In which geographic region is the Bermuda Islands. Bermuda: Geography, Population, Economics

Presenting a group of coral islands located in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean, approximately 1500 kilometers from the east coast. Total area - 53.3 km².

Bermud includes 138 islands, only about 20 inhabited. Ten islands from these twenty are interconnected by overpass and bridges, thus forming chief Island - Maine Island.

Bermuda Archipelago is a low-al-a group of islands, folded by coral formations, which were formed on top of the extinct volcano.

For major islands The archipelago is characterized by a hilly relief, as well as a rather rugged coastline with a lot of bays and small sections sandy beaches. There are no mountains on the islands, only the hills. The highest point is 76 m.

Since the lakes, the rails and streams on the islands are not, the only source of fresh water here are tropical rains.

Administrative Bermuda are divided into 9 districts and two city municipalities:

Climate on Bermudah

Climate on Bermuda Islands - subtropical.

The main weather-forming factor is Golf Stream (warm forces) passing between the Bermuda Archipelago and North America. Thanks to him, warm air masses over the islands support warm and relatively smooth weather throughout the year.

The average air temperature in the summer months is about + 26 ... + 29 ° C, in the winter - about + 18 ... + 21 ° C.

The sediments fall uniformly into the speech of just a year, because there is no pronounced rainy season here - but it is often powerful and usually short-term tropical livne.

During the season of hurricanes, a windy and rainy weather is possible on Bermuda, but if compared with other countries of the region, the danger of destructive hurricanes is small here, as they pass most often significantly west of Bermud.

But still, sometimes powerful hurricanes reach here. The last such hurricane, causing significant damage to Bermudam, was held here on September 5, 2003.

The best time for visiting the Bermuda islands is the period from April to October.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

Population of the Bermuda Islands

Population of the Bermuda Islands - About 68.3 thousand people (2010).

Of these, over 60% are negros and mulatto, descendants of delivered here in the distant past of African slaves, the rest are white people from North America and Europe.

The average life expectancy on Bermudah is 77 years old in men, 83 - in women.

Official language - English.

The main religion is Christians (Catholics, Protestants).

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

About money

Bermuda dollar (b $ or bmd) - The official currency of the Bermuda Islands.

1 Bermuda dollar \u003d 100 cents. In circulation there are banknotes in 100, 50, 20, 10, 5 and 2 b $, as well as coins 1 and 25, 10, 5 b $ and 1 cent.

Along with the local currency wide walking and American dollars who take everywhere on the islands.

It is worth noting that the Bermudian dollar is "tied" to the US dollar in proportion 1: 1. But to pay in the US dollars Bermud will not work, as they do not accept them there.

Exchange currency advice in banks and exchange offices. On the street or in hotels it is prohibited by local legislation.

Banks usually work from 09 am to 16.30 (Monday-Friday). On Saturdays there is only one metropolitan bank, and then from 10 am to 15 hours.

Credit cards are accepted everywhere.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

Communication and communication

Phone code of the Bermuda Islands: 1 - 441

Internet domain: .bm

There are no long-distance telephone codes on Bermuda.

How to call

To call from Russia to the Bermuda Islands, you need to dial: 8 - a beep - 10 - 1 - 441 - the subscriber number.

To call the Bermuda to Russia, you need to dial: 011 - 7 - the city code is the subscriber number.

mobile connection

cellular (GSM 1900 standard) covers almost all of the Islands of the Bermuda Archipelago, with the exception, perhaps, only remote uninhabited.

Phone tubes of the local standard can be rented in kiosks specializing in mobile services or in the offices of cellular operators.

Where to stay

In Bermudah, many first-class hotels category 5 *, but prices for accommodation in them are usually an order of magnitude higher in comparison with similar hotels in the Caribbean region.

Of course, 3-4 * hotels here are also not small, but accommodation in many of them is quite economical to be called difficult.

Also on the Bermuda is a popular rental of private villas, apartments and studios.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

Beaches on Bermudah

Many beaches on Bermudah - with white sand with an amazing pink tinge, rarely occurring in nature.

The beaches have both public and privately owned by hotels.

Nudist beaches on the Bermuda is not at all.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

History of Bermuda Islands

Bermuda was originally opened by the Spanish Seaflorer Juan Bermudes in 1503, in honor of which they received their name. However, the Spaniards did not master the archipelago.

