"Gold ring of Russia". Vladimir

Length 686 km, pool area 42.5 thousand km². The average water consumption is 185 km from the mouth, the city of Kovrov is 147 m ³ / s.

Powered mainly snow. Freezes in November, revealed in the first half of April.

The river originates within the Moscow Hills, near Solnechnogorsk.

From the source flows to the southeast, in the territory of the city district of Khimki, and then along the border of the Mizhaninovsky district of Moscow, where the village of Cherkizovo turns steep to the east.

The shores in the upper course of the Klyazma is high, the valley is narrow. In addition to the Klyazmin reservoir, the river width reaches 12 m.

Next proceeds through the Klyazmin and Pirogovsky reservoir. Below these reservoirs, the stock of the Klyazma is regulated, its width at the Klyazma Platform of the Moscow-Yaroslavl Railway - about 20 m. Better mainly on the Meshchery lowland. Within the meshchera, the right bank of the river is significantly lower than the left.

Below the mouth of the Teza on the low left bank, Balahninskaya lowland begins, according to the right - steep coast (up to 90 meters), belonging to the Gorokhovetsky, the extension of the Tsninsky Vala. Width in Noginsk - 50 m, in Vladimir - 130 m.

In some places, Klyazma has a width exceeding 200 m. The maximum depth of 8 m, a small (1-2 m) prevails. Places of the river cut through limestone strata. The bottom is clay, seats sandy.

On the left bank between the carpet and the mouth of the Teza, the State Natural Reserve "Klyazminsky" is located (until 1978 there were 2 bobrovo-vykhumola reserve of local importance: South in Ivanovo and Kovrovsky in the Vladimir region).


The largest tributaries: Left - teaching, Troy, Chernogolovka, Worm, Kirzhach, Pucache, Bell, Nerl, Invidence, Theza and Luh; On the right - the fields, sophobors and supurate (they are all, with the exception of the thesis, uncomfortable).


On the banks of the river and the whole pool, a man was smoldered. Archaeologists excavated the parking lot of the ancient man of the Paleolithic era - the famous Sungir, Mesolitha - for example, from the village of Saurovo near Pavlovsky Posad), many neolithic (including the village.

Big Bunkovo \u200b\u200bNoginsky district - parking lots of Llanovsk and Fatyan cultures), settlements of the Dyakovsky culture.

In later times of the coast, the Finno-Ugric Meshchera, Merya and Murom (the languages \u200b\u200bof these tribes were given modern names for the many tributaries of the river), the Slavic mounds in these places were found in these places.

The development of the entire north-east of Russia, starting with the Vladimir-Suzdal Principality (XII century), is connected with the river and its tributaries.

At this time, the river with tributaries was used for navigation throughout its length, which made it possible to go far to extend its influence, and Klyazma-Skhodnya-Moscow trading path, used before Slavic resettlement, developed the economic basis.

Since the development of crafts (XVII century), the river concentrated many paper, ceramic and especially textile industries, first handicrafts, and later factory and factory.

In 1937, the Ripos of Klyazma were cut off by the Moscow channel, the runoff below the reservoirs through the Aculov and Pirogovsky dam, simply producing electricity, began to be adjusted and eating the waters of the upper Volga and the rivers of the North of the Moscow region.

In 1940, within the framework of the Gulag system, it was planned and for the beginning of the war, the construction of two hydropower plants (under Vladimir and Carpet) was installed.

In the 70s, the project of the Eastern Shipping Channel was considered.

River today

On the river there are such big citieslike Dolgoprudny, Shchelkovo, Korolev, Losino-Petrovsky, Noginsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Sobinka, Vladimir, Carpets, Visnikov, Gorokhovets.

The river provides water both numerous production and inhabitants of large settlements in the middle and lower current.

Shipping is 302 km from the mouth to Vladimir, however last years Guaranteed depths are not supported.

River port in viscans, shipbuilding plant in Gorokhovets.

Ecology, fauna, vegetation

All over the current from the city of Shchelkovo to the fulfillment of the inflows of the Vladimir region. River's waters are unsuitable for eating, swimming and fisheries.

