Attractions Andalusia - What to see. Full Guide on Signs

Visa to Spain for citizens of Moldova opens by the Vshechsky embassy. Package of documents and information on obtaining a visa on

(c) Zanzibarcordoba

Why Andalusia? It may be because it is the southernmost area of \u200b\u200bSpain, a place with a unique story related, mainly with the Moors and the Arab Caliphate. The name comes from the Arab Al Andalus (it was called almost the entire Iberian Peninsula from 711 to 1492). Arab Khalifat left a huge imprint in this part of this part, and as for me, it gave Andalusia a light charm of the East and Arab fairy tale. Or maybe this is a passionate view of the Toreador and Dancer Flamenco, the grace of women and the most magical of the sounds - the sound of the flamenco guitar on the little streets of the Santa Cruul Quarter in Seville. I always thought that the most beautiful is obtained from the mixture, and now Andalusia is the most striking proof of this. What are there beautiful people and architecture, music and dance, you will not meet this anywhere in Spain.

(c) Heart Industry

(c) CarmenCollantes

And so, in May, sowing the plane to Malaga, you fly out. Night flown to Malaga, head around from beauty around. City lights on black night velvet, and small fireflies, cars, on the tracks. Look in the porthole when at night are pumped up to cities, it is very beautiful.

The flight Chisinau is Malaga from 650 euros in both ends of a single transplant (, a direct flight Bucharest - Malaga from 150 euros (Blueairweb).

(c) Fred Shively

Malaga - Ronda - Seville

Best start with Malaga. Beautiful quarters, small streets, geranium on balconies and smell of baking. It was here that Pablo Picasso was born and rose. A small museum in the house where he grew is right in the center, and next to the insane Cathedral. You can get lost in small pedestrian streets, among the shops of artisans and Bodeg (this is such a national wine shop). And probably, to get to know Andalusia, it is better to choose May, warm, the foxing aroma of flowering oranges fills the lungs, and bright fruits in the green foliage are seduced to break them and eat them. Colorful balconies, dancing in a cafe, Spaniards love to dance, it is in the blood, so touching, watching how people of all ages, gathering in small cafes, dancing tango and flamenco. We will not meet this.

(c) Gock's frocks

And the sea, what a turquoise sea there. And unlike India, where the ocean eats the fiery disk of the Sun, giving the criminal sunset, here the sea gives the first soft rays of the shining. And lucky girl who saw the first green beam can make a desire and it will surely come true. Try!

There is one more insanely beautiful place in this beautiful city, it's a fortress Al Kasaba and castle GibralfarThey are connected with a long wall. Al Kalaba, this is one of several fortresses left by Moors, in Spain. This is a sister of Alcazar in Seville and Al Hammbra in Granada. It offers a magnificent view of the city, the mountains and the coast.

Near Malaga, a lot of small towns for relaxing on the coast (Taemolinos, Fuenherol, Benalmadena, Puerto Banus, Marbella and Estepona), with famous chains of hotels and beautiful beaches, lying on which, you enjoy the rest, drink Sangria, eat tapas (local snacks) With delicious hamon and cheese, slowly acquiring a golden chocolate tan.

Mandatory program: Tapas, Gaspacho, Fried Fish (Pescaito Frito at the local adverium), Hamon from Habugo, Valle de Los Pedozz and Traveles, Wines from Jerez de la Frontera or Sangria.

A half hours drive from Malaga, at an altitude of 750 meters above sea level, there is a small town RondaOne of the oldest cities in Europe, the White City. By law, the houses of the city fashionably paint only white paint. The city is declared by the National Monument of Spain and built on both sides of the Tahoe deep gorge. At the bottom of the gorge, the Guadalevin River flows, which divides the city for 2 parts: the old city of the 13th century and the new city of the 18th century. Both parts are connected by the so-called "new bridge", Viaduct, built in the 18th century. The city was founded in the 4th century BC, but the Architecture prevails Roman and Moorish features. Ronda's attractions include the oldest village of Bulls Plaza de Toros (1784), Arab baths built in the XIII - XIV century, Mauritan fortress Alcabar (13th century AD), Cathedral Church of Santa Maria de la Encarnasion ( 15th century AD), and 3 Viaducts - Old Bridge, new bridge and Roman bridge. In the battle-free time, the Arena works as a Tauromacia Museum (the art of the battleship of the bulls).

(c) Nigel Musgrove

(c) Real Maestranza de Cabllería de Ronda

Be sure to go to the viewing platform near the Arena, more than a breathtaking view when it approaches the city, it seems that he is ordinary, but you understand the site why it is special. I will not tell, take a trip and make sure it is worth it!

To see all this can be in one day and leave the last regular bus in Malaga. Be sure to lunch at the local restaurant, better, where more local, tourist sites will never be transferred to the atmosphere of complete authenticity.

Andalusia has a well-developed railway and bus service network. You can also take advantage of both the boats run between cities on the coast. Bus schedule on, trains on

And now friends, the next city of my passion, Seville, It is standing on the Guadalkivir River.

I probably do not have enough words to describe what is happening with me when I stand in the heart of the city, I look around and understand that I probably won the knee as a sign and gratitude to Masramen, for the beauty that they left in the inheritance of Spain. I even insist that the Arab culture made Andalusia is so unique. As mentioned above, the Arab domination peak here very long until the king of Ferdinand and Queen Isabella expelled, the last spirit of Moors from Cordoba, in the 15th century. And before that Seville, in 1026, becoming the capital of the eponymous emirate. But after in the 15th century, she was freed, she became the center of shipbuilding and trade, it was from Seville Columbus going to search for India.

The symbol of the city is considered the old Arabic tower of Hiralda 250 meters in height, which is visible almost from anywhere in the city. When this place was a mosque, but Christianity came, and the mosque was destroyed, leaving only minaret. What else is interesting, exactly the same minaret can be seen in Marakesh. I have seen both minarets, they are really identical, there is a third, he is also in Morocco.

