Rivers of Sumatra. Sumatra island

Formed , which is considered the largest: there are more than 10 thousand islands with a population of about 335 million people. This archipelago includes such large islands as the Philippines, Lesser and Greater Sunda, Moluccas (large islands), and smaller ones.

Greater Sunda Islands

As already mentioned, the islands are located on the territory of the Malay Archipelago, but where they got their name from and why they were so named remains a mystery. To these geographical objects includes most of Indonesia, and among them there are four largest:





A characteristic feature for all is predominantly mountainous relief, subtropical climate, rich in vegetation and animal world and found minerals such as oil, coal and gas.

Indonesia. Sumatra island

The largest Island state Indonesia is located in the Malay Archipelago, which includes about 17 thousand islands. One of largest islands Sumatra is considered to be on the territory of the state and the entire archipelago.

Geographic coordinates of the island of Sumatracan be described as follows: located on both sides of the equator, which divides it into almost two equal parts, the area is 473 thousand km 2 . The length of the island is 1.8 thousand km, and the width is 435 km.

History reference

The first mention of the island as a populated area dates back to the 2nd century. Even then, the first states were here, but nothing is known about them. But in the 7th century, the state of Srivijaya appeared.

Further, Majapahit began to own the territory, until the 16th century, and thenbecame a colony of the Netherlands. This state of affairs continued until the middle of the 20th century, until Indonesia gained independence in 1945.

From Sanskrit, the word Samudra is translated as "Ocean" or "Sea".

Terrain and water resources

Sumatra island It has a predominantly mountainous relief, where there are the Aceh and Batak plateaus and the Barisan range. This area is volcanic, there are 12 active volcanoes. So, Kerinchi is the highest point and reaches 3805 meters, other volcanoes, such as Dempo and Marapi, reach a height of more than 1000 meters above sea level.

If you look at what it looks likeSumatra on the world map, then you can see that the southwestern part is mountainous, and the northeastern part is lowland plains.

Despite the fact that Sumatra is an island in the ocean, it is rich in rivers and lakes. To major rivers include Hari, Rokan, Kampar, Musi, and Lake Toba is located in a volcanic basin and is the deepest in South-East Asia. Its depth is about 450 meters.


Greater Sunda Islandslocated in the equatorial zone, so there is rich vegetation and wildlife.

About 1/3 of the island's territory is covered with forests, where ficuses, tall palms and bamboos grow, as well as ferns and lianas. Somewhere at an altitude of 1500 meters in the mountains grow oaks and maples, chestnuts and conifers. If you rise to a height of 3000 meters, then shrubs and grasses, more undersized plants, prevail here. Mangroves are very common on the island - these are forests that have chosen the tidal strip of the coast.

However, due to constant deforestation, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bforests is constantly decreasing, and not only vegetable world but also an animal. Some species are on the verge of extinction today.


Animals of Sumatra- more than 190 species of mammals and reptiles, more than 270 species of fish and more than 400 species of birds.

Separately, it is worth noting representatives of the animal world that live only in this territory (endemic):

    The Sumatran rhinoceros is the smallest member of the family. A distinctive feature of this animal is the presence of 2 horns, one of which is underdeveloped.

    The Sumatran porcupine is a small rodent with thin quills. Lives mainly at an altitude of 300 meters above sea level in burrows or rocky cracks.

    The Sumatran tiger is the smallest of the tigers and is on the brink of extinction due to human-animal collisions and the expansion of human agricultural activities.

However, not striped predatorsare considered the most feared animals, and banteng bulls, which do not attack people, but are not afraid to attack a tiger. It is the head of this beast that adorns the coat of arms of the Indonesian Republic, as it is associated with courage, courage and courage.

Island capital

Indonesia has several major cities: Jakarta (the capital of the state), Surabaya, Bandung and Medan (the administrative center of the island).

The last of the mentioned cities is developing very fast and has rich history. Back in the 16th century, Guru Patimpus founded a settlement, and the Bataks became its first settlers. Until this territory became a colony of the Netherlands, development was very slow, but after the 1860s, Medan quickly became administrative center, and already in 1915 officially became the main one in Sumatra.

