Travels. Funny city names ridiculous city names

Each of these cities is small, but unique. You may want to visit one of these unusual settlements.

City in which you can not die

Longyir in Norway is one of the northernmost settlements and a place where you officially die. There is a cemetery, but it has not been used for 70 years.

The reason is a strong cold, which does not allow the bodies to decompose and makes them attractive for wild animals. People who can soon die are transported in more southern parts of Norway by plane.

City, stretching for two countries

Cities that are located simultaneously in the territory at once of two states - this is a much more common phenomenon than you can imagine, but this is the most unusual of all. Busingen am Hohromine is a German exclusion in Switzerland. It is economically part of Switzerland, administratively part of Germany.

This is the only city in a given country in which the Swiss franc enjoy both the main currency. Here there are two postal codes at once: German and Swiss. Residents of the city call both German and Swiss numbers, and the Busingen Football Club is the only German club playing in the Swiss League.

Most hellish city

In the American state of Michigan, you can find hell, namely the city called Helle. The origin of the name is unknown, however the residents are pleased to maintain it to support the hellish image of their city.

Tourists gladly make photos next to the signs on which it is written "Welcome to hell", and in the local souvenir shop for $ 6.66 you can buy six square centimeters of hell.

Austrian city in China

The Chinese are known for the fact that they can make a good copy of everything in the world, including the whole city. To be able to travel without leaving the territory of the country, they decided to create their own version of the Austrian town of Hallstatt.

At first, the church was built, and then it began to surround the streets, which are exact copies of the original. By the way, real estate prices in Chinese Hallstatt are higher than in Austrian.

Last free city

Slab City is a city in California, inhabited by homeless, retirees and in general people who are nowhere else to go. They live in trailers and improvised hibars without addresses, as well as without water supply and electricity. There is no rent or utility services, no taxes.

All this sounds not very convenient, but many people who visited this city reported that he was very pleasant. Locals call their home "the last free city in America".

Cave city

Matmata in Tunisia is a city in which most underground Berber dwellings remain inhabited.

In the seventies, ground houses were built here, but the locals prefer to remain in their underground dwellings. Fans of "Star Wars" will quickly understand that this place is the house of Luke Skywalker.

City under one roof

The whole city in Alaska is located in a 14-storey building, which was previously a major military object. Here you will find shops, and a police station, and the hospital, and the church.

The purpose of this solution was saving on heating, as the weather here is always cold and windy. The population of the city has 220 people.

Best city

Walls, doors and even the stairs incredibly beautiful Shaven in Morocco are painted in various shades of blue.

In accordance with one of the main theories, the city was painted by Jews, which lived here, since the blue is for them sacred. Jews have long left this city, but the tradition remained.

Alien city

In 1947, UFO fell near the city of Roswell. What actually fell next to the city is still unknown, but Roswell became known as the "alien city".

Here are themed festivals, and even the local McDonalds is decorated in the appropriate style.

City in the open sea

Oil stones are Azerbaijani industrial city. It is located in the open sea on metal platforms above the oil field.

In this city, no one lives on a permanent basis. About two thousand workers come here for several months to work shifting.

City in the rock

Smetnille de Las Bodegas is a city in Spain, which attracts the attention of tourists from all over the world, mainly due to the fact that it is built directly in a large basalt cliff.

There are streets on which it hangs not the sky, but tons of basalt breed. It may seem that they are about to get on you, but they have been held for many centuries.

The city in which the dead is more than living

In the city of Kolma in California, there are as many as 17 cemeteries. The ratio of the dead to alive here is a thousand to one! This happened due to the fact that at one fine moment the authorities decided to move all the cemeteries from the nearby San Francisco here.

Previously, the population of this town was exclusively from the burialers, manufacturers of monuments and florists, but in the eighties, specialists from other areas began to flow here. To date, the motto of the city sounds as follows: "It's good to be alive in the colme!"

On the planet there are populated points with such amazing names, which is difficult to believe in the fact of their existence. And live in the city of Swastavka or in the city of the Kingdom of Satan can, perhaps, just love with a good sense of humor. And it should be noted that these are not the strange name from existing ones.

