Prague - a fabulous city! Fabulous Prague that you can buy in Prague.

How to get to the capital of the Czech Republic? Description of the main attractions that will be interesting for both adults and for the child.

Czech Republic - unimaginable beauty Country, which is one of the leaders in visiting tourists. Special attention deserves the capital - Prague. Friendly local residents, Outstanding architecture, unimaginable tasty beer is just some features that will undoubtedly postpone in your memory as a pleasant memories of a fabulous city.

Prague - City mysterious legends. Mystical castles, mysterious streets, extraordinary bridge, extraordinary statues, and list the features of this mysterious city can be infinitely long. Having been here once, you will miraculously pull here again and again.

To get to Prague seems to be made possible in several ways, depending on which goals of the visit will be prosecuted in the first place. If you are unlimited in time and not against savings, it will best choose bus tourThat will allow leisurely passing through the Czech Republic, testing an incomparable pleasure from local landscapes. In the most significant places of Prague, stops must be organized with the provision of free time for a walk. Another plus of such a journey - you will not be particularly limited in terms of your luggage, like, for example, in an airplane. It is worth noting that many tourists are driven alcoholic beverages from the Czech Republic, to take at least Becherovka - the famous Czech liqueur, filled on herbs. Choose a plane to get to Prague, it should only be right if you are constrained in time, do not plan to carry a mountain of souvenirs and arrange the universal scale shopping, and perhaps altogether give preference to the air transport.

Along the way, I note that in the Czech Republic, the main currency is the Czech crown. (Current Czech Code). You will definitely deal with the exchange of money, and keep this question on the control from the very beginning of the journey. (Currency exchange tips in the Czech Republic)

Now, already arriving in Prague, having examined and having received the first fraction of stunning emotions from a local color, you can begin to visit the main attractions.

Directly in the very center of the capital of the Czech Republic are famous astronomical clocks made in the distant 1410. It takes an hour and wondering in a small window in front of us one after another twelve apostles.

For those who have taken their children to rest in Prague, we will certainly recommend visiting the Troy Toy Museum and Zoo. Ivan Shtaigr - became the Rodonachal of the Museum, starting to collect all sorts of toys, starting with the seventies. Itself without hoping, after a short period of time, he had nowhere to put a variety of teddy bears, dolls, soldiers and so on. His lesson resulted in the fact that in 1989, a favorite place of the childs was opened - the toy museum.

And also, it is impossible to leave the zoo unusual for us. Here you will not meet cells. The zoo is located in natural zone Prague. There are both rivers and lakes and meadows - all conditions for the carefree life of animals. Children will especially please the wooden train, which tirelessly runs among the enclosures. The thematic distribution consisting of two tiers, where the binding vehicles serves the funicular. The first tier contains a pavilion with penguins, a terrarium, a water world. The second is the pavilions with African savanna and Indonesian jungle.

There is in Prague and a secluded corner for lovers - Hill Petrshin. From this elevation, a luxurious look opens, including the Vltava River. Lovers will immediately notice a survey tower here, which has unprecedented similarity with the Eiffel Tower.

Prague will tirelessly surprise you. The simplest walk along the old streets is already worth ever in life to visit the mysterious capital of the Czech Republic.

Ancient and penetrated by romantic charm the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague, is located on the shores of the Vltava River. Today, Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, which is pushed by the spirit of majestic history. Modern Prague is pretty big citywhich occupies an area of \u200b\u200b500 square meters. km and divided into 15 districts. Geographical location The capital of the Czech Republic is really very profitable - the city "spreads" along terrace-shaped slopes along the Vltava, so the opening panoramic views will shook the imagination.

Interesting and architecture of the city - various styles stretched into modernity from various eras, bizarrely intertwined here. Classical Romanesque architecture, Gothic, Baroque and Rococo are combined with modern buildings in modern style. Whatever route for a walk you chose, you will surround unique architecture everywhere. Do not forget to climb Petrshin hill and with the sightseeing to enjoy opening species. Noticed? Of course, you are not in Paris, it's just that a facility is nothing more than a reduced copy of the famous Eiffel Tower. Gothic style lovers in architecture will certainly appreciate with her legendary golem - this is the most interesting place not only in the Czech Republic, but also in all Central Europe, it remains its original appearance for about 700 years.

