Grottoes, caves, artificial rocks. Creating an artificial cave What is the name of the cave usually artificial

Caves and grottoes at all times attracted and attracted the eye with their natural beauty and mystery. Beautiful internal lakes, waterfalls, streams, unique stalactites and stalagmites, unusual vaults and shades of stone fascinate. And all this beauty can be created at home.
In a rapidly changing modern world it is so nice to be close to nature, to visit a corner of peace and tranquility. The beauty of nature prompted man to create grottoes and rocks on his territory. Since ancient times, architects have been creating gardens and estates with an unusual relief, with unique natural corners.
We make artificial rocks, caves, grottoes, as well as reservoirs, waterfalls, and artificial ponds, everything that brings the charm of pristine nature to the life of a garden, park, estate.

The grotto is a shallow cave with vaulted ceiling and wide entrance.
An artificial cave is an imitation of a real one, with a repetition of its irregular shapes, a bizarre play of shades of color, stalactites and stalagmites.
An artificial reservoir, a waterfall, a stream - everything that will complement and give originality to buildings.
Artificial rocks and artificial relief can be created not only in the garden and on the street, but also indoors to create a special atmosphere, originality, naturalness.
Beautiful internal lakes, unique stalactites and outgrowths, stone vaults attract attention, fascinate and will undoubtedly be remembered for a long time. Such unusual and at the same time natural beauty can be created both outdoors and indoors.
For private apartments and houses, most often only a part is built - a corner, wall or other waterfall or fountain.
For public premises - restaurants, salons, other establishments - you can create entire walls or rooms, caves with a unique relief and unprecedented beauty.
In the park, in the garden, we make combinations of ponds and stone buildings and landscaping, which can perform both decorative functions and serve as a gazebo, dining area or resting place. As a pavilion, the grotto can become a shelter from the heat in summer days or protect from rain.

Decoration of grottoes

To create caves and grottoes, we carry out a sketch, visualization, design. At the construction stage, we do earthworks, waterproofing, installation, connect all the necessary equipment for arranging reservoirs and waterfalls. We use reliable modern equipment and durable high-quality materials for creating an artificial relief. The material of manufacture depends on the wishes and dimensions. Something can be made from artificial materials with a complete imitation of naturalness and originality. Somewhere it is possible to use natural stone from boulders to pebbles.
Create an artificial cave and you will admire its natural beauty, bizarre shapes and the play of light for a long time.
The decor of the grottoes is plants, flowers, ponds and waterfalls, as well as garden sculpture and small architectural forms, an alpine slide, outdoor furniture, benches and other attributes for organizing a place of rest. The entrance to the grotto can be hidden, for example, closed by thickets of climbing plants or streams of water from a waterfall. Inside the grotto, you can place a fountain, a waterfall, even a pool, as well as sculptures, a bench and a table.
So far, the use of rocks and grottoes in the interior and landscape is not widespread, which makes it possible to make a non-standard and memorable design. Such buildings will add mystery and mystery to the place, serve as an excellent place to relax, and simply please the eye.
Feel the naturalness and harmony of nature nearby!

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Excursions to the most Famous places the world, where there are such formations, make it possible to admire the fantastic beauty of stalactites and stalagmites - stone icicles that naturally grew from limestone layers; internal lakes, unique outlines of cave vaults. Impressions from staying in these mountainous places encourage you to come back here again and again.

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Why are natural grottoes and artificial caves so attractive? Many myths, legends, beautiful and scary stories and even philosophical treatises talk about caves. The ancient Greek philosopher, looking at the shadows, at the walls of his secluded cell, pondered the main postulates of his philosophy of the world. Previously, natural niches in the mountain served as a dwelling, a home, sheltered soldiers at a halt. Such relief formations concealed the unknown, the danger, both frightening and alluring.

For a modern person, a cave, of course, is not housing or a refuge, but rather a subject of research, romance and extreme sports. Speleology studies them to get more detailed information about the different stages of the formation of our planet, the formation of the earth's crust. Archaeologists and ethnographers study the development of human consciousness and human culture, using preserved drawings and inscriptions on the inner surfaces of the walls. Rock paintings are one of the first evidence left by man to his descendants, and their study is a separate area of ​​historical science. Thus, these natural repositories not only served our great-grandfathers as a home, shelter, but also brought us information about the life of our ancestors.