1. Wildrency

The city of Swastika in Ontario province, Canada is a rather strange place. In fact, this is not the rash of Nazis - the city was founded almost 30 years before Adolf Hitler began using a swastika. The name of the city was chosen in honor of the ancient Indian sign of well-being and fertility.

2. Kingdom of Satan

What is funny and strange, there are cities and geographic places on Earth, named after hell. For example, two cities in the United States (in the states of Vermont and Massachusetts) are called the Kingdom of Satan.

3. Peniston

The name of the town of Peniston in Yorkshire, England, probably leads its origin from the old forms of Welsh and English languages. Initially, this name meant "Village on the top of the hill". Today, all those who are not too lazy are giggle.

4. Nothing

Earlier inhabited (although there lived very few people) the village of nothing in Arizona, was completely abandoned in 2005. On the tablet at the entrance to the city, it is written: "Lady citizens are full of hope and faith in the need for labor. For many years, these people believed in Nothing, hoped for nothing and worked in nothing. "

5. North Pole

Cities with the name of the North Pole is in the states of Alaska and New York. In the New York Northern Pole there is a thematic park with alive deer and Santa Claus.

6. Unnamed

Unnamed - a small town in Colorado, who received its name when the highway was planned in this place with a turn to another non-existent city. When building the road, a temporary sign was installed on the turn with the inscription "Unnamed". As a result, the name has stuck.

7. Moon

To the north-west of Pittsburgh there is a town by the name of the Moon, which was probably named so because of the fact that it was located in the bend of the river in the form of a crescent.

8. Mars

Tourists recently visited the city of Mars in the state of Pennsylvania. Not only is there is a non-working former spacecraft in the city, it is also possible to declare that he visited Martian (this is exactly the name of the locals).

9. George Washington

George Washington is the only city in the United States, which carries the full name of the founder's father.

10. Gandja

The city with the most Rastaman name can be found in Azerbaijan. And this is not even a village, which was called a joke, and the second largest city in the country.

11. Chinatown.

Chinatowns or Chinese quarters exist in major cities around the world, but in Wisconsin there is a whole city that wears a similar name.

12. Batman

Everyone knows the famous Hero of Comics, but few people know that in Turkey in the province of Batman, on the banks of the Batman River (the tributary of the Tiger River) there is the city of Batman. The main places local attractions are oil refineries and a large military air base.

13. Bastardown

Bastardown in the county of Wexford, despite its name, is a picturesque seaside Irish village.

14. Å.

The settlement with such a concise name is a beautiful seaside village in the very north of Norway. Also, such a name is six other Norwegian towns, Swedish and Danish city.

15. Accident

What is interesting, the town of an accident was built in the 1770s in the state of West Maryland is accidentally. Two farmers laid the land, accidentally choosing the same oak as a reference point. It is on that place and the city was founded.

10 Chose

How many amazing cities in the world! Some are famous for their masters, other historical sights, the third attracts guests with merry carnivals or festivals, and the fourth - their own names. When people settle in a new place and base the settlement, they come up with this place the name. It may be associated with the legend, with the name of the hero, with a terrain where is located or some event. But sometimes the name causes full bewilderment - why? Why did this place so called?

Cities of the world

This is exactly what is called the town in Arizona (USA) - Why (why). Whether his first settlers themselves were surprised why it occurred to them to stay here, or after all, due to the transcription of the letter Y, as the official version reads and looks from above the crossing of the roads on which it stands Why.

In Germany in the land of Bavaria, the city is flourishing Kissing.. Could not flourish a city with such a name. Interestingly, is there any special tradition related to kisses, or the city glorified some famous kiss?

If something in life failed to you, try to go to South Africa. It is here that the city for the most persistent - Try Again. And ... try again!

Fans of Rafting have his own paradise for their enthusiasm place - the city named SLIME (dirt). For romantics in England there is a very pretty place - the city Roseberry Topping (strawberry top). But wherever I would not like to get, so it is in the town on the Cayman Islands called Hell (hell). Yes, the place is gloomy, located among the rocks. Here anyone can exclaim: "I live in hell!". But tourists really like to send out the postcards from here - right from hell.

