Interesting geographical names. The most interesting geographical features The largest city in the world

Great pleasure is experienced by people who travel on own car. They get vivid impressions not only from contemplating the beauty of the surrounding area, but also from the names of settlements, rivers, lakes.

If you plan to drive a significant distance in your car, then take a pen and notebook with you to write down the names of cities, towns, villages and rivers that you meet on your way. In the future, you will not only be guaranteed victory in the Cities game, but you will also be able to amuse your friends and family with funny and unusual toponyms.

For starters, I would like to bring to your attention the following interesting names real geographical objects:

  • Cocaine mountains - a river in the Perm region;
  • Lysaya Balda - a river in the Ukrainian village of Zaryanoye;
  • Dno is the name of a city near Pskov;
  • Bunny bubble - a river in the Kemerovo region;
  • In the Ulyanovsk region - the village of Musorka;
  • Red Grave - a village in the Donetsk region;
  • Chuvaki - a village in the Perm region;
  • Tukhlyanka - a river on Sakhalin;
  • Bolshie Pupsy - a village in the Tver region;
  • Machekhin End - a village in the Tver region;
  • Krutye Khutora - a village in the Lipetsk region;
  • Tsatsa - a village in the Volgograd region;
  • The village of Kurilovka in the Saratov region;
  • Yes, yes - a village in the Khabarovsk Territory;
  • This is a village on Sakhalin Island;
  • Kuyoklo is a village in the Tver region.

If you are going to Omsk, then you will meet on your way:

the rivers Bernyazhka, Nyukhalovka, Byzovka, Ingaly, Avlukha;

the villages of Pochekuevo, Shchuevoz, Takmyk, Kurnosovo, Bolshie Murly, Chebakly, Uvalnaya Bitiya and others.

These are so interesting geographical names meet! Each such name, of course, has its own history of origin. What now seems funny to us in ancient times had a completely different meaning. You can ask around local residents where did the name of their village or village or river come from. Old people will tell a lot of interesting things, however, there are fewer and fewer of them every day.

It is a pity that our history flows like a river into oblivion.

Wish we were ready to laugh at unusual name without asking about the history of its origin.

Fortunately, there are enthusiasts who collect bit by bit and save such information. After all, a nation that does not know its history, its roots, is weak and vulnerable. Esotericists, clairvoyants and healers say that living people are given strength by their ancestors, the so-called family tree or family egregor.

Don't forget to bring a notepad and pen with you!

Incredible Facts

Planet Earth is full of amazing geographical and geological mysteries and paradoxes. In fact, there are so many of them that we are unlikely to be able to reveal all the secrets that nature holds. Here are the most unusual and sometimes strange facts related to geography, geology and earth.

1. The shortest place name

The shortest place name is " Å "- the name of a small village, which is located in both Sweden and Norway. In Scandinavian" Å " means "river".

2. Most Big City in the world

The largest city in the world, based on surface area, is the city Hulun Buir in the Inner Mongolia region of China, which covers an area of ​​263,953 sq. km.

3. Countries completely surrounded by one country

Lesotho, Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one country. Lesotho is completely surrounded by South Africa, while the Vatican and San Marino are completely surrounded by Italy.

4. Second longest place name

The second longest place name in the world has been recognized " Taumatawhakatangihangak oauauotamateaturipukaka pikimaungahoronukupokaiwhe nua kitanatahu", consisting of 84 letters, which belongs to a hill in New Zealand and in the Maori language means " the place where Tamateya, a man with big knees who slid down, got up and swallowed mountains, being known as a mountain eater, played his flute for his beloved".

It was the longest place name for some time (and remains so in the Guinness Book of Records), until it was superseded by the name " Krung thep mahanakhon bovorn ratanakosin mahintharayutthaya mahadilok pop noparatratchathani burirom udomratchanivetmahasathan amornpiman avatarnsathit sakkathattiya visnukarmprasit", consisting of 163 letters and meaning the poetic name of Bangkok in Thailand.

