Tyrrhenian Sea. Open left menu Tyrrhenian coast Resorts of Italy: Tyrrhenian Sea

Why is the Tyrrhenian Sea so named? ? It is worth mentioning that scholarly historians consider the name " Tyrrhenian Sea" comes from the word that the ancient Greeks called people from the country of Lydia, which was then in Malaya. This ancient people immigrated to the Apennine Peninsula - in the area where the Italian province of Tuscany is currently located.
The respected ancient Greek historian Herodotus claimed that after a series of several lean years and, as a result of this, famine in his country, the Lydian prince Tyrrhenus led part of his people in a westerly direction in search of a new homeland and a better life.
Therefore, the Lydian people landed on the western coast of the Apennine Peninsula. Having settled in the new lands of the Apennine Peninsula, the Lydians began to be called Tyrrhenians in honor of their leader, the legendary prince Tyrrhenus. On behalf of this people, the "Tyrrhens" began to call this part of the Mediterranean Sea Tyrrhenian Sea, on the coast of which they have lived for many centuries.
Tyrrhenian Sea Rome . Interestingly, the ancient Liane Tyrrhenian Sea they were also called the Lower Sea, in contrast to the Upper Sea, which is called today, the resorts of which are very popular among tourists and travelers.
Tyrrhenian Sea Italy . Quite warm, picturesque, located in the southern part of Europe Tyrrhenian Sea is a part . Tyrrhenian Sea washes the coast of the western part of the country. Tyrrhenian Sea located between the Apennine Peninsula and the islands of Sardinia and Corsica.
Tyrrhenian sea islands . In the southeastern part of the strategically important relatively warm Tyrrhenian Sea located belonging to Italy, quite secluded, or as they are also called the Aeolian Islands, which are unique in many natural aspects.
Tyrrhenian Sea depth . It is worth noting that the beautiful Tyrrhenian Sea geologically it is a tectonic basin. Depth Tyrrhenian Sea in the central part it reaches 3719 m. Tyrrhenian Sea there is a seismic fault between and . As a result of this, a chain of underwater mountain peaks arose, as well as active volcanoes to this day: Vesuvius, and others.
Where is the Tyrrhenian Sea ? As scientists-hydrologists found out, the Tyrrhenian Sea is connected with other straits with other straits:
in the north - the Corsican Strait, which is located between and the island of Corsica, the width of this strait is about 80 km;
in the south it connects with the help of the Sardinian Strait, which is located between the island of Sardinia and the country of Tunisia, the width of the Sardinian Strait reaches about 200 km;
in the west - the Strait of Bonifacio, located between the islands of Corsica and Sardinia, the width of the Strait of Bonifacio is 11 km;
in the southwest - the Strait of Sicily, located between and the state of Tunisia, the width of the Strait of Sicily is about 160 km;
in the southeast - the smallest Strait of Messina is located, the width of which is only 3 km.
Tyrrhenian sea cities . Main ports Tyrrhenian Sea are the following cities: - the capital of the region, Palermo, Cagliari, belonging to the country of Italy, as well as the port city of Bastia, located on the island of Corsica and belonging to the country of France.