All Czech cities are interesting and unique in their own way, on them you can "read" the history of the Czech Republic, as on the book. The city complex, located in the south of the country, is particularly interesting. Cities, Olomouc, Chesky Krumlov, Brno, Kutna Mount will leave a deep mark in memory, thanks to its uniqueness and uniqueness. But to visit the Czech Republic and do not wander through Prague - it is unforgivable, because this city does not look like any other. Architectural monuments, gothic locks, fortress structures, and narrow, seemingly endless streets, for which you can wanders for hours, is this not enough to love Prague once and forever?

Having decided to visit the capital of the Czech Republic, it is necessary to schedule a visit to see with your own eyes, and. And good food and beer, which is justified is considered one of the best in the world, will only strengthen the pleasant impression from Prague.

Today, he spread over the Vltava River, and he was created in the XIV century and was built for a long 50 years. Just imagine: a real gallery, located in an open-air and stretching 516 meters, is decorated with 30 sculptural compositions. With one of them is very connected interesting legend. In order to maintain the secret of the confession of the queen, Karl IV ordered the reset Yana Nepomotsky into the dark waters of Vltava. It is believed that the sculpture of Yana Neumber can fulfill desires, so tourists consider their duty to lose sculpture in the hope of fulfilling cherished dreams. Why not try, what if? ..

Prague Castle It is both the historical and political center of the capital of the Czech Republic. It is here that the president's residence is located. Although the sights in Prague Grad great many, a separate mention deserves. This temple is unique in that (only imagine!) It was built for 500 years. And today it is a construction that affects its magnificence combines several architectural styles in itself: Gothic, Renaissance and Baroque. All Czech rulers have passed here the coronation ceremony, and some of them were buried in the cathedral. At the top of the tower-bell tower you can enjoy a stunning view that opens on the whole city. True, to get there, it will be pretty to work hard and overcome any little - 287 steps. Optical can recalculate them, what if they are actually more or less? A visit to Prague Castle does not end: in no case cannot be divided by attention Old royal Palace and National Gallery, and Franz Kafka himself once walked along the old Chilly street and even lived there in one of the houses.

If you were in Prague and have not seen and did not hear « » So you lost a lot. The highlighted jets of water flying under the accompaniment of world-famous musical masterpieces produce such an impression that will not be able to forget for a long time. Well, if you really wanted to get there, but for some reason I could not work out, it would be possible to purchase a video of the show.

Famous historical placeWearing title Grads, replete with palaces, cathedrals and temples: Cherninsky, I. Tuscan palacesChostels St. Yana Nepooksky, Virgin Mary. and St. Roha..

It is here that the symbolic copy of the House of the Virgin Mary is located, which is unique bell ringing. And now is the current Museum of National Czech Writing.

The most majestic palace of Prague is in the second in antiquity of the quarter (small country). Previously, this palace was Marshal Valdstein's residence, and now this luxurious architectural construction is occupied by the Senate. In Waldstein and Larburgian gardens, you can find huge parks that are replete with water bodies, artificial grots and greenhouses.

Well, the youngest historic district of Prague is considered to be a new place. You can not doubt - despite the "youth", here too, there is something to see. To - the heart of the district - adjoins. Here is the most interesting and old Museum Assembly of Prague. Not far is located and - this is a strict beauty building built, and then rebuilt for 200 years. Any educated person knows the literary hero of Faust. So it is here that there is a house in which the chemists lived, whom People's Molva tied with a famous doctor, who exchanged his own soul to scientific knowledge. Another interesting attraction of Prague is. The office building consists of two towers: ordinary tower and destructive.

