Fight for the vitigation of the vessel. Rescue

In general, the struggle for non-passability includes two main sets of events:

1) liquidation of water treatment (water control).

2) restoration of stability and hidden damaged vessel.

The liquidation of water purification is a measure of the crew of the crew for the unprofitability of the vessel under the leadership of the captain in accordance with the ship's operational plans to combat the vitality and information on stability and landing of the vessel.

The general organization of the struggle for non-passability includes the following crew actions algorithms:

1. Detection of water intake inside the vessel.

This is possible by explicit or indirect features. As a rule, explicit signs (water flow through the hole) is not possible to record, but on indirect signs to detect an emergency situation associated with the flooding of the vessel, possibly (focusing, decks; the noise of air emerging through the air, measuring pipes, through the departures of the electrocabilities ; noise of incoming water in the compartment; filtration water in adjacent with emergency compartments; deflection of bulkheads; the deaf sound published by the bulkhead or deck when the metal object is impaired, etc.).

2. Alert and report.

The first, who noticed the specified explicit or indirect signs of water intake on the ship must first of all possible to report on the GCP (the main command post) using means of communication, alarm or messengers. To declare a "emergency alarm" in the event that there are people nearby.

3. Announcement of the public alarm.

Having received information on the emergency at the vessel, the Watched Assistant Captain is obliged to declare the public alarm with the possible explanation of the water intake area.

4. Detection of the place, size and nature of damage.

For this purpose, the damage area is intelled (if possible).

The premises are examined to determine the places of water flow, the scale and nature of damage to the vessel body, the boundaries of the flooded area are established.

In this regard, it is advisable to take into account the classification of the blades.

Chain classification

The sealing of any damage to the vessel body begins with determining the nature of damage and the degree of danger for the vessel, its size, location relative to Waterlinia. Slobs are classified according to the following features:

A) in size:

small holes, including intricate holes, with an area of \u200b\u200b0.05 m 2 (with a diameter of 25 cm);

medium holes, as well as other holes, an area of \u200b\u200b0.10-0.50 m 2;

large holes, including Lases, the neck of the neck of up to 2 m 2;

very large spacers with an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 2 m 2.

B) in the nature and degree of danger for the vessel:

significant damage (large holes in the underwater part of the vessel - the flooding of the compartment within a few seconds or minutes);

minor damage (cracks, fistulas, corrugations - filtering, slow water propagation, system damage, impermeability disorders, bulkhead).

B) by location of the spinown relative to the active Waterlinia:

underwater breakdowns;

superwater holes are significantly higher than Waterlinia;

superwater samples in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Waterlinia.

5. Determining the amount of water coming into the vessel (Table 1).

Table 1

The amount of intricate water (m 3) entering the vessel compartment through various spaces on various depths in 1 hour

Depth of holes M (ft)

Space space, m2

Small holes

Medium soles

Large holes

The waterproofing is characterized by two main values: an area (size) of the holes and the hydrostatic pressure of the water (the distance from the surface of the water to the center of the samples). For these values, it is judged by the possibility of embedders, determine the amount of fastened water and the rate of flooding of the compartment, and also calculate the time for which the emergency room will be filled with water.

The amount of water coming into the compartment at a constant pressure is determined by the formula:

where q is the amount of water coming through the hole, m 3 / s;

m is the expiration ratio taken equal to 0.65-0.75 (for large slots the value of the coefficient value);

sh - the area of \u200b\u200bthe sample, m 2;

g - acceleration of gravity (9.81 m / s 2);

H is the depth of the center of the holes from the water level, m.

With a variable pressure, the amount of water coming into the compartment is determined by the formula:

where h is the sub-project, that is, the distance of the center of the samples from the water level in the compartment, m.

The flooding time of the compartment to the level of intricate water in minutes can be determined by the formula:

where V is the actual compartment volume, m 3;

Q - the amount of water received in the compartment, m 3 / s;

K is the permeability coefficient of the compartment.

The permeability coefficients for different premises are different, but it is considered standard that:

for premises engaged in mechanisms, it is equal to 0.85;

for residential premises - 0.95;

for empty refrigerator trims - 0.98;

for trims with bulk cargoes - 0.60;

tanks filled with liquid cargoes - 1.0;

interdonal and on-board compartments - 0.97;

premises loaded, for example:

barrels - 0.3;

canned in drawers - 0.2;

oil in drawers - 0.29;

flour in bags - 0.6.

6. Termination or limitation of water intake inside the corps and preventing the spread of it on the vessel.

It is necessary to take into account that it is not possible to close the hole, even small sizes, is initially not possible, and limit the flow of water into the emergency compartment so that water-gradual means can cope with pumping.

Sealing blades or damage to the vessel is carried out with the help of emergency supply available on domestic courts in accordance with the supply table. The presence and complete list of such property is determined on the courts of the Russian Federation the requirements of the register and depends on the type of vessel. Emergency property is stored at the posts of struggle for the vitality, the distinctive color of posts and emergency property is blue. The conditions for the storage of various types of emergency assets (ASI) must ensure their safety and availability, the use of ASI is permitted only for direct purpose (for training it is necessary to have educational emergency property) and, when used, should be replenished in the first port of the entry to the required norms.

The emergency supply includes:

emergency inventory: sliding stops, jacks, clamps, hook bolts, swivelhead bolts, valve metal plasters, wooden plasters with soft sides, universal plugs with three grips, bohels, clamps and other special adaptations;

emergency materials: Wooden plugs, wedges, boards, bars, cement, sand, Surik, Fat Technical, Pacle, Nails, Staples, Liquid glass and other materials specified by the requirements of the Register and, in addition to them, provided for by the ship crew;

emergency tools: defined register regulations rigging and plumbing tools.