Today, about 2 million people live in Medan, who profess different religions: Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Taoism (traditional Chinese teaching).In the center of the city is the international airport - Polonia.

From Malaysian and Indonesian, "Medan" is translated as "field", but in translation from the Karo language it means "good" and "healthy". The city has four sister cities, all in Asia: Penang (Malaysia), Ichikawa (Japan), Gwangju ( South Korea) and Chengdu (China).


The people of Sumatrais 50 million people (according to estimates for 2010). A lot of nationalities live here, but more than 90% profess Islam.

The whole island is divided into 10 provinces, and the most populated are North and South Sumatra, as well as Riau, Lampung and Aceh.

Most of the population lives in the north. In addition to the capital major city considered to be Palembang. By the way, mostly city dwellers live on the island. But someone lives in port cities(Padang), some in the tourist area (Bengkulu) and others in the industrial area (Pekanbaru).

There are four largest ethnic groups - these are Bataks, Malays, Minangkabau, Aceh, in addition to them, there are Chinese, Indians, Arabs, and they all speak their own language. In total, there are about 52 languages ​​that can be heard on the island.

AlthoughIslamized, women play an important role in public life.


Indonesia, including Sumatra, uses its Natural resources and through it survives. For example, hydroelectric power stations were built on the Musi and Indragiri rivers, which makes it possible to obtain energy.

The island produces 4/5 of all oil in Indonesia, and there are also minerals such as coal, silver and gold.

Products such as rubber and coffee are also produced in large quantities.Sumatra island on the world mapwell located andallows you to grow tobacco, collect palm oil from growing trees (about 80% of the oil is extracted here) and grow valuable tree species - ebony and camphor.

The original culture influenced such an area of ​​the economy as the manufacture of batik (hand-painted on fabric). Such products are attractive to tourists who buy them as souvenirs.

Agriculture is not very developed, but crops such as rice, corn, tea are still grown here, and fishing is also common.


The island is rich in various cathedrals, palaces, churches and museums, as well as national parks. Some of them seasoned tourists It is recommended to visit every visitor of the country.

    In 2004, the island of Sumatra was very badly damaged by the tsunami, the main blow fell on the northern and western coasts. The Aceh Tsunami Museum was built in tribute to the memory. The four-story building greets visitors with a dark corridor, and then you can see the painted walls, which depict people performing a traditional dance. The exposition of the museum is an imitation of an earthquake and a tsunami, as well as documents and photographs telling about the event.

    Simalungan Royal Palace - was built in ancient times, but, despite its venerable age, is in excellent condition, as it undergoes regular and timely restoration. From the outside, the building looks like a large hut that stands on stilts, but inside you can see richly decorated rooms and displays that are of some value.

    Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary is located in Medan (Sumatra). Its description can begin with the fact that it is made in the Indonesian style, has two domes and does not at all look like a classic Orthodox white church. It was built in 2005 and is the center of the Catholic pilgrimage on the island.

    The Baiturrahman Mosque in Banda Aceh is a symbol of religion and culture built in 1881. The structure remained almost intact after the tsunami. The architecture of the museum is in the traditional style, although it was built by the Italians under the influence of the Dutch. But there is also the main mosque, which is called the Great, or Masjid Raya is located in Medan. This is one of the main attractions of the city, which is an important historical monument and maintained in perfect condition.

    The Ampera Bridge in the city of Palembang, built with funds taken from war reparations collected from Japan. Connects two parts of the city. For several years after the opening, the bridge was raised to allow ships to pass, but years later this was stopped, as the rise of the vaults took a long time, which led to large delays.

    Orangutan Rehabilitation Center, which is a national reserve, created to preserve the population. It was opened in 1973 and aimed at ensuring that orangutans lived in the wild, but were protected.

The Malay Archipelago is very attractive for tourists. Available to people all year round summer rest in countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines. A favorite place is Sumatra, which attracts with its beaches, nature and attractions. They like to relax here with families, companies and alone.

