the stop "Vereskino". From the stop, walk about 250 meters in the direction of travel.

  1. Flea market at Izmailovsky vernissage

This flea market is the most famous in Moscow. There are few truly useless and unattractive things here. You want to touch most products and look closer.

The entire market is divided into sectors, which helps visitors navigate the huge assortment. They mainly sell antiques (vinyl records, clothes, cheap souvenirs) at reasonable prices. At the same time, sometimes you can even find expensive things here that have a certain cultural value - for example, antique furniture, dishes, paintings. For tourists, the flea market has a craft row with matryoshka dolls, ear flaps, painted toys, etc.

Working hours: daily from 9 am to 6 pm.

How to get there: The market is located 10-15 minutes walk from the station. metro station "Partizanskaya" in the direction of the hotel complex "Izmailovo".

This market was created by the Moscow Government to help the capital's pensioners. Here you can buy vinyl records, cutlery and dishes, clothing, books and much more.

It is worth noting that this is the only flea market where there are strict restrictions on the sale of certain goods. It is prohibited to sell underwear, socks and some types of shoes here.

The market is working on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

How to get there: about 7 minutes walk from the station. metro station "Ploshchad Ilyich" or "Rimskaya".

There used to be a big flea market on Tishinka. Nowadays, this market no longer exists in its former form, but an exhibition-fair of vintage items is held here every year. Typically, this event is attended by antique shops, galleries, private collectors in Moscow or individual merchants with a large assortment of goods. Entrance to the exhibition-fair costs about 200 rubles.

Fans of real flea markets with an atmosphere of spontaneity will feel unusual here - everything here is too organized and civilized. But those who appreciate a glamorous ambiance will get real pleasure by visiting such a flea market on Tishinka.

How to get there: about 10 minutes walk from the station. metro station "Mayakovskaya" on Krasina street.

This spontaneous market has no boundaries as such and is located along the walls of the former monastery from Bolshaya Cherkizovskaya Street to the monastery walls. Things are hung directly on the fence or laid out on tables brought by sellers.

It is less popular than the flea markets in Novopodrezkovo or Izmailovo, but this can be considered its advantage. Thanks to this situation, the chances of finding something truly valuable here at a bargain price are significantly increased.

How to get there: about 7 minutes walk from the station. metro station "Preobrazhenskaya Square"

This flea market opened quite recently - in April 2016. At the moment, this is the only exhibition-fair of vintage original products in the center of Moscow, regularly operating on Saturdays.

The main assortment of the flea market consists of antiques, vintage interior items, vintage jewelry and clothing, toys and books of past years and eras. You won't find cheap looking items here. “Antique Flea Market” was originally conceived as a collection of rarities and rare antiquities. At the same time, the prices here are quite reasonable and correspond to the quality and value of the item.

In the future, the “Antique Flea Market” has every chance of becoming a place of constant pilgrimage for Moscow antique dealers and simply lovers of original gizmos “with history.”

How to get there: about 20 minutes walk around the territory from the station. Sokolniki metro station.

If you are a connoisseur of rare things or believe that things preserve the spirit of history, welcome to the Moscow flea markets. If you wish, you will find here a real treasure worthy of the most famous collections in the world!

Flea markets are places where you can buy and sell antiques. Today, at such sales you can buy almost everything, from genuine antiques to items that are barely 10-20 years old. The key feature of such places is low prices and the opportunity to “bring them down” even more - to haggle. The flea market on Tishinka is one of the most famous in the capital. What other flea markets are open these days in Moscow and St. Petersburg?

Historical reference

Organized flea markets begin their official history at the beginning of the 19th century. It was at that time that Rostopchin issued a decree allowing trade in second-hand items. The only restriction is that the fair should be held only one day a week, on Sunday. Everyone could take part in the general sale; prices were determined by sellers independently; any goods could be displayed on improvised counters. The flea market on Tishinka is one of the most famous in Moscow. This flea market spontaneously formed during the Soviet era, when not only new imports were in demand, but also used items of various categories that were so necessary for Soviet people.