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

How often can we afford to make voyages to the places we love? Nowadays, the possibilities are not limitless. Mankind found a way out long ago - the beauty of natural forests prompted the creation of parks, the enchantment of the water surface - artificial reservoirs. An artificial cave in your own estate - why not?

A piece of wild nature will help you switch and take a break from the exhausting rhythms of life, give you the opportunity to sit by the fire on a rainy day, provide an opportunity for children's games that awaken their imagination and distract from online toys.

For the construction of an artificial grotto, neither rocky terrain, nor huge boulders, nor laborious masonry are needed. The ideal material for creating stone reliefs identical to natural ones, with all the variety of textures and colors, is architectural concrete. Fantastic arches, bizarre outgrowths in the form of stalactites and stalagmites, forming columns with their natural "irregular" configuration, with subtle color transitions - all this has become real.

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

Article: Artificial rocks as an ancient craft

The architectural form will be as strong as the real one. Artificial stone made of architectural concrete does not change its qualities at temperature drops from -50 to +50, it is resistant to aggressive environmental influences; its surfaces are easy to clean, it does not slip under your feet. The natural color is preserved under the influence of sunlight and moisture. High strength, ability to withstand pressure and abrasion guarantees the preservation of the original appearance even when used for active sports games. Returning to the world of children's games in the spirit of Indiana Jones adventures or Jules Verne books is a small part of the possibilities that an artificial cave provides you - an exact copy of a real one.

Thanks to the skill of sculptors, such

The first part is here:

No wonder every self-respecting cave in the world has its own legend or a dozen. Someone has always lived in them or lives to this day, and locals often see unknown creatures.

Fairy tales?
Everyone has the right to perceive information from their own level.
Here we consider several alternative stories with more or less obvious pictures for clarity. In many places traces of machine processing are clearly visible, although officially they are considered creations of nature.

Let's start with the most famous today underground city planet Derinkuyu.

A short version of events obtained by colleagues:

There are many legends, stories and legends about other underground inhabitants. As a child, they fascinated me, like many others. And I dreamed about what life could be like in a city underground, with numerous passages, tricky transitions between levels, various rooms and dinners in an underground cave.
In my head, the pictures changed one another and it is difficult to say whether it was fiction or memories.
There were many on earth underground cities with a huge infrastructure that made it possible to comfortably accommodate not only thousands of people, but also livestock. The systems of entrances and exits, ventilation, transitions were amazingly thought out.
As an example, I will give one of the most famous underground cities - Derinkuyu. I decided to take a quick look at it.

A settlement is seen that is often raided, and some people decide to create a city underground in order to live a quiet life.
Peaceful people who want to do housework, raise children. They have a culture and different "strata" of society that are very peaceful with each other. People are quite close to nature, they have their own customs and rituals.
There was something akin to modern architects, mostly men. They think over the structure of the city, draw diagrams, plan ventilation systems, access to water and "heating".
Everyone is very enthusiastic about the construction, they participate.
People settle in the city, improve their way of life. The city becomes complete. Rich culture, traditions, schools,
But the feeling that all this is like an experiment does not leave. Will they, accustomed to the air and the sun, be able to live in new, almost sterile conditions?
It seems to me that by going underground, people seem to isolate themselves, bypassing development. It was given to live certain experiences and learn certain lessons, including raids and wars. But people want security, or rather its illusion, because the intended experience finds them anyway. A raid, some people die, some run away.
Later, people still enter the city, but do not live there.

Many cave apartments on the surface are still inhabited, there are even several hotels:

If you think that all this was carved exclusively with picks and shovels, take a look at the traces of obvious machining on the walls and ceiling (I admit that it was completed in our time, but it looks too rough, and the awkward round holes would be patched up, since for that matter):

And for this organic performance of the visors below. Obviously, they were sculpted in soft rock:

Let's go back underground:

More pictures of Derinkuyu

Something similar in Israel. It's strange that the door is outside, isn't it?

Let's go back to Vietnam

Longyou Grottoes

In 1992, Wu Anai, an incredibly curious resident of the Chinese village of Longyao, raised money with his neighbors to buy a water pump and pump out water from a pond. The pond for the inhabitants of the Longyao village was not only a place for fishing, washing, and other routine household chores, but also the object of mystical stories, because the pond, according to legend, was bottomless. But the fantastic theories did not satisfy Wu Anai, and so he decided to completely dry up the pond. As a result, it turned out that it was not a pond at all, but a flooded entrance to an ancient man-made cave.

