The best cities and countries for the Martov holidays. Cheap and interesting

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One of the reasons look forward to spring is a mini-vacation in honor of the International Women's Day. In 2020, March 8 drops on Sunday, which means that we rest for 3 days in a row, from March 7 to 9. For those who want to spend a feast in a special way, it is the perfect reason to go on a trip.

A trip to March 8 will change the familiar setting and will become an excellent gift for your beautiful half. Three days is quite enough to go to any city or fly to Europe. If you want to relax longer, it is better to take a few more days to leave.

March 2020.



Going on a journey in early March, it is worth remembering that in some cities can be cool. Behind the warm sea and the sun must be flying in distant countries: for example, in or on. On the eve of the holidays, elevated prices for flights, vouchers and hotels are also possible, but sometimes you can buy a burning ticket with a discount.

Sochi, Russia

Warm in every sense of memories of the 8 March will leave. According to metelements for previous years, these days in the city can expect air temperature +15 ... + 19 ° C. Of course, the sea is still cold for swimming, but nothing prevents walking along the embankment and breathe with sea air.

As part of the entertainment program, you can spend time in the SOCHI Discovery World Aquarium in the Oceanarium, visit the Olympic Park and take pictures against the background of sports facilities. Not far from the park is another interesting place - the USSR Museum. Here you can see over 5,000 things from the Soviet past: it is clothing, and toys, and different household items. Nostalgia is provided!

If you want an active holiday, ski slopes at your service. In March, prices for ski passes fall, and the people on the slopes are less. Behind the sharp feelings go to Sochi Skypark Hey Jay Hakket. Here you can go through the suspended bridge over the Akhtyr Gorge, jump from the bridge with the rope or fly over the abyss on the swing.

The perfect option for the celebration of March 8 is the Belgian town of Bruges. In Brugge, many channels and bridges, and the very name of the city is translated as a "bridge". Special charm of the city give cozy streets with medieval houses and churches. For the well-preserved old architecture of Brugge is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Bruges, Belgium

Be sure to visit the Central Square of Markt with with its "gingerbread" houses. It is so beautiful and festive here that you will feel like in a fairy tale. Do not forget to climb the bell tower Belfort - here is the observation deck with which the surroundings are clearly visible. Inside the bell tower filmed one of the scenes of the film "To go to the bottom in Brugge" with Colin Farrell.

Central Square Bruges, Belgium

What Belgium without waffle and chocolate? In the Museum of Chocolate Bruges, you can find out the history of your beloved delicacy and to taste different varieties for free. Also in Brugge will like the beer lovers, because local beer is distinguished by a decent taste and sold in every catering establishment.

Waffles - Traditional Belgian Dessert

Since you are in Brugge, do not miss the opportunity to "go" in the hotel itself. The rooms in the four-star boutique hotel are not cheap, but if the budget allows, why not?

Gathering in Brugge, be sure to take warm clothes and shoes with you. In March, the air temperature is only +10 ... + 12 ° C, precipitation is possible.

Rome, Italy

March 8 is considered not just a "female holiday", but the day of the struggle for the rights of women. On this day, rallies and strikes are traditionally passing, and urban transport does not often work. But this is not a reason to give up the trip - after all, Rome is good and it is good that in its ancient streets you can walk endlessly.

The daily air temperature in March usually reaches +15 ° C, but the weather is changed, it is better to take a umbrella and a warm jacket with you. At the beginning of the spring, tangerine trees begin to bloom, and there is a pleasant smell on the streets.

On March 8, in women, it is customary to give versions of mimosa, bouquets are sold at every corner. In the cafe, you can order a festive dessert "Mimosa" - a biscuit cake with custard, sprinkled by pieces of yellow biscuit. In the jelteria in honor of the holiday sell ice cream "Mimosa". Many Roman cafes and restaurants offer festive programs for women.

Colosseum, Rome

In need be sure to walk on museums. For women on March 8, there is a free entrance to all museums. In addition, in early March, the week of culture passes. These days and women, and men can visit several landmarks at once: Colosseum, National Roman Museum, Caracalla Terms and Borghese Gallery. And since March in is considered a non-cereal month, there is a chance to avoid large queues.

Lisbon, Portugal

If you want warmth and smell of the Atlantic Ocean, go to Lisbon, the capital. Already in early March, the air in Lisbon warms up to +20 ... + 22 ° C - meet the summer a couple of months earlier.

One of the oldest cities in Europe, Lisbon attracts thousands of tourists with magnificent ancient architecture, delicious food and a relaxed atmosphere. The best spirit of the city is felt on the square of commerce, where you can sit on the steps at the Temue River, watching the waves.

During a walk through the city, be sure to visit the Cathedral, the Castle of St. George and the Museum of Azulju - the so-called traditional ceramic tile with patterns that the portuguese lines the walls of the houses.

Pashtel de Belem - Traditional Portuguese Cake

In the Belle, it is worth visiting the Grand Monastery of Zheronimush, included in the list of 7 miracles. And after the visit to the monastery, look at the Pasteis de Belem establishment, it is nearby. Here since 1837, Pashtela de Belem's cake, which became a gastronomic symbol. This is a basket of puff pastry with a milky egg cream, which is baked to a crispy crust.

At 23 km from Lisbon, there is a small town of Sintra, famous for his castles. Due to the large concentration of architectural masterpieces, the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Especially admires tourists The fairy-tale Palace of Foam, belonged to the Portuguese kings. It is easy to imagine yourself with a princess / prince and make colorful photos.

If you give ordinary tulips tired, sit on a plane in Amsterdam. In the Netherlands, tulips are grown by various varieties and colors - you can surprise your lady. Well, of course, stay in the city for a few days to plunge into his romantic atmosphere.