If you have any other doubts about you after all, whether to spend your time to visit Prague, then throw them off immediately. You can plan, in general, at any time of the year. The maximum daily temperature in January is -1.1 ° C, in August +24.1 ° C, the night temperature in January is usually not lowered below -4 ° C, and in August reaching +13.4 ° C.

So we are waiting for you in Prague. Prepare documents for a visa, book in advance, and who will tell and show everything. And welcome to the fairy tale!

With respect your best!

How are you used to reading about the sights of Prague (and any other city)? "The architect is so-called then, the address is such that, bu-bu-bu." Read - and immediately forgot. declares war with tedious descriptions! In today's article, we give a short one to each attraction of Prague, but a capacious description of the three sentences is no longer or less. Plus photo and place on the map. The minimum of unnecessary information and the most important thing will remain in your memory. At the end of the article you are waiting for a map of Prague with sights.

Eh, sorry such an article about the sights of Prague has not yet been when we drove into the Czech Republic for the first time!

Attractions Prague: Description + photo and map. The content of the article

The main attractions of Prague: what awaits you in this article

Photo of Prague Castle from the observation platform of the Petrshinsky Tower. From here you can see the main attractions of Prague - both on the right and on the left bank of Vltava.

Attractions Prague on the map (District Mala Country)

Prague sights in the Gradcha

33. Prague Castle

Prague Castle - the largest castle in the world, it can be safely included in the category "Main Sights of Prague" along with Karlovy Bridge and Old Town Square. Formerly, the kings of the Czech Republic and the Sacred Roman Empire lived here, now the president's residence here is also the biggest in the world. Here is a huge number of beautiful buildings in the style of Gothika to Baroque with an interesting storyMore details about them you can read in our article:

Prague Castle, as well as the whole city, is especially beautiful at the Golden Autumn.

34. Saint Vita Cathedral

The Gothic Cathedral of St. Vita is considered one of the most beautiful temples of Europe. Founded in the distant 925, various premises of the temple were built up to the XX century. Saint Waclav, Kings and Archbishops of the Czech Republic, and now in the Cathedral of St. Vita - the residence of the Archbishop Prague is buried.

The full name of the temple is the Cathedral of St. Vita, Waclav and Loetha. But for some reason they forget about the last two.

35. Basilica of St. George

The oldest church of Prague Country, founded at the beginning of the X century. At the end of the same century, the female monastery of St. George was attached to her, which no longer acts. The princely sister of Vlad was the first nun, Abbey.

The main attractions of Prague. In the photo: Basilica of St. George in Prague Grad.

36. Schwarzenberg Palace

The Schwarzenberg Palace in Prague was built in the middle of the XVI century and is considered one of the masterpieces of the Czech architecture of the Renaissance. Now there is a gallery of paintings of Czech artists and an exhibition of weapons. From the side it seems that the palace is laid out with a relief tile, but this is an optical effect: in fact it is a very skillful painting.

Schwarzenberg Palace as if she was finished with a relief tile in the form of a pyramid.

37. Royal Sad.

The Royal Garden is separated from the Prague Castle of the deer dish. Here for the first time began to breed such unusual plants for the Czech Republic, like maple, chestnut, figs, tulip. Before that, the royal vineyards grew here.

The Royal Garden is located within walking distance of Prague Castle and these sights of Prague are conveniently visited in one visit.

38. Summer Palace of Queen Anna

Queen Anna is the wife of Ferdinand I, the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. The Summer Palace of the Queen is built in the eastern part of the Royal Garden in the XVI century. Now there are exhibitions of paintings and sometimes adopts guests of the Czech Republic.

The Summer Palace of Queen Anna is not entirely typical for Prague, it was built by the Italians.

39. Street New Light

Very quiet, comfortable and beautiful street near Prague Castle, where you can enjoy a relaxing walk without a tourist crowd. The houses are small here, as if toy. From the XIV century, the servants lived here and builders who worked in Prague Grad, after them this place was chosen by musicians and other creative people.

Welcome to the street New World - territory free from tourists! Could you move, I photograph. And you and you are three, thanks.