In addition, for the temporary sealing of large scheduling on ships, the presence of soft plasters, the type of the plastering for this vessel is determined by the register depending on the length of the vessel. The following types of plasters distinguish:

the chain plaster - is designed for ships with a length of more than 150 m, has standard dimensions of 4.5x4.5 or 3.0x3.0 m, reinforced strength and pockets for installing ribbon ribs;

lightweight plaster - designed for ships from 70 to 150 m, standard size 3.0x3.0 m;

a pinned plaster - designed for ships from 24 to 70 m, standard size 2.0x2.0 m;

training plaster or Makarov's plaster - applied on all vessels as an educational, but can be applied in the necessary cases of blades, size 2.0x2.0 m;

the wooden plaster with soft sides - is designed for sealing small and medium spripes on flat and having a small curvature areas of the trim, standard dimensions 55x250x250 mm and 125x400x600 mm, if necessary, wooden plasters are manufactured at the place directly on board the vessel.

The avoidance of water propagation in adjacent emergency compartment is ensured by increasing the strength of the bulkhead, decks, that is, reinforcement, using emergency forest, sliding metal stops. For this purpose, referees are created by the borders of the fight against water (Kore-1 and Kore-2 standby).

Fig. one. Installation of the Lights of Defense to Combat Water on the vessel: VL - Waterlinia; GNP - waterproof bulkheads; Ditch - border of defense to combat water

The first frontier is created on the external borders of impenetrable bulkheads (Fig. 1), decks and platforms of flooded premises, the second frontier - on the outer boundaries of impermeable premises, adjacent with flooded compartments. On Kore-1 recommended:

maintain the impermeability of the contour along the border of the frontier;

reinforce damaged impermeable bulkheads, decks, closures;

prepare for the action of waterfront and drainage, launch only by order with the GCP;

establish observation of waterproof at the border of the frontier;

turn off the power supply of equipment that has been flooded or under threat of flooding and unsuitable for use under water;

disable damaged areas of pipelines of ship systems passing through flooded compartments;

report on the GKP on the progress of water. On Kore-2 it is necessary:

maintain the impermeability of the contour on the border of the frontier;

establish reinforcements for deformed impenetrable closures;

prepare stationary and portable water supply facilities for emergency and rescue assets to immediate action;

remove filtration water;

establish monitoring of the impermeability status of structures at the turn;

report on the GKP on the progress of water.

7. Restoration of the waterproof of the vessel body, its waterproof bulkheads, decks, platforms and the second bottom.

8. Removal of flooded water from a flooded compartment (after sealing samples) and filtration water from adjacent compartments.

Considering the design of the vessel, it is necessary to use not only waterproof water to pump water, but also to use the crossing and pumping water into the bottom compartments (hold).

9. Hindering an emergency vessel while maintaining a sufficient stock of buoyancy and stability.

Instructions for the prevention of accidents and the struggle for the survivability of vessels are recommended to hold events in the following order:

stop moving, flowing or crossing cargo for damaged board;

remove water from non-fully flooded rooms with large free surfaces located before the accident above the active waterline, or, as an exception, pull into the lower rooms;

dry off the damaged compartment and adjacent rooms after sealing samples;

move down the hard goods located high, and in exceptional cases, remove them overboard;

to take the ballasting of the vessel.

Liquid cargoes must be pumped, if possible, from tanks (tanks) with greater capacity in tanks with less capacity to complete their fill. The residue of liquid cargo is pumped into tanks, symmetrical relative to the diametrical plane of the vessel. This should avoid pumping liquid goods from tanks adjacent to a flooded compartment.

To hide the emergency vessel, you should flood the tanks of minimum volumes so that the required hidden moment is created, that is, to reduce the roll, it is necessary to choose the tanks most remote from the diametral plane, and to reduce the differential, the most remote from the Middle. At the same time, the lowest bottoms should be selected and, first of all, the ripe and differential tanks are used if they are on the ship.

Special attention in hiddening the vessel should be drawn to the fact that the hidiment must be carried out only with the positive stability of the emergency ship. Reducing the roll should be carried out in steps up to 5 °, in order to prevent the ship's turning to another board. The longitudinal hide (decrease in the differential) of the emergency vessel should be made only in exceptional cases, namely, to ensure the move and manageability of the vessel, as well as if the differential increases continuously and there is a danger of immersion of the open portions of the deck in water, the debris and steering wheel. With longitudinal hide, it is necessary to monitor the corner of the roll, not allowing it to increase.

After hiding the emergency vessel, it is necessary to consider the total amount of water taken and evaluate the remaining stock of buoyancy.

10. Ensuring the stroke and manageability of an emergency ship.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the main and auxiliary engines, steering wheel and screws, as a whole, the vessel, as well as weather conditions.

5.1. General provisions, damage nature. The place of water intake and the nature of damage to the body depend on the circumstances (collision, landing, the explosion, dodged, etc.). Such damage is shown quite clearly, they are relatively easy to detect.

It is more difficult to establish the cause and place of waters in the appearance of fatigue crack and fistulating, discrepancies of the seams of steel structures, damaged pipelines.

Characteristic signs of water intake into the corps are: the appearance of a static roll of the vessel, a change in the character of pitching with unchanged external conditions of swimming, a noticeable change in the sediment of the vessel, the vessel roll at the steering wheel.

Indirect signs: noise displaced from air compartment through looseness or air pipes; The bore bulkness appeared.

The decision on the drainage of the already flooded compartment is a responsible torque, since the calculations show that different physical laws operate when flooding and draining compartments.

It is possible to quickly fight with water only with small breaks, when the time of flooding of the compartment is measured by hours, which allows you to clearly prepare and carry out all the operations on the sealing of the samples and drainage compartment.

