One-day tours from Krasnaya Polyana. Hiking Krasnaya Polyana

Lake Kardyvach

The route to Kardyvach Lake starts from Krasnaya Polyana. It goes along the right bank of the Mzymta through the village of Esto-Sadok, along the Achipse and Laura rivers, to the Psekhako ridge, to the Pseashkho pass (16 km northeast of Krasnaya Polyana), among alpine meadows covered with a green carpet of soft, juicy grasses, past miniature lake Tourist to the Pseashkho massif and Mount Perevalnaya (2634 m). During the Great Patriotic War, at the end of 1942, the pass was heroically defended Soviet troops. In the camp "Cold", to the north of it, a monument to the defenders of the pass was later erected. The descent from the mountain passes over the abyss, through the tract Bear Gate.

The Pseashkho mountain range includes Northern Pseashkho (3257 m), Southern Pseashkho (3251 m), Sugar Pseashkho, also known as Sugar Loaf (3187 m), Kozhevnikov Peak (3072 m), 10 glaciers, total area which is approximately 5 km2. The largest of them - Pseashkho reaches a length of 3.1 km and is considered one of the largest in the Caucasus. Two glaciers on the southern slopes of the massif are clearly visible from the Black Sea coast. They lie at an altitude of 2910-3140 m.

Above, after turning to the Aishkho pass, at the Pslukh cordon, the border of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve passes. Seven kilometers from it is the Aishkho pass (Aishkha, 2401 m, open from May to October). From here you can already see the territory of Abkhazia and the incomparable beauty of the panorama of the snow-capped peaks of the Caucasus - the Tury Mountains, the Gagra Range, the Agepsta Mountains, with glaciers and snowfields, the Achishkho Mountains and the Aishkha Peaks.

Mount Agepsta (3256 m) is located on the border Krasnodar Territory and Abkhazia. It is located in the middle part of the ridge, the western part of which is called the Aibga ridge, the middle one - the Tury mountains, and the eastern one - the Atsetuk ridge. From the north, the peak looks harsh and majestic. From its southern slopes, the rivers Psou, Gega, tributaries of the Mzymta originate. Near the peak of Chukhovaya, the tiny Mountain Lake.

The Aigba mountain range is located to the east of the village of Krasnaya Polyana. Its peaks are clearly visible from there. The southern, gentle slopes of the ridge are covered with grass and flowers, rocky, northern - with glaciers and snowfields. Peak Black Pyramid (2540 m) is extremely difficult to climb. Climbers train on it. Ski slopes are laid along the northern slopes, among pines and firs.

The descent from the Aishkho pass again leads to the Mzymta River, on the right bank of which, surrounded by a luxurious coniferous forest on the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, lies Engelmanova Polyana (22 km northeast of Krasnaya Polyana). The village at an altitude of 1450 m is named after the land surveyor Engelman, who before the revolution rented these places for grazing. Near Engelmanova Polyana flows the “Narzan river”, with 120 mineral springs.

Past them, along the banks of the Mzymta, past the Emerald Waterfall, whose streams, surrounded by dense thickets of forests, acquire a bright, saturated green color and sparkle like emerald, lies the path to the high-mountain (1838 m) lake Kardyvach (44 km northeast of Krasnaya Polyana ). Mountain peaks surround the lake from the west, north and east. It seems that it is in a mountain bowl. The sky, reflected in the water, gives it a bluish-green hue.

Lake Kardyvach (1850 m above sea level) resembles an ellipse, 500 m long, 300 m wide. Area 15 ha, depth up to 23 m. large lake in the mountainous part of the Krasnodar Territory.

The water in it is clean and transparent. Its temperature in summer does not rise above 12 ° C. The lake is fed by river, ground and atmospheric waters. Meadows are stretched on its shore, with islands of birch groves and tall fir trees. The surroundings of the lake are unusually picturesque. There are no fish in it. Attempts to breed it artificially were unsuccessful. Nature created this paradise for contemplation and for peace.

There are other lakes nearby: Blue-eyed, Utaennye, Blue-eyed, Atsetukskoe and very close, just five kilometers away - Upper (Small) Kardyvach. Its area is 2 hectares, depth - 8 m, water temperature - 11°С. The water in this lake has an amazing cobalt blue hue. A chaotic heap of stones, sharp peaks, cliffs surround the lake. There is almost no vegetation around, but you can contemplate the landscape of stones for a long time, which is not so typical for Russia and even the Caucasus.

Permission from the Directorate of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve is required to visit.

Hiking along ecological trails, implying a responsible visit to untouched corners of nature.

