Tuscany Italy beach holidays. Charm of Tuscany resorts: sea, entertainment, fairy tale in reality! South Tuscany: family leisure resorts

Pure Azure Sea and White Sands, Dramatic Aromas of the Mediterranean and the feeling of paradise serenity surrounded by the Great History and is the ideal formula of summer holidays for many travelers from all over the world. For you, true connoisseurs Dolce Vita in Italian, our selection of the cleanest beaches in Italy ...

In our regiment arrived

By the summer season - 2015 Italy approached with proudly raised head and again replenished by the back of the beaches, which was assigned a blue flag for purity. This award awards the International Foundation for Environmental Education (Fee), annually arranging the revision of the seaside resorts around the world and estimating beaches in several criteria. Among them are the quality and purity of water, high efficiency of cleaning all taps, separate garbage collection, hygienic and sanitary conditions, attentive treatment of hazardous waste, as well as a high level of rescuer qualifications and security for recreation in every sense.

For these indicators, Italy this year has a new record - 269 maritime and lake beaches with crystal clear water, which is 21 more compared to the last season. Apennine is worth noting that this figure is almost 10% of the overall world list.

Not the first year of Liguria is in the first place in the number of blue flags. They are assigned to the beaches of 20 settlements in the region. Among them, San Lorenzo al Mare (San Lorenzo Al Mare) and Bordigger (Bordighera) in the Empire area, Noli (Noli) and Pietra Ligure (Pietra Ligure) near Savona.

The purity of the beaches boasts and beautiful, such loved by tourists of the Earth near the resort town of La Spezia (La Spezia). We advise you to go on one of the paradise beaches near Lerici (Lerici), for example, Punta Corvo.

Cinque Terre National Park (five lands), which is included by UNESCO to the World Heritage List, boasts magnificent landscapes and crystal clear water, but not with bulk beaches. What is not surprising, because tiny towns are located almost on the rocks. Sea landscapes in Portofino are also full of charm, but there is no beach there. And sunbathing and swimming, residents and guests of the city are usually sent to Paraggi beaches (Paraggi) or in Santa Margarita Ligure.

Tuscany ranks second in Italy in the number of settlements with beaches of the Blue Flag - 18. These are almost all the beaches of Versilia in the province of Lucca - Marina di Pietrasanta (Marina di Pietrasanta), Viareggio, Lido-Di- Kamaiore (Lido Di Camaiore) and Forte Dei Marmi). The most widely, apparent endless coast is filled with well-equipped beaches, which are designed for both unpretentious and the most sophisticated guest.

The best beaches in Livorno - Marina di Bibbona (Marina di Bibbona), Castagneto Carducci, San Vincenzo, and near Piombino, where a beautiful natural park is located (Parco Naturale Della Sterpaia) and Beaches Marina Di Cecina and Le Gorette at the town of Cecina (Cecina).

If you find yourself in Livorno, certainly go to swim and take sunny baths in Antinano (Antignano) and Quercanell (Quercianella).

Grosseto District (Grosseto) is famous for the beaches in Rosignano Marittimo - Castiglioncello (Castiglioncello) and WADA (VADA), White sand and blue waters of which are reminded by Caribbean.

Special attention deserves Monte Argentario (Monte Argentario)that on the south coast of Tuscany. The town with a romantic title is located on the peninsula, which was first and at all island, and now it is connected with Italy, two huge and long sand braids are jammed by sea currents. Today, the famous sandy beaches of Fenilla and Giannell are located here, and between them - the Laguna Orbeetello, which is declared the protected area protected by the International Foundation with a protected area, as a place of rest of migratory birds.

It was the first part of the selection of the cleanest beaches of Italy. Next time we will go to the island - Sardinia and Sicily. In the meantime, we cook bikini, figures and good mood!

Memo to tourist, beach holidays in Italy, Tuscany

Sea, beaches and resort life in Tuscany

One of the most frequent issues to which I reply to late - "Help decide on the choice of the resort in Tuscany, so that the sea was clean, sandy and free beaches, and in the evenings are not boring ..." with small variations on the topic of rest with children Or in a youth company - finally took shape in a single article, which, I hope, will be useful to many.