(c) QQWERTY97531

From the architectural attractions of Seville, you can still highlight the Gothic Church of St. John. It seems to me that he is undeservedly deprived of attention. This is the largest gothic cathedral in the world, and the third largest Catholic Cathedral after Peter's Cathedral in the Vatican and the Cathedral of St. Paul in London. Columbus and his illegitimate son are buried in the cathedral. It is the greatness of art and beauty, he is like a guard guarding the old district of Santa Cruul, I'm lost when I stand next.

To the left of the cathedral, the Alcazar castle already mentioned, a mixture of Baroque, Gothic and Mudjara architecture. Almost for 700 years, he was the Palace of Spanish Kings, the upper quartes of Alcasar and are now used by the royal family as a residence. Alcazar was built as Fort Mavrov, as the palace was rebuilt by the Almhad dynasty. Magnificent gardens and ponds, I do not have enough eloquence to describe the beauty of the castle, the azure-blue colors of Mudjara ceramics, pass the smell of freesis, oranges, needles and magnolia. Eyes shine, the mouth is open, no words ... And I'm not alone, believe me.

Seville is rich in the historical heritage and the inconspile number of architectural masterpieces. Square of Spain, the building of the Seville Exchange Lonch (Archive of India), there are documents related to the opening of America. Golden tower whose white stones burn in the sun in gold, now there is a navigation museum, and before it was controlled by the movement of ships on the Guadalkivir River.

On you can find options from 30 euros per night, want to experience the exotic region, set off at the local, using the AirbnB service, the price will be from 20 euros per night.

Favorite place, Santa Cruul QuarterWhen I walk there, I want to live in almost every home, drinking Sangriya on every balcony, dance in every courtyard of the Flamenco school and smell the aroma of bitter orange, and sometimes kissing the quiet evenings near the Kazanov monument, under the song crickets and crying of the Spanish guitar. How not fall in love with such a city, and not lose your head from the high hot Spaniard, with the eyes of the Moored or from the grace of the Flamenco dancer, the dance of which makes the heart beat as a jackhammer.

(c) Miami Love 1

Here she is Sevilla and Andalusia - Bright, Forky, burning, it smells like a bitter orange and buns, warm sun and passion, her spirit in a royal spirit and proud, and in the air is a light fragrance of the East and Arab fairy tales in the air.

I love Andalusia, very.

Southern Spain (Andalusia and Murcia) is the most valuable keeper of unique reminders of culture, Moorish roots and traditions that cannot be found in the rest of Spain. Southern areas of Spain are not the same - one got fertile soils, the sun and the love of tourists, others - the dry poor land and the constant struggle for life.

Andalusia is an autonomous community in Spain and the area, which is located on the southern part of the Pyrenean P-Ova. It consists of 8 provinces: Almeria, Cordova, Cadiz, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Wuelva and Khan.

Photo: Beautiful Andalusia

Briefly about the region

Andalusia is a place with a saturated history, the main role in which Maurics (Arabs) and Muslim Spain were played by Al-Andalus.

All you think and imagine about Spain is actually about Andalusia. Passionate flamenco dance, juicy fruit, exciting corrida, Tabernas desert, Sierra Nevada ski resort, Underground Nerja labyrinths with huge caves, vintage stone bridges in Ronda (Ronda) and the place of connecting the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea in Tarifa (Tarifa) is all about her. These are the Moorish Alhambra Palaces (Alhambra) and Antequera, Snow Whole Beaches Almunecar (Almuñécar) and Motril Mango Plantations.

In the last days of February, the whole life in the city of Cadiz (Cádiz) is paralyzed - the carnival begins with songs, masquerades and costume ideas. Future participants begin to think over the jewelry long before.

Photo: Carnival in Cadiz

In April in Sevilla (Sevilla), the best Spanish artisans on the spring fair are coming out, the traditions of which will go up to the 13th century. All week Fair has fun day and night. The beginning of the tradition was scheduled for April 18.

Every another annual year for a whole month in September, Seville turns into an endless dancing city - the famous Flamenco festival begins. Everything around breathes only in this rhythm.

In November, a new reason to get together - in the city of Baena (Baena) the festival of olives begins.

And a huge number of religious holidays that local residents are celebrated with a big sweep.

So come to Andalusia to any month - it will be fun and interesting!

Geographic differences

Photo: Spanish flamenco

Andalusia was washed by many waters - the Atlantic Ocean, the Gibraltar Strait and the Mediterranean Sea and has the warmest climate on the entire European continent. The sea and climate were reflected in the culture, kitchen and development of the edge in history and modernity as a resort.

How to get and move on site

Photo: Andalusia map

Andalusia has an international airport in Malaga (Malaga). From Moscow, direct flights are carried out by Aeroflot. The average cost of the ticket - 375 euros. Detailed information on the site From St. Petersburg only connecting flights either through Europe or through Moscow. Cost from 280 euros.

There are options with a change to Seville Airport, but flights are usually uncomfortable, and the average cost is from 520 euros per person.

Right near the airport, Malaga has car rental companies. If you book the car in advance, then the rental price is 20-30 euros per day. With permanent moves from place in place, this is perhaps the most optimal option for value / comfort / quality ratio.

Why go

If you want to meet Tsigan with a guitar, burning dancers Flamenco, brilliant Torreo and survive a real Seside, then in Andalusia you will see all this in the script. Among the most spectacular events that are replaced by one other - the sorrowful processions of a passionate Friday and the bright festivals flamenco.

When to go

The best time in a lot of determines the temperature column is a fresh April with fairs, a pleasant May and the end of September, when the heat is declining, the crowds of tourists are thinned.

Cultural and historical differences

Andalusia is the treasury of the Heritage of Moors, which conquers with its grace and a scope. Andalusia is the patrimony of the Corrida, and the region, where Flamenco is the basis of a festival culture, and Siesta did not go to the fly. It is also the birthplace of Picasso, Velasquez and Murillo, painting which decorates temples, palaces and museums.