Amsterdam will delight those who admire the medieval architecture and loves the proximity of the water. For the abundance of channels and bridges, it is called "Northern", although bridges are even more here than in. Stroll along the channels and take a boat tour - discover the city from another angle.

Be sure to visit the central square of the ladies, which are decorated with the National Monument and the Palace - the residence of the King of the Netherlands. As part of a cultural and educational program, visit Madame Tussao Museum, Van Gogh Museum, Anna Frank House Museum and Erotic Museum.

In Amsterdam, as in many cities of Europe, great beer is boiled. It was in this city in 1864 the history of the world famous brand Heineken began. Today, there is a HEINEKEN EXPERIENCE Museum on the site of the former brewery, where you can learn the secrets of beer production and, of course, drink a glass-other.

At the beginning of the first month of spring on the streets of Amsterdam approximately +10 ° C. Take care of warm shoes and clothing. Do not freeze help and light exercise - rent a bike and feel yourself with a real Amsterdam.

Corner of Europe, in Kottor, vacation on March 8 will seem fabulous. This is a small town of Bern, which is considered the most beautiful city. If you look at Bern from a bird's eye view, you can see the blue "horseshoe", formed by the Aara river bed.

Bern, Switzerland

Especially the beauty of the city is felt in his historic center, which is the UNESCO World Heritage Site. In the old town of Bern there are many attractions. Among them are the Gothic Cathedral, Berne Fountains, the Clock Tower, the Church of St. Peter and Paul.

The official symbol of Bern is a bear. In the city center lives a real bear family: Spouses Finn and Bjork and their daughters of Bern and Ursina. At the disposal of Kosolapi - huge ditch with water and adjacent park. Animal possessions are called Berengraben, which means "bear bear". Anyone maybe anyone who wants to observe the teddy bear because of the fence.

If you go to Bern at the end of February or in early March, you can see the legendary Berkin Carnival. He passes every year and marks the end of the winter hook of the Bern Bear. On the streets arrange a procession with the participation of clowns, magicians, musicians and children. In 2020, the holiday falls on February 27-29.

On March 8, in Bern, it is worth expecting rainy weather, the thermometer will be approximately +10 ° C. The trip will use waterproof shoes and umbrella.

Traveling at 8 March is an opportunity to celebrate the usual holiday in an exotic country. In the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the ideas of Clara Zetkin. On the eve of the International Women's Day, flower markets open on the streets, selling soft toys and postcards in stores - Vietnamese hurry to congratulate wonderful ladies.

Nha Trang, Vietnam

To spend your vacation on the beach, take a ticket to a popular resort, where in early March heat and sunny. The air temperature is about + 30 ° C, the water is heated to +26 ° C. Rains are rarely a dry season. Great to sunbathe, swim and edify fresh fruit.

Gorki in Water Park Vinpearl, Nha Trang

You can do diving and snorkeling, as well as go on excursions. Usually, tourists visit the towers on the Nagar, Long Son Pagoda, the Svetki Island Reserve, and the Vinpearl Land Entertainment Island. A long cable car is leading to the island right above the water, and on the arrival of visitors waiting for water park, attractions, botanical garden, aquarium and zoo.

Another country with the socialist past, in which the International Women's Day is celebrated. Only instead of Clara Zetkin on the island remember Patriotka Marian Grahales, who participated in a ten-year war for liberation. On the eve of March 8, Cuban women are actively involved in festive rallies and receive congratulations and flowers from men.

Varadero, Cuba

For a beach holiday, the resort is best suited, where you will find kilometers of snow-white beaches with soft sand and turquoise ocean. Weather in March are ideal for swimming: on the street +28 ° C, water temperature +26 ° C. Many hotels in the voucher are located on the first line and offer nutrition "all inclusive."

When you get tired of the "sealing", go to explore the surroundings. It is worth a visit to Dupona's mansion, a historic Museum and Yosone Park. Take a trip to the sugar factory and look at the Roma House, where a large range of famous Cuban alcohol is sold.

For 2 hours of driving from can be reached in the Cuban capital. Hemingway fans must certainly visit the Writer's Museum and Bar "Floridita", where he often climbed to miss the Daikiri glass. You should not miss the opportunity to visit the Partgas Cigar Factory and in the Revolution Museum, in which the history of the liberation of the island is described in detail.

On the eve of the holidays, the question is sharply, where to go on March 8th. We will offer 15 best ideas for the International Women's Day. True, depending on the preferences and hobbies of your lady, as well as financial capabilities will be different and a specific choice. But the charm is that there is a variety of tourist destinations.

And if colleagues can be reduced to the nearest restaurant, to please for a holiday, a beloved wife, a girl or a bride is better to take into a more romantic place. And if there are 3 weekends at work at once in honor of March 8, then sin does not take advantage of the opportunity and not go to a short journey.

If you live in the middle part of Russia, then the most convenient for a few days to go to this amazing city. His houses and squares seem to be old merchant decorations. Here you can visit the real Russian Fair, visit the shops of masters of various directions and acquire souvenirs for memory.


During walks around the city you are sure to impress the ancient snow-white cathedrals with golden domes, the manor of Mitavishnikov. And finally, you need to ride along the longest cable car in Europe, which will soon be listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Local call it "flying over the Volga." Such a holiday on March 8 will remain in memory for life and will be a very romantic idea.

Of course, getting to it from Moscow or especially St. Petersburg is more difficult, but if you sit on the plane, then for seeing hours you will already find yourself in the right place. The charm of this direction is that no visas, permissions and documents are needed. You can also carry out the weekend here inexpensively, and pleasant impressions are provided.


So, Kazan is famous for the fact that the inhabitants of the capital can be fully submitted to the eastern exotic. Here it is worth seeing the Kul Sharif Mosque, the Syumubik Tower, visit the Museum of Kazan Kremlin, the Palace of Agriculties or the Puppet Theater "Ekiyat". At lunchtime, it is necessary to drive a girl on March 8 into the house of Tatar cooking. Here they prepare the most delicious echophos, tutura and other exotic dishes.

