Old Ladoga sights excursion. Open left menu old Ladoga

Sights of Staraya Ladoga. At the present time Staraya Ladoga– this is not a big village, previously it was one of the most big cities Russia. Staraya Ladoga is the first ancient capital of Rus', which already makes it a tourist attraction. This is where ancient structures, artifacts and burials are located.

You can get to Staraya Ladoga using regular buses, by train, by train and by car. The village is located 120 km from St. Petersburg. What to see in Staraya Ladoga?

Tourists, historians and archaeologists flock here, both from all over Russia and from abroad. Having visited Staraya Ladoga, you will plunge into the world of antiquity and get acquainted with local attractions. You can see the village and its surroundings on your own, or as part of excursion group, where you will be introduced in detail to the description and history of all artifacts and attractions.

The territory of Staraya Ladoga and its surroundings belong to the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Museum-Reserve. All attractions are connected with history ancient Rus'. You will be able to get acquainted with architectural sights, shrines, monuments and memorials.

Architectural sights of Staraya Ladoga


  • Staraya Ladoga Fortress was first built of wood in the 9th century and performed defensive functions from the outside Baltic Sea. The stone fortress was built in the 12th century and was completed and rebuilt several times. The fortress itself is located in the center of the village and is its “heart”. The Staraya Ladoga fortress was built at the confluence of the Ladozhka River and the Volkhov, which complemented its defensive capabilities.

The fortress was repeatedly attacked, destroyed, and sieged, which is why buildings dating back to the 16th century have survived to this day. Of its five towers, only two have been preserved and reconstructed, Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya; in some places the thickness of the walls ranges from 5 to 7 meters. The Rolling, Switch and Secret towers lie in ruins.

On the territory of the fortress there is a church and a cathedral. The fortress lost its defensive functions and strategic importance at the beginning of the 18th century, after the conquest of Noteburg. Now you can visit the fortress any day, and in the summer festivals and holidays are held on its territory.

  • Lyubsha fortress was discovered not so long ago. Historians began studying it at the end of the 20th century. The Lyubsha fortress is the oldest stone structure, which, unfortunately, has not survived. In the 8th century it was a major shopping mall, located not far from the border, but the village was abandoned in the 9th century.

Now all that remains of the fortress are two-meter-high ruins and ramparts, and the area around the fortress is overgrown, so it cannot be immediately seen. However, here beautiful nature, which, together with the fortress, is depicted by the famous artist Nicholas Roerich in his painting “Overseas Guests”.

  • Zemlyanoye settlement located in the south of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, surrounded by wooden and earthen ramparts dating back to the 16th century. The Zemlyanoye settlement and the Staraya Ladoga fortress were the main defensive structures until the eighteenth century.

Currently, archaeological excavations are being carried out on the territory of the settlement; many artifacts and household items from the 8th to 11th centuries, which are of European and Arab origin, have been found. You can visit the ancient building and attend the excavations, immersing yourself in the spirit of that time.

  • Stone Chapel was built in 1913 by the architect N. Brandenburg, on the site of the Spassky Church. The initiator of the construction was the Imperial Geographical Society, which decided to build a shrine on the site of the previous one, which had not survived.
  • Houses of the Kolyazin merchants. In one of the houses, a wooden one, there is a museum “Merchant Life of Staraya Ladoga”, which displays household items, dishes, clothes of merchants and peasants of the 19th -20th centuries. Where you can see how merchants of that time lived.

In the stone house of the Kolyazins there is an archaeological museum, which displays exhibits of ancient Ladoga, because excavations on this territory have been carried out since the 19th century.

Historical sights of Staraya Ladoga

  • Estate "Uspenskoe" adjacent to the Assumption Monastery. The estate was erected by Lieutenant General R.N. Tomilin and was rebuilt by his son. Tomilin was a connoisseur of art; famous artists such as Aivazovsky, Roerich, Kiprensky, Venetsianov often visited his house. And in his house there was a collection of paintings by these and other famous artists. After the revolution, the estate was confiscated, and a collection of 6,000 paintings and objects was transferred to the St. Petersburg Museum, among which were paintings by Rembrandt.

Now the estate is in an abandoned state and the entrance to the building is closed, but many tourists and local residents They love to stroll along the alleys and parks of this estate.

  • Museum of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress located in the Gate Tower of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress on the second and third tiers. The museum includes all churches, buildings, mounds and other structures located in Staraya Ladoga. Separately presented are exhibits in the form of household items, dishes, weapons, and armor from the Middle Ages, discovered in this area by archaeologists.

In the summer, on the territory of Staraya Ladoga, an annual thematic festival “The First Capital of Rus'” is held, where everyone can try on chain mail, local residents prepare ancient recipes, and battles are held with the help of ancient weapons. Anyone can attend this wonderful event and plunge into the Middle Ages.