The first settlement on the islands appeared only in 1609 - he was founded by the British colonists, who were sent to Virginia, but because of the strong leaks in the vessel were forced to stay here for 10 months, while the construction of new vessels was formed.

British settlers were engaged in Bermuda agriculture.

In 1684, the Bermud Islands were officially proclaimed by the corona hold of England.

The development of agriculture was accompanied by an active bridge of African black slaves. Slavery here was canceled in 1838.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the economy of the Bermuda islands began to specialize in the maintenance of tourists.

In the period from 1931 to 1948, there even existed here railwayconnecting the islands of the archipelago with the help of bridges, but now it has almost left almost nothing.

Under the 1941 Agreement, the United Kingdom passed Americans for rent for 99 years a six-kilometer plot under military base. But in 1995, the states stopped using it ahead of schedule.

Now the islands attend about 600 thousand foreign tourists every year, almost 90% of them are Americans.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

Helpful information

Because of the series of inexplicable catastrophes with ships and airplanes in space between Bermuda, Antilles and Bahamas, a world-famous term appeared.

By the way, most foreign-made aircraft operated in Russian airlines are registered in the Bermuda Islands ( registration numbers VQ-BXX and VP-BXX).
The level of insolation on Bermuda is quite high, therefore, before the trip, it is recommended here to stock with protective creams and light summer clothing from natural fabrics.

Watering water on the islands is usually chlorized and is considered to be safe for having, but considering the fact that all the water is desalinated, it is better to drink bottled water.

Prices Almost all products on Bermuda are quite high, so it's better to do not count here on a cheap shopping. High import taxes affect, and almost 80% of food consumed are imported here.
A good range of stores can be found in the capital Hamilton, especially on its main street - Front Street, located right by the port.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

Diving, Windsurfing and Golf

Thanks to the beautiful underwater world and the fact that coastal waters rests not enough sunken ships, interesting for lovers of snorkeling, Bermuda is a popular dive direction.

Also, the archipelago has excellent conditions for windsurfing and sailing. These sports can be engaged almost along the entire coast of Bermud, but the most popular in this plane are the bays of Little Sound and Great Sound.

On Bermuda there are many golf clubs, some of which are one of the best in the region. Every year there are many tournaments here, and some of them are very high.

Recent changes: 05/30/2013

How to get to Bermud

There is no direct flight between Bermuda Islands and Russia.

The most convenient option of flight from Russia, through London with the airline:

Moscow - London - Bermuda Islands (Bermuda International Airport). The cost of the ticket is on average from 50,000 rubles (back-trip).

Recent changes: 04/10/2017

In the Atlantic Ocean, to Yu. V. from North. America; Colony of Great Britain. Opened at the beginning of the XVI century. Span. The navigator Juan Bermudes and named after you the devil from for difficult navigation conditions. In 1519, the name of the discovere room is assigned about you ... Geographic Encyclopedia

Bermuda - (Bermuda), archipelago consisting of approx. 150 O West in Zap. Parts of the Atlantic, Possession of Great Britain. For the first time, the island populated by the Virginian company had the oldest Parliament in the new world (from 1620). Economy Brit, colonies based on ... ... The World History

SUT., Number of synonyms: 1 Country (281) Dictionary of Synonyms ASIS. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Bermuda - (Bermuda) Information about the Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate Bahamas Islands Information about the Bermuda, Geography, Nature and Climate of the Bahamas, Political Device Content Content 1. History 2. Geography 3. ... ... Encyclopedia Investor

Coordinates: 32 ° 20'00 "p. sh. 64 ° 45'00 "s. d. / 32.333333 ° С. sh. 64.75 ° ... Wikipedia

- (Bermuda), in the Atlantic Ocean, near North America. Possession of Great Britain. Total about 150 islands. 53.3 km2. Population of 61 thousand people (1990). Height up to 79 m. Administrative center Hamilton (Bermuda Island). * * * Bermuda ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

- (BERMUDA) A group of coral islands (about 300) in the Atlantic Ocean, 900 km to V. from the mainland North America. Colony of Great Britain. Area 53.3 km2. Population of 50 thousand people. (1966), Bermuds. Administrative center Hamilton. ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