Flea market on Tishinka

Today, a modern one has been erected on the favorite place of speculators of bygone times. Yet four times a year you can buy unique items with a rich history here. An exhibition-fair called “Flea Market” is held under the roof of the modern complex. This is a large-scale event, which is attended by lovers of rarities and collectors from different countries. An interesting fact - the very definition - “flea” market - came to Russia from France. Once upon a time, large fairs were held near Paris, where you could buy second-hand clothes and a lot of interesting things. Along with new clothes, happy buyers often received fleas. Today the flea market on Tishinka does not prepare such unpleasant surprises. In its atmosphere, it is more reminiscent of an elite antique salon than a traditional flea market.

Fair in Izmailovo

The Izmailovo flea market is located in close proximity to the hotel complex of the same name. The assortment will please even the most experienced collector, but the prices are steep. Obviously, the fair is aimed primarily at tourists. However, no one canceled the auction. In addition, on weekends there is a real flea market where grandparents trade. Among the things they offer you can find not only Soviet badges and coinage, but also real antiques. The Izmailovo flea market pleases with its neatness and organization.

Flea market "Lefty"

The Moscow flea market in Novopodrezkovo has a fascinating history. This fair has moved many times. Today it has found a permanent place, official status, and at the same time remains as simple as before. Ordinary counters; among the sellers there are more pensioners than professional resellers and connoisseurs of antiquities. You will also be pleased by the atmosphere of a real flea market - here they sell, buy, and exchange. The best part is that the prices are not bad, and you can lower them if you want. The fair is open on weekends and holidays; according to experts, it makes sense to come here early in the morning, when there are a lot of goods and few buyers. The flea market in Novopodrezkovo is one of the most popular in the capital due to its informal atmosphere. The variety of items sold makes it especially interesting; it’s nice to come here just to study the assortment and feel nostalgic.

Where to buy unique things in St. Petersburg?

It is difficult to imagine such a beautiful and mysterious city as St. Petersburg without flea markets. There really are similar fairs in the cultural capital. As in other cities, you can find quite modern “junk” and unique items that are quite old at flea markets. A unique place, for example, “Udelka” (market at Udelnaya station) - from one seller you can find both cheap jewelry from the 90s and unique pre-revolutionary ones. Everything that gets in the way of modern apartments is sold here: Soviet clothes and shoes, crystal and porcelain dishes, souvenirs and furs. The city market “Juno” also has its own flea market. In front of the organized shopping arcades and pavilions, dealers in antiques settled down. It is useless to expect to buy something interesting here for a minimal price - most sellers not only know the price of their goods, but also tend to inflate it a little. A story about flea markets in St. Petersburg would not be complete without mentioning “Aprashka” (Apraksinsky Dvor). Experts say that this is one of the most inexpensive places where you can buy truly valuable things. If you believe historical facts, there were shopping arcades on the site of the modern flea market back in tsarist times. Today, Apraksinsky Dvor is adjacent to a modern, expensive shopping center, but because of this, there are no fewer visitors to the flea market.

For antique lovers, information about flea markets in Moscow - addresses in 2019 will be useful.

The flea market is a place where, among just old things from past decades, you can find truly valuable rare items. It happens that a pensioner who has put up her simple belongings from old suitcases for sale, can see an antique product that has quite a large value. And usually this rarity can be purchased very cheaply. Therefore, flea markets will never lose their popularity. There are several such markets in Moscow. Let's look at some of them in more detail.

Izmailovsky vernissage. Partizanskaya metro station.

Here is the most famous flea market in Moscow. The assortment is good and considerable, the goods are divided into sectors for ease of searching. At the entrance there is a sale of souvenirs that have no antique value. The prices for rare items are reasonable. Open from 9.00 to 18.00. daily.
Lefty Market. Novopodrezkovo metro station.

A very huge selection, despite the small size of the market itself. The assortment is shocking in its diversity and unpredictability. It is possible to find truly valuable antiques at an affordable price. The sellers are sociable, and they can tell the story of each item. Celebrities also come here for vintage clothes. The market is open only on weekends, but from the very early morning.