What to see in Andalusia

Photo: Beautiful Malaga

We will tell a short travel plan through the cities of Andalusia, based on our experience and, review of experienced tourists on how to spend two unforgettable weeks in the Spanish region itself:

Malaga (Malaga)

  1. The old fortress of Alcasaba, from the centuries-old walls of which offers breathtaking views of the city and to the port.
  2. In the very center, it is, of course, the Cathedral built in the Baroque style. In Spain, they love to build a long time - and this cathedral was erected a hundred years, but never completed. There is not enough one tower and part of the facade. But this only adds to him Sharma.
  3. Fario alley's long walking embankment decorates La Foro Phair.
  4. Picasso Museum in the Palace of Buenavist XVI century, the walls of which decorate 285 Pablo Poblels.
  5. Episcopal palace with an ornate transition system, stairs and galleries.
  6. In a hot afternoon, we recommend to hide from the heat in the Gardens of Alonso, in which the recreation areas are equipped and fragrant rosary.
  7. Seaport - here regularly enter huge ships in numerous cruises.

You can see the beauty of Malaga in this video:


  1. Huge caves with hanging stalactites from the ceiling and huge stalagmites from the floor. A long route leads from the hall to the hall, each of which is originally highlighted.
  2. Next there is one of the many well-preserved ancient Roman aqueducts - Aguil.
  3. On the sea, an excellent review with the so-called European balcony. In good weather, the African coast is visible without binoculars.
  4. After a saturated excursion program, an ideal conclusion will plunge into the Mediterranean Sea. Here are wonderful beaches.

Beauty and sights of Neri can look at the video:

Almunecar (Almuñécar)

  1. Snow white beaches, and the rocks of San Cristobal appears in the sea. Rising along the stone steps, find yourself on the top of the top.
  2. San Miguel Castle - part of the residues of Arabic heritage on the Pyrenean Peninsula.

Look at the beautiful video about Almunecar:


  1. Little Arabic town, adherent to the rock. From here there is a great overview for all nearby plains.
  2. The streets here are so narrow that you need to be a rather experienced driver in order not to hook anywhere and anywhere. For pedestrians, some houses made special recesses in which you need to jump if the car goes. You can turn around only on top. Colorful facades, suitable doors and balconies compensate for the efforts spent.
  3. At the top is a harsh, but beautiful fortress Castilo de Salobrena.

Look at beautiful landscapes in this video:

Almeria (Almería)

  1. Alcasab's fortress - built in the 10th century Arab conquerors, the first in the turn of dozens on the coast.
  2. Natural park Cabo da Ghata with perfectly clean beaches, and at the bottom there are such wealth as ancient Roman amphoras, reefs and even sank the ship of the Spanish fleet. On his huge territory we advise moving around the bike. They are hired.

All beauty of Almeria can be seen on this video:

Granada (Granada)

  1. Alhambra - Granada Pearl. Magnificent palace with skillful gardens, arches and statues. Each detail has its own knowledge and feature. Finding here, you feel in a real Arab fairy tale.
  2. The cathedral is the majestic and pompous, but the inner decoration is richer than the external facade. The construction lasted for almost 200 years, and therefore the Baroque and Erressko style characteristic of Spain was mixed here.
  3. Gardens Henellifa - a luxurious Moorish garden, best preserved in Granada.
  4. The Park of Sciences is a huge interactive museum in the area, where several expositions are held in a variety of rooms at once at the same time.
  5. Mount Sacromonte, where housing represents well-maintained caves, torn out once expelled from the city of Muslims and Jews. Now there lives a numerous diaspora of the Gypsy, which arrange entire shows for tourists.

This video will not leave you indifferent and inspire for a trip:

Cordoba (Cordoba)

A unique combination of three crops: Christianity, Muslim and Jews. Traces everywhere:

  1. Mesquite - a cathedral mosque, part of 12 architectural wonders of Spain.
  2. Medina As-Sugara is an Arab Palace city, in whose territory excavations are still underway.
  3. The Jewish quarter with medieval synagogue and narrow old streets, the most famous of which is the calcium de Las Flores.
  4. Cordovsky Alcazar - for 300 years was used for the Tribunals of the Spanish Inquisition. Later, Napoleon's troops were quartered in 1810. Until 1931 performed the prison function.
  5. The Kalaorra Tower and the Roman Bridge - the oldest tower in the city, made in the shape of a horseshoe.
  6. The Palace of Viana is an excellent sample of the life of rich aristocrats. Inside there are 12 courtyards with fountains, flowers and gardens. Inside the present interiors of the former owners.

The unique beauty of the cordoba just fascinates, you can watch it on the video:

Sevilla (Sevilla)

  1. Alcazar - Royal Residence. For many centuries, it was repeatedly rebuilt and completed. Parts are preserved from all buildings from the first Moorish buildings. We advise you to schedule the whole day for inspection - there is a lot of interesting things here, and in the evening there are concerts in the open air.
  2. The Cathedral is the largest Gothic Cathedral in Europe, entered into the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List.
  3. Square Spain is a majestic and unlike any other European area.
  4. Maestrans - Arena for the battleship, the oldest and famous of existing ones.
  5. Monastery of St. Mary de Las Cuevas - Located on the island among the beautiful park.
  6. And many-many churches and vintage houses in the old town - the main thing is considered Sierpes Street (Sierpes).

The landscapes and the beauty of Seville can be viewed in this video:

Cadiz (Cadiz)

  • The central market, with the shelves bursting from gifts.
  • Cathedral in the center of the city, built in Rococo and Baroque styles. There is an observation deck.
  • Tavira Tower - was used as a sentigious tower in the Middle Ages. Inside, a miracle of engineering thought is an obscurant chamber, thanks to which projected species of Cadiz appear on the screen.
  • Old city in arabic style.
  • San Sebastian Castle on the Ocean is a powerful fort with thick fortress walls. Now the works of modern Andalusky artists are exhibited.

You can see Cadiz on the video:

Tarifa (Tarifa) is a small Arab town, a favorite place of windsurfers due to the long beach strip and good winds. The most southern part of Europe. A unique place where you can stand on a narrow isthmus between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Photo: Arabic Tariff town

Further on the picturesque road by the wind power plants to the Spanish city of La Linea, which is bordered by ... Great Britain! It was here that the small Peninsula of Gibraltar - it is called the rock - because of which Spain and the United Kingdom have been conducting diplomatic disputes for many years. The border passes directly along the runway - for the time of take-off and landing, pedestrians are patiently waiting when they open the border. Gibraltar (Gibraltar) is the only place where monkeys live in wildlife.

