What tourists need to know before going on a hike. How to do a day trip

Hiking is the most common in our country, as it is not costly, interesting and useful. But so that unpleasant unforeseen circumstances do not happen during the campaign, you need to think through all the little things.

The most important thing that a novice tourist should know is that walking for long distances is very tiring. Therefore, physical fitness is very important. And the distance of the route should be chosen based on your physical capabilities, but it is recommended to constantly keep the body in shape. And every time, sitting in the elevator of your own house, you should think, or maybe it's better to walk? Also, as far as possible, it is worth refusing to travel by car. Even the simplest hike across rough terrain, for an unprepared person, whose sports interest is limited to watching football with a bottle of beer, will be very difficult.

The most necessary detail of any tourist are tourist or hiking backpacks. They should be, first of all, light, as well as compact, but at the same time very roomy and functional. They should put only the most necessary things, without which you can not do. Mandatory medicines, such as plaster, bandage, hydrogen peroxide, pain pills. Also, you need a small repair kit, a screwdriver, pliers, electrical tape, which will help fix, for example, a broken flashlight.

The best way not to forget anything is to make a list a few days before the trip. It is worth paying attention to only three points, these are food, clothes, medicines, you can do without the rest, in extreme cases. It is necessary to ensure minimalism in your luggage, thereby freeing yourself from excess weight on the road. If you are going on an overnight camping trip, sleeping bags are an essential item that you cannot do without. They should be light and compact for transportation, and keep the cold out at night.

Going on a hike, you also need to take care of protection from insects and other pests, depending on the region where you are going. But regardless of the place of travel, it is necessary to be vaccinated against tetanus, diphtheria, and tick-borne encephalitis in advance. Perhaps the likelihood of contracting these ailments is not so high, but with vaccinations it will be calmer.

Before embarking on a multi-day hike, it is highly recommended to go on a one-day weekend hike several times in order to understand all the nuances of this issue. Backpacks, sleeping bags, and other accessories can be bought at any online sports store, for example, planeta-sport.ru.

Going on a hike, you need to remember that the main goal of your trip is relaxation. Although this holiday is active, it should be pleasant, calm and positive. To achieve this goal, basic safety precautions must be observed. If you decide to spend a few days in nature with a tent and a backpack, then you should understand that hiking, especially to remote places, can be difficult and even fraught with danger. What do you need to know to avoid trouble?

What is a must-have?

This applies not only to people who have gathered for a hike for the first time, but also to those who have been hiking for a long time. It's no secret that in every trip there is a situation when they relied on each other, like a friend promised to take it, but in the end no one took, for example, matches. Therefore, before you set off, carefully check the list to see if you have taken everything.

  • Necessary clothing for the season and a hat.
  • Sun protection: glasses and cream.
  • First aid kit.
  • Matches, a lighter, or other means of starting a fire.
  • A small set of items for quick repair of clothes, tents or backpacks (adhesive tape, thread, needle, rope, glue moment).
  • Navigational tools (map, compass, GPS).
  • Means for lighting (flashlight, lamp).
  • Knife and axe.
  • Products.
  • Accessories for spending the night (sleeping bag, rug, awning or tent).
  • Drinking water.
  • Personal hygiene products.

Choose the right clothes

Very often, troubles occur on a hike with people who have chosen the wrong clothes for a hike. This is especially felt in the mountains, where the daytime temperature is very different from the nighttime. In such a trip during the same day, you can sometimes get a sunstroke or freeze. Don't rely on good weather during a hike, it is best to seriously approach the choice of clothing and provide for possible options for capricious environment. The right approach to your camping wardrobe will save you from unnecessary problems.

Plan your itinerary in advance

Sometimes tourists who have been hiking more than once are too careless about the upcoming route, feeling more confident than beginners. When asked about the details of the planned trip, they calmly say that “we’ll figure it out along the way.” This is very dangerous, carelessness and overconfidence can lead to a situation that threatens disaster.

Inform trusted people about your route

With modern technology, when you can call at any moment for any reason, we forget that such a situation is possible that there will be no connection. Remember that at any moment the battery of the phone can be completely discharged, there will be no coverage area, or the communication means will be lost, lost, drowned. According to the law of bad luck, this can happen exactly at the moment when the connection is catastrophically needed. To avoid tragic situations, before you travel, leave detailed information about your exact route to at least two reliable people.

Correctly calculate your strengths and capabilities

Remember that hiking is an active holiday, which is sometimes associated with great physical exertion. Therefore, before you go hiking, determine the difficulty of the route and the physical condition of all participants in the trip. The worst thing is that you can overestimate your capabilities and let your friends down at the most inopportune moment, for this, carefully review the traffic schedule and the difficulties of the terrain. Except you, no one can clearly say whether you will cope or not with the given pace of movement and the expected obstacles. Correctly assess your capabilities and physical fitness.

Keep track of your water supplies

A fairly common occurrence in hiking trips- This is a careless attitude to the supply of drinking water. For city dwellers, accustomed to the constant presence of drinking water in any place and at any time, it is difficult to imagine that it will suddenly be gone. When planning a hiking route, you need to take into account that water supplies run out quickly in hot weather and during heavy physical exertion.

To avoid dehydration, calculate the length of the transitions and the pace of movement of the hikers, taking into account the places where drinking water is replenished. To do this, study the map of the area in advance and mark all the sources on it, take care of the required number of flasks or plastic bottles.

Take animal safety precautions

If you follow well-known tourist routes, then there are hardly any animals that can threaten your life. However, it is necessary to take precautions, especially if you are in a remote area. Wild animals that are found in our latitudes, as a rule, are themselves afraid of humans and try to avoid meetings. When setting up camp, you need to let the animals know about your presence, so it is recommended to talk louder, make noise, you can even sing, then locals will stay away from you.

Don't leave the group

When traveling as part of a group, you must follow certain rules and never break them. First of all, never leave a lagging person alone and do not go ahead if someone cannot keep up with the pace of the group. Be sure to wait for him and help him get to the camp or to the place of rest. Always try to stick together and don't walk away from the group, even if you think it's perfectly safe.

If you take into account all these simple tips, then your trip will bring you only joy and satisfaction with your own small victories. Who has additions and interesting stories, be sure to share with us and advise your friends to read this article if they are going on a hike.

It is difficult to find a person who would not dream of taking a break from annoying boring work, a noisy metropolis or exhausting study and go on a trip. Of course, at the mention of travel, many people have an image of fabulous France or sunny Turkey with an all inclusive service in their heads. But there are also people who are thrilled by the phrase “let's go camping” with the anticipation of long walks with a backpack, evenings by the fire in the forest and nights spent in a tent. And this is not surprising, because the picturesque landscapes and pristine nature are worth leaving all the blessings of civilization for a while and going hiking with a backpack on your back.