Tyrrhenian Sea photo

Tyrrhenian sea coast sandy beaches

Italy. Tyrrhenian Sea

Tyrrhenian Sea Calabria

From the point of view of historical geology, the Tyrrhenian Sea is a deep tectonic basin, descending to 3719 m in the central part. It is here that a seismic fault between Europe and Africa passes through the entire sea, along which a chain of underwater mountain peaks and surface active volcanoes stretched.
Settling here, the first settlers took into account the proximity of volcanoes and the possibility of earthquakes, but the beautiful weather, fertile soil and a climate conducive to agriculture turned out to be stronger than the fear of an eruption.
The Etruscans belonged to the so-called "peoples of the sea" - a group of Mediterranean peoples, who in the XIII century. BC e. began to leave their habitual habitats, in particular because of the negative consequences of the Trojan War for Mediterranean civilizations.
The Tyrrhenian Sea got its name precisely from the Etruscans, who in ancient times were called tyrsenes or tyrrhens (from the Trojans).
The Etruscans were brave sailors and after them - between the Arno and Tiber rivers there were many traces of a highly developed civilization that preceded the ancient Roman and had a huge impact on it. The Etruscans were inventive architects, they built cities, paved roads and came up with arched vaults. They also introduced gladiator fights, chariot races and burial rites into the custom, knew anatomy very well and even knew how to make dentures. From them, the Romans adopted the most popular clothing model - the toga. But under the pressure of the Romans, the Etruscans completely assimilated and lost their language and identity, dissolving among the conquerors.
The Romans who came gave the Tyrrhenian Sea its name: Mare Inferum, or the Lower Sea: in contrast to the Mare Superum, or the Upper Sea (). But these names disappeared along with the Romans themselves after the collapse of their empire.
It is from the history of the ancient Roman Empire that we know about the most destructive natural disaster of ancient times, when the eruption of Mount Vesuvius destroyed three Roman cities at once: Stabiae and Herculaneum. August 24, 79 AD e. began the eruption of Vesuvius, it lasted a whole day. Of the 20 thousand inhabitants of Pompeii, approx. 2 thousand. In 1592, the ruins of Pompeii were first discovered, and since then excavations have been ongoing. In the cities buried under the ashes, everything remained in the same form as before the eruption: streets, houses. The eruption was so strong that the ash flew as far as Egypt and Syria.
Currently, Vesuvius is one of three active volcanoes in Italy and the only active volcano in continental Europe. His behavior is considered unpredictable. Tourists are served by the inhabitants of Torre Annunziata, a city that arose on the site of an ancient settlement destroyed by an eruption. In 1970, the Villa of Poppea Sabina, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, was discovered here.
Two other volcanoes are located on the islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea: Etna - on about. Sicily, Stromboli - on the island of the same name in the archipelago of the Aeolian Islands.
But perhaps the most interesting from the point of view of mythology is the fourth volcano of the Tyrrhenian Sea, located on the island of Vulcano. Even the "sea people" of the Etruscans believed in the divine purpose of this place, and the ancient Romans had no doubt that it was here, in the south of the Tyrrhenian Sea, that the forge of Vulcan, the god of fire, was located.
The water of the Tyrrhenian Sea is distinguished by the greatest transparency, which is another of the many tourist advantages of this Mediterranean region, in addition to exquisite landscapes, deep bays and a measured lifestyle of local residents.
However, life here has not always been so quiet. On about. Corsica, in the city of Ajaccio, during the time of the Republic of Genoa, Napoleone Buonaparte was born - the second of thirteen children in a poor, but aristocratic family. It was he who became Emperor of France and King of Italy Napoleon I Bonaparte. In Corsica, they are proud of their great countryman. Here is the house-museum where the first emperor of France was born, the church where he was baptized, and a memorial complex in his honor.
Another island of the Tyrrhenian Sea, located very close to Corsica, is also associated with the name of Napoleon. Elba is the largest island of the Tuscan archipelago and the third largest island in Italy after Sicily and Sardinia. In 1814, Napoleon was exiled to Elba, where he immediately declared himself emperor of the island. After staying here for about ten months, Napoleon returned to France, was defeated at Waterloo, was exiled to St. Helena in the South Atlantic, where he died.
Thanks to the beautiful landscapes, it was the Tyrrhenian Sea that many writers chose as the setting for their novels. The most famous of these works is the adventure novel "The Count of Monte Cristo" by Alexandre Dumas. Dumas came up with the name of the hero while traveling in the Tyrrhenian Sea. The writer saw the island of Montecristo, and later heard the legend about its treasures. The island of Montecristo is part of the Tuscan archipelago, its area is 12 km 2, and the Phoenicians knew about it. The island had a bad reputation: it was a haven for pirates and smugglers. Today it is a reserve, and only the caretaker's family lives here.
There is an island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, which the locals call "the island of writers." On the island of Capri, located in the southern part of the Gulf of Naples, Leonid Andreev, Ivan Bunin, Maxim Gorky, Graham Greene, Heinrich Mann, Alberto Moravia, Ivan Turgenev, Oscar Wilde and many other great writers lived and worked at different times. And almost every one of them left enthusiastic descriptions of the beauties of the Tyrrhenian Sea and Capri itself, visiting the most popular attractions of the island, in particular the Blue Grotto Also known as the Grotto Azzurra, or the Azure Grotto, it is a natural cave on the northern coast of the island, about 60 meters long m, with the only entrance from the sea by boat. Light enters the grotto from above and gives the water a light blue tint. When ancient Roman statues were found in the grotto, it became clear that they knew about it from ancient times and revered the beauty of this place.
Today, the Tyrrhenian Sea is not only an object of tourism, but also an area of ​​intensive navigation: passenger sea lines connect the islands with the mainland. Fishing is also developed: sardine and tuna are caught here. The size of fish stocks has been steadily declining, and coastal states have introduced tight control over the size of the catch.

general information

Part of the Mediterranean Sea between the Apennine Peninsula off the western coast of Italy (regions, and), the islands of Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.
Largest islands: Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, Elba, Lipari, Ischia.
Major cities and ports: Italy - Naples (963,357 people, 2009), Palermo (657,161 people, 2010), Cagliari (161,465 people, 2004); France - Bastia (42,900 people, 2005). Straits: Corsican, Bonifacio, Sardinian, Sicilian, Messina.
Languages: Italian, French, Sardinian, Corsican.
Religion: Catholicism.
Currency unit: Euro.