Klyazma is strongly polluted in its upper course, but still rather rich in fish (bream, is, pillow, horse, perch, pike, roach, river, lime, sand, bleak, chub).

Nowadays, in Klyazma, there are almost no COM and the sterling that the river was famous in the XIX century.

Coastal vegetation is represented by various types of Yves and sources, a freak, reed, rogo, nettle, dwarm, geranium forest, a series of three-part, water vegetation - a rod, a pitcher, a cubish, canadian, a rogolistnik, various types of RDEST.

The river is available for alloy on kayaks from May to September.

This route has been one of the most attractive not only for foreigners who have decided to visit this huge country, but also for Russians who want to get closer to the history and culture of their homeland. Which cities are included in Golden ring Russia? Where did this term come from? What is his main attractions? Tell me further in order.

How did the term "Golden Ring" appeared

The author of this term 50 years ago was the Soviet journalist Yuri Bullkov. Once he decided to visit those cities of Russia, in which he considered, the most significant attractions of the country, both cultural and historical sites, were preserved. The path of the journalist from Moscow began to Zagorsk, who is now called Sergiev Posadov, continued in Pereslavl-Zalessky, then in Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo and Suzdal. And the last point of the route before returning to Moscow was the city of Vladimir.

Returning home, the bulls created a series of essays about these places with the richest cultural and historical heritage, published in 1967, which he gave the name "Golden Ring". So he called his route for no accident: if you connect these cities with lines on the map, then a solid loop, resembling a ring. Essays Bychkov attracted the attention of the authorities who took advantage of the experience of a journalist and paved the tourist route in the city described, assigning it a tag name. And, I must say, the idea turned out to be very successful: a ticket on a tour to the Golden Ring in those years was very difficult to get it - this ring route was so popular and among Soviet citizens, and among foreign tourists.

So, we summarize: as we have already found out, the following 8 cities enter the gold ring of Russia:

This is a classic version of the annular route, the so-called small gold ring of Russia. Small because other cities of the Old Vladimir-Suzdal Principality, for example, Bogolyubovo, Martynovo, Alexandrov, Uglich, Tver, Myshkin, Uglich, Tver, Myshkin, and Other, began to include other cities in tourism. The extended route was called a large gold ring of Russia. Travel agencies offer different routes with different set of cities, and in total there are about 20. Moreover, the addition of cities continues until now: in 2016 the idea was approved to include the city of Kaluga in a large gold ring of Russia.

Let's now go through the cities of the classic gold rings of Russia and their main attractions that must be seen to everyone.

Sergiev Posad

You can get to Sergiev Posad from Moscow in just an hour and a half, and to inspect the main attractions, one day is enough with your head: it is impossible to call a big one, the population in it is a little more than one hundred thousand people, but in the XV century it was he who was a cultural and political center. Moscow states.

It is necessary to see here necessary on the Trinity-Sergiev Lavra, around which the town himself was subsequently built. It is connected with many historical personalities: I founded her Sergius Radonezhsky, she was baptized in her was Ivan the Terrible, and she also served as a shelter for Peter I hiding in the monastery during the Streetsky Bunta.

In addition to Lavra, it will be interesting to look at the Krasnogorsk Square located opposite it with colorful trading rows, decorated in the "Russian" style, as well as visit the toy museum.


But the birthplace of Alexander Nevsky himself and the city, where one of the first white-named temples appeared in Russia - the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral of the XII century. And on the coat of arms of the city, there are no for nothing that two rods are depicted, because Pereslavl stands on the banks of Lakes, where they caught this remarkable fish right for the royal table.

A curious experience will also be a visit to the local Museum of steam locomotives, and those who want to see a monument to the pagan culture of Russia, it is worth getting out of the city and to visit Xin-stone shrouded with ancient secrets and legends.

Great Rostov

Finally got to the most popular destination, which can boast a small gold ring of Russia - Rostov the Great, one of oldest cities Russia and an important cultural and historic Center, in which more than 300 cultural monuments are located. But, despite the name, this city is very small, with a population of only 30 thousand people.

