Geographical and social position of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland - abstract. Where is Great Britain located? Geographical location Location UK

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Features of the geographical location

Great Britain is an irregularly shaped archipelago with a very diverse landscape and nature. The latter is a consequence of the fact that the British Isles were once part of Europe, but were cut off from the mainland after the flooding of low-lying lands that now form the floor of the North Sea and the English Channel. Northern Ireland, which is politically complementary to the United Kingdom, is located on the second largest island, Ireland, and is the western extension of the Scottish Highlands. These mountainous areas are separated from each other by the narrow Nord Canal. The western shores of the island of Great Britain are rocky and steep, the eastern shores are flatter.

The area of ​​Great Britain is approximately 240,842 sq. km. Most of it is land, and the rest is rivers and lakes. The area of ​​England is 129,634 square meters. km., Wales - 20637 sq. km., Scotland - 77179 sq. km. And Northern Ireland- 13438 sq. km. Thus, England is much larger than the other countries of the United Kingdom and has the largest population. These factors explain England's dominance in British history.

The southern tip of the island of Great Britain, the Cornwall peninsula, is located at 50 N latitude, and the northernmost part of the Shetland Islands archipelago is at 60 N latitude.

The length of the island of Great Britain from north to south is 966 km, and its greatest width is half that. Situated on the continental shelf, the British Archipelago is separated by shallow waters North Sea from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Germany and the narrow English Channel (the British call it the English Channel) and Pas-de-Calais from France.

Historically, Britain's geographic features have influenced human settlement, population migrations, armed conquest, and political union. They also determined the location and operation of industry, transport systems, Agriculture, fishing industry, forests, energy resources and communications. They continue to shape British life today and are closely linked to public concerns about environment and wildlife.

England (population 48.2 million) consists mainly of hilly or flat lowland terrain, with a few mountainous areas in the north and southeast. But low hills stretch across most of the country, interspersed with lowlands and plains.

The population is concentrated mainly around large cities: London and generally in the southeast of England, western Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford and Sheffield, northwestern industrial Liverpool and Manchester and northeastern Newcastle and Sunderland.

Wales (population 2.9 million) is a mountainous country with mountains and hills stretching across the entire territory, often falling into deep valleys created by river beds. These mountains gradually decline into the high hills of eastern England. The highest mountains in Wales are located in the north-west, where Mount Snowdon reaches 1085 m in height.

The Lowlands are limited to narrow coastal belts and river valleys in south Wales, where two thirds of the Welsh population live. In the past, Wales' mountainous terrain made warfare, farming and human settlement difficult.


Scotland (population 5.1 million) can be divided into three main parts. The first part is the northwestern and central mountains, along with a large number of islands on the western and northern coasts. These lands are sparsely populated and make up half of the entire territory of Scotland. The second part is the central lowlands, which make up one fifth of the entire Scottish territory and three quarters of the total population of Scotland, most of the industrial and commercial centers and cultivated land. The third part is the southern uplands, which includes a series of hills extending to the border with England.

The highest mountain in Scotland is Ben Nevis (1342 m), which is also the highest mountain in Great Britain.

Northern Ireland

Northern Ireland (population 1.6 million) is located just 21 km from the Scottish coast, which caused migrations of peoples in the distant past. Since the partition of Ireland in 1921, it has bordered the Republic of Ireland to the south and west. In the north there is a mountainous coast, in the center, closer to the south, a fertile valley, and mountains in the west, northeast and southeast.

The British Isles lie off the north west coast Europe. The British Isles are surrounded by many small islands. To the southwest of the island of Britain are the Isles of Scilly, and to the north of Wales is the Isle of Anglesey. On the western and northern coasts of Scotland there are numerous small islands that are part of Great Britain. The most important of these are the Orkney Shetland Islands.

From the west, Great Britain is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and from the east by the waters of the North Sea.

From the south, Great Britain borders on France - its closest and most developed neighbor, which shares water borders with it. Shortest distance to north coast France - the Strait of Dover, but the main communication between the states is through the English Channel, called the English Channel by the British, along the bottom of which a tunnel for high-speed rail transport was built at the end of the twentieth century. Before this, communication between the two countries was carried out by water or air.

Also, the closest neighbors of Great Britain are Belgium and the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, and Norway are located much further away.

The diversity of Britain's geographical features is the result of long geological and climatic changes. Over time, thanks to the movements of the earth's crust, they rose from the bottom of the sea mountain ranges, which formed the oldest territories of Great Britain. Periods of warm subtropical weather were followed by new movements of the earth's crust, and huge swampy forests covered all the low-lying lands. The forests in turn were buried under sand, soil and mud, so that the petrified forests became the coal of modern Britain. Later the climate changed from subtropical to arctic. During the Ice Age, almost the entire island was buried under ice, with the exception of southern England.

The mountains gradually eroded due to ice, water and winds. This process rounded mountain peaks and moved rocks into lowlands, where they were compressed into new mountains, resulting in a smoother, softer landscape. Geological and weather changes determined the present appearance of the valleys and plains, and also “determined the location of the main rivers of Great Britain, such as the Clyde, Forth and Tweed in Scotland, the Tyne, Trent, Humber, Severn and Thames in England and Wales, the Bann and Logan in Northern Ireland."

The forces of nature also affected the coastlines, as the sea retreated and returned again. Parts of the coastal zone went under water, while others were exposed. These processes continue today, particularly on the east and south coasts of England. Where the sea receded, chalk and limestone mountains were formed, as well as sandy beaches along the entire coast, while soil destruction has caused the loss of some land in some places.

Britain was originally part of the European mainland, but melting glaciers after the end of the Ice Age led to rising sea levels, and the country was separated from the continent by the North Sea at its widest point and the English Channel at its narrowest. The distance between Dover in England and Calais in France is minimal (32 km).