BERMUDA - the ownership of the United Kingdom in the Northwest part of the Atlantic Ocean, takes over 150 islands; Of these, no more than 20 are inhabited (10 islands are connected by bridges and overpass and form the so-called main island (Ming Ayland). Total area ... ... cities and countries

Also about Va Somers is an isolated group over 300 islets, reefs and rocks in the Atlantic Ocean, which occupies the surface of only 50 square meters. km and component of special English governorate. About VA B. Located at 32 ° 20 SET. shir And ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Bermuda) about Va in North. Zap. Parts of the Atlantic Ocean, the ownership of the UK. The first brands were prepared and vol. Epolester W. B. Pen in 1848. They are an impression of a round stamp with the inscription (eng.) "Hamilton. Bermuda, "year ... ... Big Filatelectric Dictionary


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  • I want to be a janitor, Mikhail Weller. Edition 1996. Safety is good. The book includes cycles of the stories: "Horse perverse", "But those are those who are", "Randevu with the celebrity", "Bermuda" and "different ...

To get to the Bermuda is dreams of many. Some lucky people with pleasure are resting here. What attract numerous tourists and where is the Bermuda Islands? Let's figure it out.

Where are the Bermuda Islands?

Are you are located the islands in the center of the Atlantic. By plane from England to fly there six and a half hours. Distance from North Carolina - 1046 km to the east. They are at the intersection of sea routes. Only 900 kilometers is located North America. This archipelago consists of 180 coral islands, as well as tiny islands, the main part of which is uninhabited. Bermuda is the main one.

Interesting facts associated with Bermuda

Historically, Bermuda is owned by Britain. Therefore, the first inhabitants (back in 1609) were the British, although the Isles opened the Spaniards. Incredible stories and secrets are enough. All known, for example, Bermuda triangle. Several ways of reports of various airlines pass over the Bermuda Islands, and often here in the marine expanses and in the air inexplicable catastrophes. However, tourists do not usually swim in these places. There are 150 islands where to relax. Places enough for everyone!

In 1503, Juan Bermudes, Spanish navigator, opened the Bermuda. They wore a long time the name of one British Admiral, George Somers, who in 1609 suffered a wreck after the expedition off the coast of Bermud. He returned here in the same year, but he died soon, so the name did not fit. The settlers left them here, as it is believed to have become for the play of Shakespeare "Storm". Bermudic islands known in our days in the times of Somers were famous for cedar forests. Today is a resort area with many sights.

Climate and beaches

Climate on all subtropical islands. The temperature ranges from +19 to +28 degrees Celsius, so that all year round can be visited for beach holidays Bermuda. The sea here is always warm (from December to April, however, its temperature is +20 ... + 22 degrees, but many tourists do not stop). The most rain period - from the end of June to October. Best time For visiting is perhaps May, June and November. At this time, the level of humidity will not be very high. The peak of hurricanes falls on other months. And the temperature for a beach holiday will be optimal.

The beaches are famous here by unique pink sand, which is found in nature very rarely. You can find it on the island of Bermuda, on the segment of the shore between Horsech and Vorvik-Long Bay. Beach have both public and hotels owned by hotels. In the dark, public closed.

Bermud infrastructure

The population of all islands together to be taken is almost 70 thousand people. Here are dozens of times more travelers, so the economy is almost entirely related to the tourist business. However, the agricultural, shipbuilding and pharmaceutical industries are also developed here.

A variety of hotels are located on the entire coast, unique in beauty. These are both intricate and traditional houses and modern luxury buildings. All categories of vacationers can find a suitable option for themselves. In addition, it is possible to do golf and tennis, cricket and rugby, horse riding, snorkeling and diving, yacht and kayaking walks, and a course of spa procedures that are very popular here.

There are many interesting things on these islands - this is both botanical gardens, and crystal caves, and 365 seats for immersion to sunken at different times near the ships ships. Lucky treasures still find treasures on the seabed, belonging to Spanish galleans and British shopping ships. In addition, there is a 120-kilometer ridge of coral colonies in pure coastal waters, among the marine grass, which creates excellent conditions for the habitat of marine animals.

On Bermuda you can find about 350 different types of birds. One of the most rare are Bermuda petrels, blue herons, bright blue oatmeal painting, sisside, arctic rzhanks. All year round islands, thanks to a soft climate, covered with tropical vegetation. You will meet Bougainvillia, Oleandra, Lilies, White, Yellow and Red Hibiscus Flowers, Bermudiana. This is a real paradise!

