Social networks are prohibited in the UAE. Interesting facts about the United Arab Emirates

The Arab Emirates are an oasis, which arose in the middle of the desert, associated with the words "luxury" and "wealth". Here, the highest hotels of the world are erected over the sands, and artificial islands have been created in the ocean.

This amazing country is a dream of any tourist. Well, those who are only looking at the UAE, we offer interesting facts about the emirates that will allow you to learn a lot of unusual and informative.

Fact 1. Warning, prohibitions!

In the UAE there are strict Muslim laws that apply to a number of common areas familiar to the careless tourist. For example, it is forbidden to drink alcohol here and all the more transport it in public places.

To drink tourists is allowed only in the hotel, and it is advisable not to leave its territory so as not to become the object of attention of the police. Some attractions, state buildings, military facilities and women can also be photographed. An exception is a random hit in a frame, but it is better not to risk.

Here we also recommend not to violate the rules of the road, as the tour of the red light, the tourist will have to say goodbye to the amount of 800 dollars. Well, for what you accidentally misses the garbage bucket, you will have to pay 136 dollars.

Fact 2. Two different peace

Nowadays, the United Arab Emirates is a modern state in which, nevertheless, the laws of past centuries are valid.

We are talking about division between men and women. For example, public transport in which men ride separately from women, or subway, in which two types of cars are provided (for representatives of the beautiful half of humanity and their opponents - men).

Also here is not welcomed by open clothing, to which European tourists are accustomed. Moreover, if the girl in causing clothes goes down the street without escorting the satellite (men), then it can be fined at all.

Fact 3. Improving assistance to the indigenous population

The UAE is a unique country that has been able to become one of the richest states over several decades. Moreover, the welfare of the country is so large that the indigenous residents do not need anything.

For example, for the birth of a child in the Emirates pay a one-time 50,000 dollars. And the newlyweds, who decided to tie their relationship with the Uzami marriage, the wedding day receive almost 20,000 dollars and the living space in the form of a villa.

Moreover, 5 million dollar millionaires account for 5 million people. The amount of wages of an ordinary civil service is 10,000 dollars, so that this interesting fact about the Emirates once again emphasizes the fact that rich people should live in a rich country.

Fact 4. Down with the social network!

It is noteworthy that the UAEs are monitored and regulates the norms of use of social networks. According to the supervision of the supervision of compliance with telecommunications laws, social networks are a source of information harmful to residents.

So, for example, in Dubai for a mark of people in photos in Facebook, you can go to prison. You can also not publish posts associated with the theme of alcohol, dates, adult content without relevant restrictions.

And in the Emirates there is a ban on the "yellow press" and distribution in newspapers and magazines of facts from the life of Arab Sheykhs and other wealthy citizens.

Fact 5. The lowest crime rate in the world!

In the Emirates, the tourist can move absolutely calmly, without fear of pocket theft, since there is simply no thieves. And all because in this country there are very harsh laws, cooling even the most violent impulses of intruders.

Moreover, it is not customary to climb the car, since the automotive car is impossible due to the huge number of chambers of the external observation and the lightning reacting police.

It is also interesting that in the emirates not only do not consume alcohol contributing to rash actions, but also there is practically no drug addiction. A person who consumes drugs is threatened by the term of imprisonment for 10 years. But if drug addict independently decides to get rid of the harmful habit, the state will fully pay the course of treatment.

Fact 6. Comfort is above all!

The UAE climate cannot be called comfortable: unbearable heat and high humidity deliver a lot of problems and discomfort. But the authorities of the Emirates still care about their citizens, so air conditioners can be found everywhere: in stores, on the streets and even at bus stops!

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Fact 7. Fact that can be seen from space!

Arab Sheikh is one of the richest people on the planet. They love to demonstrate their financial capabilities as well as originality. For example, Sheikh named Hamad became famous for creating a unique drainage system that supplies the deserted water with water.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe drainage system itself does not cause any surprise, but her form is worthy of admiration! The thing is that it is the letters of a kilometer size that are visible from space is nothing but the name of Sheikh "Hamad".

