The most western country in the world. The northernmost countries in the world

Western Europe - a region that mainly includes the states of the Germans and Celts. One of the most developed economic regions on the planet. The beginning of the formation of Western Europe is considered the disintegration of the Roman Empire, its division into Eastern and Western.

List of Western European countries: Austria, Belgium, Andorra, Great Britain, Ireland, Germany, Liechtenstein, Monaco, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Switzerland and France. The last notable changes to the map of Western Europe took place around the 11th century, and it is not for nothing that this part is considered the "old world". The states of Western Europe are divided into four groups (large, medium, small and dwarf states).

The territory of Western Europe is home to about 296 million people. And of these, about 20 million foreign workers, Western Europe is a kind of immigration center of the world. The population of Western Europe belongs to the Indo-European language family, the Romance and Germanic group.

The largest country in Western Europe is France, its area is 549.2 thousand km2, while it is also the richest and oldest country in this part of Europe.

Western Europe is a region that ranks first in terms of small-scale economic and industrial production, in the export of goods, in reserves of gold and currency, in the development of international tourism. A distinctive feature of Western Europe is the high level of development of integration processes. The development of Western Europe as a region is determined by the contribution of all countries in the region, but mainly the most developed ones - France, Germany, and Great Britain.

Cultural heritage of Western Europe, it is a world storehouse of unusually beautiful and famous works of art. In the history of Western Culture, you can trace many cultural events that have remained in the memory of the whole world, as well as thousands of names of famous artists, musicians, sculptors associated with the countries of Western Europe.

The most beautiful cities in Western Europe include: Paris, Amsterdam, London. They attract millions of curious tourists every year. Tourist revenues of Western countries fill a large niche in the country's budget.

Western countries are the most developed region of our planet. We associate this world with rich and beautiful states, flourishing capitalism.

History of Western Europe

There are different opinions regarding the theory of the origin of European civilization. According to one theory, it was founded by the ancient Greeks. However, within the framework of another concept, its origin is attributed to the XV-XVI centuries, the times of the so-called "great geographical discoveries", the emergence of capitalism and the reformation.

Western European civilization has gone through many stages of development, has suffered a change in moral principles and aspirations. Today it is one of the most developed regions of our planet.

"Classics of the genre"

The "classic" list of Western countries includes 4 groups of states: large, medium, small and dwarf. This territory is home to almost 300 million people. 20 million of them are immigrants who came to work.

Most of these states are now members of the European Union. It ranks first in small-scale economic and industrial production. The high level of economic development makes Western countries financially secure.

In addition, Western Europe is famous for its richest culture. Many talented writers, artists and musicians, whose names are known all over the world, were born here.

What makes the Western countries of the world different?

Western Europe is distinguished by the following factors:

1. Language. Almost all Western Europeans use Romance and Germanic language groups. The most common among them is English. It is home to 400 million people. At the same time, the group of non-Germanic languages \u200b\u200b(Czech, Slovak, Hungarian) underwent a strong Germanization at one time.

2. Latin alphabet. All the indigenous people of the Western countries of the world and their former colonies use the Latin alphabet, which arose in the 7th century BC. e.

3. The most widespread are Catholicism and Protestantism. A large percentage of atheists. Catholicism in the 10th century was finally formed as a separate branch of Orthodoxy. In the 16th century, when Catholics began to abuse their own religion, Protestantism was formed as a protest.

In the geographical concept, the countries of Western Europe include:

  • France;
  • Germany;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Great Britain;
  • Belgium;
  • Netherlands;
  • Liechtenstein;
  • Monaco;
  • Ireland;
  • Switzerland;
  • Austria.

That is, states located in Central and Northern Europe are also classified as Western. This list can also include Norway, Denmark, Greece, Finland, Portugal, Iceland, Cyprus, Malta. These countries are members of the European Union.

In addition, the United States, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Japan, South Korea and ASR are often called Western states, as mentioned above. Why is such an abundance of countries called Western Europe?

Western civilization is ...

Western civilization is a collection of cultural, political and economic factors. It is characterized by constant development, human movement forward. It is distinguished by democracy, market-oriented production, private property relations.

The West is characterized by prosperous states, rich culture, constantly developing infrastructure. Here they know firsthand what freedom, decent wages, and a high standard of living are.

Economy of the leading Western countries

The most developed civilization in the world in the field of economics. Western Europe, which includes 25 countries, occupies a special place in the world economy. It all started with the signing of the Rome Treaty establishing the European Economic Community in 1957. This treaty marked the active economic development of these countries.

