Israel from a height: Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Open the left menu Tel Aviv Where is Tel Aviv in which country

Israel has many faces and contrasts. Barless dead deserts are adjacent to the blooming sea coasts, and the millennial ruins with modern heights. This rather small country in the Middle East occupies the 148th place in the world in the area. At the same time, it is washed by the water of the three seas - the Mediterranean, Red and Dead.

According to the standards of state, Israel is very young - in 2018 he will be fulfilled only 70 years. Until now, there is even a final clarity in the world with what is considered to be the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. But the most opponents of the three main world religions at once: they honor the local ancient land as saints.

1. Tel Aviv.

The city on the coast of the Mediterranean was founded in 1909, and after 40 years, the declaration of independence of the new state - Israel was proclaimed here.

2. About 430 thousand people live in Tel Aviv itself, this is the second largest city of Israel in magnitude after Jerusalem. And the population of agglomeration exceeds 3.5 million people (Tel Aviv-Jaffa).

3. Along the coastline, the city stretched over by more than 13 kilometers. Popular sand beaches 10-kilometer injection melt (promenade) from washing out the Mediterranean Sea protected by breakwaters.

4. Modern residential and business skyscrapers are adjacent to a low-rise private building of the beginning of the 20th century. Tel Aviv is sometimes called the most eclectic city of contrasts of the Middle East.

5. White City - This is the name that Tel Aviv received due to the large number of white buildings built between 1920-50. In the style of Bauhaus. Thanks to this, the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

6. Marina. The man-made bay is "parking pocket" for private yachts.

7. Jaffa (Jaffa).

Sea port, fortress I. shopping center Ancient world. Historians include Jaffa to the number of the oldest cities with the so-called continuous population, that is, where people lived constantly from the moment of founding.

8. The history of the city began about 4,000 years ago. The settlement and the port alternately fell into the hands of the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman emperors, the Arab sultans, the European Crusaders - and even Napoleon's Bonaparte. United in the middle of the last century with Tel Aviv, Jaffa is located in the south-west agglomeration.

9. In Jaffa is located a large number of Monuments of history, temples, museums and other objects of cultural heritage. In many ways, because of this unique spirit, Jaffu was chosen for residence representatives of creative bohemia from around the world - artists, sculptors, and so on. Accordingly, the old town can boast an abundance of a variety of exhibition halls.

10. Israel has a well-developed road network, which began to build in the first decades of the last century, when the British Empire controlled the territory of Palestine. The total length of highways exceeds 18.5 thousand kilometers, of which about 450 kilometers are high-speed motorways.

11. The main motorway Israel - Highway number 1 Tel Aviv - Jerusalem, with a length of almost 100 km.

12. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel.

One of the most ancient cities in the world. The first settlement on a secluded rocky plateau in the Jewish mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Seas has appeared during bronze Age Approximately 4500 - 3200th to our era. The city, previously known as Salim, at the end of the III of the Millennium founded residents of the Historical Region of Canaan. About 1000 years before our era, Jews under the guidance of the legendary king David won the city and founded their capital. In the holy for the Jews, the place of Jerusalem turned after the ark of the covenant with ten commandments was brought.

13. Temple mountain.

At the sacred for Jews, the hill at different times were built and destroyed by the conquerors of the Solomon temple and the second temple (he is the temple of Herod). Muslims consider the temple mountain of the third in the importance of the shrine, after Mecca and Medina: Today, El-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located.

14. Dome of the rock.

Built at the end of the VII century AD. Damascus Caliph - over a stone from which, according to Muslim legend, the prophet Muhammed was raised to heaven.

15. A covered in a dome fragment of the rock at the site of the first temple is at the same time and the Jewish shrine: it is believed that this is the cornerstone of the universe, which was established by the ark of the covenant. And the prophet Abraham at this place almost brought sacrificing his son Isaac.

16. Wall of Tears.

One of the greatest shrines of Judaism. This fragment of the western wall of the second temple is about half a kilometer. He survived after the destruction of the temple of the Romans in the first century of our era after the ill-crushing of the Jewish uprising (Jewish war). The crying wall is the traditional post of pilgrimage of the Jews, where they mourn the destruction of the temple, pray and leave in the wall written appeals to God. The crying wall is divided into two sectors for praying separately men and women.

17. Christian quarter.

Ancient Jerusalem is the Holy City at once for three world religions. Literally 500 meters from the Temple Mountain there is Calvary - the legendary place of the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher - where Jesus was buried, and later risen and raised on the sky.

18. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Town is less than a square kilometer, the most important shrines of almost all major world religions are compact on this territory. However, the long and difficult history of the city became one of the main reasons that the world will not come to this land. Jerusalem - Crossroads and political contradictions.

19. Jerusalem today calls both the state of Israel and Palestine today.

The unresolved status of the city caused several large armed clashes and constant tension. It is for this reason that most of the diplomatic missions of the countries of the world are located in Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, in December 2017, the US President Donald Trump announced the recognition of the Capital of Israel of Jerusalem and the transfer of the US Embassy there. This step caused another splash of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

20. In the old town leads only 8 gates.

21. Yaffian gate.

The main passage to the Christian and Armenian quarters of the Old Town. The gates portal itself is located perpendicular to the fortress wall. It was done to make it difficult to promote the enemy.

22. Gate Herod.

Entrance to the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem. This is one of the most "young" gates of the city, created in the XIX century in the northern wall of the old city. Jews call them "floral": by one version, due to the incorrect translation of the Arabic name, on the other, due to the decorating the gate of the ornamental socket. The Christian name "Gate Herod" also arose as a result of a historical misunderstanding, mistakenly it was believed that the palace of one of the sons of King Herod of the Great was located nearby.

23. The ancient Jewish cemetery is the most ancient cemetery in the world.

His story dates back to the era of the first temple. Here are the tombs of a number of Old Testament Prophets (Aggia, Malachius, Zechariah), as well as the son of King David Prince Avashaloma (although her authenticity scientists are questioned).

24. This is also the biggest Jewish cemetery. It has up to 150 thousand burials. To be buried on the Eleon Mountain is a special honor. And also, according to biblical legend, it was in these places a terrible court will occur, and people buried here will fall on him among the first.

25. Orthodox female mountain monastery.

Located 7 kilometers from the Old Town in the southwest of Jerusalem. It was opened on the repurchased land plot in 1871. He is under the jurisdiction of the spiritual mission of the Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. The abode acting; About 60 women live in the monastery.

26. Jerusalem in its development went beyond the boundaries of the walls of the old city relatively recently, in 1860. For a long time, the city remained only a dense focus of shrines and antiquities. The current Jerusalem lives not one tourism: for example, the offices of world high-tech companies and research centers are opened here, modern development is being.

27. The "String Bridge" is the first suspension bridge in Jerusalem, a famous also called "Arp David". He keeps at the expense of Pilon with a height of 119 meters, which makes this design with the highest construction of the city. The cable bridge was built on the project of the world-famous architect Santiago Calatrava and is intended for the movement of trams and pedestrians.

28. "Poison Vashem" is an Israeli national disaster and heroism memorial. Organized in 1953 in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Annually, the "poison of Vashe" visits over a million people.

29. National Museum of Israel

This is the largest cultural institution of the country and one of the largest archaeological and artistic museums of the world. The collection has about half a million exhibits from prehistoric times to samples of contemporary art.

30. The complex of the Museum of Israel includes a temple of a book with a characteristic white tent and a black wall (most of the premises are under Earth). It was built in 1965 specifically for the storage of Cumran Scrolls of the Dead Sea, the oldest manuscripts of the Bible. Here is an existence of a mock of Jerusalem from limestone on a scale of 1:50. This is the reconstruction of the species of Jerusalem of the time of his heyday in the era of the second temple at the beginning of our era, before the destruction of the Romans.