The Rostov Kremlin is mandatory for visiting, which is distinguished by its decorative species among the other such buildings of the country. By the way, it was here that some scenes from the people's favorite Soviet film "Ivan Vasilyevich changed the profession." Monasteries are really a lot here: among them, such as Spaso-Yakovlevsky, Avraamiyevo-Bogoyavlensky and Borisoglebsky, but besides them, you can distract to the famous Museum of Rostov Finifth.


Already 140 cultural attractions are different ancient city Yaroslavl, UNESCO World Heritage Site. Churches are really a lot here! In particular, we propose to take a look at the Savior Preobrazhensky and Tolga monasteries - on the territory of the last one can also take a look at the beautiful cedar, where 193 cedar grows.

The chapel of the Kazan Our Lady also attracts attention, and the Church of John the Forerunner, founded in the XVII century, and also the largest in the city. And here you can visit the Museum and Time Museum and the Einstein Museum.


Next, the Golden Ring of Russia leads us to Kostroma. She stands on the banks of the Volga, so historically all its layout is shown relative to the river, representing the radiation grid of the streets - herself Ekaterina II decided to make the city reminded the fan. During its existence, Kostroma experienced many events, including two fires - one was arranged by Rostov Prince Konstantin, another - Mongol-Tatars troops.

Now the main attraction of the city is the Ipatiev Monastery - a key historical monument, which includes the Trinity Cathedral, the belfry, the chambers of Romanov, as well as the bishops and the fraternal corps. Do not forget to look at the monument to Ivan Susanin - the Savior of Tsar Mikhail Fedorovich.


If other cities of the Golden Ring of Russia may be unfamiliar to you, then you probably heard about Ivanovo - in that way that all is called His "City of Brides". This statement stretches out of ancient times, when a light industry has developed in the city, in particular, the textile, where they worked mostly women, and aggravated the Great Patriotic War, when the men's population decreased at times.

But the city itself has other distinctive features and attractions: visit the introduced monastery, industry museums and arts, as well as the Museum of the famous Ivanovsky Citz. Attention will be attracted by house-horseshoe, a house-ship, as well as the Shchudrovskaya tent - the workshop and one of the oldest stone buildings.


Next, we proceed to the city of Suzdal with a population of 10 thousand people standing on the Kamenka River. Archaeological studies have shown that he began to be built back in the X century - and even now looks like the most real Old Russian city, so the impression will leave for a long time. Although it is considered a provincial, charm and beauty to him not to occupy.

Arriving in Suzdal, it is impossible not to look at the Suzdal Kremlin, who has about a thousand years. And there is no need to talk about the lack of monasteries here - they are here in bulk: Pokrovsky, Alexandrovsky, Vasilyevsky, etc. Be sure to go through the trading rows to look at such traditional things like Kokoshnik, embroidered tablecloth and Russian shirt.


And ends the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia in a popular tourist center - Vladimir with a huge cultural Heritage - Here more than 200 historical monuments are protected by the state. We advise on the trip, it is necessary to look at the sights such as the Assumption Cathedral with the frescoes of Andrei Rublev, Dmitrievsky Cathedral with unique bas-reliefs and decorative carvings, as well as the local triumphal arch - the fortress Golden Gate, and the House-Museum of Counterspets.

Learn more about Big Golden Ring of Russia, His Secrets and Various interesting Facts You can, looking at this video:

The Golden Ring of Russia is the famous tourist route with a length of more than 1000 kilometers, which runs through the ancient cities of Vladimir-Suzdal and Moscow Rus. The route includes about 20 cities in Moscow, Ivanovo, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl and Tver regions. Historical and architectural monuments of the XII-XVIII centuries are concentrated here, which constitute the treasury of Russian culture. These unique attractions are protected by the Russian state and UNESCO. The term "Golden Ring" attached to this tourist route in the 60s of the last century. Then journalist Yuri Bychkov made on the pages of the newspaper Soviet Russia, the series of essays about eight cities northeast of Moscow, which allocated to the richest cultural and historical heritage. Today, this phrase used for the first time in 1967 is widely known in Russia and beyond. The Golden Ring includes eight major cities in Sergiev Posad, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Rostov Great, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Suzdal and Vladimir.

The idea of \u200b\u200b"scrambled" Ancient Russian cities belongs to the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture. In 1974, the first guidebook "On the Golden Ring of Russia" was released.

