What you need when renting an apartment. How to rent an apartment from the point of view of an ordinary person with extensive experience

Housing issue Russian citizens is particularly acute. Real estate is expensive. Not everyone is able to purchase a home, even with a mortgage. An alternative is to rent real estate daily or for long term. However, not all premises owners and organizations acting as intermediaries conscientiously fulfill their obligations.

Understanding how to rent an apartment without getting scammed, a person must take into account a whole list of different factors. Experts advise studying the types of fraud. This will help a person find out in advance that a dishonest act is planned against him. Then you need to familiarize yourself with a competent scheme for renting residential premises. Especially in order to help tenants prevent violation of their rights, we have prepared a list of tips that will allow you to avoid fraud when drawing up a rental agreement. We’ll talk further about what types of fraud exist, how to properly search through a real estate agency, and what to do to competently rent a room on your own.

Faced with the need to rent housing for a day or for a long period, people usually look for advertisements on Avito or contact a real estate agency. Experts advise using the services of only trusted organizations. Ideally, you should be guided by the advice of friends.

Having drawn up an agreement with a client, a representative of the organization usually performs the following actions:

  • Finds an apartment that meets the client's requirements.
  • Coordinates with the owner of the premises the time and date of inspection of the property, as well as other nuances.
  • Visits the apartment with the client.
  • Conducts all negotiations if the parties decide to enter into a rental agreement.
  • Checks the documents provided by the owner of the property confirming the existence of ownership rights.
  • Concludes the rental agreement and prepares the transfer and acceptance certificate of the property.

The services of agency employees are paid. The citizen will have to pay the specialist 100% of the rent.

What scams can you encounter when renting a home?

When figuring out how to properly rent an apartment for a long period of time, a person must take into account the fact that in the process of performing the action one may encounter fraud. So, the photo of the room may not correspond to reality. If a well-renovated apartment is offered at a low cost, this should alert you.

Photos that show an elite interior, but the apartment is rented at a price below the market price, are usually taken from the Internet. Having seen such an advertisement, a person should understand that he has encountered scammers. When meeting with the client, the landlord may say that the apartment has already been rented. As an alternative, a citizen may be offered other real estate, the quality of which is significantly lower.

However, the above rule is not always followed. In order not to refuse a truly profitable offer due to doubts, experts advise finding out where the pictures were taken from. To do this, you can use the Google Images service.

The apartment can be rented several times. It must be taken into account that persons who rent premises cannot move other people in and charge rent from them. When concluding an agreement with the owner of the premises, it is imperative to ask him to provide documents confirming the existence of ownership rights. There is a fee for inspection. It must be taken into account that no one has the right to demand provision Money only so that the client could view the premises.

The apartment doesn't exist. Experts advise carefully checking the data contained in the contract, even if the realtor himself is involved in its preparation. There are cases when the address specified in the contract does not exist. In this case, the client is forced to pay rent without receiving housing.

Such actions are illegal. Finding himself in such a situation, a person has the right to terminate the contract unilaterally. If the acceptance certificate has not been drawn up, the person does not have to worry about paying for the apartment.

Fraudulent realtors who have entered into an agreement with a citizen can charge a fee and then simply provide him with several landlord numbers without intending to accompany the transaction themselves. The citizen who signed the agreement is invited to purchase a customer base. The fraud method is quite new, so the risk increases. It consists in the fact that a person wishing to rent an apartment is offered to buy a database of premises owners. Access to it is provided online.

The realtor usually states that it will be updated daily. However, after the fee is paid, the client will only see a site with outdated information. The client can try to protect himself from unscrupulous realtors. To do this, you must first study reviews about the selected agency. The actions can be performed via the Internet. If an organization has been involved in some kind of fraud for a long time, information about it will most likely be contained on the World Wide Web.

Self-rental apartment

If a person wants to rent a room on his own, he must figure out in advance what he needs to know when renting an apartment from the owner. First of all, you need to carefully study the ad. Then you will have to independently visit all the rooms you like. This method will allow you to save on realtor fees. However, it is necessary to find out in advance what a number of pitfalls are associated with.

How to check an apartment before signing a contract?

Before renting a premises, you need to make sure that it is legally clear.

To do this, you need to ask the owner of the premises for the following documents:

  • passport;
  • certificate confirming ownership;
  • papers on the basis of which ownership rights were transferred to the owner of the premises (for example, a purchase and sale agreement).

If the rental of premises is carried out through a representative of the owner, in addition to the standard list of papers, a power of attorney must be attached. It is certified by a notary. Additionally, you need to make sure that there are no debts for utility services. To do this, you need to check your payment receipts. Actions must be taken before the contract is concluded.

Consent of other apartment owners

If the premises are owned by several citizens at once, all of them must agree to rent out the apartment. The rule also applies to minors if they are already 14 years old.

The lease agreement must also contain the signatures of all owners of the premises and their representatives.