31. Most of the territory of Jerusalem takes 2-3 storey buildings. It is determined by those, earthquakes occur here.

32. The separation barrier of a total length of more than 70 kilometers and up to 8 meters high by the border between the Jewish and Arabic territories, between Israel and the Palestinian autonomy. To the left of the wall - the suburb of East Jerusalem, the village of Al-Azaria. In the biblical tradition is better known as Vifania. Located here the tomb of Lazaror attracts many christian pilgrims.

33. In Al-Azaria, the second largest (after al-axes on the temple mountain) was built in Palestine Mosque. The mosque was erected with the financial support of the United Arab Emirates And wears the name of the president of this country, one of the richest people of the world of Sheikh Califa Ibn Zaid.

34. Cemetery of cars.

35. Palestinian territory in the area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem is called the West Bank of the Jordan River. In historical sources, these areas are also known as Jews and Samaria.

36. The cedron stream and the beginning of the Kedron Valley.

Separating the temple and Eleon Mountains, it takes place from the north to south through the territory of Jerusalem and further through the territory of the Jewish desert southeast to the Dead Sea. The Bible appears as a Valley's Josafatov - the place of a terrible court.

37. Lifeless hilly places from ancient times served as a refuge for hermites, who often settled in the caves.

38. Monastery Mar Saba in the Jewish desert.

Also known as the Sava Laurel is consecrated. This is one of the oldest Orthodox male monasteries in the world, he was founded in the Cedron Valley at the end of the V century. In the monastery do not use electricity (except for manual lamps). Monks live at the expense of donations and fundamentally do not eat apples: in memory of the spiritual feat of the founder of Sava, who, in the immediate time, overwhelming a powerful temptation to eat a beautiful ripe apple.

39. Jewish desert.

40. Cedron Gorge.

41. Valley Poaming. Once in these places they acted the fortress of the Girket and the Castellon Monastery, based on the same in the same savoy.

42. Dead Sea.

The world's most famous salt lake and one of the most salty. In the liter of its water minerals dissolved seven times more than in the same amount of water from the Mediterranean Sea.

43. The "dead" sea was called because there is no life in its saline water, except for several types of bacteria.

44. The unique composition of water and healing mud turned the dead sea into a natural resort. People who suffer from skin diseases, asthma, inflammation of the joints, rheumatism and other ailments are going here.

There is another feature of the dead sea: the water here is much heavier than the ordinary seawater to drown in such a heavy liquid as the human body is easier for it.

45. Masada.

Fortress on a flat top of a 450-meter cliff. Built in the first century BC, King Herod Great as a refuge for his family and treasury. Practically tapped walls and powerful fortress structures made Masada hardening.

46. Masada is one of the most popular tourist objects of Israel. Located here viewing platforms And the cable car for lifting.

47. In the first century, our era Masadi seized the participants of the Jewish uprising against the Romans. The siege of the fortress lasted for several years, the Romans (or rather, their slaves) had to pour a high siege tree around the rock. Realizing the hopelessness of its position, the rebels entered the story of heroically: the men killed their wives and children, then randomly selected ten people of all the others; Finally, the lot pulled out one more thing: he interrupted the remaining ninters, knocking the fortress and committed suicide. The Romans were shocked.

48. At the top of the cliffs, fragments of the Palace of Herod, synagogues, water tanks, baths and pools are preserved.

49. On the coast of the Dead Sea, there is the lowest part of the land on Earth - minus 416 meters from the sea level. The self-talking lake itself does not have the world's ocean.

50. According to historical legends, in antiquity on the dead sea there was quite active shipping, the pirates were industrially, even sea battles occurred. Now commercial shipping on the dead sea is not enough that it is difficult due to the properties of water, but also prohibited by the agreement between Israel and Jordan. We walk on the dead sea on small courts only rescuers, border guards and sometimes researchers.

51. The Sea itself threatens death: water goes into failures, now on the coast there are already about three thousand karst funnels, the depth of which reaches several tens of meters.

52. The Hardour Gorge in the Jewish Desert is one of the canyons in the vicinity of the Dead Sea. Once here rivers flowed.

53. Cedron Gorge.

54. Kedron Valley.

55. Latrian Monastery of the Virgin on the hills 15 kilometers west of Jerusalem. Now belongs to the Christian Order of Trappists. Due to the fact that the local inhabitants are extremely reluctant to communicate with the world around the world, the abode called the "monastery of silence".

56. Jewish cemetery on the oilseed mountain.

57. When Jerusalem was captured by the Crusaders in 1099 and staged a total massacre in the city, local Saracens were hidden on the jam. Many broke out, fell from 30 meters altitudes and broke.

58. The Jerusalem Theater is a center of performing art operating in 1971.

59. Park "Mini Israel".

The exposition consists of more than 350 mocks of the most famous buildings and attractions of Israel.

60. Museum of armored troops "poison leschon".

The collection contains more than 200 exhibits, many of which participated in real battles. Young tankers bring oath on the territory of the museum.

61. Rishon Lezion. The most "young" city of the country is the average age of residents barely exceeds 30 years.





66. Cemetery of aircraft.

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In the summer, in Tel Aviv is hot and dry, the peak of heat falls on May. Despite the refreshing proximity of the sea, many tourists from nordic countries It is difficult to carry the summer heat in Tel Aviv and prefer to visit the city during the winter months, when the temperature consistently holds above +10 ° C. The main sediments fall out from October to the beginning of the spring. In the summer, it rains - a big rarity: two months without a single drop from the sky are considered the norm for this Mediterranean city.

History of Tel Aviv

According to the ancient Egyptian monuments of writing, Jaffa, or IPPIs, not less than 3.5 thousand years. In ancient times, the city was one of the most important ports on the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea. Jaffa experienced relatives of Romans relatively safely: the city destroyed during the Jewish war was rebuilt and continued to develop. In the Arabs, starting from the VII century, the port has lost its merchant, taking only ships with Christian and Jewish pilgrims. Being great greatness returned to Jaffa only in the XII century, when Crusaders came here, but in total in the century. When Muslims have displaced uninvited guests with Israeli territories, Jaffu just in case, destroyed the next strangers to use it as a military port. For four centuries, Jaffa could not come to his senses and remained the poor, the easiest eastern town, then the port gradually began to restore. In 1799, he was taken by Napoleonic troops, however, without the destructive consequences and pogroms.

In 1909, on the outskirts of Jaffa, the new quarter was rebuilt, where the Jews settled. In 1910, residents chose him the name Tel Aviv, which translates from Hebrew as the "Hill of Spring" - a symbol of hopes for the update, the revival of the Israeli state. It was here that emigrants arrived from Russian EmpireLater, refugees from Nazi Germany joined them. Tel Aviv began to grow rapidly, turning into the center of Jewish Palestine, and now Yaffa was considered his suburbs. In 1948, the formation of the new Middle East State of Israel was proclaimed in the city and the first meetings of Parliament were proclaimed. In 1950, Tel Aviv and Jaffa officially united into a common municipality. Tel Aviv took on the functions of the administrative, educational and shopping center, and Jaffa remained as an open-air museum - a favorite place of rest tourists and a local bohemian.

Attractions Tel Aviv

The main advantage of Tel Aviv in the eyes of the guests is its eclecticity. Let there be no world-famous architectural masterpieces here, but residents of the city managed to preserve the unique flavor of a multinational and multi-confessional seaside town. An example of a typical mixing style for Tel Aviv - House Pagoda on Albert's Square, with difficulty holding down a good taste. In any other corner of the globe, the abundance of little compatible Mauritan-modern details would seek an architect error, but the scorching sun and the sea breeze soften the impression of the excessive decor, and the house looks very organic.

