City in Spain The capital of Aragon. Regions of Spain

Aragón - Unusually beautiful area of \u200b\u200bSpain. It is always surprising travelers and tourists by contrasts of nature: deep gorges and transparent lakes, expanses covered with greenery plains and natural sources. Aragon autonomy borders with FranceThe border passes through the central pyrenees. Aragon is the most isolated area among all the separable regions of Spain. The autonomous community is located in the north-east of the country, in the Ebro River Basin. The region includes three provinces: Teruel, Huesca and Zaragoza. The Authority Center is aragon lowland, running along the Ebro River and surrounded by Catalan, Iberian, Cantabrian and Pyrenean Mountains.

In the autonomous community Aragon a lot of areas protected by law. The characteristic features of nature are lakes, mountain rivers and sources. The calm flow of the Ebro River contrasts with stormy flows of mountain rivers. In the east, the river flows through the highest mountain Ridge Iberian system Monkayo (Moncayo). It is located Laguna de Galokanta (Laguna de Gallocanta).


Today's autonomous community Aragon occupies the same territory that the ancient kingdom of Aragon occupied in the Middle Ages.

Attractions and rest

Special interest among tourists enjoy the northern regions of Aragon in the Pyrenees. This region attracts kayakers, climbers and river descent lovers on the rafts. In addition, Aragon has gained great popularity among mountain bike lovers.

For those who want to feel the healing force thermal water The region offers a huge selection of natural sources.

The healing power of local sources was known during the time of the Romans. In the same sources, Arabs were treated, leaving after themselves thermal baths. In modern recreation complexes Aragon, visitors are offered a selection of large number Therapeutic and cosmetic procedures.

Ordes National Park (Parque Nacional Ordesa) - the oldest among national Parks Spain. The park was created in 1918 on an area of \u200b\u200b15,600 hectares. It is filled with waterfalls and green valleys. Alpine slopes are covered with orchids, wild violets and edelweiss. ORDES Park perfectly suitable for hiking tourismand for climbing in the mountains or descent on the rafts.


Saragoza city (Zaragoza) is one of the most ancient and majestic cities in Spain and the capital of Aragon's autonomy. Founded by the city of Romans in 27 BC In ancient times, he was called the "white city" due to the surrounding places of the sky. In museums and on the streets of Zaragoza, a huge historical heritage of Romans and Muslims is stored. Treasure of the Zaragoza and Pearl of Moorish Style Consider palace Alhaferia (Palacio de la Aljaferia). He was built al-Muktadir in the XI century outside the old town.

City Teruel(Teruel) is a rather kind of Aragonea city, which is perfectly embodied by Mudjar style architecture. In it, the features of Mauritan art perfectly combined with compositional techniques of gothic.

Cathedral with excellent bell tones and churches El Salvador, Saint Pedro (San Martin) are the greatest interest.

City of Wesca (Huesca) is located at the foot of Pyreneev. Tourists expect medieval buildings of indescribable beauty and natural corners. Huesca is the Economic Center of the Upper Aragon and a very lively shopping city.

Aragon is a beautiful lumpy region of Spain with picturesque landscapes affecting a sharp natural contrast. Among mountain rags Quick rivers flow, beaten thermal sources, forest green and extensive vineyards. After reconquists, in contrast to many Spanish territories, Moorish and Jewish builders remained in Aragon. Most of the local old buildings are created in Mudjar style.

The capital of the region is the city of Zaragoza (photo: Francisco Aragão)

Aragon (Aragón) is located in the middle of the Pyrenean Range. The region borders with France; Catalonia adjoins it in the East; With Castile - La Mancha and the province of Valencia, the border passes in the south; With La Riocha, Castile - Leon, Navroja he is adjacent in the West. From the south side, the region enters the Highlands, the Valley of the Ebro River is in the center, in the north Aragon rests on the Sierra de Guara and Pyrenees Ranges.

The climate of Aragon is considered moderately continental. Thanks to a variable relief in the region, several climatic zones with different average temperatures can be distinguished at various heights. In the Valley of Ebro moderately cold winters, but hot summer. Mountain areas are much colder than on the plain.

