Mark Italy - region on the map, beaches. Italian region brand region brand

About Mark say that it is Italy in one region. There is everything that I would like to see on the journey: blue sea, peaks of mountains, architectural unicumes, the best food and wine.

In the brand you can combine all the desires for Italian life and culture.

If you need to find the region of Mark on the Italy map, you need to pay attention to the east coast of the Adriatic Sea in Italy. Closer to the middle of the "boot", a little south.

Location Mark on the map of Italy

Solitz region Marke -, large city port of Italy.

In the region, there is something to see:

More about the region and its attractions you will learn from the video:

The brightest to the tourism of the city in Mark, such as:

Local kitchen

The kitchen of the region is Mark, thanks to the special construction of the territory where the mountains prevail, but there are the sea, very diverse. The kitchen, which alternates meat dishes - typical of mountain areas with mollusc-based dishes, fatty fish and seafood.

Kitchen region Mark is very diverse

We should not forget the famous stuffed olives of the region - one of the symbols of the brand products.

Typical dishes that are common in restaurants brand:

  • As snacks - "Antipasti" On the coast, various variations of fish broth are served from 13 fish species with saffron;
  • Moving deep into the region of the region, more often serves dishes, which include mushrooms and truffles;
  • Pasta with squid and mushrooms (Calamari E Funghi);
  • stuffed lasagna (Lasagne All'ascolana);
  • Soup from chickpea with pork (La Minestra Di CECI);
  • classic for Mark - tagliatelle with truffles (Tagliatelle Al Tartufo).

In the mountains, you can more often meet the tent with sausage, mushroom and truffles salad.

Desserts in the brand, as in all of Italy, is given a special place.
Try here it will be possible:

    • "Beckutte" (Beccute) - buns decorated with cedar nuts and raisins;
    • "Kacoon" (Caciuni)- Ravioli with filling from cheese, eggs, sugar and lemon zest;
    • Kastanole (Castagnole) - Sweet balls from the dough, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Kastanole - Sweet Test Balls

Among the wine brand is more valuable:

  • "Maceratesi Black - Hills" - Dry and harmonious taste;
  • Rosso Conero - dry, saturated wine;
  • Rosso Picheno, Sanjovezé- gentle bouquet and harmonious taste;
  • "Lacrima di Morro d'Alba"with intense fruit aroma and rich taste.


In the Italy region - Mark, climatic conditions have a wide range due to the difference in relief heights. In the mountainous areas of the brand is a cool summer and a cold winter with snow, which is quite often and plentiful.

In addition, in domestic mountainous areas, the temperature can have very low values.

Along the coastal zone, north of the capital of Mark - Ancona, climate subcontinental. Hot summer is usually cooled by sea breeze, and there are quite cold winters (in the Pesaro average temperature in January 3.8 ° C).

Average temperature readings:

  • Temperature in winter on the coast: 7-12c;
  • Temperature in winter in mountainous areas: 0-3.9s;
  • Summer temperatures on the coast: 24-28C;
  • Summer temperatures in the mountains: 15-22c.

The best season for sightseeing holidays in Mark - May, beginning of June. For the beach - the end of June is September.

From the end of June to September in the region, the brand can be enjoyed by a beach holiday

Something else

For relax and spa lovers:

  • not far from the capital of Mark - Ancona (60 km), in Pergola, at 16 Localita 'Bellisio Solfare, is located thermal resort - Bellisio Solfare Terme SRL. Site
  • 106 km from Ancona, on Via San Gianno, 7, in Petriano, thermal resort - Terme di Raffaello di Riccione Terme. Site
  • Another thermal Source - Terme Santa Lucia, At 76 km from Ancona, on Viale Terme Santa Lucia, in Tolentino. TERMESANTALUCIA.IT site

Millions of tourists come to Italy, but in Mark, in Civitanov, after all, with one goal - to visit wonderful beaches.

The best of these: Promontorio Del Conero) and Gargano (Gargano). In addition to these beautiful beaches with "card" species, there are still 17 beaches of the Marche region who have ensured the prestigious Blue Flag award.