Hikes are divided into several types. For example, they are planned and independent, that is, you can sign up for a special sports club and go hiking with an instructor, or you can gather your close friends, make a trip plan on your own, and go on a trip. In addition, by type of movement, hiking can be divided into hiking, skiing, water, mountain and so on. There are more and more sports bases offering tourists backpack trips every day, but independent trips still remain incredibly popular. This is because traveling together brings people together. Indeed, in field conditions, people learn to overcome difficulties together and enjoy small victories.

Separately, it must be said about whether it is worth taking children on hikes.

At first glance, this may seem dangerous, but in fact, a similar experience for survival in extreme situations. Hiking helps children acquire a sense of responsibility, justice and mutual assistance. But, of course, it is better to leave very young children at home.

And one more thing - if you have children, it will be useful with them, from time to time, to play the game "Attention, let's go camping!" Houses. You give a signal to the collection, and then the children answer your questions, posed directly on the points of this article. But back to the topic...

What do you need to take with you when you go hiking?

It will be nice to put on a sports suit, put on trekking boots and recover towards nature, but in order for the trip to be comfortable and safe, each person should take with him the minimum necessary things.

1. Backpack

Well, what's a hike without a backpack? A backpack is needed in order to put all the other things that you may need on a camping trip. Therefore, it should be roomy, reliable and as convenient as possible. The optimal size for a backpack is considered to be a volume of 55-70 liters. But, besides this, when choosing it, it is necessary to take into account the reliability of the straps, as well as external fasteners, to which some kind of payload or inventory can be attached to the outside of the backpack.

2. Tent

A tent is a small portable house that you can’t do without on a hike. After all, when a person says: "Let's go camping soon!", - he, as a rule, assumes a trip for several days,.

What should be considered when choosing a tent? The first step is to decide how many people will go on a hike. If a group of 10 people is traveling, they can take two quadruple tents and one double. This will help save the strength of travelers, because tents can be carried in turn. When buying a tent, you will need to consider how quickly it can be set up and assembled, as well as its total weight and the amount of space it takes up in a tourist backpack.

3. Sleeping bag

It can be very cold at night, and a sleeping bag will help you warm up quickly. It is best to choose a light sleeping bag filled with down, it will warm you well at night, but at the same time take up little space in your backpack.

4. Travel mat

Such a rug will be needed for gatherings near a fire on damp ground, as it does not get wet.

5. Thermal bag

It will be needed in order to put some medicines and perishable food there.

6. Household inventory

Household equipment includes lighters, water bottles, eating and cooking utensils, a knife, a hatchet, a needle and thread, a whistle, a compass and a flashlight with spare batteries.

7. First aid kit

8. Clothes

From clothes you will need to take warm sweaters, spare underwear, T-shirts. You will also need sunglasses, a raincoat, socks, a cap and personal hygiene items.

Catering on a hike

Nutrition should be given special attention. The overall impression of the trip may depend on how well food is organized in field conditions. In the article you will find comprehensive information about the options for the "camping menu", the calorie content of certain products, and you can easily select both an individual diet and a meal plan for a group. Here we will describe the issue of nutrition on a hike very briefly. When compiling a camping menu, you need to consider the following points:

  • nutrition should be balanced (proteins, fats, carbohydrates);
  • food should be high in calories;
  • products should not take up much space in the backpack.

Everyone wants to eat outdoors and after active physical exertion, so each person’s diet should consist of about 3000-4000 calories per day (although this may not be enough for many). In the article you will find comprehensive information about the options for the "camping menu", the calorie content of certain products, and you can easily select both an individual diet and a meal plan for a group. Here we will describe the issue of nutrition in the campaign very briefly.

Experts recommend choosing one person from the tourist group who will cook. Hot food should be cooked twice a day, as it is good for the stomach, and for quick recovery and saturation of the body, you need to take protein bars with you on a hike. They take up very little space, and they bring a lot of benefits in field conditions.

From products it is recommended to take dried meat, sausage, cereals, pasta, sugar, waffles and halva. But canned food, which many strive to take with them, should be treated with caution. Although they have a lot of advantages, there are also disadvantages (for example, canned food quickly deteriorates when opened and can cause). In addition, when planning a route, you need to pay attention to the paths that will pass by bushes with berries. Berries will help diversify the hiking diet and saturate the body of travelers with essential vitamins.

In general, from all the information described above, we can make an obvious conclusion that the organization of the trip should be taken as responsibly as possible. After all, the safety and health of not only yours, but also the person next to you may depend on what things and food you take when going on a hike. But why not do it for the pleasure of "merging" with nature together?

When choosing between a hiking, water and mountain route, you should give preference to the first. This is due to the fact that a beginner already has a lot of tests: from collecting a backpack to cooking on a fire, and you should not look for unnecessary difficulties.

Difficulty category

All tourist routes have their own category of difficulty: from I to VI in ascending order. The first few hikes should be on the easiest routes that have the first category. They are quite picturesque and have well-equipped parking lots, but at the same time they are quite simple and safe.

Route duration

It makes no sense to go on a long trip for the first time. It is advisable to limit yourself to a weekend trip, or, at most, a five-day route. This will allow you to sensibly assess your strengths and the hardships of such a vacation, as well as to understand whether all members of the team can endure such a load.

Medical contraindications

Before you go camping, you should consult with your therapist. Such a rest is contraindicated in diseases of the heart, lungs, spine, untreated colds and many other diseases.

Collecting things

Do not leave the collection of things for the last day, it is advisable to start it 3-5 days before departure. Make a list of what you need, as you pack your backpack, cross out what you have collected and add what you remember. At the same time, remember that all this will have to be carried on your shoulders, therefore the best option healthy minimalism.

Buying and renting equipment

A novice tourist needs to have a backpack, a tent, a sleeping bag and a rug. It is better to buy these things, because they can be useful not only on a hike. But a set of dishes for a fire, an awning, boats (for a water trip) can be rented. At the same time, it is necessary to check all the rented things at home, so as not to find that they are in a terrible state, already in the midst of a hike.

Drop off and return trip

Solving issues with tickets, including the return trip, is worth it in advance, better long before the trip. This is due to the fact that in the summer time tickets for trains and buses are in high demand and there is every chance of being in a foreign city without the opportunity to get home.

Meals and alcohol on the route

Appoint a caretaker in your group in advance and raise money for groceries. Food layouts (how many grams of cereals, stew, condensed milk, vegetables, etc. a person needs per day) in the assortment are presented on the Internet. Remember that you can cook cereals, soups, make tea and compote on a fire. But frying something is not very convenient, so you don’t need to take a bag of potatoes with you. When choosing products, you should pay special attention to light, free-flowing cereals and pasta, as well as soups in bags. It is better to carry them by pouring them into plastic bottles.