Ordesa National Park and Monte Perdido (Photo: Didier Karl)

Aragon extends in the same borders as the medieval Aragon Kingdom. His story dates back to 1035 (then the self-proclaimed kingdom was formed, the stronghold of the struggle against the Moors). In XIII-XVVV. Aragonian kings committed a series of sea conquests. A separate state with its own Aragon laws was until 1707. After the invasion of Philip V, he fell under the influence of Bourbons, survived several severe wars, was under the control of anarchists during the years Civil War. Since 1982, he became an independent autonomous community, which included the new state of Spain.

Attractions Aragon

Montearagon Castle

Loarre Castle

Monson Castle

City of Khaka.

City Ainsa

Observation on the city of Aguero

Ski resort Formigal

Montearagon Castle

Loarre Castle

Nature Park Sierra de Guara

Monson Castle

City of Khaka.

City Ainsa

Monastery San Juan de la Peña

Observation on the city of Aguero

Ski resort Formigal

Ski Resort Serler (Kerler)

To the north of the region, in the wild edges of the Sierra de Guara massif, the climbers and kayakers, fans of rafting and mountain bikes are striving. Here is the Aragon Pearl - the National Park of Ordesa (Parque Nacional D'Ordesa Y d'AS Tres Serols) - Huge natural complex With a rich fauna and unique flora, with lakes, waterfalls and impressive valley of glaciers.

The main cities of Aragon are the capital of its provinces: Saragoza, Huesca, Teruel.


Basilica de Nuera Senior del Pilar (Photo: Iurba)

Around the "White City" of Zaragoza (Zaragoza) focused balneological resorts, known from Roman times. The city keeps the heritage of Roman and Moorish culture. The largest building, preserved since the time of Maurus -, IX century. This architectural treasure of Aragon was rebuilt in a renaissance style in 1593.

To the east of Alhafferia, there is a Cathedral of the Virgin Pilar (Basilica de Nuestra Sinyora d'o Pilar). Before the construction of medieval basilica in her place was an ancient chapel, consecrated in honor of the Virgin. The Gothic-Moorish temple was built in 1293-1515. Two 90- meter towers were erected in the 20th century.

The second Cathedral of Zaragoza is nearby. La Seo, or the cathedral of the Savior Saragoza, was founded in 1140. The main facade of the Romanesque temple is made in the style of Mudjar, but in the XVIII century partially rebuilt in a baroque style.


Merry Transfiguration Cathedral (Photo: Eduardo ARASTEGUI)

The city of Huesca, the capital of the province of the same name, stands in the foothills of Pyreneev. In its surroundings there are ruins of Montearagon Castle. In the city center, at the Cathedral Square, there is a Gothic Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Lord (Catedral De Santa María), founded in the XIII century on the site of the Arab mosque. The Diocesan Museum is open in the Hall of Kapitula and Klurators of this temple.

The city of Teruel (Teruel) is decorated with magnificent mudar temples. The Cathedral of Santa Maria from Mediaville is reconstructed from the Romanesque building Arabic architect Husaf. Vaults of the cathedral are called the "Sicastine Chapel" of the Moorish style. Ceiling caissons, contrary to Islamic traditions, are painted by household and religious plots, mythical images.

In the south-west of the city there is a sample of art Midhar Gothic period - Church of St. Peter. Its interior decoration and covered gallery are created in 1896-1902. And decorated in the style of Neomtehar. In the chapel of the temple buried the legendary "Teruel in love".


Aragon Hota Aragonesa - Pair Spanish National Dance (Photo: Antonio JM)

  • April: In Aragon, a passionate week is widespread.
  • May: A few cities celebrate victory over the Moors (in Aragon, it is customary to perform a original dance with swords).
  • June: In the first week of June, ten-day Fiesta Vaquilla del Angel passes in Teruel.
  • August: In the Wesk, the festival of San Lorenzo is celebrated in the beginning of August; At the end of the summer, the International Pyrenean Folklore Festival is held in French and Spanish territories.
  • September: Teruel meets a fair with Corrida, competitions and Aragonian Hota (Hota - a unique folk dance with chants).
  • October: The largest holiday of Our Lady Pilar is celebrated everywhere, in the second week of October.