Fact 8. Some records

In the Emirates, everything was created for the influx of tourists, and the hotels regularly try to surprise their visitors with new achievements and records. For example, in one of the New Year's nights, the Emirates Palace has a Christmas tree with a height of 13 meters, but not the height of tourists impressed, and its decoration.

The fact is that instead of the usual toys on the branch of the New Year symbol, jewelry made a total value of $ 11,000,000! The next record was a cake prepared by chefs of the most luxurious hotels.

Confectioners baked a cake for the independence of the country whose length was 2500 meters! Well, completing the topics of records installed in hotels, I would like to note that it was in the UAE that the highest hotel in the world was built, the height of which is 828 meters - this is a truly a major structure of human hands.

Fact 9. The biggest indoor ski park!

Yes, it's not a joke! It turns out that there is a ski resort in this hot country! We are talking about a shopping center, under the roof of which ski slopes with lifts and snow are built. The park area is 22,500 square meters - this is the most amazing structure in the middle of the desert. Especially feeling the contrast at the entrance to the center, when the back also burns the sun, and there is already a cool on the face.

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Fact 10. Reply from Dubai American Disneyland!

This fact is the best thing to be for children, as it concerns the most enormous amusement park in Dubai. A few years ago, Disneyland representatives refused to build an entertainment park on the territory of Dubai, and the city authorities decided to build their Dubailand, which will be more western counterpart twice!

And believe me, the Arabs know the sense in the grandiose buildings. A visit to this park will leave an indelible impression. Fully project "Dubailand" is planned to be implemented by 2020.

As you can see, the UAE is exactly the country where the spirit of fairy tales "1000 and one night" is hung and the most modern sports cars travel around. Here are the most luxurious hotels and the highest level of infrastructure. In this country, every traveler awaits a lot of amazing discoveries.

What is only worth, once again demonstrating how in the midst of the desert the caring hands of the inhabitants of this country were able to create a unique oasis.

UAE (United Arab Emirates) is one of the richest countries of the modern world. At the same time, it is located among the desert and before the middle of the 20th century, it was a very poor territory with an unfortunate population. Everything changed the detected oil. It is black gold that turned the poor in millionaires. Let's learn about this country, which is called the miracle of the East, more.

1) Abu Dhabi, the Pearl of the UAE, not only the capital of the country, but also a city that brings more than 50% of the total state income to the treasury.

2) Penalties for violation of road rules in the UAE one of the highest on the planet. The minimum fine here begins with 800 dollars!

3) By the way, many countries of the region are rich, as well as the UAE, in the middle of the 20th century. Oil helped to get rich in Saudi Arabia, Oman, Qatar.

5) Safari on the jeeps in the desert is popular not only among tourists. This is a favorite entertainment and local residents themselves.

6) UAE, of course, a fairly expensive country. But it is possible to go here at a burning tour.

7) Air conditioners are installed at buses in the UAE.

8) Alcohol in this country is prohibited. But this does not mean that if you go here on a burning trip, you will not be able to drink wine. In the hotels of Dubai and some other emirates can drink alcohol. But there are emirates completely non-alcoholic - for example, Sharjah.

9) There are almost no crime in the UAE. This is a safe country with extremely harsh laws.

10) Women and men in buses are laid in different halves.

11) Trains in the metro in the UAE are managed removed, computer, not humans.

12) Police of the UAE in stock cars Ferrari, Lamborghini, McLaren.

13) There are ATMs that give not only money, but also gold.

14) The indigenous population of the UAE, Arabs make up only 15% of the country's total population. The rest are visiting. These are Hindus, Pakistanis and so on. All Arabs are rich. They work in high positions, drive on expensive cars, receive rare amounts of money from the state at birth. The rest is the working personnel. But in the UAE, the same Pakistanis lives much better than homeland.

15) UAE is a leading country for the development of solar energy. And this is a country with a developed tourist infrastructure. The country's authorities think about the future; That future in which oil will not.