Gibraltar is small, but very colorful - everything in the British style.

Photo: Gibraltar

Then along the sea to the paradise of lovers to have fun from the night to the morning - Marbella (Marbella). In addition to natural parks and historical sights, the most famous bars and nightclubs, attracting party members from around the world.

The most expensive and beautiful beach of Puerto Banus, where there are luxurious yachts and boats. And the Gift of Zurab Tsereteli is towers on the shore - the "Victory" monument.

Photo: Beach Puerto Banus

And back to Malaga - finish the journey around the city and visiting the amusement park.

Main cities and sights

Photo: Roman Bridge in Cordove

It seems that Andalusia is one big monument to UNESCO. The most impressive architecture and interesting sights are located in the main cities:

  1. Seville - Andalusian capital and the land of continuous festivals. Main landmark Palace Alcazar with wondrous mixing of Mauritan and European styles, Herald's bell tower (UNESCO), Grand Cathedral (UNESCO);
  2. Granada is a bright disturbing city in the mountains where the Mauric fortress of Alhambra (UNESCO) and the most ancient Mauric Gardens of Henellife (UNESCO) are located. On the tops all year round lies the snow, but there are no seas;
  3. Malaga - a large modern city, a developed resort, full of memos of the antiquity and the birthplace of Picasso;
  4. Cordoba is the former capital of Muslim Spain, and now a calm and beautiful city. The main memo is the Mosque Cathedral of the Mesquite (UNESCO);
  5. Cadiz is the ancient city of Europe, a great resort and the most attractive for the location for climbers thanks to Gargant Del Chorro gorge;
  6. Ronda is an unforgettable snow-white city hanging over the precipice.

What to do in Andalusia

Photo: Bull Bulls in Seville

During the trip, it is necessary:

  1. View Present Flamenco in Seville;
  2. Go on bulls in Seville;
  3. Drink Sangria on the seashore in Marbella;
  4. Collect the shells in the tariff thrown by the waves of the Atlantic Ocean;
  5. Wander around the streets of Salobreni;
  6. Buy fish of the night street in the Cadiz market;
  7. Feel like a real Sultan in Alhambre;
  8. Visit the most beautiful cathedrals and churches in Cordoba;
  9. Descend into the underground labyrinth in the Nercha;
  10. See underwater miracles in Cabo de Gata Park;
  11. Admire the creations of Picasso in Malaga;
  12. Plant on a beautiful beach in Marbella.
  13. Know the world in the park of Granada Science;
  14. Meet the dawn on the coast after incendiary fun in the nightclubs of Marbella.
  15. Visit one of the majestic Cathedrals of Andalusia.
  16. To visit the breathtaking Krrida or visit the arena for Maestrans Corrida in Seville.
  17. Bicycle rent a bicycle and go to Veloprogulka on the snow-white suburbs of Ronda.
  18. To captivate a flamenco show in the middle of the vintage streets of Cadiz, who had seen one generation.
  19. View one of the places of Pieces Lorca in the fabulous gardens of Henellife in Granada.
  20. Look acute sensations in the Grand Gargant Gorge del Chorro in Cadiz Province.
  21. Look at the unique types of Gibraltar.
  22. See the "Dance of Andalusian Horses" of the Royal School of Riding in the small town of Jerez de la Frontera (Cadiz Province).
  23. Make a walk on a river tram in the biggest river in Andalusia - Guadalquivir.
  24. Told Gaspacho, drink sherry or product of Seville brewery Cruzcampo.

Shopping (what and where to buy)

Photo: Beautiful Spanish Veser

The most popular souvenirs and gifts from Andalusia:

  1. Figurines in the form of bulls and a dancer Flamenco from Seville.
  2. Ceramic products in Mauritan style from Granada.
  3. Veser all forms and colors.
  4. Leather products from cordoba.
  5. Bottle of local sherry.
  6. Fruit tea and drinks from Granada.
  7. Olive oil.
  8. Almond Cookies from Seville (Almendra Suprema de Estepa).
  9. Pork dried sausage chorizo.
  10. Inlaid boxes from Granada.

The Eagle and Rush program will tell you about shopping in Seville on this video:


All prices in Spain in EURO. It will be preferably changing rubles for currency at home, as the course abroad will be most likely disadvantageous.

The price of a cup of coffee in a cafe is about 1.5 euros.

The price of lunch is from 10 to 20 euros, there are options for the buffet "Menu del Delia" with unlimited approaches.

The price of dinner with alcohol on average 30-45 euros.

Magnets for memory - 1 euro.

Taxi costs 8-10 euros depending on the trip.

Gasoline at refueling costs 1.20 euros per liter. Diesel - 1 euro.

Hotel room 3 stars costs 15-20 euros per day per person.

Accommodation in hostels is cheaper - an average of 10 euros.

A large company is more profitable to settle in large apartments with an equipped kitchen and a seating area.


Milk - 0.7 euros

Bread - 0.90 euros

Chicken, 1 kg - 5.70 euros

Fish (Dorada) 1 kg - 7 euros

Tomatoes - 1.22 euros

The middle budget of the trip, taking into account transport, accommodation and food is about 100 euros per day.

