Cape of good hope how to get from Cape Town. Cape of Good Hope in Africa

Cape Good Hope - Popular attraction for tourists traveling to Cape Town, South Africa. This is a great place with unpredictable weather, baboons and charming penguins playing in the ocean. Here you can fully enjoy the stunning landscapes and wealth of wildlife.

Description and location

The elevation in the Cape Peninsula, located on the world map near Cape Town. It is mistakenly considered the most southernmost point of the mainland and the place where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans are found. In fact, the tip is on the Cape Igalne (Agullas), located on the road of South Africa gardens, 200 km from the capital of South Africa.

Cold Bengal for west coast And the warm course of Agullas merge at the foot of one of the main attractions of Africa, which, along with nearby Cape Point, offers exciting landscapes.

The vertex is 70 km from Cape Town. By car from the city you can reach for an hour and a half. The legend says that the ghosts of the crew of the "Break of Dutchman" live on Cape and in his waters, although coming tourists with a much larger probability will see penguins, antelope and possibly southern China.

Geographic coordinates of Cape: 54 ° 31'08 "Northern latitude and 42 ° 04'15" Eastern longitude. Height above sea level: 93 m

origin of name

Historical fact, why the cape of good hope is so called, quite interesting. It dates back to the research time in the XV century, when European powers - Spain and Portugal, sent seafarers in uncharted places in search of wealth. The first European, who saw and discovered Cape was the Portuguese researcher Bartolomeo Diash, who was looking for the southern borders of the African continent. The date of the expedition led by him is 1486.

According to some historical sources, Drash called his discovery of "Cabo Das Tormentas), but later changed it to the current name of Cape (Cabo Da Boa Esperança), named so at the suggestion of the King of Portugal John II due to trade opportunities that brought this place. According to other information, Diash himself came up with this name. He was from the family of hereditary seawares. His older brothers, moving south along the shores West Africa, Opened Capes Bohador and Green.

History of Cape

It took 9 years before Vasco da Gama, another Portuguese sailor, also tried to travel to the southern point of Africa on the way to India. The navigators met with people from the Khoy tribe, and several crew members of the Vasco da Gama were injured in a collision with them. Other important facts in the history of this area are:

  1. Although the Portuguese were the first to travel in the mice, they were not seriously interested in the southern part of Africa. They feared the indigenous population, and the weather was sometimes insidious and dangerous.
  2. Some early Portuguese navigators prefer not to swim around this area. In addition, as for trafficking, South Africa could offer very little: the gold has not yet been discovered, and the Earth seemed deserted and unpromising.
  3. In June 1580, almost 100 years later, Sir Francis Drake flew past the cape. He was B. around the world journey By order of Elizabeth I from England. The weather was calm, and the landscape is serene. This species inspired Sir Francis Drake to pronounce the following words: "This cape is the most majestic thing and the most fair Cape that we have seen in the entire circumference of the Earth." New British expeditions followed, and soon other European countries went to their footsteps.
  4. In the first half of the 18th century, the British and the Dutch used the route, which was supposed to hit the cape, in trading purposes. Danish and French ships made stops to replenish water reserves and stock fresh products.
  5. Although English, French and Dutch East Indian companies played with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a base on Cape in the XVII century, it was the Dutch finally took the first step.

On December 31, 1687, the Huguenot Group was sent to Cape from the Netherlands. They fled from France to avoid religious persecution. The Dutch East India Company needed qualified farmers at Cape, and the Government of the Netherlands saw the opportunities for Huguenots, sending them there.

Cape of Good Hope plays an important role in the history of South Africa as a stopping point for merchant ships floating between Europe and European colonies in the East. Initially, the Europeans exchanged with the locals for food and water, but on April 6, 1652, the Dutch East India Company under the leadership of the Yana Van Ribek merchant created a small supply station in the protected bay of the Cape Peninsula, forming the first European settlement in the region.

On January 19, 1806, the United Kingdom took the extreme point of the peninsula. He was transferred to the UK in the English-Dutch agreement of 1814 and from now on managed as Cape Colony.

Today, a small station that provided the treat with tired sailors turned into a noisy town of Cape Town.

