Life on the yacht. Personal experience: how to move to live on a yacht and do not bring the yacht property


andrei Stekachev

Summer on a yacht moored in a cozy picturesque bay - a real dream. The Village talked to Kushnarenko's Ksenia, the founder of the LE Picnic Market, which, together with his family, spends the summer on a sailing yacht in the "Nut Bay" near Moscow, and found out if a fantastic life really looks like a fairy tale.


We bought this boat with your parents a couple of years ago in Poland. Let's go for one, and bought a completely different. Roughly speaking, drove for a three-wheeled bike, and bought a motorcycle. For a long time she traveled to us: bought in the fall, and she arrived only in the spring of next year.

The boat descended into the water in the yacht club "Gals" on the Pirogovsky reservoir. The first year was there, and then moved to the neighboring yacht club "Walnut Bay" - "Nut." It is very cozy here: the narrow bay, elongated, like Pinocchio's nose, boat to a boat, a compact pier and immediately from him - a hillock with a grove. Upstairs - houses, cafes, parking yachts and yacht shop. In addition to the yachtsmen and they sympathize, wakers and windsurfers hang out here. Parents live in the yacht club in fact all the time, and my young wife Zhenya ride there as a cottage. We try to spend all your free time in the "nut", but if you are doing, they jumped into a taxi - and already in the city.

Our boat is called "Vesta". When we bought it, she wore another name, but according to tradition, it's necessary to change the name when the owner changes. We had many options, but in the end they chose "Vesta": I thought it was a goddess -ecurity of a family hearth. The boat appeared in not the easiest moment for our family and, probably, really for some time we united us and rallied. So for us this is a very symbolic name.

In addition to the boat, we have a house in the Walnut Bay, and mostly we sleep there.
On the boat, too, tried: nothing in the feed cabin, and in the nose you feel like a single tent. At night, it is very uncomfortable to get into the toilet: you need to disassemble the bed of pillows, otherwise the door will not open. Zhenya cracked through the hatch, but it is not easy. In addition, this hatch is quite decent sizes and performs the role of the porthole. The light that gets through it is very breathing to sleep. Imagine that you sleep in a transparent tent - about the same sensations.

But it's nice to shove on the waves. You sleep like a baby in the cradle. And only nightingales interfere with sleep. Nightingle There are some kind of fanatical: start to sing around 23:00 and do not finish until the morning. Without taking no way. In general, on the boat we usually day, and overnight in a house on the contrary. We also had a container - such in which cargo usually transported. He also stands near, and we want to remake it in a residential space. We have already painted the container in the yellow color, now we are engaged in a staircase, and then we plan to repair inside.

Yacht device

Our sailing yacht, fucked, rather large by local standards - 33 feet in length, and this is about 10 meters. There are only two such large cruise boats: our neighbor is French Jeanneau.

The boat is made on the Polish shipyard Maxus. We are not the first of her owners, but she was in perfect condition, and we decided to buy. I remember, we went on an excursion to the plant, where we were shown the whole process of assembling the vessel from the matrix to the finished corps. Then we were invited to the regatta on this boat, where we, together with the captain, took the first place. And followed the party with dancing, buckling with food with tables, beer river and salute. Therefore, there was no chance of not to buy a boat.

Inside three cabins (one nasal and two sterns), one galuine, a spacious cabin company and cockpit. The cost of the parking lot of our boat includes the actual parking itself, that is, mooring, and round-the-clock security is 8 thousand rubles per month. Electricity and water are paid separately. Water, by the way, we have a clean spring, from the local artesian well. On the galley there is a sink, refrigerator and a small gas tile. So, we do not eat here, rather, rather, rather: that no day, then the volume, ear or pasta with mussels. Parents love to rinate dinners very much - it seems that the whole "nut" has already moved. We are not the fact that from the neighboring yacht clubs - from Voronezh come.

All the water from our soul, toilet and kitchen merges into the tank, and from there - in the pyrography. But not in the bay, of course - we merge as soon as you sail away. On the yacht etiquette of Galun during the parking lot, no one uses (only if it hurts at all). We have two souls: one there, where Galun, and the second on the stern, right in the trunk. It is very convenient: I dived, I swallowed, I Solished. Swim, by the way, in the bay it is not possible - the guard swears. It is logical: boats and boats go there and here. But we still bathe.

We have never had a cottage, and the boat has become an excellent alternative. And the yacht has its advantages. After all, the house is worth it and stands, and on the boat you took and went out in the evening to ride. Most often we ride on a pym or go to the Pest reservoir. There is a wind - put the sail, no - we go under the engine. The farthest, where we went, in Konakovo, on the Volga, through the Moscow channel. It seems six gateways there and the same amount back.

Theoretically, our boat can be released in Ladoga, in the hega - we have a good lake type of yacht. But the sea is more complicated. Here it is more logical in place to take a charter. To the exit in the sea its requirements. But if you prepare and if there is time, you can do there, I think.

Captain with us - Father. He is the only one who has a shkiper crusts. And I and I and I and Moma so - a subpauceal sailor (from the word Piol. - Approx. Ed.)how he calls us. Grotto put, we work on Staxel, we work out turns of overfall and Fordewind. Recently went to the courses of skippers, following which at the end of the summer, IYT BAREBOAT SKIPPER diploma should receive (this is an international certificate that gives us the right to manage a sailing yacht up to 22 meters long). At the end of the course promise to practice in Greece - it is very manitis. I want somewhere except for Konakovo and Poland, well - well, to stay in the captain's skull, of course.

Dictionary Terminos

small separate room on the ship

toilet on the ship

Cabin company
common room on a ship for food and recreation

internal open space on the deck

kitchen on the ship

Nose boat
front of the ship

rear of the ship

lower part of a flat vessel

Cleaning and service

The boat in terms of cleaning is no different from the house - with the only difference that the order is accounted for much more often. This is a yacht - holiday, they came and left. And for those who live on it, these are harsh weekdays. All the time you remove something - the space is small, everything is in sight.

My father is generally "Wedge-Fric": he has purity as in the San permanent, each stopper is signed and each button on the dashboard. It looks ridiculous, but helps him. It seems he is alone here. I have not seen me to treat your boat with such care. He all the time for it docks something: then a new sail, then the navigation system. Although why is she in Pirogovo? Reefs, shames and jambs Macrel here seems to be observed.

In general, the boat is a big toy with which you can bother infinitely. Well, it is necessary to feed it - in the sense of refueling. There is no refueling in the "nut", so we bring fuel in the canes. One gasoline on the engine takes 40 liters, and then you still need a diesel for the heating system.

The content of the yacht is not the pleasure of cheap. I once bought, you will not only constantly pump the boat, but also repair it. Some of the guests threw something in Galun, and the tank clogged. And eliminate the blockage - 500 euros, take it back. Buy a storm sail - a thousand dollars, fix the stem - 30 thousand rubles. 30 thousand rubles for a site of 30 to 30 centimeters is a thousand per square centimeter. In addition, like any transport, the yacht requires a regular technical inspection. For the winter, the motor can be preserved, the yacht is getting out of the water and put on a trailer to winter land.

Summer in nature

We seem to be quite close to Moscow - to the Moscow Ring Road Ten minutes by car, but the proximity of the city does not feel at all. It feels like you are somewhere far away.

I love our house. We have panoramic windows everywhere, and we seem to be the only ones who did not curtain them. I studied in Denmark, and I have this habit from there: no one ever reserves the windows, and no one is doing anything before you do. But the whole world is like a palm.

So here - the trees around the trees, a few steps. It seems to be in the house, and it seems in nature. The perfect sightseeing area is obtained, and you are sitting and seemed to watch TV: reservoir, hazel, bells, squirrels jump, Hedgehogs rustle, someone over the grill squeeze, Won Lena from the Wike Station to someone from newbies for the hundredth time screaming about " The knees of softer ", Von Yacht" Kunashir "went, but the" Vesta "goes out. Honestly, I can not work. I tried a failed idea. All the time you are distracted by something. Communication, again. We have a very grocery yacht, constantly some new people on the boat, always have something to treat. Therefore, if the faint of work is going to the city, there you can definitely get together.

A curious discussion of life on a 40+ yacht has unfolded. User Alloy Boy. I wondered what was done from the apartment to a small boat:

"All day I see yachts from the window of my office, and it seems to me the life of them proceeds so serene
, "he writes. - Is there really there Nowhere to turn around, how does it seem to me (if you live alone)? How fast do they depreciate? A quick search shows that "Sorokofutovik" is fairly comparable to the apartment or a small house, but what are the advantages that you live on a yacht (except mobility)? "

Here is what answers he received:


"This is a very relaxed life and quite comfortable, but it all depends on your needs and desires. By the way, in most places for the 40-foot yacht, you pay much less than the apartment.

Life on the boat is not for everyone. It can be pleasant and relaxing, but to make it such, you will have to lie. If there is an opportunity to live on a yacht without buying it, then it is worth doing this.

You must take care of fresh water and emptying waste tank. Behind the water will have to run ashore - sometimes in Marina. Something there is a shipping water to the boat, but the experience tells me that it is rather an exception. Personally, I was not so lucky. When my husband and I were standing for a long time in one place, we had to capture 20 liters of water every time every time we went ashore.

Need electricity? If so, think about wind generators or solar panels, everything depends on the terrain where you live. Fridge? The most greedy to the energy device on the yacht. There are less voracious, but they will be in a penny. Want to have a hot shower on the boat? Think whether it is warm enough in your area so that daily costs the "summer shower" or it is worth buying a water heater.

What about breeding? If you have a gas stove, especially force 10, two burners and oven, it's fine, some complements it by a barbecue barbecue in the cockpit. With the stove you should have a gas sensor in the cabin in case of leakage, the gas can be accumulated at the bottom of the boat, which will lead to an explosion.

If you are anchored, then you will have to get to the shore on Tuzik daily. Take care to not stole it. Is there transport on the shore? The better, you don't have to carry underwear for washing, products, etc. Do you work every day? Keep in mind that there will be days when it will be difficult to get on Tuzik to the shore.

Want a TV and internet on board? We used usually mobile Internet. Sometimes it was lucky to catch an unparalleled Wi-Fi. A fairly highly installed antenna will provide free TV channels. Naturally, the quality of the picture will "chrome" when the boat is moving.

Again, depending on the region, clothing may suffer from moisture and mold. To avoid it, we hid all in hermetic bags.

There are those who prefer to rent places in Marina, they live on board and get most of the convenient houses. But not all marina allow it.

I would repeat my experience if it is possible and if there is a right person nearby. "


"I am thinking about it myself. Many years floated, a pension is nearing, and the prospect of having a second house attracts. If you work, you probably do not want such radical changes.

If you do not scare life in the cone, then forward. On the yacht, standing in Marina, you will get the following: long walks to the car and from it with shopping, daily bars to the shower in Marina (the drain bank will save the situation, but you will not be able to empty it in the marina, and you will pay for it weekly) or You can go to the sea every week to empty it there.

I strongly recommend a bright (or white) interior. Dark tree drives off the winter months. In addition, in winter you can suffer from claustrophobia. That is why for those who plan to live on a boat, I advise you not to save on space. The greater the place, the stronger your mental health.

In many ways, it's how to live in a van ... with a probability of drown. "


No washing machine / dryer. "Interruptions" with water. Everything is modest with cabinets and cooking. Beds leave much to be desired. Shower with boxes. All year round everything is removed. The smell of gasoline if you have a motorboat. A knock about the pier, even if the boat is tied. There are no heaters on many yachts, on all I have been to, there was no air conditioner. At best, you will be just cramped. With entertainment tight. The pet is practically unrealistic. Stretch in full growth? Forget.

Everyone, of course, so, but I myself would like to live on a boat - but only in a long journey, and not to join Marina and dangle to work there and here. Maybe live in the Caribbean in the winter, and in the summer to move to Maine? I would like to reach Europe from North America. Other life!

Think about it in such a way: to have a boat as a home, it's like having a motorcycle for all occasions. Sounds romantic, but how comfortable it is in practice?

william G.

You do not need to stay where you do not want, you are in the literal and figurative sense of the "captain of your ship", and no one will argue with it.

It will hard to find a person who would not like to relax next to water. What about living next to the water? A bold project on this expense presented a designer and architect Maxim Zhisov.

People do not often remember that almost 71 percent of the surface of our planet is covered with water. In the conditions of the ever-growing population, the day is the day when it may be necessary to truly settle on the water. Serious studies on this topic is almost not carried out, nevertheless, the area of \u200b\u200b"surface" architecture develops at the expense of enthusiasts. Most recently, they presented a new luxurious concept of housing on the water, which was obtained by a modest name Hydrohouse. Developed this project was an architect Maxim Life together with the Baikal Yachts Group team.

We must admit that not so often architects create something really creative when it comes to houses on the water. In our own cases, the house turned out to be really interesting, immediately for several reasons. First of all, the Hydrohouse concept offers a sufficient level of comfort, for people living in a similar house.

It truly surprises Hydrohouse in that it moves not only on water, like the ferry, but also on land. Immediately not yourself. To carry a floating house from place to seats, you can with a truck with a trailer. It adds several points to mobility and versatility at home. Once on the water house, can drift, and maybe it's on the pier.

With all the same, the dwelling itself is a pier! You can make it not only boats, boats and yachts, but even a plane capable of landing. Of course, such a luxury is not every pocket, but much more important is that innovative Hydrohouse demonstrates all those opportunities that can be implemented when it comes to the construction of floating housing.

Despite the incomprehensible legal status, a new format of residential real estate is becoming popular in Russia - floating houses.

Photo: Depositphotos / S_Razvodovskij

Floating houses have always been very popular in Europe. In Russia, this is a relatively new phenomenon, but the demand for such houses is ahead of the proposal several times.

In Europe, the water houses are much more than in Russia: in countries such as Germany or the Netherlands, river areas are much cheaper than the Earth, so many prefer to settle on the water. A similar residential real estate format is popular and in France, where for permanent living on the water it is necessary to buy a special permit in the mayor's office, which gives the right to arrange and laying communications to houses-boats.

(Photo: Robert Harding / Globallookpress)

(Photo: Lisa S. Engelbrecht / Globallookpress)

"In our country, the market of housing offers on the water is quite narrow," says Mikhail Bulls, the commercial director of the company "House on the water". - Few Russianians imagines that such a floating house is due to the lack of competent advertising politics. Many customers just Do not know where and how this type of housing is presented. "

However, the demand for "water" accommodation in Russia is, the director of the Department of Urban Real Estate Department of Blackwood Oksana Diveeva is assured. According to her, demand exceeds the offer several times.

What happens a floating housing

The most inexpensive option is house on Pontoukh. Pontoons are combined among themselves into a single floating platform. This platform holds the construction on the water located on the site. Despite the rather impressive weight, the design has good stability and has the properties of the vessel, which is well kept afloat in addition, the pontoon is not subject to corrosion and its service life is several hundred years. According to experts, this type of housing has a huge potential: pontoons provide for the possibility of building a house on an individual project.

Barja, equipped with housing, are much less common. Under housing you can re-equip the old barge. But it's easier to order Bartz on shipyard. Such houses are common mainly in Europe and the United States. In Russia, the prospects for using a barge remain misty.

Haousebot Combines the functions of the yacht and country house. It is intended for movement on inland water bodies. This is a whole two-storey "house on the water", fully ready for living. Hoousebot can be equipped with one or two engines, gasoline or diesel, suspended or stationary. This floating house moves with a maximum speed of 20 km / h.

Debarkader - Pretty expensive type of real estate. This technology provides for construction on concrete structures. The main advantage of such houses on the water is that they provide freedom to implement any architectural designs. There are practically no restrictions on the fantasy of designers and architects. On a solid concrete debarkarer, you can build quite large houses in a few floors.

Debarkaders can work either autonomously, having their generator, their water supply, ventilation and sewage system. However, they can be connected to local networks, to central communication communications, if necessary, they can float autonomously (for example, when moving to another parking place). However, it is quite difficult to repair such a floating object. "Debarcader needs to be periodically raised on the stock and examine the skin for leaks. This is quite expensive if there is no possibility to carry out these work using stamels, but diving work for identifying and eliminating leaks do not give a complete picture of the quality of the repair work," says Mikhail Bulls.

"Any of these types of floating houses can be equipped with the necessary infrastructure in order to live in it all year round. For example, you can put a sea-type toilet with a manual descent or put a 100 liter tank. But for this, the owner needs to think about the indoor entrance scheme to the house or adjust the plascent. To the pumping point, "the commercial director of Mikija is advised (creates houses on water) Dmitry Sobyanyakov.

How much are houses on the water

"The safety of the debarkaadeter depends on the materials and technologies used in its construction, engineering infrastructure systems, but most importantly - from the properly built foundation. You need to buy debarkaders after carrying out a technical audit," Oksana Diveeva warns.

The cost of such a project depends on the size, quality of construction and engineering equipment. "The estimated cost of building a" floating house "begins from 2 million rubles, and in some cases the price comes to $ 3 million," said the expert from Blackwood.

It is impossible to register in the "floating house", but it can be registered in the State Inspectorate on Mulberry Ships as Flood. This requires the presence of lights and rescue equipment on board. Problems during registration may occur if the size of the house exceeds 20 m in length. With this size, it is already necessary to contact the river register.

Vera Kozubov