Silence. St.m. Mayakovskaya.

This is more of a fair where vintage items are exhibited by galleries, antique shops, and private collectors. The assortment is varied. Everything is decorated neatly, respectably and glamorously. The theme of the fair changes every time. You can find out the theme of the next fair on the Internet. Entrance to the market is paid, and the prices cannot be called cheap, but the large selection and atmosphere justifies everything.

Antique flea market. Sokolniki, Hyde Park. Sokolniki station.

The market is new. Open every Saturday. All products have an attractive vintage and noble appearance. Second-hand books are well presented. The prices are reasonable, despite the obvious rarity and value of the items.

School Street. Metro – Rimskaya or Ploshchad Ilyich.

Created as support for retirees who can sell their unique goods from past decades here. There are restrictions on some types of goods (underwear, shoes). Open from 10.00 to 17.00 only on the first and third Saturdays of each month.

Antique market near Pavlovsky and Savelovsky railway stations.

A large assortment. It's easy to find things that are quite valuable and attractive to collectors. Open on weekends.

Preobrazhensky market. Preobrazhenskaya Ploshchad station.

Shopping arcades stretch near the walls of the monastery. It is not very popular, which gives you more chances to purchase truly valuable old things at a low price. There is everything here - from centuries-old coins to ancient books. A variety of indoor plants are sold in large quantities - lovers of floriculture can find interesting rare specimens. Sometimes pensioners can see genuine items of clothing from the latest collections of fashion designers at a low price.

Market in the courtyard of the Museum of Moscow. Park Kultury metro station.

Very good choice. Open on Sundays from 12.00 to 19.00.

Market in the Crimean Bridge. Oktyabrskaya station, or Park Kultury.

There are items on sale, mostly no older than a hundred years old, in large quantity and variety. There is an interesting service for removing unnecessary junk directly from your home for a nominal fee - it will be interesting for those who want to get rid of the junk cluttering their apartment. All profits from sales go to charity.

Video market reviews:

Flea market Obzor Moscow Khimki Novopodrezkovo

Flea market // Review of rare items // Recommendations for visiting the market

What you need to know before going to a flea market.

  • First of all, you need to know the market’s opening hours and its range. It would be a good idea to read reviews and find out the average prices for the products you need. It is also useful to decide in advance the amount you are willing to spend, and the number and type of goods you want to purchase, and strictly adhere to this plan. Since the choice is huge, there is a danger of buying a lot of unnecessary things and spending many times more than planned. If you visit flea markets in the morning, you can avoid the crowds. But in the morning prices are always higher, and closer to closing they drop significantly. Don't forget about such a function of markets as bargaining!
  • In order not to waste your time standing in line for a snack, you can prudently take it with you.
  • You also need to remember that in a crowd of interested antique seekers, you can easily become a victim of pickpockets, so you need to take precautions.

It's always nice to take a break from everyday worries and plunge into a creative atmosphere. I managed to do this in September at the vernissage of the art project “Flea Market”, where Yulia Novikova invited me, for which I am extremely grateful to her. Pleasant conversation, light music, plus the charm of antiques as a gift.

What to see

It’s interesting not only for adults, who can look for vintage items or real rarities for themselves. It’s also interesting for children, because here you can see and examine ordinary things that our grandmothers, great-grandmothers and even great-great-great-grandmothers used... Endless vases, figurines, interior and serving items, handbags, clothes, shoes, costume jewelry and jewelry - it’s like you’re in to another world, where time moves differently, where people valued communication, and most importantly, they found time for it, where good manners were natural, where aesthetics was important even in small things, where things were such that it was not a shame to leave them as a legacy.

And of course, what would we do without cats? This kind of flea market is an excellent place for lovers of the “cat theme” in souvenirs, panels, boxes, etc. You can pick up a cute gift or add to your personal collection.

Flea market on Tishinka 2018: exhibition schedule

The art project “Flea Market” has been operating for 13 years, and each time it is organized at the Tishinka trade and exhibition complex (Tishinskaya Square, building 1), 4 times a year - one for the season. You can read about upcoming events and other interesting things from the world of flea markets and antiques on the official website of the project - A list of flea markets around the world is also published there, including photos.

