What time is it in Thailand. What time is it in Thailand right now? Tips from seasoned travelers

Are you going on holiday to Thailand for the first time? Tickets booked, hotel booked, bags packed? Do not miss another important and necessary information - the exact time in Thailand. After all, there you have to live in local time.

Time in Thailand now:

Time difference from Thailand:

  • Moscow, St. Petersburg: +4 hours.
  • Kyiv: +5 hours
  • Minsk: +4 hours
  • Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk: the same
  • Yekaterinburg: + 2 hours.
  • Irkutsk: - 1 hour.
  • Vladivostok, Khabarovsk: - 3 hours.
  • Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Magadan: - 3 hours.

*The time difference is indicated without daylight saving time.

To begin with, it is worth remembering that the globe is divided into time zones. And the time is counted from the zero Greenwich meridian. Greenwich Mean Time is commonly referred to as GMT. If your hometown time, for example, is GMT+5, it means that your local time is 5 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time. You can also see this designation: UTC +5.

In this case, UTC is derived from GMT and is used to indicate the time in those territories where there is no time change to winter-summer.

In Thailand, too, there is no seasonal time change. Therefore Thai time is always constant: UTC+7. The entire territory of the state is located in the same time zone, so there is no time difference between different cities and islands of Thailand. Next step : you need to find out what time zone your hometown is in.

Consider the definition of the time difference with Thailand on the example of Moscow. We take into account that Moscow is located in the third time zone, and the time is not translated here, which means that it will be designated as UTC + 3.

We find the difference between UTC + 7 and UTC + 3, it equals four. This means that when the Kremlin chimes strike midnight, it is already 4 am in Thailand. Therefore, before you call your friends at home and talk about your vacation in the "land of smiles", remember the time difference.

The CIS countries are in different time zones, moreover, the territories of some countries are located in several time zones at once, and in some states the clock hands are also translated twice a year. Therefore, following the proposed algorithm, you should determine what is the time difference between your city and Thailand. And then calculate what time it is in Thailand at the moment.

Experienced travelers share their experience:

  • Remember, when making non-direct flights through other countries, the local time is indicated on the tickets. Upon arrival, you can always compare hours on the online scoreboard at the airport.
  • If you arrive at , be aware that banks and other institutions will be closed, and the day off will be moved to Monday (if the holiday falls on a weekend).
  • And one more thing: in Thailand there is a time when neither alcohol nor beer is sold in the country - these are public holidays.

Thailand is a place of pilgrimage for Russians who want to relax under the hot scorching sun and plunge into the gentle turquoise waters of the Andaman Sea. The tropical island of Phuket has gained particular popularity. It is ideal for families with children looking for a relaxing holiday and for surfers chasing high waves.

What attracts tourists to Phuket?

The largest welcomes tourists from all over the world. The total area of ​​the island is about five hundred and forty-three square kilometers. White-sand beaches encircle Phuket along the entire perimeter, and the highest point is Twelve Reeds Peak, which is visible from anywhere on the island.

You can relax in Phuket all year round. Despite the fact that on the island, as in all of Thailand, there are only two seasons - dry and rainy seasons, the tourist flow never stops. In the hottest period - from March to October - the season of high waves begins, and the beaches are filled with companies of surfers. In the high season - from November to February - lovers of basking in the sun tend to Phuket.

Phuket is located at a distance of nine and a half thousand kilometers from Moscow, the flight lasts about nine hours. Neither the impressive distance nor the long flight reduces the interest of tourists to the island. According to major Moscow travel agencies, the most popular tourist route from November to March is Moscow-Phuket. The time difference between these two points is insignificant and does not bother tourists. Many do not even notice the change in the time zone after the flight. Usually this moment excites mothers with small children, who always feel the transition to a new time zone.

Phuket will give everyone just an unforgettable experience. Sea excursions will discover the beauty of historical monuments, envelop the tourist in the magic of ancient culture, and numerous shopping centers will increase the weight of your luggage by several kilograms.

Moscow-Phuket time difference

Same time throughout Thailand. Wherever you are - in Pattaya, Koh Samui, or just arrived in Bangkok on a Moscow-Phuket transit flight - the time difference with the capital of our country will be four hours. Thailand, like many Asian countries, is in the UTC + 7 hours time zone. This reduces the adaptation period after the flight and makes the rest on the island comfortable.