How to get

The main motorway of the region of the Marke - A14, connecting major roads with those that lead to small villages and cities. Those, in turn, are connected by an efficient bus network.


  • From the Adriatic side: A14 highway;
  • C (direction of Florence): A1 motorway. Then, on Val di-kyana, - A1;
  • On Perugia - - Foligno - freeway SP 75;
  • On Foligno - Loreto - SS 3 FLAMINIA, Congress on SP 77;
  • From the Tyrrhenian coast (direction of Rome): highway A1, with a congress on E45 (ORTE -) in the direction of Tern;
  • SS 3 FLAMINIA, Foligno - Loreto;
  • SP 77 on Serravalle del Chienti, Muccia, La Maddalena, Maceante.


International Airport Mark - Falkonar Marittima (
From airport:

  • by car;
  • by bus, there are two lines, Line J (Falconar - Ancona) on CONEROBUS (site
    Farabollini lines (Ancona - Macerata), site

A train

From the station from the airport - Castelferretti, choose the direction and on the suburban train, buy a ticket to Cassa / Terminal / Online and get to the desired point. Site: TRENITALIA.IT.


Clean sea, mountain peaks, care and care of the environment and historical heritage, the best food and to all this - good prices.

This is the Marche region.

Landscapes Mark capture the spirit. They were angry and continue to sing poets and writers. What is interesting this region today?


Mark is an area located in Central Italy. Its administrative center is Ancona. There are approximately 100 thousand inhabitants in the city. The region stretches from the Adriatic Sea to Apennel. It allocates two climatic zones. Thus, the northern part of the brand is open to cold winds, which is revealed from the northeast, so the climate is more wet and also cool. And in the southern part - the climate is softer, rather dry. The sea coast is characterized by the most mild climate. The territory of the brand is mainly mountainous terrain. All rivers flowing through it fall into the Adriatic Sea located nearby.


The name of Mark goes deep into its roots to the ancient Germanistic word "Mark", meaning the "border". This is due to the fact that the territory in the 11th century was the border of the Sacred Roman Empire.

Already at the time of neolith, the territory of this area began to settle people. In 3-2 millennia, Greek, Balkan tribes lived here. In the 3rd century BC, Romans appeared in these parts. They were interested in carrying out control precisely on this terrain, as it was a strategic access to the Adriatic. At this time, two most important roads were built - Salaria and Flaming. Thanks to them, the coasts of the Adriatic and Tyrrhenian seas were connected. It is at this time that the city of Ancona acquires its importance as the most important maritime trade in the eastern part of the country.

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the territory departs Langobard, then she enters the Byzantine Empire for a long time.

At the end of the 8th century, the area becomes the ownership of the church. For many years, the coast attackers are attacked by Pirates-Saracinov, so the people migrate to the mountainous regions. In the 18th century, the region is exposed to the occupation of the French troops. In 1869, it becomes part of the Italian state.


As you know, one of the leading states in the world in the scale of cultural and artistic heritage. The proof is also the region of Mark, where rich nature complement cities, Palazzo, Churches and cathedrals. A bright example may be a Palazzo Dukale in Urbino - the famous monument of the Renaissance architecture. Or Loreto, where "Santa Casa" is the earthly abode of the Virgin Mary, which the Crusaders transported from Palestine.


Every year in August, a three-day duke holiday is celebrated in Urbino. The city fills the atmosphere of the antiquity, because tournaments and battles, historical and gastronomic reconstruction of Taverns and tasting of products prepared according to the preserved recipes of the Renaissance period are held. The nail of the program is a theatrical view that shows the scene to celebrate the victory of the troops of Federigo and Montefeltro over the Duke of Milan Francesco Sforzh.

On the first resurrection of September in Ancona celebrate the holiday of the sea. One of the most important moments of the holiday is considered a solemn swim of boats, decorated with flowers and bright ribbons. It is also a peculiar way to honor the instant those who fell into the sea during accidents, battles or travels.