Ternasco - lamb meat (Photo: Joan Grífols)

Aragon is famous for excellent grape wines. In local cooking, the leading role belongs to vegetables. Here are perfectly prepared game and meat delicacies: The Ham of Teruel, Ternasco (Ternasco), Chieretas (Chiretas), sausages. From Moorish cuisine, local cooks inherited an abundance of spices; In French borrowed the ability to cook onion soup, snails, frog paws. There are excellent sweets; Produce delicious regional cheeses: Trondchon, Alcanis, Benabarre.

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A small county called Aragon arose between the Aragon River and her influx of Aragon Subordan in 828 and before the beginning of the XI century. It was part of the Kingdom of Navarre. However, Aragon's knelling differed in considerable cohesion and estate pride. "We, who are worthy as well as you, make you by our king and senor to protect our rights and freedoms, and if not, then no," the text oath sounded on the faithfulness that noble Aragons was brought to their kings who were chosen.

In 1118, Aragon seized the Muslims from Saragoza belonging to the Muslims. The king of Apekfonso I gave Muslims one year to leave the city, and became the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon. Queen Aragon Petronillla (1136-1173) married a count of Barcelona and thanks to this dynastic union, the Aragon Crown The Union of several states appeared, which in the XIV-XV centuries. occupied a significant part of the territory of modern Spain and South-West France, as well as several major islands in . Prisoner in 1469 in Valladolid Marriage Ferdinand II Aragonsky with Isabella I Castilskaya led to the union of the kingdom. This was the beginning of the formation of a single Spain. It was Ferdinand and Isabella who sent the expedition of Christopher Columbus in 1492 (1451-1506), which opened New World.
One of the most famous aragon natives is an artist Francisco Goya (1746-1828). His native village Fuendeodos is just an hour away from Zaragoza. If you get acquainted with Aragon closer, you will understand that only here it could be born as temperamental and proud genius, which Goya was.
On the romance of Aragonev, you can speak infinitely. Here in the city of Teruel, in the Church of San Pedro, there is one of the most visited tourists of the Mausoleum Mausoleum Mausoleo de Los Amatez. Here, the "Teeruel Lovers" Isabel de Segura and Juan Diego de Marcilla, who lived in the XIII century, were buried. The parents of Isabel refused to marry a daughter for the poor Diego, but agreed to wait five years that the young man could get rich, - and in five years he returned to native city rich. But ... late for just one day - Isabel was married. Diego died at her legs, and the next day after his funeral she died. Citizens, touched by this story, decided to bury lovers together.
Another "brand" Aragon - the dance-song of Hot, who originated here at about the XVIII century. And already in the XIX century. Russian composer Mikhail Glinka (1804-1857) visited Spain and wrote Aragonian Hotu (1845).
Aragon is preserved. True, at the present Aragon in Aragon today, no more than 30,000 people speak. After the association of Aragon and Castile, the Castilian version of the Spanish language quickly became the language of the Aragon Aristocracy, and the emerging in the VII-VIII centuries. From the People's Latin, Aragon was pushed back to the periphery. The revival and preservation of the Aragon language began in the XX century.

general information

Aragon, autonomous community as part of the Kingdom of Spain.
Form of government: a constitutional monarchy.
Administrative and territorial division: 3 provinces - Zaragoza, Wesk and Teruel.
Capital: Saragoza, 701,090 people. (2010).
Ethnic composition: Aragons, Catalans, Basic, French, other nationalities.
Language: Spanish (Castilian Aragon, Catalan).
Religion: Catholicism, Islam, other religions.
Currency unit: Euro.
Largest cities: Zaragoza, Huesca, Teruel.
The most important airports: Airport Zaragoza.
The largest rivers: , Arba, Aragon, Galje, Mother, Alcanadres, Halon, Warva, Guadelvoe.
The largest lakes: VDH. ECA, VDPH. Canese, VDPH. Mekainens.
Neighbouring countries: France also borders with autonomous communities of Castile - La Mancha, Castile and Leon, Catalonia, La Rioja, Navarre and Valencia.