All modern countries of Western Europe have the same type of economic system. Their total share in total GDP (this indicator indicates the average market value of the country's final goods and services) is 24%. And in the world population - 7%.

The main economic power comes from the four Western countries, a list of which we will consider below. They account for 70% of the gross product. These are large states with a large number of residents.

Germany is the leader in the top four. The share of GDP per capita is $ 47,774. The German economy is the largest in Europe. It is the largest exporter of machinery, transport and household equipment, chemicals.

Great Britain is mainly engaged in the service sector (3/4 of the population) - banking and business services, insurance, etc. The share of industry is constantly decreasing. At the moment, it is represented by two sectors - mining and manufacturing. Agriculture accounts for only 1% of GDP.

France (the name of the Western country means "land of the Franks") is next in the four leaders. The service sector, the oil and gas industry, and transport also dominate here.

Italy is also among the four, but today the country is increasingly plunging into a crisis, and it is not known whether it will be able to maintain its position. Experts call it the weakest link in the Eurozone due to its demographic and economic weight. If Italy defaults, it could bring down the entire global economic system.

Who else?

The rest of the countries belong to the group of small industrial ones. Their share of GDP is:

1.20% - Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Belgium, Netherlands.

2. 8% - Austria, Greece, Finland, Denmark, Norway.

3.2% - Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Cyprus, Republic of Malta.

The economy of the Western states is developing unevenly, in leaps and bounds. Europe has gone through 3 crises. Today, the countries of Western Europe are characterized by a crisis of old industries - ferrous metallurgy, coal and textile industries.

There is a great scientific and technical potential. States invest huge amounts of money in the development of science (up to 2% of GDP). Less than the US (about 16%), but more than Japan.

Today Europe is the leader in the construction of nuclear power plants, the manufacture of medicines, in some types of mechanical engineering and communications technology.

The share of agriculture reaches 8%. At the same time, the number of people involved in it has sharply decreased in recent years, but the number of manufactured products has increased. The leading European countries producing agricultural products are Germany, France and the UK.

South America is the fourth largest continent on Earth. Its length from north to south is more than 7000 km, from west to east - about 5000, and the total area reaches 17.8 km². Most of the mainland is in the Southern Hemisphere. The total number of inhabitants is more than 385 million people: according to this indicator, South America ranks fourth among continents. But if we discard the dry facts, one can say one thing: this is a whole world, unknown, bright, alluring and frightening at the same time. Every country on this continent deserves the closest study, the most curious tourists and the most enthusiastic reviews.

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How to get there

Airfare to South America varies significantly on regular days and during sales. If a regular ticket can cost on average 1700-2000 USD, then sale and promotional tickets can be bought with a discount of up to 50%. It is most profitable for Russians to buy a ticket to Venezuela (the cheapest one can be bought for 500-810 USD on the days of maximum discounts). Or fly to the relatively massive countries of the Caribbean, such as Cuba and the Dominican Republic, from where it is already by domestic airlines to move to the mainland.

If you have the time and money, you can arrange for yourself an unforgettable ocean trip: the journey by motor ship to Buenos Aires will cost 1500-2000 EUR. Such a voyage will take much more time than a flight, because most often it is not just a voyage across the Atlantic Ocean, but a full-fledged cruise with a call to the ports of Europe and Central America.

Transportation in South America

Air travel inside the continent is quite expensive, but cruise travel by sea is widespread (the cost depends on the class of the liner). Railways are used primarily for cargo transportation - there are very few passenger trains, but bus service is very common. Traveling by bus, of course, is less comfortable, but very economical (prices vary depending on the country and destinations - tourist or domestic). Also, there is a very cheap car rental here.


The climate is different in different parts of South America. In the north - the equatorial zone with the highest temperatures in January, in the south - the frosty polar zone. It is here that you can celebrate the New Year in a bikini under the scorching sun, and then go to a more familiar climatic zone to a ski resort in the highlands of the Andes. In the south of the mainland, well-fed king penguins are walking with might and main - Antarctica is close!


If you find yourself in South America for the first time and are used to the international class of service, choose large hotel chains (preferably international). Rooms in them cost from 50-90 USD per day. Students and exotic lovers often live in small hotels or private apartments - the cost can start from 15-20 USD per day. The appearance and convenience of housing will depend on the country, proximity to popular resorts and personal luck. The prices on the page are for October 2018.