Water control provides for the solution of three tasks: preventing the propagation of water on the vessel, since almost all transport vessels retain the buoyancy only during the flooding of one compartment; Support

platforms in various ways depending on the nature of damage; Removal of water already entered the vessel inside.

You can close the hole in two ways - from the inside and outside.

Grinding samples from the inside Does not require a stop of the vessel and allows you to quickly deploy emergency work to eliminate waters. But in many cases, the use of this method is unrealistic for the following reasons: the work is hampered by hydrostatic water pressure; The edges of the holes most often bent into and have a ripped shape; The platoon may be in a hard-to-reach place; With medium and large slopes, the flooding of the compartment occurs very quickly, and it is not possible to dry the compartment with ship waterproof.

Sealing spacers on an external contour - formulation of the patch - it is possible even with large samples regardless of the area of \u200b\u200bdamage.

5.2. Sealing small scratches and cracks. Minor waters caused by cracks that dropped rivets and dissemination of the density of the joints of the combustion elements of the outer sheaving can be eliminated in various ways, the most typical of which are the following.

Grinding with emergency wedges and traffic jams (Fig. 1.3, a): Wedge 1 (or conical tube 2), wrapped with palaulies (aiding), washed or impregnated with sudial, clogged into a crack (or a hole from the rivet dropped) with a sledgehammer. Sealing should be started with the widest part of the crack, as the thickness of the wedges decreases as it is narrowing. The intervals between the wedges and the very narrow sections of the cracks are cocked by strands with a washed or impregnated with sudic pack. With a slight pressure of water, one person can perform, and with a large pressure - at least two people.

Narrow, "Dreaming" cracks can be sealing with mastic heated to a tough condition and composed of seven parts of a coal tar and one part of the sulfur with the addition of hareed lime.

Hole from dropping rivets close up cork(described above) or bolt is a chest head (Fig. 1.3, b): Bolt 3 is introduced into the hole in the trim 7, while the head 6 turns spontaneously, the wooden laying 5 and the washer 4 put on the inside.

Fastening a wooden shield On the platoon (Fig. 1.3, c): A wooden shield 9 with a matte is applied to it with a mat 8. The wooden laying 5 is installed on the shield. The wooden laying 5, which resumes the Positioning Bar 10. The other end of the bar rests into the foundation 11 of the mechanism and It is crushed by wedges 1.

Fig. 1.3. Sealing small scaffolding: a - emergency wedges and traffic jams; 6 - bolt with a swivel head; in a wooden shield; r - pillow with a kidel; d - felt mat or wooden shield; E - emergency clamp; 1 - wedges; 2 - conical stopper; 3 - bolt; 4 - washer; 5 - Wooden gasket; 6 - bolt head; 7 - sheathing; 8 - mat; 9 - wooden shield; 10 - auxiliary bar; 11 - foundation; 12 - pillow with a kidel; 13 - bulkhead; 14 - construction bracket; 15 - wooden seats; 16-felt mat; 17 - clamp; 18 - screw; 19 - capture; 20 - spline; 21 - Wooden Patch

Grinding pillow with Copleya (Fig. 1.3, d): on the hole or crack in the outer trim 7 vertical

the steel structure is applied with a pillow 12 with a kidel and through a wooden gasket 5 pressed the spacer wheel 10, which rests on the bulkhead 13 and is crushed with wedges 1.

Grinding felt Matom.or wooden shield (Fig. 1.3, d) cracks and slopes in the bottom of the vessel: with the help of a construction bracket 14 spacer bars 10 fasten in the form of the letter "T". A felt mat 16 or a wooden shield 15 is installed on the hole (crack). Raise the bonded bars and squeeze them with wedges 1 with focusing in the fighter.

Sealing breaks with emergency clamp (Fig. 1.3, e): A wooden plaster 21 with a soft upholstery is installed on the hole in the outer trim 7. Clamp 17 is fixed to the splits 20 by grippers 19. The compression of the patch is made with a screw 18 through a wooden laying 5.

Other embodiments of small samples are possible: using a wooden hard patch and a sliding metal stop or a boxed plaster and hook bolt, etc.

5.3. Removal of pipeline damage. The causes of the pipeline damage can be: natural aging and wear; External forces - a blow with an accident, explosion; Violation of the rules of technical operation - hydraulic blow, freezing of the highway, etc.

The nature of pipeline damage: cracks, fistula, damage to the gaskets, weakening the fastening of the compounds.

In ship conditions, use several ways to eliminate damage to pipelines.

Welding of damage (fistula, cracks and small spoins) It is a rapid and reliable way to restore the pipeline performance. To ensure high-quality welding, a damaged area must be carefully cleaned. The pipeline for which petroleum products is pumped, it is necessary to rinse and disappear, and in the necessary cases additionally gear. Depending on the location and nature of the cargo transported, the conditions of loading and parking the vessel, the conduct of welding works is sometimes impossible.

Calling damaged areas (Fig. 1.4, a) Usually use if the use of other methods is not possible. Wire 2 is placed on pipeline 5 tightly adjacent to each other rings (types I, II) with a special blade 1 (species I, III). Depending on the working medium, only rubber 4 or an additional steel overlay is applied to the damaged portion.

When bringing damage to pipeline bends (Fig. 1.4, b) apply pasters Soft rubber with sheets of leaf brass 6.

Overlay bougiels (Fig. 1.4, c) is the most common, convenient and reliable way to eliminate pipeline damage. There are several types of bohegels: universal, tape, ribbon bohege-clamps, hinged and sliding, chains on bolts with overlays.

