Drakensberg Mountains South Africa. Height of the dragon mountains

  • Height above sea level: 3,482 m;
  • Highest point: Thabana-Ntlenyana (Lesotho);
  • Countries: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland.

The Drakensberg Mountains are a mountain range in South Africa famous for its unique origins and unusual shapes with cut off peaks and sharp rocky peaks. Tourists fly to this unusual corner of the world to admire the beauty of pristine nature, plunge into the atmosphere of the Stone Age, study the culture of ancient peoples, and engage in a popular activity in these places - trekking on a pony.

Where are the Drakensberg Mountains?

The Drakensberg Mountains are 1,100 km long and span three countries: South Africa and the Kingdom of Swaziland. The average height of the mountains is estimated at 2000 m, and the maximum height reaches the peak of Thabana Ntlenyana at around 3482 m. Most of the mountain territory is covered by three nature reserves:

  • Drakensberg National Park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site;
  • Royal Natal National Park;
  • Golden Gate Highlands Nature Park, famous as the “Golden Gate” because of the unusual glow of the Brandwag rock at sunset.

In the Zulu language, the name of the mountains sounds like “Kwathlamba”, and is translated as “rocky place” or “pile of rocks”, “barrier of spears”.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the Drakensberg Mountains:

  1. According to ancient beliefs, an unknown monster lives in these places - a dragon, which was noticed by local residents in the 19th century.
  2. At the top of the mountain, at any time of the year, smoke billows out, which is very similar to the steam released by a dragon from its nostrils.
  3. The tops of the mountains, consisting of peaks, superficially resemble the ridge of a mythical creature, which is why ancient peoples, namely the Boers, named these places that way.

What to do and see in the Drakensberg Mountains?

In these places there is something for tourists with a wide variety of preferences and everyone will be satisfied. Dragon Mountain attracts with its unique landscape, unusually beautiful landscapes, special flora and fauna with rare endangered species of plants and animals, ancient rock paintings that have been preserved for thousands of years. For entertainment, tourists are offered:

  1. Hiking or horseback riding (pony trekking). The duration of the hikes is one or several days, including overnight stays in rocky caves.
  2. An exciting helicopter or hot air balloon ride with a bird's eye view of beautiful landscapes.
  3. Off-road safari.
  4. Group or individual rafting on mountain rivers (rafting).
  5. Fishing (trout are found here).
  6. Playing golf.

Landscapes and views

The Drakensberg Mountains are famous for the beautiful views and landscapes that can be seen from the peaks. The soft carpets of dense evergreen trees and waterfalls combined with bare cliffs and rocks paint mesmerizing pictures. Once you reach the top, you can even see the clouds under your feet.

A popular tourist spot is the "Amphitheater" - a natural rock outcrop that is formed by a high 500-meter long sickle-shaped wall with a length of 5 km.

In the Royal Natal Park, the attention of tourists is attracted by the unique landscape of steep cliffs with a length of 8 km, which opens up if you look at them from the bottom up.

Also nearby you can see the very beautiful Tugela waterfall, 948 m high, consisting of 5 cascades. This waterfall is the second highest on the entire planet.

Famous is the paradise valley of Ndedema, which amazes with its unusual beauty. Its peculiarity is that it is divided by a gorge into two parts, one of which is a lush green spot of tropical trees, and the other is completely bare.

It was the landscapes of the Drakensberg Mountains that inspired John Tolkien to write his trilogy “The Lord of the Rings,” which gained worldwide recognition and fame.

Flora and fauna

The climate of the Drakensberg Mountains differs in different parts of it, which affects the diversity of flora and fauna. In the east, a humid tropical climate prevails, which results in the presence of dense greenery formed by trees and vines. In the west, it is a dry and windy climate, so the western slopes are represented by savannas, mostly covered with shrubs. The nature of the mountains at an altitude of more than 2000 meters is represented mainly by meadows and rocky steppes.

On the territory of the Drakensberg National Park there is a strip of alpine vegetation recognized by the World Center for Endemism. Here you can find such endangered bird species as the bearded vulture, the bald ibis, the yellow-breasted pipit, and the Cape hyphae. Rare mammals include the oribi antelope, white rhinoceros, Burchell's zebra, and black wildebeest. In total, more than 250 species of different animals live in the Drakensberg Mountains.

Historical heritage of the Drakensberg Mountains

For many years, these mountain ranges were the site of battles and battles that influenced the course of the history of South American lands. Therefore, excursions to places where in ancient times the local Zulus people fought with European colonialists for their freedom are very popular here, and later the famous Anglo-Boer War took place in these places.

The attraction of the Drakensberg Mountains are cave settlements with rock paintings of the ancient Bushmen peoples who lived 8,000 years ago. These places are considered unique, since the images are surprisingly well preserved, and the plots amaze with the richness of the imagination of the San people. Bushmen depicted ritual dances, hunting, battles, and fragments of everyday life. There are about 600 such places where ancient peoples left their mark; in total, more than 40,000 drawings were discovered in the Drakensberg Mountains.