Plan of vouchers, tours for 1-3-7 days

Day Morning Dinner Evening
1 Malaga. Alcazaba Cathedral, Cathedral Picasso Museum, Episcopal Palace, Alonso Gardens Seaport, lighthouse. Complete Evening Advise at the Gastroteca De Reding Restaurant (Calle Ruiz Blaser, 2), where the beautiful mushroom risotto is prepared
2 Nerh. Caves Aqueduct Aguil, Balcony of Europe, Rest on the beach. Dinner at EL Pulguilla Restaurant (Calle Almte. Ferrándiz, 26) - here you know how to prepare the freshest octopus in Galiyski
3 Almunecar. San Cristobal Moving to Saloborna Walk through the Old Town, Fortress

Dinner at the local restaurant Meson Antonio (Calle Manila, 9), where, according to other tourists, one of the best steaks in the city

4 Almeria, Alcasaba Fortress Natural park Cabo da Ghata on the second half of the day After such a rich program, we advise you to try the best tapas in the city - at the Taperia La Pinta Bar (Campoverde, 20)
5 Granada. Alhambra, Cathedral, Gardens Henellife, Mount Sacromonte Science Park
6 Cordoba. Mesquite, Jewish Quarter, Salla de Las Flores Cordovsky Alcazar, Kalaorra Tower, Roman Bridge Palace Viana

Try Spanish Delicates - Soup "Rabo de Toro" ("Bull Tail") at the EL Abanico restaurant (Calle Velazquez Bosco 7)

7 Archaeological Museum. Museum of Bulls. Madina Az-Zahra. Show Flamenco

One of the favorite dishes in Cordoba is a ragu from a ram. Order this dish in the Gongora restaurant (Calle Conde de Torres Cabrara 4)

8 Seville. Inspection of Alcazar all day In the evening, it's just necessary to go to the Bodeguita Romero bar (C / Harinas, 10) and try their special dish - Pringa - Pork Sandwich on Andalusian manner.
9 Seville. Cathedral. Square of Spain. Maestrans, Monastery of St. Mary de Las Cuevas. Walk through the old town. Corrida.

Salmamorjo Soup at the El Caminante Andaluz Restaurant (Calle Jose Diaz 8) - the best completion of the day

10 Cadiz. Tavier Tower, central market. Old Town, San Sebastian Castle. Cathedral and rest on the ocean.

According to reviews, the LAS NIEVES restaurant (Plaza Mendizabal) prepares the best squid and eggplants in honey.

11 Tariff. Estimates between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea. Moving to Gibraltar. Walk through the central street. Visiting the cliff.

Feel the atmosphere of real shipyards at the Clipper restaurant (Irish Town, 78b Irish Town). Here is gentle Beefstoganov.

12 Marbella. Rest on the beach. Walk from Puerto Banus. Nightlife Marbella.

Before visiting the clubs, it is advisable to eat - meat rolls are especially good in establishment called Bodega San Bernabe (Travesia Carlos Mackintosh No. 3 Local 17 | Junto A La Alameda)

13 Arrival in Malaga. Roman theater. Tivoli Warld - Amusement Park. We advise you to complete the trip on the authentic Spanish Center - Antigua Casa De Guardia (Alameda Principal 18), which serves wonderful mussels.

What and where there is

Photo: Gaspacho.

In Andalusia, they love and know how to prepare surprisingly delicious dishes that need to try during a trip to this region:

  • Gaspacho or Salmamorjo - cold tomato soup (they differ in some additional ingredients).
  • Any tuna dishes in the Cadiz area.
  • Cordin Flameminkin is a pork fillet dish, which is roasted in breadcrumbs and eggs.
  • Alboronia - vegetable roast from eggplants, tomato, pumpkins and peppers.
  • White fish soup.
  • Almond soup.
  • Fried on coal sardines.
  • Turkey with apples.

Meat dishes are more common in remote cities from the sea, but in coastal restaurants the choice of fish dishes are just huge.

Top Excursions for reviews

We have collected five of the most interesting and original excursions on Andalusia:

  1. Andalusia's wildest West is a city trip, where the ancient stone dolmens are preserved, as well as medieval castles, hot springs and fantastic landscapes resembling America.
  2. Three stories of Granada are an amazing journey over the time, in which three city legends are united: Jewish, Arab and Royal. Only an experienced glance can see and read them on the facades of old houses, in twisted streets and luxurious gardens.
  3. Alvear's wine cellar next to Cordobo - the ability to learn the secrets of winemaking, in the results of which such delicious wine is obtained. By the way, at the end of the excursion, all participants will be given the opportunity to taste various varieties.
  4. Equestrian walks in the vicinity of Cadiz - to feel like a real conquistor riding a horse while walking along the endless Atlantic Ocean.
  5. Gibraltar - Climb on the famous Rock in Gibraltar, see the hidden caves that were used during World War II, see real wild monkeys and see Africa.

Watch examples of interesting excursions in the video "In search of adventures with Mikhail Kubjukhov - Andalusia.

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Andalusia is a region for those who want something more than just Spain. Orange guide - a guide for those who want something more than just a guide. In the same way, the author will tell you about this most southern and most fun region of the country. You will get acquainted with the extraordinary holidays and traditions, incended year-round extravagancies and a friendly population. In the most authentic "nutrient" institutions, you will pull the magnificent wine, we will taste the best local culinary achievements. Enjoy unique nature, carefully transformed into national parks. An orange guide will authoritatively tell you that Andalusia - Earth with a rich past and its main cultural monuments and architectural ensembles of past times have been preserved to this day, so let's see them ...

So, a reliable guide in your hands, consider that half of the case on the organization of your better holiday in Andalusia you have already done. And tickets did not forget to buy?

The edition is third, corrected and complemented.

: The most visited - Cathedral Mosque in (), the magnificent complex of Alhambra in (UNESCO), and in (UNESCO), incredible landscapes, two renaissance cities and (UNESCO) and the gate to South Spain - Malaga.

  • Length Total route is 788 km.
  • Total travel time: about 9.5 hours by car
  • Start: Malaga (there is an international airport.
  • the end: Malaga.
  • Transport: car
  • Total time: 5 - 7 days minimum.

Route by Andalusia on the map:

Route by Andalusia

The most interesting cities of Andalusia along the route:

1. Malaga

Malaga - the second most popular city in Andalusia and the sixth in size and the southernmost city of Spain. This is one of the oldest cities in the world whose history has 2,800 years old, since the foundation by his Phoenicians. Motherland Pablo Picasso, Malaga - one of the tourist centers of Spain.

Look: Picasso Museum, Romanesque Theater (1 B BC), Mauritan Castle Gibralfaro, Alcazaba Fortress, Royal Residence, Church of Santiago in Mudjar style, Cathedral and Episcopal Palace, and Basílica Y Real Santuario de Santa María de la Victoria.


Ronda is a picturesque town located in the Highland, where the Guadalevin River washed deep, up to 100 meters, canyon, cutting the city into two parts. Steel walls of the canyon and the high stone bridges create an incredible dramatic landscape that made the ronda by a popular tourist city.

