Beautiful places in Asia. Asia: attractions and interesting places

1. Gujarat, India

The country's largest producer of cotton and salt, Gujarat is the birthplace of Mahatma Gandhi. In 2005 and 2006, heavy monsoons caused severe flooding that killed more than 1,000 people, severely damaged infrastructure and Agriculture. Scientists expect the rapidly changing climate to lead to increasingly unpredictable monsoon rainfall and flooding.

2. Maldives, Indian Ocean

The Maldives consists of 1,200 tropical islands, with snow-white beaches, swaying palm trees and brightly colored coral reefs. The Republic of Maldives extends over 600 miles. According to UN reports, by 2100 sea levels will rise by 59 centimeters. In this case, the chain of 1,200 islands and coral atolls 800 kilometers from the tip of India will be partially submerged, since most of the Maldives lies only one and a half meters above sea level (the highest high point in the state - 2.4 meters above sea level). Even a slight rise in sea level could lead to the destruction of some of the islands.

3. Bangkok, Thailand

Bangkok is a tropical capital where the traditional East meets the modernity of the West. This city constantly experiences floods, especially during the monsoon season. The city, standing on a soft foundation, is densely populated and is constantly subsiding due to excessive pumping of groundwater. There are fears that much of Bangkok could be underwater by the end of this century.

4. Cherrapunji, India

Covered in clouds and surrounded by waterfalls, Cherrapunji is one of the wettest places on Earth. Paradoxically, its residents face water shortages, since there is no rain here for 8 months. Rainfall has declined over the past century, and erosion from deforestation is limiting the land's ability to store rainwater.

5. Komodo, Indonesia

The marine environment of Komodo Island is the best part diving in the world thanks to its spectacular aquatic life and coral reefs. The island is also home to Komodo dragons (lizards), which grow up to 10 feet long. Rising sea levels threaten to drown mangrove forests and beaches, while rising acidity levels and rising air temperatures could eventually kill corals.

6. Mount Al Makmal, Lebanon

Once upon a time, the plains and mountains of Lebanon were densely covered with majestic cedar trees. Today, the remains of huge forests are found on the high slopes of Mount Al-Makmal in northern Lebanon. The last ancient cedars face serious threat from rising temperatures.

7. Ganges River, Bangladesh

Nutrients from two big rivers The Ganges and Brahmaputras feed the soil in the low-lying Ganges delta. Approximately 300 million people depend on crops produced here. The Ganges basin is the largest in area in South Asia. Although the Ganges is smaller in length than the Indus and Brahmaputra, it surpasses them in the size of its basin, which occupies an area of ​​1,060,000 km², and together with the Brahmaputra basin, with which the Ganges forms a common delta, 1,643,000 km². Climate change may increase rainfall and cause more frequent floods and monsoons.

8. Tokyo

Tokyo is one of the most big capitals in the world. This city suffers from a phenomenon known as "burning islands" - a feature of megacities in which artificially created and heat from car exhaust and factory emissions creates a local greenhouse effect. If global temperatures continue to rise, high temperatures in Tokyo will continue to increase.

9. Mergui Archipelago, Burma

The open seas and white coral reefs are home to some of the world's last surviving nomadic sea hunter-gatherers. Their existence is threatened by changes in ocean currents and rising sea temperatures, which also threaten the entire reef ecosystem.

10. Borneo, Indonesia

Many of the world's remaining wild orangutans live in the rainforests of Borneo. But these rainforests are being deprived of trees by clearing forests for road construction and palm oil plantations. Rising temperatures reduce the abundance of fruit and increase the incidence of malaria and the risk of forest fires.

The most Beautiful places Central Asia that are worth watching.

Issyk-Kul (Kyrgyzstan)

The salty alpine lake nestles in the Tien Shan mountains at an altitude of 1609 m above sea level and is one of the six deepest lakes in the world. Its length is 182 km and is equal to the distance from Kyiv to Cherkassy. That is why Issyk-Kul is often called a sea and not a lake. Around it you can find a significant number of small salt lakes, geysers, springs - and all this among the high Central Asian mountains with snowy peaks. This magnificence attracts a huge number of tourists all year round.

In summer and autumn, families with children and young couples come to Issyk-Kul to relax on the beach, horseback riding, camels, kayaking in the canyons and hiking in the mountains. Since the lake is huge, even the most experienced tourist can find entertainment here.

During the cold season, Issyk-Kul and its surroundings attract seasoned travelers. At this time, mountaineering, rafting, cross-country motorcycle racing, rallying and cycling tourism flourish here.

will cost $150 one way.