  • Varyazhskaya street- this is the oldest street of ancient Rus'. A walk along this street is a tradition for all tourists. Now there are modern buildings on the street, but archaeologists and historians still find objects from the 9th-10th centuries on this street, which has made it popular. It is on this street that there is a Stone Chapel, built in 1913, on the site where the Spasky Church stood, destroyed by time. Along Varyazhskaya Street there are houses of the Kalyazin merchants and the famous Falcon sculpture.
  • Kurgans They don't look like anything special, but it's worth realizing that these mounds date back to the 8th-9th centuries, which makes them special. In total, there are three burial mounds in Sopki - these are ancient burial places. According to one theory of historians, one of the mounds is the burial place of Prince Oleg. The mounds have artificially and naturally created catacombs, but there is no way to get into them. The mounds are easy to climb and offer amazing views of the Volkhov River.
  • Oleg's grave- one of the oldest burial places in Russia, so many tourists visit the mounds every day. There is an opinion that the energy of these places has healing properties. Having visited these parts, be sure to visit the mounds dating back to the 8th-9th century. However, be careful when going up and down the hills, as they are flanked on one side by a gentle slope down to the river.
  • Caves in Staraya Ladoga were created in the 19th century by people who mined white quartz sandstone here, used in the glass industry. There are several caves here, the most famous of which are Staroladozhskaya, Tanechkina, and Malyshka. The length of some caves reaches 7.5 km, some passages in the caves are blocked, so it is better to visit the cave not alone, but as part of an excursion group, so as not to get lost.

In Tanechkena Cave there is underground lake, which practically does not dry out, and patterns from various rocks are visible on the walls. A large number of bats hibernate in the cave. It is safe to visit the caves under the guidance of an experienced guide and wearing comfortable shoes, since many passages in the caves are blocked and flooded.

  • Tract "Pobedishche" is located on the southern outskirts of the village of Staraya Ladoga, the discoverer of which was the geographer N.E. Branderbug. The remains of people, horses, and weapons were discovered here.

According to legend, it was here that a major battle with the Swedes took place, in which many warriors died, whose blood flowed down the stream into the waters of the Volkhov River. Not far from the tract flows this stream, which is called “Bloody”.

  • Sopki tract – This is a cluster of mounds in the form of ancient burials. There is still controversy over the most famous burial - Oleg's grave, which has been studied since the 19th century; one of the archaeologists found human remains, but evidence of authenticity is still in doubt.
  • Lyubsha settlement was discovered in 1997 and is considered the oldest building, dating from the 7th century. However, according to research, the fortress was abandoned in the 9th century, as it lost its defensive significance for the Slavs.
  • Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall located near the village. Its peculiarity is that it is the most high waterfall throughout Leningrad region, its height is 4 meters. It is located on a small river flowing into the Volkhov. The waterfall is surrounded by greenery and picturesque terrain; you can find it with the help of local residents or on your own.

Shrines of Staraya Ladoga

In the territory small village Staraya Ladoga is located a large number of churches, temples, monasteries. This is due to the fact that Staraya Ladoga is considered the first capital of Rus', which makes them unique, let's look at some of them:

  • Nikolsiky monastery on its territory it has the Church of St. Nicholas, the Church of St. John Chrysostom, a bell tower and a number of monastery buildings. The founder of the monastery was Alexander Nevsky in 1240, after the victory over the Swedes.

In 1611, the monastery was almost completely destroyed by the Swedes, after which it was rebuilt. The building of the monastery has had a difficult history. In the 17th century, Valaam monks moved here after the destruction of their monastery by the Swedes. In 1927 the monastery was closed, Soviet time On the territory of the monastery there was a school, a dormitory and a warehouse for agricultural machinery.

In 1974, the St. Nicholas Monastery was recognized as a historical monument of national significance. Reconstruction work there is still underway. The main attraction of the Nikolsky Monastery is that a particle of relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

  • Holy Dormition Monastery and Assumption Church. The Assumption Church was built in 1156, and is one of the oldest buildings in Staraya Ladoga; the remaining buildings adjacent to the monastery were erected in the 19th century.

The Assumption Monastery was originally a men's monastery, but was later transferred to nuns. The monastery was famous for its different time Famous women, such as Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina, wife of Peter 1, Evdokia Hannibal, were imprisoned on its territory. During the imprisonment of the wife of Peter 1, the tonsure of new nuns was stopped, parishioners were prohibited from entering the monastery territory, and a military guard was on duty. Later, relatives of the Decembrists were exiled here.

The temple building dates back to the pre-Mongol period and has a large number of frescoes that are not very well preserved.

On the territory of the monastery there is the Church of the Exaltation of the Cross, where the relics of saints are kept, which significantly increases the flow of tourists and pilgrims.

  • Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist erected in 1695 on Malysheva Mountain. There was previously a monastery here, dating back to the 13th century, but one stone building has survived.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the church began to sag due to voids and caves in the mountain, formed as a result of the extraction of quartz sand by local residents. After which it was necessary to save the temple from destruction by filling the voids with concrete. In the temple there is the limit of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, and not far from the temple, the spring of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa flows, the water in which is healing.

  • Church of St. George located on the territory of the Staraya Ladoga fortress, in which frescoes from the 12th century have been preserved. According to legend, it was in this temple that Alexander Nevsky prayed and illuminated his sword before the battle with the Swedes.