Look: One of the oldest in Spain is the arena for the battleship of the bulls, where he loved to be Hemingway, a new bridge with a height of 120 m, the Palace Mondrahon - the former residence of kings, the Museum of Robbers.


Go to the section:

Why go and what to see in Andalusia

Andalusia is the southernmost edge of Spain, washed by the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic. The cities of Andalusia are filled with history and extraordinary architectural attractions, while the coast is famous for its endless sandy beaches and amazing landscapes. Andalusia traveler is the "two in one" region - simultaneously suitable for sightseeing holidays, and for the beach. And if the beach season lasts from May to September inclusive, then a diverse sightseeing is possible year-round, since a mild climate reigns in the region and rarely when bad weather.

The history of Andalusia is closely connected with the period of the Board of Mavrov in the Epoch of the Early Middle Ages. It is not surprising that in many cities of the region, amazing monuments of Islamic heritage have been preserved, which coexist with typically Catholic temples and cathedrals (Spain is traditionally a Catholic country). Almost all major cities of Andalusia have their own Alcazar (Palace) and Alcazaba (fortress). To Andalusky cities that must be examined, include, in particular, Seville, Granada, Malaga, Cordoba, Cadiz and some other, smaller towns.

Speaking about the beach component, it is worth noting that for the tourist there are almost unlimited possibilities. The main zones of the beach holiday in Andalusia are the Costa de la Luz coast, the Costa del Sol coast and the Costa de Almeria coast. Each of the coarse has its own characteristics, and the resort centers can be called such towns like Marbella, Cadiz, Almeria, Benalmaden, Torremolinos, Nerja and others.

Much in Andalusia and attractions that are not related to the sea. For example, there are dozens of natural parks, including the famous Sierra Nevada Mountain Park, Donyan National Park, Cabo de Gata Coastal Park, Dune Tariffs and much more. With his diverse nature, Andalusia is obliged to climate, which varies from typically Mediterranean on the border with Portugal to semi-deserted on the territory of the Almerian desert (by the way, the only one in Europe). Read also, what other regions are popular for .

Martin Haisch / Malaga

Visa and rules of entry to Spain

For entry to Spain, Spanish National or Schengen Visa type C (Tourist) is required. You can also get to Spain on a guest visa (the Spanish invitation is required). You can open a Spanish visa at the Embassy or Consulate of Spain (Moscow, St. Petersburg) or in numerous visa centers that are practically in every major city. In order to open a visa, you will need to assemble the standard package of documents, remove the biometric fingerprints of the fingers (directly when the documents are delivered), arrange (Insurance amount of at least 30 thousand euros). Documents are also applied inverse tickets and hotel reservation in which you are going to be placed. As a rule, a visa is discovered within a period of several days to two weeks, less often - longer.

The rules for entering Spain are standard about Europe, since Spain enters the Schengen zone. During passport control, you may be asked to make a printout of tourist insurance, hotel armor, return tickets, so you need to have them at hand. The rest of the procedure is standard and does not take much time.

Harvey Barriso / Roman Bridge

Climate and weather in Andalusia

For most of the territory of Andalusia, the Mediterranean climate reigns, while in the continental part the weather is more hot, in the coastal part - the heat is softened with the sea breeze, snow falls in the mountains in winter, and in the desert of Almeria, the lunaries can be observed in the Almeria desert all year round . Despite the large variety of climatic zones, the weather in Andalusia is rather mild and one of the warmest in Europe, the proximity of Africa (through the strait) affects.

The summer time in Andalusia is ideal for a beach holiday, the water on the coast warms up to comfortable temperatures closer to June and keeps up until the end of September. It is also worth noting that on the coast of Costa del Sol several times during the summer, cold currents may come, but in time this phenomenon is not long. As for the coast of Costa de la Luz, you can swim here, starting from June, despite the fact that the coast is washes atlantic ocean. Maximum swimming comfort temperatures reaches in July-August. Previously, the bathing season opens in Costa de Almeria, because a semi-desert climate reigns here.

Lucia.lence / Sunset in St. Petri

How to get to Andalusia

The most popular ways to get to Andalusia are shifted to Malaga or Madrid. Malaga is located in the eastern part of Andalusia, on the Costa del Sol coast, it is convenient to rest at such resorts as Marbella, Benalmadena, Nerja, Torremolinos, Mijas, etc., and also inspect Granada and Ronda. Madrid is not located in Andalusia, but in the neighboring region of Castilia, it is convenient to get into such cities like Seville and Cordoba, as well as attend the resorts of Costa de la Luz, including Cadiz, Wuelva and the tariff. There is a convenient railway station between cities, so you can get from one part of Andalusia to another in just a couple of hours. It is also worth noting, a hundred passing on trains in Spain is one of the cheapest in Europe.

Flights to Malaga and Madrid are carried out both Russian and Spanish airlines. The flight time is approximately 5-5.5 hours from Moscow. There are also flights with transfers to European cities (such flights are usually cheaper than straight). To fly to Madrid and Malaga directly, in addition to Moscow, it is also possible from St. Petersburg, from the other cities of Russia will need a transplant in the capital. Specify the flight schedule on the desired route on booking service services:

In Malaga, aircraft are landed at Costa del Sol International Airport, which is located 8 km from the city center. At the airport 3 terminal, airplanes from Russia serves Terminal No. 3. Getting from the airport to Malaga and on other resorts Costa del Sol by bus, suburban train or taxi. Bus stops and railway station are located right at Terminal No. 3, which is very convenient for landing. Taxi car can be found at the output of the terminal, or book a transfer in advance.

Services and you can Book a shuttle service to any desired coast resort Costa del Sol (Marbella, Benalmadena, Torremolinos, Fuengirola, Mijas, Nerja and others). You can go to other cities in Andalusia from Malaga on trains. So, the time on the way from Malaga to Granada will be about 3 hours, to the Ronda - 1 hour and 50 minutes. Schedule - on the railway service .

Kamyar ADL / Marbella

Public transport in Andalusia

To move between the cities of Andalusia among public transport, the most convenient to use trains, because This method is the fastest and comfortable. Trains can be reached almost to any, even the smallest settlement (although there are exceptions, for example, on the railway road can not be reached in Marbella). Train timetable to the desired city can always be clarified on the railway service . Also, between cities you can drive around and on regular buses, but the number of such routes is limited, and the time on the path is much larger. You can see the bus schedule on the website ALSA. and on sites of several other regional carriers.

In the cities themselves within historical centers, where main attractions are concentrated, you can move on foot. In addition, in the major cities of Andalusia, such as Sevilla and Malaga, there is a developed network of public transport, which includes buses, metro and tram.

Min Zhou / Metropol Parasol

Andalusia by car; Rent a Car

Andalusia is a rather large region by the standards of Europe, there are 8 provinces at once, and all of them are connected by high-speed tracks, which can be easily, quickly and comfortably move by car. In general, the journey through Andalusia by car is one of the best ideas for self-tourism. First, on the car you can get to such places in the region that are not available on public transport regarding this, first of all, . Secondly, moving on the car, you can forget about not always convenient schedules of public transport and travel at your own pace and rhythm. Thirdly, the presence of a car at hand solves many applied tasks, such as the question of the transfer, travel tickets on urban transport, etc. It is not surprising that car rental in Spain is becoming more and more in demand for the year.

In order to rent a car in the cities of Spain, it is necessary to present a standard set of documents - passport, driver's license (international or national new sample with a latin record) and a bank card for payment for services and deposit blocking. The design procedure itself does not take more than 20 minutes, you may also offer to apply additional car insurance. A convenient option is the ability to book the desired car class in advance. You can do this on the services of booking a car, it is enough to choose a city in which rental and actually necessary class car are:

Emilio / highway Spain

Cities Andalusia

In Andalusia - that neither the city, then the real gem of architectic thought. Even in small cities in the region, you can meet sometimes unique historical monuments, which is, to talk about the major cities, which, in fact, are large tourist centers not only Spain, but also all of Europe. The most visited cities of Andalusia are Seville, Granada, Cordoba, Malaga and Cadiz. Read more about the attractions of each of them further:

- This is the administrative center of Andalusia, its cultural and tourist capital with many historical monuments and architectural attractions, some of which are even on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Rest in Seville is a mixture of a variety of sightseeing, excellent cuisine, Corrida and Flamenco. Main tourist sites - Seville Alcazar, Cathedral and Hiralda Tower, Square of Spain and Park Mary Louise, Umbrella Metropol Parasol, House Pilate, Torre-del Oro Tower, Arena for Bulls Maestrans, Flamenco Museum, and much more;

"The city where Mauritanian motives and a flaming Gothic mixed up, and the style of Mudjar was born. Granada can boast a huge number of UNESCO monuments, the main of which is the Granada Alhambra and the ancient Quarter Albasine. In addition, the Cathedral of Granada, the Palace and Gardens of Henellife, as well as the Sacromonte Abbey in the vicinity of the city;

"The city, which appeared during the times of ancient Rome and since then has experienced a rich history, and one of his brightest milests has become the kingdom of Cordovsky Caliphate in the Middle Ages. The attractions include Cordoba - Palace Alcazar, Mesquite (Cathedral Mosque), Roman Bridge, Jewish Quarter, Kalaorra Tower, Merced Palace. All objects are perfectly preserved and survived to this day in their authentic form;

- City-port and large tourist center on the Costa del Sol coast. Here you can stroll through the medieval streets and visit the fortresses and forts, defended the city, have fun on the beach of Malaget and go to the further journey along the coast, no wonder Malaga is called the "gates" of Costa del Sol. The top attractions of the city include the Cathedral, the Picasso Museum, arena for the Corrida La Malaget, Alcasaba and Gibralfaro Fortresses, the Botanical Garden of La Concepcion, the old port of the city, and, of course, local beaches;

- It is considered the most ancient city of Europe. Cadiz is located on the coast of the Atlantic, has a breathtaking sandy beaches and a number of historical attractions that make the city unique and unique. Despite the fact that Cadiz can be viewed as a beach resort, for an excursion trip here no less opportunity. The main objects of the city, in particular, include the Cadis Cathedral Cathedral, Bastion Kandelaria, the Genoese Park, the Fortress of St. Sebastian, and others. The best beaches of Cadiz can be bolden by Playa Santa Maria del Mar, Playa Victoria, Playa Cortadura and Playa Caleta;

Lwyang / Granada

- The picturesque town attached to the sheer cliffs. The best types of Ronda are Natural. Tourists willingly go to the city to see the famous Punta-Nuewo Bridge, which hangs over a rocky precipice, at the bottom of which the Guadalevin River proceeds. In this case, it will be fair to say that the Arch Bridge of Punta Nuevo is best to see once than a hundred times to hear about him;

- This is the birthplace of the famous Drink of Jerez, no wonder the city is often included in the route of the Gastronomic Tour by Andalusia. In addition to the wine tasting, it is precisely worth going to see one of the most huge cathedrals in the region, stroll through the local alkasaru, visit the Church of St. Michael and Atalaya Museum Complex. Do not forget that in the vicinity of the city there are hundreds of wineries, which invite guests to tasting their products;

- A small, but very colorful town, located in the vicinity of the National Park of Donyan and near the border of Portugal. Welva is not typical Spain, there is a lot of English, in architecture, and in design. From what exactly worth seeing in Wales, you can call the Cathedral, Roman aqueduct, St. Peter's Church and, of course, the House of Columbus. In the vicinity of Huelva, there are also many attractions, such as the Monastery of Holy Clara, the Temple of the Virgin de la Sinty, the Donal National Park, recognized as the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Spacious sandy beaches of Wales also can not do not fascinate;

- The main attraction of the tariffs is the reference point, which shares the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. This point is not symbolic, having arrived in the tariff, you really see how the semi-translucent emerald water and black blue ocean is mixed with the coast. The tariff is the southernmost point of Europe, Africa begins through the strait, so it is not surprising that it is here that local sandy beaches are moving into real dunes and vegans. However, it is not always comfortable to swim here, strong winds blow, but the place can be advised to all windsurfing and kiting lovers.