If you wish to visit European countries, but not to open a visa and not spend too expensive, you can use a simple flight to Kaliningrad. This area of \u200b\u200bthe Russian Federation is the most western in its location. As a result, local cities and culture have absorbed everything from neighbors.

Daniel Niklasson /

Sometime Kaliningrad was called Koenigsberg, as it was part of Eastern Prussia. Sinces of those times, there are a lot of amazing buildings and architectural compositions. Walking around the streets of the city, it seems that you have fallen into the center of Europe. There are also German districts, the Brandenburg Gate, museums and art galleries are open.

The most beautiful ladies attract the amber museum, in which you can look at unique beautiful decorations. And when leaving it, you should please your favorite gift from this sunny stone. Separate coughs are often strolled along the coast in search of a raw amber, which literally lies under their feet. But it is not worth exporting it outside the region.

Mineral waters of Caucasus

Healing sources in this region are especially valued. It is not surprising that Kislovodsk and other cities of steel here are real healing resorts. This is a kind of sanatorium mecca, which rushes all who loves comfort, wants to health or just soak in the best spa countries.

Various therapeutic programs, soothing procedures, massages, swimming pools, mineral sources will give an unforgettable sensation for the beautiful half of humanity. Once here, even for a few days, you can not only be distracted from home care, but also to reboot.

This is probably the most attractive and famous city among romantics. It's all who wishes to make an incredible proposal of hands and hearts, to conquer a woman, please help your favorite and show a fairy tale that can come true.

In the spring there is already a pleasant weather for unhightened walking around the city. At the same time, the number of tourists on the streets is not yet great. If suddenly it became cold and you frozen, it is worth going to any of the local institutions and to warm up with the help of hot croissants and a chocolate drink. And what will make the most pleased with the fashion amateur and makes you forget about the winter cold, so this is shopping for the best boutiques in the world.

With love for art, architecture, excursions need to be a story to the magnificent Museums of Europe. What is just worth the Louvre, a walk through which can take not one day! And the castles of Versailles and other luxury facilities will conquer the heart of any woman. To see his own eyes the famous cathedral of the Parisian Mother of God, Sacre-Ker, a triumphal arch, walk along the Champs Elysees, climb the Eiffel Tower. Such weekends will become the most memorable in life!

It will delight in a spring warm sun, pleasant weather and temperatures suitable for long-term walks on historical attractions or trips through the regions. Choose here there is from what. Each city is its own unique architecture, an authentic kitchen, a world of fashion, beaches, romance and a lot of other. Nature lovers will also find magnificent parks, gorges, rocks, caves, grots, lakes, fields and incredible landscapes.

Pedro Szekely /

Depending on preferences and mood, you can go to Venice, Milan, Rome, Naples, Florence, on Ischia Island, Sicily, etc. Winery and vineyards are opened, where you should taste the real delicious wine created according to old traditions. Here you are waiting for antique cities destroyed by the Colosseum, strict Vatican, incredible basilica and royal palaces.

If you wish to enjoy Italian cuisine, you can taste a real pizza, tiramisu, lasagna, ice cream, learn how to cook pasta and various sauces to her. Also in March it is worth going to the southern coast, where it will be possible to plunge into already warm sea waves.

Vienna, Austria

This is the center of aristocratic and exquisite Europe. Enjoy the view of old palaces, visit museums and exhibitions, listen to the opera or even get to the Vienna Ball - the dream of many women. Romance and antiquity, history and culture, beauty of houses and nature - all this successfully combined in one city.

Pedro Szekely /

Hofburg, Sissi Museum, Stefeman, Opera, Incredible Beauty, City Town, Parliament Building, Museum of Arts, Belvedere, Austrian Museum, Virtually the whole street Graben, Volksgarten, Schönbrunn, Karleskirche, Sissession, Burgteateatr, and many others are considered.

And you have to forget about the diet for the time of holidays, as to visit Vienna and do not taste the most delicious strzdel, the cake of the Zaher or other sweets is considered a crime. In the spring, there are already open veranda cafes located right on the streets, where you can relax between tedious excursions and enjoy a cup of fragrant coffee.

Another romantic city, quite affordable for our compatriots. Prices for tickets and excursion programs are acceptable, and hotels can be booked for every taste. A real gift for the holiday will be the Latvian capital and walks around the city.

Jeremy Keith /

It is worth noting that it was here that many famous films dedicated to old Europe were filmed. Therefore, it will seem that some alleys, houses, bridges, the streets are familiar and more remind of England, France or Germany. In fact, these vintage castles, temples and houses are in Riga.

Be sure to go to one of the restaurants to taste local dishes from folk cuisine. And the girls will especially like to visit the Laima Shoco Factory, where they will show and tell interesting facts and stories about favorite sweets, and will also be given the opportunity to prepare candy on their own.

Tallinn and its surroundings are simply drowning in ancient houses, castles and cobbled streets. If there is a desire to admire the antiquity and immerse yourself in peace of rest, peacekeeping, to get as if in the past century, then you should go to Estonia.

Even in restaurants here, it is often possible to detect candles instead of electricity and medieval premises. Local dishes will also delight gourmets. And in memory of the trip it is worth purchasing figures from marzipan, as well as products of folk artisans.

Dennis Jarvis /

From the attractions that it is necessary to see in a short weekend, you can highlight the town hall and a pharmacy near her, Tompea Castle, Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, a serf wall with towers, ancient theater, the Maritime Museum, Church of Olevista, from the observation deck which offers a magnificent view of the surroundings of Tallinn . Also worth walking along the verse or descend into the dungeons of bastions.