Vegetable world

The Cape Peninsula is one of the eight protected areas in the region, jointly recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site for wealth. vegetable world. Although 553,000 hectares of the cape region with flowers are only 0.5% of Africa's area, almost 20% of the continent plants are represented on it. Finbosh, or "Beautiful bush", is the most common category of plants found here, and many species are unique to the peninsula.

Cape is part of the Dining Room National Park, and you can see how the park's caretakers work on the removal of invasive species, such as woven, pine and blue gum, which threaten the survival of local plants.


Peninsula is rich wildlifeespecially birds. Alsus, an African black oysters hunter and 4 types of cormorants live on his shores. But the most famous feathered inhabitants are penguins on the Boulders Beach Beach. Tourists can see near one of the few colonies on the mainland in the false bay. There are special tracks here, which will spend through the natural habitat of penguins, and if we visit in this place from February to August, you can see fluffy chicks.

Capskaya Mountain Zebra occasionally meets in these places. But more common inhabitants are baboons, several types of antelopes and a small fluffy Dassi, the nearest relative of the elephant. It can also be observed for whales and dolphins.

Classes and activity

One of the main attractions of South Africa is a narrow peninsula leaving the ocean. But such a location implies the presence of wind and unpredictable weather. However, the landscape, which opens to visitors, will not leave anyone indifferent:

  1. Coastline, founding against the background of clouds with rare sun glims, creates a dramatic landscape. Being here, you can look at wandering zebras. In addition, this is a great place to observe whales in the period from June to November.
  2. It should be climbed to the lighthouse to view the best views of the cape. There are 3 ways to get to the top. Along coastline A walkway with long stone stairs was laid. This route opens the best views on the coast. From the parking lot there is a road to the very top. The lifting is quite light and not very tense. For those who do not want or not have the opportunity to go on foot, there is a funicular "Flying Dutchman", which will deliver to the observation platform for 3 minutes for a small fee.
  3. A trip along the Cap Peninsula is one of the favorite additions to travel route In Cape Town. The main points of the day trip are the southernmost points of the cape, and the stunning sea cliffs and views of the ocean will make tourists feel at the edge of the earth.

Best places

Muizenberg Beach. Muisenberg - the beach suburb of Cape Town is famous for its snow-white sandy shore and very bright houses that decorate it. Warm waters Indian Ocean They are an additional bonus and attract surfers to this place.

Simons Town and Boulders Beach. Simons Town is a historic and charming naval city on the shore of the false bay, and Boulders Beach is known for its colony of African penguins. Thousands of individuals are engaged in their daily affairs: cleaning the wings, look after our children. Walking through Boulders Beach takes place on a wooden board. If there is a desire to get closer to penguins, you need to go further sand dunes Before Foxy Beach, but it should be borne in mind that penguins can be aggressive, and if you get too close, you can experience how sharp their beaks.

Cape Point. This vertex, which can be achieved by passing just over 1 km east of the main cape. It is here that the funicular "Flying Dutchman", which opens the view of the lighthouse.

Chapemx peak drive. Nothing compares with the Atlantic coast, penetrated by the winds, and Chepmen's peak enjoys the ocean road to the most exciting look. This paid motorway is cut into the rock, and it is located almost vertical lifts and blind turns. It begins in the fishing village of Hout-Bay and passes to Cape Chepmen, and then ends in Nordhuka. Ocean views are incredibly beautiful throughout the route, but the best from Cape Chepmen is the highest point of the road.

Excursion to the edge of the earth! Whether it is not a dream!

For a long time it was believed that the cape of good hope is the southern point of Africa. It was opened in 1488 by the Portuguese navigator Bartolome Diasha di Novaish. In search of a sea route to India Bartolome with his team of Africa enveloped. Once in the strongest storm, ships wandered for several days in the ocean, and then stumbled upon Cape. In memory of the storm, the navigator called him a cape of storms.

Soon, thanks to the king of Portugal Zhuan II, the cape received a different name - a cape of good hope.

Cape of good hope is the extreme point of the southwestern part of Africa. Its accurate coordinates are indicated on the plate installed before the cape. Tourists are constantly going near her.