If a room is rented in communal apartment, all neighbors must agree to perform the action. The lessor is responsible for preparing the relevant documentation. It is his responsibility to prepare and provide the citizen with a document regulating the rules for using the apartment. The contract reflects which room is assigned to which owner. All this will allow the tenant to avoid possible conflicts.

Apartment rental agreement: how to draw it up correctly?

When figuring out what to pay attention to when renting an apartment, first of all you need to correctly draw up a contract. It must be legally correct. All features of the interaction between the landlord and the tenant depend on the provisions of the document. For a document to be considered valid, it must contain a number of mandatory information.

The document must include:

  • terms of the contract;
  • the amount of the monthly rent for the apartment;
  • the period for which the housing is rented;
  • conditions under which housing fees may be revised;
  • persons who may live in the apartment together with the tenant;
  • terms of termination of the contract;
  • conditions for inspections by the owner of the rented premises.

The contract must indicate the date of execution. The parties to the transaction sign the completed paper.

There is no standard form of agreement. It is compiled individually in each specific case.

To make it easier to draw up an agreement, parties to the transaction can use a ready-made document form. It is recommended to fill out the paper based on the sample.

Carrying out an inventory

An inventory of the property should be included as an annex to the rental agreement for an apartment in Moscow or another city. The document records all the things that are transferred to the citizen for temporary use.

The owner of the home has the right to indicate the following property in the inventory:

  • household appliances;
  • furniture;
  • kitchen utensils;
  • underwear;
  • carpets;
  • other things that are provided to tenants.

If the above items are damaged or lost, the citizen renting the apartment will have to restore their value. If this happens to property that was not indicated in the inventory, the owner of the apartment does not have the right to make claims against the citizen.

How to rent an apartment correctly?

To protect yourself as much as possible from possible fraud, you need to rent the premises correctly. It is imperative to check whether the owner has the right to rent out the property. Then you need to familiarize yourself with the documents for the apartment. You need to find out for yourself where you can find the owner in case of unforeseen circumstances. It is imperative to write down his phone number.

If there is no Internet in the apartment, and a citizen wants to connect it, it is imperative to discuss the conditions under which the action will be carried out.

When inspecting the apartment, you need to pay attention to the condition of the plumbing and electrical wiring. You need to make sure that the plugs are not knocked out when turning on the devices. Additionally, you should make sure that there are no insects in the apartment. If a person discovers any problems, but he likes the housing, it is necessary to immediately clarify at whose expense the elimination of existing problems will be carried out. A citizen should not be afraid to ask questions and ask for information of interest. This will allow you to rent an apartment safely and avoid most pitfalls.

The search for advertisements for renting apartments and rooms in the capital is replete with various options. Among the huge number of offers, fueled by serious demand, you can find both decent options outside the Moscow Ring Road and a good one-room apartment in the city center at an attractive price. The author of the "Security Council" program on Igor Shvytkin will talk about how to properly rent an apartment in Moscow, why you should study the history of the apartment in advance and how not to fall for the bait of scammers.

Removal rules

Those who have decided to look for rental housing should pay attention not only to the attractive low cost of the property. Keep in mind that if you call a number that is listed in open sources (the Internet or a newspaper), then in most cases you will immediately get to a realtor. If the ad contains photographs of the apartment, check whether they correspond to the apartment for rent.

Often, such photos are placed to make advertisements attractive or as an ordinary advertising splash screen for real estate services. In addition to clarifying the cost, ask if the realtor is familiar with this or that apartment and what information he has about it.

If you like the apartment for rent, be sure to ask to bring a document of ownership to the showing. In addition, ask that the owner of the apartment himself be present at the transaction (at the time of signing the contract). This will allow you to check the owner’s details with those indicated in the documents for the apartment.

We study the history and owners of the apartment

It will not be amiss if you check the history of the apartment and make sure that tomorrow the new owners will not show up there and ask you to urgently pack your things. To do this, it is better to independently study the history of the apartment.

First of all, you need to carefully read the documents on property rights. It is important to know that recently they have begun to save on the protection of these documents, namely on paper with holograms and watermarks. Nowadays, the certificate is an ordinary A4 sheet with a stamp. Accordingly, it is clear that it is not difficult for fraudsters to forge this document.

Therefore, in order to establish the real owner, as well as their number, a potential tenant needs to go to the registration chamber and, according to the address of the apartment, take an extract from the Unified State Register of Rights. You need to ask the realtor for an extract from the house register in order to understand the number of citizens registered in it.

Then, ideally, it is necessary to invite all registered members of the rental property to the transaction. Very often, divorced spouses rent out living space in secret from each other, which is fraught with unpleasant surprises for the tenants. I draw the attention of readers that, in principle, all this work to collect this information should be carried out by a realtor.

But, alas, as practice shows, he only confines himself to being present at the transaction, and then, having received his commission, disappears. The tenant will fight all possible legal problems alone. Therefore, I advise you to carry out or duplicate this work yourself.

Checking the realtor

Did you know that officially in our country such a profession as “realtor” simply does not exist. They are not trained anywhere, they are not taught in advanced training courses. In a word, today anyone can become a realtor who decides, in general, from the extremely relevant housing issue make good money.