There are several interesting facts that will help to complete the verbal picture of this place:

  • One of the directions of excursions are local villages, which tourists advise everyone to visit. For example, Bukit Lawang, which is located near a mountain river in national reserve, where both guests like to come to relax, and locals. Or the picturesque village of Samodina, where the inhabitants observe many traditions.
  • In the center of Lake Toba there is an island that covers an area of ​​530 km2, where markets exist where goods are exchanged rather than sold.
  • "Sumatra" is translated as "ocean" or "sea", but there is also such a thing as "a heavy wind with a thunderstorm and a downpour."
  • In the northern part of the island there is another islet - Nias, where only recently people refused to sacrifice, and now they show tourists only rituals in the form of dances.

The picturesque island of Sumatra is located in the waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. He is known not only for his beautiful nature, which is characterized by a wide variety of flora and fauna, but also by a distinctive culture and architecture, so unlike the world we are used to.

In order to find the island of Sumatra, it is necessary to explore the western hemisphere. It is there, in the area between Southeast Asia and Australia, that a large archipelago called Malay is located, by the way, it is the largest in the world. It is not difficult to find Sumatra in this group of islands - it is enough to know two facts about it. First, its territory is divided into two equal parts by the equator. And secondly, the island has an elongated shape and extends from the northwest to the southeast.

Due to the fact that Sumatra is literally located on the equator, here the temperature stays at the same mark throughout the year - about 26 ° C. From the west, the island is by the Indian Ocean, and from the east by the Java Sea.

Scientists suggest that about 73 thousand years ago, it was in Sumatra that powerful eruption volcano, which changed the climate on the planet and became the beginning of a long ice age.

Sumatra: state affiliation

Sumatra is part of Indonesia, although in the middle of the last century these lands were a Dutch colony, and earlier the entire island and nearby small islands were the Sultanate of Aceh. By the way, the Sumatrans profess Islam, although Buddhist temples built in the pre-Islamic period have been preserved in the jungle. However, here the issues of religion are not as acute as, for example, in Bali. Despite the fact that the area of ​​​​Sumatra is approximately the size of Belgium, it is no more - 50 million people.
Sumatra is the sixth largest island in the world by area. Its length is about 1,800 km and its width is about 440 km. But in terms of population, this is the fourth island on the planet.

How to get to Sumatra

The main transport hub in Sumatra is Medan, a city in the northwest of the island. There is a large seaport and airport here. However, you cannot fly directly from Moscow to Medan, it only accepts local flights from the main Indonesian cities, as well as from Malaysia and Singapore.

Therefore, it is worth planning a route with an intermediate stop at airports in Southeast Asia, for example, in Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta, Denpasar, and then transfer to a flight of local airlines. Within Indonesia, you can move freely and water transport. Russians do not need to obtain a visa to Indonesia in advance, it is opened upon arrival if they have a return ticket and pay the visa fee.

A Frenchman lives in Sumatra, who has been traveling around these parts on a motorcycle for 20 years. According to him, he has not yet seen all the worthy places and is not going to stop. What is it that attracts him, having seen tropical views?

Sumatra is a unique combination of majestic volcanoes, delightful lakes with water like a child's tear, virgin jungle, cool highlands and endless valleys. In the necklace of islands scattered around it, you can find the best diving in the world, and extra-surfing, and ancient megaliths. Sumatra is inhabited by unique Minangkabau and Batak peoples with their impressive architecture and extraordinary musicality. And to everything else, Sumatra is located away from mass travel destinations, so you can enjoy its magnificence thoughtfully and calmly, without looking back at the herds of organized tourists.

The island closes the entire archipelago from the west and is cut in half by the equator. The climate, respectively, is equatorial and subequatorial, with year-round temperatures around 30°. Western part Sumatra is occupied by highlands, where the climate tends to be European.

In terms of its ethnic and religious composition, the island is an amazing mix of strict Acehnese Muslims in the north, Christians and formal Muslims in the center, Muslim Javanese in the south, with the addition of wild animist tribes living in the jungle and on the islets west coast. All of them, however, live amicably and there have been no outbreaks of violence on interethnic grounds.