A little bit from him is Cape Cape Point - a favorite place of coming due to the powerful, height of 240 m above the level, lighthouse. The lighthouse with the name "Cape of Good Hope" was built on Cape Point back in 1857. Currently, it is not valid, but tourists on the funicular or on foot can rise to the viewing platform located at an altitude of 200 m, from where a beautiful panoramic view opens.

If you look closely, it can be seen from the height, as the capes of the Indian and Atlantic oceans are connected. Different shades water merges together. On the coast are equipped sand beacheswhere you can relax big company or retire.

Not far from the Cape of Good Hope there is a famous among lovers active rest Beach Diaz Beach. Surifers are attracted to high waves, divers - numerous sunken ships, and adventure seekers hope to see the legendary "Flying Dutchman."

On the way to Cape of Good Hope from Cape Town on the territory of more than 7 thousand hectares, the sophisticated nature reserve was spread. There are more than 1,000 plant species, including endemics. In the impassable thickets of the nature reserve grows artichokes, the flower of which is the symbol of South Africa.

More than 250 species of birds and many animals live here: Cannes's antelope, zebra, bearish bavians, cheetahs, lynxes, mangone, similar to lizard crocodiles. And next door to them, Penguins and sea seals live. IN winter time And in the spring, the southern whales swim near the cape of good hope.

How to get to the cape of good hope:

  • from Moscow to Cape Town with a transfer in Munich, London or Dubai, where to get to the cape in 4 hours. The road by car runs around the terrain filled with wonderful landscapes, so the time flies imperceptibly.

For your convenience, the company EXELSELS organizes individual tours To the caution of good hope with departure from Moscow.

Probably there is not a single person in the world who would not know the name of the very famous Cape Planet Earth, Cape of Good Hope. When you hear this name, a bright picture arises before your eyes - the raging ocean, a ship with brave navigators and a shout of a jungle: "Earth, Earth!". And, of course, we could not go around attention. signal place. One day was decided to devote to the journey to the caution of good hope, and at the same time, to visit.

In the direction of the Cape of Good Hope we.
The name went from the assistant captain from one English vessel who arrived here in 1607 for exploration of the area. Entering the bay, the captain sent John Chepmen to the mountain to inspect the surroundings. He left and disappeared. After waiting for several hours, the captain decided that his messenger was quite possibly crashed in the mountains, and for some reason he gave an order to prophet. Already when leaving the bay, the sailors noticed the signals of Chepmen, who rushed down to the ocean. The ship sent a boat, pick up a person, and the place was called the name of Cepmen. After the First World War, the road was laid on the sheer cliffs. Open since 1922, she became one of the attractions of Cape Town

Views that open from this road can be evaluated by going in.

The Cape of Good Hope Reserve, where we are going, takes the whole extreme part of the peninsula. Antelopes, zebras, ostrises, and monkeys are freely walking on more than 7,700 hectares; More than 1100 species of plants grows. All nature is guarded, so you can not get anything with you, the flowers do not tear, monkeys do not feed.

Entrance to the reserve is paid. On the territory of the reserve you can spend the whole day that local with pleasure and do, come here for a weekend and walk in nature, sunbathe and bathe, fish. On the territory is quite safe.

Probably, this is the most visited tourist space in South Africa. The legendary cape of good hope for a long time was considered the southwestern point of Africa, until the scientists have determined that this point is from it 1.5 km in a straight line and this point is Cape Point. Here is such a pun, the point is a point.))

Tourists usually visit both places at once - Cape of Good Hope, and the Southwestern Part of Africa, Cape Point.

Among the tourists are very colorful.

You can drive up on the car along the road along the Ocean, and you can go through wooden packers, which are laid by beautiful beachwho wears the name "God's Beach".

230 steps of steep staircase lead to this beach. But it is worth it. Snow-white sand, like a bounty and two famous capes at the edges of the beach. Incredible beautiful place.

Representatives of the local fauna, funny lizards will get sick on wooden carriages.

At cape can be climbed by the rocky path and admire the views that open from there.
Interestingly, much less tourists go to the cape of good hope than to Cape Point. Probably, they do not want to bother themselves with a two-kilometer walk in the mountains.

In vain. It is very beautiful in here.

But not everyone is afraid of difficulties.

To the cape point and the lighthouse can be climbed onto the funicular or on a well-maintained staircase, admiring the Cape of Good Hope and beautiful species on the national Park. I, as always, chose to climb on foot. The husband decided that one cape was enough and better he would spend this time on the beach.)