Fish dishes, the pools will affect any kind of variety. It is recommended to try the likeness of the Russian oars - garrows. In different provinces of Mark, recipes are distinguished by: Brodetto, for example Alla Ankonitan (Apsop), Alla Santhangenedetteza (San Benedetto Del Tronto), Alla Civitanovanese (Civitanova Marche). The fragrant dinner will decorate the bottle of wine with the Marking Doc: Falerio Dei Colli Ascolani (White), Bianchello del Metauro (White), Rosso Conero (Red) or Lacrima di Morro D`ALBA (Red, Ancona Province).

Brodetto. Photo


Let us dwell in more detail at the Urbinsk University named after Carlo Bo (Università Degli Studi Di Urbino Carlo BO). It was founded in 1506, during the reign of the duke of Urbinsky Gwidobaldo Montefeltre, known for his hobby in enlightenment and art. In 2003, the University received a border of Bo-Rector, who made a great contribution to the development of this educational institution. At the moment, 17 thousand students at 10 faculties are trained at the university. Among them, we note pedagogical, medical, economic, philosophical and sociological.



The region is located quite far from the central part of Italy, so its economy has long lag behind. Currently, the production of paper, electronic organs, fashionable shoes is most developed here. Pharmaceutical, sewing, furniture, petrochemical and some other industries are also well developed.

Grain crops are grown on the territory of the brand, as well as sugar beets, sunflower. An important branch of the economy is fishing. This is also talking about a large number of fishing ports. The most famous among them are Pesaro, Civitanova, Fano, San Benedetto del Tronto. More than half of the population of the region work in service and trade.

Aeroporto Di Ancona-Falconara Airport serves 400 thousand people annually with 5 airlines. It is 18 km from the center of Ancona. Ancona is considered one of the important strategic ports of the Adriatic Sea. Farm flights go to Albania, Croatia, Greece Instrument. The city is at the intersection of an important railway line - - Ancona - Pescara -. Today, railway communication with Urbino is absent. Until 1987, Fano - Urbino functioned. The nearest train station is in Pesaro. The cost of travel on public trapport in Mark - just above 1 euro.


The population of Mark is 1.485 million people (13th place, according to 2003). Large cities - Ancona (100 thousand inhabitants), Pesaro (90,000), Fano (57,000), Ascoli-Picheno (50,000), Macerata (42,000).


The most attractive for tourists is perhaps the town of Urbino. It is located in the central part of the region. Urbino attracts picturesque landscapes and well-preserved medieval appearance.

Not yet reached the city, you can enjoy the fascinating, unusual panorama: on top it seems a kind of scenery for a medieval play. It creates a feeling as if from the sea of \u200b\u200btowers and tiled roofs floats a huge palace. This Palazzo Dukale is the famous monument of the Renaissance architecture. It combines the painting of planning and harmonious ease. This architecture masterpiece was built for almost a hundred years. Outstanding architects of Middle Ages participated in its construction, such as Luciano Lauren, Francesco Di Georgio Martini. In addition to this palace, there are many other attractions in the city.

Due to the fact that the residents of Urbino were very proud of their city, he was even called "vain urbino". He is also known as the "city of mathematicians", because he came out of here the whole pleiad of wonderful scientists.

Urbino. Photo

Known as a balneological resort. The symbol of the city from the 15th century is the loggia of Fercanti. Despite the fires, the Italians were able to maintain the original style of this structure. The spirit of the past eras is felt in picturesque imfilands and all sorts of bas-reliefs. There are many antiquity monuments in the city, as well as the Middle Ages. Among them, the triumphal arch of trajan requires special attention (built at the beginning of the 2nd century an era). It is one of the symbols of the city. Her greatness is only emphasized by the almost complete lack of bas-reliefs and the grayish color of marble. The Roman amphitheater is equally attractive for tourists, more precisely, its ruins. Also remarkable Romanesque Cathedral, Mole Vavitellyan, Diocese Museum, etc.