Sometimes the city with the most common name changes it to the more original. So happened to the resort town Hot Springs (Hot Springs),whose residents decided to change him the name on Truth or consequences (though or consequences), Amented by temptation. The organizers of the game show of the same name promised to move production to the city, which will be named after the program.

The city with the longest name is also worthy to be mentioned among unusual - Taumataauakangiangakoauauauyatamateaapocaanuenaakitanatay.It is located in New Zealand and means the following - "Top, where Tamataa is showing Wenua playing flute for his beloved." Beautiful, isn't it? In contrast, he has such a city that is simply an empty place, that is how the name of the town of Noodle (noodles) sounds on Texas slang. And how to live in cities titled Spot (stain), Monkey "s eyebrow (monkey eyebrow) or worse idiotville (Idymist). I don't even imagine that the inhabitants of these cities and towns are answered, where are they from?

And we have?

On a pillars

Seven men agreed:

Seven tempted

Tightened by province

County Terepiorev,

Empty parish

From adjacent villages:

Spack, Jryryeva,

Razovova, Znobishhina,

Gorleova, Neelova -

Faithful fault ...

Worldwide many cities with strange names. And our country is no exception! If you happened to travel by car on the expanses of our immense homeland, you also had funny, funny and even such original names that do not stand censorship .... But people thought when they called the place in which they were going to live! Although, maybe it's all the tricks of neighbors?

Judge for yourself: Large pups (village in Tver region.), Cheap (village in the Kaluga region), Such (village on Sakhalin), Big Stalkino (village in Novgorod region), Envipped (village in Tverskaya oblast), DNO ( City near Pskov), Troustovo (village in the Republic of Komi), Kosyakovka (village in Bashkiria), steep farms (village in Lipetsk region), Novopozornovo (village in Kemerovo region), Swampling (village in Novgorod region), Old worms (village in the Kemerovo region), top conception (village in Chekhovsky district), Durakovo (village in the Kaluga region), a bubble bubble (river in the Kemerovo region), Kozyavykino (village in Kemerovo region), Tsats (Volgograd region), animal skin (river in the Moscow region), Muhdyovoevo (village in Belgorod region), yes - yes (village in Khabarovsk Territory), Big Bukhakhovo (village in Vologda Region), Zhabino (village in Mordovia), Dude (village in the Perm region), trashca (village in Ulyanovsk region), Witness (village in the Ulyanovsk region) and even good bees (in the Ryazan region)!

Problems with fantasy among the Russian people, of course, no. But with the names of the majority of settlements, apparently, they did not particularly bother. As a result, we have: approximately 44% of the names are repeated. A third of them is named by name (Ivanovka, Mikhailovo, Aleksandrovka ...), and a quarter - by nature (Sosnovka, Berezovka, Kalinovka ...). It is understandable: before, without "brainstorming" and creative agencies somehow managed. But there are among 165 thousand rural settlements, 1300 urban-type settlements and 1100 cities of Russia Real "Pearls" of the extraordinary folk thoughts! Cut in the memory of the names - about a thousand. Together with the regional editors, "KP" we chose two hundreds of them the moststs, in our opinion, strange and funny.

Let's start with the Perm Territory. There is a stupid village. We do not know why it is so ...

Or here is the village of Succino. I wonder how local residents belong to this name.

No less interesting how residents of the village of dudes are presented. "My name is Valera. I'm a dude "? By the way, the tablet in the village, as you see in the photo, I asked ... But in the dumps it does not soar.

And there is a village pot in the Perm Territory.

And the village of the horns convenered to them.

There are sparrows.

And there are mosquitoes. Hmm, who will risk go there in the summer?

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev true_KPru.

And Putino village. Also available.

But the village of hamster. "It seems someone eats too much!?" - I remembered from the fairy tale about Winnie Pooh.

In addition, in the Perm Territory there are such interesting settlements such as Balagura, Pakli, hares and ... Freedom!

We will be transferred to the Krasnodar region. There are not only settlements delight, but also rivers. There are, for example, rivers Herot, sheep, Kura - Sezter ..

And from the villages, the battery, for their homeland, turkey, khushka, five-thaws. Among the farms are an oasis, the first blue, the middle scobs, the first, labor Armenia, a wide gap.