Hiking trails in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana

In the summer season, at our Gorki Gorod resort, hiking eco-routes are opened for traveling to hard-to-reach places in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana. Pedestrian tourist routes are located at an altitude of +960 m to +2200 m above sea level.

Alpine meadows hidden behind the hills, where snow-white rhododendron blooms, Medvezhiy and Polikarya waterfalls are now available to our guests thanks to equipped trails.

Do you need special equipment and physical training?

Without special equipment, you can admire the views of the Main Caucasian Range by climbing the cable car. A breathtaking panorama of Krasnaya Polyana and mountain peaks will open from the very high point our resort from the peak Black Pyramid(+2375 m).
Excursions to waterfalls and a walk among high-altitude flowering meadows do not require serious physical preparation, but are quite accessible to any healthy person. Such simple walks in the mountains can be done by the whole family, even with small children.

Before the walk, read the map and the description of the route, which indicates the difficulty and time of passage. At one time you can go several routes, for example, take a walk in the Circus-2 zone, the relict forest and reach the Polikarya waterfall. The route through alpine meadows can be combined with a walk to the Medvezhiy waterfall in the Circus-2 zone.

How to get on the route?

To climb the eco-routes, you must purchase a walking ticket (ski pass) for the cable car to the appropriate mark at the ticket office of the resort.

Visiting eco-routes is free.Working hours: 10:00 – 18:00

Before visiting eco-routes, it is strongly recommended that you familiarize yourself with the rules that are posted on our website.
You will need: comfortable trekking or sports shoes, trekking poles for more difficult routes, sunglasses, hat, sun cream, flask or bottle of water drinking water.

Attached files
  • pdf Rules for organizing excursions with children (kindergartens, schools, boarding schools, educational centers)
  • pdf Rules for visiting and behavior on eco-routes

Ecotrail "Alpine Meadows" +2200 m

Height:+1900 m / +2200 m
Length: 3000 m
Height difference: 150 m
Passing time: 1,5 hour
Complexity: high

The zone of Alpine meadows is part of the National Sochi Park. In addition to the Red Book plants along the route, you can meet ancient atsanguars, which we inherited from the early Middle Ages. These structures made of uncut stones served as pens for cattle, which were grazed here by mountain tribes. On the map of the resort there are signs with the location of the atsanguars.

To get to the starting point of the hike, you first need to climb the cable car to +2200 m above sea level. Further, from the upper station of the cable car, follow the signs "eco-route: Alpine meadows". It is necessary to take into account the weather conditions and bring warm clothes and waterproof jackets. There are two pavilions on the route, where you can rest, have a bite to eat or hide from the weather.

walk along complete itinerary to the gazebo on the Aibga ridge and back takes from one and a half to two hours, depending on the time you spend on rest between transitions. In addition to this time, allow for about an hour of total time for ascent and descent by cable car.

Attention on the route! You will be informed about the end of the route by signs warning about the danger of going further and the rules for staying in the border zone (in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Federal Security Service of Russia dated October 15, 2012 No. foreign citizens have the right to stay in the border zone only if they have a passport and a pass).

Eco-route "Waterfall Bear" +2050 m

Height:+1970 m / +2050 m
Length: 500 m
Height difference: 80 m
Passing time: 0.5 hours
Complexity: average

The eco-route to the Medvezhiy waterfall is located near the unique climatic zone Circus-2. You can see the waterfall only in summer, when a lot of snow melts. Melt water is the basis natural object. In the route zone there is a beautiful valley of rhododendrons. The route is available for visiting from June to October

During the walk, you will get acquainted with rare plant species, bewitching panoramic landscapes and clean mountain air.

On the way, a unique view of the Main Caucasian Range opens up, and a blooming rhododendron against the backdrop of alpine meadows will serve as a beautiful backdrop for your photos.

Ecotrail "Relic forest" +1460 m

Height:+1400 m / +1500 m
Length: 900 m
Height difference: 50 m
Passing time: 0.5 hours
Complexity: average

The route passes through the mid-mountain zone of beech forests. Clean air and cozy gazebos for relaxation with panoramic mountain views. Here there are endemic plants of the Western Caucasus, which cannot be found anywhere else on our planet. Many of them are listed in the Red Book of Russia.

There are various bonuses for which you can linger.

The first surprise is blackberry bushes. For those who decide to diversify everyday life with a walking tour, the Gorki Gorod resort in the summer stores these juicy berries in almost every corner of the forest. They are tasty, clean, and most importantly useful. But you need to be more careful: blackberry bushes with thorns (it is better to take a windbreaker with you), and she likes to grow on a slope, so you need to look under your feet so as not to fall.