Nature lovers must visit the local zoo and the Botanical Garden, where rare animals and plants will please you. In the spring, all nature comes to life and will give a stunning impressions from the riot of paints and aromas standing in the air.

Incredible, but in this country you can relax really royally and at the same time you spend no more than at the budget resort. And in a few days spent during the holidays, it will not even be tangible.

Dennis Jarvis /

To enjoy a relaxed holiday, to distract from the gray everyday life, raise the vital tone and swim in the pools, it is enough to get into the seching bath or to the Miscolc-Tapolets resort. Thermal waters and spa treatments are a gift that will appreciate the advantage of every woman!

But do not forget about the cultural program. In Hungary, the most outstanding sights are considered the Parliament Building, the Basilica of St. Adalbert, a huge chain bridge, the Visegrad Fortress, the historic center of Schopron, the Opera House, the Royal Palace in Gedelle, the Castle of Buda, the National Park of Aggetkey, the Basilica of St. Ishthan, the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul. At least some of these places should be reached.

This country will delight you with magnificent architecture, historical sights, fascinating museums, royal rest and picturesque nature. After going to ride a boat along the channels, you can see ancient houses and get into the past centuries as a magic wand.

Naval S /

The most outstanding attractions for which it is necessary to admire in Belgium are the Cathedral of Notre Dame, Atomium, a unique swimming pool Nemo 33, Mesensky Gate, An-sur-Forest Cave, Waterloo, Museum of Rena Magritte, Antwerp Central Station, Brugge's Bell Tower , Fountain Pissing Boy, Levny, Museum of Musical Instruments, County Counts of Flanders, Grand Place in Brussels, Wall Castle and, of course, Sucansky Forest.

To visit Belgium and not try traditional dishes and drinks is impossible. Therefore, after visiting the museums of beer, chocolate and others, it is necessary to go to local shops and restaurants and taste the fabulous delicacies. So, in Belgium, chocolate make the most diverse - not only standard tastes, but with incredible stuffing and amazing shades. Beer is also different from the usual taste. So for tastings it is worth highlighting enough time.

If the winter cold is already tired and your beloved dreams to plunge into warm sea waves, then you should give preference to southern countries. For example, in the United Arab Emirates in the spring is already quite hot to enjoy the truly summer heat and snow-white sandy beaches.

Joi ITO /

Of course, such a rest is not all for the pocket, but it is worth it. Here you can not only not fall under sunny rays and swim in the Persian Gulf, but also to plunge into the life of a big city. In Dubai, there are many entertainment complexes, spa salons, discos and restaurants that can satisfy any tastes and whims.

This country is able to surprise and conquer. Few people leaving from here without the birth of love for Georgia. Depending on the preferences of your lady, her heart can be conquered in different ways. Thus, Tbilisi's restaurants will delight local wine and the most delicious Khachapuri in the world, which are not so simple. The streets of the city and its surroundings are replete with old houses, fortresses, monuments, incredible churches and temples.

Max Benidze /

And with love for an active winter holiday, it is better to immediately go to the most popular resort - in Gudauri. In March, there is still snow here, and the slopes more resemble a fairy tale. Depending on the skills and skills, you can choose any route for descent - from simple and gentlemen for beginners to extreme and complex. It is also possible to ride the fields and plain or climb into the sky on Paraglider. Such a vacation will leave indelible impressions!

Antalya, Turkey

Another option where you can already go to the beach and enjoy the salt flavor of the sea. And since the spring here, active tourism has not yet begun, the locals surround you with incredible concern and provide a high level service.

missbossy /

You can walk around the city by clock and enjoy fascinating stories about the ancient buildings in the old part. Excursions here are really unforgettable, and architecture fascinates. Nature will also delight by ferry waterfalls, revived after winter by plants, flowering gardens. But do not forget about warm clothes and an umbrella, since in March the weather is still unstable.

But where is truly warm and cozy, so it is in Israel. And it is the "Hill of Spring" it is considered the most romantic and attractive for couples in love, as the paints and flavors of the blooming greenery immerse you in a fairy tale. Weather in Marta here stands wonderful - not hot, but rains and cool wind have already calmed down.

On the beaches, the locals begin to gather, tourists are still not enough. Funny clubs, bars, entertainment establishments are called young people, and in the market they sell ripe exotic fruits. Getting here, you forget that the houses remained slush, cold and care.

Dennis Jarvis /

Of course, not all directions will delight your beloved. After all, each of the women has its own idea of \u200b\u200bwhere she wanted to be and where to strive to get. But even this modest review will help determine the direction. In any case, within each city there are some interesting institutions where you can spend time and conquer the heart of the ladies.

Where to go on March 8 with your girlfriend or wife - a question that seriously worries men who are ready to please their companion a bright journey. Not always such a gift will be a surprise - no one has canceled the preparation for the trip and the progress of a visa, but the beautiful half of humanity will accurately appreciate a similar sign of attention. It will only be left to choose a country or the city to which the festive trigger will be devoted.

The Vipgeo portal considered the most unusual, warm, romantic and most importantly, popular among the ladies destinations for such a journey.

Where to go on March 8, 2018 at sea?

In Vietnam or Thailand - close the tropical season

Formally, the swimming season in the tropics ends at the end of April, but it is in Martov's Days in the nationwide, the favorite resorts of Southeast Asia there is a big influx of our compatriots. The weather is hot, in some regions of rainfall is not observed at all, and hotels are often suited to good discounts on the rooms of the budget category.

If the choice fell on, it is better to spend time in the south of the republic, where the indisputable leader is the resort and the neighboring village. The average air temperature within these days is +26 OS in the shade, the precipitation will be exclusively at night, and the waves in certain areas will delight the amateurs of extreme swims and surf. And other resorts of the central part, on the contrary, is not recommended to visit - in spring here Shni and Typhoon.