It is not only the scale of these tunnels and grottoes, which are called the Longyou Grottoes, built in Zhejiang province in 212 BC, that is amazing, but also the amazing floor-to-ceiling decoration, consisting of evenly spaced 60-degree slanted lines. To date, 24 caves have been discovered. All of them were created by human hands. Despite the fact that almost a million cubic meters of stone were removed during the cutting of these grottoes, there is no historical evidence of these works. Their origin is simply mystical. There is no explanation for their existence. They are one of the largest man-made caves of antiquity.
The Chinese consider them the ninth wonder of the world.

Caves of Er Wang Dong, China:

More interesting things in China. Dalian Wafangdian region :

An interesting topic with double "eye sockets" from different places:

Information for reflection from comments and correspondence:

I dreamed about a tunnel the other day. They had dreamed before, the first dreams were, as if I had a tunnel under the sink right in my apartment and we once explored it, it was scary, but interesting. But nothing good was found there. I remember that one of the passages led to the North. Korea) After a while, I dreamed that this tunnel under the sink was sealed. But someone printed it out and all sorts of small shits flooded from there. But they seem to have dealt with it. After that, part of the dreams was that I keep sealing everything, sometimes mines, sometimes underground passages, sometimes wells, and from there everything climbs. Once I was locked in a tunnel, I went out the other side and they forced me to clean the water from the street during the flood. Then I began to dream that my husband and sometimes I were stubbornly digging a tunnel right in our apartment. It was interesting, but I did not know the purpose. But all these tunnels were shallow, sealed or unfinished. And now, for the last two dreams, we are already exploring or digging huge copper tunnels with a group of people.

I described the first dream, there was a mountain with dragons. And the second dreamed the other day. We are digging a tunnel with the group, but this time the tunnel was in space. I remember this dream very well, many small details, who is in the tunnel, how to get there, how they get to the base, how thoughts work here, I even caught the feeling of a split consciousness, but again it is not clear why they were digging. Like the dream with the mountain, the most important thing that is known about the tunnel - what is interesting there, and why it is interesting - has never surfaced. Maybe I was a gnome in a past life?)) At least metaphorically, what can tunnels be? I got the idea that they symbolize something like memory. Is she real or not. Because in these last two dreams I didn’t go into the tunnels as if in real time, the journeys in them were realized in memory.

D_A: From a metaphorical point of view, I would say that it's about introspection. it may be necessary to engage in introspection, especially in relation to the lower aspects. however.... Quoting another comment:

Today they showed the structure of the tunnels. At first I thought it was underground, like subway lines. Then I realized it was thin. Multilevel. With a large number of transitions, branches. On some branches you have to move backwards if you are still mortal. There are dead ends - branches that are formed by the military. They were able to crash into this system at different levels. Moreover, they do not hide it - everywhere there are plates with data from different departments. The military itself behaves neutrally. They don't even prevent anyone from coming in and looking at them. The feeling of bases in standard, non-combat mode. Only the form was not recognized by me in any way - all have a smoky light color sea ​​wave. And in style - the standards of the uniform of the army of the states.

All tunnels and moving through them are created to form different scenarios and turns in life. Some tunnels have hidden passages built into the middle of one of the walls. Covered with doors. If you pass by and see a crystal directly mounted in the door, you can go right through to another branch. Crystals at different heights in the doors are of different sizes and colors.

In some places, it was seen that those doors with crystals that are in the walls of the tunnel coincide with real doors in different rooms of the physical world. And the real passage through them in physics leads to a change in the entire branch of events that was before. This is neither good nor bad. It should be felt inside - whether it is worth opening this door at this very moment, or waiting for a couple of seconds or longer when the portal closes and the change does not occur. Here, only the internal indicator should work - the change that will happen, it is interesting to me and for the good, or everything in life will turn upside down.

In a couple of places I saw that the door in the tunnel is a place behind a desk at school, and a bench by a fountain in some park. But the principle is the same - only the feeling that at this moment, if I sit in that place, the change I need will occur. Or a sense of threat. Then wait for it to pass.