Ancona. Photo

Macerata is no less interesting for tourists in the city of Marche. It is located near the sea, which gives it additional charm. The city is famous for its university. This is one of the oldest universities not only in Italy, but also throughout Europe. In Macerta, you must visit the arena Siferuserio, where the opera festival is held annually, known all over the world. It is necessary to separately emphasize the diamond palace, which is the delicious structure of the Renaissance. Also unusually beautiful churches Santa Maria della Port, Madonna della Miserikordi.

Macerata. Photo

Pesaro is a city having an ancient history and aristocratic traditions. First of all, he is known as the homeland of the outstanding composer Joakkino Rossini. In memory of it, the Memorial Museum works here, and in the Opera House, which is hosting his name, the Grand Festival of Opera Performers is held annually. I am amazed by the magnificence main square Pesaro called Popolo. Here it is impossible not to love a sparkling fountain made of perton sculptures and sea horses. Military fortress, built in the 15th century, manitis visitors to her greatness. Not far from him is the Cathedral. In it until today, the oldest mosaic floors have survived. And the Museum of Ceramics invites you to get acquainted with the bizarre, a kind of clay dishes of local masters. If this is not interesting to you, you can go to Pinakotek and admire the true masterpieces of the visual art of the Renaissance. And in the vicinity of the city you can visit medieval monasteries.

Pesaro. Photo

Fano is one of the largest and most ancient cities of Mark. He received his name on behalf of the goddess Fortune (the word "Fanum" translates "Fortune"). As a symbol, Fano can be viewed by the Arch of August. It was built on the orders of the emperor of Augustus in the first decade of our era. Ancient walls with cylindrical towers are also preserved, also erected by August. In addition, tourists in Fano will definitely become interested in the Gate of Port-Della Mandria, Malast Castle. In this medieval castle today is located archaeological museum. Here you can admire the ancient Greek figurines found by archaeologists, brooches, amphoras, fragments of sculptures, etc. But the most impressive exhibit is a mosaic made in 2-3 centuries. ad. It depicts Neptune, riding a chariot. Being in this city, you should not deprive the attention of the palaces such as Palazzo del Substas, Palazzo-Montevekho. Columns, front staircases, fountains - it is necessary to see their own eyes. Among the majestic sights of Fano should also be called the Church of San Patenniano, a cathedral in the Romanesque style, the Church of Santa Maria Nova. Outstanding artists and sculptors of different times took part in their design.

Fano. Photo


Raphael Santi (1483 - 1520) - "Bright Genius Renaissance" was born in Urbino at the end of the XV century. The first documented masterpiece of Raphael is considered to be an altar picture (1500 - 1501) in the Kapella of the Baronchi Church of St. Augustine in Chitta di Castello, which is halfway from Urbino to Perugia. In April 1520, the artist buried in the greatest honors in c. On the Marble Sarcophage of Rafael there is an inscription: "Ille HIC EST RAFFAEL, Timuit Quo Sospite Vinci, Rerum Magna Parens et Moriente Mori" - "Here is the famous Rafael, while he was alive, Nature was afraid that he would conquer her when he was dying, nature I was afraid to die with him. "

The Italian Motor Runner Valentino Rossi was born in 1979 in Urbino. He is a son of another famous motorcycle racing Graziano Rossi. For his career, he took several titles of champion and almost always performs at number 46. He spent his childhood in Tavully's town. Especially in honor of the sportsman, a speed limit of 46 kilometers per hour (instead of ordinary fifty) is taken here.

The Italian region of Mark in the east of the country is an area that united cities with a very different history and culture.

This administrative region is obliged to the tribes of francs that appeared here in the 10th century and called the cross-border lands "Mark". Mark is on the east coast of Central Italy and is one of the smallest regions of the country.

Geographical location and climate

Posted on administrative region of Mark B.central part of the Adriatic coast, occupying area 9366 km². In fact, this is the 15th place in the area among all 20 Italian regions. The warm Adriatic Sea is washed by Mark from the East, in the north, the region borders on San Marino and, in the West - with Umbiry, in the North-West - C, and in the south - s.

