Earthquake in New Zealand.

Equipment An earthquake, or rather a huge number of earthquakes, occurred in New Zealand. The first of these occurred in a place called Seddom, which is located on the northern tip of the southern island, next to the strait where Wellington is located. Those. relatively close to Wellington, at a distance of about 100 kilometers. This earthquake measured 7.5 on the Richter scale, which is very serious. The depth was about 20 kilometers, which is not very deep. And this led to very severe destruction in this city. Also, a few hours later, a 6.3 earthquake occurred near the city of Kaikoura, which is about 200 kilometers from Christchurch, and caused a tsunami threat. The waves were about 2.5 meters high. After this, constant tremors continue for almost a day. For example, I’ll share the latest data: 33 minutes ago, an earthquake of magnitude 5.1 occurred in the Seddom area. Before that, 46 minutes ago in the same place, in the Seddom area: 5.8 at a depth of 20 kilometers. That is, very seriously. After the first earthquakes there were already more than 500 tremors and a large number of

their them - strong. Let me just say that some people in Auckland also felt these tremors. Many people wrote on the Russian forum, and when they arrived at work, some expressed what they had heard. We ourselves slept like marmots, but our dog felt it. Around this time, she jumped up, began wandering around the house, asking to go outside, and wanted to leave the house. That is, she felt danger. Many have probably heard that animals better than people

sense the approach of danger. On, two people died. One died under the rubble of a house, the second died of a heart attack. People also go to hospitals with cuts, bruises, injuries from falling or something falling on them. There are a lot of destroyed houses in Kaikoura. It was cut off from the main highway and it was impossible to get to it. All roads are in landslides. The railway on the southern island was also destroyed. Wellington, the city center is completely closed because so much glass was blown out. Plus engineers have to check the buildings. All businesses were closed, schools were closed, and there was also a tsunami threat in the city of Christchurch. People in coastal areas of Christchurch were evacuated overnight due to the threat of a tsunami. And, unfortunately, New Zealand is not without human greed. As soon as people evacuated, many houses were looted by looters. It even got to the point where they took out electronics and equipment. One family has a disabled child with muscular dystrophy. She cannot move normally, and she was stolen expensive equipment for communicating with teachers, special headphones, a special system that costs about $5,000. They opened New Year's gifts that people had already prepared.

But our country is not without good people. According to the latest data, this family has already collected more than $24,000 without asking, without any demands, without anything. People started collecting themselves. Absolutely strangers they come to the house, bring food, bring a TV, bring toys for the children, and so on. Very responsive people. What touches and pleases.

Information is constantly coming in that continues to shake. Everything is calm in Auckland, there are no serious cases. I hope it will stop shaking on the southern island. And so, basically, no one wants this. People are afraid and worried. As I already said on the Russian forum, many people wrote that they felt movement in Auckland, as well as those who live closer to the epicenter of the tremors. One girl who lives somewhere in the village wrote that she ran out into the street in her pajamas: “I’m standing on the street, I don’t know what to do, I want to cry or laugh. I’m either scared or funny.”

Of course, it's not funny. The main thing is that everyone is alive. And a house can be built. A dam on one of the rivers also broke and overflowed its banks. People living in the surrounding area, about 7 houses, mostly farmers, were asked to go as high as possible. There were no injuries or deaths there.

Earthquake Recovery

The New Zealand Navy is now preparing to remove the ship from Auckland. It leaves at 11 pm with food and rescuers who will evacuate tourists, as well as those wishing to leave the site of destruction. The ship will arrive only in 18 hours, so you can imagine the size of New Zealand. All transport between the north and south islands has been suspended. All ferries stopped. The railway on both islands stopped in the area of ​​the earthquake. We have seen video footage, which you can also find on the Internet, which shows how Railway just slid down the embankment onto highway, and part of it completely slipped into the sea.

There is great destruction on the roads, many places are simply impassable. Everything is filled with cracks and gaps. A huge number of landslides and destruction in small towns. Big cities The damage was not severe, although final data will be available after engineers inspect the buildings and infrastructure.