How to get there?

The Drakensberg Mountains in Lesotho are a very popular tourist attraction; almost no trip to the countries of South Africa is complete without an excursion to them. Tourists are offered a variety of types of entertainment, relaxation in tent camps or cozy small hotels with excellent service and food. About 2 million tourists come here every year.

It is advisable to get to the mountains as part of organized groups and excursions accompanied by experienced tourists. Transfers are usually organized from the cities of Johannesburg and Durban in South Africa. You can get there on your own by car. To do this, follow Route 3 to the town of Harrismith, then follow the signs towards Natal Park. Travel time is about 3 hours.

Here is a detailed map of the Drakensberg Mountains with the names of cities and towns in Russian. Move the map while holding it with the left mouse button. You can move around the map by clicking on one of the four arrows in the upper left corner. You can change the scale using the scale on the right side of the map or turning the mouse wheel.

What country is the Drakensberg Mountains located in?

Drakensberg Mountain is located in South Africa. This is a wonderful, beautiful place, with its own history and traditions. Coordinates of the Drakensberg Mountains: north latitude and east longitude (show on large map).

Virtual walk

The “man” figurine above the scale will help you take a virtual walk through the cities of the Drakensberg Mountains. By clicking and holding the left mouse button, drag it to any place on the map and you will go for a walk, while inscriptions with the approximate address of the area will appear in the upper left corner. Select the direction of movement by clicking on the arrows in the center of the screen. The “Satellite” option at the top left allows you to see a relief image of the surface. In the "Map" mode you will have the opportunity to familiarize yourself in detail with the Drakensberg roads and main attractions.

The Drakensberg Mountains are the highest mountain range in Africa. The highest point of the mountains is located in Lesotho and reaches 3482 meters above sea level. The mountains are mainly made of basalt. They got their name because of the numerous ravines, ridges, caves and ledges.

The Drakensberg Mountains are a popular tourist destination due to its clean air, remoteness from civilization, numerous waterfalls and rich flora and fauna. Since 2000, the Drakensberg Mountains Park has been included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The mountains are located between the provinces of Lesotho and KwaZulu-Natal. Therefore, the Drakensberg Mountains are usually divided into two types, Natal and Transvaal.

The northern part includes an impressive amphitheater, an eight-kilometer almost vertical stone wall, the height of which reaches 1000 meters. Of the highest peaks, it is worth noting: Tabala Ntlenyana at 3482 meters, Champagne Castle at 3377 meters, Monk Cole at 3234 meters and Cathkin Peak at 3181 meters.

The southern part is much less developed, but no less interesting, as there are nature reserves with rare animals. The highest peak of the southern part of the mountains is Sani Pass with an altitude of 2874 meters above sea level, which offers magnificent views of the surrounding regions, and thanks to this it attracts thousands of tourists every year from all over the world.


The mountains arose during the Jurassic period about 180 million years ago. The main reason for the appearance of the mountains is considered to be the volcanic activity that occurred at that time. Because of this, there is a large amount of basalt in the mountains and near mountainous areas.

The Drakensberg Mountains are famous for their numerous rock carvings. According to rough estimates, there are about 600 places with rock art in the mountains. As a rule, access to such drawings is quite difficult to obtain.

Video - Drakensberg Mountains

July 31st, 2013

Have you flown over the mountains? And now I will tell you the history of these places.

Drakensberg (Drakensberg)– the highest mountain range in the territory South Africa. The African Zulu people call it Ukhahlamba, i.e. barrier of copies.

The fabulous name of the mountains has several versions of origin. Of course, there was also the banal presence of a dragon, or rather a huge lizard with the tail and wings of a dragon, which local residents allegedly saw in the 19th century. Another version of the name is the presence of haze that comes from the bottom and hides the tops of the mountains. Huge clouds of smoke create the feeling that none other than a dragon is emitting them from the nostrils.

But still, there is something truly fabulous in the Drakensberg Mountains, namely their beauty. The spirit of antiquity hovers here. The caves of the Drakensberg Mountains are famous for their rock art. About 35 thousand ancient rock paintings are kept in this mysterious place. The most amazing and fascinating thing is the years of life of the drawings - some of them were created over 100 thousand years. There are especially many of them in the Giants Castle nature reserve, which is listed in the World Heritage book. The uniqueness of rock paintings lies not only in their antiquity and its preservation, but also in the variety of subjects. The territory of the Drakensberg Mountains is famous for another attraction - the second highest in the world, the 947-meter Tugela Falls.

A huge number of battles took place in the Drakensberg Mountains. For several centuries, great battles took place here, which largely changed the course of the history of this country. The fields where battles took place several centuries ago, namely the sites of the Boer and Anglo-Zulu wars, are a particularly relevant place for excursions.