Fig. 1.4. Removal of pipeline damage: a - klenting; b - with the help of pads; in - imposing bugels; 1 -lopatka; 2 - wire; 3 - steel lining; 4 - rubber gasket; 5-pipeline; 6 - Leaflet pad; 7 - Bowheli.


the damage area is carefully cleaned, remove the insulation;

align the edges of damage, bending the inside all the burrs;

to score into damaged plugs or mild steel wedges, wrapped with a rag, greased by Surik; Crop or cutting the protruding parts of the plugs flush with the surface of the pipeline;

masting the place of sealing mastic and put the gasket 4 so that it overlap the damage by 40-50 mm (the laying material depends on the medium conducted by the pipeline);

to lay the laying of red copper or soft steel with a thickness of 2-3 mm, curved through the circumference of the pipe;

impose one or more bougiels 7 and enclosed, tapping the handbrake on them; If there are several bougiels, then the tight is produced from the average to the extreme.

Staging plugs Pipelines are made only in cases where it provides the ability to enable the boiler taken from the action, enter into action one or another important mechanism, or eliminate the passage in the compartment in which the presence of people is necessary.

5.4. Fighting the spread of water on the vessel, reinforcement of structures. Filtering of water from a flooded compartment to neighboring occurs through looseness of waterproof bulkheads and closures: cracks, fistulas, breaks, damage to seals.

To prevent the propagation of water on the vessel during the flooding of one of the compartments, it is necessary to carefully check the waterproof and strength of the bulkhead from the adjacent compartments. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the load acting on the waterproof bulkhead 4 due to the hydrostatic pressure of the water, floating the adjacent compartment (Fig. 1.5). The waterproof pressure on the waterproof bulkhead affects the non-optimability and stability of the vessel. Most transport vessels retain the supply of buoyancy when flooding only one compartment, so that partial or complete flooding of the adjacent compartment can lead to the death of the vessel as a result of the loss of buoyancy. When filtering water into adjacent compartments, large free surfaces of the water may form in them, which will adversely affect the stability of the vessel.

1 - Main deck; 2 - Twinek deck; 3 - stops; 4 - bulkhead; 5 - Double bottom

Fig. 1.6. Reinforcement of bulkhead:with the help of bars and wedges (a) and reinforcement of the door with the help of bars and sliding stop (b): 1 - bars; 2 - Wedge; 3 - sliding stop

The fight against the propagation of water is starting with external structures that protect the flooded compartment, while the focus should be given to compartments that have large volumes and compartments that are vital for the vessel.

With the appearance of signs of violation of the strength and waterproof of bulkheads (replenishment, cracks, separated seams), it is necessary to reinforce the bulkheads using the BRUSEV 1 kits (Fig. 1.6, a). In order to avoid releasing the leaf of the bulkhead, the BRUSEV must have to be on the elements of the set.

If necessary, reinforce the door (hatch) leading to the flooded compartment (Fig. 1.6, b). For this purpose, wooden bars are used 1 and sliding stops 3. The bars of reinforcements are crushed, for which sledgehammes, clog wedges 2.

When choosing a diagram of reinforcement of waterproof ship structures, all factors should be taken into account: place, character, damage dimensions; existing loads; a complete set of ship emergency equipment; The ability to access damaged sites and their design features.

5.5. Staging a patchman. The soft plaster is put at large sizes of the holes, when to dry the flooded compartment without preliminary sealing holes "is impossible. Before starting the patch, it is necessary to accurately determine the space of the samples, which can sometimes be done only with a diving inspection of the damage area.

To bring the patch to the platoon and the installation, a special equipment is served on it (Fig. 1.7, a): Plore ends 5, shkoth 3, deception 1, Check Stender 7. Plogging Ends are made of soft steel rope, and shock and delicate - from vegetable; On the kettle plaster of the shock and deceit - steel.

For setting the patch, the following operations consistently perform (see Fig. 1.7, a, b):

Fig. 1.7. Setting a soft patch: 1 - delay; 2 - Tal; 3 - Shkot; 4 - Rope to Tali (winch); 5 - pound ends; 6 - plaster; 7 - Control Skhat; 8 - falseshpangouts; A, b - position of the podoglogoe ends

rhochel ends 5 from the nose of the vessel, gradually stagnating and shifting them along the sides (position A and B), summarize the platforms; Plore ends can be started with the stern, depending on the location of the holes, but they can cling to the blade of the screw or the pen steering; Operation on the trowel ends is very laborious, and a sufficient number of people should be provided for each risk end;

simultaneously with the factory of podlogo ends, lay on the deck 6 in the spangling area, determining the position of the samples;

the lower chamber of the patch is carried out beyond the lower corner coarse, the podkin ends are fixed using a bracket;

shkoth 3 is fixed to the upper corner coarse, and to the middle side coarse - a deception of 1 and begin to choose a rivet ends from the opposite side of the tale 2 or winches, stitching shock and

the plaster is lowered overboard until it closes the hole, the position of the patch in depth is installed according to the control SCTEC 7, having a breakdown after 0.5 m;

after installing the plaster on the hole, the shoes and deceit are fixed and tighten into tight rivets - the plaster of the hydrostatic pressure of the water is pressed against the platform, stopping the flow of water into the vessel body;

if the platoon is large, then, in order to avoid indentation of the plastering, Filshpangouts 8 - tightly covered steel ropes, passing through the plane of the holes (see Fig. 1.7, b).

5.6. Staging a cement box. Concreting and setting a cement box allows to completely eliminate waters and creates the necessary conditions for the continuation of the navigation.