A bus from Bishkek to the town of Cholpon-Ata, which is the most tourist settlement in Issyk-Kul, will cost up to $5. Distance - 260 km, travel time - 4 hours. The road will pass through the mountains and the Boom Gorge. Pleasure from the view outside the window is guaranteed.

There are plenty of accommodation options in Bishkek. You can feel like a real nomad and live in a yurt for just $8 per day. The hostel will cost from $10 per night for Double Room. The upper limit of the price is beyond $2,500 for a room in a luxury hotel.

Lunch in a regular cafe in Bishkek will cost $2-3 per person. IN resort area lunches are a little more expensive - $3-4 dollars.

Issyk-Ata (Kyrgyzstan)

One of the oldest high-mountain resorts in Central Asia, operating since the 19th century. He was popular both among the Russian nobility and Europeans. Located at an altitude of 1775 meters above sea level. Its main advantage is the hot springs, in the pools of which the temperature remains above 30°C even in winter. The complex is located just 80 km from Bishkek.

This type of holiday is suitable for people who want to escape the bustle of the city and live for a week in the mountains, alone with wild nature.

A taxi from the capital to Issyk-Ata costs about $10. You can also go by bus or minibus. Their cost varies between $4-5, depending on the time of travel. Cheaper during the day, a little more expensive in the evening.

As for accommodation, you can, for example, rent an apartment from local residents. It will cost $2-3 per room per night. You can also stay in a hotel or sanatorium buildings. A hotel will cost $10-12 per day for a double room, and a room in a sanatorium will cost $5-20, depending on the level of comfort.

The cost of lunch in local cafes is the same as in other cafes resort places Kyrgyzstan - $3-4 per person.

Tien Shan Mountains

This type of holiday is intended for experienced travelers with great experience hiking and good health. The Tien Shan is perhaps one of the most underrated mountain systems in the entire world. This happened due to its remoteness from the main tourist routes. But it is worth noting that here is one of the highest peaks in the world - Pobeda Peak, whose height is 7,439 meters above sea level. The average height of the entire mountain complex is more than 3,000 meters (approximately the same as three Goverly). The main beauties of the Tien Shan are located on the border with China, so you will have the opportunity to “cast” your gaze beyond the border of Tibet.

When going to the mountains on foot or by bike, you need to stock up on warm clothes, food and water; it is quite possible that during the two days of the journey you will not meet a single person - just you, the mountains and the blue sky.

Last locality on your way to the Tien Shan there will be the town of Enilchek, whose population is only a few dozen people. Unfortunately, public transport doesn’t go there, so you’ll have to rely on your own strength.

If there are two options: renting a car or flying by helicopter. The rental price for a Mazda 3, for example, will cost $15 per day, Land Rover - $35-40. The distance from Bishkek to the city of Enilchek is 550 km, but since the road goes through the mountains, we recommend spending the night in the town of Karakol, which is 140 km from the destination, and moving on early in the morning with a good mood.

The second option is a helicopter flight. The cost of this pleasure will cost $500 per person. It includes a transfer from Bishkek to a helipad in the mountains, a flight to the Enilchek base camp, lunch, a walk and a return trip with an overnight stay in the mountains. We recommend booking tours in advance, because there are plenty of people willing, but there are not many helicopters due to the insufficiently developed infrastructure of this region.

Accommodation in Karakol and Enilchek will cost from $9-10 per person, lunch - $3-4.

Almaty (Kazakhstan)

Almaty, Almaty, Almaty. Until now, no one knows what to call this city correctly. The Russian-speaking population calls it in their own way, the Kazakhs and Kyrgyz - in their own. Representatives of many nationalities, nationalities and language groups, Russian and Eastern cultures, and Orthodox churches They stand next to mosques, and all the inscriptions are dubbed into Russian. Alma-Ata is also called the city of oil workers, so you will find such a number of luxury cars as here only in United Arab Emirates. And then you can see a Lamborghini next to a donkey cart, and this won’t really surprise anyone. The architecture here is bizarre, because it combines elements of the architecture of Tsarist Russia, China and the countries of the East. Now the city has become the capital of the Central Asian region, people come here from Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan - to work, study or just as tourists. Everything about it is very interesting and exciting.

- from $240.

Hotel accommodation in Almaty starts from $8 for a double room and ends at $2,500 for luxury rooms.

The cost of lunch is slightly higher than in Kyrgyzstan, so a standard lunch will cost $4-5.