A significant part of the Drakensberg Mountains is occupied by nature reserves and wildlife sanctuaries. The most visited of them is the Royal Natal National Park. The slope, located on the south side of the park, is a natural rock step that stretches for 8 km. An extraordinary landscape appears before you when you look at the rocky step from below.

The mountains are divided into two parts: the hilly, densely grassed expanses of Natal and the part of the Orange Province and Southern Transvaal, located above the other hills. The high, empty and bare mountains of Basotho are very reminiscent of the mountains of Ethiopia.

A significant part of the Drakensberg territory is occupied by endless highlands, covered with a thick blanket of grass. Unfortunately, at present, due to human intervention, the original landscapes have hardly been preserved anywhere.


“Roof of Africa” - this is the name acquired by the highlands with steep slopes on one side and gentle slopes on the other. The steep slopes, which usually reach a thousand meters in height, are often hit by winds from the Indian Ocean. They are created and brought here by large amounts of precipitation. It is here that the turbulent rivers flowing to the east begin their journey. By washing away the top layer of soil, they carry it into the Indian Ocean, thereby accelerating the process of erosion. A significant amount of water is found in the Orange River, which flows west into the Atlantic Ocean. At one time, erosion overtook the huge cliffs of the Basuto plateau, and now its appearance is of bare rocks several hundred meters high that drop down to a grassy foothill.

Bearded eagles live on the plateau. They build large nests on rocks, lining them with wool, hair, and food debris. On mountain pastures, the main food of bearded vultures consists of dead sheep. Another bird of which the last specimens live in this mountainous region is the ibis. This is an amazing, bright green bird with a red patch on the top of its head. Unlike other species of ibis, which live mainly in marshes (except for the rock ibis), this one builds nests on high rocks, like an eagle. The ibis obtains its food in the lowlands and flies north for the winter - to countries with a temperate climate.
There is little wilderness left in the eastern Highlands, with only the beautiful nature reserves at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains giving an idea of ​​what the land looked like before humans settled it. In earlier times, the grassy areas of Natal abounded in large numbers of animals, which were exterminated before the arrival of Europeans. The white-faced hartebeest lives in reserves and national parks, which was completely destroyed and later reintroduced here. Bubals need to be fed from time to time, because they were moved from the lowlands, and they have not yet adapted to living conditions in rocky areas.

Pristine nature, which is practically non-existent in the eastern part of the highlands, is preserved only at the foot of the Drakensberg Mountains. Only here can you understand what the earth looked like before civilization visited it. The territory of Natal today is very different from what it was several centuries ago. A huge number of animals lived in Natalie's grassy area, which were subsequently exterminated before the arrival of Europeans.

The Drakensberg Mountains are a real historical complex, imbued with the spirit of antiquity. It is not surprising that the Drakensberg is recognized as one of the most popular tourist destinations, visited by about two million tourists every year.

Many birds move from the foothills of the Drakensberg Mountains, where very harsh winters occur, to the coast. These include the demoiselle crane, the bustard and numerous songbirds. The demoiselle crane is very handsome and has light grey-blue plumage. It is found everywhere in South Africa. Previously, many large animals moved to areas with a temperate climate for the winter, but today this has become impossible: numerous wire fences with which people surround their plots block their path. Therefore, only those animals that can survive the winter have survived in the foothills.

The eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains are characterized by grassy cover with small areas of forest on the lower slopes. Due to frequent fires, trees and undergrowth are destroyed. There is no consensus among ecologists regarding the benefits of fires. Fires, in addition to destroying trees, contribute to soil erosion on steep slopes; with them, all the valuable nitrogen and most of the organic matter contained in the grass are lost. If the grass is not burned, it turns into an inedible mixture of dead stems and straws with very low nutritional quality, almost unsuitable for both livestock and wildlife. Therefore, they are trying to find a compromise in which burning grass would not cause too much harm. But erosion still cannot be avoided.

There used to be countless herds of wild animals living in the valleys of the Drakensberg Mountains, more than anywhere else on Earth, even more than live in all of East Africa today. There lived white-tailed wildebeest, kongoni, savannah zebra, quagga, white-faced hartebeest, millions of springbok, vast herds of which moved in search of food and water. There were often tens of millions of springboks moving around at the same time. The Boers called such animal migrations "trek". The last such migration was recorded in 1896: a dense herd of more than 50 million animals disappeared towards the Orange River and never reappeared. In the first decades of settlement of these areas by the British and Dutch, huge numbers of herbivores were shot for their skins and meat. But there remain a large number of small animals in which people show no interest, and those whose natural enemies have been destroyed.