The entire coastline is crisscrossed with bays, bays, deltas and peninsulas, so that most of Great Britain is located no more than 120 km from the sea. The sea offshore is no deeper than 90 meters because most of the British Isles lies on the continental shelf, which is a raised seabed connected to the mainland. The warm Gulf Stream heats the sea and air as it travels across the shelf. Therefore, the climate on the islands is much milder than it could be, given their northern location. The current also affects coastal waters, which are important for the fishing industry.

The state is located on the British Isles (the island of Great Britain, the north-eastern part of the island of Ireland, as well as a large number of smaller islands and archipelagos, including the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland Islands, Anglesey, Arran, White) in the Atlantic Ocean. It is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebridean seas. South East Coast is located just 35 km from the northern coast of France, which are separated by the English Channel.

Main UK cities

The area of ​​Great Britain is 243,809 km², of which land is 240,579 km² and inland waters are 3,230 km². Coastline has a length of 17,820 km. South coast connected to continental Europe through a 50 km long Eurotunnel (of which 38 km is under water). This is the longest underwater tunnel in the world. Northern Ireland has a 360 km land border with the Republic of Ireland, and it is the UK's only land border.

England occupies just over half of the entire UK territory, covering 130,395 km². Most of it consists of lowlands. Highlands are concentrated in the north (Pennines) and north-west (Cumberland Mountains). Among the latter, the highest peak in England is Scafell Pike (978 m). The longest rivers are the Thames, Severn and Humber. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the most high point British Isles.

Scotland occupies just under a third of the entire UK, covering 78,772 km². It includes about eight hundred islands, mainly in the west and north of the main territory.

Wales occupies just less than one tenth of the entire UK, covering 20,779 km². Wales is a largely mountainous country, although South Wales is less mountainous than the rest. The main population and industrial areas are located in South Wales, including the coastal cities of Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. The highest mountains in Wales are located in Snowdonia (including Mount Snowdon 1085 m high). The coastline of Wales is 1200 km long. the largest island is Anglesey in the northwest.

Northern Ireland covers just 13,843 km² and is mostly hilly. Here is Lough Neagh, the largest lake in the British Isles (388 km²). The highest point in Northern Ireland is Slieve Donard in the Mourne Mountains with an altitude of 852 m.

Great Britain has a temperate oceanic climate with plenty of rain throughout the year. Temperatures vary depending on the season, but rarely fall below −11°C or rise above 35°C. The main winds come from the southwest and often bring cold and wet weather from the Atlantic Ocean, however the eastern parts of the country are mostly protected from these winds and since most of the rainfall falls in the western regions, the eastern ones are the driest. Atlantic currents, heated by the Gulf Stream, bring mild winters, sometimes snowfall in winter and early spring, although the snow usually does not last long.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on the British Isles and lies to the north-west of continental Europe. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east.

In everyday speech the term “Great Britain” is often applied to the United Kingdom as a whole.

The British Isles consist of two main islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and a large group of smaller islands. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. Historically the territory of Great Britain is divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales. It doesn't include Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is over 60 million people.

The total area is 209,000 km2 (two hundred and nine thousand square kilometers).

The British landscape is very varied. Geographically the island of Great Britain is made up of three main regions: Lowland, Midland and Highland Britain.

The Midlands occupy central counties of England. This is a region of valleys and low hills. Lowland Britain covers the territory of eastern and southern England. Highland Britain comprises Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennine Chain and the Lake District in England.

Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of Great Britain. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest point (1343 meters). Along the western coast runs the mountain range of Cumberland. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland.

The rivers in Great Britain are quite short and most of them flow in the eastward direction. The rivers (the Thames, the Severn, the Tweed, the Trent, the Tyne) never freeze in winter and allow all-year navigation.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles and lies northwest of continental Europe.

It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and Pas de Calais in the south and the North Sea in the east. In everyday life, the term "Great Britain" is often applied to the United Kingdom as a whole.

The British Isles consist of two main islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and a large group of small islands. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. Historically, the territory of Great Britain is divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales.

It does not include Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain exceeds 60 million people. The total territory is 209,000 sq. km.

The British landscape is very diverse. Geographically, the island of Great Britain consists of three main areas: lowlands, midlands and highlands of Britain. The middle zone occupies the central counties of England. This is an area with valleys and low hills. The British Lowlands cover eastern and southern England. The British Highlands consist of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines and the Lake District in England.

Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the UK. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest point (1343 meters). The Cumberland Mountain range runs along the western coast. The Cheviot Hills mark the border between England and Scotland.

The rivers of Great Britain are quite short, and most of them flow in an easterly direction.

The rivers (Thames, Severn, Tweed, Trent, Tyne) never freeze in winter and allow year-round navigation.

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Great Britain is an island state in northwestern Europe. It occupies the island of Great Britain, part of the island of Ireland and a number of smaller islands (Man, White, Channel, Orkney, Hebrides, Shetland and others). Great Britain consists of 4 historical and geographical regions: England, Scotland and Wales, located on the island of Great Britain, and Northern Ireland.

total area country is 244.9 thousand square meters. km. Great Britain shares a land border with only one country: Ireland. In the north and west the country is washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, and in the east and south by the North Sea and the narrow straits of the English Channel and Pas de Calais.

The entire coast is dotted with bays, bays, deltas and peninsulas, so most of Great Britain is located no more than 120 km from the sea.

Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Northern England are dominated by medium-height mountains and hills with deeply incised river valleys. The highest point of the country is in Scotland - Mount Ben Nevis with a height of 1343 m. The south-eastern and central parts of Great Britain are occupied by elevated plains and heaths.

In these areas, only a few places reach 300 m above sea level.

Great Britain has a dense network of rivers. In England and Wales the main rivers are the Tyne, Trent, Humber, Severn and Thames, in Scotland the Clyde, Forth and Tweed, in Northern Ireland the Bann and Logan. All of them are short, deep and non-freezing in winter time. There are many lakes in the mountains, mostly of glacial origin.


The largest of them are Loch Neagh, Loch Lomond and Loch Ness.