Alternative to beaches -. The sea from the cultural and business capital of the republic is far away, but museums, exhibition sites and shopping centers - thousands. The weather will be slightly cooler than on the coast, but for many hours of excursions and hiking in markets and multi-storey stores with boutiques and salons are the perfect option.

D in March is suitable for any type of rest, and if you go not only with a lady of the heart, but also with a child - you will be doing something, regardless of the selected resort. On the islands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe tropics and on the mainland in these from +25 OS and higher, and the rains almost do not go, which is suitable for those who go beyond the bright sun and dry sand on the coast.

For the sake of entertainment, it is happening, both for family format and purely adult couples without children. They advise you to get out of those who more appreciate natural beauty, reserves with monkeys, birds and crocodiles, and not to go to Buddhist shrines. The island in the spring is not desirable to visit - a high risk that we will fall into amplifying equatorial monsoons that bring tightening precipitation.

The cost of spring tours to Thailand and Vietnam is approximately at the same level - a weekly short-lived dealer with accommodation in a three-star hotel costs 60,000 rubles or more. Food conditions and the presence of breakfast in the room must be recognized in place.

On Goa - to take off in nightclubs

Young couples, and girls who prefer to dance all night long, the most popular Indian state will offer advantageous tours with direct departure from most Russian regions, where there are international airports. It is conditionally divided into and, and if nightlife is going to stronger than picturesque beaches, then the choice for the first option, where the main partitions, glorifying club music on the whole planet.

The most popular institutions of such a plan are:

  • "Paradiso";
  • "Hilltop";
  • "Curlie's";
  • "CUBANA";
  • "Shiva Valley".

It is worth noting that each institution in Goa has its price policy - somewhere in the entrance is free, but you need to pay for everything inside, and a ticket is bought somewhere in the form of a bracelet on your hand, the presence of which gives unlimited access to the bar and a buffet . As for the show themselves, they perfectly combine modern rhythms and traditional for circus and acrobatic numbers - bright and original, as loved by women of all ages.

Romantic Natures are better to admire sunsets on the beaches of the South Goa. All March temperature here holds at the level of +28 OS, and the gloomy sky almost does not happen. The only unpleasant side is strong underwater flows that are not suitable for those who are bad floats. As a last resort, it is better to be content with the pool at the hotel, if he is present, with him there will definitely do not have any problems, including children if they fly with you.

And by the way, in March in India there is a number of colorful holidays, and Goa becomes a venue for the annual parade of Frikov - the event will be interested in informally thinking girls who can also take part in it. Read more about Indian festivals in this section.

The price of March tours on Goa with departure from Moscow begins from 38,000 rubles for two, however, the placement at such a value will be in a small two-star hotel, but for young people, such household moments will not seem difficulties.

In the UAE - warm under the hot sun

Attend better in winter, but at the very beginning of March, the aggressive heat does not occur, and in key beach zones, the air warms up to +34 OS. The desert climate already makes itself felt, but at any time the Guest is waiting for the cool sea and a delicious fruit cocktail from natural fresh juice, and Eastern sweets in the UAE will have enough for everyone.

The list of the most popular places does not change -, and, and precisely in this order. The purpose of the visit can be any - from outdoor activities and walks with a beloved person on a snow-white yacht to shopping. Among the most sought-after trading zones are:

  • "Ibn Batutta" and "Burjuman" in Dubai;
  • Blue market in Sharjah;
  • "Mont Blanc" in Abu Dhabi.

Lover of nightclubs are often choosing Dubai, there are not so many institutions, and entertainment fully comply with the strict laws of Sharia, with whom will have to be considered. Mostly sounds modern dance music, with live concerts, unlike Thailand or Goa, the situation is sadder, and, of course, prices are not significantly higher than those of Asian neighbors.

As for the cost of tours to the UAE, then they are 10-15% in March than in the high winter season. Specials cover, both costs for tickets and accommodation, which can not but rejoice, and the minimum price of the two-time delay will be 75,000 rubles for two.

How to behave on vacation in the Emirates?

The Arab Emirates are known for their strict laws, which, first of all, relate to foreigners who came here to rest here. You need to know about them in advance, as well as be ready for numerous restrictions. In order not to get into trouble on the first day after arrival, you need to remember the next set of rules:

  • Do not even try to move into one room with a woman with which is not in official marriage. The presence of a stamp in the passport and the same names - mandatory conditions. Otherwise, you will have to shoot two neighboring rooms, and these are extra spending.
  • The appearance on the street in a drunken form is a criminal offense for which tourists can deport from the country with a ban of entry for several years.
  • Girls can not sunbathe on topless beaches, walk with a frank neckline and in tight mini skirts. Men is categorically forbidden to provide signs of attention to Arabic ladies - it may be regarded as an insult to their honor, for which in any emirate there is a huge penalty.
  • You should not hint with a policeman for a bribe if you were "caught by the hand" for minor violations (for example, the garbage abandoned by the urn). If the tourist behaves respectfully, then it will be limited to a preventive disciplinary conversation.
  • The foul language in a public place and in any language, especially in Arabic, is punishable in prison up to 5 years without the right to amnesty. Watch out for expressions.

Where to rest on March 8 in Europe?

In France - walk together in Paris

The most romantic European capital from the first spring days begins to flourish slowly. The climate is soft here, and the stories about Martov slush are often exaggerated, even though the number of sunny days is small. The air to the festive days warms up to +15 OS, but there may be coolness at night to +4 OS, as you should not forget about. Otherwise, it is precisely in the spring, without larger queues in museums and a crowd of Zewak on the streets.

As for cultural programs for Parisians and guests from all countries, local authorities arrange a lot of surprises every year. It was in the first movement of feminists who consider on March 8 for their professional holiday, so on this day for all women the doors of any museum, gallery, and in cafes and bars, visitors are laid at least, a free glass of champagne or a cup of coffee at the expense of the establishment.