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The United Arab Emirates are a very unusual state. In the midst of the desert desert and almost unsuitable for farming the soil spread out luxury oasis and blooming cities. The UAE immediately includes 7 separate emirates, which are individual public education. The capital is the city of Dubai. He is also one of the seven emirates.

How to plan an independent trip to Dubai read in our guide.

In our small review, the most interesting and unusual facts about this eastern country were collected, which was able to achieve considerable heights in their development and technologies due to only one natural wealth - huge oil deposits.

History and geography

Everyone who first comes to these edges, hardly believes that a few decades ago the UAE was a beless desert, to survive in which it was extremely difficult. Today, the country is included in the list of richest states. Just imagine, 59 thousand millionaires live here from the 5 million population!

Predated local punishments are famous for their severity. For individual crimes you can expect even the death penalty. As before, this type of punishment is embodied by cutting off the head or throwing stones to death. That is why the UAE is included in the list of countries in which the smallest number of crimes.

Public life

Each indigenous resident of the UAE receives impressive support from the state. Almost every solemn event in the country entails financial assistance. For example, when the Son is born in the family of citizens, they receive 50 thousand dollars. Each marriage brings young 19 thousand dollars and a personal villa. Impressive and the size of the salary of government officials. Monthly they receive up to 10 thousand dollars.

Since the country belongs to the Muslim world, there are a lot of prohibitions here. For example, the use of alcohol is strictly prohibited, as well as its transportation. There is also a taboo on photographing government agencies and even women.

On the streets of the United Arab Emirates will never meet people who move hitchhiking. It also strictest prohibited.

In addition, the "yellow press" ban should be attributed to local fades, since the personal life of citizens, especially Sheikh - Taboo. And still prohibited exits in social networks, since the UAE is considered generally recognized by the fact that such Internet resources contain a lot of negative information.

Penalties in the country also affect the imagination. Just imagine, for violation of the rules on the road you are waiting for a fine up to $ 800.

Entertainment and features

Since the UAE is a desert country, there are very popular entertainment here are camel runs. But the riders are not people at all, but the most real robots. And the locals very much love to arrange the safari in the desert and use for this "tricky" jeeps.

Each bus stop is equipped with air conditioning. And it is not surprising, because in summer the average air temperature during the day does not fall below 50 degrees. And winter here is perhaps the warmest. The air temperature ranges from 18 to 28 degrees at different times of the day.

Gold in the UAE is one of the most popular products. According to statistics, each citizen annually buys at least 38 grams of this metal. By local tradition, during the proposal of the hand and hearts of the bridegroom is obliged to give the bride at once 5 kg of gold.

By the way, the future of newlyweds define parents. From early childhood, every boy and the girl unites couples, and with the onset of certain age, marry. But for communication outside of marriage, you can even get a real prison sentence.

There is also the right of polygamy. But this is a dear whim, even for citizens of such a rich country. Therefore, recently, the absolute majority of marriages are monogamous.

The UAE is considered one of the most expensive countries from the point of view of payment for utilities and the purchase of fresh water.

There is a clear distribution of the roles of a man and a woman. Representatives of different floors are even individually moved by public transport in individual cars. Even the Salon Taxi is fenced with a special partition.

To tell about such a country in colors, it will take a long time. What is just worth knowing that it is in the UAE that the most elegant hotels are built, for example, known worldwide

A country in which surprisingly harmoniously combines the exotica of the East and super-modern sights. You can visit any of the seven independent monarchies united under one flag, and each find something unique and attractive for tourists. In the Emirates, everything is done at a high level, from the airport to the water park. Rest on the shores of the Persian Gulf will be the most unforgettable and fascinating. But just read and find out interesting facts about the UAE will be curious to everyone.


The main religion in the UAE is Islam. Therefore, there are strict rules on the territory of the Emirates regarding the appearance, the norms of behavior and alcohol consumption. The rules act the same for everyone - both for the indigenous population, and for tourists. In some emirates, the rule of rules are more loyal, for example, in Dubai.