Another reason for writing it, oddly enough it may seem, is the absolute inability to give an unequivocal answer to this question in all the parameters of the search for a beach holiday. The fact is that the coast of Tuscany is very different, each with its own characteristics and its "but", which I tried to state more or less intelligent.


The most famous resorts of Northern Beerry Tuscany or Versilia (Viareggio, Lido Di Camaiore, Marina Di Pietrasanta, Forte Dei Marmi) have long established itself as prestigious seats for summer holidays in Italy thanks to a well-developed infrastructure with a rich selection of hotels for every taste, expensive or traditional restaurants. , Cafe, evening cocktail bars. It is pleasant to take a walk in the evenings - all suburbs of Viareggio are connected by one wide short "passage", there are the best discos of Tuscany, shops and boutiques of all known brands. From here it is quite simple to move on excursions around the cities of Tuscany.

And now about the main thing about the sea. The sandy beaches of apouan riviera are unusually wide, sandy bottom - petty (which is not very pleasant to lovers of long swims, but simply pleases parents with kids). Water in the sea is quite clean (as far as it is generally applicable to any sandy bottom), as evidenced by "blue quality flags", given in Italy only by environmentally friendly resorts. BUT! Here all the beaches are urban (especially in Viareggio) and paid, often with 15-20 rows of tight umbrellas. There are practically no hotels with private beaches, there are no free beaches within walking distance, so among all other expenses for rest you need to take into account the additional payment of beach places. Thanks to charter flights in Pisa, the main offers from our tour perpetrators here, so there are always a lot of Russian tourists in Versilia.

South Tuscany Resorts (Coast Livorno, Grosseto and Pisa)

Unlike Versilia, these places are more democratic and less attracted! Small resort towns, and rather country villages, have a developed infrastructure, designed, mainly on Italian family tourism. The sea is very clean here, with wide sandy beaches and convenient entrance for children. Almost all hotels (3 * and 4 *) and even apartments of this part of the Tuscany coast have their own beaches and pools, which alternate with free ("wild") beaches available to all.

Riviera Etruscov It is especially convenient for day trips and excursions in all cities of Tuscany, even if you do not plan to take a car rental. NO! - In the evenings, there are not so many entertainment here as in Versilia. Fans of evening promendes overlooking the sea will not work "take a walk along the embankment", since there are no familiar embankments in these towns. All resort life is focused on one main street (500 meters) with pizzerias, ice cream cafes and small shops of the most necessary. Recently, many choose these places precisely because of a calm and relaxed rest, and most importantly, because of a special, favorable microclimate of pine parks near the sea!

A few words about the towns themselves. Marina di Kastaneto Carduchci, Marina di Bibbona, Cecina Mare, Tirrenia - Very calm place, where, mostly, italian families are resting (there are several playgrounds, amusement parks and water parks). Regarding close to small excursions in Pisa, Volterra, Luccu, for wine tastings in farms or by little-known medieval towns.

San Vincenzo To date, the most popular coast resort is Livorno. There is also your little "Promenade" here (imagine one main street with a dozen different boutiques, cafes and restaurants, quite cute and calm, with resort houses in 2-3 floors), where all the holidaymakers are pouring out in the evenings. In July and August, there are quite a lot of all sorts of events for tourists. Almost the latest yacht port "Marina San Vincenzo". Such Marina on the coast of Tuscany traditionally are favorite places of evening walks and entertainment: an aperitif at sunset, dinner overlooking the yachts, evening cocktails under DJ Set.

Personally, I like the coast of Tuscany most like Castilioncello - A small town near Livorno, was the once famous resort "Dolce Vita" of the 60s. True, all the entertainment of holidaymakers are concentrated on the same main square, or in the near yacht port. But Castiglioncello does not leave the sensation of provinciality, perhaps because of the Italians themselves who spend their vacation or come on the weekend. The town still remains such a "fashionable place", where on Saturdays are invariably colorable and quite cute "bikers" from all over Italy, and in the summer theater, performances and concerts are held at the castle. As the resort is ideal for recreation couples or small youth companies in a typical Italian setting. The main "minus" Castilioncello is the beaches, which are not so much here. Mulse beaches in coves, in a small exception of paid with bulk sand, rocky with pebble bottom, which especially attracts lovers of pure water and swimming with a mask.