Nature conservation in Great Britain is carried out by a system national parks, national natural and forest reserves and reserves for the protection of waterfowl, occupying about 7% of the country's territory. The uniqueness of British national parks is that these are not “wilderness” areas, but areas quite close to large cities, more like huge city parks or botanical gardens.

The largest national parks are the Lake District and Snowdonia, Dartmoor and Brecon Beacons.

UK photo gallery

Official name of the country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. The capital of Great Britain- G.

The geographical position of Great Britain

London. Great Britain is located in the northwestern part of Europe, occupying the island of Great Britain, the northern part of the island of Ireland, and many small islands.

The island of Great Britain consists of England, Scotland and Wales. UK area is 244,100 km2, of which 241,590 km2 is occupied by land. Almost the entire coastline of the Island of Great Britain is heavily indented, forming natural harbors for ships.

In the north and west, Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, in the east by the North Sea, in the west by the Irish Sea, and in the south by the English Channel.

The bulk of Great Britain consists of plains and lowlands.

Relief of the northern and western parts The island consists mainly of mountains. The middle part of England is occupied by the Pennines, separating the Yorkshire and Lancashire lowlands. Highest mountain in Great Britain– Mount Ben Nevis with a height of 1343 meters, located in Scotland.

Britain's longest river is the Severn, 338 km long, it rises in the Welsh mountains and flows into Bristol Bay.

The River Thames, which flows through densely populated areas, is just a couple of kilometers behind in length.

Great Britain is divided into 4 administrative and political parts:

  1. England (39 counties). Capital London;
  2. Wales (8 counties). Capital: Cardiff;
  3. Scotland (9 districts). Capital – Edinburgh;
  4. Northern Ireland (26 counties). The capital is Belfast.

Country: UK

Topics: Geographical location




Scotland is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Although Scotland was never an autonomous or federal unit of the United Kingdom and is no longer a kingdom, it is not only a geographical or administrative territory.

Scotland can be considered as a separate state. The Scots protect their national identity and maintain many institutions that are not found in England and other English-speaking countries.
Scotland was founded in 843, uniting the cattle kingdom of Dal Riyadh and the Kingdom of the Picts.

The first king of Scotland, Kenneth, reigned from 844 to 859. In 1707, according to Akt Unije, Scotland and England became the United Kingdom of Great Britain, with one parliament and central government.
In 1999, the Scottish Parliament was restored.

Geographical position

The Scottish Territory comprises the northern third of the island of Great Britain and the neighboring islands of the Hebrides, Orkney and Shetland.

Scotland has an area of ​​78,772 km² and a coastline of 9,911 km. In the south it borders with England. The length of the border from the River Tweed in the west to the Solway Firth in the east is approximately 96 km. 30 km southwest of the coast is the island of Ireland, 400 km northeast - Norway, north of Scotland - Faroe islands and Iceland.
The west coast of Scotland is washed by the Atlantic Ocean, and the east coast by the North Sea.

Western and eastern sea in Scotland connect the Caledonian Canal, of which Loch Ness


The Scottish climate is characterized by the sea. average temperature in January is approx.

4°C, July - 14°C. There are differences between the exposed west coast and the more sheltered east, which are characterized by colder winters and warmer summers. There is still a lot of rain in the west. The average annual rate for all of Scotland is 1300 mm per annum, rising to 3800 mm on some exposed western slopes.




Although the occupied territory (78,772 sq. km.

km). Scotland is more than half the area of ​​England and Wales (151,126,000 sq km) and its population in 1991 was only 4,989,000. people in 49,890 thousand people. in England and Wales. In the 20th century. Scotland has seen a significant change in population distribution, with increased immigration into cities, where 9 in 10 of Scotland now live.

In the mountains and islands, the population density does not exceed 12 people per 1 sq. km. However, the current centers of population growth are not large cities, but also suburban areas.


The time difference with Moscow is 2 hours


Currently, the United Kingdom has no official national language, and Scotland uses three languages: English (actually the primary language), Scottish Gaelic and Anglo-Scottish (Scots).

The languages ​​of Scottish Gaelic and Anglo-Scottish were officially recognized in 1992 by the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages, which the United Kingdom government ratified in 2001.


Most members of the National Church of Scotland, called the Church of Scotland, are organized according to a type of presbytery.

About 16% of Scotland's population is a member of the Roman Catholic Church.


The character of the Scottish people and their way of life were largely determined by the influence of the environment: for the dominance of the mountains and hills, only 1/5 of the territory was suitable for cultivation. In the south the southern Scottish Highland border is found on almost all sides by the coastal valley and river valleys.
Rocky hills and moors are widespread in Scotland, and in the mountain and central regions mountains dominate.

The highest point - Mount Ben Nevis in the Grampian Mountains - reaches only 1343 m, some other peaks rise above 1200 m. However, this is approx. 300 peaks exceeding 900 m and many mountains create an impressive impression that rises almost from the seashore.
The Scottish coast is highly fragmented. In the west, bays with a similar fjord are deeply immersed in the central part of the mountainous country. Just off the coast of Scotland there is approx. 500 islands grouped in an archipelago.

The most important of these is the Hebrides, which includes large islands such as Lewis and Nebo, along with grassy cliffs suitable for some sheep grazing (1,990 sq km) (1,417 sq km). The northern archipelagos are Orkney and Shetland - fourteen islands of varying sizes.

Transport services

Currently, vehicular traffic is of paramount importance. Many railways were dismantled and steamships were cancelled.

Air service plays a lesser role, being maintained only between the UK and some islands, but its development is hampered by fog and strong winds.



Most of Scotland's industries and commerce are concentrated in a few large towns along the rivers of the central Lowlands.

Edinburgh, in the Firth of Forth, is cultural center, the administrative capital of Scotland and the center of paper production. Glasgow, one of the largest cities in the United Kingdom, is located on the River Clyde; it is Scotland's leading port and shipbuilding centre, with many light industrial activities in the city. Tourism is also a very important component of Scotland's economy.
The value of the coal industry, which had been the backbone of Scotland's century, diminished.