The road to Cape Point goes up, to the old lighthouse - the highest seabed lighthouse in South Africa. When they built, thought: the higher the better, it will be more visible. It turned out not quite so. A year to 900 hours, the lighthouse is closed with dense low clouds, while at the ocean level visibility can remain beautiful. Near the coast under the surface of the water, the rock is hiding, which ships on cloudy nights have repeatedly broken. The lighthouse continued to shine in the fog, but was invisible. After the wreck of Portuguese dry cargo "Lusitania" (the ancient name of Portugal), built a new lighthouse in sixty meters above the water. Old turned into an observation platform where it goes railway. The trails are departed from above for those who want to go along the rocks on the edge of the cape, where the new lighthouse is seen and the remains of the radar plants of the Second World War.

Of course, I rose to the lighthouse.

Even despite not the season, tourists near him had a huge amount. And it was the first time in South Africa, when I heard Russian speech. A group of Russian tourists arrived on the excursion.

Well, a minimum program, a photo of a lighthouse and surroundings, I performed.

And, of course, I went further, where the leg of a lazy tourist did not go, to the edge of the rock, under which the second, little lighthouse was built.
The heat already thoroughly got me, but the Russians do not give up to put the point on their tourist map I wanted, because it is impossible to consider a big lighthouse if the current Cape Point is 1.5 kilometers along the rocks.

And here, cheers! I stand at Cape Cape Point and ahead - Ocean and Antarctica.

Although the merge of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans is at Cape Igall (Cape Agulhas), it is believed that two currents merge precisely in the area of \u200b\u200bCape of Good Hope. The warm current of Agullas (Agulhas), coming from the east to the West, comes to the Cape Peninsula, where it dries. From the south to the north, the flow of Bengela (Benguela) is moving. In itself, the course is not cold, but its effect on the temperature of the water is associated with the process of displacement of the upper layers of water. Due to this, on the one side of the peninsula, the water temperature is always a couple of degrees differ from the water temperature to another. From the lighthouse even it seems that you can see the difference in the color of water. The boundaries, as such, no - water and water. I don't care what to look for the place of combination of whiskey with soda in a glass. Standing on the top of the peninsula and looking into the open ocean in the south, feel the edge of the world. Further - only Antarctica, although it is more than 4500 km. And under the legs - on the one hand, the cold water of the Atlantic, on the other, the bay called false (False Bay). There, water is warmer, due to the flow from the Indian Ocean, and along it is the most popular beaches of the city. The name of the bay appeared in the portuguese. It is so wide that the opposite shore is not visible in foggy weather, and the impression of the open ocean is created.

I descend from the lighthouse down where we meet with your husband. And we go to the local souvenir shop. Quite a decent range.
It was surprised that there was no cafe nearby. Tourists have a huge amount, probably, many after the lift to the mountain, would be happy to sat at the table overlooking the ocean and the cape of good hope. But neither a cafe nor some kind of food shop was nearby.

While we walked along the packed to the cute birds, met with a close relative ... Elephant. She was sitting on the railing and even a little bit at us.

Full impressions, we returned home. But before Cape, we could not stop. It was the last time we could look at the panorama of the city.

And at home, in a small kindergarten, we were waiting for other representatives of the animal world of Africa.

The evening came, and then the sky was cleared and the night showed us constellations that people never see people living on a hemisphere.
That's all, it's time to say goodbye to the Cape Peninsula.
Tomorrow we are leaving. We are waiting for the southernmost point of Africa.

On the world map there is no place more mysterious than a kind of good hope: shipwrecks, exotic animals and plants, unusual nature and climate - all this as a magnet attracts thousands of tourists from all over the world annually.

Cape of good hope is located in the south-west of the African continent and is the southern part of the Cape Peninsula. At 45 m, the north of good hope occurs with another cape Cape - Point. Geographically, the cape of good hope belongs to the Atlantic basin, but is washed at once with 2 oceans from different sides: Atlantic and Indian.

In the eastern part of Cape is always colder due to the Antarctic flow. The opposite bank of the cape is washed by warm waters of Fels Bay Bay, formed by the Indian Ocean. Due to the collision of cold and warm waters, strong air flows that born strong winds and storms in the sea are formed around the cape.