You can admire the city view of a bird's eye view in an azriel-center with a paid overview site on the 49th floor. Experienced tourists warn that newcomers are not too expelled on the facility capabilities: it is sometimes closed due to private events, and the glasses may be dust. Ideally, with good weather, the height overlooks the "White City" - blocks of low-rise buildings of the 30s, which are under the protection of UNESCO. These are about 4,000 snow-white buildings of strict forms performed on projects of representatives of the German "Bauhaus", the modernist destination in architecture and design. Natives of Germany, Jews by nationality, architects left the prevailing Europe to Palestine and took up the development of Tel Aviv.

Attractions Jaffa

In planted palm trees, the Park Abraha, on the hill of the babysitter, the gates of faith are set - the 4-meter white sculptural images that reproduce biblical plots are made in the form of the arch. Communication with antiquity At the work of a modern sculptor is not only symbolic: the gates are based on the genuine stones taken from the crying wall. The three-storey hour tower with a sharp spire will not affect the imagination of tourists who saw European churches, but the appearance of her in Jaffa began the beginning of the twentieth century was a landmark event. Usually, the clock was attached to temple buildings - churches and mosques, and the hour tower became the first secular construction of such a kind, evidence of thrust for progress. Recently, it was restored, and the watches again regularly beat off every 30 minutes.

Monuments of religious architecture

In Tel Aviv, the Jewish, Muslim and Christian Temples, which are of interest from an architectural point of view. Sometimes this happens, regardless of the will of the architect, as it was with a big synagogue, located next to the Rothschild Boulevard, on Allenby Street. Almost a century, the classic building was constantly rebuilt until the avant-garde appearance was not provided for by the initial project. Now it resembles an antique temple surrounded by thin stalactitic columns around the perimeter. The synagogue of the zimbalist in the garden of the Tel Aviv University the uninstalued look appears to two massive inverted up the bottom of the bowls.

Next to the Botanical and Zoological Garden of Tel Aviv were built by the Church of St. Peter with the highest bell tower in the city. Nearby, in the chapel, decorated with the Byzantine mosaics of the V century, Tavif was buried, the student of Jesus is the only woman who was honored with this title. The zealous seamstress, she was moral support for widows and unmarried FIRPI women. For them, her sudden death became a huge blow, but the Apostle Peter who appeared next to the Apostle was resurrected - that is why the church dedicated to him next to the legendary resurrection site. There are unusual Muslim structures in Tel Aviv, for example, a centenary marine mosque in Jaffa. Her sandstone minaret resembles a lighthouse, as it should be a building standing on the very shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Tel Aviv Museums

Dienegood House, First Mayor Tel Aviv, became a museum in memory of the historical event - signing the Declaration of Independence of the country in 1948. Initially, the themed archaeological and art collections were originally exhibited in it, but since 2012, the administration left only objects directly related to the history of the city. Collections of paintings moved to the art museum. His main building is the building of strict geometric forms located on the Boulevard Shaul ha-Melekh, next to the classic chamber and avant-garde Opera House. The museum boasts an impressive collection of Western European painting of the first half of the twentieth century and the American avant-garde of the middle of the twentieth century. Part of the collection due to a lack of space is made in a branch of the museum, Pavilion Elena Rubinstein, 500 m south-west of the main building. The museum closes at 14 o'clock on Friday in connection with the sabbage, respectively, does not work on Saturday, like all the cultural institutions of the country, a ticket to it costs 50 shekels.

Each square meter of Jaffa is of interest to archaeologists, so the authorities of the municipality, not the causticity of Luko, discovered the museum of antiquities right on the site of excavations on the Kduumim Square, above the house of a noble Roman. The exhibition halls are hiding under the ground, at the level, where Ioppia once was located. The museum presents the dishes and other ancient artifacts from the site of excavations, however, the most important objects have separated by museums of the world. Excursions are conducted by English-speaking guides, which demonstrate to tourists cognitive films on the history of the city.

More valuable exhibits are collected in the Archaeological Museum, open in the remaining Ottoman Empire fortifications of the XVIII century. For 50 shekels, tourists will be offered to inspect an extensive exposure, starting with Egyptian times and ending with the Middle Eastern medieval.

Treatment in Tel Aviv

Tel Aviv agglomeration is a recognized center of medical tourism. Medical institutions differ in specializations and set of services provided. The giant complex serving the entire Tel Aviv is the Hospital "Ikhilov", or, more officially, the Suraski Medical Center. On Weisman Street, not far from the city museum of art, there is a corps of medical tourism of this institution. The department employs specialists who will give advice at the cost and duration of treatment in Russian. As part of the contract, foreigners will provide a translator throughout the period of treatment, will help solve issues in accommodation, if treatment does not require hospitalization, placement of accompanying, pass.

A large private clinic "Assute", located next to the "Zapap" concert venue, specializes in diseases requiring surgical intervention, cardiology, vitro incense. Several famous medical centers are built in the suburbs: Hospital named after Edith Wolfson in Holon, south of Jaffa, Hospital named after Izhak Rabin in Petah Tikwe, east of the city. The latter is known for its children's office, including for oncological patients. East of Tel Aviv, in Ramat Ghana, medical tourism for professionals is practiced: the Khaim Shiba Center takes on the internship of foreign doctors.

Beach holidays in Tel Aviv

Urban sandy beaches are clean and not too crowded. Since the shore has been observed a strong course, inexperienced foreigners strongly recommend to avoid "wild" sites and relax next to rescuers.

In warm winters when local residents Do not risk entering the water, visitors are closed to the sea at their own risk - at this time of the year, rescuers do not work. In the season, black flags often appear on the joy of surfers, the black flags often appear - a sign that because of the high waves bathing is prohibited, although the guests of the city does not stop. In the hot season, the risk of getting a heat or solar blow. Precautions in Tel Aviv Standard: Do not stand on the sun, to get out of the beach in the morning and evening hours, we always wear water with you.

Tel Aviv Transport System

For transport connection inside Tel Aviv answers the bus carrier "DAN". Comfortable transport, adapted for the movement of disabled people, is distinguished by an important feature: on Fridays, all the movement stops even before sunset and is restored only to the late evening of Saturday. The average cost of the trip is about 100 rubles, but the exact amount depends on the route. In the coming years, one-time tickets will replace a single travel, valid for everything public transport countries.

Despite the excellent condition and high level of service, the Tel Aviv transport system is not ideal. In the perspective of the Israelis plan to replace buses to environmentally friendly electricals and open a network of legal trains so that the townspeople cease to use personal cars. This is a truly serious problem for the city: due to constant traffic, the speed of movement in Tel Aviv roads does not exceed 10 km / h. Commissioning of the first of four high-speed tram branches, in places of departing underground, as the subway, is planned in 2021. Dates are set approximately, one launch transfer has already been. In the meantime, the authorities transplanted part of the bikes on bicycles. A network of cycles has already been laid around the city, but it must be remembered that Tel Aviv riders do not differ from discipline and pedestrians have to be constantly alert even in pleasure zones on the embankments.

Restaurants and cafes

Institutions catering A variety of class is enough in the new Tel Aviv, and in the tourist zone of Jaffa. Especially recommended to try dishes from fresh fish and seafood in Jaffa. The cheapest, from 800 rubles, will cost the omnipresent "McDonalds" and snack bars specializing in falaphs - nutrient roasted balls from legumes flavored with spices. Portions are usually so heavy that they can be divided into two. In serious restaurants, lunch with wine will cost 4-5 thousand rubles. It will be even more expensive to hike on the Zappa Concert Platade on Raul Wallenberg Street - a cult place for rock music lovers.

The standards of the Sabbath are applied to the publication - from Friday to Saturday in Tel Aviv everything is closed. If you rent an apartment and prepare yourself yourself, you can buy products in the markets in front of the closure, especially before the sabbage, - then prices are reduced twice. Among the most popular grocery markets - Carmel, port farm market. Ready dishes are made on Thursday and Friday on the first floor of the Dienshof-Center.