The construction of the temple dates back to the 12th century, and is considered one of two shrines that have survived to this day. Unique, preserved frescoes decorate the walls of the temple. One of the most famous is considered to be the image of St. George the Victorious on a horse, who steps on a snake; it is called “The Miracle of St. George on the Snake.” The second known image on the drum dome is “The Ascension of the Lord.”

There are currently no worship services held in the temple, but it is open to tourists and local residents.

  • Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica Built in the 17th century on the territory of the fortress at the Church of St. George the Victorious, the church itself was dismantled and rebuilt several times. A copy dating from the 20th century has survived to this day. The Church is now located local history museum, where you can get acquainted with the history of the temple and objects of peasant life.
  • Church of Alexei, Man of God was built of wood in the nineteenth century with donations from local residents as a small chapel. Over time, local entrepreneur Semyon Kalinin allocated money for the building stone church. The church underwent a complete restoration in 2000.
  • Church of the Transfiguration was built on the banks of the Volkhov River from wood in the 17th century, but it could not survive the fire. A new stone church was erected in its place in 1871 with donations from the merchant Rybin, and has survived to the present day.
  • Pogost and Church of St. Basil of Caesarea were here back in 1618, but the building was completely destroyed by the end of the century. Several decades later, a new stone temple was erected at the expense of the local governor. Not long ago, the temple underwent another restoration and is now open to the public.

Monuments and memorials of Staraya Ladoga

  • Monument to Rurik and Prophetic Oleg was opened on Varyazhskaya Street, personifying the beginning of the revival of Russian statehood. It is unique because it exists in a single copy in all of Russia.
  • Stella in memory of the 1250th anniversary of Staraya Ladoga located next to the Ladoga cultural and sports center, personifying the long history of the village’s existence.
  • Falcon Sculpture located at the beginning of Varyazhskaya Street, it is symbolic for local residents. It is this bird that is depicted on the coat of arms of Staraya Ladoga and represents the unity of people and nature. There is a tradition of placing a coin between the feathers of this bird for good luck.


The territory of Staraya Ladoga is natural monument, with total area above 200 hectares. It is important to preserve local mounds, caves, and the geology of the local region. All sights are part of the architectural, historical and archaeological museum-reserve "Staraya Ladoga".

In this territory it is prohibited to make fires, mine minerals, conduct construction work, graze livestock, dig mounds, or dump garbage. Staraya Ladoga attracts many tourists; here you can touch history and feel the spirit of old times. Having been here once, many return to these lands; Staraya Ladoga will not leave anyone indifferent!

Staraya Ladoga has existed since the 8th century, it is called the “first capital of Rus'” - it was here that Rurik came to reign in 862. The Varangians chose this place as their residence not by chance - many centuries ago, the small village was now a prosperous and developed city: a crossroads of trade routes, a craft center and an international trade port, providing connections for the Slavs with European countries. Nowadays, Staraya Ladoga is a unique complex historical monuments, united under the auspices of the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Reserve.

It is believed that the Scandinavians initially lived here, and a little later - the ancient Germans and Baltic-Finnish peoples. It was they who built the first houses and fortifications in the image and likeness of those that were characteristic of early medieval Europe. Such guesses are confirmed by artifacts from the Merovingian era found during excavations in the 2000s. Slavic tribes came to this land after the 8th century, conquering living space from earlier settlers.

How to get to Staraya Ladoga

From major cities closest to Staraya Ladoga is St. Petersburg. From Northern capital the village can be reached by buses No. 847, 860, 863, 877, departing from Bus Station No. 2 on the Obvodny Canal and metro stations "Volkovskaya", "Parnas" (with a change in the village of Yushkovo or Volkhov to bus No. 23 ). Travel time is from 2.5 to 4 hours. Transport runs from 7:00 to 22:00, the cost of the entire trip is 470-600 RUB. Prices on the page are indicated for October 2018.

To get from Pulkovo to Bus Station No. 2, you first need to get to the station. metro station "Moskovskaya" by buses No. 13, 13A, 39 or minibuses No. K39, K13, 113, 213, then follow to the station. metro station "Obvodny Canal".

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By train from St. Petersburg

From Moskovsky and Ladozhsky railway stations to the Volkhovstroy-I platform, located in Volkhov, departures commuter trains(office website of Russian Railways). Next to it on the square there is a city bus station, where you can take a bus to the village. The total travel time is 2.5-3 hours; for just 2 tickets you will have to pay 398-460 RUB.

Trains run from Moscow to Volkhov (Volkhovstroy-I station) from Leningradsky Station. The journey will take 7-11 hours, the minimum fare for a reserved seat is from 1500 RUB.

By car

The distance from the capital to Staraya Ladoga along the shortest highway M-10 is 720 km. If you can avoid traffic jams, you can get to the village in 10 hours. From St. Petersburg you need to follow the R-21 highway.


The village is small, so tourists travel on foot. There is no public transport in Staraya Ladoga. The only bus passing along Volkhovsky Prospekt is No. 23. It takes you to Olegov Kurgan, located 8 km from the Staraya Ladoga Fortress.