The second bonus is the work of man. So that the townspeople would not be bored walking through the forest, they made gazebos for them where they can have lunch, and left wide stumps where they can rest. The difficulty of this walking route is easy, accessible to the most hardened office workers.

And one more bonus - beautiful photos not only from the relic forest, but also against the backdrop of mountains, or even from a bird's eye view from the lift cabin.

Eco-route "Waterfall Polikarya" +1450 m

Height:+1450 m / +1600 m
Length: 800 m from K-13
Height difference: 50 m
Passing time: 15-20 min one way
Complexity: simple

Polikarya waterfall, colloquially referred to as "trousers" for its forked shape, is the most high waterfall on the territory of Sochi and the Krasnodar Territory, and one of the highest in Europe. The height of the waterfall is approximately 70 m. It is located in the zone of subalpine meadows at a mark between +1450 m and +1600 m vertically and to the left of the K-13 cable car, on the slope of the Aibga ridge. Nearby is a snowfield that does not melt almost all year round. Even in June-July, there is snow near the Polikarya waterfall. The Rzhanoy stream, which forms the Polikarya waterfall, flows out of the snowfield in Circus-3 and then flows into the Mzymta River.

Eco-route "Valley of Rhododendrons" +2370 m

Height:+2300 m / +2050 m
Length: 800 m
Height difference: 325 m
Passing time: down 30 minutes
Complexity: average

Rhododendron is surrounded by myths and legends. According to one of them, the forest elves, fleeing from a fire in the forest at the foot of the mountains, left their native places, climbing higher and higher along the slopes. There they searched for a long time for a plant - a home for the night. All the plants refused to shelter the elves, referring to the fact that they had already become a home for other animals and sheltered them under their crown.

The elves were angry at the plants, and even more so at the animals that got ahead of them. And only the rhododendron bush hospitably received the elves. For the fact that the plant gave shelter to magical creatures, the elves generously thanked him not only with luxurious flowers, but also with a poisonous property, so that the shrub would not serve for the benefit of animals.

And we have a great opportunity to admire this beauty, climbing or descending the Rhododendron Valley eco-trail.

Hiking route to the peak of the Black Pyramid (+2375 m)

Height:+2320 m / +2375 m
Length: 300 m
Passing time: 40 minutes
Complexity: average

For guests who prefer leisure in the summer in the mountains, we have a picturesque walking route to the highest point of the resort - the peak of the Black Pyramid of the Aibga ridge.

From the top of 2375 m, a stunning view of the Mzymta river valley, the Olympic objects of the mountain cluster opens up, in clear weather you can see the sea. We can say with confidence that this is the best observation platform in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana.

The length of the route is 300 meters. The duration of the route is 40 minutes. Difficulty - medium. Movement along the route is carried out accompanied by an instructor "Tirol club" in climbing insurance, a protective helmet, along laid safety ropes. Children over the age of 10 can enter only if accompanied by their parents. Comfortable clothes and sports shoes are required for the route.

Cost of guide and equipment: 600 ₽.

Route start: from the upper chairlift station.

Instructor Service Phone: 8 938 865 93 93 .

Rules for visiting eco-routes

Walking along ecological paths implies a responsible visit to the untouched corners of nature.

  • Collection of plants and wild herbs is prohibited.
  • Fires are prohibited.
  • It is forbidden to leave garbage on the walking trails.
  • It is forbidden to drive outside the marked trails.
  • It is forbidden to find children under 15 years old unaccompanied by adults.
  • Ecopaths are located in a high-mountainous zone - we kindly ask you to refrain from walking people who have health contraindications to this type of physical activity.
  • The use of alcoholic beverages and being in a state of intoxication (alcoholic, narcotic, or otherwise) is prohibited.
  • In case of deterioration weather conditions you must immediately return to the cable car station.
  • Walking in the evening is strictly prohibited.

Remember when visiting the Circus-2 zone that the time of the last descent from K-5 is until 17:30, and on K-4 until 18:00.

Krasnaya Polyana is one of the most popular mountain tourism centers in the former Soviet republics. It is located on the border with a large Caucasian reserve. This is where most originate. tourist routes in the surrounding mountains. Hiking can be completely different. For inexperienced tourists A trip with one or two overnight stays is offered. For the more experienced - a whole week of rest in the mountains. Further in the article, you can study the list of routes and a detailed list of everything you need on a hike.

TOP popular routes:

Consider the most popular tourist routes in Sochi. For ease of reference, we will arrange the routes in order from the shortest to the longest. At the same time, we took into account the travel time from the center of Sochi to the destination and back. For example, from the city of Adler to Krasnaya Polyana can be reached in 40 minutes. And an ordinary Sochi bus will arrive in an hour and a half.