In order to make a full journey along the route, it will take almost a month. Therefore, it is better to travel according to the old Russian cities in small tourist routesholding 2-3 days. The starting point will you serve Moscow. Most convenient to travel to own car. Then you will not be tied to the tourist group and can on the way to wrap in those cities and villages that have not entered traditional route. We assure you that these places are no less attractive for tourists. In addition, so you can fully enjoy the beauty of the Golden Ring.

Travelers amazing the atmosphere of Russian provincial cities, the absence of a fuss and the size of life. Wonderful nature is packed with its nonsense beauty. The picturesque places of the Volga coast, the rivers, the River, Plescheyev Lake, Lake Nero, are especially attracted. The nature of Central Russia is attractive at any time of the year. On the banks of the rivers and lakes are enough space for walking and picnics. The cities and villages present all the stages of the development of ancient Russian architecture: the majestic white-stone churches of the XII-XIII centuries, the tent buildings of the 16th century, the structure of the XVII century, the creations of the architectural and picturesque schools of Rostov, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Vladimir.

Numerous historical monuments - Fortresses, monasteries and temples, testify to the great meaning of each of the cities of the Golden Ring in the ancient and royal periods of history. In each city, the ancient architecture has its own unique style. Indecent number orthodox monasteriesThe shrines and temples located in this region attracts a large number of pilgrims. And Suzdal and Rostov are the Great - the real museums in the open sky. In Suzdal, for example, there are practically no cars. On the streets of the city you will meet mostly pedestrians and horse crews. This is an old reserve, Dopererovskaya Rus with the Kremlin, the Pokrovsky and Savior-Evfimian monasteries included in the UNESCO World Heritage List, the Museum of Wooden Architecture.

In addition to architecture and holy places during the trip, you can get acquainted with the folk fishing of the Russian people. In museums of many cities, samples of vintage art crafts are collected: carving on wood and bones, articles of skillful lace and jewelers, lacquer miniature and painting on enamel (finifesty) and much more.

Recently, tourist business has been developing intensively in the cities of the Golden Ring of Russia, so in almost any city you can find excursion services, an affordable hotel, a cafe or restaurant. They say that the best way understand and know the great Russia, feel this Russian soul - it is to drive historical places Golden rings, with their own eyes see historical monuments, enjoy ancient architecture, art and painting, to see the ancient icons of the Old Russian masters.

Vladimir city is located 180 km north-east of Moscow, on the banks of the Klyazma River. He is the administrative center of the Vladimir region. The population is 339.8 thousand servants (2009). Vladimir enters the Golden Ring of Russia and is a popular tourist center of Russia.

History of the city of Vladimir

Vintage Russian city Vladimir was founded in 990 by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich. In history, he was known as Vladimir Red Sunny. In 1108, Prince Vladimir Monomakh made the city a reference point for the protection of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality from the South and East. The fortress was erected. From the south she was defended by the Klyazma River, from the north - the river Lybia, and from the West and East were deep ravines. During the reign of the son of Yuri Dolgoruky - Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky, the capital of the Rostov-Suzdal Principality was transferred to the city of Vladimir. It was the heyday of the city. Palaces and temples were erected, the construction was. In Suzdal and Vladimir, a communional school of icon painting was formed.

In 1238, the city was greatly suffered from the invasion of the Tatar-Mongolian yoke. In 1293, he was ruined in a dehuman Reli. These invasions were repeated for many years. At the beginning of the 18th century, the city was the center of the province. The construction of it was carried out in the style of classicism. The city is reborn. After the revolution of 1917, most monuments were reconstructed. Vladimir is famous for its attractions. Dmitrievsky and Assumption Cathedrals are objects world Heritage UNESCO.

Landmarks of Vladimir City

Among the attractions of the city are monuments of church architecture, numerous museums.

Golden Gate in the city of Vladimir

The main street of the Old Town is Moscow. In its western part in the 12th century, a golden gate was built. Silver gates installed in the eastern part unfortunately have not been preserved. The golden gate was built for 10 years during the reign of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. The walls of the gate are made in the form of a powerful box of peeling white stone. And its interior is filled with large wreckage of rocks and a solid lime solution. The gate was part of the defensive system of the fortress. The playground, which is now looking, was previously a combat. The enemies fired from it, threw stones. One more viewpointThe named "Old Vladimir" is located on Kozlov Valo - the southern strengthening of the city.