Each instructor will answer the question about alcohol on the route with a categorical “no” and lie. You can and even need to take it, while observing a number of rules. Firstly, after a hard day, an adult needs no more than 100 grams of strong drink to fall asleep. Secondly, you can drink only at the end of the day, when the required distance has been covered and the camp has been set up. And finally, drinks should also be poured into plastic so as not to carry glass and not worry about its safety.

day crossings

On the day a person can easily walk 15-25 kilometers over rough terrain. Beginners should focus on a lower indicator and remember that after every three days on the road, it is imperative to organize a “day trip”, that is, a daily stop.

It is necessary to sensibly assess the physical form of all participants in the campaign in advance so that for one of them these distances do not become unbearable.

The most important thing in the first aid kit

A first-aid kit, in addition to standard products, should also contain bandages (regular and elastic), ointments for burns and bruises, a disinfectant and a huge supply of food poisoning products. In addition, the person responsible for medicines should stock up on painkillers, antibiotics, anti-allergic drugs and check with each member of the group if he needs specialized medicines.

Clothing and footwear

Things to hike should be taken guided primarily by their functionality and convenience. So, on the route you will need: trekking boots and slippers (to the camp), a set of thermal underwear, and a couple of sets of ordinary underwear, a fleece jacket or sweater, waterproof pants and a jacket that can protect against rain and wind, a cap or headband, shorts, a pair t-shirts, a swimsuit (if there are day trips by the ponds on the way).

Setting up the camp

It is worth starting setting up the camp before it gets dark. The perfect place the edge of the forest or the shore of a reservoir is considered. Tents should be located at least 30 meters from the fire, and in no case on the leeward side.

When setting up the camp, the attendants immediately begin to engage in a fire and prepare dinner, and the rest put up tents, pull up an awning, dry things if such a need arises, etc.

Communication with local residents

It is worth setting up a camp at a distance from settlements, and politely see those who look at the light go home. Away from Moscow, it is customary to steal from tourists, therefore, if there is a village near the camp, it is advisable to remove all valuables under the awnings of the tents.

Otherwise, be friendly, avoid close contact with strangers.


In the camp and when driving, observe safety precautions: do not lose sight of each other, do not turn off the route, do not make fires near the tents. By the way, the tent burns for exactly three seconds, and you can leave it at best in half a minute, so you need to pay special attention to planning the parking lot.

Do not leave trash in an abandoned parking lot. As a rule, in equipped camps there is a place for garbage, but if it is not there, try to burn most of it, and take what is left with you to the nearest settlement.

Logical completion of the route

No matter how the trip goes and no matter what impressions it leaves, be sure to meet with your companions a week after it ends. For experienced tourists, this meeting is called a "goose house" and is extremely highly valued. After looking at the photos, talking and remembering the funny moments of the hike, most of those who have tried it once begin to plan the next route.

Photo: thinkstockphotos.com, flickr.com

Weekend hike method


2. Preparation for the campaign.

2.1. General provisions

2.3. Tourist equipment.

3. Hiking

3.1. General provisions

3.2. Food for tourists.

3.3. Tourist topography.

3.4. Organization of the bivouac.



Tourism in our country has gained great popularity, has become one of the most popular types of physical culture and recreation activities, sports and active rest youth. Sports hiking trips are the most important means of improving the health and physical improvement of people.

The most common and affordable form for the population of all age groups tourist trips are weekend hikes, participation in which after a hard week's work is very effective.

The main thing in the preparation of weekend trips is the goal for which the route is being developed. When developing a weekend hiking route, age, physical fitness, and the interests of students are taken into account. You should not, especially at first, get carried away overcoming long distances. Such hikes are tiring, and this can discourage children from participating in hikes. It is desirable to return from a weekend hike by transport (by bus, commuter train). If this is not possible, then the trip program should be built taking into account the time spent on the return trip. At the same time, the total length of the weekend hike route includes the return trip.

The inclusion of mass events in the program of weekend hikes (games on the ground, competitions in tourism, orienteering, amateur competition around the fire, cooking on the fire) increases interest in hiking, improves the emotional state of the hikers, makes the rest more effective.

1. general characteristics weekend trips

Where work is carried out on initial tourist and local history training, work with excursionists on weekend hikes is carried out by junior instructors. Chefs who have certain skills in tourist and local history work can be of great help. And for enthusiasts, you can organize a seminar on the organization and methodology of weekend hikes.

Group equipment will consist of a map of the hiking area, a compass, a first aid kit, matches, a camera, a campfire (fire pit, bowlers, hooks), equipment for tourism competitions (ropes, carabiners, harnesses, canvas gloves). A welcome companion of a tourist is a guitar.

Depending on the season and weather conditions, the clothes of the participants of the weekend hike will be a training or storm suit, a headdress, sports shoes or worn low-heeled shoes, woolen socks. Underwear made of synthetic fabric is undesirable, as well as socks made of synthetic threads.

The document giving the right to conduct a weekend trip is a route sheet of the established form, to which is attached a schedule and route scheme.

Upon returning from a hike, the route

A sheet with marks on the route is registered and, together with a brief report of the leader of the trip, is stored in the appropriate folder with the tour organizer.

During weekend trips, methods of movement, overcoming natural obstacles planned on the route, methods of collective insurance and self-insurance are worked out, equipment is checked and finalized. Specially created heavy loads in these hikes make it possible to identify and compare the physical condition and training of individual participants.

2. Preparing for the trip

2.1. General provisions.

Before you go hiking, you need to prepare well for it.

Preparation begins with the acquisition of the group. The most important thing - the choice of the route of the trip - depends on who will be in it, what is the physical training and tourist experience of the participants in the trip, what tasks they set, what time and money they have.

Based on the duration and complexity of the route, the composition of the participants in the campaign and the planned tasks, general and special equipment, repair and first-aid kits are prepared. The caretaker of the group draws up lists of products, outlines where it is better to buy them, and solves the issue of packaging. The obtained data on the route, equipment and food allow us to determine the total weight of the cargo, the weight of backpacks on the approaches and on the main route, and to make an estimate of expenses.

It is necessary that all participants in the campaign have not only similar skills and knowledge, similar interests, but also approximately the same physical training. To do this, prior to the trip, joint training sessions should be organized, during which tourists improve physically and master technical skills and techniques for overcoming obstacles.

Competitions in the technique of various types of tourism help to develop techniques and check equipment. It is useful to participate in them, but, of course, you should not get carried away only with them, forgetting about the most important thing in tourism - the cognitive process. The training program includes: setting up a tent, lighting a fire, crossing a log across a river or ravine, etc.