The administrative center and, in fact, the only large port of the region is Ancona. With the exception of a narrow coastal band, the area of \u200b\u200bthe region has mountainous relief. All the local rivers (Ezino, Metauro, Cesano, the potential and Tronto) fall into the Adriatic Sea.

Conditionally, the region can be divided into two climatic zones. In his southern cities, the climate is dry and soft, in the northern - wet and cool. The most comfortable climate, of course, on the coast. So, the average temperature in Ancona in the summer of 20.7 ° C, and in the winter - 3 ° C. Time Zone - UTC + 1. In the summer, time from Moscow differs for 2 hours, and in winter - for 3 hours.

General information and features of administrative division

The area of \u200b\u200b9366 km² is about 3.2% of all Italy. The population in the situation for 2013 is 1,545,555 people, of which 100,000 live in the administrative center of Ancona. The region includes five provinces: Ancona, Farmo, Maceuto and Pesaro-E-Urbino.

Over the years, the brand has lagged in economic development from other Italian regions due to the lack of roads connecting it with the central part of the country. Nowadays, the GDP of the region is 2.6% of Italy. The predominance of small land ownership and the lack of fertile land determines the slow development of agriculture. At the same time, the brand remains one of the main centers of the shipbuilding of Power.

Renion Mark. A bit of history

The settlement of the territories of the region of the region occurred in the IX-III centuries to N. e. In the Epoch of the Iron Age. In ancient times, the Adriatic coast was under the control of the powerful tribe of haynes, constantly conflicting with the Romans. At the end of the III century, the area known as Pistenum moved under the control of the Romans. Later there were a fall in the Western Roman Empire, war with Goths in 535-554, entry into the equal examination of Byzantium, Langobard, conquest in 724-814, Karl I great and inclusion in the Sacred Roman Empire.

Over time, the territory was transferred under the control of Pope. But the stay in the papal region turned out to be formal because the real management of the region was produced by local clans. In 1796, Napoleon forced the Napia to allow to occupy Ankon. Then there was a short period of independence and entry in 1798 to the Roman republic. The United States has entered the United States in 1869.

The current capital of the region of Ankonu in 390 BC. e. Found the Greeks. From the Greek language, the name is translated "elbow" and is due to the external similarity: Cape protected urban harbor reminds Elbow. For a long time, there were coins with palm branches and Greek in the everyday life of local residents.

Cities and Attractions Mark

Perhaps one of the most interesting from a tourist point of view is the city Urbino. This settlement of about 15,000 people spread on the hills of the Foul and Metauro in the center of the region has practically not changed since the Middle Ages. From afar, the city resembles a large-scale theatrical scenery in the Middle Ages Theater: among a large number of covered roofs, a masterpiece of the Renaissance architecture grows Palazzo Dukale.

The construction of this palace was initiated by the Duke Federico II and the whole century has been launched from the middle of the XV century to 1563. A few years after the start of construction work, the task on the construction of the city of the Palace was transferred to the Italian Laiano. The architect has developed a project that united new buildings and old buildings. It was he who became the author of the famous "Tower Garden", the courtyard and the front staircase. In 1472, Francesco di Georgio Martini came to replace Laurano, whose main merit was the interiors of the palace. In addition to Palazzo Dukale, in Urbino it is worth inspecting the Church of St. Bernardino Deli Tsokchati 1472.

By the way, it was in this city that the famous treatise "The foundations of arithmetic" Luka Pacheti was born in 1494, which examined some accounting issues. Perhaps, therefore, Italian Urbino is considered the "cradle" of accounting.

Administrative Center of the Region City Ancona Attractive for tourists as a balneological resort. Among the numerous monuments of the antiquity and middle ages of a separate mention, the Romanesque Cathedral of the XI-XIII centuries and the triumphal arch of Tranjan II century are worthy. Well, of course, the scale of the spelleological complex of the Frassassse caves will not leave anyone indifferent. One of the oldest European universities appeared in 1290 is in the town Macerata, and picturesque Pesar Sundar as the Motherland of the Great Joakkino Rossini. IN Loretoyou can see the earthly house of the Virgin Mary.