Reserves and national parks

Waters located around Bermud are one of the richest in the western part of the Atlantic in the species diversity. There are about 4.5 thousand species of marine organisms, as well as about 650 species of fish and 350 species of birds. Local ecosystems, of course, are applied significant damage due to numerous tourists. It is not surprising that there is a rigid environmental legislation, as well as many small environmental zones. For example, Nonsach Island. He guards Kahu, Bermuda dove, which is one of the rarest bird species on the planet. Access here, which is naturally limited, although sometimes the Birmud's biological station organizes a visit for some tourist groups.

Several protected areas created for protection underwater world, Include Castle Island, Jilbert Neche Reservation, Hangry Bay, Charlis Island, Coopers Island, Wallsingham, etc.

Hamilton (Capital)

Bermuda has several important cities. However, the main one is Hamilton - a cosmopolitan and dynamic capital with a cheerful and relaxed rhythm of life. Its main attractions: The Historical Bermuda Museum, which is containing the exposition of the period of great geographical discoveries, as well as subjects found at the bottom of the sea; Bermud Cathedral (Style - Netica), Bermuda National Gallery, where you will find the works of Winslow Homer, Joshua Reynolds, Thomas Gainesboro. All this and much more you will see by visiting Hamilton (Bermuda Islands).

Saint George

Saint-George is a city declared by UNESCO in the property of mankind. It reproduces its architecture attributes and events of long-stayed days. This city of Bermuda islands has many attractions. It should be noted the royal square, where there is a city town hall with a "shameful post" belonging to the 18th century. Once in this place punished criminals. Also interesting is the old state residence, which was built in 1620. Fort, renovated and received a second life, is also very curious. Now it is located: Bermuda Maritime Museum, cinema, traditional pub, craft market and well-known snorkeling park (underwater swimming center, which is one of the best on Bermuda).

The hospitable and friendly inhabitants of the islands are rightfully proud of the historical heritage, which combines various cultures. Here, with dignity, Bermuda Shorts (traditional clothing) is always in stock a cocktail with rum and a plate with fish pussy. More than 150 restaurants can be found on the islands - from gastronomic, sophisticated to democratic.

Local kitchen

Bermuda, tours for which are now enjoying high demand, have their own special cuisine. It is the result of mixing different cultures. As a rule, traditional dishes include pork, rice, polka dots. On Bermudah, one of the favorite dishes is a fish pussy, served with a sharp sauce. Residents of the islands for Christmas are necessarily preparing pies from Manioki. Delicates of these places also include ear of the sea perch, seasoned with black rum, ear of shark meat, crucible pies, Bermuda lobsters, etc.


The cost of maintenance in most restaurants is approximately 10-15% of the check amount. It is usually included in the account. Tips in hotels are not accepted, they are usually already included in it. It should be said that the hotel adds special tax to the cost. Its size is 7.5%. In addition, there may be some other fees. Porters and Swiss in hotels and the airport usually give a few dollars. Taxi drivers expect about 10-15% of tips from the cost of travel.

Money Bermud.

Many tourists will be brought as a souvenir of the coin of the Bermuda Islands. Tell a little about local money. Bermuda dollar is a national currency. It is 100 cents. On the islands before the introduction of this currency in 1970 there was a Bermuda pound equal to pound sterling. Bermuda dollar was introduced on February 6, 1970. It is equal to the US dollar. On the front side of all banknotes there is an image of Queen Elizabeth II. Covers are similar to external design. There is also no fundamental difference between the designs of new and old samples.

Festivals and holidays

On Bermuda, as in general in caribbean regionThere are various festivals, carnivals and festivities. The most famous Caribbean Festival of Soca Music, which at the end of July or early August is held in Royal-Naval-Docyard. Bermuda Reggae festival, no less than color, is held in mid-August. It should also be noted a three-day "Bermuda Tattoo", ending with a large firework (time - beginning of November).

Bermuda islands - the overseas Territory of Great Britain, located on a group of coral islands in the north-western part of the Atlantic Ocean, 900 km from North America.

Bermud includes 150 islands and reefs, of which are inhabited about twenty and 10 are connected by bridges and overpass and form the main island - Maine Island.