In general, a modern metropolitan realtor is an ordinary intermediary between a buyer and a seller of services in the real estate market. These people often use information from open sources or information databases located in real estate agencies.

Then they simply competently and skillfully sell it by posting information about apartments on free bulletin boards. It should be taken into account that although realtors guarantee the legal purity of the transaction, in fact, in 95 percent of cases they are not lawyers at all, and therefore cannot guarantee anything.

    Alexey Petropolsky, CEO legal company "Yurvista":

    "Indeed, realtors have experience in drawing up standard contracts rental or sale of housing. But if something goes wrong, they will not bear any responsibility. If you decide to use the services of a realtor, it is better to contact large and time-tested companies. But even in this case, it is necessary to remember that any realtor acting on behalf of a well-known company should be checked to see if it belongs to this company.

    I know of cases where an apartment was rented illegally or with violations, and then some kind of legal proceedings begin, then realtors simply remain on the sidelines. Later it turns out that this or that intermediary was only hiding behind the name of a well-known company, but in reality acted alone."

Very often, fraudulent realtors make fake forms and stamps of large real estate agencies. In such cases, both the landlord and the tenant think that the realtor who has such documents in hand is an employee of a large company, and therefore, without going into details, they sign, in fact, a fake agreement.

Therefore, when concluding contracts, you must make a copy of the realtor’s passport in order to somehow identify him later. If a person, under various pretexts, avoids providing his documents, then it is better to completely refuse a transaction in which he acts as an ordinary intermediary. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to call the real estate agency and find out whether an employee with such and such a last name is listed there or not.

Hour or payment details

Very often, when it comes to renting an apartment for a long time, landlords ask to pay for accommodation six months or a year in advance. It's better not to do this. It is unknown how your relationship with the landlord will develop and whether you will be able to get your money back in case of unforeseen circumstances.

It is better to try to agree on payment for the first and last month of residence, and also guarantee a stable monthly payment on a certain date. It is best to make monthly payments for accommodation by bank transfer.

For example, by transfer to the owner’s card. An alternative option is to pay in cash, but always confirm the fact of payment with a receipt. This, by the way, will save you from problems with taxation. After all, the owner is obliged to pay 13 percent of income to the state.

In the event of litigation, well, for example, if the owner is surrendered by neighbors, no questions will arise for you - you honestly paid money for housing, and you don’t even know how the landlord managed it.

Fraud mechanism

As a rule, a fraudulent realtor rents an apartment from someone and then simply rents it out several times. He offers a good apartment at a price much lower than the market price. Colorful photographs of a cozy nest in the city center will be posted on the Internet at an attractive price.

The attacker then negotiates with potential tenants for an urgent viewing, and then rushes them to sign contracts. To do this, he can produce at least ten keys to apartments and draw up several standard agreements and powers of attorney from the owners.

The emphasis is on the urgency of the transaction, due to the super attractive price of the property, which is about to go to someone else. That is why many tenants do not even have the opportunity to check the legal side of the issue. They are afraid of missing out on their chance to rent a home at such a low price. This is what scammers take advantage of!

People give money to scammers, and the very next day several families can meet at the same door with the same keys to such a treasured apartment.

How often do we hear stories when someone, trying to rent an apartment, finds an excellent description with colorful photographs, but upon arriving at the place, they discover shabby walls and a “killed” bathroom in a house located half an hour from the metro.

Many have friends or friends of friends who were simply cheated out of renting: they showed the apartment, took a deposit and payment for the first and last month, they even gave me the keys. However, upon returning to the apartment, it was discovered that the key no longer fit and the door was tightly closed. The owner with the money evaporates, and the tenant is left almost literally with nothing.

We often hear stories from TV screens about unscrupulous realtors who, promising to find an apartment, take an advance payment from the client, show him several options that absolutely do not correspond to the description and then declare that the terms of the contract have been fulfilled and continue to search for a suitable apartment, and even more so, return no one is collecting money.

No matter how much is said about standard schemes of deception and fraud, Russians continue to get into trouble with enviable consistency. AiF.ru is once again trying to help its readers with advice on how to avoid getting into trouble when renting an apartment. For help, we turned to experts from companies who have been conscientiously helping tenants and landlords find each other for several years now.

Treaty as a panacea

All experts noted the importance of the apartment rental agreement, which is often drawn up incorrectly, and in some cases it is even neglected, relying on the good faith of the owner of the living space.

“Drawing up a lease agreement is an important stage of the transaction. Without this document, all agreements will remain in words, and there is no protection against the tricks of unscrupulous partners. It is extremely important to draw up the rental agreement correctly, in which case the client will have a document that will allow him to defend his interests. In the rental market, this is a very important condition - in the network of unscrupulous partners there are people who decided to save money on this service and did not enter into an agreement (or entered into one with violations). A striking example: a person rents an apartment without checking whether the person who introduced himself as the owner of the apartment has the right to rent it out. For example, if children, wanting to take revenge on their parents, offer housing for rent, or these are people who have nothing to do with the apartment being rented,” I’m sure Head of the city real estate and rental department of the NDV-Real Estate company Svetlana Birina.