40. Prague Loreta.

Prague Loret is a whole complex of buildings in the area of \u200b\u200bLoretanskaya Square. These are mainly religious buildings built in the XVII century, as well as two fountains. The biggest and beautiful building is the christmas christmas church (in the photo).

In winter, Prague Lauret is beautiful! However, in the summer it is beautiful no less.

41. Strahovsky Monastery

The Strahovsky Monastery in Prague was founded in the middle of the XII century, and in the XVII century was completely rebuilt after the fire. Here is the largest library of the Czech Republic, but the most interesting for tourists is a monastery brewery with a tasty, but not in the divine dear beer. A beautiful panoramic view of the sights of Prague, located on the opposite bank of the Vltava River, opens from the walls of the monastery.

Attractions Prague, Gready, the Strahovsky Monastery. The photo is made from the sightseeing platform of the Petrshin Tower.

Tourist map of Prague with landmarks (district of Gradchana):

Attractions of Prague in the crowd from the center

42. Zhykovskaya Telbashnya

In the list "The main attractions of Prague", this tower is worthy to get already because many consider it the most ugly building of Prague (some smoke-free babies are standing on the tower). And this is the most high building In the Czech Republic, height is 216 meters. At an altitude of 93 meters, there is an observation deck with dubious beauty with a view - still to the main attractions are far from far.

They say, in clear weather from the Zizhkov TV bashni overlooking the neighboring countries.

43. Prague Zoo

If you love animals or arrived with a child for a few days, you simply have no right to pass by this sights of Prague. The local zoo is considered one of the best in the world, here almost five thousand animals from all over the world! There is still a very beautiful area, the inscriptions are duplicated in Russian, and a separate article is dedicated to our website Prague Zoda.

And in Prague Zoo there is a free service: bird feeding! Ourselves)))

44. Troysky Castle

Troy castle (he summer Palace Troy) is located across the road from Prague Zoo. Built at the end of the XVII century for local nobles, now there is a picture gallery and a museum of wine. To save, you can buy a combined Troy map ticket for 300 kroons and visit the sights of Prague's sights on it: Troy Castle, Botanical Garden and zoo.

Czech Republic is not only beer. The traditions of winemaking are also very strong here, and in the Troy Castle there is even a museum of wine.

45. Takeren Gardens

Gardens Gardens - very big beautiful park On the hill near the shore of Vltava. Here is a lot of interesting things: shady alleys and sun lawns, Prague metronome and the oldest carousel, cozy restaurants and playgrounds ... But the main thing - there are several watching sites (And all free!) From which opens beautiful view All the bridges of Vltava and the old town.

How to build a perfect route? We have compiled for you (and checked on yourself) two excellent travel scenarios in Prague - for 3 and 7 days. With their help, all the main attractions of Prague you can bypass yourself. And you can hire an experienced guide - good, there is no shortage of good Russian guides in Prague:

Where to drink the famous Czech beer? Beer is an independent sights of Prague, which is obliged to visit any tourist - at least just for the sake of the situation. We went around for you (well, not for the sake of drunkenness!) The most famous and legendary beer Czech capital and present you our top 10:

Where to stay at the hotel? Remove the room more expensive and closer to sightseeing, or cheaper, but in a quieter area? To answer this eternal question, our review will help you in which we analyze not only the areas of the city, but also specific hotels that we picked up for our travels:

Honestly, we ourselves did not believe that we could accommodate all the main and main sights of Prague in one article. But now you have a ready-made guide to the most interesting places Prague, it remains only to make a route and decide where to go and what to see from this list!

Dear friends, and what sights of Prague to visit you recommend? What did you like most? We are waiting for your feedback on the trip to this magic city!

"Prague is the best city in Europe, Prague Fairy Tale ..."that I just did not hear about Prague. And here we enter Prague from a black move, so to speak, from the airport in Pardubice. Prague is a city as a city, and the first thing that rushes into the eyes - graffiti. The whole city is painted graffiti, fully All.