Moderate marine. The main weather factor here is the flow of Gulf Stream, passing between the Bermuda Islands and the Coast of North America. All year round, warm air masses, formable above the Golfustrim surface, maintain over the islands warm and relatively smooth weather - the average temperature in the summer (May-September) is about + 26 ° C, in winter (mid-December - end of March) - about + 17 ° С Minimum values \u200b\u200bin the area of \u200b\u200bthe mark in + 14 ° C. For the winter period, strong winds of the North-West direction bringing cold and rain are characteristic.


Bermuda was named after the Spanish Captain Juan de Bermudes. It was he who discovered these particles of sushi among the ocean and opened them for the rest of the world. In those distant times (approximately 1503-1515), they have not yet been inhabited and represented uncharted, uninhabited territories. But the Spaniards did not consider it necessary to declare their rights to Bermuda. Therefore, now the rights to them belong to Great Britain.

The British Nazis, Admiral George Somers accidentally discovered them along the way from his kingdom to one of the US states. Having damaged the ship about the surrounding islands of reefs, he no longer had anything, how to go ashore in search of materials suitable for fixing materials. Here the Admiral team found not only valuable to shipbuilding of the tree of trees, but everything necessary for life. To declare the rights to these grateful lands, Somers left a part of the team here, and Himself hurried to report his find in America. Soon, Admiral returned, but he had to meet death here, on the islands. According to them, by the way, they even called him name, but, as we can see, the name did not come around, leaving this honor after all for the discoverer.

The United States, in turn, was very interested in the opening of Somers. A settlement of 60 people were organized on the islands. But still it is not necessary to take off the fact that these areas of sushi are not full lands, for many centuries they are washed by the waters of the ocean, which wash out and without that meager fertilizers. That is why the upper soil layers are not so fertile to keep agriculture. The United States, represented by its settlers, tried to grow various agricultural crops here, including the soaked sugar cane. As a result of vain attempts, all the settlement has become addicted to food supplies from the United States.

The United States still contained Bermuda for a while. But, in 1684, they became the colony of Great Britain. Slaves from Africans and Indians were brought here. At that time, the population of the islands already amounted to 9 thousand people, 5 of which were black. Slaves were kept in terrible conditions, the attitude towards them was humiliating - mostly they served the White Lords, performed all the black work. Such a position of slaves forced them to adapt to the conditions of the islands to elementary survive. So, after the abolition of slavery, which, naturally, could not not touch British possessions, already former slaves could easily provide themselves to their families. What you can not say about the "gentlemen", many of them left the paradise sushi, not finding "worthy" application.

But during the years of the American War for the independence of Bermuda, were in a rather complicated economic and politically. On the one hand, the lion's share of supply was provided by the States, and on the other hand, it is not necessary to forget about it, they belonged to Britain. During hostilities, the Bermuda had to fulfill the role of the British Naval Force. In response to this, America blocked trading supplies from the islands. Naturally, it could not not affect the Bermud economy. Despite all these circumstances, war civil War In the United States brought a good profit to the islands.

The geographical location of the Bermuda islands turned out to be strategically beneficial for intelligence operations and the transfer of military forces and during the Second World War. It was she who rallied before the aggressive customized countries. The United Kingdom even handed over the US part of the islands for a period of 99 years to strengthen military forces against a common aggressor. And now, in place international Airport One of the American air bases is located.

In 1963, for the first time, issues related to the rights and interests of not white citizens were announced in all. Then most ruler places occupied just white bonds. The progressive Labor Party also launched the issue of constitutional consolidation of domestic rights and freedoms of Bermud citizens. As a result of the party's activities, constitutional norms were drawn up, providing for internal self-government and coordination of all solutions with the UK at the diplomatic level.

After almost complete removal of discrimination in the race in 1970, residents of the Bermuda cans can rightly be proud of the inner harmony of interracial relations. In addition, judging by the election to the post of prime minister, as a result of which Pamela Gordon won the victory, residents of the islands are deprived of both sexual prejudices. True, the Board of Gordon ended in 1998, Jenifer Smith was elected to her post. For more than one year, the issue of independence from the UK is being discussed. And a few years ago, many bases of the US military forces were closed on Bermudah. Perhaps soon, the Bermuda islands will find, finally independence. In any case, now inside the islands, between their inhabitants, peace and harmony reigns.