Where to stay

You can spend 1.5 thousand rubles in hotels with amenities on the floor and hostels, for the minimum comfort will have to pay 3-4 thousand. More attractive rooms in 3-4-star hotels are approximately the same, in terms of quality and number of services they are not actually different from each other, but in some hotels do not take guests with children. In Tel Aviv rent apartments for a short and long term, usually with all necessary equipment. Seasonal difference in prices is 20% - in winter accommodation costs a little cheaper than in the summer.

Shopping in Tel Aviv

Tourists usually buy gifts and souvenirs in Duty Friend international AirportBecause in shopping centers in Tel Aviv everything is too expensive. The craftsmen are committed to finding an acceptable ricker of excellent quality, acquire handmade souvenirs in private shops. On the "flea market" Shuk-A-Pisper in Jaffa, you can find interesting little things for a scentual, especially if you feel good. Fair of artisans Nahalat Belumin works on Tuesday and Friday.

Security Questions in Tel Aviv

Despite the growing information about terrorism, violent crimes in Israel, in general, in Tel Aviv, in particular, significantly less than in Russia. You can not be afraid of theft and robbery in any part of the city, and only at night you should avoid walking in parks alone. If your plane arrived at night and you took advantage of the train, you can walk back to the place of residence without fears. The only statistically likely crime is the abduction of things from the parked car. Of course, the threat of the terrorist attack exists, so the police checks for documents, trunk or bags should be treated with understanding. Who should not be afraid of being afraid of Tel Aviv, so these are cops: their work is to help people.

How to get to Tel Aviv

Foreigners arrive in Tel Aviv through Ben-Gurion International Airport, located approximately 15 km northwest, in the suburbs of Lod. From there to the city around the clock, electric trains go to the central station. Tel Aviv is the most important railway assembly of the country, from it can be reached by train to any part of Israel. Now this is the main way of high-speed long-distance travel, since the domestic airport located in Tel Aviv was closed in the summer of 2016. Part of its load assumed the airport named after Ben Gurion, the remaining part of the passenger traffic took terrestrial transport.

How they have 28.07.17 41 108 2

Bureaucracy, Shabbat and Sand Storms

In September there will be four years as I live in Israel.

During this time I managed to live in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, to learn Hebrew, get acquainted with the local and those who came recently. I was in the friends of the village, at Bedouins in the desert, from the Christian Arabs in Haifa. I talked with young people who quit the ultra-docoupled communities, and those who, on the contrary, came to religion.

As it believes the young resident of Tel Aviv, I often ask the question: "How can you live here?"

Alina Fuks

emigrated to Israel


After the Institute in Moscow, I decided to change the situation and learn somewhere for half a year to learn or simply to travel. I chose the program "Masa" - about 200 curricula in Israel with a duration of 5 to 10 months. Reception conditions vary depending on the specifics of the program, but most importantly - not older than 30 (in some cases 35) years and have at least some connection with the Jews.

The issues of admission to Masu and the issuance of citizenship are solved in Israel according to the return law, according to which a passport can be a Jew, the son of the Jew, the grandson of the Jew and, as a result, their spouses. To participate in the "Mas" and citizenship is enough to be the wife of the grandson of the Jew.

During "Masy", I listened to the lectures on the history of Israel, Zionism, traditions and Hebrew. At the end of the program, we went to the local MVD to submit documents for citizenship.

I started with "Masi" - the educational program at the expense of the budget of Israel

It turned out that the list of papers for writing to "Masu" and the design of the Israeli passport is practically identical. In addition to documents confirming the attitude towards the Jews, it was necessary to add a certificate of non-support from Russia and photography. If you pass this process in Russia, the certificate is not required.

According to my feelings, "Masa" is kid `s campwhere you need to think about how to wake up to classes in time, to buy food, to rejoice in the first success in the language, whose writing has even recently seemed doodles, make beautiful travel photos, find your favorite falaph in the city, get acquainted in bars with local and wonder the difference In habit and interest. Ten months I was given a scholarship in the amount of 1000 ₪ (10 000 p) and paid for passing by public transport. For a hostel and utilities, I did not pay.

israeli State Currency - Shekel

The real life began when I received a passport and went to search for an apartment, work and fight against bureaucracy.


First of all, after receiving the Israeli passport and registration in the Ministry of Absorption, I was sent to the bank. The bill is needed at least for the translation of the money that the state pays the first six months to all repatriates: it is about 2600 ₪ (44 000 p) per month per person. From the score, the fee for medical insurance, telephone and apartment is removed.

46 000 R.

on average, Israel pays to repatriates per month

Stereotypes suggested that in Israel with banks everything should be good. Sure better than in Russia. But I was mistaken: large banks on the whole country - three or four. I did not notice a significant difference between them.

One of the main differences between Israeli banks from Russian - money from the score is not immediately removed. All month you pay the card, the money spent frozen, and then in the first days of the next month, they remove the entire amount spent at the previous month at once. SMS notifications after payment are not sent.

Another important point is a restriction on non-cash payment. I learned about the existence of this nuance when I tried to pay at the supermarket checkout. The cashier returned to me, saying only that the card does not pass.

New repatriates limit card payments

The situation was saved by an unfamiliar religious Jew: he paid all my purchases, saying that "no one should remain on Shabbat without a festive dinner." Later I learned that the bank set me a restriction on non-cash payment - 1900 ₪ (32 000 r) per month, further - just to remove cash in an ATM.

It turned out that such a limitation exhibit all new repatriates, as well as students. I had to convince the bank's employee that I did not really love cash and I would like to remove this restriction or at least increase the amount. As a result, I increased the allowed amount of cashless calculation to 3000 ₪ (50,500 p).

The application in the phone minimized my trips to the bank, but sometimes I still have to come there. Each my visit to the bank looks like a game where the task of all employees is to persuade me to take a loan. Once I came to the bank three times to get a new password for the international card. All these three times the Bank's employee, whether he lost it, or forgot to order. When I tried to transfer an account to the nearest branch to the house, I was convinced that I was already in it for a year. My objections are about that it is impossible, because six months ago I lived in general in another city, the bank employee missed that my heart had already felt moving.

Another feature of local banks is interest-free payments. You buy boots, say, for 500 shekels. At the checkout you are asked if you want to smash the amount for two payments. The greater the amount, the greater the number of interest-free payments you can choose. Once in the shop of technology, I bought the phone and persuaded the seller to smash the amount for eighteen interest-free payments instead of the specified twelve. You can bargain here everywhere.

Loans in Israel are given under 2-4%. In this regard, there is a lot of common with America: no one saves for serious purchases for years. All take loans on cars, apartments, study and even big travel, because it is profitable.


A constant search of housing is the main view of the leisure of the inhabitants of Tel Aviv, along with food and jogs along the embankment.

The first year and a half after the end of the program I lived in Jerusalem, where he continued to teach Hebrew. Rent accommodation in Jerusalem is easier and cheaper than in Tel Aviv, even though my search fell at the height of the season.

The most popular site for searching for apartments - as well as for buying or selling furniture, machinery, real estate - YAD2 ("Yad-Shtayim"). There are still many groups in Facebook, most of which are true, like "poison shttay", in Hebrew.

A week later, a week of relaxed searches, I chose the cozy room in the old district of Jerusalem, located near botanical Garden. In the windows, the branches of the firing tree were restrained, from which Gecko was regularly crapped into my room, and on the nights on the trees we were hanging down the volatile mouses.

Three years ago, such a room cost 1600 shekels. At the time of my move, in October 2014, 1 Shekel was equal to 10 rubles and the apartment fee seemed acceptable - 16 thousand. By December of the same year, the ruble fell strongly: at some point, the ratio of Shekel to the ruble was 1 to 19 - then my room was already worth 30,400 rubles.

