Renting an apartment: pros and cons. Rent a room in a communal apartment or rent a room with the owner? advice, opinions

Greetings, dear friends! The topic of today's article will be interesting and useful to almost everyone. Many young families, people who move to other cities and simply young people who are finally deciding to fly out of their parents' nest, one way or another face a dilemma - buy an apartment or rent? Whatever decision is made, both have the right to life. Moreover, often the choice has to be made based not only on life circumstances, but also on the time frame, and most importantly, on the amount of funds available to purchase real estate. However, there is a number of universal landmarks, with the help of which you can make the right and most profitable choice. I invite you to look at the pros and cons of each option with me.

Rented housing

To decide what is more profitable - buying an apartment or renting it, you need to weigh the pros and cons of these options. I think it’s worth starting with real estate registered for rent. If you have been thinking about renting an apartment for a long time, it is quite possible that my arguments will help you make your final decision.

Pros of rented housing

Life story

One of my friends rented a one-room apartment in Moscow for 23,000 rubles per month. After some time, the homeowner decided to sell his property. Since the girl really liked the apartment, she decided not to part with it and became its buyer. Considering that the sale was without intermediaries, exclusively face-to-face, the owner asked for 6.5 million. I’ll say right away that the price is quite reasonable for the capital. The tenant had only a million in her hands. That is, another 5.5 million remained to be found.

The down payment that the seller requested was 20% of the total value of the property. Despite the fact that most banks refuse to issue loans in such cases, my friend was lucky. She had an excellent job, a decent “white” salary, and therefore the bank met her halfway and issued a loan. The loan was issued for long term– for whole 20 years. The interest rate was 13% per annum. Carrying out simple calculations, we get that monthly the girl needed to return the jar of order 65,000 rubles. We add to this amount annual insurance, rent - all those expenses that previously fell on the shoulders of the apartment owner. And given that the fabulous prospect of increasing property taxes appeared on the horizon, the buyer would also have to pay it.

Let’s assume that the 23,000 rubles for which the girl rented the apartment is below the market price, and soon the amount would increase. However, no matter how you look at it, it would not have risen to the level of mortgage payments (not to mention additional markups). Of course, we can reduce our mortgage payments as much as possible if our down payment on the apartment is larger. Let's assume that the heroine of this story had 6,000,000 rubles available on hand, and therefore she would only need to borrow 500,000 rubles from the bank. Of course, the payments on such a mortgage would be very small. However, this is far from the most correct conclusion. After all, Firstly, we need to have a huge amount of money on hand, and few people know how to save for an apartment without a mortgage. And secondly, if you’re going to do the calculations, do it as correctly as possible.

The average interest rate on deposits is 10-12% per annum. Just imagine, if you place your free 6,000,000 rubles in a deposit account, you will receive 50-60 thousand rubles a month. This amount will be enough for you not only to pay rent, but also to buy food, clothing and much more. In addition, if you know, you will find a more profitable option for increasing your free money and provide yourself with more passive income. If we look at renting apartments from this perspective, it becomes obvious that this option for interacting with real estate is much more profitable than a mortgage.

Disadvantages of rented housing

Mortgage housing

Well, now let’s find out whether it’s worth taking out an apartment on a mortgage, what are the weak and strengths has this option for interacting with real estate.

Advantages of own mortgage housing

Cons of a mortgage

Mathematical digressions

To evaluate all the possibilities of a mortgage, it is worth adding a few numbers to our discussion. Although we previously calculated the financial benefits of rented housing, we did not mention that inflation processes lead to an increase in rents, But no way do not apply to mortgage payments. This is due to the fact that their size is fixed in the contract. That is, when you decide to take out a mortgage loan with an annual interest rate of 10-13%, you thereby fix the price of the property.

Since you are now a homeowner, the money you previously paid for rent can be put aside to pay off your mortgage early. If we take as an example the average rental rate of 35,000 rubles monthly, then literally in 10 years a quite decent amount of funds in the amount of 4.2 million rubles will accrue. Reduce or increase this number depending on your region of residence. Just think, you didn’t use this money to make a down payment on an apartment, you didn’t spend it on buying any property, but just dropped into nowhere!