Medeu (Kazakhstan)

Near Almaty there is a unique sports complex at an altitude of 1691 m above sea level. It is the world's largest mountain complex for winter species sports. The ice field alone covers an area of ​​10.5 thousand square meters. m. For eight months, except for the period from May to September, here you can ski, skate, and feel like an Olympic champion.

From Almaty to Medeu it is only 15 km. You can get there by shuttle bus or taxi. The cost of the bus is $2, taxi - $6.

Near Medeu there is also the Chimbulak mountain resort, where you can rent a room and spend the night after skiing and other winter activities. The cost of accommodation at Chimbulak is $10-50, depending on the room and meals.

The most interesting and useful !


If you want to receive unforgettable experience, visit Asia. You will be able to see very beautiful places and landscapes. Experience different cultures and historical sites. To feel the uniqueness of Asia, visit several different countries, each of which has its own personality.


Türkiye will enchant you not only wonderful holiday on the beach. You should definitely visit the Blue Mosque, the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, and the Museum in Halicarnassus. There are many in Turkey natural phenomena and nature reserves. Traditional Turkish clothing is still preserved in remote villages, and modern Türkiye is quite practical in clothing.


The ancient Indian trade route passed through Kathmandu. Therefore, such a combination of architectural and religious traditions is difficult to find in other places. The most popular Durbar Square.


The beautiful and fantastic island of Bali. Magnificent beauty of nature and architecture, rich local culture and vivid impressions. Visit Bali Barak Park, considered a version of heaven on earth, and the village of Butubulan with its stone carvings.


Be sure to see Bangkok. Here is the largest concentration of Buddha statues and temples. You can take part in a safari, visit Coral Islands or Snake Farm.


Be sure to visit India, a country with a rich culture and varied cuisine. A visit to the Taj Mahal will not leave you indifferent; you will be enchanted by the boat ride down the Ganges River, the nature of India, amazing architecture and ancient ruins.


Modern China amazes with skyscrapers and ancient temples. Visit the symbol of China's power - the Great Wall of China, the palace complex in Beijing "Forbidden City", Shaolin Monastery. The natural beauty of China can be appreciated on a popular Yangtze River cruise.


Imperial Palace, museums, parks and gardens. All this is in unusual city Tokyo. A combination of the past and technical progress, mysterious Japan combines all this.

Sri Lanka

Elephant nursery in Pinnawela and Royal Botanical Garden in Paradeniya. Mountain resort, beautiful beaches and amazing underwater world.


Extraordinary temple complexes in the shape of a lotus, floating villages and impenetrable jungles, all this combines in the small kingdom of Cambodia.

South Korea

Beautiful nature, combined with historical monuments And modern world. Don't ignore " Korean village"and Everland Park.

When it comes to Asian cities, tourists often change their allegiances. This year's list best cities Asia is heavily reliant on ancient traditional capitals and tropical resort cities rather than the redundant futuristic super-cities that have often dominated rankings in the past. Tourists rate cities on their attractions, culture, cuisine, friendliness, shopping and overall value.

Tourists favor the Thai city of Chiang Mai, which topped the list of Asia's best cities for the second year in a row, for its quirkiness, often contrasting with the more crowded Bangkok. It's not that tourists don't love Bangkok.

“Chiang Mai was one of the most humbling and amazing cities I visited in Thailand,” a tourist once said. “I swam with elephants, ate endless street food, explored temples and even fell in love with a stranger.”

Several other contenders for best city V South-East Asia have earned praise for their cultural events and the friendliness of the locals. Luang Prabang in Laos, famous for its 24 UNESCO World Heritage-listed temples, has been described as a "phenomenal", "incredibly spiritual" and "peaceful" city in Asia.

High inland on the island of Bali, the Asian city of Ubud is favored by those who enjoy art and reflection rather than beaches and parties.

In addition, Thimphu, the capital of the kingdom of Bhutan, reflects the growing interest of travelers in this tiny nation in the Himalayas.

TOP 10 best cities in Asia:

10. Thimphu, Bhutan

9. Tokyo, Japan

8. Bangkok, Thailand

7. Udaipur, India

6. Siem Reap, Cambodia

5. Luang Prabang, Laos

4. Ubud, Indonesia

3. Hoi An, Vietnam

2. Kyoto, Japan

1. Chiang Mai, Thailand

As visitors to Thailand increasinglydareare beingrestoutside of Bangkok and the beaches, they discovered the delights of thisledawesome, a small traditional Asian city in the northern part of the country. Tourists have discovered all its delights such asmajestic temples, street food, crazy tuk tuk rides, lively night markets.