Larks and other birds that nest on the ground today no longer have any enemies, since jackals, wild cats, and birds of prey have been exterminated. For some mammals and birds, people have improved conditions by creating numerous small dams that provide water even during the dry season. The number of waterbirds has especially increased. Thousands of ducks and geese live today in places where they never existed before. This is an African duck with an original yellow beak, an Egyptian goose, a spur goose... Some of them can be found in East Africa - in Ethiopia, but not in such numbers. The number of herons, cormorants, ibises and rails has increased. Many northern birds spend the winter here.

The thoughtless invasion of animal life has given rise to new problems: in some areas, the number of spurred geese has reached such proportions that grain fields are under serious threat. The weaver bird, the red-billed quelia, has become such a scourge on wheat fields that millions of these birds have to be shot every year. This entire area is an example of the irresponsible actions of man invading nature.

The beauty of protected areas lies not only in the uniqueness of the wild animals inhabiting them - the surrounding nature is amazingly picturesque, the rocky terrain impresses with the variety of landscapes. Inaccessible cliffs, steep cliffs, caves and mountain gorges along with alpine meadows, crystal lakes and river valleys full of charm. Even a traveler spoiled by natural beauty will be impressed by the thundering waterfalls in the Cathedral Peak and Catkin Peak areas.
The beautiful Ukashlamba-Drakensberg Nature Park is located near the provincial capital, Durban - just a few hours' drive and you're in another world. The park has cozy mountain houses and comfortable hostels to accommodate tourists. You can relax, sitting on the veranda and sipping brandy, and enjoy the splendor of the scenery. Or take a walking or horseback ride along one of the specially designed routes, and then natural landscapes will appear before you in all their amazing diversity. Or maybe you will be lucky enough to see a large herd of eland! Like any forest antelope, the eland is shy. But in protected areas, where it is calm and safe, animals are less careful. It's a funny sight when a herd sets out for a new pasture - a group of running antelopes resembles a cavalry troop on the march. Young antelopes are capable of developing such good speed that they often run away even from a jeep rushing off-road.

Well, then, having had enough of both nature reserves and places of military glory, you can find many other activities, since the developed tourism industry of the Drakensberg Mountains offers an unlimited choice. Trout fishing in lakes and reservoirs, breathtaking helicopter rides, excellent golf courses and tennis courts, souvenir shops and numerous benches, musical evenings...

It is here that you can hear the performance of the renowned boys' choir, the Drakensberg Boys Choir, known to music lovers around the world.

An excursion to the small town of Bulwer, lost somewhere among the mountains, may seem interesting - there is a unique church built of yellow wood. Yellow tree grows only in the Republic of South Africa; its wood costs a lot of money at international auctions. One can only guess how much the church itself is valued at - why not check with the tour guide?

The Lost World of the Drakensberg Mountains is one of the most beautiful places on our Earth. The Drakensberg Mountains are easy to find on a map of the world or Africa; they occupy the territory of three African states - South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho. The mountain range is an almost monolithic wall of solid basalt with a length of a thousand kilometers. The mountains stretch along the southeastern coast of South Africa and are a natural divide between the rivers flowing into the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. The highest point of the Drakensberg Mountains, Mount Thabana-Ntlenyana with a height of 3482 m, is located in the territory of the state of Lesotho.

There is a lot of precipitation over the eastern slopes of the mountains; the climate on the western slopes is drier. There are many active mines in the Drakensberg Mountains, where gold, tin, platinum and coal are mined.

More than two million tourists annually visit the Republic of South Africa, the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal provinces to see a true natural wonder - the Drakensberg Mountains.

Myths and legends of the Drakensberg Mountains

There are several versions of the origin of such an unusual name. Local residents love to tell the legend of a huge fire-breathing dragon, which was seen in these parts in the 19th century. Perhaps the name Drakensberg (Drakensberg) came from the Boers, who named them so for their inaccessibility, because it is very difficult to get between the rocky ledges and mountain placers. Another version of the name comes from the foggy haze that envelops the mountain peaks. The clouds of fog are very similar to the steam from the nostrils of a dragon.

Rock paintings in mountain caves are of great interest: scientists have determined that the age of some drawings exceeds 100 thousand years! The Ukashlamba-Drakensberg Nature Reserve, which contains caves with prehistoric inscriptions, was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 2000.

The Drakensberg Mountains are a beautiful corner of South Africa where you can enjoy clean air, the rustling wind and forests, over which mountain falcons, bearded eagles and vultures soar. Predatory animals have long since left these places, thereby creating conditions for the reproduction of many species of antelope.

Drakensberg Mountains (South Africa)

Herds of graceful animals are often encountered along excursion routes.

Ukashlamba-Drakensberg Park is a great place for a weekend, where you can stay for a couple of days in a cozy house or hostel and fish for trout in the deep crystal lakes. For fans of active recreation - rock climbing, rafting, horseback riding and hiking.

How to get there?