However, in the 1970s oil played an important role in Scotland's economy with the rise of oil companies in the North Sea. There are many natural gas reserves in the North Sea. Aberdeen is the center of the oil industry. Other important industries are textile production (wool, silk and linen), distillation and fishing. Textiles, beer and whiskey are the mainstay of Scottish exports, produced in many cities.

Only about a quarter of Scotland's soil is used for agricultural purposes (mainly grains and vegetables), and sheep farming is an important activity in the Highlands.


The tradition of Scottish cuisine has been constantly changing over time. In addition, changes in Scottish cuisine were affected in Europe and Scandinavia.

Geographical location and climatic conditions greatly influenced the development of local cookery and the definition of staple foods and their place in the Scottish diet. The state is divided into two regions: Highlands in the north and west, lowlands in the south and east. Each of these regions has its own language and culture. Highlanders in Scotland have long been involved in livestock farming, which has influenced the cuisines of the region.

At the same time, the Lowland is the main agricultural region of the country. Since the agricultural revolution in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, specialized agricultural areas have emerged in the region.

The eastern region is predominantly grain.
Cereals were central to Scottish cuisine, especially in rural areas. Barley, or barley, was a traditional grain crop. By the end of the seventeenth century, this cereal was rapidly being boosted by oats.
The traditional Scottish drink was beer, especially in the Lowlands; IN high mountains whiskey was distilled and illegally.

Hot drinks were the privilege of rich people; Chai tea became an increasingly common ritual before 1790, although after some time it became a drink for special occasions among lower social classes.


In Scotland, education has long been under the control of the church.

In the Middle Ages, cathedrals or other places of worship were created by schools led by city councils.

The church then established three universities in Scotland - St. Andrews (1410), Glasgow (1451) and Aberdeen (1494). The University of Edinburgh was founded shortly after the Reformation (1583); Four universities were added in the sixties - Strathclyde in Glasgow, Heriot-Watt in Edinburgh, Dundee and Stirling. Several Acts of Parliament from the 17th century. he called for the establishment of schools in every parish, but in remote areas this idea was carried out without much precision.

In the 18th - early 19th centuries. In addition to the parish system, schools were established by voluntary societies until educational institutions were covered throughout the country. In 1872 the old order replaced state system, and schooling became compulsory. Scottish tradition did not favor the establishment of private schools under the direction of school boards, but schools in the country were very diverse by the end of the nineteenth century.

Cities in Scotland:

Black Citadel of Douglas
Thrave Island may have been home to the ancient rulers of Gelowea, but the modern castle was built in the late 1300s by a strong local aristocracy, Archibald Douglas, known as "Archibald the Dark",

Archibald's father, Sir James Douglas, was ordered to create the heart of Robert the Bruce in Jerusalem, but he was killed in Spain fighting the Moors (and Bruce's heart returned to Scotland and was buried in Melorus Abbey).

He also defeated the unruly leaders of the Galloway clans when they joined the British. His cousin, William Douglas, did the same in 1353. For Scotland's faithful service to Robert the Bruce's son, King David II, the earldom became the heritage of the Douglas family, and the heart became the main coat of arms of Douglas. Threve became Archibald's fort in his new position as third Earl of Douglas, Lord of Galloway and the Borderers (that is, the western frontier).
Archibald died in Trivia in 1400.

He was followed by his sons, including Archibald, who married Princess Margaret, daughter of Robert III. Her husband was killed in a loyal battle fought against the French side against the English in 1424. She died in 1450 and was buried in Lynchwood Church Cathedral near Dumfries.
King James II was six years old when he was crowned in 1437.

Archibald, 5. Earl of Douglas, was named regent. When he died two years later, two aristocrats, Sir Alexander Livingstone and Sir William Crichton, were fighting for the city of Douglas.

United Kingdom

They invited the new Earl of Douglas, who was only 16 years old, to eat with his brother and friend at Edinburgh Castle. At the end of the meal, the heads of black bulls were brought to the table, which was a sign of murderers, and all three were killed.
James was outraged by Douglas's power. In 1452 he invited William, 8th Earl, to Stirling to discuss his relationship.

During the meeting, twelve-year-old James pulled the bar and hit William. His castles were annexed and William was killed. Immediately Earl took up the weapon, which declared the king a murderer and a criminal. He was ruled by James of Parliament "The earl was to blame for his death, who resisted the king's faith"
Douglas was defeated at Orkinholm near Langholm and the ninth earl was expelled. James began to systematically destroy all of Douglas's Pogues, which ended with a two-month siege of Threave Castle in the summer of 1455.

James was personally present at the Coast Trive. Although his main residence was at nearby Tongland Abbey, he had an additional local tent near the castle of Trives. But despite heavy bombardment, including shots from the new cannon, it was handed over to the great armies of the James's armies only after he had promised the garrison commander various payments and immunities.

Cheese Alexander Boyd Drumcoll was named in charge and the castle remained in the crown until the lord of Kirlewick Castle was given the place and then the town of Thrive was abandoned in 1640.

At that time, the dock on the coast was raised to accommodate huge guns, which were probably being prepared for a siege of obligations.

Even the forces could not take Trivia by force, but nevertheless the castle was finally surrendered and then "neglected" by them, meaning that it became inadequate for habitation.
Today the castle is a reminder of four hundred years of turbulent times in Scottish history. Since then it has probably not changed much around the marshy landscape, river and forest, although the water level in the river has decreased somewhat and the island now has large area than before.

In winter it is practically inaccessible. The town of Threave is responsible for the organization of Historic Scotland and is open to visitors in the summer.

It is located approximately 1 mile west of Castle Douglas, Kirkcudbrighthir, in southwest Scotland.

City of Urquhart. Loch Ness
Urquhart Castle stands on the rocky northern coast of Loch Ness.

People lived on the shores of Loch Ness 4,000 years ago. In neighboring Kornima there is burial pyramid made of stones, which has been around since 2000 BC. N. No. Although some evidence of a fortress on this site has been discovered by archaeologists and dates back to the Iron Age, it remains from the time of the Picts.