The history of Sumatra, as well as neighboring Java, forms the basis of the history of the whole country, which can be found in the corresponding section. Once the most powerful empire in Southeast Asia, Srivijaya, with its capital in Palembang, fell apart long ago, relegating Sumatra to a secondary role in regional politics. Now the main events and battles are unfolding around oil, the richest deposits of which are found in the east and north of the island. The Sultanate of Ache with its capital in Banda Ache for a long time fought for independence, first with the Dutch administration, then with the government of Indonesia. The latest clashes took place in 2003, when 3,000 people were killed as a result of bloody battles between the army and the separatists. Everyone was judged by the tsunami in December 2004, which washed away half the city. Since then, the situation has become much calmer, although the Acehnese do not leave the dream of becoming a “second Brunei”.

Most interesting places concentrated in the north and in the center of the island. The southern part, although it has natural attractions, is much less popular. Most tourists travel on the Medan - Padang section, discussed below, sometimes stopping at the northern tip of the island in the province of Ache.

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Sumatra is one of the largest islands, with amazing tropical landscapes, ancient temple complexes and virgin nature, represented by exotic plants and rare living creatures that live only here, in the Malay Archipelago, belonging to the Greater Sunda Islands. Travel lovers from different corners planets come here to see with their own eyes the bright and rich world of flora and fauna, to swim in the gentle waters indian ocean and feel the atmosphere of this heavenly piece of land.


Sumatra is famous for its national parks, majestic volcanoes, picturesque rivers and lakes, thermal springs, colorful flora and fauna, the most interesting museums and original culture. This area has rich reserves of oil, tin, gold, coal. In addition, there are a large number of plantations where coffee, coconut, rice, spices, tea and tobacco are grown. The main sectors of the island's economy are agriculture and mining, which, combined with tourism, contribute annually to the development of Sumatra. According to its administrative structure, the island is divided into a dozen provinces, consisting of cities and towns, where there are residential areas, restaurants, hotels, shops, shopping centers and entertainment establishments.

This exotic piece of Indonesia is of great interest to researchers of the animal world, given that there are almost 200 species of mammals, more than 190 species of reptiles and amphibians, many varieties of fish and birds. Tree ferns, creepers, broad-leaved deciduous species, maple, chestnut, coniferous trees, palm trees, ficuses and other vegetation grow in forests, which make up 30% of the entire surface. The northeast coast abounds with mangrove thickets, and wide savannahs stretch in the intermountain plains. In the central part of Sumatra rises the Toba volcano, whose explosion tens of thousands of years ago, according to geologists, caused the Ice Age. The local population is mainly formed from Malays, Chinese, Javanese and Bugis. The dominant religion is Islam, although there are adherents of other religious directions.

general information

The territory of Sumatra is 473 thousand square meters. km, with a population of over 50.5 million people. Time ahead of Moscow by 4-6 hours, depending on the specific location of a particular city. Timezone UTC+7, UTC+9.

A brief excursion into history

The first states were formed in Sumatra back in the 2nd century, and in the 7th century these lands almost entirely belonged to the ancient Malay kingdom of Srivijaya. Then they became part of the Majapahit Empire. From the end of the 15th to the beginning of the 20th century, the Muslim Sultanate of Aceh reigned here, which, despite the Dutch colonization, stubbornly resisted the conquerors until Indonesia declared its independence. Now, Aceh is one of the provinces of the island. After receiving autonomous status in 2001, Islamic laws were finally established in Sumatra. Serious damage to the island caused devastating tsunami 2004, but since then he managed to fully recover and is now considered one of the most prosperous regions in Indonesia.


Sumatra has an equatorial, hot and humid climate with an average annual air temperature of about +26 degrees. Most of the precipitation falls on December-February, although formally, the rainy season stretches for a slightly longer period. However, the rains here are rarely prolonged, and cloudy weather quickly changes to sunny. Strong winds often blow, contributing to high waves. Tourists come here throughout the year, though it’s never superfluous to ask about the weather forecast for the coming days anyway.