Maremma or Grosseto coast

Prestigious resorts on the southern coast of Tuscany are considered Punta Ala and Castiglion Della Pescayy. In Punta Ala, however, in addition to the gorgeous yacht port with expensive yachts and expensive villas, damaged in the greenery of pine parks, there is nothing too. The main street with two-three boutiques along the pier with yachts is 100 m! Unlike him in Castiglione della Pescaia a very pretty historical center-castle, always lively in the evenings port of the waterfront and the main street with restaurants, bars and boutiques. In these places, perhaps the cleanest sea in Tuscany with small light sand beaches. But that appeared quite recently in our offerings, Marina di Grosseto may seem even more "democratic" than the already mentioned towns of Livorno (it, by the way, is positioned as an inexpensive holiday on the sea in Tuscany).

The main thing "but" the local places is, oddly enough, infrastructure. These resorts do not boast of the abundance of hotels, good hotels 3 * or 4 * Very little (exception - three 5 * hotels in Punta Ale). In addition, it's quite difficult to find it on excursions in the cities of Tuscany (though, recently, thanks to direct charters in Grosseto, the Russians are quite successfully solved by offering group excursions in hotels). Along the way, the Punta Ala remains, a little accessible in all senses, a wide range of tourists (here it is almost unrealistic to spend vacation without a car) and steadfastly holding the strip of the "steep" resort of Tuscany, which gives an excellent opportunity to isolate yourself from the world during the rest!

We are familiar with her tart wines, cheeses, fish delicacies. After all, this is grown grapes on dry soils, which is used to prepare famous Chianti, Montepulcianly. The region is famous by the great artists Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Rafael Santi, is the birthplace of Dante Aligiery. Their creations still admire any traveler who visited Florence. Choosing a beach holiday in Tuscany, you can not only soar on the purest beaches, but also visit the famous old towns of Italy.

Combination of beach holidays with visiting historical places

And how many small and very beautiful towns with ancient history are here, among them Siena. The sea coast of Tuscany is luxurious beaches, hotels, fashionable discos and clean sea. Individual tourism, wine-gastronomic tours are especially developed here. In addition, you can relax on the coast of the Tuscan Riviera. This is a prestigious road resort. It come here not only for recreation, but also to make business relationships, rotate in the highest circles of society.

In the summer, on the coast, it is hot, this is due to the fact that from the north, the Apuen Alps protect against the northern winds and hold the heat coming from Africa. The beaches of Riviera sandy wide, on some you can meet up to 15 rows of sun beds, differing only in color. Most beaches have a "blue flag" - a sign of transparent water and purity. Tuscan beaches of public, they are owned by cooperatives.

Therefore, the beaches are paid, the price includes sun beds, umbrellas, as well as shower and changing cabins. The cost for the entrance to the beach can be from 3 to 35 euros. Also on some beaches for use of the shower there is an extra charge in 1 minute (1 euro). Such a high cost is quite justified. All beach infrastructure is at the highest level. In the north-west coast there is a prestigious Beach Viareggio. This resort with a two-year history is characterized by the highest infrastructure.

On the beach you can make different sports from riding under sail to bike rental. The resort is surrounded by a pine forest, a walk through which will enjoy cool and clean air. The famous Pisa is only 20 km away. In Forte Dei Marmi, in addition to the beach, you can visit the market on which they buy delicious Italian cheeses, wine, as well as high quality clothes.

The resort Marina di Carrara offers wide sandy beaches. In addition to all well-known water sports, children will be able to visit the Moon Park. Large cruise ferries are built in Marina di Carrara. In the town itself, many ancient masterpieces of architecture are churches of the 17-18 centuries. In Carrara, the main square and the cathedral are lined with local marble.

The square itself is surrounded by antique buildings, sculptures, churches built by famous Italian architects. It takes pleasure to walk in the shade of narrow cobbled streets and drink a cup of coffee in a cozy cafe. The mountain terrace Campochechina is nearby, with wonderful views of the coast and Corsica Island.

The historical capital of the Pietrasanta has about 100 beautiful beaches surrounded by coniferous trees. This is the center of processing marble and bronze. There is a resort of Lido Di-Kamaior between Viareggio and Pietrasanta. You can come here with children. Thanks to the owners of the beach, it is in perfect condition. Here are beautiful views, along the promenade on a special road, which goes to the mountain range, you can ride a bike or on the rollers.