View available hotels in Marche on the map

Culture and art

It is no secret that the cultural heritage of any power is not limited to architectural and art monuments. And in the brand, even prose of life can do art. Thus, the traditions of textile manufacturing skills, leather products and paper are not only transmitted from generation to generation, but also formed the basis of the production facilities of enterprises. It is known for the entire world of Indesit, producing household appliances, and manufacturers of musical instruments from Castelfidaro.

It so happened that Mark began to give the planet of many Italian composers, musicians and cultural figures, including Maria Montessori, Donato Bramte, Jacomo Leopard, Rafael Sabbatini, Joakkino Rossini and Valentino Rossi. But Rafael Santi is the most famous native of this area. On the street, Del Monte in Urbino still preserved a house in which the artist was born.

Of course, a comparison of the brand with the major tourist centers of Italy would be incorrect. But every year an increasing number of tourists who prefer a relaxing rest arriving in the background of nature in the region.

  • Burning tours in Italy
  • How to get

    Adriatic Riviera serves two airports: in Rimini and in Ancona; From Moscow, charters to Rimini and Ancona fly on Saturdays.

    Search for flights to Ancona (nearest a / n to Mark)

    Popular hotels in Marke

    Master resorts

    Gabichec-Mare - Gabichche-Monte - a resort center consisting of two levels: "Lower" Gabicheca Mare, stretching along the coast, with many hotels, large sandy beaches and gardens, and "upper" Gabichec-Monte, located among rapid vegetation on The top of the panoramic rock - with its hotels, restaurants, pizzerias and night facilities.

    Fano - prosperous port city. Local Beach Spyjia-Sassonya - pebble, with long and wide promenade. The beach north, Spyjia-Lido, - sandy, with unchanging rows of umbrellas, more popular among holidaymakers.

    Spyja di Weltuto or "velvet" beach, stretches along the coast of Senigallia by 13 km, and known as one of the best beaches of the Adriatic.

    San Benedetto del Tronto is one of the main summer resorts of the region. In the season there are a lot of holidaymakers, but at the expense of a big beach (8 km of sand) there is enough space for everyone. Attracts tourists charming palm alleys of 7,000 trees, a long beach and a fun nightlife.

    Between Fano and San Benedetto sheltered the chain of small resorts - miniature Portonovo (Portonovo) with picturesque hills, Sirolo (SiroLo), sando-pebble Porto Recanati (Porto Recanati) or Pedaso (Pedaso), which is famous for its mussels.

    Pesaro. Even in the hottest days in Pesaro, a light cool breeze is felt. The main wealth of the resort is 8 km of sandy beaches, which are freely washed by the sea and partially protected by coastal cliffs. In addition, Pesaro serves as a convenient point for excursions in a medieval city

    It is about her, about the central part of Italy, about the province of Mark, I would like to tell the world today ... The charm of this province is that the sights of Raskidanany throughout its territory, and not concentrated in several big cities. And in almost every, even the most tiny settlement, you can meet such a cultural value from which the spirit captures ...

    I invite you to go along with me there, where tourists are not so much, but more than enough historical and cultural values \u200b\u200b... There, where people did not lose their welkerness. There, where the culinary traditions are still preserved. There, where there are still democratic prices. And the hotel's room or the removed apartments can take you to relax, without passing the cost for the boundaries of a reasonable ...

    And where, you ask, this paradise?

    I invite you to the province of Mark. And first, I propose to look at the map ... See? Let's try using the "opposing" method, i.e. From the opposite. The border strip of the brand from its northern side is only 40 km away. From the promoted "Russian" resort of Rimini. Arriving in Rimini, you have practically from the aircraft's latter, get the maximum care of yourself - starting with restaurants, sun beds and umbrellas on the beach ... you will be invited to part with your blood ... Nonphone beach hotels on the principle "Coyk-Place", "Shop tours" or "gastronomic" to your taste and size of a wallet, excursions for thirty lands and in the threesteal kingdom of fabulous prices, of course., Because Rome, Venice and Florence from Rimini are in 3-4 hours of availability. And most importantly! Everywhere they are waiting for you and everywhere they speak Russian ... Even in the state of San Marino (where it will certainly be asked to go from Rimini) sellers of shops of a tiny, but self-sufficient state, will offer you bags, wines and brands in our own language ... That's where I'll i do not invite. There you can go on your own and without any fear will be lost, but fearing to lose "everything that is hug away by unbearable labor."