Attractions of Bermuda Islands

One of the main attractions of Bermud - botanical gardens. 35 acres well maintained landscape Park It contains hundreds of identified colors, shrubs and trees, including a significant collection of subtropical fruit plants, hibiscus, banyan trees. Here are also the valves for exotic and pattering birds and the garden for the blind. Most the best way familiarization with the extensive space of gardens is walking tourThat extends from Point Finger Road and lead to Berry Hill and South Shore Road. These routes organize Bermud's botanical society. Gardens themselves are open to free visits daily, except holidays. A handicraft shop is located on the territory where absolutely unique souvenirs can be purchased.

Royal Naval-Docyard - Royal Naval shipyard Bermud. Located on the very edge of the island of Airlund (Ireland) and is a majestic reflection of the History of Great Britain, since 1809, when the island was purchased for the construction of Fort. He is the main attraction of the western part of Bermud. It is located on its territory: Bermuda Maritime Museum, Bermuda Center for Arts, traditional pubs, shops and craft market. Bermuda Maritime Museum. The museum includes many buildings in which exhibition and information on navigation, whacking, treasure exhibitions mined with sea Day, varied coins, etc.

Municipal buildings are unique in their structure and design. The first building in this territory is the commission house - the first building in the world of such sizes, which was created from the finished cast cast iron blocks and framed by wrought iron. Located at the highest point of the island of Airland (Ireland), the commission house offers completely amazing views of its northeastern part. Its numerous rooms are art galleries, exhibitions on the history of emigration of different nationalities and luxurious banquet halls that can be rented for various celebrations.

Park Hog Bay - The third largest (38 acres) Public Park on Bermuda. The western part borders with the ocean, East with the road Middle Road (Middle Road), in the south - with Woodlaw Road (Woodlawn Road). The park is called the name of the bay Hog (now his name is Pilchard Bay), which, in turn, was called from wild boars, which were found here, wrecked Sailors in 1609 it was assumed that these boys were descendants of the brood specially left here by the Spanish navigators, designed to be food for survivors after the crash of the sailors. At that time, the Earth was used to grow tobacco to export, which was in those times one of the priority classes in Bermuda. Throughout the XVIII-XX centuries, agriculture and animal husbandry flourished here. Several famous Bermuda families own a part of these lands from the XVII century.

The territory that moved to the government is preserved carefully, while maintaining its original appearance, there are also buildings and monuments under sensitive supervision, which undoubtedly have archaeological, historical and aesthetic value. Visitors Hog Bay Park have an excellent opportunity to watch birds. Having risen on the picturesque Chigarloof Hill (Sugarloaf Hill) with attentive observation, here you can find more than 120 species of birds, including tropical orvort, purple chambers and diamond hawks.

Fort St. Katerina - The largest of all historical ports on Bermudah, and one of the most exciting sights. From this place views on the coast and the island itself is really ambitious. Nearby is the beach, where they went ashore after the shipwreck in 1607. The first settlers of the island.

This is one of the early strengthening facilities, which served as defense from the Spaniards, French, and much later from the Americans. The fort in his original form, dated 1614, was built by Governor Richard Maur to protect the main bay where colonists lived. In the future, he was even more strengthened and expanded. 1865-1878, it is the year of the massive reconstruction of the fort. At the beginning of 1900., Fort St. Katerina served as a platform for military teachings of the local and British army.

A lot of artillery cannons, tunnels, bastions and divergent bridges have been preserved here. The fort was re-opened in February 2000 after reconstruction due to serious damage caused by the 1999 hurricane.

Here are the reproductions of the Treasures of the British Crown, the fascinating series of diamers displaying the early history of Bermud, a new 53 inch screen located in the theater. Visitors also have the opportunity to watch the rare exposition of antique weapons, audio / video presentation of other ports of Bermud and their history, as well as records from the history of British regiments who have served on Bermuda. Fort Holy Katerina is also available for group tours, for various celebrations, events and corporate functions.

During World War II, an American indicator loop was installed here. This is the first coastal sign visible to tourists on cruise ships. The sea route itself is a little north, this is the place of the wharf sea transport and cruise ships. Fort is beyond the reach of public transport of Bermud, but it can be reached on a local mini bus, taxi or rented moped.

Kitchen of Bermuda Islands

Culinary traditions of the islands are based on European and American traditions.