5. The coldest and warmest sea

The water temperature in the White Sea in Russia is the lowest and is only -2 °C. Persian Gulf is the most warm sea. In summer, the water temperature here reaches 35.6 °C.

6. The world's oldest constitutional republic

San Marino is considered the oldest constitutional republic in the world. It was founded in 301 by a Christian stonemason who was fleeing persecution from the emperor Diocletian. The San Marino Constitution, which was adopted in 1600, is considered the oldest written constitution in the world.

The deepest hole drilled by man is Kola Superdeep Well in Russia. It reached 12,262 m and was drilled for a scientific study that made a number of unexpected discoveries, such as a huge hydrogen deposit that was so massive that the mud that came out of the well literally boiled.

Due to the bulge of the Earth at the equator, the top of the volcano Chimborazo in Ecuador, which is 6310 m high, is the farthest point from the center of the Earth, claiming the title of " highest point on Earth", despite the fact that Everest is the highest peak above sea level. Chimborazo is extinct volcano and is located 1 degree south of the equator.

Mariana Trench is the deepest part of the world's oceans with the lowest elevation of the surface of the earth's crust. To date, it is believed that its depth is 10,971 m. It is located in the western part Pacific Ocean east of the Marianas.

Mid-Atlantic Ridge is the longest mountain range on Earth, amounting to 40 thousand km. It is located in the center of the Atlantic Ocean. Iceland is the only part of this mountain range that is above sea level.

The Andes form the longest surface mountain range, at 7,000 km.

10. The name of the area, consisting of only vowels

Mountain Circeo on the west coast Italy was once called Aeaea(5 vowels in a row and no consonants). According to mythology, the sorceress Circe lived here. Two other geographic localities with only vowels in their names are AIEA(Aiea) in Hawaii and eiao(Eiao), one of the Marquesas Islands.

11. The most northern, eastern and western state in America

Alaska is the most northern, eastern and western state in America. It is the only state that is part of the Eastern Hemisphere, making it the easternmost and westernmost state.

12. Sea without a coast

The Sargasso Sea is an area in the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean surrounded by ocean currents and is the only sea without a coast. It is bounded in the west by the Gulf Stream, in the north by the North Atlantic Current, in the east by the Canary Current and in the south by the North Equatorial Current. This system of currents forms the North Atlantic subtropical gyre.

13. Lake in an ancient impact crater formed as a result of a meteorite fall

Lake Bosumtwi, located in an ancient meteorite impact crater with a diameter of 8 km, is the only natural lake in Ghana. It is located 30 km southwest of the city of Kumasi and is a popular recreational area. Near the lake there are about 30 villages with a total population of 70,000 people.

14. Unusual river flow

There is only one river in the world that originates at the equator and flows into the temperate zone from there, and that is the Nile River. For some unknown reason, most rivers flow in the opposite direction.

15. No land at the North Pole

There is no land at the North Pole - only ice above the water surface. Northern Arctic Ocean, which has an area of ​​12 million square kilometers of floating ice, has the lowest winter temperature, -34°C.

10 chose

How many amazing cities in the world! Some are famous for their craftsmen, others for historical sights, others attract guests with fun carnivals or festivals, and the fourth - with their own names. When people settle in a new place and establish a settlement, they come up with a name for this place. It can be associated with a legend, with the name of a hero, with the area where it is located, or with some kind of event. But sometimes the name causes complete bewilderment - why? Why was this place named so?

Cities of the world

That is exactly what the town in the state of Arizona (USA) is called - Why (why). Either its first settlers themselves were surprised why it occurred to them to stay here, or because of the transcription of the letter Y, as the saying goes. official version and looks from above the intersection of roads on which stands why.

In Germany, in the state of Bavaria, a city flourishes Kissing. A city with such a name cannot fail to flourish. I wonder if there is some special tradition associated with kissing here, or if the city glorified some famous kiss?

If something in life has failed you, try to go to South Africa. It is here that the city for the most persistent is located - try again and… try again!