Iguazu Falls

Countries of South America

Venezuela - a state in the north of South America, washed by the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital is the city of Caracas. Here there are conditions for a beach holiday - the luxurious beaches of the Caribbean coast, a luxurious secluded vacation on the island of Margarita, and for the active: the Avila National Park near Caracas, the Amazonian jungle, the highest waterfall on the planet - Angel, the world's longest cable car with a length of 12, 6 km and the highest mountain peak in the country - Pico Bolivar (4981 m).

Guyana - a state on the northeastern coast of South America. The capital is Georgetown. Almost 90% of the country is wet jungle. It is because of the unfavorable conditions for tourism in the traditional sense that Guyana is visited primarily by ecotourists. They were chosen by the waterfalls of the Guiana Highlands, the Pakaraima mountains, the Kaieteur and Ivokrama national parks, where visitors learn the wisdom of rafting, and also make hiking and horseback trips along the Rupununi savannas.

Guiana (or French Guiana) is the largest overseas region of France, located in the northeast of South America. A French visa is required to enter Guiana. The administrative center is the city of Cayenne. 96% of the country's territory is occupied by tropical forests - this region is one of the most wooded and ecologically clean in the world. Tourist centers and villages of local residents are concentrated in the coastal strip, the central areas are practically deserted.

Colombia - a state in the northwest of South America, named after the great traveler. The capital is Bogota. For Russians, visa-free entry to Colombia is allowed for up to 90 days. This country is famous for its historical heritage, many museums and an amazing fusion of European culture, brought by the Spanish conquistadors in the 15th century, and Indian, still carefully preserved in some parts of the country. Colombia has stunning natural surroundings: national parks, the peaks of the Sierra Nevada, the Amazon basin, palm valleys and coffee plantations.

Paraguay called the heart of America, because this country is landlocked. Its population has retained its originality: the Guarani Indian dialect is here the state language along with Spanish. The capital is Asuncion. "Guiana" is translated from Guarana as "great river" - it means Rio Paraguay (the third largest river in the continent for the full flow and length), dividing the country into the arid plain of Gran Chaco and the humid regions between the Rio Paraguay and Rio Alta Parana. The country was chosen by ecotourists and connoisseurs of perfectly preserved architectural monuments from the period of the Jesuit state.

Peru - a state on the west coast of South America. The capital is Lima. Fans of antiquities know Peru as a place of Inca settlement - the Inca state of Tahuantinsuyu was the largest empire of pre-Columbian America and still remains a mystery to ethnographers and archaeologists. Here is the famous Machu Picchu, which became one of the new wonders of the world, and landscapes with the mysterious Nazca lines, the origin of which scientists still cannot explain. In total, Peru has more than 180 museums and many archaeological parks lost in the Andes valleys.

Visa-free travel to Peru is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Suriname - a state in the northeast of South America. The capital is Paramaribo. People come here in search of ecotourism in unusual places: rainforests, waterfalls Atabru, Kau, Uonotobo, the Galibi reserve, the Sipalivini region, which occupies most of the territory, the reservations of the Trio, Akurio and Wayana Indians.

Uruguay - a state in the southeast of South America. The capital is Montevideo. If you want to relax on the beach, come to Uruguay between January and April. Connoisseurs of colonial architecture will certainly love the sights of Cologna and Montevideo. Every year, a month and a half before Easter, two days before Lent, Catholics in Uruguay hold a colorful carnival.

Visa-free travel to Uruguay is open for Russian tourists for up to 90 days.

Chile - a state in the southwest of South America, occupying a long strip from the coast of the Pacific Ocean to the highlands of the Andes. The capital is Santiago. In Chile, balneological tourism is widespread (33 sanatorium bases with water and mud therapy), beach holidays (areas of Arica, Iquique, Valparaiso), as well as travel to the national parks of La Campana, Torres del Paine, to Lake San Rafael, to small towns Altiplano and San Pedro and, of course, the famous Easter Island. For alpine skiers - 15 resorts with slopes ranging from the most extreme to the simplest.

Ecuador is located in the northwest of the mainland and gets its name from the Spanish "equator". The capital is Quito. Particularly noteworthy are the Galapagos Islands, famous not only for their fauna, but also for their fantastic beaches, the Oriente National Park and a trip along the Amazon, the El Qayas region with 200 lakes and lagoons, the Ingapirca ancient cultural monument and museums of the colonial and pre-colonial eras in Quito.

For Russian tourists, a visa-free regime has been introduced to visit Ecuador for up to 90 days.

In addition, South America includes the disputed island territories of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, as well as the Fokland (Malvinas) Islands, which the United Kingdom and Argentina are still arguing about. Tourists arrive on the islands as part of cruise tours. The most common activities are mountaineering, hiking and kayaking and kayaking. The Fokland (Malvinas) Islands are almost forgotten by tourists. In terms of climate, their territory is close to Iceland: cold, strong winds, and not only seagulls scurry about along the coast, but also well-fed king penguins.