You can park your car for free in large parking lots near the monasteries, as well as on the side of the road in front of the fortress.

A taxi ride around the city costs from 70-90 RUB, plus you will have to pay for the car to travel from Novaya Ladoga, where the nearest agency is located. Transport can be ordered by phone or caught on the street. There are no meters, the cost is negotiated with the dispatcher or the taxi driver himself.

Maps of Staraya Ladoga

Hotels in Staraya Ladoga

Due to the small size of the village, there are not many accommodation options: only 4-5 are available in Staraya Ladoga and the surrounding area. The most famous place, presented in all booking systems, is the Staraya Ladoga Hotel on the street. Sovetskaya, offering prices from 2000 RUB per day for Double Room. As an alternative, you can consider the Barsky holiday home, designed for 6 people, for 2500-3000 RUB per night. True, it is located on the outskirts, 2 km from the Volkhov embankment and attractions.

What to bring: souvenirs

The best souvenirs from Staraya Ladoga will be products of local craftsmen: original pendants and brooches with ancient runic designs, animals, fairy-tale and religious characters, embossed jewelry with Celtic and Scandinavian ornaments, birch bark handbags and baskets with images of local beauties printed on them. All these things are present in the souvenir kiosk in the fortress. During ethnographic festivals there are fairs where there is a much larger selection of crafts. Shops at churches and monasteries sell good baked goods, tea and lenten products.

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Cafes and restaurants in Staraya Ladoga

There are no more restaurants and cafes in Staraya Ladoga than hotels. Main establishments: “Prince Rurik” with interiors in the style knight's castle, wooden tables and pottery and the budget “Ancient Ladoga”, decorated like a Russian hut, there is even a real oven inside. The price for a standard lunch is from 500 RUB per person.

“Prince Rurik” serves a signature beef chop with “Varyag” mushrooms, baked whitefish “Gift of Ladoga,” delicious sbiten and mead.

There is also a small cafe-dining room “Lyubava”, which serves home-cooked dishes: pancakes, dumplings, fish and fried meat with vegetables, buckwheat and potatoes. Set lunch three courses plus a drink costs 200-250 RUB.

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History of Staraya Ladoga

Old Ladoga has seen many bright events in its lifetime: the arrival of Rurik and his retinue, an unprecedented rise and prosperity, periods of bloody wars and, finally, decline. In 753, the first wooden fortress already stood in the settlement, reliably protecting the homes of artisans and traders. Under the Prophetic Oleg, at the end of the 9th century, a powerful stone stronghold was erected, which was later destroyed by the Norwegian Vikings. The bastion was built for the second time only 3 centuries later, after which temples and monasteries “grew up” one after another in the city.

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Until 1702, Staraya Ladoga played a key strategic role and was an important military outpost. That is why the rulers of the Russian state paid so much attention to it. After the end of the Northern War under Peter I, a long period of decline began, as a result of which the city turned into a village, and the number of its inhabitants decreased significantly. Nowadays Staraya Ladoga is a large tourist centre Northwestern region.

Entertainment and attractions

The architecture of Staraya Ladoga is a living embodiment ancient history Rus'. The fortress walls and cathedrals are examples of Russian northern architecture of the Middle Ages; merchant houses and estates with museum exhibitions tell about the development of the settlement in the 18th and 19th centuries. But the village is famous not only for its man-made attractions. It’s worth coming here to visit the burial mounds in the Sopki tract and explore artificial caves on the territory of the Staroladozhsky natural monument or take a walk to the Gorchakovshchinsky waterfall.

Museum-Reserve "Old Ladoga"

Guests of the museum-reserve are offered two tourist routes: “Ancient Russian city of Ladoga” and “Monasteries of Old Ladoga”. Tourists get acquainted with Russian history and culture in the interiors of fortress towers of the 15-16th centuries and residential buildings of the 19th century, in the monastery complexes of the former Assumption Convent and the currently operating Nikolsky Monastery. Masterpieces of world art can be seen in the 12th century Church of St. George, and from Malysheva Mountain a uniquely beautiful panorama of Ladoga opens.

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The central tourist site is the Staraya Ladoga Fortress, founded by Rurik in the 9th century and rebuilt from stone under Oleg the Prophet. Researchers cannot say exactly how many sieges the fortification survived - it was stormed more than once by Norwegian earls and Swedish kings. Starting from the 18th century, after the bastion lost its military significance, the buildings began to fall into disrepair; at the end of the 19th century, the first archaeological excavations were carried out on the territory.

Reconstruction of the fortress began in Soviet times and continues to this day. Today the ensemble is part of the Staraya Ladoga Historical, Architectural and Archaeological Reserve.

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Nikolsky Monastery is one of the oldest in the Leningrad region, founded by Saint Alexander Nevsky after the victorious battle with the Swedes in the Battle of Neva at the mouth of the Izhora River. Dedicated to the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra in Lycia.