It makes the impression of mud, which no one wants to clean. It can be seen, the problem is not solved. In the most famous theater of Prague "Laterna Magika" (by the way, theater is interesting, but the actors are danced extremely incomprehensible) is the formulation of "graffiti", such as culture is now in the Czech Republic, therefore, and dirty.

How to change money in Prague

The first thing in Prague needs money, Czech crowns.

Take the euro ($ there are no respect). How much to take on expenses? How much. We dreamed of 350 euros for two days. But this is without fanaticism. The same trip to Prague for 7 days for two with tickets to the plane from Moscow, delivery to the hotel, accommodation and breakfast (buffet) cost 52.000 rubles.

Euro (like $) can be changed already at the airport, but there is a low exchange rate. In general, to find out what course good could be in advance via the Internet. We found out it just walking around the city. A good course was 1 euro - 26.2 crowns. It turns out 1 crown - 1.7 rubles. At the airport there was a course 23. In principle, cafes, hotels and shops take euros. So with the exchange, you can wait to the city if the delivery from the airport is included in your tour.

"Locochors in law" or Barygi - so I would call the currency exchange points.

They are in the center of Prague on every corner and not need to be changed in them.

Locochors do the following: they write a good course in large letters, and in fact they change at the lowered course.

On 26, 90, you do not change the euro in this exchange, the course in this exchanger was 1 to 20.

The fact is that the course they indicate will only if you change, for example, more than 50,000 kroons. Or will take a commission from translation. In general, the tourists are bred.

The exchange rule: any exchange item that is profitable is deceived.

To find out the real course, always ask, for example: "tell 10 euros how much?".

And you will show you on the calculator - there you will see a true course.

There are good exchangers, they just need to look or change in banks (in them the course is slightly lower and they do not work on weekends).

Remember that Czech crowns should be changed back to the euro or spend everything. So count how much to change.

Prague - city of tourists

Population Prague - 1 million 222 thousand people, but Czechs there are generally not visible. Some Russians, Italians, Germans ... The Japanese ran. Russians just tremendously many. Everywhere, where would you not go, we went or climbed out our.

Sellers in stores are trying to identify nationality first in your mind, then greet in your language. If your reaction is not, then waiting for you to start and dispel their doubts.

They say and understand in Russian almost everything, the benefit of the language of Czech similar. In the extreme, very extreme case can be told in English. Some of our tourists are so imposed, they say in English, then when they were perfectly understood in Russian. There is no linguistic barrier at all. Consider that we arrived in the city of Russia.

Prague is one tourists, in the center they are everywhere. There are a lot of them.

On Charles Bridge

But it is worth only to get away from the central streets and there is no one.

In the subway people are also very small

Strange Czechs, think, only sometimes somehow peculiar ...

Here are tickets for transport (subway, tram, bus) there are 3 species:

The first for 18 kroons (~ 25 rubles) gives the right to pass 5 stops in the subway without a transplant and no more than 30 minutes. Or the right to drive on the tram of 20 minutes without transplantation.

The second for 26 crowns (~ 44 rubles) - you can transplant in transport, and is valid 75 minutes.

The third for 100 kroons (~ 170 rubles) - the subscription for the day.

Did you understand anything? Why was it difficult to complicate, I do not understand. And more these tickets need to find where to buy. There are automata and cash desks in the subway, but at trams stops you need to look for tickets in the nearby shops.

The ticket break once at the entrance to the subway, and in the tram they compost. That is, on trust.

You can probably ride the hare, but there is checks. At the output or at the inlet, controllers appear and check tickets. So save the ticket to the exit to the surface. For 7 days we were checked once.

The metro is quiet, calm.

Doors in the subway trains need to open by pressing the button. Save anything at opening-closing doors. Stations to funny short. 1 station - 5 minutes walk.

Trams go on schedule. At each stop is written when it is waiting.

On weekends you can ride on the historic tram. He goes from the exhibition center every hour through the entire city. You can go to any station. It costs 35 kroons (~ 60 rubles) per person.