But the coolest, perhaps the name of the village in this region is a fun life. You will pass by - and everything, the fun life ended ...

In Bashkiria, there are also settlements with life-affirming names. For example, the village is ahead. What is not daily motivation?

- Where are you going ?

- I'm ahead!

By the way, the locals call that they are headed, then in advance ... who like it. And how correctly - we have not yet found out.

Also in Bashkiria, the village of Friendship (local Klinchut is friendship). And there is Mars, Paris and Venice. In general, straight universe in miniature.

Let us turn to the Irkutsk region. There is a village of Zada. Against the background of the pointer, they love to photograph from the back ... but in popularity among lovers of Selfie Zada \u200b\u200bwent around the village with the sonorous name Lochovo.

In the Kemerovo region there is an antibes village. And with her, drachienino and blinking.

The Tyumen Region is famous for a considerable list of funny names. There is a coat, partisans, expathed, vagina, half, full, shortness of breath, Goldobino, sour, beautiful, angry, elbows, bad, kinder, wool, political studio, shot.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as in Bashkiria, also has its own Paris. And Fershanpenauaz is available. And even the village of Leipzig with Berlin.

In Udmurtia, there are such unusual villages: Flour-Katy, Bondiek, subhuma, Kosolapovo, Caparaway, Foal, Babino, Luke, Chur, Ultrasound. Both villages: skates, Rabegalovo, Birch, Red Fatar, Banner, Roosters, Kabaniha, Kozlovo, Banes, Small game and Big game, Challenge, Capture, Vanya-Chuo, Adam.

But the most creative people seem to live in the Pskov region! There are lit cities, a whole, tringle ... and villages: ulcers, Torchilovo, grandmother, badgers, big Want, SOS, grace, new Opel, pubis ...

... Kissels, wratbles, kisses, teeth, krivoshalpa, Lambions, undercakes ...

... as well as aliegius, wets, tumors, ass, redhead, Alahu, grandfather, Lyshi Fly, Zanogi, quickly, big wands, new life.

In the Sverdlovsk region there are such cities: Lower Sergi, dir, Novaya Lyalya (and the village of Old Lyalya is all the Novolynsky District District). And the villages are the upper bias, the lower bruise, Laya, Red Adu.

In the Yaroslavl region - Mount-Dirt, Wheat, Zhupeevo, Bukhachovo.

In the Voronezh region there is crap.

In Kaluga - the village of Tisch. The name is quite harmless and in the case: because there is a livestock farming here.

In the Lipetsk region there is a dusty village. In Vologda - whole two villages with the name end (and in Russia there are such eight).

In Crimea, there is a city of Saki, from which local made the city of Psaki. Thus, they allegedly banned the entry of the famous American.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory of Unusual and Funny Names, too, a lot. So, for example, in the Priargunsky district there is a village of fool. Here is the village of Nickname, which is named by the family of a mining engineer. There are large bots in Sretensky district. Not far from the regional capital there is a villager. And in Chernyshevsky district there is a village of Ukuuri. In the Khokok district - Khokhotuy.

And in the Murmansk region there is a village of Africand. Under the snow, African looks particularly exotic.

In the Saratov region there is a village of Loch.

And in Omsk - Babez, Big Beach, Big Murles, Volchanka, Zagadino, Lena, Pub. In Samara - the village of Cats (this is twin the cities of Myshkina Yaroslavl region). In Penza - Tatar Pendel, Chulpan, Bogdanha, a bright way, Rubezh, traffic police. In the Vladimir region allocated: the village of Red Gorbatka, the village of Bor, the village of Lyhaya. In Bryansk - Mamay, Bibiki, Zaitsev Dvor, Crimea, Varna, Bald, New Scales, Summary, Gobiki, Bumbinki, Bosakovo, Flushing, New Light, Cheerful, Hooks, Bobrik, Runlevo, Gun, Liezubovka, Spoons, Angry, Shiryaews, Shapkino ... And in the Khabarovsk Territory there is Condon village. In the Smolensk region - the village of Bodnev. In Tambov - Big Rzhax.