It should not be forgotten that such competitions are of a test nature, and serve to determine the technical readiness of tourists for the upcoming trips. They compare the achievements not comprehensively, but according to individual indicators, but after all, technical preparedness alone is not enough to complete the main campaign.

Tourist groups planning to conduct a hike in the territory of the reserve or border zone must issue a permit for this in advance in the prescribed manner. But it should not be imputed to check for such permission.

All of the above questions on the preparation of the group for the trek and the execution of route documents are mainly the responsibility of the leader of the trek.

2.2. Choice of travel route.

On weekend hikes, you can use a variety of types of transportation: on foot or on skis, on boats and kayaks, on bicycles and motorcycles. Each of them has its own charms and distinctive features. How best to move - it largely depends on the roads on which you have to go. On the way there will be forests and open fields, picturesque banks of rivers and lakes, impenetrable swamps. Where is it better to go, how to overcome obstacles? This must be known in advance, because knowledge of the area will facilitate the choice of the route.

Choosing a route is not an easy task. In addition to the conditions of the area, it is necessary to take into account the desire of tourists, proceed from their interests and travel goals.

What is the purpose of a weekend trip?

Let's start with the simplest - the usual walk through the picturesque places. For this, it is not necessary to go somewhere far from home. It will be enough to go to the nearest suburban forest, to a river or lake, where you can have a great rest.

When the main purpose of the trip is clear, you can choose a route for travel. The route, as a rule, is chosen as a circular or linear route. With a circular route, the beginning and end of it are at the same point, and with a linear route, these points are different. Radial routes, which involve returning to the starting point along the same path, do not provide as many new experiences as the first two types of route, and therefore, as a rule, are not recommended for weekend hikes. When choosing a route, it is very important to successfully identify a place to spend the night, where there must be water, and the time should be calculated so as to get to it before dark.

When choosing a route, each tourist group should use gazetteers, maps and tourist guides.

When laying a route on a map or diagram, one should strive for its route to pass along the most convenient and picturesque country roads, paths, river and stream valleys, through simple mountain passes, equipped crossings, settlements of interest for inspection.

Of course, we must not forget about the time of the year when the trip will be made. If it is early spring or late autumn, when the weather is very unstable, you should choose drier places to make it easier to move around. In the hot season, it is better to go through the forest, and to rest, stop by the river.

Any trips should be carried out according to increasing difficulty. For example, in winter, on skis, first, a transition on flat terrain, the next - with long gentle slopes, on which it is easier for beginners to learn to descend, and only later can you plan to move across rough terrain, where there are dense forests, steep hills, an ice-covered river. Of course, the last route is the most diverse and therefore more interesting.

Those who are serious about tourism can organize weekend training trips with the special purpose of preparing for a long, for example, summer trip. For a long time, preferably in the spring, you need to outline certain topics for each study trip.

For example, in one of them you can acquaint the hikers with the methods of orienting themselves on the terrain using a map and compass, terrain, etc. In another trip, analyze in detail the conditions necessary for choosing a place to spend the night in the field, in the third one, test endurance (the ability to swim, endure cold overnight stays, etc.).

The list of such topics can be continued. After all, in each case they will be individual. The main thing is that you need to be able to distribute your time, days off in such a way that you can evenly plan the outlined topics for the entire proposed training cycle. In addition, it is still necessary to leave time for the direct preparation of equipment, medicines, tickets, etc. Only then will the planned trip bring joy and satisfaction.

If tourists want to travel by boat, then the route is chosen in a slightly different way. It will depend on whether the group uses its own or rental vessel. If the boat is rented, then it must be returned to the parking lot in time. This is where the hike will start and end. Therefore, tourists can afford one or two radial routes, for example, up the river, but with a mandatory return to the rental point.

If the boat is own or rented for the season, linear routes can also be provided, which greatly enriches the trip.

Naturally, the desire to discover something new, to go through something that has not yet been passed. Our Republic is so vast, it has so many wonderful corners that interesting routes, discoveries for oneself will be enough for a lifetime.

The route is easier to pass when it is well thought out and studied. Then there will be more time, strength to get acquainted with interesting places and of course, the safety of the trip will increase and the probability of changing or not passing the route will be minimized. Groups of novice tourists and those who are heading to a particular area for the first time should use one of the reference routes. These routes are the most logical and interesting, introduce the sights and include obstacles typical for the area. You can get advice on the route at the tourist club. There you should also read the reports on the trips of other tourist groups.

When developing a route, you need to collect all the necessary information about the hiking area, using maps and diagrams, descriptions of complex obstacles, information about weather conditions, transport capabilities, the state of roads and crossings, etc.

All preparatory work must be carried out in an organized and planned manner. To do this, a plan is drawn up, responsibilities are distributed among the members of the group.

2.3. Tourist equipment.

After the group is completed, the leader, together with his assistants, selects equipment for the trip. It consists of group and personal. Summer for hiking with an overnight stay, you must have: a tent, a first-aid kit, a light ax with a case (one for 3-5 people), a compass, flashlights with spare batteries, matches, two buckets (for 10-15 people) or aluminum pans, food bags, a canteen a knife, a ladle, a piece of oilcloth, needles, threads, covers for dishes. Tents are not required on the day trip.

Personal equipment includes: a backpack, a blanket or sleeping bag, a tracksuit (such as a ski suit), a light hat or scarf, a raincoat, a T-shirt, shorts, shoes (preferably sneakers), woolen and plain socks, a bowl, a mug, a spoon, a knife and toilet accessories. In cool weather, bring a warm jacket or wool sweater.

What kind of tent to bring? Its choice depends on the purpose of the campaign, its nature, purpose.

On two-day hikes, it is preferable to take the Pamirka with you - a light and comfortable tent, the most common among tourists. This tent is designed for three or four people, has high walls and a horizontal ridge.

Upon receipt of the tent at the rental point, it is necessary to check whether all the stretch marks are in place, what is their length and condition.

The backpack is required in a large size, with a sewn-in bottom, with back and side pockets, with wide, dense straps.

Beginners need to be explained and shown how to properly pack things and products in a backpack. First open all pockets and lay the backpack on the ground with the back. Lay a blanket or sleeping bag along the back and bottom of the backpack. Be sure to fill in the corners of the backpack so it fits comfortably on your back. Place heavy items at the bottom: cans, bags of sugar, cereals, etc., and pack clothes and small light items at the top. Then fill in the side pockets. One pocket is for toiletries. This will also include a knife and a flashlight. A spoon and small items are usually placed in another pocket. The back pocket holds a bowl and a bowler hat. Roll up the raincoat or jacket and secure it under the top hood of the backpack. You can easily and quickly get them out of there when you need them. It is better to put socks and a change shirt, as well as a map, diagram, notebook, route sheet inside the backpack, otherwise, in heavy rain, all of the above items will get wet.