Hotels also declare traditional discounts, so if someone dreamed of staying a couple of days in the central districts of Paris, admiring the Eiffel Tower, there is a chance that it will not have to spend half of the holiday budget. But the high fashion shows are not lucky - they are scheduled to the second half of the month, in some cases - for April.

A trip for two to France will cost an average of 80,000 rubles, while tourists will definitely settle in a comfortable room with a breakfast included (modest). There is no need to speak about the luxury, for such money travel agencies will be offered a hotel without categories, family boarding houses or two-stroke network complexes, but closer to the center.

In the Czech Republic - Rate Film Festivals

Russian women love, especially in the spring and autumn, when the hospitable Czech capital is transformed not only at the expense of its park areas, but also thanks to the bright posters that are hanging on the streets in honor of the festival days. The legendary "Prague Spring" takes place in May, and from the end of winter, both in the central regions, and in the competitive ribbon runs, which can visit anyone.

Key events this month are:

  • "European Film Days";
  • "Anfilm";
  • "Karlovarian International Film Festival."

If the movie lady is not too interesting, then at any time you can throw this idea and go for a walk, or go through the famous Czech castles, which in the country is more than anywhere in Europe. Prague Castle, bastions or gloomy gothic churches - the choice will remain exclusively for you, the main thing is to have to buy tickets.

Democratic tours prices - another reason to choose the Czech Republic for a festive trip. Perennial cooperation of travel agencies creates unique last minute offers with direct departure from Moscow or St. Petersburg for just 40,000 rubles. Accommodation at the same time organizes in a three-star hotel with its kitchen, but the food is paid separately

In Italy - admire Venice

Unfortunately, the spectacular Carnival will be over to March, but without him, he deservedly compete with Paris for the right to be called the romantic capital of Europe. Channels, Bridges, Marble Squares, Doge Palaces and Art Museums - What else do you need a creative lady to feel the happiest in the world?

The events of Venice in March will not end with carnival processions - just at the beginning of the month it is planned by ancient fun gondolors - racing on the channels through the whole city. Boat "taxi drivers" are changed into the multicolored outfits of their family homes, which will create a sense of real travel in past centuries. Well, and if the vacation lasts until mid-March, then you will probably get out of the day of fathers, when Venetians treat each other with donkeys.

However, it is not at all necessary to be limited to one city, but to sit on any transport that goes before, or, and there already arrange the race, both by attractions and in markets, outlets and other sales centers. The crowd of foreign guests in spring is less, the queues are shorter, and the prices for everything below - what is not a holiday?

Rates for tickets in from Russia for the spring months begins from 45,000 rubles for turnkey tour. Breakfast in the room, or in the hotel's restaurant will be accurate, everything else, including excursion programs - negotiated and recognizes at the reservation stage.

Where to go on March 8 cheap and tasteful?

In Georgia or Armenia - skiing

No matter how they try individual politicians to ruin the relationship between the former Soviet republics, and in the Transcaucasus of Russians and beautiful Russians are waiting for all year round. International Women's Day is also celebrated here, so it is better to start our weekend from a restaurant in or - believe me, the guilty owners and special treats will not leave anyone indifferent, especially under the bottle of the national drink.

But what if the woman is not only beautiful, but also an athlete? To take it into the mountains, and Georgian resorts and will give so much fresh Martov snow that even experienced skiers will appreciate the possibilities for riding. The luxury lifts and other luxury here are not yet, but there is a wonderful service, dozens of tracks and separate sites for snowboarders. Nice athletes will help experienced instructors.

The Armenian base is modestly equipped, but it is much more convenient for beginners. We gentle tracks and high-speed lifts work on fast training, and a single sports center with a huge indoor pool, gymnasium and extended cross-country skiing harmoniously complements the modest resort. But the main value is the views from the mountains of Tehenis, from where in good weather it is visible almost all as on the palm.

Festive rest in the truth inexpensive - from Moscow, weekly rounds from 25,000 rubles, taking into account residence and nutrition, are organized. Armenia is even cheaper - from 18,000 rubles for two and accommodation in the hotel to 4 stars of the claimed comfort. Nutrition Caucasian republics are organized in a two-time format with delicious home cooking.

In Latvia or Estonia - wander through old cities

Baltic republics, although they require Russian citizens a full-fledged Schengen visa, but in general, remain among the cheap European trends. And taking into account the richest cultural heritage of the Latvian and Estonian cities, a spring journey can be a very informative tour and a hunt for future trips.

The seaside in March for rest is not quite suitable - it is still cold to swim, and the Gloomy Baltic Sky does not configure at all for a festive way. Therefore, most tours are devoted to her old center, so often flashed in Soviet films as French and German capitals. Rain starts - not trouble, because Riga coffee shops with delicious chocolate dozen varieties are open and in slakhatno weather.

More suitable for creative parts, ready to follow the life of street artists, go to master classes for the manufacture of marzipan and attend chamber concerts of local rock bands playing the style of the underground. If you do not share such original tastes of your young lady - it is better to choose something else, otherwise the Estonian capital will remain incomprehensible.

Regarding prices with departure from Moscow to Riga, it is really to meet at 23,000 rubles for two, but then questions of lunches and dinners need to be decided on the spot, choosing the catering points away from the tourist trail. It will cost more almost twice - from 42,000 rubles, but here the chance of an organized breakfast in the room is higher.

Where to go on March 8 in Russia?

In St. Petersburg - to arrange romantic evenings

The cultural capital has long been included in the plans of the majority of Russian women, if not on the move forever, then at least for annual visits. And on March 8 - a wonderful reason to visit, to penetrate the Nevsky Romantics, the spirit of Russian classics and the impeccable style of the institutions of the Petrograd side. There are many recreation programs, and about their originality and not need to say, the feeling that they are competing among themselves.