In addition, for some reason everyone forgets to say that over the 10-20 years during which you will pay off your mortgage, the cost of your apartment will increase several times, and money will become cheaper. For clarity, I’ll tell you one story: in 2000, a three-room apartment in the Arbat area with with total area in 80 sq. m. could be purchased for $100,000. At the old rate, this would have amounted to a little more than 3 million rubles. Today the same apartment costs about 22 million rubles. If we take a city with a population of 35,000, then apartments cost 100-150 thousand rubles, and now they cost 1-1.5 million. Now think about what is better.

A few calculations

Let's look at a few examples that will help us make a final decision and understand how to take out a mortgage for an apartment.

Example No. 1

Let's assume that you have found a wonderful one-room apartment in the Moscow region. The cost of housing is 5 million rubles. An initial fee - 2.5 million rubles. You need to borrow another 2.5 million from the bank 12% per annum.
Every month you have to pay the bank 25,000 rubles.

Over 18 years, you will pay the bank 5.4 million rubles. Even if we assume that inflation will be minimal and will not exceed 5% for real estate, and your housing is liquid, then over these 18 years the cost of the apartment will increase to 9.5 million rubles.

a loan is quite a profitable event. And if we add here another 13% of the principal amount of 2 million rubles (the maximum amount with which you can get a deduction under the current law) in the form of a tax deduction in the amount 260 thousand rubles And 13% of 2.9 million interest paid on the mortgage (maximum amount for the interest part is 3 million rubles) in the amount 377 thousand rubles, in the end we will succeed save 2.237 million rubles based on:

9,5-2,5-2,5-2,9+0,260+0,377=2.237 million rubles

Example No. 2

As a rule, fans of rentals say that a one-room apartment on the outskirts of Moscow costs approximately 6 million rubles. If 80% of the required amount for its purchase is borrowed for 15 years, then, taking into account the current mortgage rate of 12%. Every month you will have to pay 48,000 rubles to the bank. Considering that the rent for such an apartment is 25,000 rubles per month, the benefits of renting are obvious. In general, if you believe this calculator, and make the financial costs of rent constant, then you can rent this apartment for 32 years without knowing grief. But there is one very cunning trick in these calculations - “ if the rental price does not change».

Let's now do a little recalculation, assuming that annual inflation rate is 5%. In this case, the price of our real estate will increase to 10.5 million rubles. Let’s add here the fact that during this time the rental price will rise to 43,750 thousand rubles per month and we get that Every year more than half a million rubles go into waste!

Undoubtedly, in this case average price rented housing will increase in 15 years only to 36,000 rubles. But, according to statistics, people pay off mortgage loans in 7-8 years. So the actual payment to the bank will actually be much less.
Let's summarize all the examples with one comprehensive mathematical comparison of rent and mortgage. For calculations, let’s take an abstract apartment, the cost of which is 3 million rubles, and the rent is 20,000 rubles monthly.

An initial fee


Most people are trying to find options on how to buy an apartment without a mortgage, only because they do not have substantial savings to pay the starting fee. Considering that this amount is approximately 15-20% of the total cost of the loan, in our case it will be approximately 450-600 thousand rubles.

However, today there is an option don't pay the entry fee at all. Some banks offer the opportunity to obtain a loan without a down payment. However, in this case, the mortgage interest rate will be slightly higher - about 15%/year.


May cost differently depending on your specific situation:

  • If you independently found an apartment to rent, then you will need to give the owner money for the first and last month accommodation. That is 40,000 rubles
  • If things work out for you a good relationship with the owner of the property, it is quite possible that the security deposit for the last month may be reduced. For example, it will be 10,000 rubles. Thus, you will have to pay 30,000 rubles
  • If a realtor was looking for an apartment for you, then you will have to pay 50-60 thousand for rent

Monthly payment

Mortgages scare many people with their hefty monthly payments. I offer you several payment options based on the characteristics of 3 categories of borrowers:

  • people with little income and no savings
  • those who have savings and want to get rid of the loan as quickly as possible
  • intermediate

Let me remind you that banks fix payment amounts until the end of the mortgage payment.