On the embankment, numerous boutiques, cafes, restaurants. The town is drowning in the greenery and colors of private villas. Enjoy local culinary delights: Tubelalate paste, chocolate cake. Nearby is the medieval city of Lucca. In the southern part of the Tuscan coast you can find more democratic beaches. Unlike luxury and appropriate value of the resorts of the North, there are beaches owned by hotels. A visit to them is already included in the price.

Free beaches and rest feature

On Riviera, you can find free beaches. Between Viareggio and Torre Del Lago will find La Shiaggia Della Lecciona. This is a beach with clean water surrounded by a pine forest. There are no water entertainment here. The beach is 10 km in Falconnik with quartz sand. South of the resort Marina Di Cecina can also find free beaches.

A popular view of tourism is agrotourism. You will be offered to live on a farm, where you can relax in a comfortable cozy atmosphere and get unforgettable impressions. You will get acquainted with the process of making local wine or other products. The hosts will be offered a walk on a bike or horseback riding, as well as cooking lessons.

Where to stay?

Hotels of the Tuscan coast are diverse for the price and comfort, you can settle in the villa. Prices from 100 euros for a double room, if book in advance, then you can save. The Tuscan coast of its magnificent beaches and the highest infrastructure attracts travelers from around the world. The cities of the provinces with the most ancient history will enrich your cultural baggage.

Tuscany is one of the most beautiful areas located in Italy. This region is famous for fish delicacies, exquisite wines and cheeses. It is here that the special grape variety is grown, from which the famous Montepulcian and Chianti wine is manufactured. Tuscany (Italy) Rest on the sea is diverse here, you can choose any beach located on the coast. This is a resort place that is suitable for relaxing together or with young children.

Popular Beaches in Tuscany

The Beach season is popular with the Tuscan coast of Italy, the best beaches are located here. You can relax at the resort not only in the summer, the marine climate allows you to swim in the sea since May and ending with September. The Tyrrhenian Sea in the peak of the season warms up to +28 ° C, this temperature is well suitable for swimming.

But tourists should take into account that the tour of the sea and accommodation in the high season will be very expensive. Starting from October, the beach season ends, so prices for accommodation and services are significantly reduced. The shore of this place is distinguished by small sand and cleanliness.

Tuscany Italy

The coast of Tuscany on the Italy map has sixteen beautiful places to relax on the sea, here you can find both wild sandy shores and paid beaches. On specially equipped areas, guests are additionally offered to rent a sun bed and an umbrella. For those who want to actively spend time, they offer to rent catamarans or water biking.

  • Fenilla is one of the popular places in Tuscany, which has a length of six kilometers. This is the Southern Sheets, which connects Monte-Argentario Island with Orbetello, located on the mainland. Here, tourists are offered to rent a few paid areas of the beach, where umbrellas and sun loungers are located, the rescuers are also working on the fee and there are several cafes. In the central part there is a pine forest, sand here is petty and clean. The seabed is distinguished by shallowwear, so you can go to the child here.

Helpful information!There are no trees on the coast, so it is recommended to take an umbrella with you.

Fenilla coast

  • Kannel is one of the popular beaches, which is located near the nearest port on Gilo Island. If tourists want to relax in this place, it is worth paying attention to areas with paid sun loungers. There is a free zone here, but it is always filled with holidaymakers. Water here is transparent and clean, the transition of the depth of smooth, the waves almost never. It is worth noting that the bottom in the sea is stony.
  • Campees - a recreation area is located on the Italian coast of Gielo. With the onset of the high season, there are many chairs here, you can also use the services of renting boats and water bikes. The water in the sea is calm, the bottom is characterized by comfort. In the northern part of the bay you can see the old tower.
  • Fetovaya - the beach is located on the island of Elba, and it is the most popular in this place. Vacationers should know that there are always a lot of people and a large number of chairs, which is not always convenient when rest. This beach is suitable for those tourists who are not confused by crowded. Many trees are growing around the perimeter, the water in the sea is transparent and clean.
  • Forte-dei Marmi - Beach holidays in Tuscany in Italy is worth starting with visiting one of the most fashionable beaches. This place is considered to be a resort for the European elite. Very holidays are often held here. Yet on Forte-dei Marmi there are many chairs and is always crowded here. The water is clean and calm, but attend this place with children is not the best idea.