How to get there

One of the most common ways to get to Sumatra is a direct flight to what is on the island, and from there by local airlines to Medan Airport, which is considered one of the main transport hubs on the island.


Interior public transport It is represented by buses and taxis, as well as seaports, at the pier of which numerous yachts, ferries and boats moor.

Major cities

The main cities of the island are Medan, Palembang and Padang. The largest of them - Medan, has the status of the capital of the province of North Sumatra and is located in close proximity to important transport points: seaport Belavan and international airport Polonia. Among the most interesting architectural objects here stand out the great mosque Masjid Raya, the palace of the Sultan Istana Maimun, the Catholic Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary, local history museum Bukit Kubu and Chinese Temple Vihara Gunung Timur. In Palembang, it is worth visiting the museums of Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin and Balaputra Deva, as well as visiting a small but very colorful zoo with crocodiles, orangutans, elephants, bears, exotic birds and other animals. The town of Bugittingi is known as a place for bullfights and a kind of transit point for excursions in Sumatra.


Due to the volcanic origin of the island, the local beaches have a characteristic black tint, and perhaps therefore, the interest of vacationers in them is somewhat limited. Most tourists prefer to spend time on the shores of lakes, so the sea coast is provided for the use of lovers aquatic species sports. The most famous beach here is considered coastline Tuk-Tuk, on the island of Samosir, which is part of national park. Sometimes you can see representatives here wildlife strolling right by the water.

Attractions and entertainment

One of the main tourist sites of Sumatra is the legendary Lake Toba, formed about 75 thousand years ago, among steep mountains and deep gorges. On Mount Belirang, Samosir Islands, are thermal springs, whose water has healing properties, and in the village of Simanido, inquisitive travelers are advised to visit the Huta Bolon Museum and watch the performance of the traditional Toba Batak dance. In the village of Ambarita, guests have the opportunity to admire the group of stone thrones on which elders and judges sit during important public decisions. In the settlement of Tomok, the museum of Raja Sidabatu attracts attention.

For connoisseurs of wildlife, the largest national park South-East Asia - Gunung-Luser, located on the border between the province of Aceh and North Sumatra. On its territory, visitors can see hundreds of species of exotic birds, as well as rare animals, including gibbons, macaques, orangutans, Sumatran tigers, leopards, and elephants. For physically fit adventurers, there are hiking trails to the Lucer and Loser mountains, as well as rafting along the Whampoo River.

Another national park worthy of admiration in Sumatra is Kerinsi-Seblat, founded in 1982 around the volcano Kerisi. Dense jungle, rare animals and amazing plants, including the famous rafflesia flowers and amorphophallus, serve as the main attractions of the park. Fans of hiking excursions can get a lot of pleasure here from climbing to the mouth of the volcano or walking to the high-mountainous lake Gunung-Tudzhukh. In the town of Kersik-Tua, those who wish have the opportunity to rent necessary equipment. Also extremely interesting cruise on boats to the majestic volcano Krakatoa, which caused the deaths of tens of thousands of people when it exploded in 1883. reputation great place for beach holiday has an island. For fans of active pastime in the dark, in many settlements and the cities of the island there are numerous bars and discos.


In the culinary establishments of Sumatra, visitors are provided with an extremely diverse menu, where, in addition to rice traditional for Southeast Asia, you can try all kinds of meat, fish delicacies, fresh fruits and vegetables. Particular attention should be paid to the local juices and other drinks.


All sorts of goods are sold in shops and trade shops, from inexpensive clothes to elite cosmetics and perfumes. Tourists often buy wooden figurines, parasols and other handicrafts as souvenirs.

Sumatra is considered one of the most mysterious, vibrant and colorful islands on the entire Asian continent. A rich flora and fauna, a long history and incredible beauty of nature, combined with a special culture and traditions local population, allow you to make your stay in this place as informative as possible and filled with a lot of positive impressions.

In the west of the Malay Archipelago is the sixth largest island in the world - Sumatra. As part of the islands, it is part of the Greater Sunda Islands. The area of ​​Sumatra is 473,000 sq. km. The population is over 50,370,000 people. The capital of Sumatra is.

Geographical position and relief of Sumatra

The island of Sumatra, the photo of which can be seen below, on the world map is located simultaneously in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and the equator divides it into almost two equal parts. The length of the island is approximately 1.8 thousand square meters. km, and the width is 435 km. Sumatra is separated from neighboring Malacca by the Malacca Strait, and from Sunda.

The southwestern coast of Sumatra is mountainous, here are the Batak and Aceh plateaus. The fault zone separates mountain range Barisan into two chains, composed of Paleozoic rocks: limestone, quartzite, crystalline schists. The east of the island is a swampy plain.

There are 12 active ones on the island of Sumatra, as well as many extinct ones. highest point Sumatra - active volcano Indrapura or, whose height is more than 3800 m above sea level. Other large volcanoes- 2891 m high and Dempo - 3159 m.

The island of Sumatra is characterized by high seismicity. Earthquakes with an amplitude of up to 7-8 points are possible here. So, in 1883, an erupting one, located near Sumatra, lowered a whole neighboring one under water. And the infamous 2004 Sumatra tsunami, triggered by an undersea earthquake, caused massive damage to its southern and western coasts.

In the area where the island of Sumatra is located, the equatorial climate prevails, characterized by high temperatures and humidity. average temperature here + 25-27ºС. In winter, winds blow from the northeast, and in summer - from the southwest. In the east of the island, rainfall is up to 1000 mm per year. In western Sumatra, they can fall up to 4000 mm, and in the mountains - up to 6000 mm. Moreover, from May to September there is almost no rain, and the main precipitation occurs in the autumn-winter period.

Cities of Sumatra

Tourists traveling around the island usually visit the following places:

Attractions of Sumatra

On that exotic island many tourists aspire to visit. Life here is in many ways different from European. From what to see in Sumatra, it is important to name:

The island has a lot for every taste and budget:

  • JW Marriott Hotel Medan– 5-star hotel in the center of the metropolis on Sumatra Medan with modern, well-equipped rooms, a swimming pool and a gym;
  • Santika Premiere Dyandra Hotels & Convention-Medan– a stylish 4-star hotel with a conference center, a spa;
  • Aston Jambi Hotel & Conference Center- a 4-star hotel located in the city of Jambi, provides its guests with a full range of services;
  • Horison Siantar Hotel- An excellent 3-star hotel with non-smoking rooms will provide its guests with a comfortable stay.

Sumatra Restaurants

In order to taste national ones, you can visit one of the restaurants in Sumatra:

  • Restaurant Garuda- this is a whole network of authentic restaurants that are located throughout Sumatra, and especially in its northern part, in establishments you will be treated to meat, fish, and vegetable dishes;
  • Jenny's Restaurant- a restaurant located on the island of Samosir, the traditional dish in it is fried to a crispy fish caught in Lake Toba;
  • Tip Top Restaurant- one of the oldest restaurants in Sumatra, but this does not make it less popular, but rather the opposite. Here you will be treated to fried rice, delicious cakes and even homemade ice cream, this restaurant is located in Medan on Ahmad Yani Street.


If you, having arrived in Sumatra, dream of doing business here, pay attention to the shopping centers available in each city:

  • Sun Plaza - in this shopping and entertainment center, located in Medan on Jl. Ainul Arifin & Diponegoro / Polonia, you can choose from brands such as Franco, Mango, Zara;
  • a modern shopping complex in the city of Palembang is located at Jln. PON IX, 30137, where you can buy fashionable shoes, clothes, souvenirs, jewelry;
  • Batik Tanah Liek Citra Monalisa in Padang - here you can buy fabrics made using the batik technique, as well as finished products from them.

How to get to Sumatra island?

When traveling to Sumatra, keep in mind that the easiest way to get to the island is by plane. Medan is the main city of Sumatra - Kuala Namu, which receives flights from many cities in Indonesia, as well as from other countries, such as China and Thailand. From the airport to the center of Medan, you can travel by train, regular bus or taxi.

To travel by car from to Sumatra, you can use the ferry. However, such a road will take you a very long time and may be unsafe.