Area: 47,719 km 2.
Population: 1 269 027 people.
Population density: 26.6 people / km 2.
The highest point: Peak Aneto, 3404 m.

Climate and weather

Intermediate between the Mediterranean and Continental, the temperature is largely dependent on the height above sea level.
The coldest areas are in the Pyrenees.
The average temperature of January: + 6.3ºС. July - + 24.5ºС.
The average annual amount of precipitation: 317 mm (Zaragoza)


■ GDP per capita exceeds the average in Spain.
■ Developed agriculture, wheat growing, barley, winemaking, animal husbandry.
■ Food industry, mechanical engineering, electronic industry, iron ore and coal mining, aluminum, hydroelectric energy, chemical industry.
■ Services: exhibition activities, tourism.


Zaragoza: Cathedral Cedral de San Salvador, Basilica Nourera-Senora del Chilar, Museum of Form-de Caesaragusta, Museum of Tuerto-Flue-de-Ceerauigsta, Exchange Museum, Iberket Museum, Saragoza History Center, Roman Theater Ruins - San Pedro, Saragoza Museum, Pablo Gargalo Museum. Palace Argilo, Alcleery Palace, Casco Viejo Museum, Santiago Church, Facetas Monastery, Pilarist Museum, Museum of Religious Art Sacristian Major, Kondes de Morata Palace;
■ City of Sosher-del Rey Catholic;
■ Wine Museum in Karinen;
■ WESK; Old Town (Casco Viejo), Cathedral, Museum of Diosoano, Huesca Museum, Loarr Castle;
■ Alkesear town.
Teruel: Historic part of the city, Cathedral of La Cedral de Santa Maria de Mediaville, Bell Torre de San Martin, La Escalida Stairs, Church of Iglesia de San Ledrock, Torre de San Salvador. Aqueduct Los Arkos, Gothic Church of San Francisco, Castillo de Alambes Castle, Palace-Episkopal Palace (Museum of Church Art), Museum of Teruel, Musoleo de Los Amatez.
■ Ordes-Monte-Perdido National Park.

Curious facts

■ Saragosa, many consider the "Spanish" city of Spain. And this city was founded in 24 g. e. Romans called Caesaria Augusta. Zaragoza is a distorted ancient name once a Roman city, from which a lot of picturesque ruins remained.
■ The famous Aragon Cheese "Keso de Tronchon", which is made from a mixture of sheep and goat milk, is mentioned in the "Encyclopedia of Spanish Life" - the novel "Don Quixote".

Alpine valleys covered with snow vertices, transparent lakes and deep gorges, the terrace of the former royal capital Zaragoza, Zub knight's castles In the remote area of \u200b\u200bMaestrasgo - this is exactly what the Motherland of the Great Goya, the most unclosed part of Spain, is the autonomous community.

Among the isolated areas of Spain, the autonomous community is the most separate. It is located in the north-east of the country in the River Erbo Pool. The center of the autonomous community Aragon - Aragon lowland, surrounded by Cantabrian, Iberian and Catalan Mountains. Central Pyrenees cut off Aragon from France.

One of the characteristic natural peculiarities of Aragon is mountain rivers and lakes, healing natural sources. Stormy mountain streams contrast with a calm River ERBO, which in the east flows through the highest mountain row of the Iberian system - Monkayo.

Aragon is one of the centers of the Spanish culture of the Middle Ages, and from the glorious past he got a huge number of architectural monuments, castles and churches. Business card of the autonomous community Aragon - Hot (jota. ), Song and at the same time dance. Hot appeared in Aragon inXVIII A century and since then no local platform is done without this rhythmic and incendiary melody.

The autonomous community of Aragon includes three provinces: Saragosu, UES and Teruel. In general, this is the most unclosed part of Spain between Pyrenees and Resa.

Zaragoza - the largest province of Aragon. More than half of all of its inhabitants live here. The city with the same name occupies the sixth place among major cities Spain. In modern Saragosa, over 600 thousand people live.