Strange stores

The Czech Republic overturned Russia, and in something there is no. Grocery stores, ala, 90s of the last century. We only have such in the villages only perhaps. Maybe they only in the center of such or people just lives less ... or I used to good - we have the largest in Krasnodar commercial network Shops "Magnit" and non-product problems.

And okay that shops are old, but they are closed at 18-00.

Day just begins, and the store is already closed

And this store works on Saturday from 10 to 12

Oh, happiness, this store "VECERKA" works after 20-00

In general, maybe they have such a leopard, but after 18 everyone sleeps ...

At the main bus station Prague (the capital of the Czech Republic) at this time there are practically no people.

This single visitor bus station is charged cell phone

What to visit in Prague

We went around the whole city on foot in a few days, without excursions, for the guide to the guide. By the way, the guidebooks are interesting, it is written: "To find a Visegrad from the metro station go to the west." Do you need to navigate through the sun or compass?

Or how to write in a travel guide for tourists where prostitutes are going. After all, someone will be interested. They write: "Attention, be careful, prostitutes are going to Bethlehem Square ...".

Visited the zoo. Animal created a real habitat. So the jungle is a jungle, wet, hot and rain. Pleasant walk.

Raised to Petrshin Hill. There is a lift, and at the top there is a copy of the Eiffel Tower, which can be climbed and picked up.

And next to the hill is a mirror labyrinth.

With the room of curves mirrors.

Parks in Prague wonderful.

Made with your own hands (Hand Made).

In Prague, many tourists and many souvenirs for them. That only the Czechs do not come up with.

About excursions

Do not buy excursions from tourist firms in Russia. They sell them more expensive than you are easy to buy yourself. Especially by buying excursions in advance, you will be limited in your time. You will be treated where you do not need (reviews of Russian tourists who bought excursions). You are so prague and life in the Czech Republic will not see.

Go on excursions with a guide in Prague elementary. Firms at every corner in the city center, in Russian. And in the hotel racks with booklets of excursions.

In general, these excursions are not needed.

Buy a guide to Prague in Russia and go on it. And on the excursion to another city, go to your move. You will save on every excursion at least 1500 rubles per person and, most importantly, you will be free in movements and time.

Going to the fence tour Very easy - come to the bus station at the metro station "Florenc" and ask at any checkout the time of departure to the city you need. Ask easily: just name the desired city, for example, "Karlovy Vary when?".

Buses go regularly every hour, so you will leave quickly, you can buy tickets directly from the bus driver. You can find out the schedule through the help machine, there is even easier.

We ourselves went so in Karlovy Vary and Kun Mount.

I assure it to ride myself much better and more profitable.

Moreover, you will not alone, Russian tourists in every bus, for sure, will be. Remember that after 20-00 go back to Prague may be problematic. So come back to that time.

Kutna Mount

Kutna Mountain is the city of Czech Republic, about an hour ride by bus from Prague. Main landmark - kosnitz.

The kosnitz is a gothic chapel, trimmed by human skulls and bones. About 40,000 human skeletons left for the chapel decoration.

At the train station, Kutny Mountains buy a map in the store near the info center and focus on it. 15 minutes walk and you are in place.

Atmospheric place

Yes, if you are a student, or look like a student, then when entering various places you will have a discount.

Just always buy student tickets. Sometimes they ask to show the international student card, but you speak Russian, that there is no such thing and you will still sell a student card. It is probably possible to even make such a card for students and teachers in Russia. But still look in appearance and all kind.

There are other attractions in Kutn Mount.

Saint Barbara Cathedral

And most of all in Kutn Mount, I liked the bobslee route -

In the booklet they write that speed on the track can reach 76 km / h. And that the track is certified at the request of European security. I believed them on the word and, having decided that they were smart and all were provided for, the entire route was rushed in full. As on the American roller coaster. Feelings are super.

Only I was naive, not everything was so thought out. Under the end of Bob, I almost flew off the track. There it turns out on the entire highway there were warning signs that you need to slow down. And I did not see them even. Be careful.