The Drakensberg Mountains are just a couple of hours' drive from Durban, a city on the east coast of South Africa. Durban Airport accepts international flights and flights from other South African cities 24 hours a day. You can go to the mountains with a tent and camping equipment, and for those who want a more relaxing holiday, the park staff will offer to stay in one of the hotels.

  • Where: South Africa, KwaZulu-Natal province
  • Height above sea level: 3482 meters
  • Highest point: Thabana-Ntlenyana
  • Countries: South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland

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DRAGON MOUNTAINS (Drakensberg), mountains in eastern South Africa, mainly in South Africa and Lesotho. They stretch from southwest to northeast from the Big Kay River to the Sabie River over a distance of over 1000 km.

Drakensberg Mountains

The most elevated part of the Great Escarpment. The central part includes the eastern edge of the Lesotho highlands up to 3482 m high (Mount Thabana-Ntlenyana, the highest point of the Drakensberg Mountains and South Africa). They are composed of Upper Paleozoic sandstones and shales of the Karoo complex, overlain by strata of Middle Jurassic plateau basalts, which determine the table nature of the peaks of the Drakensberg Mountains, divided by erosion into steeply sloped stepped plateaus. The Drakensberg Mountains form a watershed between the short rivers of the Indian Ocean basin (Tugela and others), which dissect the steep eastern slope of the Drakensberg Mountains, and the rivers of the Orange River basin.

On the eastern slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains there is heavy rainfall, mainly in summer (up to 1000-2000 mm per year), while the climate on the western slopes is drier (450-500 mm per year). On the peaks, the duration of the frosty period reaches 180 days, and snow cover forms. In the lower part of the eastern slopes of the mountains, indigenous subtropical evergreen forests (podocarpus, laurel-leaved olive, bearded todea; lianas, epiphytes) are replaced mainly by secondary grasslands; At an altitude of 1800-2700 m, savannas with tree-like Proteaceae are preserved; along the valleys there are areas of coniferous forests of Widdringtonia. Higher up, low-grass alpine-type meadows and rocky areas dominate. Tall grass grasslands (veld) are common on the western slopes. The midlands of the Drakensberg Mountains are a center of vascular plant and bryophyte diversity. About 50 species of mammals live in the Drakensberg Mountains: carnivores (leopard, jackal, caracal, serval, otters, genets, mongooses) and ungulates are especially diverse. The avifauna is rich (over 300 species of birds); the populations of nesting migrant birds from the Palaearctic (black stork, golden bee-eater, etc.) are unique.


To protect the diverse fauna, habitats of rare and endemic plant species for South Africa, the Ukhahlamba-Drakensberg (South Africa, included in the World Heritage List) and Sehlabatebe (Lesotho) national parks were created. Within the Royal Natal National Park (South Africa) in the upper reaches of the Tugela River there is one of the highest waterfalls in the world.

Lit.: Killick D. Drakensberg alpine region // Centers of plant diversity: a guide and strategy for their conservation. Oxf., 1994; Vegetation of Southern Africa / Ed. R. Cowling, D. Richardson, S. Pierce. Camb., 1997.

The Drakensberg Mountains

News and society

Drakensberg Mountains (South Africa). Where is Dragon Mountain?

The Eye of the Sahara, the Kilimanjaro volcano, Victoria Falls, the Emerald City, Giza, the Egyptian pyramids - how many natural and man-made wonders are hidden in the most mysterious continent of the planet - Africa!

Drakensberg Mountains - the pearl of South Africa

The Drakensberg Mountains are one of the most beautiful places on the continent. They have a unique origin. These are massive mountains with steep slopes and weak dissection, formed as a result of uplift of the earth's crust and discharge of basalt.

There are several versions of the origin of the name of the mountains. The stories of Dragon Mountain tell of the presence of a dragon on its territory, which was seen in the 19th century. Another possible origin of the name is the presence of a haze over the mountains, similar to the flame of a dragon. The most common version is that the name is Dutch, and was given by the Boers, comparing the mountain tops with the ridge of a dragon.

Dragon Mountain: place on the map

The Drakensberg Mountains run across South Africa from east to west, from the Indian Ocean to the Great Weld. Dragon Mountain is located on the territory of three countries: South Africa, the enclave of Lesotho, and the kingdom of Swaziland. The length of the mountain range is over 1100 km, the average height is 2000 m. The highest points are the mountains Katkin Peak with an altitude of 3660 m and Thabana-Ntlenyana with an altitude of 3482 m. The Drakensberg Mountains, where the most varied terrain is presented, are divided into two parts: hilly, lively (Royal Natal National Park), and highland, lifeless (Basuto Plateau).

Video on the topic

Drakensberg - nature reserve area

Drakensberg is a variant of the name of the Dragon Mountain. The charm of the Drakensberg Mountains is amazing with its landscapes. Here you can see waterfalls and canyons, valleys and cliffs. Dragon Mountain is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Nature reserves, sanctuaries, and national parks occupy a significant part of the mountain range.