The sequence of operations for the formulation of the cement box (Fig. 1.8, a, b):

the hole (crack) temporarily close one of the methods discussed above: setting wedges,

installation of hard shields or patches of various structures, modulation of a soft plaster;

Fig. 1.8. Stopping a cement box on a hole: a - bottom; b - on-board; 1 - emphasis; 2 - formwork; 3 - water pipe; 4 - hard plaster; 5 - wedges for stop; 6 - Wedge for samples.

make and install formwork 2 - a wooden rectangular box without two faces by side edges to set to the sliver, the upper open part is used to load concrete; After installation, ensure a rigid fixation of the box of the installation of stops 1 and wedges 5;

clean the metal surface in the area of \u200b\u200bdamage from dirt, rust, traces of petroleum products;

install drainage (water-gravy) pipes 3 in case possible water filtering so that one end of the pipe is supplied to the place of filtration, and the other went to the formwork; The diameter of the pipe must provide free water drainage and eliminate its accumulation;

with large holes along the area of \u200b\u200bdamage, it is possible to fix fittings from steel rods or pipes;

manufacturer created - a low-width wooden box for making concrete; prepare concrete;

fill the formwork with a solution of concrete so that it is evenly distributed throughout the volume of the cement box; Concretion must be made as quickly as possible, since if there is in the solution of accelerators, it begins to fit after a few minutes; Slow, with intervals of concrete feeds can lead to a stratification of monolith;

remove drainage pipes after solidification of concrete and score holes with wooden wedges 6;

after complete solidification of concrete, dismantle a soft plaster, which will ensure the possibility of the movement of the vessel.

Concrete cooking technology:

prepare a dry mixture of cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 2 or 1: 3, thoroughly mixing it with shovels; The portland cement of the brand is not below 400 (400, 500, 600) - these numbers mean the permissible load on the concrete in a unit of kgf / cm; Cement must be in a pow-shaped state, without lumps and grains; The sand should be coarse-grained, river or career, the use of fine-grained sand is undesirable;

small portions add water and mix thoroughly; A solution of concrete is considered normal, easily scolding with shovels; In excess of water, the concrete sticks onto the shovel, with a lack of water - it is difficult to mix; The amount of water directly affects the slope of the solution of the solution and the strength of the concrete; It is recommended to use fresh water, as marine water reduces concrete strength by 10%;

before preparing a solution, add solidification accelerator to water, which can be used: liquid glass (add to 50% of the total mixture volume); calcium chloride (7-10%), caustic soda (5-6%), hydrochloric acid (1-1.5%); With an increase in the dosage of the accelerator, concrete strength is reduced, but in emergency situations a decisive factor is the rate of its solidification; At low temperatures, concrete on heated water should be mounted (not lower than 30 ° C), if the water is fresh - add salt into it at the rate of two grief on the bucket; Add filler (gravel, crushed stone, broken brick, slag); The filler increases the strength of concrete, but in the ship conditions, it is usually not used.

All preparatory work on the formulation of the cement box must be made in advance, which will ensure the rapid performance of the main work and the high quality of concreting.

6. Fighting steam. On the ship there is a boiler room with a highway steam lines, when damaged by an emergency creation. The most characteristic damage includes: the formation of fistula and cracks due to natural wear; Punching of gaskets, weakening attachment; Targery gap as a result of hydraulic impact.

Damage to the steam pipeline leads to a leakage of steam, which threatens with dangerous consequences: steam displaces oxygen from the room and sharply increases the temperature; Having high humidity, it can fail electrical equipment; When leaks in cargo holds of couples with dust of some cargo forms an explosive mixture.

Fighting the ferry is one of the forms of the struggle for the vitality of the vessel, and in the ships schedule on the alarms should be provided for specific acts of the crew in this case.

Each crew member, who discovered a couple leakage, should immediately report on this to the Watch Assistant or Mechanics and, observing all security measures, proceed to eliminate damage.

The Watch Assistant announces a commodity alarm with an emergency room and the need to comply with security measures.

The driver is obliged to: turn off the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe steam pipeline; take measures to protect people from the damage to the ferry, and in the necessary cases, to derive them through emergency exits, protecting water irrigation; Open all light hatches and ventilation rasters leading to an open deck; include all the injection ventilation to create an air support; proceed to eliminate damage.

Emergency property includes: Emergency Inventory (Plocker with Equipment, Stop Sliding, Clamps Emergency, Waterpressure, Emergency Circuit Equipment, Special Tools) and Emergency Material (Brux, Boards, Wedges, Corks, Cement, Sand, Surick, Fat Animal, Caper, Felt, and T.P. .)

Diver Equipment It is intended for the performance of diving works both beyond on board and inside flooded compartments. The set of equipment includes: respiratory air AVM-1 apparatus with accessories or AVM-1M-2, AVM-4-1; GK-2 or GKP-4M hydrocombuses, GK-6-1; diving lingerie (stockings, gratemaker, sweater, co-rutups, gloves); Diving knife in case; trigger end 50m; Alarm end with a length of 80m.

Additional supply on passenger ships and special purpose vessels, over emergency property consists of a portable autogenous aggregate for cutting with a set of charged gas cylinders; manual hydraulic jack on 50kn; blacksmith sledgehammer; blacksmith chisel; 2 lamps; Jacks at 9.8kn and19,6kn.

Emergency traffic jams Apply for sealing round scaffolding, holes, closens of pipelines, etc. For the sealing of the porthole holes, the tubes are made on the diameter of these holes.

Emergency wedges Designed to separate wooden stops when reinforcing the bulkheads, fastening shields, plasters, for sealing cracks and seams of the case.

Emergency bars Apply as stops for reinforcement of bulkheads, decks, platforms, doors, hatch covers, for fastening wooden plasters and shields on platforms.

Emergency boards Serve for the manufacture of shields, wooden plasters, formwork when embelling probins by concreting and different gaskets.

Wooden plaster With soft sides are made of 2 layers of boards with a layer of sails. The layers of boards are put perpendicular to each other and fasten with nails.

Seasina layer take with an allowance for each side of 150-300mm. With the help of these points, mild boards form in which the rollers of the scenario are inserted. The free edges of the canas after the rollers are tightlying, the rollers are fixed on the inner surface of the plaster with nails. The plaster can be pressed against the platform with wooden stops with wedges, sliding metal stops and universal clamps.