Highest point Cape is Mount Table (Dining Mountain)Her height is 1086 m. Near the Table is the mountains of the peak of the devil (height - 1000 m), the lion's head (670 m), 12 apostles and alarm hill (350 m).

Dining Mountain near the Cape of Good Hope

Dining Mountain entered in the list world Heritage UNESCO and is a symbol of the nearby Cape Town city.

The mountain is owned by an unusually smooth vertex. Thanks to which the Table resembles the table. To see the mountain is removed not to every tourist, as it is often covered with clouds. Locals call this phenomenon "Tablecloth".

With good weather, the mountain is visible from Cape Town. From the city you can climb the top of the mountain along the cable car or on foot. At the top there is an observation deck and telescopes. This allows you to consider Cape Town and Ocean from a bird's eye view. Mountain is composed by sandstones, she has steep slopes covered with vegetation.


Cape of good hope is located on the African stove and is part of the coastal spit of the Cap Peninsula. The history of the emergence of Cape of Good Hope is inextricably linked with the formation of the African continent. Cape took shape during the Triassic period, after the African branch from Pangai.

At that time, this land was not atmosphere at all, but a small island. For a long time, the ocean struck the sand between the island and the mainland, slowly connecting them.

Locals call this phenomenon "Hand Aid Africa". In the time of the glacial period, the cape of good hope, like the whole southern part of Africa, was covered with ice.

People began to settle the southern part of Africa in the stone period, as evidenced by numerous rock paintings. Natural images of Cape were found near Cape Town.

Cape Research Good Hope

Cape of good hope on the world map appeared in the era of great geographical discoveries. Interest in thesis is connected by the East India Company, which was required by the maritime trading path from Europe to India. Like all the great geographical discoveries, Cape of Good Hope was found randomly.

The reproductor of the Cape is the navigator of Portuguese origin Bartolome Diash. All men in the family Diash were engaged in seaming, so Bartolome was well acquainted with navigation and ship management, already in 30 years he became the captains of the vessel on the state content.

In 1487, the Portuguese King Juan's second ordered to equip the sea expedition out of three ships, two of which were military sailboats. The goal was to find a new way to India across Africa. A year later, they reached the southern hemisphere of the Earth and began their way along the banks of the African continent.

Unbearable heat and raging on the shores of Africa storm forced Dish to change the course and go for 2 weeks in swimming open Sea.. After the storm verse, the ships returned to the usual course and reached the southern part of the continent. Ahead was the Indian Ocean and the direct path to the shores of India.

However, it was not possible to achieve her shores to the shores. The team began to demand return home due to exhaustion of stocks, zing and very hot weather. The captain decided to return in 3 days.

During these three days, the ship managed to walk to the cape needle and go angry. On the last day of his trip, Diash with the team was offended by an unknown cape and turned back. Diash called him a cape of storms, because strong winds duly around him. Cape of good hope on the world map appeared thanks to Huan second. Upon returning to the Motherland, Diash presented a report to the king, who did not like the name of Cape Sturges.

It was decided to renaming the Cape in His Majesty Cape of Good Hope. Too long name did not fit and was changed to the cape of good hope. This name should have given the hope of sailors who go to the shores of India.

For a long 5 years, no one has been searching for India's shores. Interest in Him woke up only after the discovery of Christopher Columbus America. King Juan the second again orders an expedition across Africa. In 1498, Vasco da Gama reincuted Cape of Good Hope and rushed to the shores of India.

Diash later made attempts to achieve a kind of good hope, but he managed to have conceived - unknown. Ship Drash disappeared from southern Coast Africa. After that, the legend was born that the ship always wanders off the coast of the Open Cape. Perhaps this story served as a prototype of the famous bike about flying Dutchman, the ghost ship.

The path to India past the coast of Africa was laid, but the Portuguese were not interested in his development. The first settlements of Europeans in these parts were organized by the Dutch in 1652. It was they who began to study the cape, the population, inhabitants in these territories and nature.

Piligrims managed to find out that the historically terrain of Cape belonged the tribe of the Gottentotov, the relative tribe of Bushmen. It was the Dutch pioneers that were founded next to Cape Cape Town, whose name can be translated as "Gord on Cape".