If you have never been to Thailand and are only going to buy a ticket for a Moscow-Phuket flight, the time difference should not bother you. Believe me, the beauty of this delightful island will very quickly overshadow all the minor difficulties associated with the flight.

Going on vacation to Thailand, tourists need not only to pack a suitcase, but also to study useful information about the country that may be useful to them on vacation. Travelers should definitely look at the time in Thailand and find out what time difference Thai resorts have with their region of residence. Such information will help vacationers plan their schedule and not be late anywhere in a foreign country.

Brief information

The entire territory of Thailand (Phuket, Pattaya, Koh Samui, etc.) is located in the same time zone, so the time in all the island and mainland resorts of this country will always be the same. The time zone of the Thai kingdom is UTC +7 (7 hours ahead of the zero Greenwich meridian), while the Thais do not set their clocks for winter or summer. Due to this, the time difference with Thailand in Russia will be the same regardless of the month on the calendar.

Thailand and Moscow

Residents of our capital will be interested to know what is the time difference between Moscow and Thailand. Moscow is located in the UTC +3 time zone, so it is always 4 hours behind than in the Thai kingdom. To find out what time it is now in Thai resorts, Muscovites simply need to add 4 hours to their present time: if it is 8 am in Moscow, then it will be 12 am in Thailand, and so on.

Thailand and regions of Russia

Russians living outside of Moscow and planning to visit Thailand in 2017 are interested in the time difference in this Asian country and the city where they live. Our country has a large length and is located in several time zones, so the time in different regions of Russia differs from Thai in different ways:

  • St. Petersburg, just like Moscow, is 4 hours behind Thailand;
  • in Kaliningrad less than in the Thai kingdom by 5 hours, in Samara and Izhevsk - by 3 hours, in Yekaterinburg and Chelyabinsk - by 2 hours, in Omsk - by 1 hour;
  • Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk live in the same time zone as Thailand, so the inhabitants of these Russian regions have no time difference with the Thais;
  • in Irkutsk 1 hour more than in Thai resorts, in Chita and Blagoveshchensk - 2 hours more, in Vladivostok and Magadan - 3 hours more, in Kamchatka - 5 hours more.

Where to look?

In those years when there was no Internet, it was possible to find out what time it was in a particular country using geographical atlases, where time zones are usually indicated. Today, a Russian who plans to fly on vacation to Phuket, Koh Samui or another resort does not need to independently calculate the difference between Thai and Russian time zones. It is enough for a traveler to go to specialized travel sites or simply enter the query "What time is it in Thailand" in the browser's search bar.

People who have a computer or mobile phone with Internet access will be able to see the exact time in Thailand now at any convenient time. This data will help them calculate the hours of arrival at the resort, plan their regimen, not miss excursions and not be late at the end of the vacation for the return flight to their homeland.

It's important to know!

It is important for travelers not only to find out what time it is in Thailand, but also to quickly adapt to a sharp change in time zones. To do this, tourists can use the following tips:

  • it is better to start adjusting to the new time regime in advance, a few days before the flight, the tourist should start going to bed and waking up according to the time of the country to which he is flying;
  • on the eve of the flight, the traveler needs to sleep well and rest, the day before the trip it is better not to overeat, but to eat light food, drink plenty of clean water;
  • a tourist can sleep on an airplane, this will help him to land at the airport of a foreign country rested;
  • having arrived at the resort, the vacationer can start taking vitamin complexes or brewed herbs - ginseng, leuzea, lemongrass, etc., which have a tonic effect and help to cheer up (which plant is better to choose, the attending physician will tell you);
  • at a morning breakfast at a hotel, it is best to choose coffee or cocoa from drinks, the taste and aroma of these drinks will wake up a sleepy body and give an excellent boost of energy for the whole day ahead;
  • alcoholic drinks upon arrival on vacation should be excluded, alcohol has a negative effect on the nervous system and will only worsen the tourist's well-being.


It will not be a problem for any modern person to find out what time it is in Thailand at a given moment. Every tourist who plans his vacation in advance and responsibly approaches all organizational issues will be able to easily deal with the time difference and quickly adapt to the new time zone.

Are you going on vacation to the Kingdom of Thailand for the first time? Have you already booked your tickets, packed your bags and even booked a hotel room? Do not forget about one more important detail, like the time in the Kingdom, because you will have to live for the rest period exactly according to it. All public institutions work according to local time, and various transport moves along it.