The first written sources mentioning the castle date back to the beginning of the century.
Loch Ness is located next to what is known as the Glen Sea, a 60-mile-long crevasse that was lined by glaciers during the last Ice Age.

Loch Ness alone is over 700 feet deep, and the surrounding hills are about the same height. The north-eastern end of the area around Loch Ness is the flat and fertile Moray Valley.
In 1228, the people of Moray opposed the author, King Alexander II (1198 - 1249).

By 1230 he had rejected the rebellion and, like conquerors often, rose to the head of his nobles, who were loyal to him, to be in charge of the situation in the region.

She gave her son-in-law Alan Durwadd Castle Uquart, and there is no doubt that the modern castle dates back to the Middle Ages. On his death in 1275 the castle passed to John Comyn, named Edward I of England. After a series of defeats John Bolio (1250-1296) abandoned his position, most of Scotland and many of its castles, including Urquhart, were under British control. It was at this time that the stone of destiny was moved from Scone to London (the stone has now returned to Scotland) and also at the time that William Wallis began his campaign against the English government when he killed the English sheriff at Lanark.
In 1297, Andrew Moray attacked the castle, but Sir Alexander Forbes later won the castle in Scotland.

But in 1303 Edward took the castle again, but it was soon destroyed by Robert the Bruce, who reigned as King of Scotland in 1306.
By 1346 the cast property had passed from the County of the Seas back to the Scottish Crown and it appears that many of the buildings were built with Crown money and renovations were completed at this time.

In the late thirties and early 1400s the town of Urquhart fell again to Clan MacDonald, the House of Lords of the Isles returned the town and their lands back to the Crown.
The only consequence was suffering and destruction for the ordinary people living in the Glen Sea. Finally, MacDonald's power was suspended, and for about 35 years the owners of Friuja took care of the castle on behalf of the Gordon clan.

Macdonald soon returned; in the 1500s he raised the castle twice and again left the ordinary people of the Glen in poverty and destroyed the farm. By the eighteenth century Grant had left it for the men of the Glen. Those walls that had been there for so long were the cause of people's suffering, now they became a symbol of comfort as people tore down the wall and removed the castle stones to build their own houses.
Finally, in 1689, when the last Stuart king was exiled, James II of England (James VII of Scotland), Captain Grant and 300 Highland leaders led a force of James's followers.

In 1692 the garrison left the ruins. The castle was not repaired and about 25 years later it was reported that "Wind storms destroyed the southwestern part of the castle and the main tower."

Hermitage Castle
Although a castle has existed on the site since at least the 13th century, the central part, probably built under master builder John Levine of Duram, dates back to the late 1300s.
One of her first castle owners, the Evil Baron de Solis, was convinced of the sanctity of the castle walls.

Fortunately for local residents, the clever wizard Thomas Ersildun developed a special dog with which the brutal baron was brutally killed. In the 15th century, the English and Scots fought over ownership of the castle, and an additional castle was built around the castle castle until 1540. By then the castle was in the hands of the Scottish Crown, although its owner was Patrick Hepburn, Earl of Bothwell, suspected of having secret business dealings with the English.
This cool and impressive fortress, set along the beautiful waters of the Hermitage and surrounded by open diversity, is controlled by Historic Scotland and is open to visitors during the following periods:
from April 1 to September 30: on weekdays from 9.30 to 18.30 on Sundays, from 14.00 to 18.30.

If you decide to visit the castle outside of the season, that is; In winter, for example, the only thing you can't see is the interior of the ruined castle, but you can walk along the outer wall and enjoy the extraordinary atmosphere of the castle and its surroundings.

Great Britain located in northwestern Europe, in the British Isles. It occupies the island of Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and part of the island of Ireland, as well as independent administrative units - the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and west, the North Sea in the east and the Irish Sea in the west, and is separated from the mainland in the south by the English Channel and Pas-de-Calais.

Total area of ​​the country: 244.1 thousand km²
Coastline length: more than 10 thousand

Political system: a constitutional monarchy
Capital: London
Population: 60 million

Language: Official language- English. The use of 'national' languages ​​is preserved in the province.
Religion: About 70% of the population professes Anglicanism, 16% is Catholic, 2% is Muslim.
Currency unit: GBP/GBP (1 GBP = 100 pence)
Time: 3 hours behind Moscow

Geographical location and nature.

The territory of the United Kingdom is divided into two main areas based on relief features.

The Highlands of Britain (including Northern Ireland), located in the north and west of the country, are underlain by resistant ancient bedrock and consist mostly of highly dissected uplands and much less widespread lowlands. To the south and east lies Low Britain, characterized by rolling terrain, low elevations and several mountainous areas; younger sedimentary rocks lie at its base.

The border between High and Low Britain runs approximately in a south-westerly direction from Newcastle at the mouth of the Tyne to Exeter at the mouth of the Exe in south Devon.

This boundary is not always clearly defined, and often the transitions between High and Low Britain are smoothed out. In general, the country's topography is so diverse that, driving in one direction for more than an hour, you cross several different landscapes.


The climate in Great Britain is temperate oceanic. The western part of Great Britain has a wetter climate than the eastern part due to the prevailing westerly winds from the Atlantic Ocean. In the mountains of Scotland, Wales and Northern Scotland weather more severe.

The oceanic nature of the country's climate is reflected in the prevalence of unstable weather with gusty winds and dense fogs throughout the year.

It is no coincidence that Great Britain is called “Foggy Albion”. Big influence The Gulf Stream is warm, so British winters are very wet and mild, with temperatures rarely falling below zero.

The coldest month is January (from +2°C to +7°C), the warmest month is July (from +11°C to +17°C). The weather is very changeable, so even in summer it is necessary to carry light woolen clothes with you in case of cool weather.


The majority of residents are English (81.5%), Scots - 9.6%, Irish - 2.4%, Welsh - 1.9%, Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Chinese, and Africans also live in the country.

State structure.

Full name: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (abbreviated Great Britain).