Royal Natal National Park is set in the unique landscape of the Dragon Mountains. The southern border of the park is incredibly beautiful - the Amphitheater mountain range, which received its name because of its flat top. This is a natural rock step 8 km long. Nearby is the Tugela Falls, 948 m high, which consists of five cascades and is considered the second highest in the world after Angel Falls.
In the Royal Natal Park there is the Santa Lucia Nature Reserve, a World Heritage Site, an area of ​​275 thousand hectares adjacent to the oldest lake of the same name on the planet.

The Golden Gate Highlands Nature Reserve is also located where the Drakensberg Mountains are located, closer to the Maluti range. This is a park named for the unusually beautiful golden glow of the Brandwag rock at sunset. The park was created in 1963 to protect the sandstones, which once served as a refuge for the Bushmen, from destruction.

Ukhahlamba Drakensberg National Park is another special UNESCO site. The park, located in the Great Escarpment area, is considered the largest in the Drakensberg Mountains. Rare representatives of flora and fauna have been preserved here, the total number of which is more than 250 species.

Fauna of the Drakensberg Mountains

The Drakensberg Mountains area is characterized by exceptional natural beauty. This is primarily due to the fact that the mountains serve as a natural barrier to the migration of animals living here and on the inland plateau. National parks have preserved pristine nature. The Ukhahlamba Drakensberg has an undisturbed belt of alpine and subalpine vegetation - a special region designated as a World Center for Endemism and Plant Diversity. Birds endemic to the Drakensberg Mountains are the bald ibis and bearded vulture, which nest only near Cathedral Cave (a natural arch formed by the action of water on sand due to fluctuating temperatures).

The yellow-breasted pipit is also a rare and endangered species. The Cape vulture lives only on the cliffs of Ukhahlambi Park. Due to the presence of a large number of rare birds, UNESCO has designated part of the Drakensberg Mountains as an Important Bird Area.
Only Ukhakhlamba Park is home to such mammals as the oribi antelope, Burchell's zebra, and black wildebeest. Animals typical of southern Africa also live in the mountains: antelopes (mountain redneck, bush duiker, bushbuck, roe deer antelope), caracal, jackal, serval, leopard, otter, genet, mongoose.

Flora of the Drakensberg Mountains

Mount Dragons is located in the south of the Afromontane botanical-geographical region. It is home to steppes, forests and woodlands, home to the world's only populations of white-tailed wildebeest and white rhinoceros. Botanists classify alpine vegetation as analogues of alpine tundra. The east of the mountains is humid, its slopes (up to a height of 1200 m) are covered with tropical rain forests with lianas, evergreen trees, and epiphytes. From an altitude of 1200-1500 m thorny bushes, xerophytes and succulents grow. Above 2000 m there are mountain steppes, green meadows, and stone deposits. The west of the mountains is covered with savannas and bushes.

Tourism in the Drakensberg Mountains

The unique nature, unique landscape, and original culture of the local residents make the Drakensberg Mountains attractive to tourists. The Drakensberg is interesting because it has three national parks and many nature reserves where rare species of flora and fauna are found. The mountains have ancient lakes, beautiful waterfalls, and varied terrain. People who are interested in history visit the rocks in Ukhakhlamba Park, where paintings of the San people who lived in the Stone Age have been preserved.
There are about 600 such places in the Drakensberg Mountains. The drawings tell about the lifestyle of people of that time. Fans of active and extreme recreation have the opportunity to ride along the slopes of the Drakensberg Mountains in a Land Rover or on horseback. You can see the mountains from the helicopter window. Walking tours are organized to hard-to-reach places. The Drakensberg Mountains attract tourists from all over the world, those who are true connoisseurs of true beauty.


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About the tasks of the Geography Olympiad for schoolchildren
Moscow region

Geography teacher of secondary school No. 1
village Moskovsky, Leninsky district, Moscow region.

On January 24, 2004, regional rounds of the school Olympiad in geography were held in the Moscow region. In all districts of the region, the questions, tasks and answers to them were the same. Some tasks were at a fairly high level, and only really well-prepared students could cope with them. But the correctness of others caused controversy among teachers, and some of the answer options that became known after the end of the Olympiad were simply striking in their incorrectness.
Here are examples of tasks for which answers were offered that were presented as correct. I immediately present my comments and correct answers in accordance with school and scientific literature, as well as cartographic material.

7th grade

Task 9. Name four types of mountains, differing in origin, the formation of which is associated with the activity of the internal forces of the Earth.
Answer: volcanic, folded, blocky, folded-blocky.
Notes. All mountains are divided into 2 types by origin: tectonic and volcanic. Tectonic mountains are mountains that were formed as a result of folding and rupture deformations of the earth's crust, that is, as a result of orogenesis. Volcanic mountains are mountains formed as a result of volcanic eruptions. Tectonic mountains, according to their structure (structure), are divided into 2 main types (folded and blocky) and 2 transitional types (folded-blocky and blocky-folded)*.