Forte-de-Marmi coast

Free beaches

On the coast of Tuscany, you can also find free coasts for recreation, which are very popular with local residents and travelers. For example, tourists should visit La Shiaggia Della Lecciona, this is a famous beach located between Torre del Lago and Viareggio. The shore is distinguished by purity, it is surrounded by a pine forest, the water in the sea is clean and transparent. Water entertainment here is not provided. You can also visit sandy beaches nearby the resort of Marina di Cecina.

Wild beaches

The Tuscan coast of Italy on the map looks impressive, so here holidaymakers can find secluded wild beaches for themselves.

  • One of the most famous and visited - Maremma. On the territory there is a natural park, but it does not always work, so it is not possible to get to the seashore. But if the tourist can go to the park, he will be able to enjoy the rest on the seashore alone. On the shore you can see a lot of trees.

Important!In this place is not provided service, so you have to take a chaise longue and a towel with you.

  • For lovers of silence and loneliness, Gilio island provided. On the island a lot of rocky shores, so finding the sandy bank is problematic. But if you want to swim in silence and without people, you can get right on the stone coast.

Wild beach

The main resorts of Tuscany

In the northern part of the Tuscan Riviera, Italians usually rest, but sometimes Russian tourists are sent to these resort places. For beach lovers, sandy beaches are equipped at Viareggio and Marina-Di Carrara resorts. Between these resort cities, on the coastline, you can also find popular places to relax on the seashore.

Maremma region

Important!This is a national nature reserve that is protected by law. It is on its territory that you can find the beaches where there are practically no people. But it is worth considering that you can not always visit them, as access is closed here. You can visit the reserve only on certain days of the week.


This is one of the largest resort towns of Tuscany, it is located on the coast of Versilia. There is a pine forest around. Also here you can visit beautiful and clean beaches.

Forte-dei Marmi

This resort is worth come on Sunday or Wednesday, then the tourist will be able to not only go to the sandy beach and see beautiful forests, but also to visit the market. From 8 am and up to 2 days in the markets, homemade wine and high-quality cheese are sold, also here travelers can buy clothes of Italian quality and souvenirs. On weekends, vacationers can visit the antique market.

Punta Ala

For those travelers who prefer fashionable places for recreation, it is worth visiting the resort town of Punta Ala. Here are wide sandy beaches, there is also a sailing school that can be inspected for a fee.

Coast of Punta Ala

ELBA Island.

Fans of nature and picturesque beaches, it is worth a visit this island - a place that is not touched by people. Here are beautiful sandy beaches, which were able to preserve their pristine beauty.

Tuscany hotels in Italy

There are several hotels and hotels where tourists could have mercy. It is worth telling more about popular places and what services provide these hotels to their visitors.


A small hotel that has four stars. Here tourists are offered only 37 rooms, the villa "La Ferdinanda", which belonged to the Medicians was located here. Some details of the villa, for example, ancient furniture, historical frescoes, wooden beams on ceilings and terracotta floors were preserved here. Visitors are offered to visit the stable and ride horses, tourists can also have lunch at the local restaurant.

Hotel Artimino

Corton Oasi.

Guests are offered 63 rooms, this luxurious place has three stars, the hotel is located in the building, which was previously a monastery. Rooms are characterized by their simplicity and high comfort. Nearby is a garden and monastery chapel. Tourists can visit the restaurant in which Tuscan Renaissance is served.

Tuscany is a picturesque place, which will have to do with fans of outdoor activities and tourists who prefer silence. By visiting this holiday place, you can not only purchase souvenirs and high-quality clothes, but also get a lot of positive emotions from relaxing on the beach.

So, after reading a thousand and one review, revising the lot of photos, you decided to go to Tuscan. Where to look for free beaches? What to do in the evening and where to go for a walk? It is about this that we will talk.

An impatient holidaymakers begin to swim and sunbathe in Tuscany in early May, and finish only at the end of September. During this period, the water temperature in the Tyrrhenian Sea is ideal for swimming (26-28 ° C) than and explained by the influx of tourists.

What you need to know about Tuscan beaches?