After that, tie the backpack with a knot with loops. When things are neatly packed, put on a backpack and check if you are comfortable, if solid objects are in the way. Make sure that the weight of the backpack is evenly distributed. So you will experience less fatigue on the road.

A sleeping bag for summer time should be taken light. For a sleeping bag, you definitely need an insert - a substitute for pillowcases, sheets and a duvet cover.

Flashlights with batteries. There are enough two or three per group. You can take spare light bulbs and batteries with you, and even better, if these flashlights are replaced with batteryless "bugs".

Matches. Three or four boxes is enough for a group. But the main thing is to keep them fresh. To do this, wrap a couple of boxes in oilcloth and fill with paraffin.

Axes. To keep them lighter, choose a small size.

Aluminum pans are more convenient than buckets if they are chosen in such sizes that one is inserted into another. They are more comfortable to wear. Pots should have a wire shackle for hanging over the fire.

Covers for pots can be sewn by yourself from any fabric. They are necessary so that the dishes do not contaminate things in the backpack. And for bulk products (salt, sugar, cereals), you need to have special food bags, to which strings are sewn.

Shoes need to be given the most careful attention. Shoes should be chosen slightly larger than their size so as not to rub the foot. You need to measure it on a woolen sock, on top of which a simple one is put on. Wool is hygroscopic and your feet stay dry when walking. A cotton sock is put on so that the woolen sock does not wear out quickly. If you do not have hiking boots or sneakers, you can wear other closed shoes, but be sure to remember that they must certainly be broken in, with low heels and rubber soles.

A tracksuit for summer time is best knitted. On hot days, shorts and a light shirt or T-shirt. Tourists usually put on a light hat with a visor, a panama or a felt hat with wide brim on their heads.

Preparation of equipment for the trip is carried out by all participants. After the end of the trip, the equipment is repaired, if necessary, put in order and delivered to the warehouse in a condition suitable for use by the following groups.

Before the start of the hike, all group equipment, as well as food, is distributed among the participants. Of course, it is necessary to take into account the age, physical development and health of tourists, depending on which the appropriate cargo is determined for each.

On hiking trips, especially difficult ones, the group has to overcome sections with increased level danger. It is impossible to completely exclude the possibility of accidents from tourism, just as it is impossible to exclude the possibility of natural disasters, unforeseen circumstances. But, analyzing these cases, it can be argued that most of them occurred as a result of the wrong actions of the group, its leader. Therefore, at all stages of preparation and verification of the group, it is necessary to make every effort to reduce accidents to zero.

But even the most active measures to prevent accidents still cannot be a guarantee complete security. At that moment, when the group faces an unexpected danger face to face, it will independently have to quickly and accurately assess the situation, make the only correct decision. And so that such unexpected dangers do not arise during the campaign, it is necessary not only to plan the route correctly, but also to pass it wisely.

3. Hiking

3.1. General provisions

In the first days of the hike, you can not make long transitions and overcome difficult areas that require great physical exertion (for example, mountain passes, rapids on rivers). You should not leave them at the end of the route, when signs of fatigue appear, attention and reaction decrease.

A heavy backpack is a “sad” necessity, but we must try to reduce its weight - not at the expense of the necessary things, but due to the rational selection of high-calorie and light foods, reliable and lightweight equipment. Radial exits at the beginning of the hike and organization of transfers to intermediate points of the route will help to lighten the backpack, and at the same time acclimatize.

At altitude, colds often appear and progress at lightning speed, mountain sickness appears (headache, drowsiness, apathy, lethargy). Altitude acclimatization should be opposed to all this. It includes both high-altitude experience acquired in previous trips, and a certain sequence of altitudes on a given route, excluding unprepared access to maximum heights.

Difficult sections of the route, especially those that are not well visible from the approaches or have several path options, must be passed with preliminary reconnaissance. Part of the group without cargo with the necessary equipment must go out for a detailed inspection, and sometimes for processing the path. In skiing and mountain hiking, the most dangerous are the sections of the slopes in the area of ​​the passes, where avalanches are possible.

It must be remembered that the slope is less prone to avalanches early in the morning and in the first half of the day, when the snow masses are seized by frost. Climbing and descending steep snowy slopes is best done along the line of falling water; cutting the slope with transverse traces should be avoided. Before passing the pass, it is advisable to break the camp as high as possible. They rise to the pass by 8-9 o'clock in the morning, so that there is enough time for the descent. The danger of descending in the afternoon increases due to the fatigue of the group, the likely deterioration of the weather and the condition of the slopes. Even when developing the route, it is recommended to choose the more difficult side of the pass for the ascent, and the easier one for the descent. With a relatively easy ascent, early exit and descent along the slopes of the northern exposure, it is possible to pass the pass with a descent on the same day. With a late exit, a long and difficult ascent and descent along the southern and western slopes, it is advisable to spend the night at the pass. To reduce the time of crossing a difficult pass, it is necessary to select the most experienced and strongest participants for processing the path (hanging a railing, cutting steps, etc.) before the approach of the whole group or do it the day before during reconnaissance. It is better to move along the snow-covered glaciers early in the morning or even at night. During the day it is extremely difficult to move along them: the snow breaks, snow bridges over the cracks become unreliable.

When rafting on rivers, ensuring the safety of passing obstacles must necessarily begin with reconnaissance. At the same time, it is necessary to view not only the entire complex area, but also to explore everything that is below the proposed mooring zone. In the process of reconnaissance, places and methods of insurance, actions of ship crews and insurers in an emergency are determined.

One of the most common causes of hiking accidents is the neglect of insurance. The group is obliged to organize it reliably in all cases when the possibility of self-insurance, self-detention, for example, in case of a breakdown, is in doubt.

River crossings are best organized early in the morning when the water is low, and preferably where they branch into several branches, they flow more calmly, which makes it easier to choose a safe ford. The organization of a hinged crossing, especially in the mountains, is hardly advisable. This time-consuming operation will take the time that is enough for the approach to the upper reaches of the gorge in order to cross to the other side along the moraine or glacier. And there are bridges on mountain rivers.

Halts and overnight stays should be arranged in places that are safe, if possible protected from the wind. Sometimes you have to sacrifice comfort and set up camp in a place that is inconvenient, but protected from possible da-vins, rockfalls, and flooding. A clear organization of bivouac work and conscientious performance by each participant of their duties allow freeing up more time for rest and recuperation.

Even with good preparation for the trip, the group on the route may lose orientation. It happens that in the mountains, especially when visibility is poor, one gorge is mistaken for another. And here you need to be able to force yourself to stop in time, assess the situation, and finally return.