Thank you for reading the article “Top 10 Best Cities in Asia”.. See you soon. Your secrets in your ear!

  • hostel bed with good location or an inexpensive hotel;
  • three budget meals a day;
  • 2 trips on public transport;
  • dessert with cappuccino in a cafe (or something else to pamper yourself);
  • 1 paid entrance to the museum and the like.

10. Yangon, Myanmar

Yangon, which was the capital until 2005, still remains the country's main economic center. The first thing that catches your attention is the Shwedagon Pagoda, a symbol of Buddhist spirituality and one of the most famous buildings in Myanmar. But that's not all. With its colonial buildings, Hindu temples, bustling shops and amazing cuisine, Yangon takes pride of place among Asia's budget cities. 1 day stay in Yangon will cost $22.19

9. New Delhi, India

Traveling to New Delhi is a mixture of stories, chaos, color and diversity. And you are unlikely to ever forget it. You can spend a month exploring the Mughal memorabilia, mosques, forts and monuments. The Red Fort in Delhi is world heritage. It is one of the most famous buildings in all of India. Be sure to visit the bazaars, where there are many stalls with sweets, spices and beautiful fabrics, and in the evening you can go to one of the Bollywood clubs in New Delhi. 1 day stay in New Delhi will cost $21.32

8. Goa, India

India as a whole is a good destination for budget tourists. But if you dream of relaxing on the beach, then Goa is for you. Admittedly, this is not a city, but small state on west coast Indian Peninsula. However, this is where you can spend the most cheap holiday in your life. The only dilemma that will accompany you is the choice of beach. If you want to take a break from the noise, go to Agonda. If you dream of endless parties, Anjuna will be the perfect choice. 1 day stay in Goa will cost $21.17

7. Manila, Philippines

Of course there are more in the Philippines interesting cities than the capital. And usually Manila is just a stopover on the way for travelers. However, you can have a good day or two here and not worry about your budget. 1 day stay in Manila will cost $20.76

6. Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

The former Saigon is an "explosive mixture" of shops, restaurants, museums, nightclubs and bustling markets. Rent a dragon-shaped boat and cruise down the river to enjoy the sunset. Explore the city by scooter and end the day with a cocktail at one of the many rooftop bars. 1 day stay in Ho Chi Minh City will cost $20.45

5. Hoi An, Vietnam

This is a city that is surrounded by rice fields and located on the banks of the Thu Bon River. It is rightfully one of the most beautiful and cheapest cities in Vietnam. Hoi An will enchant you with its intertwined narrow streets, where you can find restaurants famous for their cuisine, tea houses, temples, galleries and shops. The most popular places here is the Japanese Bridge and Quan Kong Temple. And the prices in Hoaine are very reasonable. 1 day stay will cost $20.12

4. Chiang Mai, Thailand

In Thailand it is called the “capital of the North”. Chiang Mai is an essential stopover in the region, as well as a destination for those seeking a break from the hustle and bustle of Bangkok or the busy bustling Patong Beach. Filled with ancient temples, the city is less crowded and slightly cheaper than Bangkok, making it a popular choice for expats and freelancers. 1 day stay in Chiang Mai will cost 20 $

3. Vientiane, Laos

About this small Asian country very often forgotten. But those who do decide to visit Laos will be rewarded with the opportunity to immerse themselves in stunning culture and take advantage low prices. Vientiane will captivate you with its comfort and provincial atmosphere. With monuments, museums and temples along the Mekong River, this city is ideal for relaxing and exploring something new. 1 day stay in Vientiane will cost $19.50

2. Pokhara, Nepal

If you dream of adventure among beautiful nature, then Pokhara is the place for you. It is one of the main tourist hubs in Nepal and the starting point for many wonderful hiking trails. Surrounded by the mighty Annapurna Range, Pokhara offers many opportunities for... active rest: Hiking, swimming, cycling or paragliding. The best thing about this is that, considering the price, you can try everything and not go bankrupt. 1 day stay in Pokhara will cost $19.12

1. Hanoi, Vietnam

This is not only the most cheap city Asia, but also one of the most highly rated by tourists. Hanoi offers a unique combination of French charm and Asian buzz. Despite the repeated devastation in the capital of Vietnam, there are still many attractions, especially in the old city. At the same time, modern amenities can be found there. They add charm to the city's lakes, parks, tree-lined boulevards, and 600 temples. In addition, we can’t forget about delicious food - it’s worth trying local cuisine in inexpensive cafes and restaurants. 1 day stay in Hanoi will cost $18.23