In the season, Tuscany beaches are expensive. Since October, the price of the entrance is significantly reduced. By paying for entry you get sun beds, an umbrella from the sun, access to the shower cabin and a cabin for dressing up. On many beaches for hot water in the shower will have to pay extra, dachshunds - 1 EUR per minute. So think, maybe hardening - is it not so bad?

The International Foundation for Environmental Education awarded 16 Tuscan beaches with blue flags. This sign is for the beaches something like Oscar. "Blue Quality Checkbox" They give for transparent water, clean sand, comfortable pier and good tourist service. This awards are awarded beaches. San Vincenzo, Forte-dei Marmi, Cecina, Rosignano, Camaiore And a few more.

Exquisite versilia: everything is fine, but weekly

Tuscan Riviera (Versilia) is a place where the strengths of this world rest. Lido-Di-Camaior, Forte-Dei Marmi, Marina di Pietrasanta, Viareggio - Luxury beaches that require luxurious costs. But all expenses are quite substantiated.

The best beaches of Tuscany (and the territory adjacent to them;)) give to its guests clean sand, the perfect service and mass of entertainment:

  • elite yacht club in Punta Alla;

  • diving;
  • water skiing;
  • flights on Deltaplane;
  • surfing;
  • scooters;
  • night clubs;
  • galleries;
  • walking through a pine forest;

  • golf course;
  • bicycle paths;
  • tennis courts;
  • horseback riding.

Viareggio - The largest Tuscan resort city on the coast of Versilia. It is surrounded by pine forests, so the weekly rest here can be equated by the month in the sanatorium.

About local stores and boutiques Reviews are diametrically opposed. Someone is enthusiastic from the Italian designers, and someone marks only 2-3 good stores. In general, if you are advised to be purchased in one of Viareggio outlet, demand the exact address of the store, so reliable.

But the prices here are aggressive: Even for 35 EUR per day, you can not find places on the shore. But the nearby hotel provides its guests discounts: a day on the beach - 18 EUR (the price includes an umbrella and 2 lounge chairs).

AT Forte-dei Marmi It is better to call on Wednesday or Sunday. Then you will be pleased with not only the amazing vegetation and the sandy beach, but also an excellent market. From 8.00 to 14.00, you can buy homemade cheeses and wines, souvenirs and ... Italian high quality clothes! On weekends there is also an antique market.

When you get bored to splash in the sea, you can spend a couple of hours on the local review museum of caricature and satire. Open-air theater, marble Warehouse, Villa Puccini- Do not be a beach one, as they say.

Olga (27 years old, Kiev):

"Considering pictures on the Internet, we decided to call in Viareggio for the day. They were afraid that the beach would be too expensive, but we were lucky: the entrance cost only 3 EUR. If you take a place with an umbrella - then 10, but we decided to save and sunbathe .. At the entrance they gave the key from the booth, where you can leave valuable things, change clothes. To the fact that there are various souvenirs on the beaches, we are somehow accustomed. I did not hold here: I bought a couple of bracelets. But to make a massage directly on the shore ... Tuscany can surprise! ".

Lily (41 years old, Novosibirsk):

"We went with two children, chose the beach on the coast of Viareggio. Immediately bought a subscription for the rest of the rest. It is very profitable: if you pay for the entrance every day, it will make an order of magnitude more expensive. Finally, I was calm for the children: the occasion in the sea is very long, on the water you can literally walk. More than 500 meters water level remains "on the belt". The only minus is an animation often only in Italian. Our offspring and English is not very, so they stayed aside all the time. "

Elba Island: on the ferry in "Little Sardinia"!

On this island more than 130 beaches! Family couples with children are suitable beaches La Bjodola, Fetovaya and Laconbecause There is a smooth descent, there are rides. For divers Elba - generally a real landmark, because such underwater "gardens" are really rare.

Where to go to Tuscany?

Dam couples seaside town Orbeello With mainland. The beaches here are average quality, shore and bottom of pebbles. But the Laguna itself is a protected area, because not only tourists, but also migratory birds love to relax here. There are many shops in Orbetello, a tasty kitchen, a majestic cathedral and a single stone mill on the water - everything you need to feel the full-fledged traveler after a week spent on the beaches.