Karlovy Vary

Karlovy Vary - quiet, calm ... Russian resort. Some Russians. In stores Russian sellers, signs in Russian, say everything in Russian ...

Karlovy Vary resemble Kislovodsk. This is a city resort with medicinal waters.

On the city is just nice to walk. Buy products that are made only in Karlovy Vary. For example, branded Becherovka - tincture on herbs.

Try waffles, right with you will be made.

Chocolate in Karlovy Vary is selling interesting. Chocolate animals, candy with species of Prague ...

Swim in the thermal outdoor thermal pool. True, something was cool there. And the pool itself is still needed. He is at the hotel thermal uphill.

Climb cableway On the mountain, and back down to go down to the park itself.

Prague - a good city for relax. Almost everyone understands Russian, from Prague you can ride in other cities in Europe, for example, Vienna, Dresden. I did not go, as long trips.

Seven days had enough with interest, in the last days tired of running on the sights. Even to the conclusion that tourism is one of the forms of consumption. But still nice to change the situation and just relax.

Travel reports:
Thailand. Bangkok and Pattaya
Italy - Romance

In the Czech Republic for beads
England - another world
Travel to maternity hospital and back

We were in Prague in January 2007. Small details of the trip, of course, no longer remember, but the general mood that accompanied us during the stay in this magical city will remain in memory if not forever, then at least for a long time.
View of Prague Castle and St. Witt Cathedral from Karlova Bridge:

Prague's lauding speeches heard and read everything, so I will not be vessels to paint all her charms and eloquently recognize Prague in love. Here will be just a few photos of this superhorse, as we saw it on our trip, with small comments.
We were lucky with the weather: the snow was not, the sun periodically peeking out and only just a couple of times it was a rain.
Old Town Hall with Clock

When the clock is beaten, figures appear in the windows

And this is "Meridian", which seems to be the center of Europe))

Clock on the synagogue in two options. Jewish look like a mirror reflection of ordinary and accordingly go in the opposite direction

Such small "buttons" are scattered throughout the city. In my opinion, very cute))

Wheel from some kind of soooo an ancient mill

Saint Yang Nonooksky, Martyr

View from Karlova Bridge on Vltava

On the Charles Bridge during the day there are always a lot of tourists

In Prague Castle

Real gas lamp that works to this day

Residence Bishop in Prague Country

St. Witt Cathedral Outside ...

... and inside

View of Prague from Prague Castle

In the courtyard of the Franz Kafka Museum you can see such wonderful pissing boys. By the way, they bring the letters of the Latin alphabet)))

But this landscape on the reverse side road sign Referred us in some shock ...

Walking in the evening along the deserted Prague Grada stumbled upon such a sculpture. Regarding what she was set, we did not really understand, but it seems that something about the war ...
This is a front view ...

well, this, in fact, behind))))

As you understand, I could not pass by such beauty))
Prague is regularly subjected to terrible floods. The latter was in August 2002. In the restaurant "Black Eagle" (hello to Lukyanenko's fans))) We saw such a photo on which the White Arrogance shows the unfortunate restaurant itself, almost on the roof in the water:

To top item ours excursion program We decided to visit as much most interesting Prague beers as possible)) In one of them, the "Old Town Brewer", there are such napkins with a plan of this very underground restaurant. It must be noted, there are really such long labyrinths! On the way to the toilet can be lost time 5))

Cathedral of St. Lyudmila

We do not know anything about him, just found on the map and decided to take a walk to sfotkat him.
Hmm, and this ... sock)))) lies so much in the midst of one-diner ...)))

The famous "Dancing House"

Museum building on Wenceslas Square

And here is the shelter Square itself.

And finally, a few more pictures ...

That's it))
I all-all-all very much I recommend at least one time to go to Prague. This city needs to see with its own eyes, no photos will not give it an atmosphere and beauty!
Personally, I will try to get there even once before the introduction of the euro;)) of such a tasty beer for 30-40 rubles, which was cooked in the restaurant itself, where you serve him, no more nowhere, I'm sure!))))
So ... everything is in Prague !!!