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Uspenskoye Estate and Staraya Ladoga Museum

The Uspenskoye estate, whose name is associated with the nearby Assumption Monastery, was built in the 80s. Lieutenant General Roman Nikiforovich Tomilov. His son Alexey in 1816-1817. remodeled it according to his own design, adding a stone outbuilding to the wooden house (Schwartz House). In the outbuilding, Tomilov kept a rich collection of paintings and graphics, including the largest collection of drawings and etchings by Rembrandt in Russia. In 1918, after the confiscation of the estate from its last owners, the Schwartzes, more than 6,000 drawings and paintings were transferred to the Russian Museum, and the house began to belong to the Staraya Ladoga Museum. It contains historical and everyday life, archaeological funds, as well as a fund of frescoes and a fund of paintings and graphics.

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A women's monastery from the mid-12th century, adorning the left bank of the Volkhov River. After the Russian-Swedish War of 1610-1617. Almost the entire complex was rebuilt. Main temple monastery - Cathedral of the Assumption Holy Mother of God- a rare architectural monument of the pre-Mongol period, created by Novgorod architects.

On one of the arches the heraldic sign of Rurik has been preserved, and fragments of frescoes from the 12th century have survived inside.

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The Church of St. Basil of Caesarea is located opposite the fortress, on the right bank of the Volkhov (previously there was the Vasilyevsky Monastery, most of the buildings of which were wooden). In 1666, the temple fell to the ground, and 20 years later, a new one was erected in its place at the expense of governor T.I. Bestuzhev.

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There are several caves in the village and its surroundings. The most explored and visited are Staroladozhskaya and Tanechkina, which were formed in the 19th century as a result of sandstone mining. After the closure of the deposits, the grottoes were “overgrown” with stalactites and stalagmites (albeit still very small), streams and small lakes appeared here - in a word, nature, on its own, transforms the artificial into the natural.

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Nowadays, Staraya Ladoga is a small village located on the high bank of the Volkhov, 120 kilometers from St. Petersburg. It is quiet and calm here, life flows measuredly and leisurely. But numerous burial mounds and ancient architectural monuments indicate that this is a difficult place. It is the first capital of Rus'.

In 2008, I had the opportunity to work here in . I offer you, my readers, my small guide to the sights of Staraya Ladoga.

The first wooden fortress on this site was built in the 9th-10th centuries at the confluence of the Ladozhka (Elena) river into the Volkhov. In 1116, under Prince Mstislav Vladimirovich the Great (1076-1132, baptized Theodore), construction began on a stone fortress, which was subsequently rebuilt several times. The enemy stormed it many times. In 1617, according to the Stolbovsky Treaty, it went to Russia and was a border area for almost a hundred years. After 1702, when Noteburg () was taken, the fortress lost its strategic importance.

Currently, archaeological research and restoration work are being carried out in the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. Some of the buildings were reconstructed at the end of the 16th century, the rest are preserved ruins. On its territory are St. George's Cathedral, the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica, and the fortress museum.

St. George's Cathedral was built in memory of the Swedes' attempt to take Ladoga in 1164. It is one of two temples from pre-Mongol times that have survived in Staraya Ladoga (initially there were 7 or 8 of them). Inside, about 20% of the frescoes of the 12th century have been preserved, among which the most expressive are “The Ascension of the Lord” on the drum and dome, “The Miracle of George on the Serpent” in the altar part and others. According to legend, before the battle with the Swedes, Prince Alexander Nevsky prayed and blessed his sword in this temple.

St. George's Cathedral and the Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

Church of Demetrius of Thessalonica

The first mention of the church dates back to 1646. Rebuilt several times. The current temple was built in 1901.

Museum of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress

The museum was founded in 1971 in the Gate Tower of the Staraya Ladoga Fortress. The exhibition includes objects from various eras, starting from the Stone Age.

Address: 187412, Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, Volkhovsky pr., 19. Tel. (8-1263) 493-70. Working hours: 10.00-17.00, closed on Monday.

In 1584-1585, to the south of the stone fortress, the Earthen City was built from wood and earth, which had three bastions. Apparently, this was one of the first bastion-type fortresses in Russia. On a four-meter earthen rampart stood an oak palisade with three towers: Naugolnaya, Berezhnaya and Nadvratnaya. Currently, archaeological excavations are being carried out here, ancient dwellings of the 9th-11th centuries, numerous objects of that time, many of which are of European and Arab origin, have been found.

According to legend, the Nikolsky Monastery was founded by Prince Alexander Nevsky “in memory of the lost Ladoga relatives” who fell in the Battle of Neva in 1240. In 1611, monks moved here from the Valaam Monastery destroyed by the Swedes. Soon the St. Nicholas Monastery was destroyed by the troops of Jacob Delagardie (1583-1652), one of the active participants in the events of the Time of Troubles. After the Time of Troubles, the monastery was restored. At the end of the 18th century it was abolished, but at the beginning of the next century it was reopened.

In recent years, restoration work has been carried out at the St. Nicholas Monastery.