You can find it on the Internet a large number of standard apartment rental agreements, which are often used by the tenant and the owner of the apartment when concluding a transaction. Experts advise checking such an agreement in any case. AiF.ru told readers about what must be reflected in the document Kirill Kokorin, legal consultant of the apartment rental department "INCOM-Real Estate":

“In order for the rental agreement signed by the parties to be recognized as valid, it must indicate the essential conditions:

1. The name of the residential premises being leased, its characteristics and exact address.

2. Accurate passport details of the tenant and the lessor.

3. Data from documents confirming the ownership rights of the lessor.

4. The amount of rent for an apartment, the procedure and terms of payment.

5. Duration of the rental agreement. If the rental period is not specified, the contract will be considered concluded for 5 years.

6. Data of citizens who will live with the employer.

7. Signatures of the parties to the rental agreement.

However, it is necessary to provide for other equally important conditions of this document, such as the procedure and grounds for early termination of the contract at the initiative or fault of any of the parties; rights and obligations of the parties; liability of the parties both for defects and for damage caused; penalties for the tenant and the lessor; procedure and grounds for settling damage caused to the owner’s property; payments and payment procedure for housing and communal services; guarantees of the parties; the procedure for notifying the parties, indicating the addresses for notification; possibility of keeping pets; responsibility and procedure for resolving damage caused to neighbors; prohibition or right for a tenant to rent out an apartment under a sublease agreement to third parties; procedure for resolving disputes and some others.”

Cheap means cheerful

Also, when searching for an apartment to rent on your own, experts advise paying attention to the rental price. In most cases, unjustified low price is fraught with some kind of catch.

“If you choose an apartment on your own, carefully study the price situation on the market. An attractively cheap offer is usually just a lure. When viewing the apartment and concluding the deal, relax, do not be nervous, focus as much as possible on the documents and the lease agreement, and carefully inspect the apartment for any defects. Do not react to the state of nervousness artificially created by many owners and unscrupulous agents, thanks to which the client will quickly inspect everything and give the money,” advises Managing Director of the MIEL-Arenda company Natalya Sivko.

“Obviously, housing that is rented out at low rates has certain disadvantages. For example, the poor quality of the property (old house, lack of renovation, furniture or household appliances) or poor location (far from a metro station, near a train station or market). Also, the cost reduction is facilitated by the condition of prepayment for a long period (six months, a year) or a short rental period (housing is often rented out for the summer). You need to focus on average rates, the description of the property in the ad, try to find out the details in a telephone conversation and only then go for viewing,” confirms Galina Kiseleva, director of the apartment rental department at INCOM-Real Estate.

Keys in the morning, money in the evening

Experts advise not to pay realtors in advance, but to pay the apartment owner only after the apartment has been thoroughly inspected and all the disadvantages have been recorded on paper and signed by the owner.

“There are cases when a tenant looks at an apartment, pays a deposit to book the apartment, and sets a date for the transaction, but the landlord disappears or refuses to return the deposit, but does not go through with the deal. But by working with an agent, you can save yourself from such situations: the company takes on all the hassle. It is best to contact large agencies that have successfully proven themselves in the market and can offer a full range of services,” explains Svetlana Birina.

The safest thing, all experts say, is to work with a realtor. But even among them there are unscrupulous people.

“The main rule that a tenant working with a realtor needs to remember is not to pay money up front. Payment for a realtor’s services for a completed transaction always occurs after, and not before, the start of work, that is, when he has fulfilled his obligations to the client,” advises Natalya Sivko.

What do you need to know when renting an apartment to avoid getting into an unpleasant situation? How to find inexpensive, but at the same time comfortable housing? How to rent it for a long period of time?

We will tell you further in our article about what you should pay attention to when renting an apartment.

What is called renting an apartment?

According to the rental agreement, an apartment, house or separate room is transferred to the tenant for a certain fee. He can own and use residential premises, observing all contractual conditions.

It is worth saying that the owner of a residential premises can be not only an individual, but also a legal entity. Only an individual can become a tenant of an apartment.

Renting residential premises is of the following types:

  1. Social.
  2. Commercial.

The first option does not interest us, so we move straight to the second.

Commercial rental– this is exactly what renting an apartment is. Here the owner of the residential premises and the tenant are free participants in legal relations.

They enter into an apartment rental agreement of their own free will, having previously agreed on all the conditions and requirements. A corresponding agreement must be signed. Without it, you will not be able to prove anything in court (if any disputes suddenly arise).

Finding housing through a real estate agency

Anyone who wants to rent an apartment for the first time usually contacts special company. When choosing an agency, you should rely on the advice of friends - the organization must be proven. A specially authorized person performs the following functions:

  1. Selects an apartment based on the client's requirements.
  2. Agrees with the owner of the residential premises on the viewing date.
  3. Walks with the tenant and inspects selected residential premises.
  4. At the moment of conclusion lease agreement conducts all negotiations.
  5. Provides the client with advice on all issues and nuances of the contract.
  6. Checks the documentation of the owner of the residential premises.
  7. Present at the conclusion of the lease agreement. Engaged in drawing up a transfer and acceptance certificate, which includes an inventory of the property of the residential premises.