Pay for an apartment in Israel accepted by checks. Having lived 22 years in Russia, I believed that the checkbook was something from the American films of the last century, but it turned out that they are still common here.

The owners of my first apartment asked to provide 12 checks for a year ahead, a deposit in the amount of a monthly fee, a check from the guarantor for 5,000 shekels and paper from accounting.

The owners of the apartment demanded 12 checks for a year ahead

Now I understand that these were still compromise. But at the beginning of my Israeli life, the bureaucracy accompanying the whole process of finding housing seemed insurmountable. Then I learned that it could be much worse: the owner of the apartment has the right to ask to provide two guarantors, open checks for all utility payments, an extract from the account and a deposit of cash. It all depends on the degree of its confidence in people and your ability to keep diplomatic negotiations (read: bargain).

The fact that I literally received citizenship yesterday was influenced in different ways: someone was happy to help and was taken to tell stories about how his parents moved to Israel in search of a bright future; Someone walvorously asked how I'm going to pay for the apartment. I confidently spoke to all the landlords that I am engaged in translations from English and French, I write articles about Israel, and my dad periodically arrives in Haifa and is always ready to help.

In most cases, in Israel, it is customary to rent apartments without furniture. Having heard my story, the owners of my Jerusalem room dragged from somewhere a huge wardrobe, bed, rack and coffee table. The hostess, being a lawyer, taught me to correctly fill the checks: "So you quickly deceive you, do not be too good about this country."

In general, in Jerusalem at home, it is cleaner and well maintained than in Tel Aviv. Most of them are built from White Jerusalem Stone, which keeps cold in the heat. In Tel Aviv, the prices are higher, and the attitude towards the houses is often empty. Each landlord understands that in the day passed any apartment in the center of Tel Aviv, in any condition it is.

Round-the-clock construction

Now I live in the city center in the old house built in a popular Bauhaus style for Tel Aviv. For a room without account I cry 2150 ₪ (36 000 p).

In January, a construction site began under my windows: the city hall decided to reconstruct the Dizengoff Square and issued to builders a permit for 24-hour construction six days a week (excluding Shabbat). The worst thing is already behind, but the first week to sleep at home was impossible: the bed was trembling at night.

Neighbors tried to complain about the Merry, but the answer was not followed.


Many tourists who found themselves in Jerusalem make up the impression that this is a very religious city. In fact, the percentage of the secular population is quite large. But all the same, most cafes, restaurants and shops in Jerusalem in Shabbat does not work. Public transport also does not go.

Shabbat begins on Friday evening with the onset of darkness and ends in a day (in Hebrew they say "Shabbat comes" and "comes out"). As a rule, everything closes two or three hours before the start of Saturday. In the center of Jerusalem, about ten places and a couple of shops work in Shabbat. In the old city in Christian and Muslim neighborhoods, life does not stop.

I will quickly get used to the mode: prudently do all purchases before dinner Friday, you plan in advance evening and upcoming movements in the absence of transport.

Lifestyle in Jerusalem Even non-religious people have a more home: in two and a half years I went more by guests than in the bars.

All purchases have to do before Lunch Friday

In Tel Aviv, Shabbat is less than. There is a network of round-the-clock AM-PM supermarkets, minibuses running around the city in Shabbat and holidays. But on Friday morning on the streets here is the same madness as in Jerusalem: the market is similar to the peak hour in the subway, the cafe is clogged with families who stayed on a two-hour breakfast after prexication shopping.

Closer in the evening everything subsides. Some Tel Aviv restaurants keep Shabbat in their own way: they don't work in the evening on Friday, but on Saturday morning already open. Many consider Shabbat family day: on Thursday evening, you can go with friends in the bar, and on Friday - to visit the parents. In Tel Aviv port, each Shabbat meet dancing and festive dinner.


Most holidays in Israel are religious, so they are distributed to the same commandments as on Shabbat: shops and public transport do not work. In September and October in Israel, an endless series of holidays. All begins with the Jewish New Year (Rosh Ha Shana) and ends with Sukkot, which lasts a week (non-working days - only the first and last day of the week). This time reminds new Year holidays In Russia: it is useless to try to call someone or do business.

Yom-Kipipur (often translated into Russian as the "day of atonement") - one of the biggest holidays in Israel, as well as the post that lasts a day. The roads overlap, even those stores and cafes that work in Shabbat and other holidays are closed. In the synagogues of the excitement. It is believed that on this day, God lets sins, so even convinced atheists come to pray. Some prefer the synagogues of empty roads: take bicycles, skateboards, scooters and go to closed streets.

Empty streets during yom-kippur. Source:

Weather in the summer

Food, housing and weather - Holy Trinity Tel Aviv conversations. In Tel Aviv 300 sunny days a year and high humidity. In August, the temperature rises to +45 ° C, and the humidity reaches 80%. Life turns into a quest, in which you need to move as quickly as possible between points equipped with air conditioners. A bottle of water and sunscreen is a need for this period.

Happiness - when in the evening it becomes a little more cool and you can go outside. But in most cases, it just darkens outside the window, and the air temperature remains the same.

+45 ° C.

temperature in Tel Aviv in summer

The velvet season in Israel comes on the second half of September, October and May.

Weather winter

Winter in Tel Aviv is soft, but it can be cool. Especially when the tropical shower and putting the palm windows.

I think some Tel Aviv will not agree with me about the fact that winter is warm here. But I compare with Jerusalem. It seems that for 22 years of life in Russia I have never been so cold. Perhaps only in St. Petersburg in February. With one important difference: in most houses of Jerusalem there is no heating.

The umbrella in this city is a completely useless thing: the wind in the mountains is such that it snaps in a few minutes.

To protect against rain, orthodox Jews wrap their black cellophan hats, Jerusalemians who have to work on the street, get waterproof bolon overalls.

It is almost meaningless to run home: with two heaters, we raised the temperature in the apartment to the maximum to +15 ° C, went to bed in two sweaters, and each hike was equated with the feat.


Snow in Jerusalem is a holiday and horror at the same time. In the first winter I became an eyewitness of the strongest snowfall in the Middle East over the past one hundred years. During the day, the snow fell on his knee, and local authorities were not ready for such a natural disaster. There are no snow removal in Israel. Those who had shovels went to the streets, trying to clear at least passage to the entrance.

When no one figured out with snow removal machines. Source:
Snow in Jerusalem is a rarity and natural disaster. Source:

Because of the snow, the transport stopped walking, the classes were canceled, the shops were closed, in some areas cut the wires, people remained without light and hot water. Those who did not have time to get to Jerusalem spent the night in the car on the highway: the roads for safety were closed.

There was no heating in our apartment, and the air temperature dropped at night to -2 ° C. To our happiness, in the second student apartment there were gas heating (luxury!), And we spent the next three days there was a huge crowd there, siling alcohol and praying that in our area did not break the wires.

Many Israelis, just having heard about the approaching snowfall, booked hotels and rather rushed to Jerusalem to show the snow to children. When the storm was thrown, the snowy old town looked fabulously.

Sand storms

If snowstore can still be romanticized, then sandy - in no way. Somehow I woke up in the morning from the fact that in the throat and the lips stopped, and when I opened my eyes, I could not understand why everything looks like someone imposed a yellow filter in instagram. Despite the fact that the balcony was tightly closed, the sand hit everywhere: on the floor, bookshelves, in bed and a cup. Fortunately, the sand storm lasted only day.

I caught the sand storm of this scale only once. Moreover, old-timers and the media said that this is the most terrible storm in the history of modern Israel. Apparently, I found the brightest sentiment of local weather.

Periodically, Hamsin is here ("Fifty" in Arabic) - a dry hot wind, which brings with him dust and sand. It lasts usually for a short time: a day or two. Everyone tries to drink more water, do not open the windows and not go out. For Hamsin ambulance employees - Hard time: Older people are hardly experiencing such weather.