In Mordovia, you can find settlements with such names: Piccsy, Cudnik, Red Warrior, Syrosatino, Saleevsky Maidan. In Chuvashia - a large Murashkino village, an experienced village, the village of Khachiki. In Mari El - the village of Sumok.

In the Trinity Administrative District of Moscow there is a Babenka village.

And in the Ryazan region there was once a village lost paradise. Now no one lives there. This is a tract. It seems a much more friendly atmosphere - good bees in the local village.

In the Kostroma region there is a Piankovo \u200b\u200bvillage.

The Altai Territory distinguished himself by the villagers, a clean mane, a mosquito, a son-in-law, a high mane, a goodwill, Beshentsevo, Rasidity, Valley of Freedom, Lococcuit, True.

In the Krasnoyarsk Territory, you can find Minerla, oblique spoons, Shalobolino and cucumbers.

There you will also intrigute the village with the mysterious name of the mystery. Why mystery? It's a secret…

By the way

5 interesting facts about settlements of Russia

1) The village "Central Manor of the Orthodox Name of the 40th anniversary of the Great October" is the longest name of the settlement in the country. I wonder if the needs of local residents are annoying to pronounce or inscribe this wow-th-long name somewhere in documents?

2) Verkhnenovoktlumbetyevo and ancient times - the longest phenyal names of settlements. It seems there, from the very childhood, and everyone is ready for work by a speaker on TV. After all, you will unsubscribe from where you ...

3) the names of two letters in Russia are 46 settlements. Of these, 11 - Yar. And there is also, for example, the three villages in the Komi are three villages with such a name. Remember this to grab the rivals, playing in the "Cities-Sala".

4) There are only two settlements in the country with the title on J. This is Yoshkar-Ola and Josefovka (village in the Smolensk region).

5) And the title of 27 settlements of Russia begins on the letter. Almost all of them in Yakutia. This, for example, Ytyk-Kuel and Shlym. In general, the city in our country is absolutely for all letters, eliminating the soft and hard sign, of course.

Villages with the name of Krenovo in Russia as much seven! This one is in the Ivanovo region. Photo: Andrei Kara

Tupitsa, Succino, Bukhachovo, Lochovo, Khrenovo ... Among the 170 thousand settlements of the country we chose those by which you can not drive without emotions

Problems with fantasy among the Russian people, of course, no. But with the names of the majority of settlements, apparently, they did not particularly bother. As a result, we have: approximately 44% of the names are repeated. A third of them is named by name (Ivanovka, Mikhailovo, Aleksandrovka ...), and a quarter - by nature (Sosnovka, Berezovka, Kalinovka ...). It is understandable: before, without "brainstorming" and creative agencies somehow managed. But there are among 165 thousand rural settlements, 1300 urban-type settlements and 1100 cities of Russia Real "Pearls" of the extraordinary folk thoughts! Cut in the memory of the names - about a thousand. Together with the regional editors, "KP" we chose two hundreds of them the moststs, in our opinion, strange and funny.

Let's start with the Perm Territory. There is a stupid village. We do not know why it is so ...

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev

Or here is the village of Succino. I wonder how local residents belong to this name.

Photo: Alexey Zhuravlev

And Putino village. Also available.

But the village of hamster. "It seems someone eats too much!?" - I remembered from the fairy tale about Winnie Pooh.

In the Kemerovo region there is an antibes village. And with her, drachienino and blinking.

The Tyumen Region is famous for a considerable list of funny names. There is a coat, partisans, expathed, vagina, half, full, shortness of breath, Goldobino, sour, beautiful, angry, elbows, bad, kinder, wool, political studio, shot.

In the Chelyabinsk region, as in Bashkiria, also has its own Paris. And Fershanpenauaz is available. And even the village of Leipzig with Berlin.

In Udmurtia, there are such unusual villages: Flour-Katy, Bondiek, subhuma, Kosolapovo, Caparaway, Foal, Babino, Luke, Chur, Ultrasound. Both villages: skates, Rabegalovo, Birch, Red Fatar, Banner, Roosters, Kabaniha, Kozlovo, Banes, Small game and Big game, Challenge, Capture, Vanya-Chuo, Adam.