New Zealand Prime Minister John Key immediately flew to the scene of the tragedy. And from a helicopter, together with the military, he flew over the territory of destruction. According to him, the destruction is greater than it might seem at first glance. About one and a half billion dollars will be needed for restoration. The money is not small for a country like New Zealand.

Video story about earthquakes in New Zealand

If you prefer to watch a Russian-speaking immigrant talk about earthquakes in New Zealand, watch this video.

Here in Auckland the echoes of strong earthquakes can be barely heard. South Island. Last night, journalists came to the messenger and asked, tell us how it is, are people panicking? Did the rescuers warn how to behave and what to do in case of repeated tremors? Are there any instructions from local emergency services? Is there any noticeable damage? How did the earthquake affect your daily routine? Did everyone go to work?

I answer. It is difficult to be an eyewitness; the earthquake occurred 1000 km from here: from Moscow to Sweden. The country is not as small as it seems.

Everything is calm in Auckland.

During the earthquake itself, I was watching Netflix and drinking wine, and I thought that I was somehow very tired because I was shaking. It was the day before yesterday after midnight.

Yesterday afternoon, when there were aftershocks, I was sitting in the office and thought that I didn’t get enough sleep, and the coffee wasn’t working, because it was shaking again.

Are people afraid? Don't know. They say that many decided not to appear in the center, where high-rise buildings are located, and remained in the suburbs. There seemed to be less traffic jams. I did not notice. In the capital and on the southern island, of course, everything is different. Auckland is 1000 km from the epicenter. There are no permits here at all, of course. They first warned about a tsunami, but in the morning they canceled the warning.

  • Geonet is a site where everything is written in detail about earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes, and all that.
  • NZHerald is the main news site. Rest assured, there is so little going on here that an earthquake takes up 80% of the workspace.
  • Red Cross Hazards - the infamous Red Cross, which raised half a billion dollars to build six (6) houses in Haiti, nevertheless made a small app through which the local civil defense service sends alerts. It also tells you what to do, where to run.

I'm afraid there won't be an earthquake story coming out of Auckland. It's quiet here. In the South and in Wellington, which is also located on the fault, it is most likely dark; many people spend the night on the street.

Last weekend, an earthquake of magnitude 7.9 occurred in New Zealand, triggering a tsunami, and two more tremors were recorded in the region. A new magnitude 6.2 earthquake struck New Zealand's South Island early Monday morning, causing further destruction and huge landslides.

1. The earthquake killed 2 people. (Photo by Hagen Hopkins):

2. Via New Zealand passes the Pacific “belt of fire” - a strip of volcanoes and tectonic faults 40 thousand kilometers long. He girdles Pacific Ocean, running along the coast of South and North America to southern Alaska, then turns to Japan, the Philippines and Indonesia and ends in the island area New Guinea, New Zealand and southwest Oceania. It is in the “Ring of Fire” that the vast majority famous volcanoes planets. 90% of all earthquakes on Earth occur there. (Photo by Anthony Phelps | Reuters):

3. The source of the earthquake lay at a depth of 14.8 km. (Photo by Anthony Phelps | Reuters):

4. Fell. Department store in Wellington. (Photo by Hagen Hopkins):

6. Due to the earthquake, more than 1,000 people are currently separated from their homes in the country's South Island. (Photo by Matias Delacroix):

7. Experts believe that the earthquake may happen again in the near future - it could happen at any time over the next 30 days. (Photo by Anthony Phelps | Reuters):

8. The earthquake led to widespread destruction of New Zealand's infrastructure. (Photo by Sgt Sam Shepher):

10. The freight train could not cope with the landslide and stopped. (Photo by Mark Mitchell):

11. Dust rose into the air from the tremors. (Photo by Mark Mitchell):

The world has seen footage from a helicopter taken over destroyed farmland outside the New Zealand city of Kaikoura: three cows (among them a small calf) huddle on a small piece of land as if on an island, while the rock crumbled around them. It is clear that they are very scared. The cows themselves cannot go down the mountain, so they just walk from one end of the site to the other.

12. A landslide covered the road. (Photo by Sgt Sam Shepherd):