The oldest building of the monastery is the four-pillar, single-domed Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker of the 17th century, built on the site of a 12th-century cathedral with fragments of the latter. The Church of St. John Chrysostom was built at the end of the 19th century in the form of an ancient Roman basilica, with elements of pseudo-Russian style.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, st. Nikolskaya, 1

Founded in 1156 on the site of the ancient monastery of Simeon the God-Receiver. In the first half of the 12th century, the Assumption Cathedral was built here, which has survived to this day. Fragments of frescoes from the 12th century were discovered inside the cathedral. The remaining buildings of the monastery were built in the 19th century in the late Empire style and pseudo-Russian style. Anna Kashinskaya found shelter in the Assumption Monastery, Evdokia Lopukhina and Evdokia Hannibal were imprisoned, and the nun-poet Elisaveta Shakhova lived in the 19th century.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga village, Uspensky lane.

Estate "Uspenskoe"

Located next to the Assumption Monastery. It was built in the 1780s by Lieutenant General Roman Nikiforovich Tomilov. In 1816-1817, his son Alexei rebuilt his father's estate. Here Tomilov kept his richest collection of paintings, among which was the largest collection of drawings and etchings by Rembrandt in Russia. The guests of “Uspensky” were many Russian artists, including O.A. Kiprensky, I.K. Aivazovsky, N.K. Roerich.

In 1918, more than 6,000 paintings were transferred to the Russian Museum in Petrograd. The manor house burned down in 1928; only the former service house survived.

Uspenskoe estate, photo from the Internet

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist

Located on Malysheva Mountain. Until the middle of the 18th century, the St. John the Baptist Monastery existed here, the first mention of which dates back to 1276. The current temple was built in 1695 in the Yaroslavl style. Frescoes from that time have been preserved inside. In the 19th century, mining of quartz sand began near the temple, and underground cavities formed. Perhaps they served as the beginning of stories about underground passages connecting the temple with the Staraya Ladoga fortress and caves. Until the 1930s, the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist was considered the main temple of Staraya Ladoga.

The entrance to the Staraya Ladoga Cave is located 64 m southeast of the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist. To the northeast of the temple is the Holy Spring of Paraskeva Friday, equipped with a font.

Address: Leningrad region, Volkhov district, Staraya Ladoga settlement, Pozemskaya st., no. 1

Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist on Malysheva Hill

Varyazhskaya street

Varyazhskaya Street is considered the oldest street in Russia, which, according to written sources, existed already in the 15th century. Various household items of the 9th-10th centuries were discovered here. Since the 18th century, it began to be built up with merchant houses. Currently, along it there are mainly one-story private houses behind fences.

In 2013, a bronze monument was installed on Varyazhskaya Street falcon sculpture- a totemic symbol of the Rurik family and a symbol of Staraya Ladoga. It is believed that you should leave a coin in its beak for good luck.

The sculpture “Attacking Falcon”, a symbol of Staraya Ladoga. Falcon is a totemic symbol of the Rurik dynasty, often found as a heraldic symbol in the culture of the Eastern Slavs.

On September 12, 2015, it was installed in the park on Varyazhskaya Street monument to Rurik and Prophetic Oleg, architect Oleg Shorov.

Chapel of the Assumption Monastery on Varyazhskaya Street

Built by the architect N. Brandenburg in 1913 with funds from the Imperial Geographical Society on the site of the foundation of an ancient temple of the 12th century, presumably Spassky.

House of merchant P.V. Kalyazin

The stone house of the merchant P.V. Kalyazin was built in the 19th century. Works within its walls Archaeological Museum Staraya Ladoga, the exhibition of which presents objects discovered during archaeological excavations in Staraya Ladoga.

Houses of the Kalyazin merchants

House of merchant A.V. Kalyazin

A wooden house built in the 19th century on Varyazhskaya Street. At one time it housed the museum “Merchant Life of Staraya Ladoga”.

House of merchant A.V. Kalyazin (green, near the monument to Rurik and Oleg)

Crafts Sloboda

Located on the Volkhov highway, not far from the burial mounds. This is a working old-time farmstead where a restoration artist and his family live. There is a souvenir shop nearby. You can also drink tea from the samovar with pies for a small fee.

Park in memory of fellow countrymen who died in 1941-1945

A small park with a memorial sign with the inscription “A park was founded here in memory of fellow countrymen who died on the fields of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.” The park was founded in the year of the 40th anniversary of the Victory.”

Park in memory of fellow countrymen who died in 1941-1945

Installed in the park next to the regional cultural and sports center "Ladoga".

Mounds in the Sopki tract

A large field between Volkhovsky Prospekt and Volkhov, on which mounds of the 8th-12th centuries rise. The most famous of them is Oleg’s grave, where the Prophetic Oleg is believed to be buried. On its top and slopes there are remains of ancient robberies. Archaeological research, alas, did not find traces of Oleg’s grave.

There are many legends associated with the mounds: that there is a whole system underground passages, connecting the mounds with the caves, fortress and monasteries of Staraya Ladoga. Rodnovers and lovers of antiquity also gather here.

Caves of Staraya Ladoga

Most famous caves- Staroladozhskaya, Tanechkin, Malyshka. To the south of the village there are several unexplored caves. They represent workings of the 19th century. The largest colony of bats in northwestern Russia lives in Tanechkina Cave.