Assumption Cathedral in the city of Vladimir

One of the main squares of the city of Vladimir is the Cathedral Square. There is a monument in honor of the 850th anniversary of the city of Vladimir. This is a truncated triangular pyramid of white stone. It depicts milestones in the history of Vladimir in the form of an allegoriary. At the Cathedral Square there is an entrance to the Assumption Cathedral.

The cathedral is a complex of buildings of different times, the first of which began to be built in 1158. He was the tomb of many representatives of the Vladimirsky grand-road house. Initially, the Assumption Cathedral was small and one-eyed. The fire of 1185 destroyed almost all the inner decoration of the temple. Only the outer painting of the temple in the form of peacocks (symbols of resurrection) and the prophets holding a scroll with the texts glorifying the Mother of God, preserved to the present day. With Prince in Vsevolod, a large nest of the Cathedral Square has doubled. There was a new altar part and the gallery around the temple, internal frescoes were updated. The cathedral was five-chapted. After the fire of 1238, the decoration of the Assumption Cathedral had to restore. In 1408, Prince Vasily Dmitrievich decided to update the frescoes of the cathedral. The work was performed by the 38-year-old monk Andrei Rublev and his friend Daniel black. They painted almost the entire cathedral. In the cathedral is the most a large number of The frescoes of the genius artist Middle Ages Andrei Rublev. His merit is the painting of a huge iconostasis, the icons of which are now in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian Museum.

Dmitrievsky Cathedral in the city of Vladimir

Dmitrievsky Cathedral was laid in 1194 at the direction of Vsevolod a big nest. The peculiarity of the temple is sculptural jewelry, adorning the walls of the temple. This is more than 600 bas-reliefs, which show stories from the life of King David, as well as images of mythical animals and plants. Some reliefs disappeared from the walls of the temple. The part was replaced by new ones. In the center of the composition of each facade, the son of King David is depicted - King Solomon, which is the ideal for the wise ruler. In the northern facade facing the city, we see a figure of a person holding in the hands of a child - the image of Vsevolod is a big nest and his son Vladimir. On the southern facade - the bas-relief "Ascension of Alexander Macedonsky", and on the West - the image of Hercules borrowed from Greek mythology.

The inner decoration of the cathedral is interesting fragments of the frescoes "Scary Court" and "Paradise", "Procession of Righteous to Paradise", as well as icons. Here is the most famous one, brought from Soluni, depicting St. Dmitry Solunsky.

For tourists, admirers of church architecture are attractive attractive attractions as a Christmas monastery, the building of the present places, as well as Princess Cathedral and living room courtyards; The church of the Pokrov on the nerve, Nikita-Martyr and St. Trinity. There are many museums in the city who will tell guests about the culture and history of the city.

Cities on Klauzme

On the river there are such major cities like Dolgoprudny, Shchelkovo, Korolev, Losino-Petrovsky, Noginsk, Pavlovsky Posad, Orekhovo-Zuyevo, Sobinka, Vladimir, Carpets, Visnikov, Gorokhovets.
On the banks of the river there are about 1.7 million people. A B. river basin - Over 3.3 million.

Dolgoprudny - City of the regional subordination of the Moskovo region, is located 18 km north railway Osavoilovsky vokcalagorodamovsky reclalects. Adjoins Moscow in the north, Khimkamna northeast and the Ksenomernayaone of Moscow in the West; From the north and west limited to Moscow. The city was included in different time Sailochlebnikovo, Selopavelsevo, the working village of Sheremetyevsky, located in the north of the channel name of Moscow. Population (2011) - 91.3 thousand people. (2010 - 84.4 thousand people., 2004 - 74 thousand, 1991 - 71.1 thousand, 1970 - 53 thousand, 1938 - 8 thousand)

Shchelkovo -Horious subordination of the Moskovo region. Administrative center shopshlkovsky district. The largest settlement of the municipality "urban settlement Shchelkovo". Population - 108,056 people (2010). The city is located 28.10 km². Located 13 km north-east of Otmosks, on receclasma. Railway storageistocolovskaya, the funnels, Shchelkovo, Gagarinskaya, Chkalovskaya, Bakhchivandzhi, within the city of the city on the line of Moninoslavl destination. On the southeast outskirts of the city is a military arodromechkalovsky.