Universal clamps serve to attach wooden plasters. Clamp beams consists of 2 channels connected to lock screws, and 1 or 2 nuts-sliders with a clamping screw in each. The grippers for the spangling of the angular profiles are made in the form of nuts, for the splits of bouling profiles - in the form of 2 ratchers. Working parts are lubricated with solidol.

Sliding metal stopsuse instead of bars and wedges to support wooden patches to break and reinforce the bulkheads and other structures. Working surfaces are lubricated with solidol.

"Visibility of the ship" Topic number 2 "Organization of the struggle for the ship's survivability" Lecture number 2 -2 Curriculums: 1. The blasting of the ship. 2. Distribution of the ship. 3. Vivid weapons and technical means. 4. Protection of personnel. Literature 1. Ship Charter Namf. 2. Guidelines for the struggle for the survivability of the Superwater Ship of the RBC NK 81 3. The textbook "Visibility of the Superwater Ship" by V. M. Lyamin. 4. Directory "Certificate of Living Ship" by V. A. Yakimov 1

The main provisions on the organization of BZZH N The vitality of the ship is called its ability to withstand combat and emergency damage, restoring and maintaining its inability to its possible degree. Composite elements of the ship's survivability are: N N N n N N N N N N N n N N N-EXTRACTABILITY OF WERENS AND TECHNICAL MEASURES PERSONAL PROFESSITIVE. The explosion of the ship is called its ability to prevent the occurrence of explosions, the emergence and development of fires leading to the failure of the ship. The unprofitability of the ship is called its ability to remain afloat, without tilting when the flooding of one or more compartments due to combat or emergency damage to the case. The vitality of weapons and technical means is called their ability to resist combat and emergency damage, while maintaining and restoring their TTX to a possible extent. The security of the personnel of the ship is the ability of ship collective and individual protective equipment to exclude or weaken the impact on the personnel of the enemy's weapons, as well as the affecting factors arising from damage. 2.

The explosion of the ship 3 explosion-safety ship is called its ability to prevent the occurrence of explosions, the emergence and development of fires to the size leading to the failure of the ship. The explosion and fire safety of the ship is provided by: - \u200b\u200bconstructive activities; - organizational and technical or preventive measures; - actions of personnel to combat fires, to prevent explosions on the ship. Constructive activities carried out in the design and construction of the ship include: - dividing the ship to fireproof compartments and branches; - restriction of the use of combustible materials and the use of fire-resistant or impregnated with fire-resistant compositions; - rational location on the ship dangerous in the explosion of materials and ensuring their relevant storage; - the use of means of preventing, detecting and limiting the spread of explosions and fires; - providing ships with effective, reliably existing means of combating fires, explosive concentrations, smoke, toxic gases and high temperatures; - rational placement of fire fighting agents.

Organizational and technical measures for organizational and technical measures to prevent explosions and fires on the ship include: - compliance with the rules for handling open fire; - removal from the ship of all unnecessary explosion and fire-hazardous materials; - constant monitoring of storage and compliance with the rules of treatment of combustible and explosive materials; - control over health and maintenance in readiness for the use of fire fighting; - training personnel on the rules for the prevention of explosions and fires and the use of fire extinguishing facilities; Painting the ship with fire-resistant and non-combustible paints. Organization of the fight against ship fires. The fight against fires on the ship is headed by the commander of the ship with the GKP. Direct leadership of fighting fire provides commander of the electromechanical combat part. The personnel of combat posts is fighting fires under the guidance of commander of combat posts. In cases where the personnel of combat posts cannot independently cope with the fire, the commander of the electromechanical combat part sends an emergency party to the place of fire.

Fire fighting includes: alert of personnel about a fire; exploration of foci and determination of the nature, scale and type of fire; sealing of premises, compartments; Adjusting to fire prevention; disconnection of electricity in the fire area; Localization of fire; stealing fire, fighting smoke; removal of water accumulating when steaming a fire; Establishing control over the premises in which the struggle was carried out. Arriving on its KP and BP, l / s examines the premises, leads to the immediate action of fire property, about the readiness of the post reports on the command post of its BC. L / from an accident finds out the nature and amount of damage, reports on this on the CP of its BC, while taking all measures to localize and eliminate fire. In the future, the L / S BP operates according to the fight against fire or by ordering with the CP. During the fight against fire, the head of extinguishing should pay special attention to ensuring security L / C; Do not allow electric injuries, poisoning products of combustion, fire lesions. Stationary and portable tools are used to extinguish fires on the ship. Fire extinguishers of OPM, OU 5, OU 2, OU 5, AO 5 and Powder are used as portable fire extinguishing equipment on ships.

Warning of explosions and fires on the ship. The entire personnel of the ship is obliged to accurately and in a timely manner to prevent explosions and fires. In order to prevent explosions and fires on the ship, it is prohibited: 1. Perform work with open fire without permission of the commander of the BC 5; 2. Work with flammable liquids, as well as with paints and varnishes near the operating electrome equipments; 3. Use flammable liquids for tires decks, linoleum, bulkheads and equipment for cohesions; 4. Use gasoline for washing and wiping technical equipment; 5. Store fuel and lubricants in open containers; 6. Keep a freshly made sail in folded saw and in poor ventilated rooms; 7. Store paintwork materials on boats; 8. Take a ship and store on it with the past storage rates of RP and remote control, leakage, having dents and rust, as well as damaged launchers of the mouth to them; 9. Store flammable liquids, paints and varnishes in conjunction with common and other fibrous materials; 10. Use portable lamps and an electrified voltage tool above 27 V; 11. Use a sparkling tool in explosive rooms; 12. Store and demonstrate movies performed on combustible films. Smoking on the ship is allowed only in places defined by the order of the ship commander. In places of smoking there must be ashtrays or vessels with water.