In Tanechkina cave

Lyubsha fortress

The Lyubsha fortress is considered the oldest in Rus'. It is a cape settlement with a diameter of about 50 meters, surrounded by an arched rampart about 70 meters long and up to 18 meters wide at the base. The first Finno-Ugric settlement on this site arose in the 3rd century. In the second half of the 7th - first half of the 8th century, Slavic tribes came here (possibly the Ilmen Slovenes), who ousted local population. The old Chud settlement burned down, and a new, Slavic one was built in its place. Died at the turn of the 9th-10th centuries.

The armored flagstone masonry, fragments of additional retaining walls and wooden fortifications along the top of the rampart have been preserved. Located near the village of Seltso-Gorka, on the territory of the Staroladozhskaya Dacha guest complex.

Field research of the Lyubshan settlement in 1999. Photo from the website of the Staraya Ladoga Museum-Reserve www.ladogamuseum.ru

Lyubsha Estate

The former estate is located in the village of Seltso-Gorka. It belonged to landowner Nadezhda Konstantinovna Izmailova, mother-in-law of the Itinerant artist Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov (1844-1911). The estate and its owner can be seen in the artist’s famous painting “Everything is in the Past.”

Vasily Maksimov. “Everything is in the Past”, 1889. Oil on canvas. 72 × 93.5 cm. State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow

Vasilyevsky Pogost

Vasilyevsky Pogost is located on the opposite bank of the Volkhov River, in the village of Chernavino. Until 1764, there was the Vasilyevsky Monastery, whose inhabitants at one time were monks who fled from the Valaam Monastery occupied by the Swedes. The Church of St. Basil of Caesarea, built in 1686 on the foundation of a 13th-century stone church dismantled due to dilapidation, and the Transfiguration Church, erected in 1871 on the site of a wooden church built in 1684, have survived. The famous Itinerant artist Vasily Maksimovich Maksimov (1844-1911) is buried at the Vasilievsky churchyard.

♦ More details:

Kurgan burial ground in the Plakun tract

Located opposite the Staraya Ladoga fortress in the village of Lopino, on the other bank of the Volkhov River. It is a large burial mound consisting of 13 flat mounds with a height of 0.3-0.6 meters and a diameter of mounds of 10-20 meters. Traces of the remaining mounds may have been destroyed in the past. They are Scandinavian, dating back to approximately the 8th - late 9th centuries.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Babino

The village of Babino, formerly the village of Pokrovskoye. Here is the ruined Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built in 1737-1739 in a style close to the Naryshkin Baroque.

Gorchakovshchinsky waterfalls

Located in the village of Gorchakovshchina. On the north side of the village - big waterfall, from the south - less.

How many days to come to Staraya Ladoga and where to stay

I think you are convinced that there is something to see in Staraya Ladoga. However, people usually come here for one day. In this case, many sights are seen on the run, while others remain completely “behind the scenes”. If possible, it is worth coming here for a few days to feel the whole atmosphere of this place, go to Novaya Ladoga, to the mouth of the Volkhov, and take a walk around the surrounding area.

IN last years Several hotels and recreation centers appeared in the vicinity of Staraya Ladoga. The choice is small, but it is there. You can see a selection of hotels in Staraya Ladoga and the surrounding area.

The one already mentioned above seemed to me to be quite an interesting option. "Staroladozhskaya Dacha" on the opposite bank of the Volkhov. Another option is to stay at a hotel "Metallurgist" in Volkhov, 15-20 minutes by car from Staraya Ladoga.

Sights of Staraya Ladoga on the map

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Lovers of old history can visit the first capital of Rus' - Staraya Ladoga. This is a city of history with fortified walls, temples and burial mounds. It was here that the founder of the state, Rurik, was invited. Today, regular reconstruction festivals and thematic fairs are held here.

The main attractions of Staraya Ladoga are located along the left bank of the Volkhov in an area divided into northern and southern halves by the Ladozhka River.

Stone fortress

The historical center of the settlement is the Stone Fortress, built in the 15th century. On the site of more ancient walls. The fortress stands in a strategically important place on Cape Volkhov and Ladozhka and is surrounded by water. The surviving walls were built during the era of gunpowder and are very solidly built. Their thickness reaches 7 meters. Height - up to 12 meters. There are 5 well-preserved towers up to 19 meters in height.

The ruins that stood here were nicknamed “Rurik Castle”. For a long time there have been legends about secret doors, behind which a huge dungeon or even a passage under the Volkhov is hidden. There was talk of treasures and secret dungeons hiding the secrets of the past. However, upon detailed examination by archaeologists, it turned out that all these were just urban legends.

There were no underground passages in the fortress and towers. Although they searched carefully and dug them down to the very foundation. In the 1880s the fortress had a sad and abandoned appearance: “Everywhere around there is a stamp of long-ago destruction: half-crumbled vaults, stone massifs threatening to fall instantly, the crests of walls and towers chewed by centuries, all this, in the midst of general silence, breathes death, breathes something long outdated; the impression is aggravated by the multitude of graves crosses of the local St. George's churchyard, occupying the interior of the fortress."