Local "sea delicacies" include the seasoned with traditional black Roma from the sea perch or Luziana (Snpepper), seasoned with sherry or roma ear shark meat with pepper, fried cod with pepper and sherry sauce, crucible pies, so-called "Sunday breakfast" - a huge bastard with fried cod, potatoes, eggs, bananas and avocado under the onion-tomato sauce, famous Bermuda lobsters (seasonal dish, can be found in the menu from September to mid-April), the cake with mussels stewed in vegetables and sink sauce all Types, Bifstex from Wahu (Royal Macrel), Fried Cut with vegetables, seafood salads, liver on coals with Bananas of Luciana, delicious "Guinea Chic" (baked solar lobster) and fried Cuban yard.

All sorts of vegetables are served to fish dishes, " hooppin John"- a mixture of boiled black peas and rice, as well as cereal flour cakes with peas and rice, specific Bermuda onions, rice with sauces and characteristic of all island countries in the region of Fried Bananas" Toosonez ". Another characteristic locally dish - Manica Pie which is attributed to the salvation of the first settlers from hunger.

All sorts of fruits are usually served for dessert, including local citrus fruits, sweet potato pudding, jelly from grapes and jam from Musmula.

Bermud is considered Rum Golsing "S Bermuda Black Seal and numerous cocktails based on it, including a roma cocktail with lemon juice, bitter tincture and sugar, called" Swisl ", as well as roma cocktails with ginger beer. In all The stores sell a variety of imported beer varieties and other alcoholic beverages.

And in September 2012, the media makes messages that the visa on Bermuda is no longer needed. We start checking everything, and it turns out that a visa-free entrance It is possible for citizens of Russia, India and China in the presence of a US visa, Canada or the UK. We just had a visa of the United States, so we were delighted: finally get to these mysterious islands. On Bermuda, we flew from Buffalo through New York, with a dock of 2.5 hours, United Airlines airline. And finished C until New York.

By the way, the plane flies on Bermuda, without crossing the boundaries of the so-called Bermuda triangle. Let me remind you that this is such an area in the Atlantic Ocean, in which the mysterious disappearances of marine and aircraft are supposedly occurred. The area is limited to imaginary lines from Miami (Florida) to the Bermuda Islands, then to Puerto Rico and again to Florida through Bahamas.

Passport control passed quickly, no questions about visas did not appear.

Bermuda islands - a group of coral islands in the northwestern part of the Atlantic Ocean. They were opened at the beginning of the XVI century by the Spanish navigator Xuan Bermudes and are named with the Islands of the Devil due to difficult navigation conditions.

Today, the Bermuda islands are the status of a self-governing overseas territory of Great Britain.

Despite a large number of The islands, the population of the archipelago is only about 60 thousand people, and the total length of roads on Bermudah is 30 km.

Monetary unit - Bermuda dollar. On a 25-center coin depicted Phaeton. This bird was almost destroyed by the builders of the eggs, but after the organization of the protection, the number of phaetons was recovered, and now they nest on the islands in the set. When we walked along the rocks, Faetons circled on our heads: Apparently, there were nests there, and the birds were protected.

Houses and fences on the Bermuda islands are built mainly of sandstone. Walls are bright, multicolored, and the roofs are white and speed. Such roofs are done to collect water and filter it: dirt is delayed on the steps.

On Bermuda they say: if you come to the house with a dirty roof, do not ask for drinking water. When we traveled around the island, they constantly seen people on the roofs of people who were cleaned. The drains put in such a way that concrete basements are filled with rainwater along the vertical pipes. In such tanks, water is saved cold as in wells. Each owner is personally responsible for collecting water, and if it is still not enough until the next rainy season, you need to pay money for water to the government.

Walls of houses on the local GOST must withstand winds up to 160 km / h, so they are rather thick here, and the shutters on the windows open below. Almost in all homes there are fireplaces, because in winter it can be cool.

But in general, the Bermud climate is soft thanks to Golf Stream. During the year, there are sometimes tropical rains and shower, but solar weather predominates. The usual temperature is 20-23 ° C - very comfortable.

Resting better from April to October. But until June, the water in the ocean is not very warm, because it does not have time to warm up. During our stay, from May 1 to 10, the water was at first 21.3 ° C, and then 23.8 ° C maximum - for us cool enough.