How to find out what time it is now in Thailand "land of smiles"

Let's remember that our planet is divided into sectors, namely time zones. The countdown starts from zero GMT, this meridian is designated as GMT. If in your hometown the time zone is designated "GMT +2", then this means that you have 2 hours more time than on the Greenwich meridian. Sometimes the time zone is not GMT, but UTC.

UTC is practically the same as GMT, it just indicates the time in those countries that do not switch to summer or winter time. Thailand also does not translate clocks, which is why it is always designated as UTC + 7. The Kingdom has one time zone throughout the territory, due to which the time is the same both in different cities of the state and on its islands. Now let's find out how the time in your hometown corresponds to Greenwich Mean Time.

For starters, you can determine the difference in time zones between Moscow and Bangkok. The capital of Russia is located in the third time zone, there is no time change for the seasons, and therefore it will be designated as UTC + 3. So, in Thailand - UTC + 7, in Moscow - UTC + 3, the difference is 4 hours. Those. at the moment when it is midnight in Moscow, dawn is already dawning in the “land of smiles”, which is not at all surprising at 4 in the morning. Remember this difference if in the morning on vacation you are visited by the desire to call your relatives to tell about this beautiful country and your pastime.

Time in this country has its own difference with the time zones in the CIS countries: Russia is generally located in several time zones, in Ukraine the clock hands are translated twice during the year. According to the specified algorithm, calculate the time difference between your city and the resort where you plan to relax.

Between the capital of Thailand and the capitals of Russia and Ukraine, the time difference is as follows:

  1. With Moscow, the difference is 4 hours.

  2. Kyiv is 5 hours behind of the resort town.

This difference is relevant, if you do not take into account the transfer of clocks to daylight saving time and vice versa.

In summer, the time difference with Kiev will be 4 hours.

Those who have already visited the “land of smiles” share their experience:

  1. When you fly on a non-direct flight crossing other countries, you will see the local time on your ticket. Arriving at the airport, you can check the time with the clock that is in any locality.
  2. If you come to Thailand, but there is some kind of holiday, banks and similar establishments will not work, and if the holiday falls on a weekend, then Monday will also be non-working.
  3. In the "land of smiles" there is a time when you can not buy beer or other alcohol - such a ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages is common on public holidays.

Going to Thailand, you should find out the local time of this country, which can differ significantly from the time in your city. This is important to do in advance, because you will have to live by Thai time while you are in this country. And the difference can be significant and it is not always easy to immediately adapt to such changes. Let's look at how to determine the exact time in Thailand and what is the time difference with your city.

Time in Thailand now

I leave a clock on my site that shows Thai time. You can always go to this page and find out the exact time.

Time difference with Thailand

To independently determine what time it is now in Thailand, you should understand how our planet is divided into time zones. It was customary to keep a record of time relative to the Greenwich meridian (near the British capital), which is designated as GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). The abbreviation UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) is also used if the time does not change between winter and summer. On the map you can see how our planet is divided into time zones.

If your city, for example, Moscow, is located in the time zone, which is indicated by UTC +3, then this means that your local time is 3 hours ahead of the Greenwich meridian time. That is, when it is midnight in London, you have 3 am.

The next step is to determine the time zone of Thailand. The map shows that its time zone is UTC +7. Therefore, the difference with the zero Greenwich meridian is 7 hours. The map also shows that the entire territory of Thailand is in the same time zone, which means that all regions of Thailand have the same time.

Next, we determine the difference between Moscow and Thai time. To do this, you need UTC +7 to subtract UTC +3 and get +4. Therefore, Thai time is 4 hours ahead of Moscow. When it's midnight in Moscow, it's 4 in the morning in Thailand.

In the same way, you can find the time zone of your city and determine the difference with time in Taydand.

As an example, I wrote the time difference between other cities and Thailand:

  • Minsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg +4 hours.
  • Kyiv +5 hours.
  • Orsk, Yekaterinburg, Khanty-Mansiysk +2 hours.
  • Omsk +1 hour.
  • Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk - the same time.
  • Irkutsk, Yakutsk -1 hour.
  • Vladivostok, Khabarovsk -3 hours.
  • Magadan -4 hours.

It's important to know

When flying, the time of arrival in Thailand on the ticket is indicated local. If you are flying with transfers, then the time of arrival in the city where you have a transfer is also indicated local. Every airport in the world has a clock where you can check the time.

If you often travel to different countries, it is important to always know in advance the time difference with the country you are flying to. This will allow you to avoid time confusion and unnecessary problems that may arise during flights.