Renting implies an annual increase in the monthly rent. Considering that on average inflation is growing by 4% per year, and it is impossible to predict the landlord’s appetite in advance, I propose to use the same time frame for calculations that we used when calculating the mortgage. To do this, we use the formula:

S2018= S2017 * (P2017 + 100) / 100

In this case:
S– this is the cost of one month’s rent;
P– inflation rate of a particular year.

Let's assume that inflation growth in the next 25 years will be stable and will not change. From here we get:

Thus it turns out that in the short term, rent wins, and here in the future – mortgage. Since loan payments are fixed, it will be easier for you to pay off your mortgage each year due to inflation and potential growth wages. Such simple and natural economic processes independently solve the problem of how to save for an apartment.

Final result

Perhaps the main argument of mortgage opponents is the large amount of overpayments. I suggest you compare final amounts on loans and leases, taking into account the official inflation forecast. I would like to note right away that we will not change the interest rates and start-up fees for different mortgage terms: they will all correspond to the data in the first table.

Total amount calculate using the formula:


Where n- This Last year rent.

Since it is now February, we use this year and the year of the lease expiration for calculations. 10 months.

TermMortgage overpayment, rub.Final mortgage amount, rub.Final rental amount, rub.
10 2 700 000 4 950 000 3 196 652
20 3 824 880 6 374 880 7 500 000
25 7 500 000 10 500 000 10 0000 000

It turns out that the difference between a mortgage and renting a home for 10 and 25 years will be 0.5-1.9 million rubles. Moreover over 20 years, the mortgage will be more profitable even by the numbers. But you must admit that the results of these payments are not equivalent: in one case you will get your own real estate at your disposal, and in the other you will continue to replenish someone’s wallet every month without receiving the final result.

How to save for a down payment on a mortgage?

I'm just sure many of you are wondering this question. I want to say right away that I will not cover this topic in this article, since all the information you are interested in will be posted in my review “How to save for a mortgage.” The only thing I want to tell you is about reasonable savings. Try to balance your debit with credit and learn to save money. I already wrote once. I strongly advise you to use it and reconsider your budget.


In my opinion, the only significant disadvantage of owning your own home is its cost. In most cases, you can only purchase an apartment or house with a mortgage. And who wants to get involved in a credit relationship with a bank for several decades? That is why we have to admit the undoubted advantage of rented housing. In addition, renting an apartment is an opportunity to change your life and move at any time.

However, considering that we do not live in the USA, not everyone needs to move out of their home. Those who have a good permanent job or their own business are in no hurry to go or run somewhere. Such people are already entrenched in one place and are not interested in changing the situation. It is they who are concerned about the issue of acquiring their own permanent housing. Besides, Constantly paying rent is tiring. After 20 years of regular payments, we still have nothing left. Then what's the point of this? Isn’t it better then to get a mortgage and work towards a specific result in the form of your own real estate? Share your point of view in the comments under this post and don’t forget to subscribe to blog updates. See you soon!

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In the last decade daily rental housing has gained great momentum. Today, in many cities, rental housing competes with hotels in popularity among tourists, and in some cities hotels are inferior in this fight. And it is quite easy to understand the choice of visitors; the cost of living in an apartment is lower than the cost of a hotel room with a comparable level of comfort. For the money you pay for a luxury room, you can rent a luxurious apartment in good area with a jacuzzi and other attributes of luxury. Moreover, in rented apartments ah, people feel more comfortable, it feels like home, comfortable and familiar. Whatever price segment a person chooses an apartment in, he will get more for the same money than in a hotel.

In addition, in the last few years, a positive trend has emerged - real estate agencies that specialize in daily rental housing have begun to strive to provide their clients with hotel-level service. Enterprising and decent private owners have begun to show the same desire, because competition in this business is quite strong. By paying for accommodation in an apartment, the client receives a set of linen and towels, which are changed regularly, as well as all the necessary equipment that is offered in their hotel rooms and even more. After all, rented apartments have a kitchen with everything you need, which makes it possible to save a lot on food.