Task 11. Name the largest hill located in the Moscow region.
Answer: Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge.
Notes. The answer proposed by the compilers is incorrect: a significant part of the region is occupied by the Smolensk-Moscow Upland, and the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge is only a part of this upland, and, of course, it is smaller than it. Maybe the compilers asked to name the highest hill? But here they are also wrong: the absolute height of the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya ridge reaches only 285 m, and the highest point of the Moscow region is located near the village of Shapkino, Mozhaisk district (310 m), that is, within the Smolensk-Moscow upland, but outside the Klinsko-Dmitrovskaya upland ridges.

Task 14. Using the map, determine the origin of the Drakensberg Mountains.
Answer: blocky.
Comment. Again (see task 9) the authors confuse the origin of mountains with their structure.

*Geographical Encyclopedic Dictionary (Concepts and Terms, 1988), when defining the concept of “block mountains,” notes that it is generally debatable, “since according to some ideas, all mountains are folded.” Indeed, block mountains are formed only when the folded structure is already formed. Conversely, there are no purely folded mountains that do not contain faults, horsts and grabens. It is much more correct to divide tectonic mountains into young and revived, as was done, for example, in the textbook by D.P. Finarova and others, and not introduce into the school course terms that even scientists have not yet understood. And at the Olympics, three questions were devoted to the topic of the origin of mountains. - Note ed.

8th grade

Task 6. Using the map “Structure of the Earth’s Crust,” determine the origin of the Andes Mountains.
Answer: folded.
Notes. The main notes on this type of question are given in task 9 for 7th grade. In reality, the Andes are of tectonic origin.

Task 11. It is well known that natural zones in their distribution obey a general pattern: they extend in the latitudinal direction, successively replacing one another from the equator to the north and south. At the same time, in North America, natural zones extend in the meridional direction, replacing one another from west to east. Mark the reason for this anomalous phenomenon with a “+” sign:
1) latitude of the area;
2) relief;
3) rotation of the Earth around its axis;
4) the presence of ocean currents.
Answer: 4.
Notes. To refute the proposed answer, I will quote from the textbook for the 7th grade by I.V. Dushina et al. (9th ed., 2000): “This distribution of natural zones is a feature of North America, which is determined mainly by its topography and prevailing winds. The coast of the Atlantic Ocean receives the greatest amount of precipitation; when moving inland, the amount of precipitation gradually decreases and therefore a change in natural zones occurs.”

Task 13. Name the highest point in Europe.
Answer: Elbrus.
Notes. This answer can be considered correct if the border between Europe and Asia is drawn along the Main Caucasus Ridge. Mount Elbrus, located in the Side Range, will thus be completely in Europe. But most physical-geographical sources indicate that the border between the two parts of the world runs along the Kuma-Manych depression, and the Ciscaucasia belongs to Asia. Based on this, Mont Blanc should be considered the highest point in Europe.

9th grade

Task 5. Mark the answer option you have chosen with a “+” sign. The distribution of the main types of soils on the territory of Russia is primarily subject to:
1) placement of rocks;
2) placement of dominant plant communities;
3) the law of latitudinal zoning;
4) tectonic structure.
Answer: 3.
Notes. In this task, two answers are possible - 2 and 3, and not just one. Vegetation is one of the main soil-forming factors. Both vegetation and soils have a zonal distribution. However, some types of soils (like vegetation) are located azonally, which in some cases does not allow the placement of soils to be strictly subject to the law of latitudinal zonation**.

Task 9.

Mark the correct statements with a “+” sign:
1. The constitutional powers of the republics and autonomous okrugs are greater than those of the territories and regions of the Russian Federation.
2. Cities of federal subordination include Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk.
3. Russia consists of 21 republics, 6 territories, 10 autonomous districts, 49 regions.
4. Autonomous okrugs are allocated to territories with a low proportion of indigenous population.
5. Federal districts report directly to the president.
Answer: 1, 3, 4, 5.
Notes. In reality, all of the above judgments can be considered incorrect:
1. All subjects of the federation have equal rights, this is guaranteed by Article 5 of the Constitution:
“The Russian Federation consists of republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions and autonomous okrugs - equal subjects of the Russian Federation... In relations with federal government bodies, all subjects of the Russian Federation have equal rights among themselves.”
3. This judgment can be considered incorrect if we remember that Russia includes two more federal cities and one autonomous region, which are not indicated in the judgment.
4. According to the 1989 census, in the Aginsky Buryat Autonomous Okrug the share of Buryats exceeded 54%, and in Komi-Permyak 60% of the population belonged to the Komi-Permyaks. Thus, this judgment does not apply to all autonomous okrugs, and, therefore, there is an error in it, that is, it is incorrect. Meanwhile, in a number of republics, the percentage of the indigenous population does not reach or barely reaches one third (there is no data on the ethnic composition according to the latest census yet, we give it with an accuracy of whole percent): Karelians - 11, Komi - 23, Udmurts - 31, Mordovians - 32, Yakuts - 33.
5. The President is subordinate to his authorized representatives in each federal district, and not the federal districts themselves.