Cape Town began to flourish, since all the ships, which have enveloped the cape of good hope, moored in the port for replenishing stocks. Cape has become the outpost of the East India company on the way to India.

In 1657, Gottentothots, displeased by the slavery and the fence of the Earth by Europeans, unleashed the war. The excitement was suppressed by Europeans. In 1795, the settlement was not resistant under Napoleon's onslands and the territory, together with the cape, moved to France.

Cape of good hope on the world map disappeared in 1796. This year, the United Kingdom pushed out the French, and the cape began to be called the "provincial colony of good hope." Later, these territories will be included in the South African Union.

The British managed to find near the cape of the gold deposit and organize diamond peasons, which rushed adventurers from around the world. Cape Town has become the main city of Africa. Only in 1961, Cape of Good Hope, as part of the Union becomes an independent South African Republic (South Africa) and returns a name.

Climatically conditions

Climate at the Cape of Good Nadezhda Sea Subtropical. Peninsula Not in vain received its name Cape Sturge. The wind is blowing strong and does not stop during the year. In summer, the wind has a southeastern direction, and in winter - northwestern. Better time For the inspection of the Cape of Good Hope, tourists are considered spring.

In the southern hemisphere she comes in September-November. In the spring, the cape begins to be covered with greens, the precipitation falls a little and the temperature regime allows you to enjoy walking in the caution.

In the summer, the Cape of Good Hope is heated by the warm currents of the Indian Ocean. This is a hot and dry season, there is little precipitation. Summer at Cape lasts from December to March. average temperature In summer, 25 ° C, but in some years the temperature exceeded 40 ° C is an absolute temperature maximum.

Autumn at Cape of Good Hope comes from April to May. This is a pleasant and not hot time for travel. At this time, you can fully appreciate the beauty of local nature.

The greatest number The precipitation on the cape falls in winter in June-August. In June last year, 122 mm Hg fell. Art.

This is the rainy and cloudy month a year. The wind, which so blows on the cape constantly in the rainy season increases, remaining still warm.

The average temperature over the past 3 years:

Month January February March April May June July August September October November December
The average temperature of the day, 0 s 26 26 24 22 19 16 16 17 19 21 22 24
Average temperature at night, 0s 18 18 17 15 14 11 10 11 12 14 15 17
Prices,% 13 13 18 24 27 33 28 31 29 23 20 17

Flora and fauna

Cape of good hope on the world map has no better location. But from the point of view of the natural map of the world, this area is unique.

Only here there are warning car owners signs: "Wrinking the car, make sure that there are no penguins under it."

It is difficult to believe in this, but on such a small piece of land, animals peacefully coexist, whose habitats are in hundreds of kilometers from each other. Only at Cape of Good Hope you can meet monkeys, zebras, penguins and ostriches in one place in just a few hours of walking. 5% of all types of animals and plants planet can be seen in South Africa.

The most frequent guests of the cape - marine inhabitants. At the coast of the Cape of Good Hope you can meet whole colonies of sea cats, see, floating past sharks and whales. Since the cape deeply goes into the sea, his shore becomes beautiful looking platform To observe these amazing marine creatures.

One of the Cape characters are marine seals. These are small lastonous marine inhabitants of black or brown. Not far from Cape Town you can see the island of sea cats. For different estimates, it lives from 50 to 70 thousand cats. The island is more like flat stones, sticking out their waters, on which sea seams live. Earlier, the poachers caught the cats for the production of fur coats, now it is officially prohibited and animals are under the protection of the authorities of South Africa.

The family of monkeys on the island is represented by baboons that are so accustomed to live among people that their presence is not afraid. Tourists are not rarely trying to feed animals, so the South African authorities were forced to raise the signs of such a content: "Babuines are wild and dangerous animals."

There are even employees on the island that distinguish animals from tourists with sticks. Babunov belong to the Martushkov family, externally, they are very similar. Babinov's growth reaches 75 cm. Babinov's usual habitat is Eastern and Middle Africa.