In other words, he must accompany the client everywhere - right up to the signing of the contract. The price for specialist services is calculated individually, depending on each specific situation. Each company has its own price list for providing services of this type.

What you need to know when renting an apartment and how to avoid scammers

Fraud in residential rentals can be as follows:

Photos differ from actual situation

You need to be wary if the cost of renting an apartment and its renovation have significant differences. If in the provided images the apartment looks like an elite one (as if the photographs were copied from magazines), but the rental price is low (or does not even reach the market value level), there is evidence of fraud. The explanation could be that the apartment shown in the photo has already been rented, so you will be provided with another one of lower quality. In reality, the following may emerge: such housing simply does not exist, and never has existed. How to prove the fact that the images in the ad are not unique? Use the “Search by Image” service - various sites will show you all available matches. As a rule, such “ads” pursue the following goal: on their basis, a database of possible tenants is formed.

Check the address

Such an apartment may not exist at all. Carefully fill out the contract, verify all information - even when collaborating with a real estate company and a specialist in this matter. Many people are deceived - the address indicated in the agreement is not in reality. In other words, they are paying rent for a non-existent apartment. If suddenly you or someone you know is affected by this situation, terminate the lease agreement on your own initiative. Simply send a notice to the landlord's address. If you don’t have documents, just forget about this apartment and that’s it (in this case you don’t need to pay anything).

Very often, fraudulent realtors act as follows: they demand payment for all information services provided (the amount is approximately 9,000 rubles). This is followed by the transfer of several landlord numbers to the client - they do not accompany the client during the inspection of the property.

Viewing for a fee

There is no need to pay money to view a rental apartment. No one has the right to demand money from you for this. If a realtor starts asking for money, it means that this is his way of making money - that is, the transaction itself is not interesting to him. Sometimes it happens that a realtor and the owner of a residential property enter into an agreement and divide the money from viewings 50 to 50%. Often, visitors are “caught” by these tricks - those who are poorly versed in all the nuances of this procedure. If you are affected by this problem, do not continue working with this realtor.

Residential premises can be re-rented

It is worth remembering the following: tenants of residential premises do not have the right to move in or temporarily move in other citizens. You cannot collect money or fees from other individuals. The conclusion of the agreement should be carried out only with the owner of the apartment. First, it is worth checking all the documentation that serves as confirmation of his ownership.

Fraudsters may offer to purchase a customer base

This deceptive method was “developed” in the recent past. Such a realtor can tell the client that the database is updated every day, but if you pay for access to it, you can only get acquainted with outdated information. To avoid getting into this situation, study various reviews of other people on the Internet.

Demand always leads to the birth of supply, but not every one of them will be honest. Therefore, you should approach the choice of a realtor with all responsibility.

How to rent an apartment correctly

If you decide to look for housing on your own, you must select an advertisement from the owner of the apartment you like. In this case, you set the time and date yourself and go to the living quarters that suit you. Of course, in such a situation there are certain nuances. But most people prefer not to contact realtors and firms.

Sometimes it happens that you need to rent an apartment urgently - there is no way to do without it. Let’s say if a person goes on a business trip for a long time. You will need to pay a considerable amount of money for a hotel, buying an apartment is very expensive, and the goal will not justify the investment.

Advantages of renting an apartment

Rented housing has the following advantages:

  1. Tenant mobility. It is possible to move to another area or to another city if a more attractive position is offered. Or a noisy junction or an industrial complex was built near an apartment building; a change of place of residence is quite possible.
  2. There is no need to do repair work and spend money on it. Only the owner of the living space will think about new furniture and plumbing. The decline in the consumer quality of the environment leads to a decrease in rents.

How to rent an apartment yourself

Checking the owner of the premises

To make sure that the living space is legally clean, it The owner must provide you with the following documentation:

  1. A document stating that he is the owner.
  2. An agreement that serves as confirmation of ownership of residential premises (for example, provide you with an agreement fixing the purchase and sale).
  3. Identification.
  4. If the landlord is a representative of the owner of the premises, they must be provided with a power of attorney certified by a notary. This document confirms the right to manage.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no debts - that all utility bills are paid. All meters, receipts and payments must be verified before concluding a contract.

Consent of each owner of the premises

If the apartment has not one, but several owners(in other words, it is shared ownership), everyone's consent is required for renting (they must all be over 14 years old). This agreement must be signed by all apartment owners (or any other individual who has a notarized power of attorney from them).

If you need to rent a room in a communal living space, you will need the consent of each neighbor. The decision on this issue remains with the landlord. They must also be provided with a document stating the procedure for using this living space - in other words, in which room this or that owner is located. This will allow you to avoid unnecessary conflicts and unwanted clashes.