Korolev - (founded on December 26, 1938; up to April 81996 - Caliningrad) -Obloblast subordination of the Moskovo region, Sciences (C12 of April2001). Forms the same name of the same name. Population - 183 398 people (2011). The Korolev is often unofficially called the Space Capital of Russia. Korolev cooperates with 52 cities from 26 countries in the field of economics, education, culture, health and trade. Forest arrays within the city occupy a territory of 3800 hectares. Also within the city of the city there is a portion of the yaiz water complex.

Losino-Petrovsky - City of the regional subordination of the Moskovo region, 24 km north-east of Otmosks, on receclasma. Located 3 km from the railway stationmanonino. Name of up to1928 -Lost Sloboda. Until 1996, the city was part of the composhlkovsky district, in the present time - is an independent municipal education of the "City District of Losino-Petrovsky". It borders to the Schölkovsky MinoginskyEMIMOSKOVA region. Population of 22.4 thousand people. (2010).

Noginsk - Glossy, the administrative center of the Centriangic Region, the largest settlement of the municipality "Urban settlement" Noginsk ". Population - 99,762 people (2010 census). The city is located on receclasma (inlets), 51 km (35 from the Moscow Ring Road) to the east of Otkoskva, on the northwestern border of the Meshchery lowland.

Pavlovsky Posad - the city of the Moskovsk region, the centerpavlovo-Posad district. Located in the confluence of Revochnai Klyazmyv 68 km to the east of Otmoskva. It is included in the Municipal Education "Urban settlement Pavlovsky Posad". The population is 63.7 thousand people. (2011). The city of the limestone industry, primarily the production facilities and landmarks and chaleces.

Orekhovo-Zuyevo - City of the regional subordination of the Moskovo region, 89 km east of the centramoca (78 km from the Moscow Ring Road), on Recomliance. It is a centromorerech-Zuevian agglomeration of 276 thousand people. Population of 121.1 thousand people (2010).

Petushki - The city of the Vrosstric Federation, the administrative center of the Centrpetushinsky Region, forms the Municipal Education "City of Petushki". Population of 15 148Pertilians (2010). Petushki are located on the left bank of the riverKlyazma (swimming lumps), 67 km to the southwest of the windyard, 120 km east of Moscow.

Sobinka - the city of Proszya, the administrative centerrsobin district of the Region. Forms urban settlement "City Sinky". Population - 19 482 people (2010). Located 37 km south-west ofVladimir, on the right bank of the recqueat (towers), in the northwestern part-master lowland.

Vladimir - historical city In Russia, the administrative center of the Vladimir region. Located mainly on the left bank of the Klyazma River 176 km east of Moscow. The ancient capital of northeastern Russia; One of the largest in the country tourist centers; It is included in the Gold Ring of Russia. Transport node on the automotive (M7 "Volga") and railway (Moscow - Nizhny Novgorod: Vladimir Station) Masters.
Area of \u200b\u200bthe city: 308 km². The population to assess Rosstat as of January 1, 2012 - 345.9 thousand people.

Starodub on Klyazma - Old Russian city - the capitalStarodubsk Principality (1218 - the beginning of the XV century) and the center of the Russian industry and the XII-XIV centuries. The city was located on the banks of the recqueat, 12 kilometers to the northeast of the modern coworldwir region. Currently, the Seloklyazminsky Corolokovrovsky district of the region is located here.

Kovrov - City B. Russia, the administrative centerkovrovsky district of the Region (the district does not include). Large railway assembly on Linemist-Nizhny Novgorod. Population 145 214Hell. (2010). Carvers wears the honorary zvanyigorod of military glory (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 3, 2011 No. 1456). The city is located on the right bank of the recqueatus (tracts), 64 km of the windy of 250 km north-east of Otmosks.