Unprofitability of the ship. The unprofitability of the ship is called its ability to remain afloat and not tipping over if one or several compartments are damaged and flooding, due to combat or emergency damage. The meaning of non-optimability is that while the ship has not lost buoyancy and stability, it has unprofitableness. An example of requirements: When filling out any two autonomous compartments, the height of the surface side should not be less than 0, 8 m, the roll should not exceed 8 °, the initial stability should remain positive. The non-optimability is generally provided: constructive activities carried out when building a ship; Organizationally, technical activities carried out throughout its service; The actions of the personnel on the struggle for the non-passability, leading after receiving the damage ship. Events on the constructive support of the ship's non-rotation can be divided into the following three groups: 1. Giving the ship sufficient reserves of buoyancy, stability, strength and coolness; 2. Constructive limitation of the loss of buoyancy and stability of the ship during damage to the ship; 3. Constructive and material technical support for non-passability.

Main organizational and technical measures. 1. The content of the body of the ship, bulkhead, decks, platforms and impermeable closures in goodness and constant monitoring of their condition: 2. control over the buoyancy margin and the cooler of the ship; 3. The content of means of struggle for non-optimability in readiness to action; 4. Marking of impermeable premises, the numbering of ship premises and restricting access to lockable rooms 5. Systematic and purposeful preparation of the entire personal composition of the ship to the struggle for the non-passability and daily support of the ship; 6. Equipment and provision of team points and BP tools for the struggle for vitality, devices and documentation on non-passibility. Tactics of the struggle for non-passability. The struggle for non-passability is a set of actions of personnel aimed at maintaining and restoring buoyancy, stability and strength of a damaged ship, as well as to bring it to a position, providing the course, handling and use of weapons. Direct tasks of struggle for non-optimability are: 1. Holding a ship afloat; 2. Restoration of buoyancy and stability reserves; 3. Reducing the roll and a differential.

Water control measures The fight against water is to identify damage to the corps and places of water intake, in preventing the propagation of water, in the restoration and maintenance of the impermeability and strength of the body and its separation elements, in the removal of filtration water from compartments with extended samples. The restoration of stability provides for a decrease in the center of gravity of a damaged ship by moving, receiving and pumping liquid cargo, removing the intake of wicked water penetration and reduce the loss of stability due to the presence of a free surface. Hinding is the elimination or reduction in reasons for the roll and differential damaged ship. The fight against water should be preceded by measures to restore the stability and hidden damaged ship and only in some cases is carried out in parallel with them. Water Anti-Water Activities include: 1. Alert l / s on water intake inside the ship hull; 2. Survey of premises for determining the places of water flow, scale and nature of damage to the body, establishing the boundaries of the flooded area of \u200b\u200bthe ship; 3. Taking measures to limit the propagation of water by the ship; 4. Elimination of water flow with blades and removing it overboard; 5. Sealing surface spans in the outer skin; 6. Reinforcement of damaged impermeable bulkheads, decks (platforms) and impermeable closures, as well as maintaining and restoring in a possible degree of strength of cabinet structures;

Primary measures to combat water 1. Each officer, Michman, Starin, the sailor on K should be able to: report on the flow of water and the course of the fight against it on the GCP, DC (Watchtan Officer), as well as on its KP and in PE; determine the flooding of the adjacent compartment (premises) on various features (climbing, on disposal, on air pipe out of air pipes, filtering, etc.); Suspend the bulkhead, door, hatch and neck cover, put a shield on the hole; eliminate water filtering through various looseness, cracks and seams of seams in different ways (compression of seals, lead seal, crossbag); Close up and lower than the waterline hole in the ship housing, torn gap with various means (shields, bags with palaulies, mattresses, pillows, wedges, etc.). 2 Each officer, Michman, Starshina, Sailor on his BP, KP, in Kubrick, the heads of the premises should be able to: prepare and put into effect a water-gravy and drying system, as well as portable waterproof and drying agents; Use water to descend into the lower and exposure of water into adjoining rooms. 3. Each officer, Michman, Starshina, besides, should be able to lead the actions of L / C on the fight against water at the referees of defense in the area of \u200b\u200bhis combat post, command post, heads of premises, adjacent rooms with them and near them.

The vitality of weapons and technical means the vitality of weapons and technical means is called their ability to resist combat and emergency damage, while maintaining and restoring their tactically specific specifications. The technical means of the ship are a complex complex of interrelated engineering tools: energy equipment, mechanisms, systems, instruments and other elements. Technical means provide: movement and maneuvering of a ship in all modes; use and sustainable combat operation; supply of ship consumers with all types of energy; the vitality of the ship at various states and readiness; Conditions for the operation of equipment and vital activity of personnel. Competitiveness and vitality of the ship are most sensitive to impaired performance of such technical equipment as the main energy installation, electricity installation, steering, non-optical and explosion system and explosive fire safety. The vitality of weapons and technical means is provided: constructive activities; organizational and technical measures; The actions of the personal composition to maintain and restore the performance of technical means with failures and damage.

Constructive events give technical advantages, reliability, reservation and combat maintenance. Organizational technical measures to ensure the survivability of technical means are carried out by the personnel of the ship everyday. These activities are aimed at maintaining the qualities and properties that were laid in technical means in their design and manufacture. In addition, they allow you to prevent premature failure of the material part and prevent accidents during the operation and repair of technical equipment and ship devices. Service of weapons and technical means are carried out in accordance with the applicable instructions. All weapons and technical means on the ship must have the name. Arms and technical means of the same purpose, except the name assigned to the number. Parments and pipelines, switches and battery and duty plugs (emergency) and duty lighting, emergency tools must have a distinctive color. Each ship must be provided with the documentation on combat use of weapons and technical means, and also equipped with spare parts, tools, devices and consumables for fixing combat and emergency damage of technical means.