Rafting enthusiasts have their own heavenly place for their hobby - a city named Slime (Dirt). For romantics in England there is a very nice place - the city Roseberry Topping (Strawberry Topping). But where I would not like to go is to a town in the Cayman Islands called Hell). Yes, the place is gloomy, located among the rocks. Here anyone can exclaim: "I live in Hell!". But tourists really like to send postcards from here to their friends - straight from Hell.

Sometimes a city with the most common name changes it to a more original one. So it happened with the resort town Hot Springs (Hot springs), whose inhabitants decided to change his name to Truth or Consequences (Truth or Consequences), yielding to temptation. The organizers of the game show of the same name promised to move production to a city that would be named after the program.

The city with the most long title also worthy of being mentioned among the unusual - Taumatauakatangiangakoauauotamateapokanuenuakitanatahu. It is located in New Zealand and means the following - "The top where Tamatea Pokai Uenua played the flute for his beloved." Beautiful, isn't it? In contrast, there is a city that is just an empty place, which is exactly what the name of the town Noodle (Noodles) sounds like in Texas slang. And how to live in cities with the name Spot (Spot), Monkey's Eyebrow (Monkey Eyebrow) or even worse Idiotville (Idiotville). I can’t even imagine what the inhabitants of these cities and towns answer when asked where they come from?

And we have?

On the pillar path

Seven men came together:

Seven temporarily liable,

tightened province,

County Terpigorev,

empty parish,

From adjacent villages:

Zaplatova, Dyryaeva,

Razutova, Znobishina,

Gorelova, Neelova -

Crop failure too...

There are many cities with strange names all over the world. And our country is no exception! If you happened to travel by car across the expanses of our vast country with you, then you also met funny, funny and even such original titles that do not withstand censorship .... But people thought when they called the place where they were going to live! Although, maybe it's all the tricks of the neighbors?

Judge for yourself: Bolshoy Pupsy (a village in the Tver region), Deshevki (a village in the Kaluga region), Such (a village on Sakhalin), Bolshoye Struikino (a village in the Novgorod region), Ovnishche (a village in the Tver region), Dno ( a city near Pskov), Trusovo (a village in the Komi Republic), Kosyakovka (a village in Bashkiria), Krutye Khutor (a village in the Lipetsk region), Novopozornovo (a village in the Kemerovo region), Bolotnaya Rogavka (a village in the Novgorod region), Old Worms (a village in the Kemerovo Region), Verkhnye Zachatie (a village in the Chekhov District), Durakovo (a village in the Kaluga Region), Hare Bubble (a river in the Kemerovo Region), Kozyavkino (a village in the Kemerovo Region), Tsatsa (Volgogradskaya region), Zveronozhka (a river in the Moscow region), Mukhodoevo (a village in the Belgorod region), Yes-yes (a village in the Khabarovsk Territory), Bolshoye Bukhalovo (a village in the Vologda region), Zhabino (a village in Mordovia), Dudes (a village in the Perm region), Musorka (a village in the Ulyanovsk region), Bezvodovka (a village in the Ulyanovsk region) and even Good Bees (in the Ryazan region)!

In fact, such unusual and funny names a huge number throughout Russia. Who invents them, I wonder?

I bring to your attention some of them.

In the city of Myshkin, everything is really saturated with the spirit of a mouse. Not in terms of smell, no. The mouse is present everywhere as a symbol. Firstly, the city itself is quite mouse-sized: 6,000 people live in it. Secondly, there is a wonderful Mouse Museum. And thirdly, the city, like a mouse, hid from the present and quietly exists somewhere between Uglich and Rybinsk. There is a city with the name Koshki, it is located in the Samara region.

The village with the exotic name Polovinka (located in Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, 30 km from Urai).

I suggest you visit the village of Chuvaki, in the Perm region. Far, of course, but what a name.

Somewhere in the water basin of the Lukhovitsky district, a river flows with the breathtaking name Voblya. And the old embassy road from the time of Boris Godunov ran along the banks of the Potudan and Ublya rivers. The names have survived to this day.