Yew-boxwood grove

This is the shortest walking route in Krasnaya Polyana. Walking along the paths in the ancient forest is possible in three ways. Two of them return to the starting point and one is straight. The first ring route is the shortest. Here the walk will take no more than an hour. The second is longer up to 4 hours. The direct route begins at the "devil's gate" and ends at the entrance to the forest. It offers a great view of the gorge made by the Khosta River.


The routes are accessible to people of any skill level and do not require hiking equipment.

stone pillar

This is the most famous and at the same time accessible mountain hike in Krasnaya Polyana. From the top of the mountain at a level of 2509 meters you can observe beautiful mountain scenery. The ascent is not difficult and does not require any equipment. After all, a beautiful trail with direction indicators leads from the local cable car. The journey will generally take two to three hours. An independent transition along the route is quite popular among tourists. But you can always order the services of a guide. The easiest way to order trekking in Rosa Khutor.

Important! AT winter time due to the danger to human lives, these trips in Krasnaya Polyana are closed.

Agur waterfalls

Three beautiful waterfalls pouring their water into the canyon of the Agur River are most beautiful in autumn and spring. The most visited waterfalls by tourists in the month of October. At this time, mountain streams are gaining the greatest strength. This trekking in Krasnaya Polyana can be continued with the ascent to Mount Akhun.

You can also spend the night under the stars in a tent. The journey through the beautiful river gorge takes about 2-4 hours. If you want to take the minimum program, then from the beginning of the park you will walk along three waterfalls and return back. This trip will take a maximum of 1.5 hours. And if you want to enjoy the scenery to your heart’s content, then calmly inspect all the waterfalls and climb up to the Eagle Rocks. There is a small cafe with benches and gazebos for relaxation.

Sochi. Agur waterfalls

It is quite hot here in summer, but it is better to take an extra jacket and comfortable sneakers from clothes. The road from Sochi and back will take 3 hours.

Alpine meadows

Another great mountain route available to everyone. There is a well-equipped trail and a relatively small ascent. There are several pavilions along the route. And opens beautiful view to the nearby mountains. Therefore, this trip will appeal to everyone.

The ascent and descent will take no more than three hours.

Important! It is worth remembering that even in summer the weather in the mountains is not always favorable. Therefore, a warm jacket and waterproof jackets will not be superfluous.

Vorontsov caves

This is the largest cave complex in the vicinity of Krasnaya Polyana. There are two routes available for tourists. The first simple available to everyone. You will be able to admire the underground beauties, and quickly return home. The second is for those who like mountain tourism. It should be ordered from a guide who will take you through narrow manholes, water siphons, and various rock labyrinths. Of course, it is quite cool here and the temperature can drop below +10. Therefore, warm clothing is a must. Many taxi cars can take you to the caves from the village of Vorontsovka in 20 minutes.

Vorontsov caves

Waterfalls of Svanidze

It's very small but at the same time beautiful waterfalls. The trail to the waterfalls constantly winds, sometimes across the Sanidze River, sometimes approaching the cliffs. The trip there and back to Sochi will take about four hours. An excursion to these places will be especially interesting in the summer.

Most popular overnight trips

Bzerpinsky cornice

Great mountain tour with great scenery. The way to the top of Mount Tabunnaya can take only a few hours by cable car. On beautiful alpine meadows, you can stay overnight in a tent. The opening views of the Krasnaya Polyana gorge and endless forests are simply stunning. There is also a specially equipped club for tourists. It has several houses. If you do not have any equipment for tourism with you, you can rent tents, sleeping bags and everything you need. Therefore, these tourist routes in Sochi are in great demand.

Since the territory is located in a protected area, a pass is needed to travel. You can simply take it in the Aviary Complex in Rosa Khutor. Difficulties may be with drinking water. On the entire route, it is only on the ledge itself. Therefore, take it with you in advance.

The journey can take about seven to nine hours if you move at a fast pace. And if you stop with halts and rest, then the trip can be stretched for several days. If you order the services of a guide, the cost of the trip will cost 1200-2500 rubles.*

Lake Kardyvach

Consider the following hiking trails Krasnaya Polyana, which are very popular. The beginning of the journey at the Engelman Polyana. It takes a very long time to get there on foot. It is better to get here by SUV in about 2 hours. Kardyvach is especially beautiful in autumn. From the beginning of the journey to the lake 18 km along a good forest path. No special difficulties for the trip are foreseen. Therefore, you should take the usual comfortable clothes and sneakers. You can complete the entire route in about a day. If you are a little late with the departure, you can spend the night in the middle of the way in tents in a small clearing. If that's not enough for you. Then further from Kardyvach you can go to other alpine lakes. So the journey can stretch for several days.