As I understand it, different people now have the same level of sensitivity in physics that they can recognize these transitions. And for their own purposes, use them to change the series of events. And only the internal indicator should be listened to - changes for the "better" or "worse" side. To proceed from this - to linger here at the moment or open the door, or not, and do it later. Because these portals are constantly changing, like stairs in Harry Potter. For those who do not have this level of sensitivity, this type of portal does not exist for those. And they don't exist for them. Nothing to do with the connection.

D_A: There are different types of tunnels and methods of moving through them. To some extent, tunnels are fractal similarities of the space of options (according to Zeland) and/or branches of reality, and ours in the corresponding one. It’s too early to consciously let everyone in there, and yes, codes defined in any way are needed)

Physical tunnels are copies of those that are on the subtle plane, and there are many more of them on the TP, and some of them “emerge” into physics, only to leave again later (first synchronism occurs, and then desynchronization with our frequencies). This explains the stories about, for example, how people found the entrance to the cave, and then could not return to it, it seemed to have disappeared. Or the loss of experienced researchers. Or visions of Yeti, bigfoot, gnomes, chupacabra, other unseen creatures. Many of them pass here through the emerging portals in the "anomalous zones"

artificial cave

Alternative descriptions

Yakov (1812-1893) Russian philologist, academician

Natural or artificial cave

Mor. the lowest straight sail on the mainmast

On a yacht - the main sail, the leading edge (leech) of which is supported by the mast

Shallow cave with a wide entrance

One of the main sails on the sloop

Park building imitating such a cave

Sail, mast

Cave, a recess in a rock with a flat bottom and a wide entrance

Slightly visible cave

shallow cave

Lower sail on the second mast from the bow

Baby cave

Both the sail and the mast

park cave

small cave

mini cave

sail or mast

Mizzen-mast and ...-mast

Lower sail on the second mast

Inverted Bargaining

Cave for lovers

Expansion of the cave after the passage

Artificial decorative cave

Extended caves after the passage

Small cave, niche in the glacier

small cave

coastal cave

Park imitation cave

Cave in the park

Karst landform

Nymph's cave

coastal cave


Cave with vaulted ceiling

Natural or artificial cave

Shallow cave with a wide entrance

Russian philologist (1812-1893)

M. morsk. on the sailing ships, a large straight sail, on the lower yard of the middle mast; oblique or storm mainsail, a triangular sail at the bottom of the same mast, during a strong storm; on rowboats: almost the same, a large sail on the middle mast. To explain the complex words of this beginning, let's say that the main mast is called the middle one, and where there are two of them, usually the back one (of three masts, the front fore, in complex words fores; back mizzen, in complex words beguin and crus); all accessories of the weapons of the masts are, for each, one name, but before it the name of the mast is placed. So the first tip or attachment of the mainmast: mainstenga; second: grotto-bram-steng; third, grotto-bom-bram-stenga; its tip, a grotto-flagpole, on which a flat knob is a cloth, a cloth. The first platform, gazebo, climb on the mast, main-mars; the second, on the wall, grotto-saling; third, grotto-bom-saling; transverse trees or yards, for tying sails to them, the lower grotto yard; the second, grotto-mars-ray; third, grotto-bram-ray; fourth, grotto-bom-bram-ray. the ends (knots) of the lower and mars-yards are shot with more poles, for surplus side sails (foxes) these are fox-alcohols; bottom two: grotto-lisel-alcohols; and on the mars-yard grotto-mars-lisel-alcohols. Tarred or standing rigging, to strengthen the mast from the sides: shrouds, and for the topmast and its extensions, shrouds (ladder), fore-duna and backstays; front stays; These tackles are named after the mast, wall, etc., to which they belong, for example. mainshrouds, mainsten-shrouds, mainsail-bram-shrouds, mainsail, mainsten-stay, etc. Running rigging gets its name from the sail; the lower sail on the mainmast: mainsail, mainsail-topsail on the wall, main-bram-sail on the bram-stern; these names correspond to yards (see above). The sail is lifted by a halyard, stretched down at the corners with sheets (for some sails, the windward sheet is called a tack), pulled into the wind by a bowline, picked up by gits (and proud), and each of these gears is called a sail, for example. grotto-sheet, main-mars-sheet, main-bram-sheet; grotto-marsa-bulen; main-bom-bram-fal, etc. The yards are raised by halyards (the lower ones hang constantly on borg-slings), are supported from the ends (knocks) by topenants, turn into braces; all these gears are named after the yard: main-mars-bras, main-bram-topenant, etc. Staysails are called oblique sails, without yards; they rise with halyards along the handrail and receive a name from the mast, wall, bram-stem, etc., to which they adjoin one side (shkatirina); and tackle with them, also called by them, the same sheets and gits: fore-bram-staysail-halyard, -sheet, etc. Main hatch m. entrance, manhole in all decks, ahead of the main mast