In water trips, even if it is known that other groups passed this threshold and reconnoitered it in detail, the group is obliged at all dangerous places provide insurance in one way or another. Active methods (by another vessel) are most preferred. Unlike passive ones (thrown ends of the ropes, “boat” and forced mooring), they allow you to pick up a person in distress who can no longer act in the water on his own. If for some reason the group cannot organize insurance, then it is obliged to refuse to pass the threshold.

The risk can only be justified when there is no other way out of the situation.

Many books are devoted to the organization of trips on all types of tourism, the solution of tactical and technical problems, the safety of their conduct (a list is attached). They can be found in the libraries of tourist clubs. The duties of the participants and the leader of the hike are clearly set out in the Rules for conducting tourist sports trips.

3.2. Food for tourists.

A very important issue when conducting a weekend trip is catering. Human food, as you know, consists of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, mineral salts and water. Deficiency or excess of one of these components leads to various disorders of the body, increasing its fatigue.

Knowing the calorie content of certain types of products, you can create a rational and nutritious menu for a hike. Proteins are found in dried and condensed milk, cheese, fats - in sunflower, soy, butter, carbohydrates - in cereals and flour products, potatoes, sugar. AT winter time the diet should be increased and contain 150 g of protein, 150 g of fat, 600 g of carbohydrates.

For nutrition with vitamins, multivitamins in dragee are convenient, as well as glucose tablets with ascorbic acid. It is good to take a lemon with you, which has the highest amount of vitamin C.

Mineral salts are usually found in sufficient quantities in drinking water and in a wide variety of products.

Catering for tourists during the trip has a number of features. When preparing for a trip, the calculation of products is carried out from the average norm per day per person, multiplied by the number of tourists and days of the trip. The approximate daily norm of products per tourist is: bread-500-600 g, meat products-180-200 g, butter-30-40 g, sugar-100-150 g, cereals - 200-250 g, milk powder-50- 70 g, cheese - 50-75 g.

As a rule, meat products are taken on a hike: meat stew, liver pate; from cereals: semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. Various concentrates, as well as powdered milk, are popular with tourists. We should not forget about seasonings, such as bay leaf, pepper, garlic. The resulting products are packaged in 1-2 kg bags in polyethylene or other waterproof bags and distributed among backpacks evenly among tourists.

The daily diet of a tourist on a hike is distributed as follows: breakfast accounts for 35% of the daily calorie content, lunch - 40%, and dinner - 25%. With large intervals in eating, it is useful to eat 2-3 pieces of sugar on the go. During ski trips, due to the short day, breakfast and dinner are made more high-calorie, and lunch is relatively light (for example, sandwiches and sweet tea).

Food should not be taken immediately after a tiring transition. At least 1.5 hours should be the interval between dinner and going to bed.

The drinking regime is strictly observed during the hike, as a large number of water drunk on short breaks increases the load on the heart, contributes to profuse sweating and increased loss of salts. Therefore, tourists are advised to quench their thirst in the morning before the start of the trip, at large halts and in the evening at the place of spending the night. It is not recommended to use snow to quench your thirst, this can lead to colds and additional loss of salts from the body, since there are no salts in the snow. Boiled water is preferable; in extreme cases, raw water must first be neutralized with chlorine tablets.

In order to eliminate the feeling of dryness in the mouth, it is good to suck on a sour candy or mint candy while walking. It is better for skiers to take ascorbic acid tablets with glucose on the go. They also eliminate thirst and, in addition, improve well-being and increase efficiency.

Food of tourists can be diversified by various "gifts of nature". In the spring, horsetail pestle can be used to make a salad. Burdock roots replace potatoes in borscht. If these roots are crushed and boiled with sugar to a thick mass, jam will turn out. A fragrant drink can be made by brewing currant or strawberry leaves in boiling water. Various berries, fruits of wild fruit trees, nuts, mushrooms, caught fish and many other "finds" not only enrich the tourist table, but also contain many nutrients. And the collection itself makes the trip even more exciting.

We have already talked about what kind of dishes you need to take for cooking. It is only necessary to make a few clarifications. Buckets made of aluminum, stainless steel or pans with bows (always on riveted ears) must be with lids. By volume, they are calculated at 0.8 liters per person for soup and 0.5 liters for the second course. For boiling water, milk, cooking jelly, coffee, compote, you should have a large can or a separate bucket, for frying onions - a small frying pan, and for pouring first courses and third courses (tea, coffee, compote) - two ladles or large pouring spoons. You also need hooks or chains for hanging dishes over a fire, for buckets or pots - covers. That's the whole list of accessories needed for cooking.

3.3. Tourist topography.

Every tourist should know topography, be able to read a map, navigate the terrain with confidence. If you do not have this knowledge, you can incorrectly evaluate the route, lose a lot of time, and sometimes even get lost and disrupt the trip itself. In this chapter, we want to briefly talk about the basics of topography, individual ways of orienting, working with a map, and also give some practical advice, which would make it easier for the tourist to develop the route of the hike and conduct it.

A tourist, usually using an administrative or tourist map, must carefully study it, remember the scale, which determines the ratio of the length of the line on the map to the length of the corresponding line on the ground. It is better to have the most accurate map of the last year of publication, this will eliminate possible errors when planning a route.

If a tourist needs to make a copy of the map, adding his own clarifications, then you need to do this in the most careful way, very carefully.

A tourist going on a hike should study the topographic signs well and remember all the conventional images on the map. Only then will he be able to "read" it, i.e., abstracting from the image on the map, mentally imagine roads, clearings, rivers, relief, vegetation, etc.

Neglect of the study of conventional signs often confuses groups of travelers, makes them walk extra kilometers, and sometimes can lead to difficult situations. Indeed, for each landscape, its own specific, conventional signs peculiar only to this area are important. Therefore, when preparing for a trip, in addition to developing a route, the specifics of the travel area are also studied.

Many objects, scaled down to match the scale of the map, become so small that they are difficult to see. For example, a bridge is just a thin line that can get lost on the map. Main roads, power lines, towers, towers, etc. are also very small in area, but are the main landmarks. In order for such small, but important objects to be distinguished on the maps without difficulty and immediately conspicuous, conventional signs are used that are enlarged in comparison with the actual sizes.

Inscriptions of conventional signs on a map of any scale are of the same type. Conventional signs are divided into scale or contour, off-scale, linear, areal and explanatory.

In total, there are about four hundred conventional signs and combinations, but this is for topographers, and travel lovers need to know only the basic signs in order to quickly and correctly read the map.

The map is abstract until the distance between objects is determined.