Lake Kardyvach

Malaya Laba and Aishkho pass

An excellent tourist route running through the mountain ranges to the Black Sea. There are relatively fewer tourists here than on other routes of Krasnaya Polyana. But at the same time there are no technically difficult sections to pass. There are signs, dedicated travel stops, and a well-marked trail.

The highest part of the route is located on the Aihsha pass. From here a beautiful view of the Caucasian peaks opens. Peculiarity this tour in that the length of the route is from 50 to 70 km. On average, walking can take four to six days. Therefore, you should prepare well for the trip:

  • provisions;
  • pure water;
  • first aid kit;
  • comfortable hiking clothes and boots;
  • change of clothes (according to the weather);
  • tent, sleeping bag, burner, etc.

Why Krasnaya Polyana

Let's analyze reasons why many tourists choose Krasnaya Polyana hikes:

Of the minuses, one should separately highlight the small height of the local mountains. There are also no large sheer cliffs. Because of this, this region is of little interest to climbers. And the absence of serious glaciers is of little use for winter views sports. Also, minor difficulties arise due to the fact that Krasnaya Polyana is partially located in a protected area. Because of this, special permits are required for hiking.

It is worth choosing the route you like based on the required conditions for rest, pick up equipment and go to the unexplored region of the Caucasus Mountains.

*Prices are current as of September 2018.

Health Path (Rosa Khutor) - these are three hiking routes through the forest along the slopes of Mount Psekhako. Each of them has a different degree of difficulty. That it’s not necessary to get here well - the trail starts right from the resort itself. Anyone can do the easiest route - even a child can pass it. But only the most courageous will overcome the most difficult one - here it is about two hours of travel through the forest.

We note right away that in the Greater Sochi, various health paths and health paths have recently become fashionable. Therefore, if you wanted to read about the health path, which is located near Sochi, then this can be done.

The entire lower slope of Mount Psekhako, along which the health path of Rosa Khutor goes, is dotted with trees. In fact, this is a magnificent southern forest through which a path stylized as these almost wild places goes. In the warm season, moss covers the trees, turning the forest into a plush and completely green, like a fairy tale. It should be borne in mind that with any route you will have to go up, and if you don’t like it at all, then long routes are hardly tough for you.

The local health trail is one of the the best places for a summer walk.


There are only 3 routes, each of which starts between the beach and the hotel. They also end in one place - a little upstream from the entrance.

The easiest route is only 310 meters and can be completed in 10-15 minutes. If you take too long and take pictures wherever possible, then you can walk this third of a kilometer for about half an hour. It's unlikely to be more. Interesting places here is the minimum

The middle ring is 1630 meters and if you go along it, the road will take you about an hour and a half. There will be two springs with drinking water, an observation deck, a waterfall and one yoga area. And only here there is a small lake where you can swim. The water is really cold. On the diagram it is marked as a font.

Big ring - 1970 meters. The most difficult and long way. It will take at least two hours. There will be no font here, but there will be a glade of Power and another yoga platform.

Want more? Nobody bothers to combine all the paths into one mega-route and visit everything in general.

Where is it located and how to get there

The mountain trail of health is located on the territory of the coolest mountain resort Rosa Khutor. It starts from the lake beach, which can be considered as a starting point.

But in order to go for a walk along the path of health, you first need to somehow get to the mountain resort itself. There are four ways to get to Rosa Khutor:

  • You can drive by your own car. First you need to get to the Adler airport, and then just go straight along the A148 highway. The road is quite long - 40 kilometers from the airport, and more than 70 from the center of Sochi. But the canvas here is new and it is a pleasure to drive along it. In general, this is the most convenient way and he is good for everyone, except that the driver will have to drive quite a lot, but not to drink alcohol. If you go on a trip alone or together, then in terms of gasoline it will turn out to be more expensive than an electric train, and even more so a bus.
  • You can take the Swallow high-speed train. If you go from Sochi, then this is definitely the fastest way and at the same time quite comfortable. Trains are not overcrowded, unless something extraordinary happens in the city, so it will be quite comfortable to ride. Of the minuses - more expensive than by bus and you need to adjust to the schedule, which is not always pleasant
  • Another way to get to Rosa Khutor is, of course, by bus. Here is the best price, there is no rigid link to the schedule and starting point. For example, you can come from Sochi (105, 105C), from Khosta and Kudepsta and a bunch of stops along the way (105), and from Adler from the Novy Vek shopping center (135). Naturally, you can sit at any stop on the A148 highway. Separately, it should be noted that in order to be guaranteed to get seats, you need to go from the initial stop (Sochi bus station or Novy Vek shopping center in Adler).
  • Theoretically, you can come to Rosa Khutor as part of an organized tour. But there are no excursions from Sochi or Adler to the path of health, so this option does not suit us in any case.
  • If you arrived by train, you will need to go upstream through the entire resort winter town to Mzymta Square. The journey will take about 15-20 minutes and there will be many shops along the way where you can buy something. You can identify Mzymta Square by McDonald's, which is located here. Next, cross the bridge and turn right. After a couple of minutes you will reach the next bridge. He needs to turn left, walk along the path for another minute and then the path itself begins. You can focus on the Rosa Khutor lake beach located next to the trail.
  • If you come by bus, then it will stop just near Mzymta Square. What to do next is described above. Where to go for those who arrived by car on their own depends on where they managed to park it. In any case, focus on the area and McDonald's.

I have been on your path. Somehow weak. Is there something more difficult?

Something harder is always found.

Nearby is a waterfall, the road to which is completely untrodden. Once this route was popular among tourists who love outdoor activities, but now everyone goes along more comfortable routes.

You can also go to the waterfall, which is in the Gorki Gorod resort. But not from the lift at an altitude of 960 meters, but from the very bottom. Then the path in one direction will be about 10 kilometers.

An even more difficult hike on. If he doesn’t care for you, then you are enlightened and you can do everything.

Is it worth going? (and some reviews)

Are you wondering if this place is worth your attention? To be honest, I don’t know, because, unfortunately, I don’t know you. So if you love beautiful natural places and active walks, if you like forests and mountains, then it's worth it. Numerous reviews that can be found on the Internet are extremely monotonous - they say that the place is really cool. But if your understanding best holiday this is lying on the couch or, in extreme cases, on the beach, then despite all the reviews, you are unlikely to like it here.

A few moments

  • the entrance is free
  • Take food and water with you. There is nowhere to buy it here
  • This is a wonderful place. And it will be just as beautiful if you don't throw rubbish here. Respect beauty, nature and your country
  • A camera is a must for this trip. In addition to the beautiful forest, very steep views sometimes open here.
  • An interesting figure: there are as many as 919 steps on all routes. This is really a lot. For girls, walking on it is a guarantee of a very beautiful priests. That's why it's a path of health in general.
  • Do not walk along the trail in the rain and especially in the snow. The road can be very slippery and not safe.
  • If you like outdoor activities and are not here in winter, then be sure to visit the trail. This is an amazing place. A few meters from the most perfect mountain resort in Russia, beautiful and almost wild places begin.

There are many tourist routes on the territory of Krasnaya Polyana and its environs, from day trips up to serious 3-5 days. Everyone can choose the most suitable option for themselves. You can go on simple hikes both without an instructor and with him.

Here is a map of summer routes, which will be most convenient for those who are in the mountains of Krasnaya Polyana for the first time and want to get acquainted with the area. However, topographic maps are more suitable for professional travelers.

Map compiled by the RiderHelp team

Enumeration of tourist routes of Krasnaya Polyana. Each of them is discussed in more detail below.

  • Achishkho Ridge – 3-4 hours
  • Keiva Waterfall - 3-4 hours
  • Efremov's outlook - 2-3 hours
  • Cornice river. Bzerpi - 1-2 days
  • Mount Kamenny Pillar on Rosa Khutor - 2-3 hours
  • Waterfall Polikarya (Pants) - 2-4 hours
  • Health trail to Rosa Khutor - from 15 minutes to 2 hours
  • Achipsinskaya fortress - 2-3 hours
  • Kharginsky forest and waterfall at Rosa Khutor - 5-6 hours
  • Camp Kholodny and Semiozerye - 2-3 days
  • Mount Achishkho and Khmelevsky lakes - 1-3 days
  • Lake Kardyvach – 2-4 days

If you are a beginner hiker or just don't want to spend a few days hiking, then one-day hikes, or "weekend hikes", are perfect for you!

Mountain peaks, waterfalls and incredible views will help you rejuvenate and get a boost of energy. Such routes are suitable for a family hike with children and for unprepared tourists. Mandatory for such a walk is only the presence of special shoes and clothing for trekking.