The administrative center of the WESKA province has 50 thousand inhabitants and is the Economic Center of the Upper Aragon. The city of Wesca was founded by the Iberians, then he was knitted by the Romans, the Romans were changed here by the Arabs, whose dominion of WESK was released already in 1096. Today is a shopping city, but it has a small university.

The city of Teruel is rightfully considered to be pearls of Mudjara art. Moorish architects who enjoyed special rights continued to work in Terwell until 1502, when the last mosque was closed.

The area of \u200b\u200bparticular interest for tourists is located in the north of Aragon in the Pyrenees. It is especially attractive for climbers and rafting lovers, it is very popular with lovers of mountain bikes and riding fans on mountain Ski.oh.

Natural sources of healing thermal waters make Aragon by the pilgrimage site of those who want to correct and strengthen their health by applying water procedures. The healing power of local waters was known to the Ancient Romans, did not disappear with such treatment and the Arabs. Since then, thermal baths have been preserved here, and the modern recreation complexes of Aragon offer their guests a wide range of therapeutic and cosmetic procedures based on therapeutic water.

and with several neighboring regions of the country. The area is located on the territory of the Pyrenean Peninsula and occupies most of the Aragonian plain, possessing fabulous natural landscapes, with an abundance of rivers and lakes, dry steppes, mountainous arrays, as well as deciduous and coniferous forests.


The Aragon includes 3 provinces: Zaragoza, Teruel and Huesca. Each of them is divided into areas that include several cities. The foundation of the region's economy is agriculture, sugar, oil, flourishing, metalworking and chemical industry, as well as winemaking and aluminum production. Considerable income to the regional budget brings tourism. Possessing chic natural landscapes and excellent sports opportunities, Aragon primarily attracts attention from climbers, alpine ski fans and people who come here for rest and treatment in local balneological centers. However, beautiful cities northeast of Spain, with well developed tourist infrastructure, also serve as an excellent reason to get acquainted with the history of this part of the country, as well as assess the charm and grace of its architecture. This highlight of these places is "HOT", which is a dance and musical genre in the form of a theatrical act, symbolizing the hot spanish temperament. Culinary traditions of the region and its magnificent wines prepared from grapes growing in picturesque plantations surrounded by majestic mountain peaks are worthless attention.

general information

The territory of Aragon occupies an area of \u200b\u200bjust less than 48,000 square meters. km, and the population is about 1 million 300 thousand people. At the same time, almost half of the inhabitants are represented by the province of Saragoza and most of them speak their native to Spain Castilian. The local time Looms from Moscow for 1 hour and 2 in the winter. Time Zone UTC + 1 and UTC + 2 in the summer season. Official site

Brief excursion in history

People appeared on these lands long before our era, however, the name of the region in documentary reports is first mentioned only in the 828th year, when the Frank County was formed here, which was part of the Kingdom of Navarre. In the first half of the XI century, Aragon acquires independence, and then nearby territories are joined. During the war for the Spanish legacy, Aragon spoke on the side of the Ertzgerce Karl, and at the end of the battle under Almanca, in 1707, actually turned into a province divided into several districts. At the end of the XIX century, after the second territorial reform, Saragoza, Teruel and Huesca, and the century later, in 1982, were made in Spain on the territory of Aragon.


On the weather conditions of the region, in different areas, the Mediterranean and continental climate is significantly affected. The average annual temperature directly depends on the height above sea level, although the total number sunny days Great enough. So in the Ebro Valley, the thermometer column can rise to +40 in the summer and descend almost to 0 in winter. In more high pointsThe temperature is below an average of 10 degrees. You can come here at any time of the year, depending on the purpose of the trip, because in the winter and in the summer months, the region welcomes guests.

How to get

Bigger international Airport Aragon, is 10 km from. Wesca-Pyrineos Airport, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe capital of the Wesca Province and the Santa Sita Airfod, near the city of Khaki, which carries out private and tourist flights to a small distance.


Land moving through the region is carried out using railway and intercity buses. And the same network is well developed, so there are usually problems with transfers in tourists, as a rule, does not occur. In addition, there is always the opportunity to take advantage of taxi services or rent a car in any of the rental points.