Steven Gerner / Rond Bridge

Andalusia: Beaches and Resorts

Andalusia is one of the best places for a beach holiday in Spain. The beaches here are completely sandy, golden, spacious, while surprisingly clean, well-groomed and, importantly, free. For cleanliness, local authorities are strictly followed here, so many we are marked with a Blue Flag sign as the most pure beaches of the world. Conditionally, the entire coast of Andalusia is divided into three large areas - Costa de la Luz (Light Coast), washed by the Atlantic, Costa del Sol (Sunshore), washed by the Mediterranean Sea and Costa de Almeria, which is also washed by the Mediterranean Sea But it has differences in the landscape due to the proximity of the Almerian desert.

From the above cities to beach resorts, undoubtedly can be attributed and with their amazing golden sandy beaches. Both resorts are located in the area of \u200b\u200bCosta de la Luz, i.e. washed by the Atlantic Ocean. The bathing season here lasts from late May until mid-September, the best months for swimming - July and August, when water off the coast warms up to maximum temperatures. Next about other beach resorts of Andalusia:

The resort is located on the Costa de la Luz coast, here the Guadalquivir River merges with the Atlantic, and the Donal National Park is also located. The best beach area can be considered a series of beaches Bajo de Guía, Calzada, Piletas and La Jara, as well as beaches of neighboring chipions;

- A secluded resort on Costa de la Luz with crystal clear snow-white beaches and calm waters of the bay. The best beaches can be sought in the area of \u200b\u200bSt. Petri, which is considered to be protected;

- One of the most popular coast of Costa del Sol. The advantage of the resort is its developed infrastructure. Marbella beach line - these are sandy beaches with a gentle entrance to the sea, equipped with a maximum starting from sun beds, umbrellas and chaise lounges and ending with water sports equipment, bars, cafes and open-air parties;

- The main resort on the Costa de Almeria coast. This resort is pretty young by the standards of Spain, but modern infrastructure makes it very competitive. The main advantage of Almeria, in addition to its developed infrastructure, are sandy beaches, inflated from the African desert. Costa de Almeria coast is washed by the Mediterranean Sea, and the resort season lasts from June to September inclusive;

Kevin Pacheco / Almeria Beaches

- The second largest beach resort of Costa del Sol after Marbella. The best beaches here are the beaches of Malapaceker Torbormeya, Bil-Biel, Arroyo de la Miel, La Viborill, Las Yukas. Another advantage of the resorts is all sorts of entertainment complexes, natural parks and other activities that in a number of Costa del Sol resorts can offer only Benalmadena;

- The closest to Malaga beach resort Costa del Sol. The development of infrastructure in aggregate with extended sandy beaches make Torremolinos a very popular place in the "high" bathing season. The beach line of the resort is conditionally divided into two parts - El Bakhondero in the East and La Cariower in the West, both are well suited for swimming and rest;

- The resort is famous for its purest 8 kilometer beaches included in the Blue Flag list. The coast is washed by the waters of the Mediterranean, there is a gentle entrance to the sea, the place is great for family holidays, incl. with young children. The best beaches of Fuengirola - Los Bolic, Las Gavitolas, San Francisco and Tororblack;

- A small but very comfortable resort on the Costa del Sol coast. The place is famous for its coastline Mihas Costa and Aquamihas Water Park. To visit the local water park, tourists go to Mijas from all nearby resorts, including Marbella and Fuengirol;

- This is both a beach and excursion city. The beaches of Neri are located in the secluded sandy bays that are covered from the winds, in addition, they are surprisingly picturesque. The bays are surrounded by local mountains, rising to which you can see exciting landscapes. It is not surprising that it is in Nerhray that is the "Balcony of Europe", from which even the shore of Africa can be seen in good weather. Be sure to visit and the caves of Neri, which makes many surprises in themselves;

- The most remote from Malaga Spa Costa del Sol is suitable for those who are looking for solitude. The main attractions of Estepona are beautiful desert beaches, snow-white houses of the Old Town, Botanical Garden, Zoo. Just think, Estepone beaches stretch along the coast at 22 kilometers, whether it is not a paradise for beach lovers!

Rey Perezoso / Caleta Beach

Andalusia hotels, Spain

The hotel infrastructure has been well developed in Andalusia. In major cities, you can find network hotels, and hotels in "Bed and breakfast", and budget "twos" and "treci", while on the resorts along the coast, a whole chain of beach hotels with a complete set of corresponding functions was lined up. The price category of hotels in Andalusia is considered pretty democratic and comparable, for example, with prices for hotels in Catalonia. Also in Andalusia, the distribution received this type of accommodation as the apartments. And accommodation in the apartment is popular, both in large cities such as Seville or Malaga, and in small towns on the coast.

Find a suitable hotel / apartments in Andalusia, as well as to clarify the availability of places for specific dates you can on specialized services for finding the hotel offers:

Booking. - booking hotels in 120,000 directions worldwide;

RoomGuru. - The best offers from thousands of hotels booking sites.

When choosing the hotel, pay attention to parameters such as location, the presence of a beach area (if it is the resort on the coast), the type of power, the availability of parking (if you travel to the car). On the eve of the high season, it is recommended to book accommodation in advance.

Elliott Brown / Mijas

Tourist insurance

Going on the journey through Andalusia or any other part of Spain, do not forget to issue a tourist insurance policy, which is obligatory at the stage of registration of a tourist visa (it must be submitted when submitting documents for a visa). Insurance can be arranged independently without leaving home. For this, there are special services:

- online insurance of traveling abroad and travel across Russia;

- aboutnline-service for choosing and buying insurance for traveling with the possibility of comparing offers from various insurance companies;

You can purchase a policy online, and then print it on the usual printer. Insurance must be attached to the documents for a visa, it is also necessary to have it with you at the time of passport control on arrival at the airport. Please note that the minimum amount of insurance coverage for a trip to the Schengen countries (including in Spain) is 30 thousand euros. Medicine in Spain is paid and in each individual case can be quite expensive, so there is no luxury insurance with yourself, but the need.

Jorge Franganillo / Sacromonte area

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Photos at the beginning of the article: Edmund Gall