Organization of the struggle for the survivability of weapons and technical means. The struggle for the survivability of weapons and technical equipment of the ship should be aimed at restoring lost or reduced tactically technical properties of mechanisms, systems and devices of the ship in combat and operational damage. The purpose of the struggle for the vitality of the vehicle is to provide the vitality and combat capability of the ship in accidents and the loss associated with loss. Stroke, maneuverability, manageability, the possibility of using weapons and other vehicle qualities. The content of the struggle for the vitality of technical means is the discovery of the accident and alerting about it, the restriction of the distribution and elimination of the accident, restoring the survivability and combat capability of the ship. Guide to the struggle for the vitality of the vehicle is carried out by the Commanders of the BC, the heads of services from their KP. If damage is detected, the commander of units and combat posts take measures to correct the mechanisms without stopping their work. Damage or malfunction of the material part must be eliminated completely. If this is not possible, damage to eliminate to a degree that allows the ship to perform the task. Switching technical means is carried out in accordance with current documents on the use of technical means. At the failure of the mechanisms, the mechanisms, systems and devices are restored, on which the vitality and combat capability of the ship depend. Immediately restore lighting, communications, management and alarm systems, debris of cabinet structures and technical means, cluttering decks, platforms, premises and interfering

The struggle for the vitality of technical means provides for the actions of the personnel performed without orders and on the order. To the actions performed without orders include: disabling damaged mechanisms, systems and devices; the inclusion of reserve (duplicate) mechanisms for use in the battle of weapons and maintain a given mode of operation of basic technical means; Changes in the mode of operation of technical means in order to ensure the use of weapons, stroke and manageability of the ship. The actions of the personnel performed by the order: Stop main engines; transition to backup ship management tools; Turning off the technical means to ensure the use of weapons, the course and handling of the ship, if there is a threat to failure. On all the switches of technical means performed by the personnel during damage or if necessary, such switches, the PBU commander or senior will immediately report on the team.

Protection of personal composition. From the point of view of influence on the vital activity of l / composition in damaged rooms, emergency situations may also occur: partial or complete flooding with water; Increased air temperature; Filling with harmful pairs and gases. Cases are possible in which the conditions of the life of the personnel of the compartment are not changed during damage. In such premises, no additional measures to protect personnel are required. It may happen that as a result of damage, a complex situation is created, such as an increase in the room temperature and filling it with harmful pairs and gases. In such premises, measures for protecting l / composition from high temperatures and from the effects of harmful vapors and gases are required. In a fully flooded room, the livelihood of people can only be provided in diving gear. The duration of the life activity of people in this case is determined by the maximum time of work in the diving equipment and the temperature of the intricate water. At the temperature of the intake water below 15 ° C, the loss of consciousness in a person from supercooling occurs earlier than the air from the cylinders of the breathing apparatus will be spent. To combat the overeaching of the body, it is useful to have as many layers of clothing as possible, which, if possible, should easily fit to the body. Although the insulating properties of wet clothing decrease, it nevertheless can provide thermal protection, especially wool clothing.

In a fully flooded room there may be not de-energized electrocabels and power equipment. It is dangerous to approach them: marine water of the electrically conductive, you can get an electric blow through the water. In a partially flooded compartment, people are usually in an air cushion. The compartment is sealed from above. If it is not ventilated, the life time of the L / C in the compartment is determined at the calculation that each cubic meter of the airbag is able to ensure the life of one person for 2 hours. Stories are known when people were in an air cushion a few days. The uncontrolled increase in the room temperature can occur due to a fire or a steam pipeline breakthrough. The average temperature of the room in the room can rise to 200 400 ° C. Prolonged stay at a temperature of 50 60 ° C causes the greatest consequences. With a large admission of steam or with a large fire, unprotected l / composition should go in the bag. In these cases, attempts to leave the room through the top hatch lead to burns and death. The yield of personnel through the upper hatch is possible after turning on the irrigation system of assets. To protect against high temperatures, the operating mechanics, there is a WachT irrigation system, which is included with the irrigation system. Both of these systems are a tool for collective protection of personnel from high temperatures, water for their work is supplied from the firewater water system.

Individual means of protection against high temperatures are heat-resistant and thermo-reflective suits, asbestos mittens, helmets and firefighters. The means of individual protection against smoke and other harmful gases is a portable respiratory device (remote control) and insulating gas masks (SP 6). The remote control is intended for emergency protection of human respiration and vision of a person in an emergency when performing primary avoidance measures. The use of the remote control provides for the subsequent transition to another tablet tool or output from emergency to be wage. It is a means of protecting a one-time action and is released in the ready-to-use form. The time of stay in the PD is not more than 30 minutes. It works reliably at a temperature of 0 to + 50 ° C. Mass transfer no more than 2 kg. IP-6 is designed to protect the respiration organs, vision and skin of the face from any harmful impurities in the air, regardless of their concentration, as well as under conditions of lack of oxygen in the air of the room. The maximum time in the gas mask at temperatures up to 40 ° C and normal pressure should not exceed one (sitting) - 2, 5 hours, during work - 40 minutes. .

18 Task for self-preparation. Examine: 1. Blasting the ship. 2. Distribution of the ship. 3. Vivid weapons and technical means. 4. Protection of personnel. L L 1. Ship Charter Navy. 2. Guidelines for the struggle for the survivability of the NPB-NK-81 Supply Ship 3. 3. Tutorial "Support for the Superwater Ship" Author V. M. Lyamin. 4. Handbook "Handbook on the Living Ship" by V. A. Yakimov