The political system is a constitutional monarchy. The United Kingdom includes England, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland - a total of 47 counties, 7 capital districts, 26 districts, 9 regions and 3 islands. England consists of 39 counties, 7 capital districts, Scotland - of 9 regions and 3 islands, Wales - of 8 districts, Northern Ireland - of 26 districts. In addition, the country includes dependent territories: An-guilla island, Bermuda, British Territory Indian Ocean, British Virgin Islands, Gibraltar, Cayman Islands, Isle of Man, Montserrat Island, Pitcairn Islands, St.

Helena, Turkey and Caicos Islands, Falkland Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands.

The UK does not have a constitution; the fundamental law is replaced by parliamentary legislative acts adopted by a bicameral parliament, which consists of the House of Lords (upper house) and the House of Commons (lower house).

The national holiday (Queen's Birthday) is celebrated on the second Saturday of June. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Real executive power belongs to the Prime Minister, who forms the Cabinet of Ministers.

Transport communications.

Public transport in London is quite well developed - you can get to anywhere in the city by underground, famous double-decker buses, express buses (green) or minibuses.

The cost of travel for all types of transport depends on the distance. In the metro, tickets are checked at the exit. It is profitable to buy a daily or weekly ticket (a photograph is required for a weekly ticket). In addition to the main subway, there is another small private line - the Docklands Light Railway. Single tickets on this line are your own, but citywide passes are valid everywhere.

Travel cards `travelcard` are valid for almost all buses, metro and trains within the city. `Travelcard` is not valid on buses that take passengers to Heathrow airport and on overnight flights, but weekly passes are valid there. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the fact that some passes are valid only after 9.30 am. There are two types of taxis. The famous 'black cabs' are relatively expensive. They operate on a meter basis: $3 for landing and $1.2 for 1 kilometer of travel.

Cheaper cars are called `minicab` (they can take not 5 passengers, like real `cabs`, but only 4). They only accept orders by phone and operate without meters, so it’s worth inquiring about the tariff in advance.

Currency exchange.

Widely used credit cards and traveler's checks from the world's leading payment systems. Automated teller machines (ATMs) are very widespread, but the unreliability of street ATMs has already become a proverb - cases of erroneous blocking of credit cards are quite common, and the operation of unblocking an account is quite lengthy, so it is recommended to use ATMs in institutions.

You can change money at any bank branch (commission 0.5-1%), in the evening - at exchange offices of large department stores and at some travel agencies.

Exchange offices at airports operate 24 hours a day. A passport is required to exchange cash.

Banks are open from 9.00 to 15.30 without breaks on weekdays. Weekends are Saturday and Sunday. Large banks may be open an extra hour and are usually open on Saturday. The highest exchange rate is with American Express banks, which does not charge any foreign exchange fees.

Commission fees in other banks, as a rule, range from 0.5 to 1%; You must have your passport with you. There is also a good rate at street exchange offices, especially in places where they are concentrated (for example, near Padington station).


Inhabited by Celtic tribes, what is now Britain became the Roman colony of Britannia in 43 AD under Emperor Claudius. Started at the end of the 3rd century. raids on Britain by Scandinavian tribes, and then by Germanic ones - the Angles and Saxons - put an end to Roman rule in 411.

Having displaced the Celts to the west of the country, the Angles and Saxons formed during the 5th-9th centuries. seven kingdoms that adopted Christianity from the 6th to the 8th century.

In the 9th century Britain began to be subject to raids by the Vikings, who gradually subjugated all the Saxon kingdoms except Wessex, which became the first English kingdom.

The Saxon king Edward restored the influence of the Saxon dynasty, but the Saxon troops led by his son Harold were defeated at Hastings in 1066 by the Norman commander William the Conqueror.

The Normans had a huge impact on the life of English society, which underwent a serious reorganization - administrative, legal, financial, in addition, French, spoken by the Norman conquerors, left a serious imprint on Saxon culture.

William's descendant Henry I, who became king of England in 1154, founded the Plantagenet dynasty.

The dispute between the English kings and the French over lands on the continent led to the Hundred Years' War between England and France (1330-1435). Defeat in the war and the weakness of King Henry VI led in 1455 to a civil war known as the War of the Roses, which ended in 1485 with the victory of Henry Tudor (Henry VII). During the reign of the last representative of the Tudor dynasty, Elizabeth I, England achieved unprecedented prosperity, becoming a powerful maritime power.

James VI of the Scottish Stuart dynasty became King of England. In 1649, an outbreak broke out in England Civil War, which divided the country into supporters of the king and parliament and ended in 1649 with the proclamation of a republic led by Oliver Cromwell. The monarchy was restored in 1660, when the son of Charles I, Charles II, ascended the English throne.

In 1707, the Act of Union of England and Scotland was signed, which led to the formation of the United Kingdom of Great Britain with a common parliament, which played an increasingly important role in the life of the country.

At the end of the 17th century.

In England, political parties were formed - the Tories and the Whigs (which in the 19th century were transformed, respectively, into the Conservative and Labor parties). After the death of Anne Stuart, Elector of Hanover George (George I) was invited from Germany to the English throne. In 1783, Great Britain lost some of its colonies in North America(US War of Independence).

Ireland became part of the United Kingdom. After the defeat of Napoleon's army at the Battle of Waterloo, Great Britain became one of the leading European powers. The Victorian era, named after Queen Victoria (1837-1901), was characterized by the expansion of British colonial possessions (India, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa) and carrying out deep reforms (governance, law, education, army) within the country.

After the end of the First World War, the Irish question again became acute in the country. After Ireland declared independence in 1921, only the northern part of the island remained within the Kingdom. Great Britain entered the war against Nazi Germany in September 1939, becoming one of the main participants in the anti-Hitler coalition.

W. Churchill, who showed himself to be an outstanding politician during the Second World War, lost in the 1945 elections to the representative of the Labor Party, K. Attlee. IN

50s and 60s almost all of Great Britain's colonies became independent states, some of them remained in the British Commonwealth formed in 1931.