Main cities and resorts

The role of the capital of the region acts, which is also an administrative center of the province of the same name. The city is located on the banks of the Ebro River and is considered the fifth largest in Spain. His architectural appearance, with an abundance of buildings made in the style of Mudjar, makes admire even those who visited the tourists, and the natural park of close proximity to the city feature, many plants of which are listed in the Red Book, serves as an excellent place for walking and enjoying the natural beauty of the edge. Among the rocky mountain ranges is the city of Teruel, attracting guests with its elegant architecture and a variety of natural landscapes. At the very foot of the Pyrenees Mountains there is another provincial capital, Huesca, which has a rich cultural and historical heritage. The old town of Khaka, in addition to its unique attractions, famous for the winter sports, and Barbastro, where the outstanding Writers of the Golden Age of Spanish Literature were born, deserve special attention. Many popular khaki begins tourist routesleading to the protected areas of the Ordes National Park, with its valleys, mountains and waterfalls, as well as to Mount Mountain Perdiro.

Among winter resorts Region stand out ski centers Aragonian Pyrenees, including such famous ski centers such as Astun, Bow-Taul, Bakeyra-takes and Kandanchu. All of them are distinguished by the developed infrastructure and excellent conditions for riding, including beautiful tracks equipped with modern lifts and convenient transport traffic. In addition, this area is famous for excellent. weather conditions And the abundance of sunny days throughout the winter season. Most of the balneological centers of the region focuses in the province of Saragoza, although they are both in Teruel and in Weske. They are characterized by high quality service, qualified personnel and effective year-round treatment, accompanied by sports and saturated excursion program. In the summer, numerous climbers and connoisseurs of natural beauty are tightened in Aragon.

Attractions and entertainment

In addition to the most beautiful natural landscapes, Aragon has a mass of unique architectural structures that can be seen in various cities of the region. Historical Center In Zaragoza Casco Vieho, with his baroque basilica Nourera Señora del Pilar and the Moorish Palace of Alkhafteria, the famous monastery of San Juan de la Peña, located on the way to Santiago de Compostela, Church of the Transfiguration of the Lord and the Monastery of St. Peter in Weske, Cathedral Saint Mary from mediaville in Terwell, are only a small part of the architectural splendor to which Aragon is rich. For amateurs of active pastime, a great reason to get acquainted with the natural attractions of the region, serves a trip to the Mountains of Sierra de Guara, where wonderful national Park, with rare on the beauty of terrain reliefs and excellent opportunities for rafting and canyoning. In addition, there are specially equipped cycling trails, as well as routes for climbers and fans of the skiing. During the year, all sorts of festive events and festivals are held in many cities of the region, who invariably collect a huge number of people.


Aragon cuisine is a mixture of the traditions of the northern regions of Spain and the Mediterranean East. An important place in the preparation of dishes here is occupied by vegetable cultures such as tomatoes, onions, cucumbers, artichokes and other vegetables. Spices are often used, like basilica, anise, saffron, cinnamon, cloves and peppers. Among meat works are the most popular dishes from meat hare and partridges. Special attention should be paid to the ham theruel and cheese Trondchon, which is prepared from sheep milk. Local soups, including garlic and onions, having a unique flavoring tint, are very remarkable. Of the sweets, it is worth highlighting the candied with black chocolate, grill and all sorts of desserts prepared from fruit. As beverages, the wines of Somotano, Karinyen, Borch and Calatayud are enjoyed here.


The most successful cities for shopping lovers are provincial capitals, Zaragoza, Teruel and Wesk. It is in them that the main shopping complexes, shops, markets and boutiques are concentrated, where you can buy products for every taste, from clothes and cosmetics to mobile phones and memorable souvenirs, depicting the most famous landmarks.

Aragon is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in . Here you can have a great time, enjoying the beauty of wildlife, traveling through the territory of national parks, to experience all the advantages of winter sports, see unique architectural structures, penetrate the wonderful atmosphere of these places, and also know the culture and traditions of the Spanish North.