Tel Aviv is among the top ten night and coastal cities in the world. All because it is the only city in which by midnight only begins to wake up, and even in the sabbath, when in other places everything closes. Go through the streets of Night Tel Aviv - and you will see the café, night clubs filled to refusal, round-the-clock galleries and bookstores.

In Tel Aviv, one of the most expensive penthouses in the world is concentrated (somewhere I bought the apartment of Madonna), the offices of the largest companies and almost all embassies. And although this is not the capital of Israel, as many, Tel Aviv is mistaken - uniquely the center of cultural life and entertainment of the Israelis.

Pleasant news for travelers: the Israeli government signed a decree between Belarus and Israel. Belarusians will be able to receive a cherished stamp directly at the airport upon arrival. Prepare for this joyful event - explosive author Hyde 34travel on Tel Aviv so as not to miss the most interesting places eastern coast Mediterranean Sea.

Guide content:

There are two most common options to fly to Ben-Gurion International Airport, which is located 14 kilometers from Tel Aviv. The easiest and fastest of Minsk is a direct flight "Belavia", it is performed on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays. In the summer, in the season of vacation, prices for tickets back are reached € 500, but if you buy in advance, you can fly in both directions by € 100 cheaper. And if you climb the flight with a transfer through Kiev - you will get for € 300.

Loocoster flies from Vilnius to Tel Aviv Wizz Air.. It is also not necessary to count on superdexide tickets in this case. If you buy a convict for € 200 in both sides, consider what you're lucky.

If the direct speaker in Tel Aviv from your city is not - Try to buy tickets to Eilat, the city on the southern tip of Israel. The authorities pay out for airlines for making flights to the city on the Red Sea, cut off from Tel Aviv the Desert, and bring tourists here. Especially pleasant prices in winter: they start from € 15 per ticket from Poznan. Price paths from Eilat to Tel Aviv - € 17.

The most popular view of public transport in Israel - buses. The fare costs € 1.5, while one ticket is valid for an hour and a half: you can transfer to any number of buses during this time. For more economical movement in the city, it is better to buy a roll of kav card from the driver, on which you can store different travel programs: it will be cheaper every ten trips.

Rent urban bicycles In Tel Aviv is gaining momentum, and we are talking about the electrobikes of the TEL-O-FUN system. The city has 200 parking for them, and the length of comfortable for acquaintance with the city of routes is 120 km. To take advantage of the bike, you need to purchase a day or three-day card on the site TEL-O-FUN. 30-minute trips are free, day - € 4.

Since Israel is a country of religious, from the mid-Friday to the evening of Saturday, when the Sabit is coming, public transport stops riding. At this time, only minibuses and a taxi run. Taxi is very convenient to order through the application Get Taxi., There you will find day and night tariffs for travel between cities. On average, the price per kilometer in the center of the country is 10 shekels (or € 2).

Also install two more useful applications - Moovit and Waze. The first paves the routes of public transport throughout the country, shows the bus and train schedules, i.e. Works on the principle, only better. The second is a convenient online navigator in case you decide to rent a car.

Since Tel Aviv is the most expensive city in Israel, find an acceptable at the price of housing even on Airbnb and will not be easy. As in all coastal cities, prices here depend on the approach of apartments to the sea. Hostels are not as common as in Europe, but there is still a choice. Verified options - in our selection.

Hostel Little Tel-Aviv (Yehuda Ha Levi, 51) Located a 10-minute walk from the sea. There is clean, cozy, and new furniture and plumbing. You can safely believe in photographs from their site.

The most fashionable - Florentine Hostel (Eliflet, 10) . Day and night, the young people from all over the world hang out here, warmly welcoming all newcomers. Joint drinking alcohol is only encouraged.

Chef Hostel Montefiore (Montefiore, 19) . Noisy and cramped hostel for those who do not frighten household inconvenience. Nearby there is a 24-hour supermarket, which works even in a sabbage, a market with fresh vegetables and fruits, and serve to the sea.

Old Jaffa Hostel (Amiad, 13) . Atmospheric place In the old Jaffa in the distance from skyscrapers, dirt and noisy roads. The hostel was famous for its roof terrace overlooking the old part of the city, where the sunset is best.

Sky Hostel (Ben-Yehuda, 34) Located on a very noisy street Tel Aviv, so it is not a fact that it will be possible to sleep. But I definitely do not interfere with the promenade - most entertainment places are located here.

Tel Aviv is divided into several districts, the most significant of which is the Old Town of Jaffa, which is considered a separate city. The first mention of Jaffe appeared in 1479-1425. BC. Cultural program start thinking out from the official site of the city. There is a schedule of an excursion bus that will drive you through historical objects. Adult ticket costs € 10.

Jaffa- Probably the most serious antiquity of Israel, which has come down to this day almost in untouched. This is an ancient Egyptian port, and today also tiny on modern standards Stone town on a hill that tasted with Tel Aviv. According to the ancient Greek myth, here Perseus freed Andromed. According to the Old Testament, it was in this port that the ark was built. Stone narrow streets, surcharged houses, miniature terraces overlooking the sea and the scent of Tel Aviv skyscrapers - today Jaffa is one of the large open-air museum, where more than a dozen galleries are concentrated, 8 churches, an infinite number of small cafes and near-the-art museums. On the east side, the legendary district of flea trade is adjacent to Jaffa, and from the south - an old port with a cafe and art studios. From the North side - the beach and surf spot.

Despite all its religiousness, Israel is the progressive and most tolerant of all countries of the Middle East. Once a year, at the beginning of June, Tel Aviv streets overlap to hold a gay parade, which collects more than 100,000 people from around the world, and LGBT flags flutter on houses all year round.

During the Great Jewish holiday, the Peachov, which is celebrated in early April, you can visit most of the Museums and National Parks for free.

Tel Aviv port - Main landmark of the city. Per last years "Namal" (so the port is called in Hebrew) transformed into a separate city of entertainment with theaters, clubs, restaurants and bars, exhibitions and cafeterias. Since entry on cars is prohibited here, this is the best place for walking with children and roller skating or bike. On Fridays, the market is spread with environmentally friendly vegetables and fruits, and an antiques fair on Saturdays opens.

Israelis eat not in order to live, but live in order to eat. You can safely bypass Powder restaurants, because it is a quality mark. Do not even try to leave the city without trying at least once the local Falafel and Shaverm. For € 10, you will make such a huge pit with meat, salads and hummus, that after you can hardly crawl out of the table.

In Israel, it is customary to leave Tips all, especially for bars and restaurants. The waiters are not shy of openly to ask them if you suddenly forget thanks for the service.

The best burgers are served in Burger Bar 39. (Ben Yehuda, 93) . The place is modest, with a minimum number of tables, but hotly beloved by many lovers of Fastfud. Burger necessarily take an entrecote. It is from € 10, including potatoes, sauces and drink to choose from.

To evaluate and love hummus, it must be tried in the right places. For example, in Bahadunas. (IBN GABIROL, 150) . In this humus, one of the most delicious Humuses Tel Aviv is preparing, so long queues are built in lunch. Do not forget to grab a jar of hummus and sauces to him.

Most Popular Network Cafe in Israel - Aroma.. "Aromatic" points are almost every step. Boldly come here in finding house dining and delicious coffee. There is a cafe on the principle of self-service, so prices are quite adequate. Just do not be surprised if you see the soups in the menu, and in fact they will not be. The Israelis recognize this dish only in winter.

It is difficult to find something cheaper than five shekels in Israel (this is a little more than a dollar). Even in the most gravity hole coffee costs at least € 2.5. But there is a network in the country where all food and drinks are 5 shekels, including soups and hot. It is called Cofix. , and branches are open in almost every area of \u200b\u200bthe city. The food is packed in vacuum lunch boxes, and the baking is all fresh. Be sure to try iced-coffee, here is the most popular drink.