Area: 214 thousand km 2.
Max Depth: 3719 m
Average depth: 1519 m
Average salinity: 37.2596‰ on the surface, 38.25‰ on the bottom.


Industry: mechanical engineering (shipbuilding, ship repair), petrochemical, oil refining, food (fish and seafood processing). Fishing.
Agriculture: fish farming.
Service sector: tourism, transport, trade.

Climate and weather

Water temperature:+13ºС in winter, +25ºС in summer.
Average monthly air temperature: in summer +20 - +25ºС. in winter +5 - +12ºС.
Average annual rainfall: 400-600 mm.
Relative humidity: 60-70%.


Corsica island: Ajaccio. Genoese fortress, Bonaparte House-Museum, Cathedral of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (1577-1593);
Island of Capri: villa Iovis and baths (residence of Emperor Tiberius), villa Damekuta, Piazzetta, Cherio Palace (XIV century), Blue Grotto;
National parks: Tuscan archipelago Golfo di Orosei and cases of Gennargentu (Sardinia Island), Aspromonte, Cilento and Vallo di Diano, Circeo;
Volcanoes: Stromboli, Vulcano, Vesuvius;
Naples (Italy): Castel dell'Ovo (XV a), Cathedral of St. Januaria (XIII century) of the Palazzo Reale (XVII century), Gesu Nuovo Square, Castel Nuovo (1279-1282), the ruins of Pompeii;
Isle of Ischia: Aragonese castle (first mentioned 474 BC);
Capraia Island: Castle of San Giorgio (XV century).

Curious facts

■ The island of Sardinia is the birthplace of the Casu Marzu cheese. Translated from the Sardinian language, "casu marzu" - "rotten cheese": it contains live insect larvae. These larvae jump to a height of 15 cm, which is why gourmets have to protect their eyes while eating. Due to health risks, the cheese is officially banned from sale in Italy, but in 2010 "Casu Marzu" was recognized as a cultural property of Sardinia and its sale here is again allowed.
■ The Stromboli volcano erupts with varying force about four times per hour for 3 thousand years.
■ According to Greek myths, Eol - the son of the god of the seas Poseidon - lives on the islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea. The supreme god Zeus made him the master of the winds. Even today, locals are sure that Eol lives on the islands of the Tyrrhenian Sea and rules over the winds of the Mediterranean: tramontana (northern), mistral (northwestern), marshmallow (western), libecchio and sirocco (southwestern), acute (southern), Levante (Eastern), Grecale (Northeast).
■ On the island of Sardinia, in the province of Nuoro, there is the largest number of people over 100 years old in the world. The explanation for this phenomenon is found in a healthy lifestyle and Mediterranean cuisine. The traditional Sardinian greeting is “a kentannos”, which means “live to a hundred years”.
■ The ruins of the villas of the Roman emperors Caesar Augustus and his successor Tiberius have been preserved on the island of Capri. The beauty of the island impressed both emperors so much that they built almost a dozen villas on a relatively small area. Deciding that it was life-threatening to be in Rome, Tiberius went to Capri and, according to legend, gave orders by sending light signals from a lighthouse, the top of which collapsed from an earthquake a few days before the death of the emperor.
■ The Aragonese castle is located on the island of Ischia, built on a cone of volcanic lava. It was erected by order of the tyrant Hieron I of Syracuse in 474 BC. e.
during the war with the Etruscans. In 1441, Alfonso I of Aragon destroyed the outer road and improved the bridge between the islands.

The Tyrrhenian Sea is home to many modern resorts and major port cities in Italy. The waters of the sea are located in a tectonic basin, which was formed at the junction of Europe and Africa. The underwater fauna of the local waters is characterized by an abundance of marine life, which served as the basis for the first human settlements. The favorable climate and picturesque seascapes attract tourists. ( 18 photos)

The Tyrrhenian Sea is one of the parts of the famous Mediterranean Sea. It has a tectonic origin and is located in the places of the basin, hence the great depth of the sea. The greatest depth of the Tyrrhenian Sea is 3719 meters. On the bottom of the sea passes, a relief fault that occurred several million years ago. Underwater folding is manifested both under water and on land. Hence the high seismic activity of coastal regions suffering from earthquakes and volcanoes.