The next point that is quite important for our citizens is the freedom of action that an apartment provides. The client has no dependence on the hotel's operating schedule. There are no problems with what time a person will come to spend the night and who he will bring to visit. It is for these reasons that daily rental apartments are confidently squeezing out the hotel business on the market.
However, in order to fully enjoy all the benefits of such rental apartments, you must follow some rules when searching for them.

1. First of all, it must be said that if you want to get the maximum result for your money, then you need to look for an apartment in advance. Today there is the Internet, and booking accommodation on your own for a specific date is not difficult. Today there are specialized resources on the Internet where you can familiarize yourself with all the options, choose the most optimal ones for yourself, and decide on the spot.

2. If you have such an opportunity, then you should not be too frugal, especially if you are going to live in the city for quite a long time. You need to understand that economy class offers in most cases are intended for overnight stays.

3. Study the city at least superficially to choose the most optimal area of ​​residence for your purposes. Otherwise, you will have to move around the city.

I realized how wonderful rental housing is at the age of 16, thanks to a wonderful girl, Marina. Then the four of us rented an apartment - a small one-room apartment on the outskirts of the city.

Four young Muscovites

Me and my unbearable craving for freedom from parental walls and money. Faith - the eldest in a poor and large family, to her, our cramped conditions probably seemed like paradise after five brothers and sisters and mom and dad in her own two-room apartment.

Inna, whose mother arranged personal life with a new man in a 20-meter room in a communal apartment for 6 families, gave birth to a small son and did not understand where to put her daughter, who was always interfering with her lectures, in this square.

And finally, Marina - her parents gave the apartment to a religious organization, competently throwing out of the papers the daughter who did not want to join them on the righteous path. The salary of each of us, as you might guess, was enough for a quarter of the apartment and there was enough left over, but, alas, for more.

A few months later we needed to look for a new roommate. Marina’s great-aunt died and bequeathed her room in a communal apartment. Here, no religious parents could ruin the matter, and Marina... Marina surprised me.

She was the oldest and wisest of us. I thought that she would jump for joy, borrow money from friends for simple renovations and nice furniture, celebrate her housewarming and be happy about her own 15 square meters.

Marina acted differently. She immediately rented out the inherited room and rented a one-room apartment. The additional payment for the difference turned out to be quite within her means. And no “bad, but your own”, no “beautiful designs” where there are queues for a common bath and no “nesting” with three neighbors in the corridor. Marina chose someone else's on paper, but spacious and separate housing.

And I thought. I began to wonder how my most intelligent, successful, but not very wealthy acquaintances, those who do not have rich parents, but have a normal job and family, solve their housing problems.

Do you know what I discovered? I found that even people who had their own rooms and apartments did not live in them (only if during their student period). When planning a child, the family immediately rented out their one-room apartment and rented a two-room apartment, solving the issue of both the children's room and the parent's bedroom.

When there was a promotion in position and salary, or when one of the spouses switched to profitable freelancing, they rented out their one-room apartment or two-room apartment and rented a three-room apartment in order to allocate an office for work. Someone rented out an apartment in Moscow and moved to a rented townhouse in the Moscow region. Someone rented out a small area in the center and rented a larger one in a green, remote area.

And - I don’t want to offend anyone - of course, none of the successful people over 25 lived with their parents. With apartment prices in Moscow, everyone understands perfectly well that there is no and never will be a chance to ever buy a home.

Accordingly, there is no point in wiping your pants on mom and dad’s sofa - anyway, nothing of your own will fall from the sky, you need to get up and accept reality.

But the reality is rented housing. Forever

Or until the death of your parents, which you don’t even want to think about. So, forever. What's the point in delaying? Get started today.

Around the tenth year of living in rented apartments, I also inherited my first home. The income from immediately renting it out made me very happy every month when paying money to the owners.

Then, unfortunately, I inherited more. And then more. And theoretically, I could sell all this motley area and buy one quite decent apartment. But I didn’t want to anymore.

The advantages of rented housing made me a convinced adherent of it. For the rest of my life, I hope to only rent a place and never use my own.