How to rent an apartment correctly

If the document is drawn up correctly and has legal force, it should include:

  • Full name and personal data of the property owner and tenant;
  • The amount that the tenant will pay each month;
  • Situations under which the rent for residential premises may be changed;
  • How many times can the owner visit the property to check it? All conditions for inspections are also stated here.
  • Information about persons who may live with the tenant.
  • Time period – when and for how long the property is rented.
  • Conditions for termination of the contract.
  • The contract must describe the housing in detail: it must reflect its address, area and number of rooms, floor, and so on.

Despite this, any agreement is individual - a standard form of completion in legislation Russian Federation absent.

It is on the day when the contract is concluded that the tenant must ask the owner to provide an extract from his personal account. With the help of this document, the tenant will find out whether all utility bills have been paid (whether the apartment owner has any debts). He will also receive information about which people are registered at the housing address.

The apartment should not have debts and registered citizens - individuals.

Important point: pay attention to the rights and obligations - not only of the tenant, but also of the landlord. Let’s say it’s worth determining a schedule of inspection visits to a rented residential property by its owner.


The key issue is the amount of rent. The following information is required:

  • Who is responsible for paying utility bills?
  • Who is responsible for paying for the Internet, telephone communications and other services?

Any transfer of funds must be documented using a receipt. There is an opinion that by demanding this document, a person expresses his distrust of the other side of the legal relationship. Although this is a completely normal situation - after all, you do not know what the other person is like.

The agreement comes into force only after both parties sign the acceptance certificate for the apartment. This document must reflect the following information: the tenant was given housing for use and he accepted it, without any complaints. After this, the tenant bears all responsibility for the premises. He must monitor the safety of the apartment and the property in it.

Important point: If housing is rented for a year or more, the signed agreement must necessarily go through the registration process with Rosreestr.

And although the owner of the apartment must take upon himself the decision of this issue, any responsible tenant is also obliged to ensure that this formality is fulfilled.

The apartment cannot be sold or mortgaged until the expiration of the lease agreement. If the apartment is rented for a short time, you do not need to register anything.

A contract is a legal document. It is for this reason that any changed lease terms must be formalized using a special additional agreement. Very often, the owner of the residential premises and the tenant sign an agreement to extend the lease of the apartment, maintaining all the basic conditions.

It is worth saying that the deed of transfer must include an inventory of all property located in the residential premises (that which is transferred for use along with the apartment itself).

What is called an inventory of property

The inventory of property is called an appendix to the lease agreement. The inventory reflects the property transferred to the client for a certain time period.

The owner of the apartment has the right to include in the inventory: all furniture, electronic equipment, kitchen utensils, and so on. If the tenant loses or damages something (not reflected in the property inventory), it will not be possible to return the item to the owner of the property.

Rent contract

How is the document compiled?

As a rule, the inventory of property when renting housing (apartment premises) is filled out according to standards.

What details must be included in the act?

  1. The document must have a name. It can be anything.
  2. After this, it is worth registering where and when this document was drawn up.
  3. Information about the parties entering into the agreement must be reflected. The details of not only the landlord, but also the tenant are described.
  4. And lastly, they provide a link to the lease agreement.
  5. After reflecting and recording all the above information, the parties specify the following point: the lessor transfers for temporary use not only the residential premises, but also the property located in it - the tenant must accept all this property.
  6. Next, all property located in the housing is listed.
  7. At the end of the document, both parties put their signatures.

Nuances of preparing an inventory of property

It all depends on the apartment being transferred, on what exactly remains in it. In some situations, certain difficulties may arise. For example, if we are talking about renting an empty apartment. In such a situation, there will be almost nothing to include in this document when renting an apartment. Only water meters, plumbing fixtures, and others located in the building will be described.

It is worth noting that today citizens often rent out an apartment that is completely ready to move in (that is, with all the necessary equipment - even forks and spoons). This leads to the fact that the inventory of property may take more than one or two sheets.

The most important thing in such situations is not to ignore established rules, to register and reflect any item available in the home. In addition, there is an option to record the condition of the entire property in a photo or video. These images can later be attached to the rental agreement. A property inventory is a complex legal document that can protect the interests of the lessor in the event of disputes.

Rules for renting an apartment for a long time

Be sure to check whether the owner of the apartment has the right to rent it out. Carefully review all documentation provided to you.

What questions to ask when renting an apartment

It is necessary to clarify at what address the owner of the premises lives. Check his personal data (phone number, address provided to you).

Check under what conditions the Internet is connected to the residential premises (if it has already been installed, check who will pay for it and how).

When inspecting the rental apartment, check the condition of the plumbing and electrical wiring. An important point: if only a few devices are connected (we are talking about an electric kettle, laptop, washing machine), the plugs should not be knocked out. It is also worth making sure that there are no ants, cockroaches, etc. in the rented apartment.

If the inspection process reveals any specific defects, ask the owner of the premises who will pay for the repair work.
If you rent a room that does not have a lock (or you are talking about paying for one bed), you do not need to pay a deposit.