** In the formulation of the task, two answer options of different orders are given, since the distribution of plant communities obeys the law of latitudinal zonation. - Note ed.

Note on scoring methodology
correct completion of some tasks

At the end of each task, the number of points received by the student who answered the question correctly was given. In tasks where it was necessary to choose one or more correct answers from a list, along with incentive points, penalty points were also provided:
“Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
Each wrong answer is minus 5 points.”
It is likely that penalty points were introduced to punish those students who could mark all answer options as correct. Thus, by marking the correct ones, they would receive the required number of points in their favor. Fearing that they would receive penalty points, the students now had to act more carefully and not mark everything. But due to the lack of a clear methodology for applying fines when checking work, significant disagreements arose among teachers at the Olympiad: whether or not to apply penalties minus 5 points if the student did not mark the correct answer; Should an unmarked correct answer be considered an error, or should the student simply decide not to answer this question, that is, should receive 0 points.
Thus, the compilers of the Olympiad only made the work of teachers more difficult. And it was enough to simply add the phrase: “No correct answer - 0 points”, or “Unmarked correct answer - 0 points”, etc. It is a pity that the compilers make such absurd mistakes, and sometimes even demonstrate ignorance of certain issues of geography. I would like to wish all authors of questions and assignments for Olympiads not to make such obvious mistakes in the future, to be more careful: carefully check each phrase, not to give questions for which two or more answers are possible, categorically designating only one of them as correct. More respect for the hard work of teachers and not create additional difficulties for them in the form of incorrect questions and ill-conceived answers.

Editorial addition

Fully agreeing with the comments made by A.N. Novik, we note a few more inaccuracies in the tasks and answers.

7th grade

IN task 1 1: 5,000,000 is named scale, but there is no term “named”.
Formulation tasks 2 provokes the choice of one of two possible answers: “Which picture (A or B) shows the map?” Meanwhile, the maps in both figures are small-scale geographical and topographical, and this is given as the correct answer.

Task 6.“Name three types of rocks that differ in origin.” The answer given is: “Igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic.”
But species is a narrow concept; the answer contains not species, but large groups of breeds. If we talk about types, then the answer can be sand (clastic rock), shell rock (organogenic) and rock salt (chemogenic); Although all three rocks are sedimentary, the answer will not differ from the wording of the question. But such an answer should, according to the authors’ intention, be considered incorrect.

Task 7.“What is the name of the earth’s crust in which there is no granite layer?” Textbooks continue to talk about the “granite” and “basalt” layers of the earth’s crust, and it is very difficult to get rid of them, but the writers of the Olympiad questions should know that these concepts have long been outdated, and should not include them in assignments.

Task 8.“Where are the most powerful geysers in Russia?” In Kamchatka, of course. Where are the less powerful ones? Nowhere. Why talk about “the most powerful”?

8th grade

Task 3. The answers to the question about the difference between the continental and oceanic crusts give the thickness and number of rock layers that form them. The note is the same as for task 7 for 7th grade.

Task 4.“...The thermal equator is located slightly north of the geographic equator. In addition, the thermal equator is constantly either approaching or moving away from the geographic equator” (in the original so. - Ed.). It is proposed to identify from the listed those phenomena that serve as the cause of this:
1) the shape of the Earth,
2) the presence of ocean currents,
3) air masses,
4) the relief of the Earth,
5) the movement of the Earth in orbit,
6) rotation of the Earth around its axis.
Answers 1 and 5 are given as correct. But they only answer the question of why the thermal equator shifts seasonally, and the fact that its average position is north of the geographic equator is not explained in any way.

Task 7. The following options for the origin of Lake Chad are offered: crustal fault, relict, glacial, crustal trough; The last answer will be correct. But what is relict origin? A glacial lake, an oxbow lake, a thermokarst lake, or even a tectonic lake can be relict - when the tectonic movements that created it have died out, but the lake continues to exist.

10th grade

Exercise 1. The definition of monarchy is given as follows: a form of government in which power in the state belongs to one person and is inherited. But in constitutional monarchies (and they are the majority), power does not belong to one person.
Perhaps we are talking about an absolute monarchy?
IN task 3 It would be more correct to call Rotterdam not the largest seaport in the world in terms of cargo turnover, but one of the largest: according to many sources, it has been surpassed by Singapore.

Thus, we see numerous examples of inaccuracies, lax formulations, and the use of outdated data. Will students and teachers say that they do not need such Olympiads and will they refuse to participate in them in the future?