Adepts of proper nutrition dine in Mizlala (Nahalat Binyamin, 57) . Star chef Meir Adononi developed a menu with a large selection of raw food dishes, which even after eight in the evening are not dangerous for the shape. For better digestion and vigorous guests, local DJ mixes only hit playlists.

Cafe Abba Gil. (Yehuda Halevi, 55) It is famous for producing an organic hummus. The institution resembles a cozy dining room, in which you can eat quickly and inexpensively with the most popular Israeli dishes: with bars, falafel, dishes from eggplant, lentils and rice.

Breakfast go B. Benedict Breakfast Restaurant. (Ben Yehuda, 171) . This is the best place from those where you can meet a new day. There are more than 50 kinds of breakfasts in the menu, while the place is scored by visitors as in the morning and in the evening. Including because there is a completely unsuccessful bacon (in most Israeli cafes and restaurants, it is missing, such as, for example, cheese in the burgers from McDonalds). In addition to delicious coffee, you can order a glass of champagne or cocktail.

For healthy fast food go to Buddha Burgers. (IBN GABIROL, 86) . Here serves delicious vegan-burgers and bootos from soybean and lentils, as well as vegetarian soups and salads. The average price of the main dish is € 7-9.

If you get tired of shaver and falaphs, go to the best Italian restaurant in local latitudes with an uncomplicated name Italia. (Kreminitzki, 6) . Take a bottle of Sicilian wine with focaccio and olives and only after being taken to learn the menu. Then you can calmly, not choking saliva, choose a dish. Many stop on the aperitif: snacks, along a good tradition, are brought until you say "stop".

Best desserts will find in the restaurant DALLAL (Shabazi, 10) . Do in it stop after a walk around the neighborhood: the place is located in the area of \u200b\u200bNeve-Zedek, ancient and romantic. Right opposite the establishment there are wooden swings, seized by flowers. Delicious cakes, a couple of cocktails, light breeze ... Consider, ready-to-date program.

A La Rampa. (HA "AMAL STREET, 21) - A win-win choices if you hold a vegetarian diet and love a high-quality music background in establishments. The cafe is not in the center, but, on the contrary, in the "local" zone of the city, where galleries, secret musical and other studios are concentrated. In the evenings, it is imperceptible to spend a couple of hours even easier than in the afternoon - on the wall of the house in front of the movies. The district itself - in the past, a dirty industrial zone - today the graffiti is created and is becoming every day with new art sediments.

Becafico. (Shabazi, 49) - Impeccable Italian restaurant in the lively Neve-Jesec district, located on the street Shaloma Shabazi - attractive and authentic at any time of the year. The institution is suitable for both rapid snacks and a romantic feast with a glass of wine. Caution - food, interior and exterior are extremely photogenic.

Max Brenner. (Rothschild Blvd, 45; HATA "Arucha, 3; Habarzel, 23; Ha-Menofim, 8 and others) - Israeli network of chocolateria, the points of which today are scattered between Israel, USA, Australia and Japan. In this paradise, chocolate fondue, pancakes, waffles, as well as chocolate pizza and martini are served. You can try the famous desserts in Tel Aviv in one of the numerous network establishments - they are located in all the parties. They say chocolate Max Brenner can not only taste, but also to hear - guests treat them on all five sensory levels. There you will find souvenirs.

Florentin 10. (Florentin, 10) - popular among local coffee shop in the heart of Florentin, the youth bar of bars and galleries. There is everything you love and appreciate - invigorating and alcoholic beverages, sweet and not very snacks, beautiful books, cozy chairs and crowds of young Florentinians, followed by whom you can watch, and Drink. The establishment is in the building in the style of Bauhaus, the tables are both outside and inside. An important nuance - Florentin 10 is open around the clock.

Wines - Israel's business card. Best of all, of course, go straight to where the wine is produced, but if you get to the wineries will not work, start acquaintance with Israeli wines in local bars and restaurants. And in stores be sure to take Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnone and Shiraz. The rare and delicious wine is pomegranate. In order not to get confused in the names, remember: Rimon, Barkan, Clos de Gat. Take any bottle from these manufacturers, you won't lose.

It is especially nice, since the local youth is quite demanding in their claims and loves to relax no worse than in Paris, New York or Berlin. On each street you will find several bars for every taste.

(Dizingoff, 223) - The oldest of cocktail bars of the city, where with a bartender you can easily discuss the latest news or unhappy love. Pour both old good classics and copyrights for the mood.

If you want not just get drunk, but to make it beautiful, go to the bar Bellboy. (BERDICHEVSKY, 14) . Leather sofas, oil paintings, velvet curtains - the place is so exquisite that even cocktails are served here in marine shells.

Gastronomic critics have repeatedly recognized Imperial Bar. (Hayarkon, 66) One of the best in the Middle East, including the TripAdvisor version. Imperial style can be traced in everything - from the interior until the menu design. There are happy hours when two cocktails can be made up at the price of one. Be sure to ask to let the cocktail, which is not in the menu.

Library Bar. (Nachmani, 25) Located at the hotel The. Norman and decorated in an elegant colonial style. In order to bring thoughts by order after a noisy night and skip the freshele refreshing mojito, snacking snacks, is the most.

If you have never been trying to try molecular cocktails, it is necessary to experiment in the Fashion Bar

Israel has many faces and contrasts. Barless dead deserts are adjacent to the blooming sea coasts, and the millennial ruins with modern heights. This rather small country in the Middle East occupies the 148th place in the world in the area. At the same time, it is washed by the water of the three seas - the Mediterranean, Red and Dead.

According to the standards of state, Israel is very young - in 2018 he will be fulfilled only 70 years. Until now, there is even a final clarity in the world with what is considered to be the capital of Israel - Tel Aviv or Jerusalem. But the most opponents of the three main world religions at once: they honor the local ancient land as saints.

1. The city on the shores of the Mediterranean was founded in 1909, and after 40 years, the declaration of independence of the new state - Israel was proclaimed here.

2. About 430 thousand people live in Tel Aviv itself, this is the second largest city of Israel in magnitude after Jerusalem. And the population of agglomeration exceeds 3.5 million people (Tel Aviv-Jaffa).

3. Along the coastline, the city stretched more than 13 kilometers. Popular sandy beaches of a 10-kilometer waterfront calaeth (promenade) from the wilderness of the Mediterranean Sea are protected by breakwater.

4. Modern residential and business skyscrapers are adjacent to low-rise private development of the beginning of the 20th century. Tel Aviv is sometimes called the most eclectic city of contrasts of the Middle East.

5. The White City is the name that Tel Aviv received due to the large number of white buildings built between 1920-50. In the style of Bauhaus. Thanks to this, the city is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

6. Marina. The man-made bay is "parking pocket" for private yachts.

7. Seaport, fortress and shopping center of the ancient world. Historians include Jaffa to the number of the oldest cities with the so-called continuous population, that is, where people lived constantly from the moment of founding.

8. The history of the city began about 4,000 years ago. The settlement and the port alternately fell into the hands of the Egyptian pharaohs, the ancient Roman emperors, the Arab sultans, the European Crusaders - and even Napoleon's Bonaparte. United in the middle of the last century with Tel Aviv, Jaffa is located in the south-west agglomeration.

9. In Jaffa, there is a large number of monuments of history, temples, museums and other cultural heritage sites. In many ways, because of this unique spirit, Jaffu was chosen for residence representatives of creative bohemia from around the world - artists, sculptors, and so on. Accordingly, the old town can boast an abundance of a variety of exhibition halls.

10. Israel has a well-developed road network, which began to build even in the first decades of the last century, when the British Empire controlled the territory of Palestine. The total length of highways exceeds 18.5 thousand kilometers, of which about 450 kilometers are high-speed motorways.