Relief features appeared on the sea surface in mountainous heights and active volcanoes. One of these is the famous, currently operating, which was destroyed several thousand years ago by a large, developing one. The Tyrrhenian Sea washes mainly the coast of Italy. It was the rich waters of the sea that served as the foundation for the first people in this area several thousand years ago. Archaeological excavations have shown that ancient people lived in these parts during the Stone Age, from which unique rock paintings have been preserved in local caves.

In ancient times, sea products were the main sources of nutrition and means of population development. The ancient inhabitants founded their settlements due to the abundance of marine life in these parts. You can still find small fishing villages along the coast of Italy, whose economy is completely dependent on fishing. An example of this is the famous one, although today more and more tourists visit the city, local residents continue to engage in fishing and agriculture.

The Tyrrhenian Sea is connected to several straits, the width of which reaches 90 km. This fact served the development of shipping in the region and, as a result, the formation of several large port cities in Italy. This number includes the famous in Italy, where one of the largest ports in the country is located, through which up to half of the country's trade turnover is carried out.

The Tyrrhenian Sea has been known since ancient times, it is believed that the sea received its modern name thanks to the settlements of the Greeks who lived in these parts. It is believed that the resettled Greek tribes called themselves "tirens", after the name of the prince "Tyren", who led them. But the Romans had their own point of view on this matter, they called the Tyrrhenian Sea the lower sea, and the upper sea was considered.

The Tyrrhenian Sea has a favorable climate and crystal clear waters, where visibility can reach up to 30 meters. The air temperature in summer can rise to +36 degrees, while the water temperature is +26 degrees. The ideal period for tourists to visit is July and August, although the swimming season begins in May and ends in October.

The waters of the sea are famous for their favorable conditions for tourism and recreation. Some of the best resort regions in the world are located on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, and elite beaches are famous for their natural attractions all over the world. The coast of the sea is heavily indented with bays and gulfs, which provides a comfortable stay for people protected from storm winds and other cataclysms. Along with rocky beaches, there are also sandy surfaces.

Literally the entire coast of Italy is indented with tourist cities and areas that have gained their fame mainly due to the sea. Notable among the well-known

If you look at the map of Italy, you can see that the country is surrounded by as many as 4 seas from opposite sides of the world: from the east - the Adriatic, from the northwest - the waters of the Ligurian Sea, from the south - the Ionian, and from the west the country is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea.

The Tyrrhenian Sea is part of the Mediterranean Sea.

On one side is the Apennine Peninsula, on the other - such popular tourist destinations as the island of Sardinia, magnificent Corsica and multifaceted Sicily.

The name of the Tyrrhenian Sea is associated with the Tyrrhenians, ancient Greek tribes from Asia Minor. Representatives of this people moved to the region of the Apennine Peninsula (today the Tuscan province is located here) from Lydia.

In the writings of Herodotus it appears that the sea is named after the people of the Tyrrhenians.

The Lydian ruler instructed the representatives of the local population to find the best territories, because. The lands of Asia were not distinguished by fertility due to constant drought.

If we talk about which sea is more popular among travelers, the Tyrrhenian or, for example, the Adriatic, the latter is more visited by Russian tourists.

Holidays on the Tyrrhenian Sea are more in demand among Europeans.
The vast coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea is famous for its resorts with beautiful beaches and clean, absolutely transparent water.

The best time for a beach holiday is from May to October

The most comfortable period for a beach holiday starts in May and lasts until the end of October.

sea ​​water temperature

In order to decide which of the resorts of the Tyrrhenian Sea to go to at a specific time, especially if you are planning a trip with children, you should know in advance about the t of water by months:

  • In May, when the summer season begins, the water of the Tyrrhenian Sea warms up to an average of t + 18 C;
  • In June, sea water continues to warm up and already exceeds + 22 C;
  • July t of water in the resorts of the Tyrrhenian Sea exceeds + 25 C;
  • Starting from September, the water gradually cools down, and its t drops slightly, to + 24.5 C;
  • In October already up to + 22 With a little.

The highest water temperatures in summer are recorded in the places of Campofelice di Roccella and Cefalu; The resorts of Olbia, Porto Cervo, Bonifacio are distinguished by the coolest water.