    We continue to study the card ... Green such part of Italy ... In the middle part ... for sure! Located between Apennines and Adriatic Sea. Here ... In the north, it borders with Emily Romance (here the famous Rimini, which I have already given a little reference), with the Republic of San Marino (also mentioned), look east of Tuscany and Umbria. We look south - with Lazio and Abruzzi ...

    One of the advantages of the brand lies in the neighborhood. The region absorbed all the best from numerous neighbors, without losing its traditions. The successful neighborhood was reflected literally on all areas: culture, art, employment of the population, and, of course, a kitchen ... Exactly! Diversity - Falsably distinguishes the area of \u200b\u200bthe brand from other provinces of Italy.

    The second advantage sea! You can argue, especially if Rimini splashed in the coastal waters, they say, the Adriatic Sea is small, not picturesque, not interesting ... True, off the coast of Rimini and a little south, it looks like this. This is the area of \u200b\u200bEmilia-Romagna. But! Ancona's beaches (Capital of Mark) are impressive with their beauty and enter the 10-ku beautiful beaches of Italy ... Highland gave the province of the freshest air and mountain rivers: Metauro (Metauro), Cesano (Cesano), Tronto, Potenza, Ezino (Esino). Do you look at the card? Or am I alone admire these natural gifts of the province? All these rivers fall into the Adriatic Sea. "So what?" - you ask.

    And the fact that due to the detention of seawater by mountain rivers, in such water, the inhabitants of the bottom feel great ... And here you have numerous fishing ports, bazaars, shops and fish restaurants. And it is not at all chance a traditional dish of the brand is a brodetto (brodetto) - soup from freshly angled fish and seafood. What was caught in the morning, then in the soup and got. But even Brodetto in each city is preparing on his manner. This soup cannot be called soup, in the usual understanding of us ... This is a "huge marine assortment" with a bit of broth and crackers for smearing. Why do I paint it? Here is a photo.

    Looks like soup? And, of course, to eat the soup is necessary where the fish is caught, therefore, on the coast. For example, we look at the map from north to south: Pesaro, Fano, Civitanova, San Benedetto del Tronto. In all these cities, there is a fishing port and means fish plenty to cook delicious brotherhood!

    So, the Adriatic Sea on one side and the mountains on the other. Such a geographical limitation and inaccessibility from ancient times forced the area to develop independently. So the brand has grown into the mighty and self-sufficient ... Forest - gave paper and furniture! Forest ... "And in the forest - there are flowers, berries, mushrooms," as it hits in a children's cartoon song. And there is. Famous Mushrooms Tartuffo! Mmm ... again about food?!

    You see, about the sea already forgotten ... Right, what to lie on the beach, when the best fashionable shoes produce in the brand ... we jump into the car and in the factory! In the city of Macerata or Ascoli - Logo. And clothes? Personally, I like Italian stamps without a loud name. You can do without factories, but just stroll along the shops of the Fano cities and Pesaro, and here there is something to please yourself ...

    Of course, I would not really want you to have the impression of me, as a man with eternally hungry eyes. But I can not write that the area is rich and its olive oil, and its own excellent wine, and cheese for every taste. Here, and adored Cheese Pekorino from sheep milk. And if he is still out of the pit ... because with cheese from the pit in Mark prepare delicious raviolly. Remind our dumplings with cottage cheese, but again, as in the case of fish soup, nothing to do with our dumplings do not have.

    My God! Already so much wrote everything, but not a single word about sights. It's incredible! When I was going to write an article, I thought what to write there, I quickly about it, but about it. And it turns out that already not an article ... It looks like a brand claims a whole book ...