11. The main highway Israel - Highway No. 1 Tel Aviv - Jerusalem, a length of almost 100 km.

12. One of the most ancient cities in the world. The first settlement on a secluded rocky plateau in the Jewish Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Seas appeared even during the Bronze Age, approximately 4500 - 3200 to our era. The city, previously known as Salim, at the end of the III of the Millennium founded residents of the Historical Region of Canaan. About 1000 years before our era, Jews under the guidance of the legendary king David won the city and founded their capital. In the holy for the Jews, the place of Jerusalem turned after the ark of the covenant with ten commandments was brought.

13. . At the sacred for Jews, the hill at different times were built and destroyed by the conquerors of the Solomon temple and the second temple (he is the temple of Herod). Muslims consider the temple mountain of the third in the importance of the shrine, after Mecca and Medina: Today, El-Aksa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock are located.

fourteen. . Built at the end of the VII century AD. Damascus Caliph - over a stone from which, according to Muslim legend, the prophet Muhammed was raised to heaven.

15. A close-up fragment of the rock at the site of the first temple is at the same time the Jewish shrine: it is considered that this is the cornerstone of the universe, which was established by the ark of the covenant. And the prophet Abraham at this place almost brought sacrificing his son Isaac.

sixteen. . One of the greatest shrines of Judaism. This fragment of the western wall of the second temple is about half a kilometer. He survived after the destruction of the temple of the Romans in the first century of our era after the ill-crushing of the Jewish uprising (Jewish war). The crying wall is the traditional post of pilgrimage of the Jews, where they mourn the destruction of the temple, pray and leave in the wall written appeals to God. The crying wall is divided into two sectors for praying separately men and women.

17. Ancient Jerusalem is the Holy City at once for three world religions. Literally 500 meters from the Temple Mountain there is Calvary - the legendary place of the crucifixion of Christ, as well as the Temple of the Holy Sepulcher - where Jesus was buried, and later risen and raised on the sky.

18. The area of \u200b\u200bthe Old Town is less than a square kilometer, the most important shrines of almost all major world religions are compact on this territory. However, the long and difficult history of the city became one of the main reasons that the world will not come to this land. Jerusalem - Crossroads and political contradictions.

19. With its capital, Jerusalem today calls both the state of Israel and Palestine. The unresolved status of the city caused several large armed clashes and constant tension. It is for this reason that most of the diplomatic missions of the countries of the world are located in Tel Aviv. Meanwhile, in December 2017, the US President Donald Trump announced the recognition of the Capital of Israel of Jerusalem and the transfer of the US Embassy there. This step caused another splash of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

20. There are only 8th gates to the Old Town.

21. The main passage to the Christian and Armenian quarters of the Old Town. The gates portal itself is located perpendicular to the fortress wall. It was done to make it difficult to promote the enemy.

22. Entrance to the Muslim Quarter of Jerusalem. This is one of the most "young" gates of the city, created in the XIX century in the northern wall of the old city. Jews call them "floral": by one version, due to the incorrect translation of the Arabic name, on the other, due to the decorating the gate of the ornamental socket. The Christian name "Gate Herod" also arose as a result of a historical misunderstanding, mistakenly it was believed that the palace of one of the sons of King Herod of the Great was located nearby.

23. The ancient Jewish cemetery is the most ancient cemetery in the world. His story dates back to the era of the first temple. Here are the tombs of a number of Old Testament Prophets (Aggia, Malachius, Zechariah), as well as the son of King David Prince Avashaloma (although her authenticity scientists are questioned).

24. This is also the biggest Jewish cemetery. It has up to 150 thousand burials. To be buried on the Eleon Mountain is a special honor. And also, according to biblical legend, it was in these places a terrible court will occur, and people buried here will fall on him among the first.

25. Located 7 kilometers from the Old Town in the southwest of Jerusalem. It was opened on the repurchased land plot in 1871. He is under the jurisdiction of the spiritual mission of the Russian Orthodox Church in Jerusalem. The abode acting; About 60 women live in the monastery.

26. Jerusalem in its development went beyond the boundaries of the walls of the old town relatively recently, in 1860. For a long time, the city remained only a dense focus of shrines and antiquities. The current Jerusalem lives not one tourism: for example, the offices of world high-tech companies and research centers are opened here, modern development is being.

27. - The first suspension bridge in Jerusalem, a famous also called "Arp David". He keeps at the expense of Pilon with a height of 119 meters, which makes this design with the highest construction of the city. The cable bridge was built on the project of the world-famous architect Santiago Calatrava and is intended for the movement of trams and pedestrians.

28. "Poison Vashem" is the Israeli National Disaster Memorial and Heroism. Organized in 1953 in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. Annually, the "poison of Vashe" visits over a million people.

29. This is the largest cultural institution of the country and one of the largest archaeological and artistic museums of the world. The collection has about half a million exhibits from prehistoric times to samples of contemporary art.

30. The complex of the Israel Museum includes a temple of a book with a characteristic white tent and a black wall (most of the premises are under Earth). It was built in 1965 specifically for the storage of Cumran Scrolls of the Dead Sea, the oldest manuscripts of the Bible. Here is an existence of a mock of Jerusalem from limestone on a scale of 1:50. This is the reconstruction of the species of Jerusalem of the time of his heyday in the era of the second temple at the beginning of our era, before the destruction of the Romans.

31. Most of the territory of Jerusalem takes 2-3 storey buildings. It is determined by those, earthquakes occur here.

32. The separation barrier of a total length of more than 70 kilometers and up to 8 meters high is the border between the Jewish and Arab territories, between Israel and the Palestinian autonomy. To the left of the wall - the suburb of East Jerusalem, the village of Al-Azaria. In the biblical tradition is better known as Vifania. Located here the tomb of Lazaror attracts many christian pilgrims.

33. In al-Azaria, the second largest (after al-Aqsa on the Temple Mount) was built (after al-axes on the temple mountain) Palestine Mosque. The mosque was erected with the financial support of the United Arab Emirates and is the name of the president of this country, one of the richest people in the world.

35. Palestinian territory in the area of \u200b\u200bJerusalem is called the West Bank of the Jordan River. In historical sources, these areas are also known as Jews and Samaria.

36.. Separating the temple and Eleon Mountains, it takes place from the north to south through the territory of Jerusalem and further through the territory of the Jewish desert southeast to the Dead Sea. The Bible appears as a Valley's Josafatov - the place of a terrible court.

37. Lifeless hilly places from ancient times served as a refuge for hermites, who often settled in the caves.

38. Also known as the Sava Laurel is consecrated. This is one of the oldest Orthodox male monasteries in the world, he was founded in the Cedron Valley at the end of the V century. In the monastery do not use electricity (except for manual lamps). Monks live at the expense of donations and fundamentally do not eat apples: in memory of the spiritual feat of the founder of Sava, who, in the immediate time, overwhelming a powerful temptation to eat a beautiful ripe apple.

41. Once in these places they acted the fortress of the Girket and the Castellon Monastery, based on the same in the same savoy.

42. The world's most famous salt lake and one of the most salty. In the liter of its water minerals dissolved seven times more than in the same amount of water from the Mediterranean Sea.

43. "Dead" the sea was called because there is no life in its saline water, except for several types of bacteria.

44. The unique composition of water and healing dirt turned the dead sea into a natural resort. People who suffer from skin diseases, asthma, inflammation of the joints, rheumatism and other ailments are going here.

There is another feature of the dead sea: the water here is much heavier than the ordinary seawater to drown in such a heavy liquid as the human body is easier for it.

45. Fortress on a flat top of a 450-meter cliff. Built in the first century BC, King Herod Great as a refuge for his family and treasury. Practically tapped walls and powerful fortress structures made Masada hardening.