South America nature

After the collapse of the Gondwana continent at the end of the Cretaceous period into Africa, Australia, Antarctica and South America, the latter remained a separate continent. The Isthmus of Panama, which connects the present North and South America, appeared about three million years ago, significantly influencing the flora and fauna of the continent.

The variety of landscapes and climatic zones amazes tourists. The Andes, the longest mountain range in the world, is also called the “ridge” of South America, stretching almost its entire length for 9 thousand km. The highest peaks - Aconcagua (6960 m) in Argentina and Ojos del Salado (6908 m) are covered with snow all year round. The ongoing movement of the earth's crust in this region causes earthquakes and the eruption of active volcanoes.

The famous Amazon River flows here, the second largest river on the planet, always full of flow thanks to its numerous tributaries. On its shores, the endless Amazonian jungle rises, so dense that some of its sites remain unexplored to this day.

The Amazonian jungle is called the "lungs of the planet."

In contrast to the rainforests of the Amazon on the mainland, there is one of the driest places on the planet - the Atacama Desert in northern Chile. In Argentina and Uruguay, the hot and dusty steppes of the Pampa stretch out.

There are vast lakes, high waterfalls, and rocky islands in South America. From the north, the continent is washed by the warm waters of the Caribbean Sea, while its southernmost point - the island of Tierra del Fuego - is subject to frequent storms from the cold Atlantic Ocean.

The northernmost countries in the world are not ice sheets stretching to the horizon. These are not uninhabited plains of snow where polar bears frolic. They are as beautiful as the exotic countries of the south. They have their own beauty, sometimes harsh and cold, but just as attractive and colorful.

Northern states of Europe

Northern Europe is the old Scandinavian mountains, these are coniferous forests, picturesquely spread out on the slopes of inaccessible cliffs and fjords. It is a romantic nature with a harsh character, which has remained untouched by the invasion of human civilization.

Iceland is the most fantastic country on the globe with the most unique and amazing nature. Nowhere in the world can you find such a cluster of geysers, volcanoes, glaciers, waterfalls, lava fields and cliffs. The volcanic plateau, on which the country's territory is located, is "strewn" with mountain peaks, the slopes of which abruptly break off at the ocean coast.

Snow-white mists envelop Iceland in a veil, like the finest downy shawl. The Northern Lights paint the horizon with a riot of colors. Here is the largest geyser, which every 10 minutes emits steam to a height of 60 meters. And the waterfall of the Gods, located nearby, throws down cascades of turquoise water.


The fairytale land of the Snow Queen, Santa Claus, reindeer soaring into the sky on Christmas night. This is the world of white nights and amazing northern lights. These are blue lakes with a mirror-like surface and fast rivers carrying streams of water among intricately twisted shores. Here the forests are emerald green, and the air is transparent and shiny.

Finland is a country of 180 thousand lakes and forests, covering 1/3 of the entire area.


Norway is the land of the midnight sun. Kingdom, a third of which is located in the Arctic Circle. From May to July, the sun shines in the sky, preventing the night twilight from taking over. This is the land of fairy tales and legends. Everything here is filled with magic. The huge Seine of trolls, which are believed to live in these places, reaches a height of 850 meters, opening a stunning view from the top.

The country's territory is a huge stone block of the Scandinavian Peninsula that was formed millions of years ago. It rises to the Atlantic Ocean, reaching an altitude of 2,452 meters.

This is one of the countries in the world in which women have the right to receive the priesthood. The country is governed by the prime minister, who makes all decisions only in accordance with the will of the king.

The northernmost country of the new world - Canada

The main asset of the country is its lakes, which number up to 4 million. They occupy 8% of the entire territory. Rocky mountains rise up to 3 thousand meters up, and the plains, like roads, pave the way to the tundra and the Arctic coast.

Canada is Niagara Falls, which is beautiful all year round. This is exotic with adventure, fishing and hunting. These are wild flowers that “rush” to show their beauty in this harsh climate. This is the unsetting sun in summer and eternal ice, breathing frosty freshness.

Here in the summer it can be up to +40, and in the winter it happened to minus 60. Dwarf trees "intertwine" with moss, lichen and amazing beauty of wild flowers. Here grows the symbol of Canada - the sugar maple, the leaf of which adorns the country's flag.

It was here that canoes and kayaks, matches, kerosene and zippers for clothing were born. Here you can admire the 7-ton monument, which was installed for an ax. The people worship beavers, which, along with the maple leaf, are a symbol of the country.