More recently, residents of the village of Lokhovo, Cheremkhovo district Irkutsk region decided to change the name of their locality. The villagers even arranged a competition for a new geographical name. But in vain! In fact, “loch” is the name of a shrub with strongly smelling flowers and edible berries, and among ichthyologists, the term “loch” refers to salmon in the period after spawning. AT explanatory dictionary Vladimir Dal has a word that is close to the current jargon, but only feminine - in the old days a stupid woman was called a sucker.

Do not snooze. The name of this place near the city of Artemovsky Sverdlovsk region, they say, appeared after 1914, when a railway line was laid there. There were no buildings, and therefore the train slowed down a little there. Future passengers had to jump on the train literally on the move at the driver’s shouts: “DO NOT YAWN!”

The Sverdlovsk region has locality Newspaper. Where the name came from - no one remembers.

The village of Rassol got its name not from the famous drink, but from the river Rassolka. The river was named in connection with the steel industry that existed here in the old days.

The village of Kosyakovka, Sterlitamaksky district of Bashkiria.

Bolshaya Pyssa is a settlement in the Komi-Udorsky district. Of course, there is also Malaya Pyssa nearby. And you shouldn't have refused to live here! It is here that the unique holiday “Chechchalan Lun” is celebrated. On the Annunciation near the walls of houses they put chocks, they put boards on them and jump for a whole week. Children, youth and unmarried women participate in this action. Compete - who will jump higher and not fall off the board. The higher you jump, the longer and happier your life will be.

Spring is coming and the desire for change is coming. So you want to change the usual environment and go somewhere on a trip. There are many unique interesting places worth seeing with your own eyes. We will give some of them - the most unusual, the most extraordinary.

1. The most high mountain In Canada

In Canada, the highest is Mount Logan with a height of 5959m. it belongs to the Saint Elias Ridge system located in the southwestern Yukon Territory. The name of the mountain was given in honor of William Edmond Logan, a Canadian geologist

2. Most Southern City in the world

Ushuaia (Argentina) is the southernmost city in the world. The population of this administrative center of the province of Tierra del Fuego is 45 thousand people.

3. The most low point Africa

At 155 meters below sea level, Lake Assal in Djibouti is the lowest point in Africa.

4. Most big lake on an island in a lake

The system of these lakes resembles a nesting doll - in Canada, Manitoulin Island is located on Lake Huron, and Lake Manitou is located on Manitoulin Island. Manitou turns out to be the most big lake in a lake with an area of ​​104 square kilometers.

5. richest city in the world

richest and most beautiful city peace - Dubai. It is not at all difficult to buy cheap in Dubai, and therefore this city is also the most visited in the world. Interestingly, its population is 80% foreigners.

6. The longest lake in the world

Lake Tanganyika is located on the border of Zambia, Tanzania, Burundi and Democratic Republic Congo is the longest in the world. It was discovered in 1858 by English explorers John Speke and Richard Burton. The lake is interesting not only for its length (673 km), but it is the second in the world in terms of depth (1470 m) and water volume.

Tanganyika is also famous for its interesting and diverse fauna, bright and unusual fish.

7. Most high waterfall in Africa

The Tugela Falls are located in the Dragon Mountains of South Africa. Here, from a height of 948 meters, water falls in five cascades. The largest cascade has a height of 411 meters.

8. The most deep depression on Earth not filled with water

We have heard about deep sea depressions, but there are also the deepest faults on the surface of the Earth. The deepest of them was discovered in 1961 in Antarctica. The deepest point of the Bentley Trench is 2540 meters below sea level and is completely filled with ice.

9. The highest peak in the Scandinavian mountains

In the Scandinavian mountains high peak is Galldhøpiggen. This 2469-meter mountain was first climbed in Norway in 1850 by Arnesen, Flaatten and Solheim.

10. The longest river in Eurasia

The most full-flowing and long river in Eurasia is the Yangtze. It carries its waters from its sources in Tibet to the East China Sea through China for 6,300 km.

11. The longest braid in the world

The longest spit in the world is located in Ukraine. The Arabat arrow, located on the Crimean peninsula, 112 km long and 270 m wide to 8 km separates from Sea of ​​Azov Sivash bay.

12. Most small city in the world