During the sacred month of Ramadan, even resting feet is not allowed to eat food. But in some cities, tourist restaurants still work, where the guests of the country can retire and dine tightly curtained windows.


One of the world is the United Arab Interesting Facts of Statistics say that 5 million citizens of the country account for 60 thousand dollar millionaires. The basis of the economy in the Emirates is the production and export of hydrocarbons. Many wealthy citizens live in Dubai, as in this city you can freely keep your business and not pay taxes. The average monthly salary of the civil servant is about 10,000 dollars. Each emirate has its own autonomy, which is so wide, which allows them to independently determine the amount of deductions to the country's budget.

Rich Sheikhs

Members of the ruling Emirates dynasties are called sheikhs. This title is "worn" to the end of life. Call the most gods on the planet. They acquire yachts and islands in the UAE. Other interesting facts about life in the country of Sheykhov:

  • They have gold laptops, smartphones, jacuzzi and other incredibly expensive things.
  • Palaces in which sheikhs live with their families, is strictly forbidden to photograph.
  • Sheikhs are educated and smart.
  • Their main passion is women, expensive cars, gold and horses.
  • Quran allows sheikhams to have up to four wives.

Arab women

In the emirates in the weak floor representatives, a special position. Even in the heat they go outside in Black Abai and a black scarf. Until 1996, all the jewels were worn under the clothes, because at any moment the husband who accepted could be publicly in public with his wife. Then she would have to immediately leave him in what dressed. For a divorce in the Arab Emirates, it is enough to pronounce 3 times the word "Talak" (which means "divorce with you"). But in 1996 there was a law that protects the rights of a divorced woman. Now a man must leave the house of a rejected wife and until the end of his days to provide a former family with everything necessary.

A few more interesting facts about life in the UAE women:

  • in all educational institutions, the girls learn separately from the boys;
  • special places are assigned in public transport: in the subway - the car, the bus is a section.
  • arab women can not be photographed (it is possible to get into the police);
  • an unmarried girl can not kiss and even hold on hands with his beloved before registration of marriage.

Camel Racing

In the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, a camel festival is carried out, which encourages residents not to forget their traditions. Previously, instead of expensive cars, the inhabitants of the Emirates moved on this comfortable animal. In addition to the festival, the annual beauty contests for camels and camel runs are carried out.

Camel runs are the traditional sport of Arab Sheikhs. Instead of a rider camel controls mechanical jockey.


This is the most famous and rich city in the UAE. Interesting facts about the global capital of luxury, entertainment, business and fashion are:

  • Another half a century ago there was a deserted plain on the site of a modern megalpolis, and today the majestic skyscrapers appear at the speed of light.
  • In 2009, the construction of the highest tower in the world of Burj Khalifa was completed, it is visible at a distance of 80 km.
  • The number of indigenous people in Dubai is only 20%. It turns out that the practical one passerby in the city is a foreigner.
  • Despite the fact that the metropolis is among the hottest places in the world, the ski resort has functions on its territory. It is located under the roof. Snecery attraction area - 22 thousand square meters. An additional positive bonus for tourists - Marsh Penguins. These delight creations are released several times a day to take a walk on the snow cover of the complex.

  • In the summer, an extreme heat is standing on the streets of the city. Even at night, the temperature rarely falls below 30 degrees. Therefore, at noon, Dubai street is empty. Residents and guests of the megalopolis are hidden in indoor air-conditioned rooms, which there is a huge amount. Even stops for urban transport are air conditioned.
  • Dubai - Paradise for shopping lovers. It is here that those who want to make profitable purchases are coming. Mall of the Emirates is a unique place in the city where 400 stores are located at once.

Artificial islands

Cities in the UAE are developing rapidly and grow, and more wishing to move to this paradise more and more. Housing prices are constantly crawling up, especially for real estate near the Persian Gulf. But the land is not rubber and cannot accommodate everyone. Entrepreneurs of the united Emirates found a unique way out: they began to import the land and build the artificial islands, on which 5-star hotels and residential buildings are built. This project was called "Palm Islands".