Residential windows must be in good condition. Otherwise in winter time year, the apartment will be excessively cold, and in hot weather it will be difficult for the air conditioner to perform its functions.

Be sure to note down the emergency numbers to call in case of any emergency. A copy of the lease agreement must contain a note indicating the monthly rental payment. The owner of the residential premises must put his personal signature.

Property in a rented apartment

Clarify the issue with appliances and furniture - will you be able to use the owner’s furniture or will you need to transport your own. Since the market price for renting premises is always unstable, you should not sign a lease agreement for a long time for a certain price. Of course, this is just advice, the decision is still yours in any case, but if prices suddenly fall, you can always find a cheaper rental option (or ask the apartment owner to give you a discount).

When executing a lease agreement, the owner of the premises must give you all the keys. They definitely need to be checked. And don't forget: no one has the right to demand money from you for the keys. This will be an illegal requirement, which you are not obligated to comply with.

As a rule, a lease agreement is concluded for exactly one year. This is beneficial to the owner of the premises, since such an agreement is considered to be concluded for a short period. Thus, the tenant will not be able to allow other tenants to live with him without notifying the owner. If you want to extend the contract, simply sign the necessary agreement. This must be done 30 days before the temporary period of the residential lease agreement expires.

Establish contact with the owner of the rental property and neighbors, this will help you avoid many problems.

Rental period

This is a common misconception among tenants - the landlord has the right to kick them out of the apartment at any time. In reality, everything is not so simple; the landlord cannot kick out the tenant before the time period of the contract expires.

Another important nuance: If you signed an agreement to rent an apartment for a long period (more than a year), the tenant has the right before other persons to extend the concluded agreement. And if the landlord simply begins to refer to the fact that he did not like the person and wants to move in other tenants, this will not become a serious reason at all (of course, if the tenant has not committed anything illegal). Eviction in such a situation is only possible through legal proceedings. The court will consider whether there are violations of the legislative norms of the Russian Federation, or violations of the lease agreement. That is:

  1. If a person does not pay rent for a residential premises.
  2. If you allowed strangers (not included in the contract) to live in the apartment.
  3. If the tenant has damaged the living space (or if it has become impossible to live in it).

But in practice, such situations do not occur very often.

Compensation for damage

Before the end of the contract, the tenant and the landlord must jointly check all property using an inventory. The tenant is obliged to return all items in proper condition. In the event of damage to an item, the issue is resolved in various ways. Of course, it is best to find a compromise solution (for example, if the refrigerator breaks down, the tenant can pay for its repair or reimburse the cost). But if the tenant is not to blame for the breakdown, the matter has reached court proceedings, the evidence will be the concluded lease agreement for the apartment. It must be signed by both parties to the legal relationship.

And the last thing: Always read what you sign when renting an apartment! Even if you have followed every step of the landlord, be sure to read everything written at the end! Only after this should you put your signature on the contract! If you do not have sufficient knowledge in this area, it is best to seek help from a specialist. A professional lawyer will explain all the nuances to you and help you avoid mistakes when concluding an apartment lease agreement!

The rental of apartments and other premises is regulated by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

On social networks or the old fashioned way - on notice posts and entrance doors. However, often these advertisements are responded to not by real home owners, but by realtors, with whom you will subsequently have to deal. In addition, photographs and descriptions of housing do not always correspond to reality, so we recommend that you do not unconditionally believe the colorful pictures and descriptions of the “dream apartment”, but check everything carefully and follow a few basic rules.


Decide in what conditions you want to live

To begin with, you should determine for yourself several important requirements that you will subsequently focus on when looking for housing. First of all, assess your financial capabilities and decide whether you can rent an apartment/house in its entirety, or only part of it (a room, half a house, etc.). To combine price and quality, you may have to give up some amenities, since there are practically no ideal options.

You also need to understand how important the general condition of the premises, the freshness of the renovation, the availability of equipment, furniture, and the Internet are for you. It is also necessary to decide on the area of ​​the city in which you would like to live, which will immediately entail the presence or absence of a good transport interchange. All of these factors will directly affect the cost of rent.


Avoid fake realtors and carrot ads

A traditional method of deception is posting on the website offers to rent an apartment at a reduced cost, or, as they are also called, “carrots”, which are used to lure clients. An apartment in good repair and in a prestigious area cannot be cheap, so most likely, if you call the number provided, you will be told that this apartment has already been rented out, but there are other options - naturally, many times more expensive. But this is still a harmless type of deception that will only take up your time.

Often, less experienced tenants fall into the hands of scammers. False realtors, for example, ask for an advance payment for housing, promising to “book” it for you, and disappear along with the money. To make their actions more convincing, scammers can meet the client near the real estate agency office: not inside, but outside.


Another type of fraud: a gullible client is offered to sell a “database of phone numbers of home owners” that are being rented out. Such a “base” in most cases is a fake set of unclear numbers. Another example is when they “sell” the addresses of supposedly rented apartments, where renters are not welcome at all. When receiving such offers, it is worth remembering that the realtor works for a percentage of the rental price, and he should receive the money only after signing the contract, so he will not trade the bases from which he himself earns.