The schedule of the Flea Market exhibitions in 2018, by the way, implies another grand event in Moscow, which cannot be called otherwise, because we are talking about the pre-Christmas session - December 13–16. This will be the 51st exhibition-fair, entrance for adults is paid (about 200 rubles at the ticket office on Tishinka), but if you purchase a ticket in advance on the portal, they promise a big discount.

Do you like wandering through flea markets in search of treasures? Are you putting together any collections? If you have antique bronze or porcelain seals at home, share your photos, we will be happy to admire them.

Nadezhda Zubkova

What canned food tastes best for cats?

ATTENTION, RESEARCH! You and your cat can take part in it! If you live in Moscow or the Moscow region and are ready to regularly observe how and how much your cat eats, and also remember to write it all down, they will bring you FREE WET FOOD SETS.

Project for 3–4 months. Organizer - Petkorm LLC.

Yesterday I was at the opening of the fortieth anniversary exhibition-fair "Flea Market" on Tishinka. I cannot say how interesting this event is for true collectors, hunters of antique rarities, and specialists in the field, so to speak. I’m not one of them, although yesterday I bought a nice little thing ;). But first things first.

First of all, I looked at dishes and other things that you enjoy not only from contemplation, but also from using for their intended purpose :)

I didn’t buy anything, but I enjoyed it enormously! I liked a couple of tea cups, but I decided to take my time and think about it. The exhibition runs until March 27, there is still time.

A copper basin is vital for me - I will make jam. But it hasn’t worked out yet. So it’s not time yet. Well, maybe you’ll get lucky with the pigs.

My husband collects pig figurines. The collection is already quite decent and there are very worthy specimens. We have pigs from different countries and cities, silver and earthenware, glass and wood, clay, amber and enamel - we can open the exhibition already. The truth is that there are no vintage (and especially antique) ones yet. But I'm working on it!

I didn’t like the pigs that I saw for various reasons, but for collectors of dog figurines there is something to profit from.

What people don't collect! Now I’m tormented by the question - did the exhibition participants drink a bottle of champagne or is it for sale?)) More precisely, it was for sale, because after an hour I no longer found it.

Toys for grown up boys! These models are quite expensive.

Doll - once!

And a doll - two!))
Exhibition visitors and sellers are a different story.

The seller of the "Gromophone Salon" - he can be considered as an exhibit, everything - from his shoes to the tips of his mustache - corresponds to his style. Manners too ;).

I had my eye on one thing from this foreign gentleman - English porcelain, vintage... Very similar in shape to an ashtray... but I would serve caviar in it!))

But no matter how colorful the sellers are, the buyers are not inferior to them!

Pay attention to the young man's brooch:

Porcelain candy! It’s a pity that it wasn’t possible to film it more clearly so that we could take a closer look later.

You can probably see so many ladies in intricate hats only at the races.

If you didn’t come with a hat, you can easily pick it up if you want!

You can go straight to the hat with a lovely hairpin. I would wear this on the lapel of a jacket. I also liked the vintage Dior cufflinks.

What woman can pass by so much beauty indifferently?!

Pavilion "Vintage bags" is popular. While I was filming, three ladies left happy and with new “old” bags. Personally, I liked the one at the top in the center, with the bone round handles... and the one on the left, the beige one...

Moulin rouge...

Each item of this stand is worth special attention.

Well, a couple of shots without comments...

The scarf seems to tell us - “Spring is coming!”

Vintage lace...

I feel like an onlooker, seeing how thoroughly true amateurs approach the matter!

Personally, I can only read a couple of LFZ marks from memory :)))

Who can you meet at the Flea Market! Andrei Vadimovich was attracted by canes,

and also a guitar (you shouldn’t look for the focus in this photo))).

Having walked around to my heart's content, having seen enough of all kinds of beauty, I suddenly saw this spoon. And I immediately realized that I needed it (especially considering the price - 150 rubles!).

And this morning I found a worthy use for it :))