Travel Planning to Emirates

All those who want to relax in this amazing country are encouraged to know interesting facts about the UAE associated with weather conditions:

  • The heat here is year-round, but the bake is three year old months.
  • In summer, the temperature rises to +50 ° C, even air conditioners are not saved by heat. In September, the temperature decreases a bit, but they will not call it comfortable for rest (+45 ° C).
  • The most favorable months for a trip to the country of Sheikhov - October and November. The temperature keeps about +30 ° C. But at this time prices increase, as the flow of tourists increases significantly. Therefore, it is better to disturb and buy tours in the UAE in advance.

What to see in the Emirates

At the inspection of attractions can be sent independently, and you can order a tour and learn a lot of interesting facts about the United Arab Emirates. There are many stunning places here, which will impress the holidaymakers. Tell some of them.

  • The world's largest color park - Al Ain Paradise. It covers an area of \u200b\u200bmore than 20,000 m 2. The park design was developed by the best designers and florists of the country. Here you can see hundreds and thousands of luxurious flower beds and baskets with rare and beautiful colors.
  • And this fact about the UAE is interested in children. It is about the presence of one of the best water parks in the world - Aquaventure. There are pure blue pools, exciting attractions, a variety of water and American slides. And in Abu Dhabi you can visit the largest amusement park in the world - Ferrari Park.
  • The hotel in the form of Sails "Burj-Al-Arab" is a country card. Sustal gold is included in the hotel's interior, hollow aquariums are located in the halls, high-speed elevators are delivered. This is the most luxurious and expensive hotel on our planet.
  • Artificial archipelago in the shape of a palm tree, the national plant of the UAE, invariably attracts the eyes of rest.

And now there are several interesting facts about the UAE for tourists:

  • For a quiet family holiday, it is better to choose a sharny. It introduced a ban on alcoholic beverages, and tours here are much cheaper than other resorts of Emirates.
  • Lovers of diving and those who prefer a beach holiday, better go to Fujair. Here are excellent beaches, wonderful weather and excellent conditions for viewing the underwater world.
  • Tourists who want to feel more freely and do not catch the views of others, it is better to choose a vacation spot Emirate Ajman. Here loyally belong to the strict Muslim traditions.

What else needs to know the tourist

We have more interesting facts about life in the country of the UAE, which must be taken into account when visiting the country:

  • The Emirates are one of the cleanest countries of the world, so for throwing garbage on the street (even if it's just a piece of paper that fell past the urn) a fine of 500 dichram (a little more than 8.5 thousand rubles) is provided.
  • At the airport, all the visits are the procedure for scanning the retina.
  • In the Emirates there is a problem with drinking water. In 70% of cases, it is artificially desalinated water, so it is better to boil it.
  • On the streets of any city of the United Arab Emirates, it is impossible to kiss or somehow show your feelings (even tourists). Otherwise, you can get a fine. There are even special signs here, which denote the ban of kisses.
  • Some ATMs in the Emirates give not only bills, but also gold bars.
  • Emirates have a death penalty. For the distribution and use of drugs can be planted for more than 10 years. But if the addict is ready to correct and agree to treatment, the last will pay.
  • For violation of road rules, large fines also provide for the rules. Accounts come to the violator at the end of the year. The largest penalty (from 10 thousand dollars, or 631,592 rubles) relies for a camel shot down on the highway.
  • Family couples and wishing to enter into marriage is powerful social support. Thus, the Villa and 19,000 dollars are broken by the villa (1 million rubles), and for the birth of the Son the family receives $ 50,000 (almost 3 million 158 thousand rubles).
  • The service in the army can do both men and women from 18 years. In the troops of the Emirates, many hired military and the most modern military equipment.
  • Training and treatment in any country of the world citizens of the UAE are held free at the expense of the state. It also pays communal accounts, residents of the Arab cities do not even know what it is.

The article contains the most interesting facts about the UAE. But of course, it is better to come to this incredible country and see all with your own eyes.