Achishkho Ridge

The route starts in the village of Krasnaya Polyana. Unique nature mountain range Achishkho near with its alpine meadows and lakes will not leave you indifferent. For a novice tourist, this is a great opportunity to get acquainted with practically all the main high-altitude natural and climatic zones of the Black Sea mountain region. To the starting point of the route you will need to climb by car. You can start the walk from the Khmelevsky lakes, then go through the horizon 1822. You can go along the ridge to Mirror Lake, where you will have the opportunity to stretch out and bask in the sun, at an altitude of 1900 m above sea level. Then we go down through Kruglyaya Polyana, Pine Rock, and back to Krasnaya Polyana. During the hike you will be able to see the famous rock ledges Wolf's teeth, the ruins of atsanguara, stand on the top of the Rocky Mountain!

At the top, you can fully admire the Peaks of the Main Caucasian Range, the Gagrinsky Range (Republic of Abkhazia) and the Aibga Range, as well as the Sakharny Pseashkho Peak and a view of the Black Sea.

This is an absolutely safe route for all ages, there is a connection everywhere. Most the best route in the area of ​​Krasnaya Polyana for family trips.


Keiva waterfall

The Keivu waterfall is within walking distance from the village of Krasnaya Polyana. The route is suitable for most nature lovers. And it starts from the recreation center of MO "Krasnaya Polyana". The asphalt road begins with a gentle ascent and turns into a forest. Beginning tourists will not be able to get lost, since the path to the waterfall is one and does not branch anywhere. During the ascent, panoramic views of Krasnaya Polyana open up. Also, this waterfall is known for the fact that at any time of the year it does not dry out. The road from the camp site itself will take about an hour, and the climb will not exceed two hundred meters. Right there, at the waterfall or going down below, you can arrange a halt with tea or coffee and start descending to Krasnaya Polyana along the path, on which they will also accompany beautiful views to the mountains.

Equipment: with portable clothes and shoes according to the weather, storm jacket, backpack, snack, water.

Price: free, but you need to get to the camp site of the Ministry of Defense and take your passport with you if you go not along the bypass path, but from the camp site. If you want to go with a guide, then Krasnopolyansky Mountain Club and Adventure Workshop are brought here.

Efremov's outlook

Efremov's outlook - The name "Efremov's outlook" was given to Mount Monashka in honor of Yuri Konstantinovich Efremov, geographer, poet, writer, honorary member of the Russian Geographical Society. The horizon itself was discovered by surveyors, but it was Efremov who discovered it for people. The route passes along a dirt road within the boundaries of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve. Mount Monashka (height 758m) is located 2 km southwest of the center of Krasnaya Polyana and 750m from the right bank of the Mzymta River. It's easy to get there, across the road "to Medoveevka" and the valley of the Beshenka river. It is from Mount Monashka that a magnificent view of Krasnaya Polyana, its environs and the Pseashkho massif opens.

Price: 300 rub. for a pass to the reserve and at the request of a guide.

Mount Tabunnaya and Bzerpinsky cornice

The route passes through the territory of the Caucasian Biosphere Reserve, and therefore, before entering the route, you need to stop by the Aviary Complex (3 km from the center of Krasnaya Polyana) and get a one-time pass. Mount Tabunnaya (2351 m above sea level) is one of the peaks of the Bzerpi massif, located 15 kilometers from the village of Krasnaya Polyana.

The beginning of the route is the station of the cableway "Gazprom" "Pikhtovaya Polyana" (1700 m above sea level). further through the Bear Gates pass, and the Bzerpi cornice (2100 m above sea level), where you can have a little rest, go to the top of Mount Tabunnaya.

At the top, you can fully admire the Peaks of the Main Caucasian Range, the Gagrinsky Range (Republic of Abkhazia) and the Aibga Range, as well as the Sakharny Pseashkho Peak and a view of the Black Sea.

Itinerary for day trips for all people with an average physical training. The opportunity to look at Krasnaya Polyana through the eyes of the pioneers from the passes, which, like a magnet, attract the eyes of everyone who comes to Krasnaya Polyana.

Equipment: about clothing for the weather, storm jacket, small backpack, closed shoes with thick tread, glasses, hat, sunblock, snack, water.

Price: 300 rub. per day - a pass to the reserve.

Guide services: usually from 2000 rubles. per person
Experienced tourists can go on their own, as the trail is equipped and uncomplicated.

Stone Pillar

A great hiking for the whole family. Dot mountain range Aibga, located between the Mzymta and Psou rivers. The summit naturally separates the eastern and western slopes of the ridge.

The route starts from the top station of the cable car "Rosa Khutor" Rosa Peak. The lift will take you to Rosa Peak, which offers an excellent view of the Caucasian mountains. From here begins the trail to the top of Kamenny Pillar. You can make your way easier and get all the way to the lower station of the Crocus chair lift, where you will go to the highest point of the route - the top of Kamenny Pillar (2509 m above sea level), however, you still have to go down on your own.