On the way to Cape, you can find elephants and herds of antelope, which still live in the Republic of South Africa. African ostrices can be found not only on special farms, but also in wild conditions. These are the only remaining representatives of the Ostrich family in South Africa. The growth of birds can achieve more than 2.5 m, and weight exceed 150 kg.

Meeting with an ostrich can be dangerous for a tourist. In total, about 850 species of birds live on the territory of South Africa and the Cape of Good Hope. At Cape you can easily find the nests of some of them.

Penguins - Pets of tourists. Their population on the coast of the Indian Ocean is numerous. They will jumble everywhere, their main habitat is the Beach "Bolders Beach".

The local authorities decided to give the beach to the full order of Penguins. The Cape lives the spectacle penguins who are listed in the International Red Book. These penguins are called donkey due to their ability to make sounds similar to the donkey "IA".

Flora Cape of Good Hope on 2/3 consists of rare species of plants that do not meet in any other corner of the world. Most of the Cape is occupied by Biom Finbosh, consisting mainly of their rare species of shrubs. They are here about 9 thousand species.

Reserve of good hope

The reserve is considered not only the main attraction of Cape, but also South Africa. Its area is more than 7 hectares of land. You can get to the reserve from Cape Town by car or rent a bike. The car's trip will take about 1.5 hours. The road to the caulation of good hope is laid through the territory of the reserve. Nearby there is an ostrich farm.

Cape of good hope remains the most unique in the number of unique animal species, point on the world map. Not so long ago, they proved scientists from the UK. The reserve presents all animals and plants living not by the Cape Peninsula and South Africa.

The history of the reserve began recently, in 1938. By the time more than 1000 different types of animals and several thousand plants have already lived on the territory of the reserve.

In this place there are rare species of animals, which are found only on the territory of the reserve and animals, brought from all corners of South Africa. Hynes, rhinos, ostriches, crocodiles, penguins, giraffes, zebras, antelopes, elephants - all of them can be found in the reserve.

The reserve is open daily to visit tourists, the only restriction is bad weather conditions. During storms and storms, tourists are forbidden to visit the park and the cape of good hope. The most popular among tourists are sea seals and penguins who are happy to take pictures and are not frightened by a person.

Beach Cape

During the swimming season, when on the coast good weather Tourists are allowed to swim on the beaches of Cape and sunbathing. The swimming season continues from September to May.

It is worth remembering that the cape is washed from two sides by different oceans, so the temperature in the western part is always slightly lower, but there are sand kids in water and waves are calm.

East coast warmer, but at the same time the impetuous wind is constantly blowing and formed big waves. Beaches in this part are more suitable for walking and contemplation of the ocean.

On the map of the world, there were no white spots thanks to such people as Bartolome Diash, who spent his whole life for one discovery. Cape of good hope is an extraordinary beautiful place filled with romance of wanderings. The edge of the earth that everyone should see.

Article clearance: Mila Freidan

Video about Cape Good Hope

Penguins in Africa:

Cape Town is located in the Republic of South Africa, on the Cape Peninsula, near the Cape of Good Hope. The city center is occupied by mansions and buildings of the old Dutch architecture, built in Victorian style. But their relatively little. On the one hand, they are clamped by the Bay of Table, and on the other - the dining room.

Cape Town is often the last point of the route of Tours in South Africa, which includes:

Photohoot in the National Park,

This South African city has many fun and attractions, but the main of them are a kind of good hope and a dining area, from which many travelers who visited the spirit.

Cape of Good Hope

In the 15th century, the cape of good hope served as the personification of the dream of Portuguese navigators, who were looking for a way to India. It was originally called a cape of storms, but at King Juan II, this point was renamed the cap of the Peninsula. Now the cape of good hope is known thanks to its landscapes attracting millions of tourists. Cape is the most extreme southwestern point of Africa, which is confirmed by scientists. At the site before this place there is an indication with accurate coordinates.

Ocean shore in the Cape Town area.

Reserve on cape

The road to the cape of good hope passes through the reserve with the same name. It is distinguished by thick thickets of a variety of plants that interfere with walking on foot. On the Cape Peninsula, their greatest density is observed, so no car do not do here.