I share these advantages:

  • Location

You can rent an apartment near your work. Institute. An elderly relative who needs to be visited often. The special school your child needs. In a quiet green area. In the center. At the Bolshoi Theater. At your discretion.

If you change jobs, you will not need to travel to the other end of the city - you will change your apartment to the one that will be next to the new office.

On the road alone you can win 1-3 hours a day (in Moscow I happened to win more).

If construction starts near your house, cheerful young people like to gather, or a noisy road is built, you will immediately pack up and leave without suffering from these changes. If your wishes for infrastructure change (for example, with the birth of a child, instead of a noisy center you want an area with a park), you will simply change the apartment to another.

  • Obviously, you can’t do this with your home.

Repair and other design

The apartment needs to be renovated periodically - explaining why is probably stupid. Wallpaper is not only visually boring, but also wears out. In rented housing you are spared this waste of time, effort and money. As soon as the apartment no longer suits you, you rent another one.

Moreover, there are always many options on the market immediately after cosmetic repairs, there are options with original designs - if you don’t rush, you can choose the ideal one. Which you yourself are not yet sure that you will implement, but here you take it ready-made.

And after a few years, when it stops being so new, you change it. Or change it earlier. The situation is similar with furniture and household appliances. When you rent an apartment, you immediately receive a complete set of everything you need.

  • You have no problem

Any breakdowns (not your fault, but naturally occurring), neighbors flooding the apartment, problems in the house itself and its major or other repairs - the owners' problems, not yours.

They don't hurt your pocket or your nerves. If they are serious, you change the apartment for a better one. If they are simple, the owner decides, and you just live and be happy.

You don’t need to worry about a possible fire, you don’t need to delve into the intricacies of insurance, think about laws, taxes, and papers.

All of the above is especially important for the home. For the last 5 years I have been renting a house, not an apartment, and I don’t know a single problem that arises among those who live in their own house. These are the problems of my owners.

  • I only remove snow from the porch in winter, but it’s not difficult for me. It would be difficult - I would again rent an apartment where the issue of snow is irrelevant.

Are you mobile?

Some people have to visit a psychologist to recover from shopaholism; entire families sometimes suffer from the senseless accumulation of unnecessary things. It happens that in one couple, the wife fills the closets with hundreds of blouses and buys thousands of vases and napkins, and the husband drags them almost from the trash heaps and stores spare parts and screws on the mezzanine. Systems like Fly Lady teach you to gradually get rid of the garbage that is taking over your space and your life. With rented housing the problem disappears. Nobody buys unnecessary things. And everything you need is there

famous places , pack compactly and quickly - and move in one day. By the way, I have friends who spend the winter in warm countries

and returning home in the spring. They don't have any junk at all. Honestly. This is aerobatics and a great money saver (even better than on furniture)

And I left the most important plus for later - however, I started my story with him. This is a plus - the opportunity to live TODAY. How many of us can go out and buy the home we dream of right now? With that number of rooms, with that footage, with that location?

Today you are sitting in a room in a communal apartment or a one-room apartment, or crowded with your parents in their apartment, giving birth to children in cramped conditions or postponing their birth until later, denying yourself a lot for the sake of “your walls,” saving for repairs, for furniture, for household appliances - you don't live. You hope to start living tomorrow when you can afford more. When you buy everything. More precisely, not when, but if.

In our time, no one can guarantee anything to anyone, and besides, we are all mortal. Personally, at the age of 20, I didn’t want to wait until by the age of 40-50 I either had or didn’t have what I wanted at 20. I decided to get it now. While I'm alive. As long as I want it. For now I need it.

Five years ago I moved from a rented three-room apartment to a rented house. In a month I am moving from this rented house to another rented house. New house more. It has just been renovated. Good home appliances. Nice furniture. Everything, naturally, is much fresher than in this house where I lived for 5 years. Sheer joy, they say. Congratulations on your housewarming.

By the way, do you know why I didn’t write a word about the disadvantages of rented housing? Because I've never encountered them. Theoretically, I have heard about strange owners and other troubles, but I have no such experience. If not, why would I invent it?

Dear readers! Do you live in your own house/apartment? How do you feel about rented housing? What pros and cons have you encountered when renting a home? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!