Distance is determined using a scale. Usually indicate the scale value - the distance in meters or kilometers, corresponding to 1 cm on the map. In addition, scales are given - numerical and linear (graphical expression of the numerical). A linear scale is useful for measuring distance. This is easy to do with a measuring compass. Putting the legs of the compass on the points you want to measure the distance between, and applying the compass to a linear scale, get the distance you need. If the distance is greater than the length of the scale, or it is necessary to measure along a curved line, for example, along a road, it is determined by the steps of a compass. If the line is not very winding, it is convenient to take a step of 1 cm. If you do not have a compass, you can use a strip of paper, make marks on it on the map and attach them to the linear scale in the same way as the legs of the compass.

Long distances along a broken line are usually measured with a curvimeter. When the scale is graduated in centimeters, the reading is multiplied by the scale value. Sometimes there are three scales on the curvimeter, calibrated immediately in kilometers for maps of scale 1: 25,000, 1: 50,000 and 1: 100,000. If the map has a different scale, for example, 1: 500,000, the scale reading for 1: 50,000 must be multiplied by 10 .

When preparing for a hike, when the route is chosen, it is necessary to determine whether it is realistic, and be sure to measure the distance to be covered. Having determined the day's transition, one should roughly estimate how long the journey will take, and then measure the distance between waypoints and landmarks along the entire route; note streams and rivers, difficult sections of the path, settlements, sightseeing objects, large transverse roads. Having measured successively the distances from one landmark to another, make a table; To do this, write down the points and landmarks from the beginning of the route to the end in the column, and mark the distances between the landmarks on the right. In the next column, write down the distance from the beginning of the route to the corresponding point. Then there will be a basis for drawing up a real trip schedule, taking into account the specific conditions and capabilities of the group.

However, a topographic map is not able to display all the diversity of the area, and even more so tourist schemes.

With the help of an eye, you estimate the distance to surrounding objects, their size, color. But the eye is by no means a standard "instrument", and the eye is an individual ability of a person. Therefore, only constant training in various weather conditions and in different time days will help to accurately determine the distance to any objects. You can rely on your eye when you are wrong by no more than 10% per 1 km. You can control yourself by milestones, pickets on the railway track.

3.4. Organization of the bivouac.

The success of a weekend hike largely depends on how the campsite was organized. It is chosen in advance, better on the recommendation of experienced comrades, in safe place, where there is fuel and clean drinking water. The surrounding area should be picturesque, conducive to a pleasant stay.

Parking should not be arranged in thickets and dense shrubs. There is a high risk of forest fires. Near the bivouac there should be no dried, rotten trees that can be knocked down by the wind. If the route passes through mountainous terrain, the bivouac breaks up in places that are safe from rockfalls, avalanches, landslides and mudflows.

It is good for cyclists to set up their bivouac in the forest adjacent to the road. Watermen are looking for a convenient place close to the river, with the best approach to it. There are many sites for pedestrians on the forest edges, in large forest clearings, along the banks of reservoirs.

A bivouac should not be arranged near pioneer camps, railway stations, water piers, industrial enterprises, as well as next to carriageways, high-voltage transmission lines, settlements. It is not recommended to set up tents on the coastal slopes, at the foot of steep banks, where there may be landslides.

Depressions and hollows should also be avoided - during showers, tents can be flooded with water.

In places where mosquitoes abound, the camp is arranged on a coastal slope or a high open place where mosquitoes and midges are afraid of the wind.

Setting up a bivouac requires a lot of effort. Setting up tents during daylight hours - 2-3 hours before dark - will allow you to avoid many small mistakes and misunderstandings that arise when camping in the dark. Here is a poorly chosen place, and the search for water and firewood, and the temporary "loss" of things, and even the rearrangement of tents at night.

The site on which the tents are placed should be flat or slightly sloping and, of course, dry. How to arrange tents, tourists decide at their own discretion.

If the group goes along the route previously covered and described by other tourists, then it is better to use their recommendations regarding the location of the bivouac.

Arriving at the place of spending the night, tourists, at the command of the leader, take off their backpacks and proceed to set up a bivouac. Everyone performs their duties. Therefore, all work should be evenly distributed among the participants of the campaign. Overloading some and underloading others in the camp will affect the next day in a decrease in the pace of movement, the group will stretch out, and the campaign schedule will be disrupted.

The guide explains separately to the beginner tourists how to make a fire, what they have to do in the camp, how to set up a tent.

3.5. Ensuring safety on the go.

Even the simplest way out of the city contains elements of danger for tourists, especially inexperienced ones.

The causes of emergencies can be errors in the selection of participants in the trip, poor knowledge of the route, poor physical preparation of tourists, lack of equipment, lack of necessary experience from the leader, and, finally, the most important thing - poor discipline in the group.

Wrong selection of participants. Campers may have a significant difference in age, physical training, in the experience of conducting tourist travel, different interests. Sometimes even goals can be different: for some, this is rest, while for others, training for the upcoming trip. The similarity of the group also plays an important role here. If the participants of the campaign were not familiar with each other before, then on the march, especially in difficult situations, discord and violation of discipline may arise in the group.

Poor route knowledge. Insufficient study of the route according to the reports of previous groups, low-quality cartographic material, lack of consideration of the climatic features of the given period and emergency options for movement often put the group in a difficult situation. For example, tourists did not take into account that the road bifurcates - which one of them to go further? In rainy summers, the swamp became impassable for pedestrians, and in dry summers, certain sections of the river became impassable for water tourists. Tourists skiers did not take into account the direction of the wind prevailing in the area. With a long movement towards the wind in low temperatures, some of the tourists got frostbite on their faces.

Weak physical preparation. When overcoming natural obstacles, even the simplest ones, the ankle joints receive a large load. Sometimes (as a rule, in the second half of the hike), a small overload on the ankle joint is sufficient for an untrained tourist, as a dislocation occurs. A sharp difference in the physical preparation of the participants can also bring a lot of trouble to the group: the weak will try to keep up, which will lead them to rapid overwork, the strong will be nervous due to frequent stops, too slow pace of movement. The result is a split in the group, where weak and tired tourists can easily get lost. This is especially dangerous in the winter campaign.

Lack of equipment. The list of equipment and property necessary for a weekend hike is small. You can even shorten it if you want. But there are things that, while not necessary under normal conditions of the campaign, acquire invaluable importance when an emergency occurs in a group. This is a first aid kit, a repair kit, a set of dry spare linen, socks and mittens for ski trips. These are life-saving equipment in trips on water. These are spare matches, a compass and a route plan. Their absence can put the group on the brink of disaster.

Lack of leadership experience. Each obstacle, depending on its nature, weather, time of day, the experience of tourists, requires a certain tactic to overcome it, the technique of passing it. It is the technique and tactics that the leader determines.

If the manager, due to his lack of experience, made an erroneous decision, it can cause an emergency.