One of the most prominent politicians in Great Britain in the post-war years was M. Thatcher (Prime Minister of Great Britain in 1979-1990), who defeated the trade unions, which declared a general strike in 1979, and sent in 1982.

troops to Falkland Islands which Argentina intended to occupy. The conflict in Northern Ireland between Catholics and Protestants remains a serious political problem for the British government. After many years of armed clashes between warring parties in the 90s. The process of negotiations has begun, but the British and Irish governments are prevented from reaching an agreement by the periodic resumption of terrorist activities of the Irish Republican Army.


LONDON. Tower, Buckingham Palace, the world famous Big Ben, the Houses of Parliament, St. Paul's Cathedral, the patron saint of London, the Gothic Tower Bridge, Trafalgar Square, Westminster Abbey and the Cathedral with the chapel of Henry VII, the National Gallery and the British Museum, the Museum of Transport in Covent Gardena, the Victoria and Albert Museum of Decorative Arts, the Tate Gallery and the Courtauld Institute are the largest collections of painting and sculpture.

London's parks are magnificent: the most famous of the royal parks is Hyde Park, the oldest is St. James's Park and one of the most elegant is Regent's Park, located next to Madame Tussauds.

LINCOLN. The city with the oldest fortress in England.

BAT. The city with the Roman baths located there.

CHESTER. A city founded by the Romans 2000 years ago.

YORK. One of the most beautiful medieval cities in England with a magnificent Ministerial Cathedral, the mountainous Lake District with picturesque lakes and medieval villages, turned into a colorful national park, the legendary Stonehenge (dated to approximately 3100 B.C.)

What is the difference between England and Great Britain?

Lake District in Lancashire, national parks and stalactite caves of Dun yr Igof, etc.

SCOTLAND. Palace of Holyroodhouse in Edinburgh, Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, Snowdonia National Nature Museum with Bryn Bras Castle and a park with waterfalls.

The place called the Vale of Neath, near National Park Brecon Beacons. Loch Ness Monster Museum.

WALES. Harlech Castle, rising on a cliff in the center of Wales, Conwy Castle, Bowmaris Castle on the island.

Anglesey and the impressive Caernarfon Castle, Castell Coch Castle with a working drawbridge, the 12th century cathedral. in the town of St. David's, where the relics of St. David, the patron saint of Wales, are kept.


English cuisine is characterized by fairly conservative cooking with virtually no use of sauces or hot spices.

Fish and vegetable dishes, as well as various types of fried meat, are very popular. The national drink is tea, usually drunk with milk and sugar. Welsh (Welsh) and Scottish cuisines are somewhat different from English - more “bright” and spicy. It is highly recommended to try lamb chops with lemon, coriander, yogurt and mint sauce, the famous British steaks and steaks, a variety of smoked fish, hot buttered pancakes and scones and, of course, countless types of puddings.

Muffins, biscuits, cookies and saffron buns are especially good.

Spirits are also quite traditional - beer, whiskey and gin of all kinds, as well as the famous ale and cider.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles and lies to the north-west of continental Europe. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east. In everyday speech the term “Great Britain” is often applied to the United Kingdom as a whole.

The British Isles consist of two main islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and a large group of smaller islands. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. Historically the territory of Great Britain is divided into 3 parts: England, Scotland and Wales. It doesn't include Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain is over 60 million people. The total area is 209,000 km 2 (two hundred and nine thousand square kilometers).

The British landscape is very varied. Geographically the island of Great Britain is made up of three main regions: Lowland, Midland and Highland Britain. The Midlands occupy central counties of England. This is a region of valleys and low hills. Lowland Britain covers the territory of eastern and southern England. Highland Britain comprises Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennine Chain and the Lake District in England. Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of Great Britain. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest point (1343 meters). Along the western coast runs the mountain range of Cumberland. The Cheviot Hills mark the boundary between England and Scotland.

The rivers in Great Britain are quite short and most of them flow in the eastward direction. The rivers (the Thames, the Severn, the Tweed, the Trent, the Tyne) never freeze in winter and allow all-year navigation.


The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles and lies northwest of continental Europe. It is separated from the continent by the English Channel and Pas de Calais in the south and the North Sea in the east. In everyday life, the term "Great Britain" is often applied to the United Kingdom as a whole.

The British Isles consist of two main islands (Great Britain and Ireland) and a large group of small islands. Great Britain is separated from Ireland by the Irish Sea. Historically, the territory of Great Britain is divided into three parts: England, Scotland and Wales. It does not include Northern Ireland. The population of Great Britain exceeds 60 million people. The total territory is 209,000 sq. km.

The British landscape is very diverse. Geographically, the island of Great Britain consists of three main areas: lowlands, midlands and highlands of Britain. The middle zone occupies the central counties of England. This is an area with valleys and low hills. The British Lowlands cover eastern and southern England. The British Highlands consist of Scotland, most of Wales, the Pennines and the Lake District in England. Scotland and Wales are the most mountainous parts of the UK. Ben Nevis in Scotland is the highest point (1343 meters). The Cumberland Mountain range runs along the western coast. The Cheviot Hills mark the border between England and Scotland.

Great Britain is an island state occupying the territory of the British Isles, located in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, in close proximity to the shores of continental Europe and separated from it by a small strait. The other official name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Largest quantity The inhabitants are English, which is also why the country is also called England. The capital is London, considered one of the largest in Europe.

As part of the united country, the two main and most famous and large islands are Great Britain and Ireland itself (the latter is part of the Kingdom only in its northern part), and there are almost 5 thousand small islands. The island of Great Britain is slightly elongated from north to south, its length is 966 km, the widest part is less than half this value. The British archipelago is located in the Atlantic Ocean and is washed by the North, Irish, Celtic and Hebridean seas.

In the southeast, Britain borders continental France across the English Channel. In the last decade of the last century, an overpass was built under the strait for unimpeded rail and road transport between the island and the continent. The tunnel began operating in 1993, its length is about 50 km, the duration of a train trip between London and the capital of France - Paris, takes about 3 hours.