Pay attention to details when inspecting the apartment

It takes on average from a week to a month to find comfortable housing. If you try really hard, you can find a cheaper apartment and also avoid working with realtors. However, without a professional, you will need much more time to find a suitable apartment.

What is good about working with a realtor? He has already familiarized himself with the apartment, determined all the pros and cons of housing, and you do not have to waste your time on this. A professional will immediately understand whether you like the housing or not, and will show only suitable options. If you are looking for an apartment yourself, then in a hurry you may, for example, forget to inspect the radiators, pipes or balcony, the surrounding area, check the availability of shops, a playground, a pharmacy and transport stops nearby.

Agency "Moscow"

Before viewing an apartment (no matter with a realtor or on your own), look at the house and entrance. It is important here that there are no cracks, leaks, or crumbling balconies on the house. A combination lock is desirable at the entrance; the walls must be free of mold and “ rock art" It's good if you find your mailbox and it will close. If you have to rent housing on floors above the 5th, it is important to check the condition of the elevator.

Next, don’t be shy about inspecting the apartment carefully. You need to check the condition of pipes, locks and wiring. It doesn’t hurt to inspect the windows to see if they close tightly, if there are any cracks, and the ceilings can tell you, if not about the owners, then about the neighbors above.

Check your housing documents

In an apartment, first of all, determine who exactly is the owner and whether he rents out the property himself. It is bad if someone else acts on behalf of the owner, even a relative registered in the apartment - a son, daughter, son-in-law. Insist that the owner himself signs the rental agreement, otherwise after some time it may happen that the owner did not know anything about what happened and you were deceived. If a relative or friend acts on behalf of the owner, he must have the appropriate power of attorney.

Before signing the contract, you should make sure that the ownership documents are in order, that this is exactly the apartment that is specified in the contract, and that the housing belongs to the person with whom you are signing the agreement.

To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with the landlord’s passport and the document on ownership of this living space. This may be an agreement on inheritance, privatization, sale and purchase, deed of gift or other documents. The owner can show the registration certificate of the apartment, and preferably a document confirming the absence of utility debts.

Immediately clarify whether the same person owns the apartment. If there are several owners, then a notarized consent of the remaining owners of the property is required to rent it out.

Discuss rental terms in advance

By law, a rental agreement will be concluded with the owner. In the future, the document, at least partially, will help avoid disagreements with the owner. It is important to discuss all the conditions that you write down in the contract in detail in advance.

In addition to the standard lease terms - payment, term and frequency of payments - decide which of you pays for utilities. Typically, metering services are paid by the tenant, and the fixed costs of the apartment are borne by the owner. Or the parties agree on terms that suit everyone.


Most often, conflicts between the owner and the tenant arise due to everyday little things, so when signing an agreement, it’s the little things that you should pay special attention to.

At the first meeting, you should discuss with the owner the frequency of his visits to the premises he rents, so as not to subsequently suffer from the owner’s intrusiveness.

Typically, the contract specifies the procedure by which the landlord must warn the tenant about his visits in advance.

It is also worth discussing in advance with the owner whether you have to pay in case of breakdowns in the apartment: if a pipe leaked, the toilet broke, the wiring burned out, a window broke, and so on. Will you have to buy a washing machine or a new sofa yourself? Adequate landlords often accommodate their tenants and agree to help with repairs or troubleshooting.

Write down all the nuances of the lease in the contract

The rental agreement is signed on site, in the rented accommodation. We recommend that you feel free to check the details of the agreement (which may well differ from those agreed upon if the realtor represents the interests of the owner) and insist on the terms that you discussed with the owner in advance.

The document must contain a description of the premises being rented, the address of the property, the rental period, the amount and clear terms of payment, information about the owners of the apartment or house, and the conditions for terminating the agreement. In addition, the agreement must describe the property remaining in the use of the tenant, and also indicate the passport details of both parties. It would be a good idea to record current meter readings for your utility bills so as not to pay for previous residents.

Feel free to bring company with you to the deal

Often the owner of a rental property does not come alone to sign the contract. It is believed that a “third person” (not counting the realtor, if he is involved in the transaction) can help assess a possible controversial situation from the outside, or simply support the person. Therefore, even if you are planning to rent a house alone, do not hesitate to come to the transaction in the company of a friend or relative so that “the forces are equal.” If you are worried about your safety or the safety of your finances, but do not want to show it, ask your person to wait at the entrance or nearby.


To conclude a rental agreement, you need to take a passport or other identification document. You need both the original document and its copy. Do not be surprised if you are asked to show passports or birth certificates of all family members who intend to live with you in the rented apartment.

After signing the contract, you will most likely need to pay three amounts at once: for the first and last month of rent (deposit), as well as pay for the services of a realtor, which usually amounts to half the monthly rental cost. If you terminate the contract early, remember that the owner of the apartment has the right to require you to pay for the use of housing for the next month - this is usually covered by the deposit paid at the conclusion of the contract.

Victoria Matvienko