At the train can be reached before Rosignano. This is the only one in Europe, the so-called "White Beach". Sand here is white, like on the caribbean. It became such, thanks to the work of the plant for the production of soda. The plant exists here for many years and does not cause ecology to any damage.

No less than glory use. Here you will find the purest golden sand, comfortable lounge chairs and umbrellas from the sun. Most beaches in Rimini paid, but are much cheaper than in Tuscany. In addition, there are many outlets and shops, where you can buy delusional things with a discount.

Not so long ago, a small resort town appeared on the bank of the Adriatic Sea - Lido Di Jesolo. This come here to relax from the metropolis, soak up the sun and swim in the warmth of the sea. Read more about Lido di Jesolo beaches read.

Budget beach holidays in Tuscany: Where to look for it?

Free beaches in Italy are less common than good roads in Russia. Although sometimes free areas come across paid beaches. Some tourists solve the problem even easier: they are arranged on stones nearby.

And the smartest googled in advance, they found this review, made a note on Google maps and now rest without unnecessary costs. Because below is a list of beaches, for the entrance to which you do not need to pay.

List of free beaches Tuscany:

La Spiaggia Della Lecciona

This beach was attached between Viareggio and Torre del Lago. Pine Park, Sand, Sea - and the entire list of available entertainment.

On 10 km south of the city of Falconnik there is a small beach of Cala Violina with quartz sand.

Buca delle Fate.

It's hard to get to this beach, the card will definitely not hurt. The car will have to be thrown on the road at which you drove out of half a 6th. Further - walking through the forest. But the purest water and an amazing view of the ELB island are worth it.

Beaches Barcola.

A number of beaches, where everyone will find their place. Young parents will choose a safe plot with small pebbles, middle-aged people will hurry to the beach at a pine forest, teenagers will drag the "ancestors" on the poplarium.

Free beaches south of the resort Marina di Cecina

The scheme is the same: the car is thrown on the road and vigorously stepping through the forest.

Are you planning to rest in Tuscany? First you need to choose the beach!

Are you thinking to bitch on the Tuscan Riviera? Keep in mind, for Versilia 15 rows tightly equipped chairs - this is the norm. There are no free beaches here, hotels with private beaches are units. The bottom is sandy and shallow.

Southern Tuscany is simply created for an unassuming family holiday. On the beaches Livorno, Pisa, Grosseto Comfortable entrances for children, clean sea and low prices. Most hotels have their own beaches, there are publicly available sections of the coast nearby. Absolute leader here - San Vincenzo. Here you can not only swim and lie on the sand, but also to spend your leisure culture (no matter how threatening it). Evening walks along the main street or pine grove, concerts of stars, regular entertainment events, sports platforms - full set!

Do you want to relax with soul and body? Sat the ass and zone neckline in the sun. Nudist beach Santa Maria. Near Forte-dei Marmi waiting for you.

Do you prefer wild territories? Keep a course on the beach. His sandy shores is washes the cleanest water in Italy. From the outside world, this corner is fencing beautiful rocks and old pines. Once upon a time it was produced in salt. Sinces, the medieval fortress has been preserved here. Great place for those who want to get unusual photos from Tuscany.

Maxim (34 years old, Dubna):

"Livorno chose, based on the price / quality ratio. It's not as expensive here, as in Versilia, but the whole infrastructure is at the level: there is where to go, where to stay, eat, etc. The beaches were clean and well-groomed, rental prices are also acceptable: for two sun beds and an umbrella 16-25 EUR, depending on the comfort of the beach and the location of these the most sun beds. For a couple of days, we spent on thermal centers - the procedures are perfectly leading in tone. "

Alexander (39 years old, Rostov-on-Don):

"Rest with his wife and son in Castiglion della Pescaya. Two paid beaches on the shore, everything else is free, come and lie, no one will tell. For 3-free kilometers, everyone let them compactly, but are placed. True, towels, the umbrella from the Sun and other attributes should be dragged every time. "

Valentine (31 years old, St. Petersburg):

"During the holidays on the Tuscan Riviera, you can look at the nudist beach, go to a couple of excursions, arrange a" romantic "in a secluded bay. For another office, the impressions are enough with your head. "

And in a year you can visit Tuscan another time. Anyway, inspecting all the beaches in one trip, no one was able to anyone.

Rest with taste. And do not forget the towels!

Tina Krіnichenko