The hotel booked for five months. The choice was small, and prices are not very low. I wanted, of course, that the hotel stood on the shore and the beach was good. Chose a long time, but in the end they did not lose, booking a room at Pompano Beach Club. This family-run hotel is located in Southampton County and leads its history since 1956. Owns them already the third generation of Lamb family. It feels homely, family furnishings, a friendly attitude of the staff.

Pompano Beach Club is located on a hill, rooms in two-storey houses, neighbors are never visible and not heard. Nearby there is a great golf course. And free Wi-Fi is caught in the rooms and throughout the hotel.

The ocean is very beautiful! Water transparent, with blue tint. During our stay, the whole week was full of calm, and we even from the balcony of our room could watch fish floating in water: they were clearly visible, especially parrots, as they are very bright. Then the wind changed, and waves appeared, but completely tiny. On the water you can walk to the left along the beach: there are rocks, small coves - in general, beauty!

When we decided to explore the archipelago, they learned that car rental on Bermuda was banned. There is a lot of reasons: the density of transport in the Bermuda islands per 1 sq. M. km One of the highest in the world, frequent traffic jams, with parking problems, left-hand movement. You can rent a scooter, the driver's license is not required for this, but you need to be older than 16 years. Helmet, castle, full fuel tank and baggage basket are included in the rental price. Using the helmet is necessarily.

You can get in different corners of Bermud and on taxis and buses, ferries walk. The cost of a taxi is $ 4 for the first mile (1.6 km) plus $ 1.4 for each next mile.

Buses walk on 11 routes. They are easy to find out on pink or blue colors, they are all equipped with air conditioning and go, as a rule, from 7.00 to 23.00. Tickets can be purchased from the driver or buy in some stores. Buses stop on demand and do not take passengers with a large luggage.

Pink or blue columns that are in bulk to stops point to what the bus goes. Pink - Stop for buses in Hamilton, Blue - for buses from Hamilton.

The island we saw for a taxi twice, walking first one way, then to another, so as not to rush to consider all the sights and beauty.

To begin with, we decided to see the oldest Iron Lighthouse on Bermuda - Gibbs Hill Lighthouse.

In fact, on Bermuda two lighthouses. One can be seen with the airport with an airplane. Just they filmed an episode from the film "The abyss" of 1977. Gibbs Hill Lighthouse is unique in that it is made of cast iron and twisted bolts from individual sheets. There are very few lighthouses in the world! Height of his 177 feet. There is a parking lot on site, a cafe, a souvenir shop. You can climb the very top for $ 2.

Total 185 steps, and you upstairs! It is from here that the amazing panoramic view of the Bermuda coast opens. In the photo - a view of the western tip of the archipelago, Docyard. There is a parking lot of cruise ships and the largest fortress on Bermuda. And even the poorest citizens live on that side, but they will not tell this at their homes.

The southern part of the island, where the most beautiful beaches.

We arrived in Saint George. This is one of the first divisions of the British in the new world. The city and the surrounding strengthening is included in the World Heritage List. Until 1814, this was the colonial capital of the Bermuda Islands.

The symbol of the city is the dragon. Saint George retained his original appearance, and many historical buildings are still used in the same way as 200-300 years ago. Royal Square - city center. It was built 200 years ago.

The city has a unfinished church. Her construction began in 1874 and ended in 1894, when the city council decided to renovate the Church of St. Peter.

Fort of St. Katerina is the first building on Bermuda. Since 2000, a museum has been in the building.

But the world's smallest flowing bridge in the world - Somerset Bridge. It was built in 1620, and in the middle of the XX century reconstructed. Initially, the design was divorced manually, now - mechanically.

And here (well, that is not on the beach) we saw the Medusa Portuguese boat. They write that just from May to September these beauties periodically appear on the beaches of Bermud.

Further we were waiting for an excursion to the crystal cave. It was opened more than 100 years ago by two 12-year-old teenagers, which descended in crewing in search of a cricket ball. The cave is at a depth of 36 m under the surface of the Earth.

It is believed that the cave was formed during the glacial periods when the sea level was below 100-130 m. Rain water leaked through the soil, and the resulting underground stream with high acidity was dissolved by limestone. As a result of this process, emptiness appeared in the rocks. When the water level in the seas rose, these voids were filled with sea water. Now there is here underground lakeThrough which the pontoon bridge is laid. Water crystal clear. And next to another cave, connected to the first, it is called fantasy.