Group sex is officially allowed here, but it is forbidden to watch striptease while drinking alcohol while watching. Transport drivers do not give change for the ride. Therefore, it is better for thrifty passengers to stock up on small change in advance. Those who wish to write to Santa Claus should know his code - H0H 0H0.

But the primacy, as always, belongs to Russia. Foreigners associate it with bears, a hat with earflaps and endless snowy expanses.

The northernmost state in the world is Russia

The North of Russia can be safely compared with a huge museum, which stretches for thousands of kilometers under the open sky. Architecture and unique architectural monuments are surrounded by amazing nature. Silvery snow shimmers under the rays of the sun. The harsh nature gives in summer the delicate beauty of flowers and a riot of green plains. The northern lights, sparkling in the night sky, are mesmerizing with their beauty. The North of Russia is a world of contrasts, a world of light and warmth, cold and peace.

The age-old trees of the taiga hide their secrets, protecting nature from human interference. For all the time of its existence, no one has managed to walk along all its corners and paths. Only from a bird's eye view you can understand how huge and majestic it is.

The Mountain of the Dead in the northern Urals keeps the mysteries of the horror that grips people who have entered its territory. People die here for unknown reasons and planes crash, flying over its summit. This is an anomalous zone that tries to protect something that a person should not know.

The Prayer Triangle attracts tourists like a magnet. Here you can see huge black shapes appearing out of nowhere. Luminous balls and incomprehensible figures that demonstrate some unprecedented power to curious onlookers. Here is a different world, another time, which flows according to its own laws. You can come here and talk to yourself in order to understand your desires and cleanse your soul.

Rastess is a strange village where gold miners once lived. It has been empty for decades. Until now, it remains a mystery where all people disappeared. The things remained intact, even bowls of food on the tables. It seems that the wave of time has carried home, taking the hard workers into a world where gold lies at your feet and you don't have to get it by sweating your brow.

Russia is not a country of cold weather and polar bears. This is a huge mystery, the soul of which is trying to unravel not only the scientists of the world, but all of humanity. ...
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Europe is named after the heroine of the ancient Greek mythology of Europe, the Phoenician princess, abducted by Zeus and taken to the island of Crete. The origin of this name itself, as the French linguist P. Chantrain concludes, is unknown. The most popular etymological hypotheses in modern literature were proposed in antiquity (along with many others), but are controversial: One etymology interprets it from the Greek roots of Hebrew and Ops as "wide-eyed". According to the lexicographer Hesychius, the name Europia means "the country of sunset, or dark", which was defined by later linguists as "sunset".

The name Europe for a part of the world is absent in ancient Greek literature (in the Homeric hymn to Apollo the Pythian only Northern Greece is named Europe) and was first recorded in the "Description of the Earth" by Hecateus of Miletus (end of the 6th century BC), whose first book is devoted to Europe.

The ancient Greeks initially considered Europe as a separate continent, separated from Asia by the Aegean and Black seas, and from Africa by the Mediterranean Sea. Convinced that Europe is only a small part of the vast continent, which is now called Eurasia, the ancient authors began to draw the eastern border of Europe along the Don River (such ideas are already found in Polybius and Strabo). This tradition has dominated for nearly two millennia. In particular, at Mercator, the border of Europe runs along the Don, and from its source - strictly to the north to the White Sea.
In the 15th century, when Muslims were ousted from almost all of Spain, and the Byzantines from Asia (by the Turks), Europe for a short time became almost synonymous with the Christian world, but today most Christians live outside its territory. In the 19th century, almost all of the world's industry was in Europe; today, most of the products are produced outside of it. VN Tatishchev in 1720 proposed to draw the eastern border of Europe along the ridge of the Ural Mountains, and further along the Yaik River (modern Ural) up to the mouth, which flows into the Caspian Sea. Gradually, the new border became generally accepted, first in Russia, and then beyond its borders. At present, the border of Europe is drawn: in the north - along the Arctic Ocean; in the west - across the Atlantic Ocean; in the south - along the Mediterranean, Aegean, Marmara, Black seas; in the east - along the eastern foot of the Ural Mountains, the Mugodzhary mountains, along the Yaik River (modern Ural) to the Caspian Sea, from it along the Kume and Manych rivers to the mouth of the Don (or along the Caucasian ridge to the Black Sea). Europe also includes nearby islands and archipelagos.

European countries

Eastern Europe:
Belarus, Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Ukraine, Czech Republic, Slovakia

Northern Europe:
, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia,