Daily rent apartments - business for young. Business on the daily delivery of apartments for rent business plan for daily rent

The category of "business from scratch" can be safely attributed to the delivery of apartments for rent. At the same time you can not own apartments, but also make money on short-term lease. All that is needed for this is to find accommodation, whose owners are willing to provide it on the conditions of sublease. Subarenda is a form of a contract, in which the right to rent an apartment for rent as it is reptiles.

A similar business may seem understandable and easily organized. But not everything is so smooth and calm. Apartments for rent are a lot of apartments, but not all of them bring normal money, and some do not at all justify the funds invested in them.

Well, if the property already has a couple - the top of the apartments. Let the one-room (the most running on the market), then the profitability will be higher. If there is no such property, you will have to rent housing for a long time and to take it into a daily or hourly rent.

All complexity in organizing the case comes down to finding suitable housing. Many owners, having heard the word "daily rent", immediately associate it with drunkenness, prostitution and other negative things. And they will not change their opinion by any persuasion. Although in fact, such apartments in subsequent repair need extremely rare, unlike apartments in long-term rental.

Subares are not profitable to keep housing in poor condition, because they simply will not have customers. After each settlement, the apartment is carefully removed. What you can not say about the long-term rental: tenants (and among them a lot of youth) in 90% of cases for the state of the apartment do not follow. And walk and drink no less in such apartments.

"To conclude a contract of sublease to the apartment you like, you have to bring a little to the owners. I say that I have agreements with some firms for the settlement of people who come on a business trip. And in this case, the tenants will often change. If you agree to such conditions, then I will pay you for rent a little more. The hosts of housing first worries, but when they see that with their apartment everything is in order, calm down. And the opinion of the neighbors and Chairmen of the HOA they already indifferently, "says the user" Rasklad "on the forum Nasutki.borda.ru.

It is best to look for apartments closer to the city center. Here find customers much easier. And the cost of advertising is much smaller. Also worth renting apartments as close as possible to each other - this will reduce transportation costs. If one apartment is 15 km away, then transportation costs will be much more.

Legalization of activity

A business feature on the daily rent of apartments is that it is difficult to control the state. Therefore, a considerable part of the businessmen works without registration of entrepreneurship and does not pay taxes. In some cases, this is justified, especially when it comes to 1 - 3-handed apartments and income from activity is not so big to make sense to legalize business.

With an increase in the turnover of the organization, when there is no one or two apartments at the disposal of the organizer, and at least 5 - 6, it is better to register IP or LLC. With the design of the business it will be easier to find new apartments (housing owners trust organizations more than ordinary individuals). It will be calmer to work, since no one canceled the fines for illegal entrepreneurship. The envious will always be found, including those in the chair of the Chairmen of the HOA, which may report this to the police or the prosecutor's office. And in this case you will always have documents. Everything will be within the law ..

Register such business most often as ordinary individual entrepreneurship. For business registration in the tax inspectorate, it is necessary to present a statement, a photocopy of passport and the INN, the receipt for the payment of state duty. In the registration statement, the OKVED codes should be specified: 55.23.5 "Activities of other places for temporary residence" and 70.20.1 "Delivery of own residential real estate" (you can specify several codes). After 5 working days after submission of documents, it is possible to obtain a certificate of registration of IP. And you are a legal business representative.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the choice of the tax system. All three well-known specialists are suitable for such activities: patent (patent taxation system), UNVD (insertion) and USN (simplified). The most favorable option is a patent. You pay a fixed fee (about 10 thousand rubles) and work calmly for a whole year. You do not need to provide reports, to keep accounting, etc. But the patent system is not accepted in all regions, and therefore it will have to choose between UNVD (you can use up to 500 square meters. M.) Or USN. These specials are also beneficial (although it is more expensive), but they will have to account and give reporting on schedule.

It is worth considering the moment that, issued a business, will have to pay income tax for apartment owners, and this is 13% of the rental cost. In order not to offend yourself, this question should be discussed with the owners of housing even at the stage of concluding a contract of the sublease. These most 13% should be deducted from the cost of renting an apartment.

Hiring staff

If we are talking about building a business, and not about the work "for the sake of work", then the issue of employees should be resolved. If you have 2 - 3 apartments at your disposal, then somehow you can manage alone. And if you work with 5 and more apartments, one already does not manage.

Imagine a picture: You found a client, go to show him an apartment. While you are negotiating you the call from the second client - you are distracted by the conversation. At this time, the third client moves from the apartment to which there is already another client, and you need to urgently clean up the apartment, etc., etc. And such minor foreign affairs can be with a dozen one per day. The head will go around, which will affect the quality of work and the number of customers. Therefore, with an increase in the number of orders, you should think about hiring a maid for cleaning apartments and customer service manager. The cleaner can only pay the percentage of the work done without making it in the state (so as not to pay insurance deductions). Manager - salary and a small percentage for motivation. Let him work with clients work, answers calls, holds meetings, checks the condition of the apartments after guests, etc.

In this case, it appears a lot of time that you can spend on the search for new apartments, to solve accounting and legal issues, on advertising services, to control staff. Time will appear on a personal life, and the case will bring pleasure.

How to advertise a service

Customer search is one of the first tasks that all forces should be put on the solution. There will be no customers - there will be no income, and the obligations to pay the lease will not go anywhere. The following options will help to create a client base:

  • Placing ads in newspapers. The old and proven method, although with the arrival of the Internet, it becomes less and less relevant. But this does not mean that from the media it is worth refusing at all. Very many traveling on arrival in an unfamiliar city buy newspapers and find apartments there.
  • Split leaflets in places popular for tourists and visitors. These are outputs from the subway, bus and tram stops, cars and railway stations, central streets of the city.
  • Placing information on the advertisements on the Internet: Avito, Slando, city portals, etc. Do not forget about the compilation of a competent description, with an abundance of high-quality photos.
  • Try unique ways of advertising, such as writing ads on asphalt. All you need - stencil and paint can.
  • It is possible to agree on cooperation with local taxiists, since often visitors hire a taxi at the airport and ask the driver to tell, where you can remove inexpensive accommodation.

Underwater stones in the "daily" business

Search for apartments, business legalization and settlement of residents - far from all the problems that are waiting for an entrepreneur in this area. One of the main problems is the lack of customers. So that business brings income, each apartment must be filled at least 70%. That is, out of 30 days - 21 days in rent.

The demand for housing can be low not only because of high competition, but also in mind the seasonal decline. In the summer in the central part of Russia, the demand for the daily rent of housing falls sharply. People are leaving for rest, becomes less travelers. For this reason, you should not open the business to the summer season. Some entrepreneurs experienced in this business in the offseason refuse part of rented housing to reduce permanent costs.

At the same time, for resort cities (Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, etc.) Summer is just the season. And in the fall and winter such a business is idle.

Separately, it is worth mentioning about the mortgage and purchase of apartments on credit. On the forums you can read the ideas of such a content: "You can buy several apartments in the mortgage and pass them into the daily rent. It is better than paying the landlord. " The idea looks tempting, but not realized for a number of reasons:

  1. To get a mortgage even one apartment, you will have to greatly like the bank. He will demand a certificate of income, will look at the credit history, asks to find guarantors, etc. Your official income does not reach 30 - 50 thousand rubles. per month and the bank refuses you. If you wish to issue two apartments, then you will need an income of 80 thousand rubles. And if you have such an income, then why do you need mortgage and daily rent.
  2. From the point of view of investment, this option looks extremely unable. The return on investments will be about 8-10 years, which is unthinkable for normal, working business.

How much can you earn. Brief business plan

Long-term rental of one-room apartment in Moscow will cost 25 - 30 thousand rubles. per month. This should take into account the costs of cleaning, advertising and depreciation (replacement of broken equipment and furniture) - about 5 thousand rubles. on the apartment per month. You can pass the daily apartments on average for 2 - 2.5 thousand rubles.

Approximately the picture in the season should look like this:

Profit from putting six apartments will be about 120,000 p. per month.

To determine the payback of investments, the initial investment in the business should be taken into account. Each apartment will need to bring to the necessary comfort - make repairs, purchase furniture and equipment. For each apartment should lay at least 100 000 r. Therefore, six apartments will require investments in 600 000 r.

Hence the payback of investments according to the calculations above will be from 6 months. But it is necessary to take into account the fact that in the first months of customers will be a bit. It will be necessary to work for more than one month before the permanent client base is being developed and the "Sarafan Radio" will work. Therefore, the payback period of attachments can be safely multiplied by two.

In the last 10-15 years, the short-term rental market of apartments is gaining momentum. This is directly related to the fact that the mobility of the population is rising: tourism, business trips, business trips, forums, conferences, exhibitions.

Business - Apartments for rent, where to start

Normal business begins when at the disposal of an entrepreneur at least 5 apartments. With this different class - economy, business and elite apartments. To not miss any client if possible.

Finding into possession of several apartments - not a simple task. Many are wondering, and why not take a mortgage under this case. This idea is not quite suitable in terms of business. First, it's not so easy to take a mortgage. The initial contribution and the person on which the mortgage will be issued. At the same time, it is necessary to provide a certificate of official income - 2ndfl, which should be significantly higher (50% or more) than interest on the loan. Secondly, the Bank will have to pay a large mortgage percentage. Taking into account the taxes and other expenses, the income from the daily rent will be quite ridiculous. Well, thirdly, the owner of such an apartment will be a person on which the loan is issued, and well, if it is a close relative. Otherwise, relations with the owner of the housing, in the future, can be completely unprofitable.

Therefore, the optimal option in the absence of property is a sublease housing. Finding those wishing to conclude a similar contract is not very simple. For not experienced - practically not solved task. It is important to interest the owner of an apartment not only financial. The first thing that worries the owner is the preservation of his property, as many believe that the daily rent greatly harms the state of the apartment. And here it is important to convince the owner that the accommodation will be made overhaul, which will be careful for a careful daily care and visitors will only be decent. Complementing its dialogue by the fact that the long-term rental is not better than, since permanent tenants are also different - they are, just to a lesser extent monitoring the state of the apartment.

A serious business, as a rule, does not do without state registration. If with one or two apartments somehow it is possible to work "in black", then with the consolidation of the business, registration is obligatory. Moreover, legal status is convenient and many customers paying for non-cash payments. There is a registration of both ordinary individual entrepreneurship and registration of LLC (legal entity). What is better - read in Article: IP or LLC.

What taxation system to choose

Now about taxes. Since 2012, the entrepreneur VOLAH himself choose what system to work as a system: USN, UNVD or buy a patent. The most optimal taxation system of "daily business" is the patent system. This is when the entrepreneur carries out a lump-sum tax payment (buys a patent) and works calmly 365 days. However, each specific region may have its own prices and conditions. You can consider the option and with the choice of a simplified taxation system (USN), 6% of revenue or 15% of the organization's profits. UNVD, according to entrepreneurs, is not entirely profitable for business on the daily rent of apartments.

If the entrepreneur decided to work in the "white", then in addition to the main tax system, it is necessary to pay and tax on the profits of the apartment owner (NDFL) - 13% of income per month. If, of course, a businessman is a sublendator and this is a common agreement with the owner. Otherwise, the owner himself must pay this tax.

Advertising - Business Promotion

The advantage of apartments in front of hotels for a specific category of customers is quite reasonable. First, it is a lower price. Secondly - Comfort, as many apartments are equipped with modern household appliances. Thirdly - comfort, apartments are more close to people, because they are accustomed to living in them, which you will not say about hotel rooms. On the opinion of business representatives in this case, advertising is important. The client flow depends on this directly. Today advertising on the Internet is popular - through a personal site, Yandex-Direct, advertising on bulletin boards and profile resources. Now the apartment is searching for a day mainly on the Internet. Do not show itself traditional advertising in newspapers. It is necessary to unwind at the maximum, otherwise the apartments will idle that it is not good.

Profitability of business strongly depends on the region. In some cities, competition in the daily rental is very high, large players may have up to 50 apartments and through advertisements are supplanted small entrepreneurs.

Main customers - travel and tourists. They are considered the most "not distressed." Another thing is the locals, youth and funny companies, renting an apartment for good purposes. Such clients should be avoided, or to raise payment.

The main season is spring and autumn. The decline is observed in the summer. This rule does not apply, perhaps, only at resort towns, where the main season in the daily rent is the warm season.

Video - Real business analysis on the daily rent of apartments

Conditions for settling apartments with customers

In order to avoid problems and disputes with clients about check-out time, the so-called hotel days are installed. This is when the client is settled after 13 hours of the day, and travels until 12 o'clock on the next day. For an early race, an extra charge must be charged and taking into account the fact that the apartment is free. Late departure is a maximum of 18 hours with payment from 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Next, if the client did not leave, payment should go as over a day. That is, even if the client drove at 22:00, then the day is counted until 12 o'clock in the next day. In other ways, the order does not hurt.

Financial calculation

Let us give an example. Suppose the revenue from the delivery of the apartment per month amounted to 30 thousand rubles. We use USN 6% of revenue, which means the tax will be 1,800 rubles. We pay 5 thousand rubles for rental apartments, including NDFL (13%) will be 650 rubles. The total amount of taxes will be: 1800 + 650 \u003d 2450 rubles.

On this costs do not end. There are also extrabudgetary funds - FIU and FSS, where the entrepreneur for the year pays insurance - just over 17 thousand rubles (2014), if its annual income does not exceed 300 thousand rubles. If income exceeds 300 thousand rubles, then to 17 thousand. It is necessary to add 1% of the income exceeding 300 thousand rubles. The total amount of insurance, at the same time, may not exceed 129,916, 80 rubles per year.

According to practitioners, this business has many difficulties. What do they start from the start. The very first difficulty is the selection of apartments. Here the novice businessman is waiting for communication with non-professional real estate agencies, with the owners of apartments that are afraid of the daily rent, or the increase in the rental price by 50-60%. And even if the apartment managed to get other problems, such as dissatisfied neighbors, inadequate Chairmen of HOA, who do not want to see the hotel in their home and other personalities. The same big headache is a client. Here you are waiting for people trading because of 100 rubles that do not perform the accommodation conditions booking, and then "throwing", etc. So, with all its profitability, you won't call a light bread. In other matters, everywhere I need a competent approach and the desire is working - and it will not be so terrible, as it is muddy.

The delivery of the apartment becomes a popular business. And for those who visited the city with a tourist purpose or on work, to shoot such a housing is a very profitable option. Often it is cheaper than the hotel room, with the best quality of the service. The benefit for the owner is the opportunity to earn more than with long-term lease.

However, the option of renting housing for a short time has the negative sides, and first of all they relate to the lessor. So is it worth it to take an apartment for rent or better for a long time?

general information

Requirements for housing

The real estate market is extensive, so for the success of the business, your apartment must meet certain requirements. Of course, you can handle the living space without repair and household appliances - some are enough bed, soul and toilet. But a small refrigerator should be. Still, most people choosing an apartment are expecting a service. What you need to have in the apartment, passing it for rent?

And most importantly is purity. Perhaps for someone she will play a decisive role in favor of choosing your apartment.


When renting an apartment in Ham as an individual, it is necessary to pay tax on the profit. Every year until April 30 (or until the evening of the first working day, if on April 30 falls on the day off) the owner must pass the declaration in form 3 of the NDFL and pay 13% of the income received to the budget (30%, if the term of permanent stay in Russia is less than 180 days ). If the owner is registered as an individual entrepreneur, the rate will be different.

An individual entrepreneur can choose the following tax options:

  • General taxation system. Unlike an individual, IP will make advance payments during the year (on demand) and can reduce its main income on profits.
  • Simplified taxation system. The rate of 6% "income" or 15% "income minus costs" is selected. Moreover, an individual entrepreneur can make his income less on the amount of insurance premiums paid for themselves in 100% of the amount and 50% of the amount of insurance premiums paid for the employee.
  • IP on "Patent". In this case, the individual entrepreneur pays 6% of the presumptive income established by law for this type of activity.

If IP is already open or there is such an opportunity, you can first calculate and choose the most profitable option for paying taxes to the state.

Features of the contract for daily delivery

This contract is not much different from the contract for the apartment, which is passed for a long time. You can download a typical form on the Internet, if you wish to change it: someone removes the points unnecessary in his opinion, someone complements. But there are basic data that in it should be:

  • Subject.
  • F. I. O. and Passport details of the parties.
  • Rent price.
  • Lease term (with refinement of arrival and eviction time).
  • Responsibility of the parties.

It is necessary to make an inventory inventory so that the dispute does not arise in the event of damage to the property (during the daily delivery risk increases). The contract must be signed on both sides and is compiled in two copies. If you rent housing through the agency, these troubles will take care of themselves.

Cleaning the room

After renting an apartment for any period, it should be carried out in it before each new guest. If you rent housing for rent, it will have to do it often. If there is a long period of time between tenants, the wet cleaning is needed before the settling of new guests.

In the season, if the apartment is in an interesting place from a tourist point of view, residents can often change. In this case, it is important to consider the time of evicting one tenants and settling others to be a gap in a couple of hours for cleaning. It is notable to register in the contract that after yourself the tenants should leave a clean apartment. The floor is not necessary to force their vacuuming, but the dishes will not hurt the dishes.

Pluses of passing for rent

  • Potentially large profits in comparison with long-term rent. Especially if the apartment is located in the tourist attractive part of the city.
  • If it suddenly needed housing (the relatives arrived), you can settle them in the apartment, no one specifically evicted.
  • If you decide to sell an apartment, permanent tenants are unlikely to agree on regular visits of a realtor with potential buyers. In the case of the daily rent to find the time to show the living space, much real.

Cons and possible risks

  • The risk to get to the scammers, the likelihood of damage. And the neighbors will excite the changing tenants.
  • With the daily rent a lot of time will have to spend on cleaning the room, control its condition.
  • If the city is unattractive for tourists and the location of the apartment is uncomfortable, you can hardly count on a stable stream of customers.

How to make money on short-term lease

To make money on the daily rent, you need to decide exactly how you want to take the apartment: on your own or via realtor. If you decide to take advantage of the services of the agency, all troubles for finding clients, demonstrations of housing, control of settlement and eviction, drawing up the contract, payment will be fully lied on the realtor. At the same time, he needs to give part of income for work. If you do not want to share, you will have to do it yourself. Why start?

Approximate business plan for daily rent

How it is more profitable to pass - daily or for a long time

Definitely answer this question is difficult. In the resort town or in the city, attractive for tourists, it is more profitable to rent an apartment for rent, especially in the center. But what about the provinces?

The average price per apartment in the center of Chelyabinsk 2000-3000 rubles per day. The average price per month is 20 000 rubles. In the case of the daily rent, if at least 10 days a month the apartment will give up, it is already greater than when renting housing for a long time. For 15 days, the owner will receive 30000 rubles, for 20 - 40,000 rubles. It seems - the benefit is obvious. However, there is no guarantee of permanent demand, but there is a possible damage of property due to frequent shifts of tenants, additional advertising costs, taxes. With long-term rent income more stable.

But if you are lucky to buy a free apartment in a tourist attractive place, on the daily rent you can earn good.

Opinions of experts about such business

If you listen to experts in real estate, it can be understood that their opinions are radically different.

For example, a private investor of George, investing in the apartment, believes that the delivery of housing is an ungrateful occupation, and the profit is minimal. In order to earn it really, you need to have several apartments in close proximity to each other. Not only the popularity of the district, but also the city itself plays a big role.

Realtor Yuri, on the contrary, considers this type of business profitable. In addition to the surrender of his own apartment, he was able to establish relationships with neighbors and take their apartments also, concluding a contract of sublease. All major troubles he takes on himself, while getting a good percentage of total income. Such earnings allows Yuri to pay a mortgage for his apartment and receive additional benefits.

Earlier Alisa, on the contrary, believes that they should not take an apartment in the mortgage to take it. Perhaps the profit will be more than with long-term rental, but it is a permanent customer search, cleaning, washing and ironing linen, and the outlet difference may turn out to be minimal.

The most cost-effective forms of surrender

There are several options for renting:

  1. Own apartment (inherited, purchased for cash, presented and so on).
  2. Apartment taken in the mortgage.
  3. The apartment you have the right to pass under the sublease treaty.

The most profitable option for the landlord is one's own housing. True, the delivery of the apartment under the sublease agreement at first can be cost-effective. This happens if the own living space requires overhaul. However, subsequently, his apartment will begin to make a profit that does not have to share with anyone.

If you plan to take an apartment in a mortgage and repay it at the expense of profits received from the delivery, it is better to choose a long-term rental. Renting the daily, you can get a big profit, but in the case of rent for a long time, the income will be stable.

If you have chosen the Subares option, inform the owner about your plans. At first glance it may seem that few apartment owners will agree to such conditions. But if you correctly make an agreement, there will be no difficulties in the search.

How to earn an apartment for the World Cup 2018

In the summer, the global football championship will be held in the eleven cities of our country. And now the fans are looking for hotels, apartments, rooms. If you analyze proposals, you can see that housing in Chelyabinsk for a day from June 15 to 16 will cost an average of 10,000-20000 rubles.

If you choose the dates on March 18-19, the average price tag will be 2500 rubles. That is, the difference is almost five times. It follows that you can earn an apartment for the world championship. Experienced landlords advise not to overestimate prices too much. After analyzing such proposals, you should stop at the average.

If there is no separate housing - not trouble. You can rent a room or a bed, having left for the cottage in the days of the championship. In order to avoid damage to the property, check this moment in advance in the contract and request a deposit that returns a tenant when evicting is disciplined. It is notchny and insure the room, although it is more relevant for those who deal with business on a permanent basis.

Announcement is better to file in advance. Already, there are already a lot of suggestions on the "hot" dates. But if you do not know, at the right time, it is not worth upset - the demand for overnight will be from the first to the last days of the championship. And this is exactly the case when the location of the apartment does not matter - people successfully rent housing even in the suburbs.

In conclusion, we can say that the apartment for rent, as well as to another business, must be made with great responsibility - to evaluate all the risks before making the final decision. If still decided to take an apartment for rent, make repairs, buy the right things, insurement accommodation, register a business and give an advertisement. Get ready for difficult times, as this case will take a lot of time.

  • 1 How much can earn money on rent
  • 2 Where to start a business: what documents are needed and what can be leased
    • 2.1 Legalize business
    • 2.2 Choose the desired OKVED codes
  • 3 Cooking apartment for rent
    • 3.1 Where to buy an apartment for rent
  • 4 How to relate income and expenses
  • 5 We protect yourself from risks
  • 6 Tips for Successful Business Management

Planning to rent an apartment for rent, but do not know where to start? Or are you looking for a way to make money on renting real estate and think about possible strategies, but does not attract anything? Are you afraid that there will be no permanent income?

To rent an apartment or other housing for rent is profitable because it gives a stable income. If real estate to sell, then the profit will be one-time. Therefore, we propose to pay attention to this method of obtaining additional income. We will tell you in detail about the delivery of the apartment for rent, which first should be paid attention to, and how to turn this idea into a stable business.

How much can you earn on rent

Revenues when renting an apartment for rent in the regions will be different. In Moscow and St. Petersburg, you can get from 20 to 30 thousand rubles for a one-room apartment in a residential area. In the cities-million painters and nearlyillionniki, you can get about 15 thousand rubles per odux in the center and 10-12 per apartment in a residential area. In regional centers with a population of about 500 thousand people - 8 thousand rubles for an apartment in good condition.

In a small city in 5 years, it is possible to make a rental of an apartment about 480 thousand rubles, in large cities - about 900 thousand rubles, in Moscow and St. Petersburg 1.5 million rubles.

If the apartment is located in a prestigious area, and in it modern repairs, then its rent is more expensive. Thus, rent a two-room apartment in the Tver district of Moscow costs 140 thousand rubles a month, and in the area of \u200b\u200bMitino - 40 thousand rubles. In both cases, the nearest metro station is 700 meters away.

Two-bedroom and three-room apartments are less likely in demand, but they can also be passed. If, for example, the Trejka is located next to the university, then you can hand over to students. So you will find permanent tenants and will receive regular income.

Living for money received for renting an apartment is quite real. To cover the main needs, one person per month requires an average of 20 thousand rubles. This is enough for the payment of utility services of its apartment,purchases products. To acquire clothes, new household appliances and relax, income must be more. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and the cities million of the minimum amount will be higher.

To cover the cost of one person, you need to pass:

  • 1 apartment in Moscow;
  • 2 apartments in St. Petersburg;
  • 2-3 apartments in millionic cities;
  • 3-4 apartments in regional centers with a population of about half a million.

This scheme will act if decent residents have come, and the apartment will not be empty. This may take several years. We will analyze in detail how to properly organize business for rent apartments.

Where to start a business: what documents are needed and what you can rent

How to make money on rent housing? First of all, we'll figure it out that you can rent:

  • room in the apartment;
  • apartment;

If you have a property that went to the inheritance, then you can start passing it out. If there is no free apartment, you can buy it on your accumulation, or take a consumer loan or mortgage.

Consumer credit - loan provided to citizens to acquire various items or large things: mobile phone, home appliances, furniture, cars, housing.

Mortgage loan - a target loan for housing, issued on the security of the acquired real estate. You can lay and already have real estate. Mortgage is several times higher than the amount of consumer loan. If the borrower cannot pay a debt, then the bank becomes the owner of the laid property.

Can't take a mortgage, but do you want to increase your accumulations at the expense of investments in real estate? We offer to familiarize yourself with such a strategy as earnings on subarend Apartments. From one apartment you can get several times the amount that give for rent.

Legalize business

You have an apartment, it remains only to start handy it. You should consider that you have to pay the rental tax. If you hide income, then you will have to not only pay the tax, but also a fine of 40% of it. Plus, for the failure to submit the tax return - 5-30% for each month of delay.

There are several ways to raise taxes:

The first is to conclude an agreement as an individual . In this case, you will pay 13% from the income received.

Second - register IP:

  1. By simplified system The tax will be 6%. Until April 30 of each year you will need to submit an income declaration, paying tax - every quarter.
  2. Get a patent. It is bought at the calendar year. Its cost is not fixed, it is calculated individually as a percentage of alleged income. At the same time, the final amount depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment and the region.

For example, in Moscow, a patent for a one-room apartment with an area of \u200b\u200b50 square meters costs 12,600 rubles. The tax will also be 6%. In this case, the tax is paid in advance. Within 90 calendar days it is necessary to pay 1/3 of the amount from the moment of buying a patent, until the end of the patent expiration - the remaining 2/3.

Mostly earnings on renting apartments legalize in Moscow and St. Petersburg. If you live in another city and consider that sending information to a tax is an extra spending time, it will not be superfluous. Report "Wherein" can envious neighbors or even friends or relatives. When your income is legalized, you should not worry about this.

Choose the desired OKVED codes

When registering the IP you need to specifyoKVED codes (All-Russian classifier of species economic activity). You will find the following codes:

  • 68.20 - Rent and managing self or leased real estate;
  • 68.20.1 - Rent and managing self or leased residential real estate;
  • 70.20 - Delivery of own real estate;
  • 70.20.1 - Delivery of own residential real estate.

Learn how else you can get revenue income.

Preparing apartment for rent

Most often, the apartment is rented with furniture. Some have a complete set required for a comfortable life, in some minimal set. Less often give up empty apartments, but they are in demand.

Let's figure out what should be in the apartment so you can hand over it.

Fresh finishing is desirable. If you do not have such an opportunity now, then make sure it is in good condition. If you do repair, then take materials with a margin. Wallpapers places can lose their appearance and even turn out, and the tile will break. In such cases, you can quickly eliminate the defects formed.

Interior doors can be delivered both cheap and expensive. In the first case, their replacement will not require a lot of money, and in the second it will be difficult to damage. The entrance door is better to deliver, it will last longer.

Plumbers install foreign, preferably Finnish brands. They have budget options that will live for a long time.

From home appliances in the apartment at least one should be:

  1. Refrigerator;
  2. Kitchen stove;
  3. Washing machine.

With such a set, you can already search for residents. You will find them faster if there will be more in the apartment:

  1. Microwave;
  2. Iron and ironing board;
  3. Electric kettle;
  4. Television;
  5. Wi-Fi router;
  6. Hairdryer.

The Internet is an integral part of life. You can spend in the apartment that you will take, the Internet and television or only the Internet and install a Wi-Fi router. Wires better hide immediately. Select the tariff at the maximum speed. If residents have several computers and phones, then the speed will not fall so much. The new tenants will not need to think what online to hold, and in your apartment will not constantly have new wires.

From furniture in the apartment should be:

  1. Folding sofa or double bed. If the area is big, then it is better to put a bed. If the apartment is small, then the sofa is suitable as it is impossible.
  2. Spacious cupboard.
  3. Written table and chair.
  4. Wall shelves For trifles.
  5. Kitchen set, table and chairs.
  6. Bedside tables. Optional element, but it creates a comfort.
  7. Chest of drawers. Also an optional element, especially if the wardrobe is large.

If you do not have the opportunity to make a repair in the apartment and buy new furniture, rent an apartment in that condition and with that furniture that is. The main thing is that it be in good condition, and she could use.

Where to buy an apartment for rent

Buy an apartment to hand it out? First of all, pay attention to the area and examine the "Tenants" market. So you will have a constant stream of tenants, and the apartment will not be empty.

For example, in Moscow, people prefer to rent apartments in the east, southeast and south of the city. Experts explain this by the fact that there is an inexpensive rental compared to other districts of the capital.

"Such a low rating areas occupyfirst of all, due to the complex transport accessibility and because they were built, and they are built, in the territories, "disheveled" by Promon, "explainedMaria Zhukova, First Deputy Director of Miel-Rent.

A source

It is not necessary to have several apartments to put earnings on the rental rental. If you have a country house, give it up. There are several ways to receive a stable profit: find out how to make up business Plan Profitable House.

How to relate income and expenses

If you have taken an apartment in a mortgage, then the rental amount should be such to cover monthly payment and utilities. Otherwise, this business will work in minus. If you doubt that this way of earning is suitable for you, we suggest familiarizing yourself with others.ideas for obtaining real estate income.

We protect yourself from risks

Any business is associated with risks, including business for rent apartments. To protect yourself from them, you need to know them in the face.

"The biggest fear of the landlord is a fire or flooding. A common situation with which you have to face the owners of housing is damaged property. For example, a family enter the apartment in which children are allowed everything: draw on wallpaper, ride a corridor by bike, cut furniture. Or another real case - the students rented housing managed to smash not only part of the equipment, but also all the dishes, toilet and stained glass in the doorway. After such tenants have to make cosmetic repairs in the apartment and change the furniture, "the general director of VSN Realty Yana Glazunova notes.

A source

Before make a lease agreement template. It will avoid many acute moments. Specify the mortgage amount, and in what cases it is returned to tenants. If you warned you for 2 or 3 months that there will be no debts behind the guests, and in the apartment furniture and technique remained in good condition, you can return this money.

Indicate the cost, payment time, the entire situation in the apartment and fines for damaging property. Residents will be careful during their stay, and you will not have to guess, in what condition is the apartment, if this month could not check it out. Experts recommend better to learn people before handing them home and draw up a contract.

For a better clarity, we reduced all the risks and tips on their decline in the table:

Risk Council
Sublease You may contact realtors or entrepreneurs who plan to take your apartment for rent. If you are satisfied with this option, make up the contract.

Are you offering not to compile a contract? Do not agree. In case of disagreements or problems you do nothing without a contract.

Several tenants instead of one We write in the contract by the passport details of tenants and their name. For example, if a young man lived in the apartment, and a girl moved to him, re-make the contract.
Tax If you do not pay taxes from the receipt of rental, then you may be fined. To avoid this will help the registration of IP or the conclusion of the contract for the individual.
Utility debts We write in the contract that tenants are obliged to transfer the testimony of counters and pay utility services.

If there is time, come every month to the tenants to read the meter readings, pick up all receipts and money for housing and utilities services.

Spoiled furniture and equipment In the contract, we write, which furniture and technique there is in the apartment, and also specify fines for their damage. Additionally print and illuminate information with fines and hang in a prominent place.

For example, if the tenants broke the washing machine, you can take money from the deposit amount. If the contract states that the repair of the equipment is paid by residents, then you have the right to demand this money from them.

Neo-payment rental If the tenants only enter and ask for a delay to them until next month, do not agree. The likelihood of what they will eat and not pay, and will leave after themselves debts for housing and utilities services.

If tenants remove the apartment with you for a long time, take a receipt from them in which they will indicate the debt repayment date. Such cases suck in the contract. You can also specify a fine for the delay of payment. Such measures discipline tenants.

"It is very important to know the employers well, know who lives, including and take into account the mentality of various nations. It is also important to understand that much depends on the class of housing. If the apartment costs 100 thousand per month, then, most likely, this is completely different inhabitants of Asia than 20-30 thousand, "Alexander Harybin said the owner of his own apartment bureau.

A source

We disassembled in detail how to rent an apartment for rent, with what pitfalls can be encountered and what you need to pay attention to. Let's give you some more tips:

  1. Consider the location and requests of tenants. Housing is far from the stop, and near the kindergarten and school? Specify in the announcement that rent a home couple with children. The apartment will not be empty.
  2. Three-bedroom apartments to pass the most difficult. If she is idle for a long time, make repair in it and give it around the rooms. Young people do not always afford to rent odds, and the room may be affordable.
  3. Do not tighten the repair before renting an apartment for rent. Every month of downtime for you is lost money.

Want to secure yourself a comfortable old age? Buy an apartment, for example, in Berlin and also give it up. In Germany, it is not customary to have their own housing, about 80% of the Germans live on removable apartments.How to buy an apartment in Berlin, you will find out here.

Real estate is a good way not only to keep your savings, but also to increase. You just need to know how to do it. You will have a permanent passive income that you can increase, because all the necessary knowledge you already have!

Professional business plans

Daily delivery of apartments as a business is chosen by many people who are looking for easy earnings. It is enough to have free housing and assign a proper price, and customers will always be found. In big cities there are a lot of opportunities for doing business at the rent of apartments for rent. The options for its organization also a lot.

How to start a business for renting apartments?

Having a living space, a person can build a serious business rental of apartments. You can offer apartments for rent for workers on business trips and for simple travelers. There are 3 ways to build a business for rental apartments:

  1. Having free apartments. This is the most convenient and simple option. Many will say that it is much easier to find permanent tenants. They will regularly make the required fee. A person does not need to constantly trust his apartment in foreign unreliable people. Such activity will occupy little time and bring constant income. However, daily rent will help earn much more money home owner.
  2. Specially buying an apartment. This option is suitable for those who decided to earn seriously on this. If there is no money to buy housing, you can take a loan or mortgage. Then for quick earnings you can do not even count: all means will go to pay debts. But if you suffer, in a short time you can get a big profit from business for rent apartments for rent. Moreover, a person forever acquires an apartment without devastating his wallet.
  3. By organizing a sublease. Not everyone is ready to decide on that. This option will definitely suit people who do not have their housing, but want to receive money from renting. You just need to remove some apartments for a long time. Then they can be lease for several days. Such a phenomenon is quite common in modern megalopolis. By paying the owner of the apartment for the month, a person will work out about 10 days of delivery for a day.

You need to register your business in the tax inspection. This will help avoid unwanted problems. In the case of sublease, it is important to conclude an agreement with the owner of the housing and assure it notarially. The same actions need to be carried out with customers. All this guarantees the success of business on the daily rent of apartments.

Pros and cons of business

People who give accommodation for rent, do not need to think about how to make money. This business will always flourish. After all, not all people buy their own housing or pay for rooms at the hotel. The delivery of the apartment has the following advantages:

  1. Benefit. An active person who wants to seriously do business will be able to earn several times more than the one who passes apartments for a short time.
  2. Convenience. Without signing a long-term contract, you can quickly and painlessly get out of the case. And suddenly distant relatives come, and it will be necessary to urgently settle them. Those who are going to sell it can also be engaged in rental housing. While this process lasts, it is possible to earn a little.
  3. Relevance. The room in a good hotel is usually very expensive. Not all companies can pay for its employees. And here people come to the rescue, ready to offer accommodation for a few days. This costs cheaper, and even more convenient, because in some apartments there is a kitchen and many other advantages. Therefore, such a business will flourish even in crisis times.

However, there are also pitfalls in the rent of apartments. They need to be taken into account by doing such activities. It has the following flaws:

  1. No guarantees. To be successful, you need to be very active. A person will have to constantly look for new tenants and advertise an apartment in every way. Otherwise, stable income is better not to wait.
  2. Boots. After the departure of each client in the apartment you need to clean, change linens. If guests did not want to carefully use furniture and a variety of devices, then at the apartment will occasionally have to make redecoration. And insure such housing is unlikely to succeed.
  3. A responsibility. Housing owner must provide customers with complete comfort and security. In the event of a malfunction of sockets or electrical devices, it is hears responsibility for everything. Also not excluded a variety of fraud and theft. In such cases, it is possible to get into serious troubles that will be associated with law enforcement agencies.

Rent apartments has not only obvious advantages, but also some pitfalls.

Starting such a business, it is worth considering all the risks, as well as take care of his legality.

Earnings from the daily rent of the apartment can really be considerable. But it is important to remember that this case requires constant active participation.

How much can earn money

Delivery of your own housing can bring good profits throughout the year. For example, renting a room in a two or three-bedroom apartment, you can count on a profit of 500-1000 rubles per day. With a successful arrangement of the apartment and a high stream of customers, your monthly profit will be from 15 to 30 thousand rubles. If you take your room you do not plan, you can try to earn on the sublease. At the same time, net income will be slightly lower, at the level of 5-10 thousand rubles in the first stages, but this will not be able to close with the cohabitants in their own home. Over time, concluding contracts for several apartments in the city, your net profit can make more than 100 thousand rubles per month.

How much money is needed for starting business

For the start of the business, you need your housing or conclusion of a lease agreement for a long time. The first option will not require significant financial costs. It is necessary to trace so that there is furniture and technique. If there is no one for comfortable living conditions, it should be purchased. For sublease, it is necessary to conclude an agreement and make a prepayment. Depending on the region, the location of the apartment and made inside the repair, this amount will differ from 75 to 200 thousand rubles per year. Additional costs will be notary, documentation, as well as an advertising campaign.

What to choose equipment for the daily delivery of apartments

In order to rent an apartment for rent, it is necessary to furnish with its furniture and appliances. If you have already been present, then you don't have to spend much. In addition, it is desirable to establish a security security system, as well as durable steel doors to secure it from theft and hacking.

What kind of OKVED indicate when registering a business

Business registration in the tax service requires filling out a statement with a mandatory indication of the OKVED 68.20 code - rental and management of own or leased real estate. This grouping includes, daily delivery of both own and rented housing to other visitors.

What taxation system to choose for daily delivery of apartments

The easiest way to work on a simplified taxation system.

Do I need permission to open

For the opening of the business, permission from the tax service is necessary, the registration of IP. In addition, it is necessary to conclude an apartment rental agreement with its owner if the subare version is used.

Business technology

To increase the income on the delivery of apartments, they can be passed not only by the daily, but also hourly. Another option is the delivery of apartments on holidays. For the new year or Christmas, the cost of the apartment for a day increases several times than to use, pre-placing appropriate advertising on the Internet. Basically, your customers will be traveling, tourists or couples in love. To do this, advertise advertisements and banners should be placed in the appropriate places: train stations, bus station, airports, etc. You can also conclude an agreement with taxi drivers that are delivering people from the arrival of long-distance transport. In the future, business can be scaled by a simple scheme, purchasing as many apartments as possible for rent, pre-estimating the profitability of the project.