Here are approximate options to go to the main women's day:

  • Listen to Opera in the Mikhailovsky Castle;
  • Inspect the provocative installation in the Museum "Erart";
  • Look at poetic duels to any literary cafe;
  • Select the most beautiful dog in the Floor Exhibition Center;
  • See a laser show on the facade of the Hermitage.

Some events became annual, something is held once, so it is impossible to say with accuracy than Peter will surprise the girls in a year. The benefits will definitely be among most museums, and free entrance they are not limited to - surprises, gifts, flowers and champagne - it all depends on the fantasy of the organizers, and with it in St. Petersburg everything is in perfect order.

For those whom noisy parties are inspired, restaurants are suitable with open terraces or a roof access to a roof, where dinners have long been organized with a bottle of French wine, a dish of author's cuisine and luxurious views of the lights of Nevsky Prospect and buildrs, if it are talking about night adventures .

The average prices of the ticket to St. Petersburg from Moscow - 3000 rubles, the room in a cheap family hotel in a residential area - from 1500 rubles per night. Prices for cultural and entertainment programs will depend on specific queries.

In Kaliningrad - buy amber

To present the eighth of March without a gift in the form of decoration, albeit not very expensive, difficult, but in the west of our immense homeland there is a Kaliningrad region, where amber is mined on an industrial scale - a beautiful and affordable stone. There is a museum where there are beautiful exhibits of solar color, and in stores sell earrings, rings, beads, and other products, where amber pebbles will always be collapsed in the center.

Important: The Customs Service of the Kaliningrad Airport carefully checks the manual sting and luggage, if there are suspicion of smuggling. The reasons for this are lovers to look for their own amber deposits on the shores of the nearest rivers. The law is not prohibited by law, but it is not worth overdoing with export - can confiscate.

Cooking with gifts, you can relax, good, there are no attractions in the region in the region. The fishing village alone is devoted to full-fledged excursions for the entire working day, and the concerts of organ music in the hall of the Lutheran Cathedral will finally kill the guests in the fact that they are in an enlightened European country.

Prices for air tickets from statione are from 5,000 rubles, and the room in a modest hotel in the city will cost 1300 rubles. Amber products have a run of the cost of 500 rubles for beads and from 250 rubles per small souvenir or a bag of stones "ROSSIP".

On Altai - to retire on the lap of nature

The most popular Siberian region in the first month of spring has an unpredictable weather forecast. Sharp warming can be replaced by cold, and rains - winter blizzard. So, if we decided to go on March 8 on, take winter jackets, warm sweaters and comfortable shoes, without hiking in the mountains or their surroundings are not a single traffic journey.

Such a tour, first of all, will suit residents of major cities, tired of noise, bustle and exhaust gases - pure mountain air, silence and the absence of civilization will only benefit. It is better to choose a better proven Chealky and Ulugansky districts, where many turbases, electricity has been carried out in the corps, and the bathroom does not constitute the Shedik "in the yard". Well, and large holiday homes in the Teletsky Lake area are now upgraded to the SPA centers.

Combining rest and recovery is better in the neighboring Altai Territory, in. A small town for 80 years has been supporting the reputation of the nationwide, where they come all year round - to treat neurology, heart diseases and a lot of other violations. Around - Forest, there is a ski slide with a lift, and almost certainly in March the snow will still lie.

It is not easy to get to the individual areas of Altai, but traveling from flight to - from Moscow Tickets are located in the area of \u200b\u200b8,500 rubles - and then, according to the desired route. Do not forget that some of the high mountain roads are only available in the summer, and the melting of the snow will begin not earlier than the middle of April.

You will not believe, but on March 8, the International Women's Day is celebrated. When, if not now arrange a romantic journey?

Wishes for the trip are understandable: to be beautiful, with love and taste. And it is also desirable to be cheap and without a visa. We tried to take into account all these requests and now we will tell you where to go on March 8 2020.


Why it is worth going: Kaliningrad allows you to be in Europe without issuing a visa and without exchanging the currency. And this is a beautiful city that the Germans built with the goal so that the Russians exclaim the "Das Ist Fantastisch".

Things to do: First of all, to inspect the Kaliningrad architecture, courtesy of Eastern Prussia. For example, the pioneer villas of the German district Amalienau, the Cathedral, the Brandenburg and other old gates of Kaliningrad.

Of course, it is worth looking into the fish village, enjoy the sounds of the body (emphasis on the second syllable) in Negotic Cirche and go to the amber museum. If the exhibits like, you can buy something like this in the nearest souvenir shop or search pebbles yourself - on the shore of the Baltic Sea. Just do not take a lot - on the way back it is still to cross the border.

In Kazan on March 8

Why you need to go: One of the few places where you can go on March 8 in Russia and feel oriental exotic.

Things to do: To walk along the Kazan Kremlin and surprise that the Kul Sharif mosque here is quite peaceful neighboring with the Orthodox Cathedral, and the Syumubik Tower is worth it and does not fall, in order that she is not worse than Pisanskaya.

Outside the Kremlin walls, miracles will continue: you can see the luxury palace of farmers, from which the jaw would even take the King of the Sun Louis XIV. And on the pedestrian street, Bauman can be gently losing a belly not only to his young man, but also to the Kazan cat, as well as to buy Chuck Chuck, the authenticity of which would not have caused doubts even in Lena volatile.

In March, the Kazan is still cool, but there is a place where you can remove clothes and get a buzz. And this is not a bedroom, as it can think from the first time, and the local water park "Riviera", one of the best in Russia.

Nizhny Novgorod

Why it is worth going: Many believe that it is Nizhny - the best city on the Volga (especially often Nizhny Novgorod express such an opinion).