Equipment: about clothing for the weather, storm jacket, small backpack, closed shoes with thick tread, glasses, hat, sunblock, snack, water.

Price: 1300 rub. for the lift; Optionally, you can take a tour guide.

Waterfall Polikarya

Polikarya waterfall (also known as "Pants") is one of the highest and most picturesque waterfalls in Sochi, about 70 meters high. At the same time, it is in relatively easy accessibility for tourists. A year ago, in June 2016, this excursion route became available to the general public. Thanks to the launch of the resort's cable cars in the Eastern Sector, the route to the finish point has become as easy as possible. The path to the waterfall now takes no more than 30 minutes. And despite the fact that on May 20th the main cable car closed for routine maintenance, to the Upper City, at a height of 960 meters, a free shuttle runs. From where the guests transfer to the gondola cabins of the K-10 road, then to the chair cabins - K-12 and K-13 and get to the starting point of the hiking route to the waterfall. However, for guests who like long hiking trails, there is always the opportunity to walk to the waterfall from 960 meters above sea level (the journey takes about 2 hours one way).

The height of the waterfall is about 70 meters, it is located between 1450 and 1600 meters above sea level vertically. However, now the name of this waterfall is more common as "Polikarya", and Krasnopolyans call it "Pants". He got such a nickname because of two identical trouser-flows, which are most seething in late spring - early summer, during the period of active snowmelt.

Rosa Khutor Health Path

The Health Path ecological route runs along the picturesque slope of Mount Psekhako and is located in the Rosa Khutor resort. The Health Path starts at Rosa Beach. The length of the trail is more than 3300 meters with a height difference from 580 to 732 meters above sea level. The route is equipped for tourists and has signs. You have to cross 13 mountain streams, next to it there are two waterfalls. Throughout the route, there are 25 places for recreation, 3 observation platforms, one font.

Price: for free.

Achipsinskaya fortress

Classic, yet easy route, the beginning of which is located right in the village, at the fork at Gazprom. You can go there on your own, or you can go with a guide to make it more interesting. The ascent to the ruins of the ancient Byzantine fortress of the 9th century takes no more than half an hour, and then you can walk through the picturesque forest and go down to the beginning of the village of Esto-Sadok.

Price: free of charge or 2000 rub. as part of an organized group with guides "Adventure Workshop".

Kharginsky forest and waterfall on Rosa Khutor

This is new hiking route to Rosa Khutor, which starts from Rosa Plateau, passes through the slopes of the resort, then continues along the forest road and leads to a small picturesque waterfall and forest lake. During the route, the guides will tell you about the Olympic facilities of the resort and its history, and in the forest zone they will introduce guests to local endemic plants.

Since the route passes through the border zone, you can go there only with the guides of the resort by appointment.

Price: 500 rub. from a person. But do not forget that you still need to climb Rosa Plateau or buy a special cable car + hike fare for 1000 rubles.

Camp Kholodny and Semiozerye

An easy and popular hiking route with 1 or more overnight stays. First, climb on the Gazprom cable car to a height of 1660 m, then walk along an equipped path to a height of 2300 m. Beautiful views of Krasnaya Polyana and the mountain peaks surrounding you.

Price: 300 rub. per day - a pass to the reserve. You can buy in the aviary complex.
Transfer: GTZ Gazprom cable car, 800 rubles. (up to Pikhtovaya Polyana 1660 m)
Experienced tourists can go on their own, but with a guide it will be clearly easier and more interesting if you are here for the first time.

Mount Achishkho and Lake Khmelevsky

The most famous and popular route in Krasnaya Polyana. It was with him that many now experienced tourists started. Relatively easy road, beautiful views from many viewing platforms and swimming in a mountain stream. And also the opportunity to drive up to the mountain trail by car. This hike is suitable for those who want to discover mountain hiking. The route is also good because you can go there with or without an overnight stay, depending on your time and wishes.

Price: 300 rub. per day - a pass to the reserve. You can buy in Polyana at the aviary complex.
Transfer: 5000 rub. for UAZ for 5-7 people. to Khmelevsky lakes (one way). Or walk.
Guide services: usually 7-8 thousand rubles. per group per day or cost per person per day/per hike.

Lake Kardyvach

The pearl of the Krasnaya Polyana routes, the Kardyvach mountain lake has been attracting tourists and photographers for decades. It is necessary to plan a trip to Kardyvach in advance, because to visit you need to get a border pass, which takes about a month.