M. cave, nativity scene, exit, cellar, dungeon, dug and decorated or natural. grotto entrance

Cave with wide entrance

Trading from end to start

Shallow. cave with wide entrance

The idea of ​​making artificial rocks has another attractive side: you can make them yourself, and this process will be more exciting and creative than time-consuming, because over time, for many, it develops into a hobby. In addition, creating a rock or a grotto with your own hands will not require serious financial investments, and such decor will look very expensive and elegant.

It is worth mentioning, however, that man-made rocks and grottoes- rather large-scale structures, so they are unlikely to be suitable for small areas. It is also necessary that the rock or grotto fit organically into the landscape of your site. Correlate them with the overall design concept of the garden and select the most appropriate place for future design.

To create artificial rocks with your own hands, you will need a minimum of building skills, knowledge of their manufacturing technology, available materials, the simplest tools and, of course, the desire to create.

So, to business!

We will create an artificial rock or grotto in the country with our own hands in stages, especially since the transition from one technological process to another will require breaks.

First thingit is necessary to create a framework structure . The base of the product is made from mounting foam, in shape and size corresponding to the parameters of the future rock or visor grotto. To ensure good adhesion of materials, we wrap the base with a construction mesh and fix it with ties. We apply a 5-8 cm layer of concrete on top. The frame is ready. Its outlines are the outlines of your future product. In terms of weight, the frame will be much lighter than its counterpart made of natural stone, so during further processing you can turn it in a convenient way for work and move it around the site.

At the second stage, we give the product a complete shape. . We will do this using a mixture of high-quality cement with sand in a ratio of 1: 3 with the addition of natural fillers - fiberglass, ash, wood glue, quartz impurities in an arbitrary amount. Then add water to the mixture, bringing it to the consistency of concrete. We apply the finished solution with a spatula to the frame, imitating the lines of natural stones, trying to give the future rock a shape close to natural. This will take time and some skill. For a more successful practice, it is worth first carefully examining natural stones in order to study the plasticity of their lines.

Until the solution hardens form a structured surface our artificial stone. To create the effect of porosity, we press the sponge to the wet cement. The grooves made on the artificial stone, lapping, imitation of the effect of erosion will increase the artistic value of the product.

The next step in the formation of a rock or grotto will be concrete shrinkage . The process can take up to a month and will require patience. In no case should the structure be dried in the sun, it must be moved to the shade and periodically sprayed with water to prevent cracking.

Finishing work

Now a self-made grotto or rock needs a final finish. It should be started without waiting for the end of concrete shrinkage. Approximately three days after the product has been left to dry, it is necessary to carry out smoothing its surface - remove with a fine-grained grinding stone all irregularities that have an unnatural appearance.

Preparation for painting- an obligatory stage of finishing work, the quality of its implementation will certainly affect appearance products in the future. From all cracks and irregularities, dust must be carefully removed using a clean and dry paint brush. Then the man-made stone must be washed and dried.

After the artificial rocks created by your own hands dry out, you can proceed directly to them. coloration. To do this, stock up on water-based spray paints, choosing shades that are as close as possible to natural ones - brown, terracotta, yellow, dirty orange, green. It is better to apply paints in several layers, without leaving spots of unnatural color. If the result does not suit you, you can wash off the paint with water and start the process again.

We determine the rock to a permanent place

When your handmade rocks are in their final form, they can be moved to permanent place and carefully fix it there in any acceptable way. Artificial boulders can be placed at the foot of the cliff or at the entrance to the grotto. Knowing how to make a grotto with your own hands, you can easily create several artificial stones of the desired shape, using crumpled paper wrapped with construction mesh as the basis for the frame instead of mounting foam.

In order for the rock to have a complete look, it should be surrounded by vegetation. - twine with wild grapes or ivy, plant ferns and wild shrubs at the foot.

Having mastered the technology of creating artificial stones, you can design your own cave or grotto of stones in your country house with your own hands or assemble a small copy of a Japanese rock garden. Then your site will sparkle with new colors, become even more charming, create a sense of a fairy tale.