The reserve occupies a territory of more than 7,000 hectares. In it, along with the rarest representatives of flora, there are also such unique for Africa representatives of fauna as penguins. Especially unusual to see them next to antilopes and chepads, as they are associated only with the most cold planet points. However, this is not a mirage. Penguins reached Africa from Antarctica. Previously, Penguins were pacing around the reserve, but then for them allocated a separate territory called Boulders Beach.

Penguins at the Cape of Good Hope.


The lighthouse was built in 1860, and now it is one of the main attractions of Cape. It rises above sea level by 240 meters and is considered the highest in South Africa. The lighthouse houses an observation deck. It is equipped at an altitude of 200 meters, and you can climb it or on the funicular, or on foot. Nearby are a souvenir shop and a restaurant with a terrace, which offers amazing views.

From here, tourists are visible at once two ocean: one side of the cape washed the water of the Atlantic, and on the other - Indian. Looking at the closer, you can see that they differ from each other in color.


At the Cape of Good Hope there is an opportunity to relax and on the beach. Bathing season It usually begins in September: at this time the sunny weather is installed, and a good tan is secured. The end of the season falls on May.

On one of the beaches of Cape Town.

At the same time, the coast has some climatic features. For example, the western side is characterized by a mild climate, sandy shores, silence and tranquility. There are beaches here. In the east, warmer, but inconveniences give the suffer winds there, which prevent swimming, so tourists in this part of the coast prefer only to get on the shore and admire the ocean.


On an excursion to the caulation of good hope, a visit to the reserve and the shore of Penguins is most often. But besides them there are other attractions to which you should watch. For example, on the coast of the so-called "fake bay", the road was laid to the town of Simonstown, where the base of the British Royal Fleet was located in the past.

The interest of tourists is the island of sea seals, 4 square kilometers, having a rather rapid history. From the 17th century there was a prison, hospital and military base. Just on this island was in the conclusion of Nelson Mandela - the future president of South Africa.

In 1999, UNESCO ranked an island to world heritage sites. There was a museum dedicated to the history of the state. For tourists, excursions across cameras and a prison courtyard.

Dining Mount

This is the main attraction of Cape Town itself, without which it is impossible to present this South African city. Dining room, or Mount Table is recognized as a symbol of the city and is included in the UNESCO Heritage List. It rises 1087 meters.

View of the dining room from Cape Town Harbor.

The portuguese sailor Antoniou de Sidanna rose the first of Europeans on this vertex. In those days, the dining area was covered with centuries-old solid rock trees. They were used in the construction of a wooden fort for a new settlement. Typically, the mountains end with pointed tops, but the Mountain Table Top is flat, as if the countertop, why the mountain and got its name.

Most of the time the table mountain closes the clouds, so not all tourists manage to get to it. because of weather conditions The city authorities may prohibit the rise to the top to avoid any incidents with travelers. And the weather in Cape Town is unstable, and the reason for the warm and cold flows of the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, which are found in this place. When the mountain closes thick cloud masses, the townspeople say that it is covered with a tablecloth.

There are many legends with this phenomenon. One of them, some of local residentswhose name was Fan Khanks, smoked tobacco with such a vile smell that the townspeople were granted him to mountain slopes. There he met the devil, who offered him to arrange a competition: who smokes. Khanks proposal accepted. They littered, and their smoke covered the whole mountain. Since then, the inhabitants of Cape Town refer to this legend when they see Mount Table covered with a white "tablecloth".

When it is good, clear weather, you can climb to its vertex with cableway. This mountain is considered the best observation platform, it is included in the list of the ten most visited tourists from the world around the world. There are watching telescopes there, there is a gift shop and a restaurant. From here, the entire Cape Town is observed. But especially admires travelers view from the top of the mountain during the sunset, when the horizon merges with the ocean.

Making a walk across the dining area, tourists will meet a lot of representatives of the local fauna and flora. There are approximately 1,470 species of plants, including the perfume recognized as a real symbol of South Africa.

A few peaks are adjacent to the dining area, which are part of national Park Peninsula. This is the peak of the devil, the lion's head and the Mount of the Twelve Apostles.

In addition to visiting the Cape of Good Hope and Dining Mountain, in Cape Town, you must certainly try wines from the Cape region, which are famous far beyond Africa and are highly appreciated by many gourmets and connoisseurs of wines of all over the world. And also take a couple of surf lessons at the most famous South African Surfers.