Weak discipline in the group is the main cause of accidents and injuries. As a rule, this is due to the lack of authority of the leader of the hike, the lack of similarity in the group, poor knowledge of the rules for organizing and conducting amateur hiking trips. The main danger is in the unauthorized actions of tourists who have very little experience in hiking. With an unauthorized exit into the forest, the tourist got lost. During unauthorized swimming in an unverified place, in the absence of specially allocated observers, the tourist drowned. During unauthorized skiing from the mountains along an untested track, a tourist ran into a stone covered with snow and received a severe head injury. It is these conclusions that can be found when considering acts of emergencies during weekend hikes.

If we turn to the analysis of accidents that occurred during weekend trips, then the main cause of accidents and injuries is a violation of the rules of behavior on the water when tourist groups are on vacation. Diving from boats, from a steep bank in untested areas of water bodies, swimming in forbidden places, in areas of industrial sand mining, swimming alone or even in a group, but without setting up a tourist on duty, swimming behind fences, swimming at night, in cold weather and, most importantly, drunk - these are the main causes of emergencies with tourists.

But accidents are not so rare when tourist groups move along the highways. water routes. Here the main reasons are: lack of personal life-saving appliances, previously unexplored natural or artificial obstacles, neglect of insurance when driving in difficult areas, stretching the column over a considerable distance, excluding the relationship and interaction during emergency situations, excessive distance from the coast when sailing through large bodies of water, ignorance of the rules for navigation on inland navigation routes (crossing the course to oncoming vessels, overtaking them from under the stern, passing too close from river vessels, movement along the navigable fairway in conditions of poor visibility or at night without signal lights), lack of reserve buoyancy (volleyball or car cameras), unreasonable abandonment of an overturned kayak with a reserve of buoyancy.

In second place in terms of the number of accidents and injuries are weekend winter hikes. Such trips make serious demands on travelers. Tourists must be prepared for low temperatures and sudden changes in weather, for various types of snow cover, for high speeds on the descent, and in some areas for avalanche danger. At the same time, they have to cross water spaces covered with ice of unknown thickness, forest thickets with deep snow cover, treeless places with hard crust. Here, the causes of accidents and injuries can be the following: lack of mutual inspection when moving against the wind in frosty weather, driving in fog with long intervals between participants, leaving the forest zone in blizzard conditions, organizing reconnaissance of the further path by a small group in poor visibility, strong stretching of the group, division of the group into strong and weak ones, downhill skiing along a slope that is not completely visible, descent not along one ski track, but along parallel untested tracks, lack of intervals when crossing an avalanche-prone slope, cutting this slope, lack of equipment, tight shoes, poor willpower training of the participant, etc. P.

If we summarize all of the above, it becomes clear that the main reason for all accidents and injuries in tourism is the wrong actions of the tourists themselves. That is why tourist sections, tourist clubs are required before the start of each summer and winter season to hold seminars for the leaders of weekend hikes, active commissions on weekend hikes and route qualification commissions on ensuring the safety of tourist events, studying the dangers in each type of amateur tourism, on technique and tactics of overcoming natural and artificial obstacles.

Conclusion - Summing up the campaign.

The group went to the bus stop, to the train platform - the final destination of the journey. So, the active part of the route is over. But the journey is still going on. After all, tourists should not only get home, but also hand over their equipment, analyze the trip, sum up its results.

Usually, the analysis gives an assessment of the content of the campaign, the degree of its complexity. Participants express their opinion on the feasibility of certain events held, wishes for possible events that could make the future trip more interesting. Here, the leader notes the positive and negative aspects in the actions of the participants both in the preparation of the campaign and during its implementation. In turn, the participants also express their opinions about the actions of the leader.

Before or after the analysis, the head appoints a person responsible for the delivery of tourist equipment. If the amount of equipment rented is large, several people are allocated to help the person in charge. They, as a rule, here all the participants of the campaign transfer all the rental equipment. The person responsible for the delivery checks the quantity and safety of the equipment, appoints his assistants a meeting time at the rental point.

If the group has repeatedly traveled in the same composition, then when summarizing the results, tourists express their wishes about organizing the next weekend hike, choose a leader, and distribute tasks.

On the next working day, the head of the trip passes the route sheet to the instructor of the physical culture team of the enterprise (for subsequent transfer to the tourist section) or to one of the members of the commission for weekend trips.

In the future, the commission checks the number of weekend trips completed by each member of the group, transfers information to the route qualification commission to check the quality of trips and draw up (based on the results of the month or quarter) the relevant documents for awarding the tourist with a badge.

At the same time, the commission also makes sure that the trips take place without violating the Rules for organizing and conducting trips and the Rules for Nature Protection. Not a single case of violation should be left without serious analysis and punishment of the perpetrators.

One of the members of the commission on weekend hikes should talk with the leader of the hike. At large enterprises, when several groups go on weekend trips at once, a member of the commission gathers all the leaders. In a short conversation, he determines to what extent the route of the hike or the area where it is carried out may be of interest to subsequent tourist groups. If the route is interesting, and the tourist section does not have detailed information about it, then the leader of the trip is invited to draw up a route passport - the shortest reporting document. In the passport, it is necessary to provide basic data about the route (scheme, total mileage and between individual, most characteristic, points or objects, travel time, the presence of fairly complex natural or artificial obstacles, ways to overcome them or bypass routes, places for halts and overnight stays, etc. .) and about its sightseeing objects (where they are located, what they are connected with, the mode of operation). In conclusion, we can recommend a list of literature from which tourists will receive more detailed local history information. It should be remembered that the main purpose of the passport is to give the main background information tourists who want to follow this route in the future. In turn, the next group will be happy to use the passport of the route that other tourists once walked.

An important role in the visual propaganda of the campaign is played by photographic materials. During the trip, the leader of the group should, if possible, organize shooting of the most characteristic places so that the resulting pictures take their place in the group's photo album.

For a long time, tourism has not been viewed as a fun pastime, as a primitive recreation and entertainment in nature. Tourism is not only recreation. Tourism is a search, new discoveries, new experiences.

And for good reason, therefore, the most tempting for a tourist is to obtain information that may be useful, to draw the attention of interested organizations to a small, but new feature of the relief or vegetation cover, an interesting phenological phenomenon, a curious natural anomaly.


Bureau of the weekend hiking section of the LOSTiE Tourist Club / Ed. A. A. Ivanova, R. I. Kravchenko, N. I. Levitskaya. - L., 1986.

Granilshchikov Y. Family tourism. M., 1983; Brief tourist guide. 3rd ed. M., 1985.

Literature for lovers of cycling//Comp. A. A. Bulgakov. Bicycle tourism. - M., 2001.

Lysogor N.A., Tolstoy L.A., Tolstaya V.V. Food for tourists on a hike. M., 1980.

Shiyanov L.P., Rogat-kin A.V. Weekend hikes. M., 2005.

Schmeiger DV I want to see the Earth. M., 2002.