Things to do: Walking through the old merchant places that will allow any woman to feel yourself a lady of Pieces Ostrovsky. This will contribute to the mighty walls of the local Kremlin, an elegant Nizhny Novgorod Fair and colorful cathedrals, in which the whiteness of the stone is effectively combined with the gilding of the domes.

Of course, you will not go past the Volga itself. And if the legendary Katerina from the play of the above-mentioned playwright was drowned in the Great Russian River, you can fly over it (above the Volga, and not over Katerina, of course). The fact is that the river stretches the rope road, which also leads to another city - Bohr. In the Bor itself there is nothing particularly nothing, but the path back will be the same exciting.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

Why go: For fresh mountain climates and real healing water, which you will not buy in Dixie and Pyaterochki.

Things to do: Full the unique healing properties of local sources. For this, it is not necessary to live in a sanatorium - you can simply come to the living procedures, after which you will feel the same cheerful and happy as Nastya Ivelev when the eagle falls.

It is naive to believe that Minvodov are good only by sanatoriums. This is the same as you think that there is only a kangaroo in Australia. With the excursion program in the Caucasus, everything is in order: you can walk among the estate of the beginning of the century, to walk in the footsteps of the Great Combinator Osta Bender and the Great Poet Mikhail Lermontov.


Why it is worth going: This is a good way to distract from the life of a big city and merge with nature, turning from the tired business woman to the self-confident heroine "Games of Thrones".

Things to do: Walk against the background of fascinating landscapes and breathe fresh mountain air. You can add spa treatments based on the healing herbs of Altai.

To St. Petersburg on March 8

Why you need to go: Because Peter is one of the most romantic cities of the country, and it becomes even more friendly to the International Women's Day: even the copper rider begins to smile, forgetting about his Battle with Pushkin Eugene.

Things to do: If you are traveling to Petersburg for holidays, 3 days will pass unnoticed. First, go to the Nevsky Prospect, which by March 8 is finally cleaned by snow, as if it seems that at this time being snowless, it is also indecent, how to meet a favorite girl in the Sports of Sports "Adidas".

Next - all the usual branches from the main St. Petersburg street: St. Isaac's Cathedral with his colonnade, the temple of the Savior on-blood with its patterned arches, the Palace Square with its unique Hermitage, Rubinstein Street with its countless bars.

Ski resorts

Why it is worth going: Soon the snow melts in the mountains - and not as much from your hot love for your second half, how much from the weather.

Where to go: It is not necessary abroad, because in preparation for the Sochi Olympiad, we have learned not only to build stadiums for billions of rubles, but also create good ski resorts on which you can relax with your loved one and with children.

First of all it is Red Polyana. It was here that the Olympics was here, it was here that we won our rivals due to the volitional character and high-quality doping. There are excellent resorts in other regions of Russia: this is Sheregesh (Kemerovo region), Dombai (Karachay-Cherkessia), Kirovsk (Murmansk region) and Belokurich (Altai Territory). The tracks everywhere are diverse and healthy prepared - otherwise, tourists would not go to these resorts, and they would go to the courtyard, they sat down on the cardboard and go down the slide, which the janitor Stepan Arkadyevich poured after shifts together with his eyes.

In the Crimea on March 8

Why go: See the peninsula that flies after the winter sleep and personally to make sure that the new Crimean bridge is reliable, driving on it in a satisfied emperor mode from the cartoon about the golden ring.

Things to do: At this time, tourists in the Crimea are a bit, so in front of you will open in the detriment: it is possible to visit the swallow the nest without too much, admire the mountains of Ai-Petri, Ayu Dag and other vertices with mysterious names, take a walk among palaces, gardens and caves, not fear With crowds of holidaymakers, nor from Yeti.

In the Crimea, it is better to go to March in March because at this time you can relax quite fiscal here: the high season has not yet begun. Money that you save on rental housing will make a more decent bouquet to the female holiday.


Why you need to go: To make a trip not only interesting, but also tasty (March 8 - a great reason to forget about the counting of calories).

Things to do: Make sure that the gastronomic paradise is not in the "alphabet of taste", but in Tbilisi. However, the appetite will need to feed: colorful streets will help this, mountainous terrain and viewing platforms. After the soul receives emotions, the stomach can be arranged by Pier: Khachapuri, Hinkali, chicken under sauce Satzivi, Georgian wine. However, we will finish this list, because we still need to add an article, and too active thoughts about food do this will not give it.


Why go: This is the Light version of Europe (although the locals insist that this is a complete release with all the necessary options).

Things to do: In Riga, films were often shot in Riga, in which London, Berlin and Paris. The local European atmosphere may surprise any lady on March 8. In addition, the streets in Riga are the same winding, as a female soul - and this is another reason to come here to the coming holiday.

In the capital of Latvia, it is necessary to rise to the viewing platform in the Church of St. Peter. If it is cool, go down and warmer in local cafes. By the way, in Riga make a very tasty chocolate: be safely treating your beltenious - it's any better than giving the Soviet "Alenka", although we also do not have anything against this brand with a cute cheeky girl.

Beach holidays on March 8

In March, it is also possible, but not with us. But from Moscow and other major cities, you can easily fly to distant countries:

1. Egypt. In March there is no-season, so you can save including in Sharm el-Sheikh. True, early spring, the ancient Egyptian gods are sent to local resorts a rather strong wind, so there may be problems with bathing. Alternative is an inspection of the pyramids and other attractions.

2. Emirates. Petroleum Sheikhs are able to buy anything, even good weather. Already by the end of March, Abu Dhabi and other cities come summer heat, which creates ideal conditions for a beach holiday.

3. Israel. You can go to this country with different goals - both with sightseeing and pilgrimage and beach. On the banks of the Red Sea in March, already in the area of \u200b\u200b+26 ° C, on the Mediterranean is cooler - about +18 ° C. You can go to Eilat, which is located on the Red Sea. Here and the conditions for recreation are excellent, and the water is warm.