But the most creative people seem to live in the Pskov region! There are lit cities, a whole, tringle ... and villages: ulcers, Torchilovo, grandmother, badgers, big Want, SOS, grace, new Opel, pubis ...

Kozvovki, wratbles, kisses, teeth, krivoshalpa, Lambons, undercurrent ...

And also a fat, wets, tumors, ass, redhead, Alahu, grandfather, Lyshi Fly, Zanogi, quickly, big wands, new life.

In the Sverdlovsk region there are such cities: Lower Sergi, dir, Novaya Lyalya (and the village of Old Lyalya is all the Novolynsky District District). And the villages are the upper bias, the lower bruise, Laya, Red Adu.

In the Yaroslavl region - Mount-Dirt, Wheat, Zhupeevo, Bukhachovo.

In the Voronezh region there is crap.

In Kaluga - the village of Tisch. The name is quite harmless and in the case: because there is a livestock farming here.

In the Lipetsk region there is a dusty village. In Vologda - whole two villages with the name end (and in Russia there are such eight).

In Crimea, there is a city of Saki, from which local made the city of Psaki. Thus, they allegedly banned the entry of the famous American.

In the Trans-Baikal Territory of Unusual and Funny Names, too, a lot. So, for example, in the Priargunsky district there is a village of fool. Here is the village of Nickname, which is named by the family of a mining engineer. There are large bots in Sretensky district. Not far from the regional capital there is a villager. And in Chernyshevsky district there is a village of Ukuuri. In the Khokok district - Khokhotuy.

And in the Murmansk region there is a village of Africand. Under the snow, African looks particularly exotic.

In the Saratov region there is a village of Loch.

And in Omsk - Babez, Big Beach, Big Murles, Volchanka, Zagadino, Lena, Pub. In Samara - the village of Cats (this is twin the cities of Myshkina Yaroslavl region). In Penza - Tatar Pendel, Chulpan, Bogdanha, a bright way, Rubezh, traffic police. In the Vladimir region allocated: the village of Red Negotia, the village of Bor, the village of Lyhaya. In Bryansk - Mamay, Bibiki, Zaitsev Dvor, Crimea, Varna, Bald, New Scales, Summary, Gobiki, Bumbinki, Bosakovo, Flushing, New Light, Cheerful, Hooks, Bobrik, Runlevo, Gun, Liezubovka, Spoons, Angry, Shiryaews, Shapkino ... And in the Khabarovsk Territory there is Condon village. In the Smolensk region - the village of Bodnev. In Tambov - Brostrox.

In Mordovia, you can find settlements with such names: Piccsy, Cudnik, Red Warrior, Syrosatino, Saleevsky Maidan. In Chuvashia - a large Murashkino village, an experienced village, the village of Khachiki. In Mari El - the village of Sumok.

In the Trinity Administrative District of Moscow there is a Babenka village.

And in the Ryazan region there was once a village lost paradise. Now no one lives there. This is a tract. It seems a much more friendly atmosphere - good bees in the local village.

In the Kostroma region there is a Piankovo \u200b\u200bvillage.

By the way

5 interesting facts about settlements of Russia

1) The village "Central Manor of the Orthodox Name of the 40th anniversary of the Great October" is the longest name of the settlement in the country. I wonder if the needs of local residents are annoying to pronounce or inscribe this wow-th-long name somewhere in documents?

2) Verkhnenovoktlumbetyevo and ancient times - the longest phenyal names of settlements. It seems there, from the very childhood, and everyone is ready for work by a speaker on TV. After all, you will unsubscribe from where you ...

3) the names of two letters in Russia are 46 settlements. Of these, 11 - Yar. And there is also, for example, the three villages in the Komi are three villages with such a name. Remember this to grab the rivals, playing in the "Cities-Sala".

4) There are only two settlements in the country with the title on J. This is Yoshkar-Ola and Josefovka (village in the Smolensk region).

5) And the title of 27 settlements of Russia begins on the letter. Almost all of them in Yakutia. This, for example, Ytyk-Kuel and Shlym. In general, the city in our country is absolutely for all letters, eliminating the soft and hard sign, of course.

And what funny names of settlements of Russia do you know? We are waiting for your comments!