Tour or solo trip?

In order to organize your vacation on the Tyrrhenian coast, you can use the services of travel agencies specializing in this direction, or fly there on your own, choosing a resort, booking air tickets and accommodation.
Both options have their pros and cons.

Independent travel is more suitable for "experienced" tourists who have experience in long-distance trips without the participation of travel companies.

For those who appreciate a pre-planned vacation and are ready to stay at any one resort in a local hotel, it is advisable to purchase a ready-made tour to the Tyrrhenian Sea. In addition, often trips from travel agencies are more cost-effective than traveling "savage".

Main resorts

Among the main resorts of the Italian coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea, belonging to the Riviera Lazio, rich in long beaches, are the following:

On the territory of the hilly region of Calabria, which is washed by the Tyrrhenian Sea on the western side, there are also many attractive resort towns:

  • The city of Belvedere Marittimo will be of interest to history lovers due to its sights;
  • residential buildings of bright Diamante are painted by famous Italian artists;
  • the town of Chetraro attracts tourists with its ancient churches;
  • Terme Luigiano is famous for its thermal waters;
  • Also, one can note the well-maintained Fuscaldo;
  • Praia a Mare with outlandish citron trees;
  • the city of Scalea, the upper part of which is on a rock, and the lower part is a well-equipped seaside resort;
  • interesting architectural monuments are located in Cirelle.

You can have a good rest and improve your health in Italian about. Ischia.
Ischia is a small volcanic island in the Tyrrhenian Sea, appreciated for its luxurious spa resorts, natural thermal pools.
You will learn more about the island of Ischia from the video:


Let us dwell in more detail on the city that bears the same name as the sea.

Travelers who prefer a quiet holiday and want to enjoy natural scenery will certainly enjoy Tirrenia.

The Italian resort of Tirrenia is surrounded by the resinous pine forest of the San Rossore nature reserve.
Tirrenia is located very close to Pisa, in the heart of the Tuscan Riviera.
The foundation of the city dates back to the era of the reign of B. Mussolini.
Today, this resort is a popular holiday destination for Italians.

It has everything for a comfortable stay for both adults and children: cozy beaches with soft sand, modern hotels, entertainment.

In Tirrenia you can have a very comfortable rest

Baths are equipped on the extensive beach, as well as secluded bays.

Not far from the beach there are sports and health centers that offer visitors a wide range of team sports, golf, fishing, horseback riding, sea cruises.

The green surroundings of the resort are good for walking.
Fans of mass events can look at discos, go to a club or bar, visit amusement parks.
As a cultural part of the holiday, tourists should visit the iconic cities of Italy, located near the resort.
Among them: the famous Pisa, rich in sights, romantic Florence, original Siena.


Tirrenia offers tourists a wide selection of hotels of various categories from 2 to 4 *, hotels without * and apartments:


You can have a pleasant evening, try traditional dishes and drinks of Tuscany in one of the restaurants in Tirrenia:

The resort's restaurants are distinguished by polite and hospitable staff, pleasant atmosphere and generous portions, so tourists should please themselves and their companions by going to one of them.

How and when to go to Tirrenia?

At any time of the year, especially in summer, the resort of Tirrenia in Italy is an attractive holiday destination, which is very easy to reach due to its convenient location. Nearby is the airport G. Galilei in Pisa, the port of Livorno and the motorways of the country.

It is always interesting to discover new countries and cities.

Tirrenia and the entire Tyrrhenian coast are worthy vacation options for families with children and independent travelers.

Tirrenia Italy is a tourist resort town on the west coast of Italy. Tirrenia is located between Pisa and Livorno on the coast of the Tyrrhenian Sea. Tyrrhenian sandy beaches with white sand, interesting sights, unforgettable landscapes are especially attractive for tourists. Tirrenea is more suitable for a calm, measured family vacation. Fans of nightlife and clubs should look for another resort.

The province of Tireenia is Pisa. It is only 10 km from Pisa. During the season it is difficult to find a free place here. Usually Italians and Germans come here - they appreciate the snow-white sand and clean water in the resort. But recently the resort has become popular with the British and Russians.

Resorts of Italy: Tyrrhenian Sea

How to get to Tirrenia

By bus:

Go to Line 010 bus 25min. The ticket price is approximately 1 € - 3 € *.

At the P.Za S.Paolo A Ripa D'Arno stop, take the bus line 010.

Buses leave every hour. Drive 25 min.