Save historical heritage became only in 1978 against the backdrop of the then revival of interest in native history. According to the project of the restorer A.E. Eck, two were rebuilt: the Klimentovskaya and Vorotnaya towers with a spindle between them. During the work, archaeologists discovered two more fortresses of the 9th and 12th centuries. This made it possible to date the founding of Staraya Ladoga to at least 753.

The most striking event in the history of the fortress was the reign of Rurik here. However. He did not rule here for long and soon moved to Veliky Novgorod - to the source of the river. The fortress remained an important trading outpost and reserve base for the Varangians. Here taxes were collected from traders and enemy troops were met.

Modern walls appeared in the 16th century. It should be noted that at this time the fortress did not have advanced military significance and was not a priority target. However, during the Time of Troubles, the Swedes still attacked it, destroying part of the walls. After the return of Staraya Ladoga the city for a long time they planned to restore it so that it would not embarrass merchants and ambassadors passing through with its ruined appearance, but it never worked out.

Falcon sculpture

Near the entrance to the Staraya Ladoga Fortress, at the very beginning of Varangian Street, you can see the sculpture of a falcon - the symbol of Staraya Ladoga and the family coat of arms of Rurik, depicted on the shields and banners of his warriors. Nowadays the falcon is a symbol of the Staraya Ladoga settlement and the Volkhov region, as a tribute to history.

The statue is a bronze falcon on natural stone. The formidable bird seems to have spread its wings and is preparing to take off. This is a favorite attraction for tourists, who constantly take pictures with the statue and leave coins in its beak and claws as souvenirs.

The bronze bird appeared at this place in 2013 during the annual holiday - Days of the Leningrad Region.

The best place to start exploring the sights of Staraya Ladoga is on Varyazhskaya Street. This is the main street of the historical part of the settlement, the first mention of which dates back to 1500. We can say that this is the oldest surviving street in Russia.

Today it runs along the left bank of the Ladozhka River along the highway and looks more like a narrow village street. On both sides every now and then there are ancient buildings, churches and mansions. The current appearance of the street took shape at the end of the 18th century, with the construction of several merchant houses that still stand today. Walking here it may seem as if you have traveled several centuries back and are walking along main street quiet provincial town. Everything here breathes history.

On Varyazhskaya Street you can see a very remarkable chapel, built at the beginning of the last century on the site of a lost church from the pre-Mongol period. The chapel was erected with funds from the Imperial Geographical Society as a memory of the lost temple. From the old church, which was once the main temple of this end of Ladoga, only the foundation remains.

Ladoga burial hills

The Ladoga burial mounds in the Sopki tract on the left bank of the Volkhov, behind the Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist, are a whole burial complex of the 8th-10th centuries. The center of the complex is a large ten-meter burial mound, which some scientists consider the burial mound of Prophetic Oleg. There is no exact information about the burial place of the second ruler of Rus', there are only sources that say that his last journey was made to Novgorod, and then to Ladoga.

There is a version that he was buried near Kiev on Mount Shchekovitsa, but given that the Scandinavian chronicles call the main city of Gardariki Holmsgard (Novgorod), the northern version is considered more plausible. In 1820, excavations were carried out here, which did not find rich burials on Oleg’s Hill. However, the grave could have been robbed earlier. Based on the available finds, it is difficult to say anything definite about the burial, however, there is no refutation of the version about the princely grave.

In any case, this is a rather interesting historical monument. Probably, the mounds are not only burial places of the dead, but also unique commemoration complexes, where relatives of the buried gathered in order to reunite with their ancestors and pay tribute to their memory, as well as carry out other religious practices.

Estate "Uspenskoe"

Local history lovers should definitely visit the Uspenskoye estate. It is located on the banks of the Volkhov between St. John the Baptist and Assumption Monasteries (hence the name).

The estate complex was built in 1780 by a local landowner, retired general R.N. Tomilov. Initially it was just a wooden house near the river. In 1807, the estate was inherited by his son Alexey, who rebuilt the estate in 1817 according to his own design, adding a stone outbuilding to the original wooden structure. Later, the wooden house disappeared and only the main stone part remained, later expanded somewhat. In its current form, the external appearance of the building is not particularly remarkable and, without knowing it, one could mistake it for a typical post-revolutionary barracks. However, inside there is a museum with preserved interiors from old times, as well as the remains of the once outstanding collection of paintings of the previous owners.

Alexey Tomilov personally knew many artists of his time. Architects G. Quarenghi, A.N. were frequent guests at the estate. Voronikhin, painters A.O. Orlovsky, O.A. Kiprensky, I.K. Aivazovsky, A.G. Venetsians, who often worked here. The owner collected a large collection of drawings by Russian and European masters in the estate. In 1895, Uspenskoye was inherited by E.G. Schwartz (brother of the famous artist). The new owner continued to collect and expand the collection.

In 1918, the estate was confiscated, and most of the paintings went to the Russian Museum. Only a shadow of its former glory remains in the estate building. Here you can view an exhibition of 19th-century life, archaeological finds and a collection of paintings and graphics.