    What ... Let's go about attractions then. Again to geography. The name of the province of the province - Mark translated into ancient Germannsky means "Mark" or "Border". In the 11th century, the territory of Mark became the border of the Sacred Roman Empire. So stuck: the border of the Roman Empire - Mark.

    If you turn to historical facts, then the area of \u200b\u200bthe brand was settled since the times of Neolithic. There are evidence that the Balkan and Greek tribes lived in this territory for another 2-3 millennium to our era. They lived - did not stead until the Romans became interested in the strategic lands of the region. Ancona (Capital Mark) was already the most important trading port! Ancona! Is this city not worthy of visiting?! Doesn't you want to be on the square, where else before our era built a trade relationship and the story was peaked? But many people go to Ancona only in order to plunge into the beautiful sea ... oh, although ... what the sin is to hide, I also really want to get into the beautiful sea!

    Somehow once, I read in one of the sources that the pirates often produced in these parts and the population was forced to fall from them to the mountains, here's a migration ... This story with pirates postponed memories of marine adventures on the pages of the book "Odyssey Captain Blad "Rafael Sabatini. And what was my surprise that the writer Sabatini is a native of these places. It is clear, it's clear how not to write about the sea, being by the sea ... in the thick of the events, so to speak ...

    It should be noted that the province of Mark presented Italy and the world of famous composers, opera singers, architects and artists, writers, mathematicians and teachers. And even one famous motorcycle row - Valentino Rossi. I will not make a list of the names of all these figures, because each of them is part of the history of his city ... And therefore, it will be more correct to tell about each of them at the place of birth. Unfortunately, this article no longer contains the stories of all famous natives. Somehow, we were so smoothly dived into the area of \u200b\u200bculture and art ... these pirates were shot down from the course, and we talked about the "desired" territory.

    In short, at a well-positioned area, someone has always claimed ... There was a period when she was captured by the French ... and only in 1869 the region of Mark found calm when the Italian state was finally united.

    Well, perhaps, and all that can be loved by looking at the map ... In a word, they said "Hello, Mark!"

    But for the seed, so to speak, I want because of my writer's abilities, lift the curtain on the natural beauty of the province.

    Traveling by car is extremely nice because the road loops between
    The picturesque green hills, you can always stop and enjoy the views ... And on the way to rinse on the winery or a small farm, where olive oil hise. Or maybe ... for wine or for cheese from the pit ...

    Very harmonious fits into a hilly landscape historic heritage brand: from small villages on tops - to castles and palaces. Advanced and lonely standing churches, cathedrals, vintage villas of local nobility, as a rule, these kinds are already captured on the canvas of famous artists and may well be your successful photograph.

    If you choose a trip along the Adriatic Sea, then the smooth sandy coast is waiting for you, periodically divided by low hills, and in some places and climbing cliffs. Therefore, the selection of a beach holiday depends only on your desire and mood ... Today it can be - kilometers of sand and a wide lively beach, and tomorrow - a secluded cove or a stone rock, which will only belong to you and the open Adriatic Sea.

    Nature ... Or maybe you want to snow-covered vertices, mountain rivers and waterfalls? Then it is in the direction of Umbria, to Apennins. There you will find thermal springs and drinking, and bathing ... and all this is a brand!

    Do not want to mountain and forest? Want urban parties and narrow European streets? Everything is for you!

    Each of the towns of Mark resembles a scenery to a medieval play: Tiled roofs gray or orange, paved promenade streets, large and small areas, in the summer season at which, as a rule, in the evenings, there will certainly be any action. Sing, dance, declare poems, sell town products or rest in cafes ... And all these miracles are concentrated on an area of \u200b\u200b9.7 thousand square kilometers (3.2% of the entire territory of Italy). A small area with an incredible variety inside its territory ... well, everything! I hope this information is enough to tell yourself: "I want to brand!" I hope that you will not regret for a minute about your choice ... I, in turn, I promise that it sketches more articles about each of the towns and their amazing stories ...