Carrier Consorzio Pisano Trasporti

By car

15 min drive by car. The distance between Pisa and Tirrenia is 15.9 km. When driving, 1 liter of gasoline is consumed at a cost of 1 € - 3 € *.

Tyrrhenian coast of Italy: resorts map

Tirrenia weather

Tirrenia has a mild mediterranean climate with a comfortable temperature for relaxation, which is very beneficial for the immune system.

  • The best hotels in Tirrenia
  • Hotel Bristol. Featuring an outdoor pool and a garden, Hotel Bristol is located in Tirrenia, just 1 km from the beach. Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.Hotel Garden
  • The Garden Hotel is located in a pine forest, 100 meters from the beach in Tirrenia.

Note! The hotel has a large garden and parking. Nearby is the Cosmopolitan Golf Club.

  • Hotel Florida Tirrenia is located in the province of Pisa, next to a golf course. The Tuscan Archipelago is 100 meters away. The hotel has all the conditions for a relaxing and fun-packed holiday.
  • The family-run Riviera Blu is located in Tirrenia, just 100 meters from the sea. Free parking is available. Free Wi-Fi is provided.
  • Just a 2-minute walk from Tirrenia Beach, Il Cavaliere Nero is 10 km from Pisa and Livorno Port. This modern 2-star hotel has a restaurant and a pizzeria.

Attractions of the province

Piazza dei Miracoli

Piazza dei Miracoli was originally called the Cathedral Square, but later received a more familiar tourist ear name - the Square of Miracles. The square houses four architectural and historical masterpieces that are the most iconic sights of Pisa - the Cathedral of Pisa, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Campo Santo cemetery and the Baptistery.

It is here that the main attractions of Pisa are concentrated: the leaning tower, the Duomo, the baptistery, the Campo Santo and the Ospedale Nuovo di Santo Spirito (Hospital of the Holy Spirit), where the Sinopia Museum is now open.

If you visit the sights in the square separately, then the cost of visiting them is as follows: Duomo Santa Maria Assunta - free of charge (but you still have to take this “free” ticket at the box office). Baptistery of San Giovanni - 5 euros *. Leaning Tower of Pisa – 18 euros*. Campo Santo - 5 euros. Museums - 5 euros*.

Campo Santo

Campo Santo is a historical building in the northern part of the Cathedral Square of Pisa. Campo Santo (aka "Camposanto Monumentale") is known to everyone as a memorial cemetery or "Camposanto Vecchio" - "old cemetery". From an architectural point of view, the Camposanto cemetery is a huge, oblong structure and a magnificent example of the Gothic style at the same time.

Campo Santo

This building was the fourth in a row on the cathedral square. The construction of the massive Gothic cloister was begun in 1278 by the architect Giovanni di Simone and completed only in 1464. There is an opinion that it should not have been a cemetery at all, but the Church of the Holy Trinity, but the project was changed during the work. It is reliably known that the oldest part of the building is the western one, the eastern one has completed construction.

Cathedral (Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta)

The author of the project of the Cathedral was the famous architect Busceto di Giovanni Giudice. Funds for the construction of this architectural work was a tribute from the Balearic Islands. Consisting of five naves with their transept divided into three naves, the cathedral is topped by a majestic dome surrounded by a loggia. The facade of this famous cathedral combines intricate decorations of marble (which is also present in its interior), mosaics and bronze. Also in the decoration, both internal and external, Arabic motifs are clearly traced. For example, in the interior decoration of the cathedral, elements characteristic of Muslim mosques can be traced.

Duomo of Santa Maria Assunta

Pisa Cathedral is a real masterpiece of Italian architecture, created in the Romanesque style.

Externally, the cathedral looks quite monumental. Initially, it had the shape of a Greek cross with crossbars of equal size, in the center of which was a dome. If you look at the plan of the modern cathedral, it looks like a Latin cross.

Its facade is made of white marble and gray stone, complemented by decorative elements of colored marble. Above the main entrance you can see the name of the master Rainaldo, who is the author of the facade. Also, from the outside of the cathedral, the tomb of Busqueto attracts attention with an inscription indicating the date the construction of the cathedral began.

Initially, on the facade of the cathedral (on the east side), there was a sculpture of the Pisa Griffin, which is the largest metal Muslim sculpture of the 11th century. At the moment, the original sculpture is in the cathedral museum, in its original place there is a copy.

The Tyrrhenian coast of Italy resorts is a city popular with tourists. It is here that you can comfortably relax on the beaches with white sand, go on a sea cruise, visit sights, relax with the whole family.

*Prices are current as of September 2018.