Almost all of the external borders of the Kingdom are maritime; only on the island of Ireland there is a land state border with a length of 360 km. This geographical feature predetermined the relatively safe existence and development of British society. Thanks to maritime boundaries, which complicates the movement of enemy personnel, Britain for many hundreds of years did not experience the “delights” of military operations on its territory, although it itself took part in many continental wars.

Through London, more precisely through its observatory in Greenwich, passes the so-called prime meridian, from which the geographical coordinates any point on the planet.

The country is located at the crossroads of European countries into the World Ocean and provides access to the North American continent and other maritime powers. This creates a favorable economic position for the state, thanks to which coastal cities are large shopping centers with a developed sea port industry.

The area of ​​Great Britain, including inland waters, is 243,809 km2, the population, according to the latest data, is more than 62 million people. England occupies more than half of the entire territory; it also leads in population – more than 80%. Great Britain is the leader of the British Commonwealth of Nations, which includes almost all former colonies, dominions and protectorates, and there are about 50 of them. The Commonwealth is a voluntary association independent states, which allows you to maintain diplomatic relations, as well as political and economic ties.

Composition of the territory

The country unites several large historical and geographical, previously sovereign regions, namely England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The named regions have their own administrative territorial divisions. This association also includes 14 dependent lands and territories. In addition, there are so-called crown lands, which are not formally part of it, but are not overseas lands either.

As part of the entire British Commonwealth, England is the largest in area, occupying more than half of its territory - over 133 thousand km2. Scotland is in second place, with a territory of 78,772 km2. Wales, in third place, accounts for only a tenth of the total area. The smallest area is Northern Ireland - less than 14 thousand km2.

The English part of the kingdom is located in the southern part of the island between Scotland and Wales, and is home to 53 million people. The capital, London, and the largest cities such as Liverpool, Birmingham, Manchester and others are located here.

England is rich in historical sites, is the center of education of the English language, its legislation forms the basis of legal systems different countries peace, the Anglican Church was formed here. Historically, London became the center of this country, the birthplace of the industrial revolution and, as a result, England became the most industrialized country in the world. Industrial production, agriculture, sports business and the development of new technologies play an important role in the economy.

Scotland. Located in the northern part of the island. It is washed by the North Sea in the east and the Irish Sea in the southwest. It is home to 5.2 million people. It owns many small islands, mostly uninhabited. The capital, Edinburgh, became the center of the Scottish Enlightenment. However largest city The country is Glasgow, a former industrial leader. Its third largest city, Aberdeen, has the status of the oil capital of Europe, as it contains large oil fields. The famous Loch Ness is also located here.

Wales is the southwest of the country with a total area of ​​20,779 km2, the eastern border is adjacent to the counties of Cheshire, Shropshire, Herefordshire, Gloucestershire. The remaining three sides are washed by the sea. The population is just over 3 million people, most of whom are Welsh and English. The population and industry are concentrated in the cities of Cardive, Swansea, and Newport. The coastline is more than 1 thousand km. Most of the territory is occupied by mountains formed during the Ice Age. The border between Wales and England is divided conditionally. Wales has many parks such as Snowdonia, Pembrokeshire Coast, Brecon Beacons.

Northern Ireland. It is located 21 km from the Scottish coast and occupies the north-east of the island of Ireland. The total area is almost 14 thousand km2, the population is 1.8 million people. The capital and the most Big city Ireland - Belfast. Historically, the island is divided into four zones, one of them is Ulster, part of which is under the rule of the British crown. Ulster consists of 35 administrative units, some of them - 6 counties and 26 districts - British, the remaining 3 counties are Irish.

The national composition of Northern Ireland is heterogeneous; several groups are distinguished:

  • Presbyterians - Scottish settlers, concentrated in the eastern part;
  • The British - traditionally prefer the Anglican Church, live in the center and in the north;
  • The Irish are Catholics by religious preference and constitute the remnants of the indigenous population. They live in the west and along the border with Ireland.

The heterogeneity of the population is expressed not only in culture and religion, but also in the character of nationalities; they treat each other with distrust. British Ulster is home to more than one and a half million people, the vast majority living in rural areas and engaged in agriculture.

UK economy

The UK is a highly developed industrial country with global financial institutions and trade operations concentrated on its own territory. The result of vigorous activity is a gross domestic product reaching up to a trillion dollars. The country has a developed banking system, insurance, transport - all modern industries included in the definition of services. For a long time, the most important source of income for international monopolies based in Britain has been the export of capital, although according to some reports the country has lost control over this sector of the economy.

There are currently a number of problems in the UK economy:

  1. Unlimited control over the world's deposits of oil, natural rubber, and non-ferrous metals has been lost;
  2. Lost influence in agriculture;
  3. The world market for industrial goods has been filled with competitive countries;
  4. The unrestricted possibilities for spreading capital to other continents failed and were lost.

A third of the country's population is employed in industry, which makes up a significant part of the domestic product. And although imported raw materials are used for its work, the industry is oriented toward the foreign market. Some areas of production traditional for island state, lag behind modern technologies that use the latest developments in technology, work organization and effective management methods. The development of production within specific industries has led to the formation of “sharks” of world business, such as Unilever, British Airspace, Rolls Royce, General Electric and others.

Most industrial companies are located in densely populated areas adjacent to the capital's conglomerate, so London and its suburbs are the center of the financial and industrial economy of the entire state. To a lesser extent, but also noticeably, some industrial areas of South Wales, the center of Scotland and the north-east of the country are investing in the economy.

British agriculture is efficient, widely uses automation according to European standards, and only 2% of the working population is involved in the production of agricultural products. The country does not import barley, oats, poultry, potatoes, eggs and whole milk, but a large number of the food basket, for example, a quarter of the volume of beef, butter, and sugar, comes from imported factories. The most successful livestock-raising region in Great Britain is located in the western territories, with a climate favorable to livestock farming.